Reversing Sexual Consequences | Tony Evans Sermon

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god knows what you like he knows our propensity and he has compassion when we come home come back home as quickly as possible though your sins being startled they shall be white as snow though they be red like crimson they shall be his wolf so whatever inheritance whatever god still wants to do for you to you through you in you don't lose anymore jesus christ broke the curse so don't ever talk about you being cursed again if you know jesus christ the curse the consequence of the law is broken the greatest miracle of all is when you dip yourself in the blood of jesus christ for the forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life we have become a sex saturated society tv music smart devices all give us access to and permission for this particular sin it has become the drug of choice within the culture and as the culture has devolved increasing in that devolution of the culture has been promiscuity gone crazy there used to be shame associated with it guilt associated with it now it's become like mcdonald's drive-through fun or even worse yet 24-hour stop and go and it is wreaking havoc in our world unwanted and unplanned pregnancies creating whole industries that are supported by the government to facilitate the abortions of the children that are not wanted due to the sexual activity creating a response even by the church to promote life and not to abort but the high cost involved in even doing that as a result of the consequence of the sin diseases have run rampant stds are coming in all shapes and sizes as the medical community has to amp up to fight against the consequences of the sexual free-for-all that the culture has endorsed and that far too many within the culture even christians have adopted when we look at our own struggles when we look at our own lives we can see back areas of disobedience in this area that has cost us there are many who can look back and say with regret i wish i hadn't there are many who've been used abused and thrown away when play time was over sex was created by heaven not by hollywood it was god's idea and god's creation and the bible says and what he created was good satan is an expert at taking what has been created by god for good and to turn it around against us for bad in genesis chapter 6 he opens up the chapter with the world having to be destroyed in the first seven verses because demons inhabited men who had relations with women giving birth to children and all manner of wickedness so the whole world had to be destroyed so satan used sex in order to get women pregnant in order for wickedness to spread so that god has to now send a flood and judge the whole world because it was viewed as irredeemable international consequence for rebellion in this area and the problem with this particular area is it is the most natural area to sin in because it is birthed out of a natural god-given desire it's not when you have to go out there and find something it's the something is already there it's built into our human makeup so let's start off with why it was created god created sex since it comes from heaven not hollywood to inaugurate and renew a covenant a marriage covenant that's why it was created so it was not merely for entertainment it was a covenant that was entertaining what the culture has done is remove the covenant but want to maintain the entertainment and therefore a major purpose of it the major purpose of it has been ripped from the definition of it now paul gives an extended discussion of this in first corinthians chapter six and i do want you to turn there because he gives a theological understanding of this area that we need to take into account as we move forward here today we're being somewhat didactic or teaching today because i want you to understand it i want us to understand it so that we can no matter where you're starting from begin to acclimate ourselves in order to recover what god's will will allow in the consequences of our rebellion here he says in verse 9 of chapter 6 of first corinthians or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god do not be deceived neither fornicators or adulterers or the effeminate or homosexuals or thieves or covetousness or drunkards or revilers or swindlers will inherit the kingdom of god he says this lifestyle blocks you from inheriting the kingdom of god now don't misunderstand that he doesn't say it stops you from entering the kingdom of god you enter the kingdom of god based on faith in the finished work of jesus christ but you inherit the kingdom of god that is you accrue the benefits of the kingdom of god having to do with lifestyle so while you may be on your way to heaven heaven may not be on its way to you because when you adopt this lifestyle he says that inheriting that is receiving the benefits of the kingdom do not accrue to you he says in verse 14 such were some of you that's that's how that's how you rolled in your unsaved days but you are washed and sanctified and justified in the name of the lord jesus christ that's not who you are now now it may be how you feel but that's not who you are that we've been duped into thinking it's only natural the desire is natural the activity is not he takes it deeper theologically he says all things verse 12 are lawful for me but not all things are profitable all things are lawful for me but i am not mastered by anything so whenever anything in your christian life my christian life our christian life holds us hostage it is spiritually illegal says i will be mastered or controlled by nothing including my passions i have them but i'm not going to let them rule me he takes it deeper food is for the stomach and the stomach is for food but god will do away with both of them yet the body is not for immorality but for the lord and the lord is for the body because corinthians had this problem they had this problem they had this sexual immorality problem people had come out of that lifestyle and now they were in church but that's what they knew that's how they function that's how they rolled and they had a they had a philosophy their philosophy is food is for the stomach and the stomach is for food translation you have an appetite when you have an appetite and you're hungry you go eat because you got a stomach your stomach is growling for food so you go get the thing that's out there designed to satisfy what your stomach is crying out for in order for your stomach not to cry out for it anymore because food was made to satisfy the cry of the stomach because the body is crying out to be relieved and to be satisfied so just like the stomach cries out for food and you satisfy the stomach for food when the body calls for sex then you go start knocking boots that's just what you do they were saying that that is the natural expression of the desire god intervenes into this discussion and he says that is not correct he says while food is for the stomach and the stomach is for food he says yet your body verse 13 is not for immorality but for the lord and the lord is for the body so your body is not for anything you want to do with it just because it's your body and he explains why now god has not only raised the lord but will also raise us up through his power in other words if god got jesus up from the grave he can get you up from the illegitimate bed because he's in the resurrections so since he's in the resurrections just as he got jesus up out of the grave he can get you out of that yielding to that legitimate passion that's being addressed in an illegitimate way he then goes deeper do you not know that your bodies are members of christ shall i then take away the members of christ and make them members of a prostitute may it never be or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her for he says and the two shall be one but the one who joins himself to the lord is one spirit with him he says when you have sex you enter into a union you enter into a union and you are now as a christian unified with christ so what wherever you go you take him with you [Music] impactful amazing intense thought provoking that's how just a few students describe their experience since enrolling in the tony evans training center the best part is the training center is wherever you and your online connection are going beyond a sunday sermon these compelling bible study courses take a much deeper look at scripture the bible's writers social issues of today and so much more log on today to learn more at explore the kingdom anytime anywhere fleeing morality verse 18 for every other sin that a man commits is outside the body but the immoral man sins against his own body he says that this sin is unlike any other sin because of the unique internal damage it does to the soul what he says is this sin is unique because when you disconnect from it you take some of your soul with it and it's not hard to testify that that's what happens in scenarios that paul is describing he goes deeper or do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy spirit who is in you whom you have from god and that you are not your own for you have been bought with a price therefore glorify god with your body you are not your own you have been purchased he makes an interesting statement he says your body is the temple of the living god the temple of the house of worship so whenever you have sex you have church it was designed to be a worship experience because he says it is a temple temple is a place of worship you are to glorify god he says with your temple because it was designed for the establishment of the and the renewal of a covenant and so he wants us to understand the seriousness the depth of this matter so much and so that hebrews 13 4 says fornicated and adulterers he will judge therefore sex for the believer is not merely a physical thing nor is it merely an emotional thing it becomes a spiritual thing now we have a problem and the problem is that there is the reality of life there is this reality that we've been through things we've done things we've looked at things been entertained by things we've denigrated ourselves into things and we pay the price for that if stories were told across the room of regrets of mistakes of sins of disobedience of iniquity of transgressions of failures of whatever would be the best word to describe the departure from god and its consequence economically spiritually relationally psychologically emotionally the testimonies would be replete because of all the different backgrounds and experiences that are represented in the room and so the question becomes well what do we do now how do we recover how do we beat back whatever consequences that god has allowed to take place because his standard has been violated at whatever level and for however long that violation has occurred because of a situation that happened in john 8. the scribes bring a woman to jesus while he's teaching in the temple and they say to him teacher because you're teaching jesus we caught this woman in adultery in the very act and when they say what should we do jesus stooped down the end of verse six and with his finger began writing on the ground but they kept pressing him what are we going to do with her verse 7 jesus says he that is without sin cast the first stone but he stoops down again and he writes again they said the law of moses said we should stone her so they are thinking about the law and talking about the law and the divine standard is on their minds for the test they're doing jesus deals kneels down and writes once he that is without the sin cast the first stone he kneels down and writes a second time so if you're telling me you've never been immoral if you're telling me you've never done this or that or the other throw the first stone you you you lead the way so i can be true to the law of moses but i just want you to know just so you know after you've thrown your stone and we call your number just make sure you understand some rocks are coming your way and so jesus as only jesus could do through the same law in their face that they were throwing at him it says that they begin to walk away so now it's just jesus and the woman it's just jesus and so they're standing there and jesus straightening up says to her in verse 10 woman where are they did no one condemn you where are the people at i don't see them well nobody here throwing those stones and she says no one lord now the scribes that call jesus teacher she calls him lord she affirms the uniqueness of jesus christ no one lord my accusers are not here and then jesus hits her with the mother lode short statement but pregnant with theological truth i do not condemn you either go from now on sin no more and i want me taking away your condemnation to be the motivation for you to go and sin no more the law says i'm going to hurt you because of what you've done god does not change the law the standard it's still sin but what grace does is shift the motivation in other words i want you to respond to me out of the fact that what could have happened didn't happen even when the lord disciplines us the bible says he disciplines us for whom the lord loves he disciplines so even consequences of discipline come out of a heart of love he wants the motivation for the transformation to be the goodness he extends to you even though you deserve stones but what do you do if you already messed up you already blown it you're already suffering the consequences you're hurting from it you're disappointed at it but you're saying like she said jesus lord lord lord i'm i recognize you and i want that grace and whatever the grace and the mercy will allow in terms of me moving forward since i can't change yesterday wish i could if i could i would but i can't but i'm here today and i want to go different tomorrow well most of us do this we send our clothes to the cleaners when they get dirty right we shut our clothes to the cleaners because they're stained so you take your clothes to the cleaners and they begin their process of cleaning it up you go back and you pick up your clothes the next week you know why you send your clothes to the cause you want to wear them so you want to wear them again so you want them clean and pressed and and you want to because you want to look good in your clothes so you take them to the so what i'm trying to tell you is jesus has a cleaning business he's got a cleaning business and he knows you can't get it clean like he can get it clean so he says if you will bring your dirt to me come unto me all ye that labor and a heavy laden and i will give you if you bring your dirt to me and you recognize who i am and what i have to offer in fact not only do you bring your clothes to me but i got a pickup service i will meet you because i want to get rid of this dirt and the reason why i want you to bring your dirt to me is cause i want to wear you and i want to look good in you and i want when you say i'm a believer in jesus christ i want you to be well dressed i want you to be well pressed i want you to look good so that you can show me off and if any folk from your past come up wanting to stone you cause they remember what you used to be and what you used to do and how you used to act you can show them the new jacket you can show them the new pants you can show them the new shirt you can show them the new tie they say yeah i used to be dirty but i've been to the cleaners and jesus christ has washed me white as [Applause] snow [Music] one of the great challenges of life is our sexuality we've been given it in our humanity and god has given us parameters for the exercising of it when that fire leaves the fireplace stuff starts to burn down doesn't it our own lives our own guilt our own relationships because it's a fire run wild it has left the compartment that god has created for it which is of course marriage but i've got good news for you today god forgives throughout the bible you see many sexual failures but you also see the forgiveness and grace of god healing those who have disobeyed him in this area the bible makes this a unique sin because it's a covenantal sin and it affects you and your well-being as well as others who are affected by immorality one of the great things that god does in the bible is that he sanctifies sex he doesn't make it a bad thing he doesn't make it a negative thing he calls it a beautiful thing in fact there's a whole book that celebrates sex song of solomon so god is not a gangster he's for it he wants to promote it he just wants you to have a high view of marriage for it but when we have operated outside of it and are bearing the consequences of it and there are many illustrations of that in the bible he has a cleaning service he can clean us up he can wash us he can iron so that we become spiritually pure again and can go on with our lives having been healed of our moral failures so don't give up on yourself or others who are getting right with god because god knows how to show compassion to the repentant in this area [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Tony Evans
Views: 200,195
Rating: 4.934154 out of 5
Keywords: sermon, sermons, Biblical sexuality, sexuality sermon
Id: onoXQT7txZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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