I Cured My Type 2 Diabetes | This Morning

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with more than 4 million people living with type 2 diabetes in the UK and one in three of us with raised blood sugar levels that can lead to the disease what can you do to avoid it or even reverse it well rather than start on medication dr. Michael Mosley invented b-52 diets when he was diagnosed which not only led to weight loss but a complete reversal of his diagnosis so could you do the same on a similar diet dr. Mosley is once again here now let's talk about your case first of all so you went to the doctors with their troublesome whirring moly that's right and then they did she did a random blood test and she rang up late to say the mall is fine but I'm really sorry your blood Sugar's arrays need further tests and she told me I was type 2 diabetic were you overweight no not on the outside if you'd look to me you said that was quite slim but actually I coded laga before it's called visceral fat internal fat and what's called a or used to be what's called a toffee then on the outside fat inside so I was slightly overweight but the reality is that we all have our own personal fat threshold where we kind of tip over in two days before we go any further and I think anyone who is diabetic type 1 or type 2 would appreciate the very very clear definition type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes we're talking about type 2 diabetes which is lifestyle on the whole lifestyle leg type 1 diabetes genetic autoimmune nothing you can do about that once you've got it it's daily insulin injections but that's got nothing to do with life absolutely they're completely different conditions type 1 typically occurs in childhood or when you're young and type 2 is something which tends to develop as you get older particularly after the age of 50 when rate starts shoot up I advise on this changes very frequently at the moment actually one thing you think you're doing right and then the next thing you doing right then you suddenly find out it's all completely wrong and you yourself gave your father some poor advice yes but he was a type 2 diabetic and I was urging him on the low-fat diet which was absolutely what we were taught at medical school to do and unfortunately it didn't do him much good and he actually died quite young from complications of it and so that's really why when my GP told me your attack to diabetic I decided I didn't want to go down that road so what is the answer then well it is weight loss and per tick if you can lose the weight around your tummy I did it by five - I lost around 10 kilos around 22 pounds in 12 weeks and that was okay but since then I've come across work done by Professor Roy Taylor and Newcastle University and what he's shown is that if you lose around 10 to 12 percent of your body weight which is kind of what I did then in 87 percent of people who are newly diagnosed they can reverse their type 2 diabetes I don't call it cure because I suspect if I put on the weight but the longer you've been diabetic for the less likely or because the more damage you've done to your pancreas and things like that but that's really encouraging because I mean that's massively in coach yes yeah so your your diamine this is no surprise we've been told this yes for a long time you know so you lead an unhealthy lifestyle and and type-2 diabetes is a ticking time bombs gonna cost the NHS a fortune as more and more people put on weight and and are either pre type-2 diabetic or actually type 2 diabetic so it's no great surprise the trouble is for me is that there are massively conflicting views constantly in the newspapers there are I mean they diet that I've written about in the blood sugar diet is essentially 800 calories for eight weeks now that is a rapid weight loss diet and on the whole most dieticians would go very bad idea but actually we have known for 10 years at least that rapid weight loss is probably the way to go if you actually want to lose weight what happens after that completely no absolutely it is what happens next that is really critical the great thing about rapid weight loss is it's incredibly encouraging you stand on the scales you've gone down to another few pounds but afterwards is a critical bit and that's what they've also written about extensively in the book based on conversations with the world experts because it's about changing what you eat so you have to kind of shift to a more Mediterranean style diet and you also have to increase your activity but you also have to manage your stress levels and for that what I use is a technical mindfulness you can kind of buy a nap I did a horizon film about it recently but essentially it's about just timing a period in the day 10 minutes where you just kind of relax and you listen to your breath and you don't worry about things and that brings down the stress mess people over eat because their stress it's like almost like a medicine and that's a common court and I think they reach for sugary Cubs where do you feel stressed wait I feel stressed like what it's chocolate I some hi Coco yeah you got what I'm reaching for unfortunately we're really good
Channel: This Morning
Views: 1,478,058
Rating: 4.5403795 out of 5
Keywords: This Morning, Holly Willoughby, Phillip Schofield, Breakfast Television, ITV
Id: 1NIhv6fCqAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2016
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