The Craziest Arrow Tips On Amazon!

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hello and welcome to the slingshot channel since my last video about expending broadheads has been so popular I decided to order some more broadheads this time I selected the craziest ones you can find on Amazon crazy Chinese broadheads let me show you their features the first one I'd like to show you is this one yeah you probably agree that it looks really funny of course it can be mounted like all of them to any standard arrow with the standard threading now the Chinese will not tell you what exactly the purpose of the tips that they are selling is so this means that you preview pretty much have to guess I put this on my Facebook and people said this is actually to kill like small game so that it's actually putting some kind of blunt shock onto let's say a rabbit or maybe even something smaller so you know you hit it like that and these here are actually so first of all I guess that the arrow is not going to penetrate into the small animal destroying the fur and whatever and also if it's falling on the ground to prevent the arrow from actually going underground so this means so that it doesn't really penetrate deep into the ground who can retrieve it easier well we will definitely have to test this against ballistic gelatin it looks funny and actually these prints have no purpose first of all I thought that they would probably like contract or something to grab something but that's not the case that's simply strictly Springs so I wonder what they're for and actually you know you can hit your hand you can feel that there is additional resistance that's gonna be an interesting test against the ballistic gelatin and here is the second one yeah I know I know it looks like a pizza cutter like a mini pizza cutter hahaha I know I'm not sure what what they are making this for actually it's funny because these things here they are sharp but they don't turn it's a little bit I have to be a little bit careful trying to turn it so they do not rotate so actually you know I'm not sure why it's sharp here and at the top and so on the thing is that if it penetrates it will definitely cause additional resistance but it would also create a very funny wound canal I think hmm and of course it also fits to any standard no sweating like so yeah funny hunting broadhead but we'll see maybe the ballistic gelatin test will surprise us and this will create a very fatal wound so here is the third one actually when I looked at it first I thought it would be like an expanding broad head but it's somehow it isn't expanding brought it and then it isn't because yes you have these two like hooks that can protrude from this and but they actually do not lock so they can you know once they're fully here you know they will fall back immediately so so I'm wonder what what this is for I mean if you talk if you know if this will penetrate something it will probably unfold these things from the shock but then once it enters the tissue it will immediately collapse and then only these two protruding hooks will cause a little bit of additional damage so I'm actually trying to think about what is this forward you know what there's only one explanation cruelty because what would happen if this enters the wound and then you pull it out again then they would open and so the big wound would be created when you pull the arrow out not when you shoot it in so for hunters that's kind of totally useless that's exactly the opposite of what you want so so I think this this is a war broadhead it's designed so people can not pull the arrow out of the body of a comrade so yeah this one definitely wins the cruelty price and it's going to be exciting to see how it performs against the ballistic gelatin and the last one in our little chain it's this one actually I think this is a just actually a twittering a twittering tip and again you know I think it's made from copper or brass or whatever but as you see you can even unscrew it when it's hollow so I guess you could probably you know put some message to write it on a piece of paper roll it in and put it in here so you can use this to transport messages to someone let's say on the other side of the valley they're not really sure if this is necessary today everybody has a cell phone but anyway but you could probably also put some liquid in here something like a gel or something so it's not exactly liquid and then maybe the impact would actually accelerate the liquid and ejected through the nose here so I think if you like you know use a jelly poison or something you could use this as a poisonous arrow but I believe the main purpose is their twittering and since this won't fit called for a ballistic gelatin test it's the first one that we test in action to see if it really Twitter's so we're here at the 30 meter mark - or - what's our target and I'm now shooting with the Fenris together was the mounted - and the EK archery assassin bow and doing this because it's a shooting site more silent than a crossbow and therefore I think for the twittering effect it's nice I first load a normal arrow to have a comparison and then the twittering arrow also note that Maria was here last time and for her I adjusted table - very short draw length and also to do a really weak power now that's different now it's at maximum draw length and it also is set to the toughest setting so this is now a really powerful bow so if this does not Twitter then there's no way in the world that it will Twitter been shot from any other bow okay let's go for it normally our first yeah there was just a normal shot no twittering whatsoever now that we're doing air whoa whoa ha ha did you hear this metallic kind of crisp tweeting it really Twitter's it's interesting and of course we will have to find out how this sounded like from the other side therefore I recorded it on my iPhone set next to the target so we will have a comparison because this probably is more frightening on the receiving side so both arrows hit a little bit high and I think that is because I didn't really sight libo in again after I increased the power so therefore I was aiming at about here and still it here so I need to readjust it but anyway as you see the arrows penetrated in a in a part of the map that is still a pretty much virgin and therefore the penetration is comparable so we have two arrows but one penetrator like maybe five inches like twelve thirteen centimeters deeper than the other let's find out which one did better okay so the twittering one did not penetrate as deep and the original one definitely deeper and that is of course because as you see this is kind of a really bulky tip it's much thicker than this one here which is a lot more tapered so therefore it is quite clear that this will no penetrate is deeply which makes you wonder what is the purpose of this thing hunting now you want penetration you want damage and certainly you know more noise so for hunting I think it's useless what other purposes can it have I think it's just a novelty item fun though so I still put the link to Amazon down there for you guys so ballistic jelly test but because there's no so much rat poop in the little powder that I have I'm gonna slip it sideways for you boss it's all swimming up here in any case I modified it a little bit to make the test more realistic because what I'm doing is I'm putting on a little bit of really thick like furniture great leather on it what I usually take this to make pouches for three shots to simulate like skin and subcutaneous could COO taneous fat sorry for the complicated word and I hope that all of the broad heads will penetrate and I will perform this test with a Zubin X 340 crossbow it's one that we sell in our store yes not many left in any case I like it because it's actually quite powerful it has about 130 4 Joule of energy so more than a hundred foot-pounds so it's a good reliable crossbow and it's very safe because it has a fully encapsulated arrow and we will be surely from a short distance today I will be kneeling down we only have this one block of ballistic gelatin I don't want to risk not hitting it right because it will destroy the block we're starting with a pizza cutter have road hit let's see very interesting you can clearly see the shape so this is actually the one blade and these are the two round plates and they are really performant here they cut across through the leather as you saw the arrow penetrated all the way and even on the exit wound you can see the characteristic shape of the broad head definitely cost a ton of damage and you can also see the wound canal and in the slow motion you can also see that it really really kind of extended in the flesh a little bit like a shock wave I have to say that is an effective hunting broadhead I didn't really think so beforehand on the other hand you also did see that it degenerated to a row quite a bit either towards the end it was already kind of losing speed so that you saw when it when it went all the way through the block you saw that it almost dropped to the ground in the end so it didn't fly very far this means penetration into a big game wouldn't be as high as you probably want so I found it it was actually going into the grass but only not very deep she seems a little bit of dirt otherwise it's absolutely unharmed it's a solid broadhead hmm next we will use the cruelty broadhead as I call it you know and if my theory is right then it will not actually eject the blades inside of the gelatin but only once I put it out I hope that it's not going to penetrate all the way anyway but I turned the gelatin block around a little bit so that you can see more from the penetration side and also because I want a fresh piece kind of funny I mean look at that if I look into here of course you can see that the veins actually split this a little bit but it looks like the blades did eject not sure about this though because this actually triangular it's probably just a like a continuing of the ripping effect of the veins but it's quite interesting we'll have to see what the high-speed says you now the funniest broadhead in the world I'm not even sure if it's gonna penetrate through the leather I guess we'll find out you did penetrate now it clearly it penetrated but you could also see that it was giving this thing a mighty shock you almost lifted the gelatin block off the table you can see that it took harm so this is know like freely rotating and also some of the springs are loose so definitely took harm and if I look at the at the damage here I can see that it did tear into the gelatin somehow but not all the way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] when I looked at all these great arrow tips I thought maybe maybe what I need is some kind of a knife that can use these as tips and then I remembered that there was a famous weapon like in the late medieval early Renaissance time called the stiletto so I decided to make myself a stiletto of course a little bit more modern but same concept and here it is and it has an I think you guessed it already exchangeable tip so the arrow tip stiletto let me show you is features first of all I have to say I made it from scratch this means that I really started out with a stainless steel tube 8 millimeter has the same 6 millimeter diameter inner diameter that an arrow head so I could simply glue in and also put a nail through a normal insert so it can now take any tip for an arrow and actually the cross card I made from steel from a left of a piece of flat steel and then drilled a hole through and then I filed it into shape and this actually is made from 6 millimeter aluminum plates that I sawed out with my coping saw and then I glued all the pieces together and pin them so that they will hold and then I simply put a threaded right into the into the steel tube and then also cut a threading into the Endre and now it is exactly like a medieval stiletto so history time now the stiletto as a weapon has one thing that I love it only has a single purpose this is for killing people this is not for hunting this is not for defense this is not for cutting you can't really you know make yourself a sandwich with it it only has one purpose to stab someone so he dies quickly and actually this was done for two reasons first of all assassination this is an assassination weapon you could simply get close to someone and then Ram it into the victim from behind or of course also from the front and it was also used as a mercy giver so that if there was someone seriously wounded on a medieval battlefield you would be able to finish him off with this thing easily it is fairly long and that is so that you can peer someone here or here from underneath the rib cage and so that you can damage the heart that's actually the goal of this thing the wound will be minimal in medieval times this was often like a three edged weapon and so on but I don't think it really makes much of a difference it just is a very small diameter so the wound is not very significant but of course the damage that it causes when you pierce the heart is immense they were most common in the early 1600s and have been used for a period of late forty to fifty years and then they got banned in almost all of Europe because it's such a dangerous thing Europeans tend to pin everything that you know it looks a little bit dangerous but now they are legal again at least here in Germany this means that you can own it and you can of course also have it on your own property but you can probably not no you can definitely not take it and carry it in public so because it's a combat weapon therefore even though of course it's it's only for tech there is no known defence technique with a thing like this so it's a it's a pure attack weapon this one also has a fairly slim handle and that is typical for these things they need to be elegant so that you can hide them well but you can also see that it actually gives me good purchase because it's not completely round it is a little bit edgy so it cannot really turn in my hand and you can also see that the cross guard really you know presses against my my finger and my thumb so that it gives you a lot of purchase so it's a slim elegant weapon and this one of course has exchangeable tips so this one here for example makes a funny little stiletto actually I reviewed the slow motion in the meantime and I was wrong this thing is probably the meanest of all of them I mean in the slow motion you could really see how it would you know the gelatin block and then kind of split out the gelatin so it was really flying away like you would spit it out and you could also see the huge shock wave that went through the gelatin block amazing I think this is probably the meanest of them all imagine being hit by one who and of course I can also put all the other devices on them so that this is also now a tester for these tips so we can test penetration in a slower speed press this against this here and you can really see that the springs are actually forced backwards yeah and see it really pulls out the gelatin now let's see how these perform so put them in yeah you can see that they're not expending and now I pull them out again and they are expending yes the cool thing is there see so you put them in they collapse you pull it out they expend clearly but I think the deadliest one is this one can we see if the camera focuses because this is actually the high penetration Botkin that we have developed for the EK archery error repeating pistol crossbow and as you see it's hardened so it says it's a hardened steel tip was 5 edges and this probably has the easiest penetration from all of them you can only get this at Cogan da-te and actually we have plenty of them so and of course it does work on other systems too not just on the EK archery just a standard threading ok so let's see yeah this penetrates super easy with almost no resistance it's almost falling in from itself very very very easy penetration this will go through closes to pretty much everything and of course it would also go through chainmail and of course going through chainmail was also very very important for these weapons mostly for the mercy killing so this is the leather patch that we used as a skin replacement it's quite interesting to see here you can see the distinctive pattern of the pizza cutter pretty devastating and here you can see you can see the dots and of course this comes over in the camera with but you can see the dots in here from the springs whereas the expanding broadhead quote-unquote was not very effective so time for the verdict well I think that each one is kind of special and therefore I have a title for every one of them and we're starting with the king of fun the howler yes pretty useless as an arrow tip on the other hand it's so fun and useless but still so the king of fun next up the judo head well I call this the king of scariness this I mean looking at the gelatin shot is I mean I don't really have to elaborate I think you guys know what I mean then these here useless for hunting useless for sport shooting useless for pretty much anything it's just you know a cruel device so therefore I think those are the kings of cruelty whoo and the Kings of effectiveness the pits are cut our broad head it performed really well it has the best penetration the arrow flew all the ways of the gelatin block it cuts a scary scary wound and it's a pretty solid broad head so this actually makes sense probably the only one in the in collection that really makes some sense but but I think we have to test one last application for it cutting pizza with one yes I made another weapon see it's more civil than the other one of course because this actually has a handle I would burn plywood so it has this rustic you know stone oven feel and I could cut the pizza without touching it with my fingers that's the idea behind it and of course this is a European pizza so it's fairly thin not sure if you ever guys if you guys ever had a European pizza but our pizzas are much less thick than American pizzas so I'm supposed to be on a diet but I love you guys so much that I will make an exception for you and test if this is actually able to work a little bit don't you love it when Judy actually forces you to break your diet okay let's find the best angle probably here it went to the crust okay you know what this isn't working hahahaha so it may be a lot of things but it is not a good pizza cutter [Laughter] better new mm-hmm so I hope you like this because that's it for today thanks and bye bye
Channel: JoergSprave
Views: 2,018,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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