Review of Rustoleum Rocksolid over already painted garage

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hi there I wanted to talk about her rust-oleum rock-solid coating for garages and I just want to give a little idea of what I did this was a two and a half box so it's two and a half car garage so this was able to do a garage that's two and a half size for a cop and my garage is probably about that alright I had a little extension to put my equipment and it's a two and a half car garage so what I did I'm going to include a picture of what the content statement it also came with just two of these packages all right there was a Part B at the bottom and there was a seal here it was a part a an instruction said to mix this part first and mix this part and then take part a I'm gonna turn it around and squeeze it squeeze it until this seal breaks all right and it mixes together mix this together then you mix it like this you know and roll it back and forth for two to three minutes all right and then what I did was I cut a small corner here and I squirted a small amount on the floor all the way across the garage and back in motions like this right and then it came with a roller let me see if I find a picture of the roller where it is this is what a roller looks like all right it came with two of these in the box and I attach this to a pole and I was able to spread it right at the beginning let me backtrack a bit at the beginning the floor was already painted not with this material but another rust-oleum product and the sprinkles had started to come off over the years and the painter got very thin so what I did I got a pressure washer with a service cleaner and I cleaned the floor twice and then I got a degreaser and I cleaned all the spots of grease off oil and so on and after that I let it dry fully for a full day and cleaned up any water spots water puddles and then after that I put I let it dry properly and then I came out the following day and I started to paint now the day I started doing this it was 70 degrees in the morning and I was able to spread about half the garage we did one of those bags and you could actually see there's a line here that's about half the garage and then I mix the other bug and I started doing it as well but you notice there's a color difference and even though they say is tell you to roll into the old one there's still a color difference what I also notice is that as the material got as time went by the material would start to change color so this is the same bag this bag and this bag was the same and what happened was that the color started to change a bit so if you look on Amazon reviews you'll see a lot of people talking about the color changes between bags but actually were the same bag I had a color difference alright so that was a bit unexpected so I started applying the first bag at 70 degrees in the morning and then as you applied and you spread it I spread a little bit from the bag and then I went back and and untrue use a ruler and spread it out and then this I continued again after I spread a small section I drew the sprinkles out all right and then after that I applied some more and then spread it again kept on doing that until the bag was empty now what happened the second bag was at the temperature rose and it went about 85 degrees by the time I go to the second bag and as you can see get hardened on me so if you look over here you can see we're actually applied some of it right and it didn't come out very smooth because it was hardening very quickly the bag was getting quite hot you know there was exothermic reactions so I wasn't able to apply it as best as I hoped in the end all right one other thing I should mention is that I had a crack in a garage let's see if I can find it there's a crack there's a crack in the garage and what I did was I sealed it with a epoxy concrete filler I'll include that in a description it's about 25 dollars per tube it took me about an hour to apply it but it you make sure you fill the cracks in as best you can before you apply this or else you will get this happening see this crack I didn't seal and no matter how you apply the material the cracks will come out afterwards so I may go back on epoxies it this again I'm not sure it's not a significant crack but it is there and it is visible kind of detracts from their good looks of the garage so that's not really or one more thing the sprinkles I purchase extra sprinkles right to give it a non-slip so it doesn't slip because when you have the air-conditioning condenser in your vehicle drop water on it and if there's a lot of it or if you decide to wash your garage or it's a rainy day this could become quite slippery so I bought some extra sprinkles and I sprinkle it now I saw another review on Amazon somebody said that what you can do is you could use a spreader can use a spreader like this one no I thought you normally use a spread seed but I found that the sprinkles were a bit too big for this unit so it couldn't really disperse properly it took a lot of effort so what I really did was I just picks up it up in my hand and threw it up in here all right I'm not allowed it to fall there were some places where it didn't work so well but obviously I couldn't go back and fix that at the time but generally I thought it came off pretty decent let it dry for 12 hours before you start walking on it and I left it for 36 hours or more than they recommended 24 hours before I parked a vehicle on it so if there's any questions let me know our so farm pretty impressed with a product just make sure you clean your floor really really well it does come with citric acid bags as well these bags that you produce a cleaner floor which I did not use because I thought what I did was sufficient but make sure you follow the instructions and if the bag if it's gonna be warm I would probably suggest you put the bag in a bucket of water to stop the to slow down the exothermic reaction of it combining so he won't run into problems at the end like I did all right any questions let me know thanks
Channel: Andrew's Notes
Views: 2,693
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Id: SLxhpJERxqA
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Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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