Review: The 2,000 $ "Lancehead F1" Limbless Crossbow

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Neither have limbs. Triggertech makes triggers for both. They both have bolts. Black. You don't need it to take down a deer. Real hunters use single shot hunting bows.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Troycifer_tron 📅︎︎ May 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

How many fps? Under 500, then its fine.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JeffinCalgary2 📅︎︎ May 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is super cool. Not being a crossbow user, maybe I'm off base, but 1min reload and trying to not tangle up that winch seems a little arduous.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/JeffinCalgary2 📅︎︎ May 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

It's made out of black polymer, so probably.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Johnny-Unitas 📅︎︎ May 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Coming soon to an overnight ban near you!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/everyonestolemyname 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

"You don't need .177 to take hunt a deer." Justin "Beiber" Trudeau.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sandyvagerson 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Obviously yes, its black! Now if it was pink or something with sparkles and rainbows you'd be good.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/notislant 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Honestly at what point is a crossbow even a crossbow instead of practically being a powderless gun.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SnickIefritzz 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to the slingshot channel today we have another instant Legolas that was just a joke it's time for a break seriously seriously it doesn't happen very often that someone invents a revolutionary new thing in the world of archery and crossbows but these guys from lancehead have done it and I'm very happy to be one of the first guys who receives a sample of the groundbreaking new f1 crossbow that they manufacture let me show you its features it comes in this wonderful box which is really a piece of art I mean there's even wheels on it so I mean it's it's like the best gun case that I've ever seen I have to say okay so let's open it what do we have inside we have this beautiful crossbow there looks like no other crossbow that I've ever seen before as you can see there's no limbs you just have these sorry for that entirely my fault you know I present to you a very expensive crossbow and put it on the cheapest table that you could possibly imagine haha typical slingshot channel style anyway it has no limps you only have these two drums here and then you have a lot of string and of course you have like some arrows and even an arrow that is the decocking bolt and it's a bullpup design of course but but where are the limbs well that is the special thing the limbs are actually inside of these drums and they are like coiled Springs this means that it works much like a you know starter spring in a in a lawnmower but many many many times more powerful so these are actually made from the finest quality and I think the real masterpiece of crossbow is the cables you see these cables here make sure that you have a huge acceleration length I mean the power stroke is like 63 centimeters all the way from the back from here all the way to here so that's a super long power stroke and they achieve that by using pulleys you see you have multiple bullets you have this these pulley systems here and this here and they make sure that you know the the way how this travels is only together as only 19 centimeters as long as this so they are traveling this short but then the the bold string these four the power stroke goes all the way back so and this makes it so fast because not only does a pulley give you a longer power stroke but it also accelerates the speed of the springs and that's what these guys have actually done okay but let's further look at all the other features here in the end you see that they are is a funny cross and that is actually where you put in the winch because these things have to be cocked by which the powerful Springs that you cannot cook without it and well you can also see they have a very very cool trigger system it's a trigger tick trigger which is one of the finest triggers to think that you can buy for crossbows today and of course this has the advantage that the slim narrow profile makes it behaving almost like a gun and I think it is really made to shoot downwards so normally people would like sit in a tree stand and then shoot downwards like this this is how it's designed for but it's also quite comfortable to shoot like this just like normal great scope on it and this is actually the winch system that comes with it and what I like is that it's absolutely noise free so it's a it's a carbon express system and you know you just have to put in the crank handle in here and then you can release the spring like so and then you can pull this out the length of course is absolutely fitting for the crossbow see and if you want to want to drag it in you simply turn and as you hear you hear nothing but the nice thing is that there is an embedded break so you don't need the tack tack tack tack tack tack tack that you normally hear from these winches the brake system is absolutely noise free this is what I really love ok I will now show you how to [ __ ] it first thing that you do you have this cross section on this here too so it works like a lock and the key you put this in and you got it in place then you will leave the entire string put this over the scope and then you put it in here so until it is in front of thee until it it latches onto the string and you put in the winch and you start winding and of course it's it's very easy and you see that it's now pulling back the string just Cantus a little bit so that you can see the pulleys working and as you see I can release the I can leave it release the crank here at any time and it automatically stops now you see how the pulleys actually the block and tackle devices move very very very short motion so the springs will only turn like 90 degrees that's all they need and now you can hear the clock of the trigger engaging first thing that you know do is put in the safety then you release the brake from this thing here ok and put it in like two turns or something until you can take out the system and move the dish to the front so that you can take the entire part off okay now you take out an arrow very high-quality carbon-fiber arrow now they give you a set of pliers to put them in but it was missing in my box for some reason there was an IOU something like they're gonna ship this to me later on which is fine because there is a safety and then there is a dry fire safety so even if this would dry fire it would be caught by this little notch here so I'm not too afraid to put the bolt in with my fingers and of course we're no [ __ ] here at its least Roxanna and of course you could take any pliers if you don't want to do this then you shift the ball back and now it's fully engaged and as you can now see we show this to you it will be absolutely no problem to attach any broad hair to this but you see how long the power stroke is it's amazing see the Halfmoon nock is very snug against the string and now the weapon is ready to fire and it has some power let me tell you did you ever see a crossbow like this isn't it amazing wow what a slimline thing ok now it take the safety off wow that is power amazing but how hard does it shoot well let's fire it over the chrony and it's again it's the ethics vada therefore you're gonna see the result here on my iPhone [Applause] 109 meters per second and there is 356 fps and as you see these arrows weighed 23 grams so we're getting almost 137 Joule of energy from this from coiled Springs now it is a fairly heavy crossbow it's not too heavy to handle because it's well balanced but let's see how heavy it really is okay so this means it's about six kilos or maybe thirteen pounds that is heavy for a crossbow but of course it's with three arrows in the decocking bolt is it accurate well this 50 meter distance that is actually a lot for crossbow let's see how it fares okay let's [ __ ] it again the trigger is really out of this world it's so sweet so far has been really accurate but of course they give you this very expensive pulse with it you get three of them in the package now how does it shoot with very very cheap aluminum ones from ek archery that you can get for next to nothing will it still hit from 20 meters from a standing position well the manufacturer does not recommend it the manufacturer recommends only using these arrows and there is a slight risk that I will damage the crossbow but in reality this is what's gonna happen out there people will shoot all kinds of funny arrows and therefore I want to know if this is robust okay let's do it from 20 meters [Applause] but at least it's still holding hahaha let's go for one more shot so let's try the second shot alright let's go take a look I was kind of shaking because it is heavy so from freestanding it's not so easy so in case you didn't notice this just ate one of my bolts because it's fired right through all the way to the hilt yeah that's what I call a major impact so there's plenty of power accuracy I think it was just me not being the greatest shooter in the world but this is an accurate crossbow even with these very cheap bots so what is my verdict on this super new super interesting crossbow the Lance hit f1 well first of all of course it's an absolute innovation this kinds of throwing arm technology is unheard of in this industry and as you see the performance really is good and I just love how compact it is the compactness is just bleeding everything else that I've seen so far it is also super well made and it's delivered complete this means you get all the bells and whistles everything is in the wonderful suitcase other pluses the trigger the trigger tech trigger is super for crossbow it's so smooth and I think it adds greatly to the accuracy of the design the telescopic sight is wonderful the hawk side here I love that one really I mean it's adjustable it has everything you need I love the sight so everything is just fantastic the workmanship it's a it's a really well made crossbow they are of course also some negative points that I have to mention and let's not forget that I paid full price for this crossbow this means that are fully paid the full 2000 dollars and once you get here in in Europe with all the 19% value-added tax and the import tariffs and everything it's about 2500 euros so it's a very expensive crossbow but of course it's really exclusive mine has a serial number 0:09 they didn't give me oh oh seven that's for whatever reason in any case it also has a few more disadvantages it's fairly heavy not unusable because but it is a heavy crossbow I have to say that also the shooting position is a little awkward I mean you would want a different a longer distance towards the telescopic sight but I think that is out to the fact that a lot of people would shoot downwards because they are sitting in a tree stand so I think that is the reason why the distance is so close it's a it's a hunting crossbow and therefore it does take a long time to [ __ ] it once you get the hang of it it's not too long but it's still definitely a lot longer so this is not a technical crossbow like the arrow with the repeated magazine and everything but this is a hunting crossbow made for hunting for made from a tree stand so therefore I wouldn't even say it's a disadvantage that's just normal for the industry all in all I can really recommend it because it has the coolness factor it's uber cool that's what I think anyway I hope you liked this I linked the lance-heads website down there so if you want to give them a visit there's also more video material everything about it I recommend that you watch those because really is fun otherwise I hope you like this because that's it for today [Music] thanks and by the bucket there's one thing I forgot to say and that is why am I so interested in this technology well that is very simple because I think that if I would just use two of these Springs instead of like total off of eight or something that they use I think it would be possible to build an instant Legolas device that compact imagine that that would be like a repeating bow with the dimensions of a repeating shotgun like a pump-action shotgun that would be truly amazing let's see if I can talk these people into making this with me Oh Alfie calm
Channel: JoergSprave
Views: 3,892,816
Rating: 4.8963838 out of 5
Id: PZvrk-L6Gzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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