Reverse SWORD grip is AWESOME and anyone who says otherwise is a basement dwelling LOSER

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have you seen all the uh recent renewed controversy over reverse script online oh yes there is a lot of drama online at the moment I think we're going to need to talk about yeah [Music] greetings I'm Shad greetings I am Tyron and greetings I am Nate and we're going to be talking about reverse grip oddly enough not a subject I've gone done a deep dive on on University well no I don't think you ever have I referenced it tangentially in a lot of videos but now we're going to be doing a dedicated discussion yes on reverse grip because it's getting a bit of discussion online oh yeah just a little bit just just a little bit and uh there's been a a Creator who's kind of risen up in terms of prominence doing short videos Soul sort arts and one of his main kind of uh themes is addressing reverse grip and he doesn't think it's very functional no no um not that he is completely trying to disprove it but he's trying to completely test it shout out to him I've really enjoyed a lot of his shorts and I think he's doing good work and so now I want to give our thoughts on it and uh I have a bit of a takeaway that I'm I don't think is going to be changed too much even after experimentation and so we're gonna talk about the the mechanics of it uh what I feel are strengths emotional limitations and they're not even going to practice it a bit we're going to put it to the test and uh see what happens I would like to really give it a shot and give it a give it a test myself because I know there are some historical references of reverse grip I don't know how functional that'd be well that's the interesting thing there are certain positions where you might get more leverage like this but in terms of General sword combat oh let's let's talk about it yeah when we test it I think we should eliminate half sorting for the testing purposes I want to develop techniques that are I don't think completely completely reverse I think I think we tried better because in in some of the sources which uh off the top of my head we've got Mayo we've got Maya we've got your favorite one doflamingo definitely yeah yeah goding go go dingo now I'm saying it wrong um as well as Fiora and a few others who have little bits and pieces of this throughout their manuals but a lot of it is half sorting really starting is half sorting or turning into throwing for a tournament yes you will throw a sword in the tournament or apparently at least they did um so to eliminate that we're eliminating a lot of options but at that point it's just half sorting I if I feel like we're going to truly test reverse grip we should try and create textures just a single yes I love the sound effects that doesn't mean you can't eliminate you know touching the blade here and there but completely grabbing it completely yeah I think if because if you're wearing plate gauntlets it wouldn't be that hard to you know use it a bit more leverage because you have no leverage like this I I don't know have you heard have you heard about this have you seen this let's talk about that no it's actually tested because this is one of the most important criticisms of reverse grip leverage and reach I want to preface this by saying that relatively I'm not trying to I'm not trying to Big myself up here but I have quite strong wrist strength that is something that I purposely train a lot I want to have so even I think I'm going to have trouble with the leverage on a reverse grip this no problem this is nothing once we start this we mentioned region leverage but interestingly enough one of the probably even more important than region leverage for me in regards to reverse script is how much more awkward it is to use two hands on the sword than one I wouldn't you I just the point where you almost can't which cuts out so much leverage and speed because like if you wanted to hit like like this but then your wrist is hyper extended like that you have less range of motion maybe like this but again range of motion awkward as well all of a sudden your your range of motion is completely cut off from exactly from this side and so if you wanted to get a two-handed thing rest position like that ready to do strong attacks like this it kind of works but it is so much more Awkward than just this and the range of motion that you have from this position right is just so much more than reverse and so already just by the preference and appreciation for greater range of motion reverse grip I would completely discount in my own I guess preference as to what I would personally use and these are long swords and all of a sudden the reach that I have is just this I can't well that's the other interesting I can't extend anymore on that before the tip starts to drop down well it's because of the angle of the wrist the wrist can angle down okay it can't angle up nearly as well to angle up I have to bend my elbow and with bringing my hand further okay and so with the sword to extend it just like that I'm fully send it to do this I cut like I have to bend it lower reach instantly I would say that reverse grip is Close Quarters and at that point you might as well use a small blade not necessary because there are withdrawn stances even in traditional swordsmanship like wrath okay where I have it back ready to go and so you could have a sense where it's there ready to go to go up to go down and this is one of the big takeaways that I think I'm just gonna start before the horse just jump to it because it's going to come up again and again right what I'm showing here could you fight like this yes I could fight like that and I wouldn't be hopeless yes you can fight like that but I mean I could fight on my knees but exactly exactly that's my point even though you can fight with it in a functional enough way that some people have been saying because you can get a level of function out it's not completely useless and you shouldn't discount it completely right but to me just because you can fight with it to a level of functionality right like you know all this stuff yeah doesn't mean it's worth doing because there is another way which you can almost get every single advantage or function that you can get out of reverse grip but more just no when you are reverse gripping all of a sudden you're hamstring in your movement you don't have reach you also don't have leverage and you're also depending how you hold it for example if I'm on this side this is I am at a huge disadvantage this The Leverage here is non-existent I have nothing this side maybe you can make an argument for it maybe I can I can step out I can do other things but as soon as I I try and do something on this side well I have no power let's test some leverage positions to emphasize that but I'll end off my point I was making which is really going to be the final takeaway I think because I've played around with risk already but we're going to test it just for the sake of everyone right the final takeaway is that could a really talented swordsman use reverse grip and defeat a less talented opponent I would say yes yes of course yes okay but that still doesn't mean he wouldn't have been out of fight better by using the conventional grip because it offers so much more options and variety 10 points there is always an exception to every rule yeah and I would say maybe there's some guy out there who's trained reverse group his whole life and he's avenging his family and he is uh exceptionally good at him he can beat a lesser fighter but for the majority of people for most people on earth reverse grip is not going to be the best choice for you well here's my next Point I've recently made a video on pendantry over over I guess um being particularly sensitive about things doing one way or the other right I'm not sure if it's out yet already by the time this one's out or or not but if it isn't oh just you wait and the takeaway from that video that we can combine with what we're saying here even though I think one method honestly it has objective advantages to it if you really really love reverse grip and you want to fight that way go to town fight with a sword in between your butt cheeks if that's the way you like to do it okay do it the way you want uh and that's fine have fun okay and I wouldn't force you to do it any other way that you don't personally want to do but when it comes to you all right is one way objectively superior to the other based on range of motion leverage okay I have thoughts on that then yeah I've got a couple of thoughts as well in more in regard of how unorthodox it is so for anybody who's done a lot of right-handed versus right-handed sword fighting they'll know the moment you go and find it versus a left-handed person everything is flipped everything is mirrored and all of a sudden you lose all composure having it an opponent come at you like this for the first time so it may be a one-trick only but for the first time it's very disconcerting well that's one of the other things because to me one of the most valid forms perhaps of reverse grip is instead of trying to grab it like this grab it like this examples as well like I said they do throw them in some of the tournaments but there is an argument to be made as like is this valid reverse grip like what tyrants was saying is this honest valid reverse grip it has a lot more forward Punch Yeah like because you can even do it like this instead of like that and you do have options right to do some really interesting things could you do all those same things just like this not quite I think there's a difference in the range of motion depending on how you have your hand so for example you know you got a point I think that if you're if you're striking with the upper hand yeah you're really coming down with the arm up you've got a lot more motion and leverage to pull back down if you happen right behind someone's name you're right you're right about is because the downward motion I can already feel I have more leverage in a downwards motion like this versus downwards motion like this I would argue versatility after after you've after you've got someone like this you may have more leverage but you also once you're down in that position you're also hamstrung by being in this position this you're already back like it's I feel like if you're planning ahead for a counter attack that's true to switch between that to Conventional I mean having the handle already in um because if this did have an advantage as soon as you let that go you have all the disadvantages that we were trying to mention see if I can randomly go from reverse to forward or back again way to transition between conventional and reverse grip so you just start with a flourish like this and then you go you have a faster way yeah like that no but you're letting go with blade whereas like nope but twirling is in your fingers is better is it it looks bad from but from at least holding it like that where a lot of reverse grip is held played from there to standard grip is actually pretty quick interesting holding on the blade wow you're right oh yeah I like to get it to there is fine but to get it back is is awkward I would almost have to like that but the throw of the flat your hand is on the stronger than flat to actually get that it's not on that when you have honestly we're meaning like in combat don't don't throw your sword up where it's like [Music] unless okay all right unless you want to show off and there's enough range from your opponent that they can't take advantage of it yeah show off and maybe get away with it did you get it yeah none of us saw that it's it's not that hard oh no oh yeah like yeah yeah exactly I wouldn't want to we were trying to be fancy yeah is it is this does this look cool at all sometimes it's just really easier to just do that you're absolutely right you're absolutely I would I would not want to be grabbing the plane just just simply like that done the other kind of bit of theory to discuss is uh what length of Sword would be most appropriate for reverse grip because there is the important kind of caveat to mention that when it comes to daggers knives there doesn't seem to be any real massive detriment in fighting reverse ice pick grip they usually call it with a dagger compared to a sword because you already need to be close enough in close range and leverage isn't really an issue because you're never going to be getting into many binds with a dagger and a knife fight so I may have tested a little bit of reverse grip in my time and I have found that it doesn't matter and the reason why is the size you sort of the size of your sword doesn't matter because as soon as you uh reverse grip in anything you need to close the distance so the amount of Leverage you'll have with a short or long sword doesn't really matter because you're going to be up close anyway because there is a good point you still have the issue in terms of the range of motion with your wrist because up like this I can extend and thrust to a much longer range than I the classic I I this is for stabbing really I like and perhaps hooking and slashing but to get a really good thrust right you're you you still have the disadvantage so when it comes to a sword you have less leverage at the tip so when you would be using reverse grip you wouldn't want to be at the tip either way whether it's short or long you would want to be down here where you have I'm not going to say good leverage I'm not going to use that I'm going to say more leverage than than not let's put it down enough being the strong of the blade because that's what that's for exactly and you'd want it down here so having the length doesn't really matter that much unless they have a shorter blade and you have a little bit more um that's actually a good point if your opponent has a normal sized sword and you have a longer sword and you're reverse gripping you've got about equivalent range now that's interesting or even maybe a little shorter on the person's still reverse grouping yes so you almost need the longer reach to compensate for the lack of motion but as soon as you start to any Motion in terms of combat you need to close the distance anyway because you just can't you can't fight at range with reverse grip it just you can't we totally didn't test this like a little bit before we turned the camera on we will do some sparring because that'll be fun but uh let's let's uh do some basic kind of Leverage tests now the interesting thing is there are strong positions and weak positions in Reverse grips I think we need to test both because one of the weakest positions right is if you get in a bind like that and so if you bring it up like that okay like this I have absolutely zero leverage right so try and resistance but you're using one here so just one-handed versus one-handed right now let me try and get it further down and like so this would be the strongest position where it's I'm on the strong of his blade but on the week of mine so I technically have the least amount of Leverage here that I can muster so try and resist I'm gonna push I I instantly kind of just slide down to where I get the more leverage and doing I'm going to interject because I would like to try something put the edge into it and see if that does any better all right so again like it's it's so interesting I naturally find the weak point and instead of pushing so if you hold it here like this way is good structure but I naturally find it naturally finds the downward thing and it goes there so try and resist and I'm just gonna push and it breaks now and I have no leverage to keep my Edge alignment like this yeah it just naturally rolls down and that's me bracing it on my arm with the cross guard all right what do you feel is the strongest structural position in reverse grip and will test leverage there I would say this is where I would say I'm at my strongest because this here gives me good positioning to push inwards interesting in this moment can you get a good defensive so we're talking about maybe a downwards cut I would I would want to step in near The Cross guard and try and catch you there where I have more leverage I don't know if we should say it yet but in testing I would if I was using reverse grip I would always want to have a second dagger because if we found that counter-attacking can work to a degree the question is though could you get all the advantages of doing that in conventional grip and more and I think you could so I don't think that's uniquely benefiting reverse grip it's not yeah but in terms of Leverage you have the most leverage here of course in this position I find I have more because I have I can brace my body well let's test it so if I hit down and we're just trying to push you're right that you're holding it there that's good that's good so that's that's the strongest but this is poor so if you hold it back that's the week of my sword against the most strongest leverage point if I go down how do you know okay that's interesting though no no but that this is a good comparison because you're holding it pretty well so there we go so that's the strongest leverage point in reverse grip and see or one of the strongest right like that and it's important to note that if I was using reverse okay I would never stand statically I would be yeah I'm taking distance of moving my massive criticism for that steps and and strength of Leverage you're not covering your upper body oh yeah this is that is such a problem where so many cat like at rest positions has the blade pointed down and most of them are in your Center Line where because that's where you get the most leverage and you have the most balance yes but at the same point you're leaving yourself wider and so if you've done a lot of sparring and training with swords there's an interesting thing that naturally like you don't even need to teach people this they naturally end up doing it because the body mechanics just start to flow where the blades go and what it is striking usually ends up higher okay it always ends up with raised arms because it is easier to defend the legs just by moving him back and letting it slip versus trying to defend the upper body no and sorry I just want to mention why it's because the arms are attached to your upper body and therefore the closest range you will get to someone is on the upper body as soon as you aim low something I have less range and as a result it's easier for you to just move your legs back and to thin your legs and so a lot of stances and guards have the sword covering the upper body and you have your legs withdrawn to defend your lower body and as we've tested before a lot of the upper guards for the reverse grip I have no limits yeah like just dog crap so once again that is such a huge problem with reverse grip the the lack of Leverage you have to defend the upper body is really bad yeah why I normally wouldn't do this but I want to play Devil's Advocate and give this my absolute best shot but from a body mechanics point of view not from a Hema point of view and the reason being is because I know of manuals like I said that this is in but I can't say that I've trained that yeah so this is just pure body mechanics but I I want to give this a good a good go with a bit of force um if if anybody is happy to so so we'll get the we'll get the training swords and all is that what you wanted to do um well yeah before before we do that could me and Nate test with steel swords we've got some techniques with some gloves yeah yeah I think so just so we can I don't want to I don't want to dismiss it right at hand I think there can be some techniques that may be effective but there will always be caveats although we should note because whenever whenever we're doing steel we're not going full intention so this will be maybe a little bit of speed at the start but we slow down as the blades go from about this far away from an opponent to this far it doesn't seem like much but we know our ranges so and we will be trying to do some faster testing but that's where we use the foam buffers exactly but let's let's give it a shot with full steel leverage first and I'm going to get gloves so let's just say I came in with a strike like now I have no leverage here at all period however something to note is as soon as I change my Pivot Point that's like I know you probably saw me go wool from here my natural reaction is to lift and get that out of the way to then strike my opponent but that lift the problem is created that immediate danger of I put that in the line of my face now I simply just have to move the positioning of my hand and the trajectory of my blade is straight to your face another one was something like this I simply wouldn't do I have no leverage here I can't do anything he's got me here however more of a knife attack I would say if I went like this I would want to come into this guard and I would I would have gauntlets on like this one and I wouldn't be afraid of touching this blade and I would be up although this does get sketchy because I feel like if you did that let's go through those motions again eye counter you then counter the counter and I counter the counters counter like it starts to get really into Hema where motion a turns to motion B which turns to motion C when we did I think one next to Testo is a downward strike this I don't like that we haven't really been able to figure out any sort of way to not only defend it like he I have no no recourse here yeah like I'm knocking it basically out of your hand and it's that motion it's really so I can try to be fancy and do that but if I miss that I'm dead and I could so exactly so my my emotion is just to knock it off completely offline and give it a good hit and I've got nothing to come up with and I can't think of anything to come up with but this one I would want to come in for yeah that's that's a stalemate I I you know what I would do in that because if you came in attack like that I would just do this I would move back and hit you on the arms because you're not defending your upper body and it's not hard to just move back and avoid it because I can Outreach you so easily you can it's a good point but I feel like at this point it wouldn't be I if you're a reverse group I think naturally you're going to have a pension to be close quarters so this if I had a stance like if I was like this and you came in like that yeah my natural I'd go for this right off the bat it would be more like in the middle of something because even if it was like this just yeah like I would Outreach move back because so much of my defensive reflex right is to always move back the the legs and lower body in an attack and present The Sword in defense and I've sniped so many hands with that I think because you are trained like that you are trained too however if you're trained reverse grip you would want to you wouldn't want to give them that room you want to be up nice and close to take away that Advantage but even even in approaching to get close you have to deal with this in your face you do but I wouldn't I wouldn't start with something like this I would I would want to I haven't thought that far ahead yet but I would want to try and at least be up somewhere like this to get close to close the distance in a lot of techniques of sword fighting if you're versing a stab the idea is to knock it left and right you don't want to knock it up and down so there are a few different ways of doing it go again there are a few different ways of doing it or you can just if you have a two-hander just counter and knock it offline but I'm a bit limited if I try to do this upside down so the only thing I could think of was that it's really knocking it off to the side and it has quite a bit of speed but I need to get that right it has quite a lot of speed but no power true [Music] yeah I mean this one's a little bit hot because this is more like you have to be here you have to feel it in your hands you do but it doesn't have that much leverage behind it when you do that so if I just just said if I really wanted to like thrust straight into you it would be a bit of a different story with that you are able to knock knock first off it's knocking it into the path of him this is bringing it across his Center Line straight across here but when you're stabbing in a motion like this even if you're knocking it off center there's still a chance that it's going to get you that is oh yeah risky absolutely that's that feels much sketchy at the time than it does like so but I mean I still that naturally brings me into a shot not a powerful shot but copping a blade to the face even if it wasn't enough to really even cut through the bone it's still a cut it is I just wouldn't I would get out of the way of that reverse gripping I'm not going to be slapping the blades like this let's try a lot of people when they fight they fight um in basically a big X they'll fight up and down sort of arms and legs so how about you strike at me a few times with arms and legs and I'll just see what I can do oh how much leverage do you have when you do that so if I can so let's stop there and then just push I have a bit and I feel like that might slap it's the flat of the blade that's slapping them on the side of the head so it would be an ear slice yeah I have to also go two-handed so go again so that changed the direction but I can feel that leverage just go slow it goes down so that concept of me doing what I was trying to do gives it a bit extra so this is my strongest point we tested this before this is my strongest Point am I holding I want you to do two hands and I want you to try and he comes in for some slash I block it I just want to see if you were able to how much control I know but I don't need it and you're stronger than me you're pushing my weight you're not pushing my structure okay so let's say it's right in here all right go two hands go try and push me back oh God yeah so that was an interesting thing I noticed as well um we are actually without even realizing being a bit too compliant in the exchanges oh yeah that's why we're going to grab a lot blades later but but even in the areas where we're aiming because you know one of the biggest Targets in sword fighting is the hands oh the hands and the hands in the head fingers though and and your strike was coming in low to enable a guy to block it I want to do some quick tests maybe grab a lap one to see how well we can try and defend higher aim strikes okay I want to make a caveat though because LARP cross guards are very floppy yeah so I think if you see the cross guard flop we consider that that it's at least being caught even if we didn't have the leverage to go I agree I'll go get some more blades let's give this a shot because I think there are ways that you could adequately defend yourself or defend yourself for nothing I'm not saying defend yourself better in conventional but in terms of it's not utterly useless like this where if you brace it on your arm you could probably slap slap and get some defenses going and then you can have the downward sweeping action but because the sword is pointed lower defending the upper body is just in the head it's going to be so much more difficult and so I want to do some quick you know uh exchanges where I'm going to be attacking Tyrant aiming for the head and you need to try and defend reverse grip to get some feedback and how intuitive and I'm not going to tell them how I'm attacking or whatever she's gonna be based on his reflex and then we'll switch it up and see if I can do better or worse than how tyrants goes you don't know the power of the dark so you want me to defend or yeah yeah defend so I'm just going to come in and go so look what happened though you went High and the sword just didn't have the the the the angle to block oh that was interesting because I went low right to try and sweep under the sword but because the sword was pointed down it caught it that was interesting I'll save my thoughts were like again it's like every I could try different things and wait wait so much is there a way to hold it statically to Garden up I'm trying to keep it as a bit of surprise because if I'm holding it like this I'm wide open here well just move your body back it'll be harder for me to strike low wouldn't you like that so that's why I think that the problem is if I was the counter attack which I would I need to be close so moving back gives you an advantage right away if you do see an opportunity to counter attack their phone try it try it and I'll have to get my defenses up all right so that right there that ending exchange was a perfect example can you leverage try and get me like to me I'm pushing back this way could you leverage with your wrists to get my lower body from that position I could it'd be it's hard though I know there's a slice right there because I really think this is probably the biggest flaw with reverse grid is that it's pointing in the wrong direction to guard your head like even if I'm just here and I just want to do a quick thing even if I hold the tip up I have no control over I am like you all right hold it like this right and try it and try and defend it yeah so this time try and block it with and see if I can break your structure okay so two hands you have a leverage to deflect it even then I'm in this position what can I do here well that's interesting because I'll do a follow-up right so I'm gonna go Bang Yeah well do it right and we're gonna get locked in so I'm gonna go but they're not okay so I'm gonna reverse it now and I am going to give it my best go trying to defend and even perhaps counter attacking it okay so anything in particular honestly I'm trying to adopt a natural stance that I feel guards my body and I'll go on with this so I'm going to come in for a show I'm going to tell you this because I would want to keep a distance five that's always like that I would want to like that how much leverage do you think you have when you with three hands I know I think I okay so what if I came in and say oh this is awkward because that yeah you probably you would have nailed me I feel as though as soon as you fake out and you do anything this sort of reverse grip fails because you can't react quick enough we'll see okay nice that was good I like that yeah do that again show me that just came in like that yeah but you squish it up didn't you I kind of yeah I tried to so would you just go pointy all the edge with reverse grip would you just go point I need that defense keep watch you at Bay it's similar to how I naturally like to fight with the point forward like this now I'm going like this gives me Nate you had some observations this year in from the sparring I did so it sort of didn't matter whether you were the proponent for uh traditional grip or reverse grip you were going two-handed a lot I was and you were going single-handed something that I did notice when you were actually gripping is even though your primary hand was gripped reverse your backhand wasn't and you were almost fighting off-handed so as much as you were like that leverage and the strength it was it was from your back shoulder exactly but by doing two-handed consistently I was able to get the leverage I needed to I'm going to be a bit of a two-handed pure uh reverse purist here I was wanting to test it in a proper pure reverse grip like this because like like you said you're basically just at this at this point sorry I had some interesting observations from that as well I was able to get the points right where I needed to be in several of the exchanges but I'm not attributing that to the reverse grip it was more Awkward to get it there what what you're seeing was the direct result out of having um an experience with distance and timing seeing where it's going in understanding that as soon as on the the backwards end of his strike there's going to be an opening and just leveraging it up like that and what you were doing was exactly what we found when we were doing our strike up to the head as soon as we would grab it with this hand and all of a sudden we have got that second leverage Point yes which is very quick so that tip wrapping around going from a downward sort of backhand thrust just rolling up and underneath and when I was like the other thing I noticed the the problem with it pointing down can be mitigated it because this is covering my whole upper body but I and also like this I'm ready to guard and so there are ways to work around the limitations but what I notice all of it was more Awkward every single thing I achieved in just that brief sparring exactly I would have been able to do just as well and it would have been easier to do like this and I think I just would have performed it better in the conventional but I still was surprised that I was able to fly flight that way to a level I'd like to show the LARPing a shot as well but um let me try one hand wow now that was that was an arm versus a waste leveraging your position no it was cut oh that's it looked like it ran me through but that was on the forearm it's a historical trick you're dead though you're dead tis bought a scratch yep I got a repost with this thing which is not easy oh no no Leverage oh that is so much harder than just like it's doable just to hear yeah to here okay so crept I know where it's coming but full speed see if I can stop it can you catch it and can you get some leverage on it yeah cut my own leg let's try that again I did that on the way through so you need to practice not get your own leg just okay I think I need to help to the next part how did that feel without that one when we went full speed just there the last one yeah a little twisty on the wrist actually I didn't feel like I really had as much structure as I would have liked versus steel I probably would have Reverb down my wrist I might have still got the Block in I might have still been able to lever it around to your waist for a whatever card I could do but it's dicey it's much more dicey okay he's now going to aim at my head you're next two dead idiots snap through the face through the chop to the neck perfect now it is so much slower to get that blade up now it's my turn and I'm gonna do the same thing where I'm gonna be aiming for Nate's head uh what I like to do though when I I you know fence is I love to do faints and redirect and try and get advantage and I'm interested to see how Nate Goes defending his upper body with reverse grip against the true reverses well hey I I think you can try both do it like I don't know if you can't call this not reverse grip I think because if you are fighting someone who's got two hands I think this you know you got the same okay but the other hand has to be reversed too bro you can do you can do you however whatever reverse way I'll see you oh interesting interesting yeah but I didn't mind I just because yeah you just kind of raised it I can't whine um it's kind of just went up and in yeah foreign yeah well let me try and do something right so you're recovering on after this I'm recovering but the problem is I need to just then continue committing I don't have enough leverage to bring it back around yeah [Laughter] trying to wind in I've got no strings exactly that's what I've noticing if I can get underneath it's not my garden I've got no strength on that shot all right so I'm gonna switch up my thing babe you you slide however the way you want to try this so I have something no interesting that was fun yeah oh yeah so ah winding is a big yeah because you're wine like doing that I'm winding all everywhere but if I go up to get a bit of strength I go up to grab something and try to wind in for a shot as soon as that's re-wound I've got no I've got nothing I got so many options to reverse go down to go around like that I've got one commit because what I've noticed oh no I'd have two but I'd have to change my Direction one of the really great positions to take advantage of reverse grip so if you go back reverse grip right and I come in for a strike and you go to defend it and then I get underneath yeah I can leverage into the head and block my side once once that's moving it's hard to pull back exactly so it's not like a saw but I can spin the wrist down the wrist is already down because like and there's a number of ways I was trying to try and faint and get underneath it so I went in for a thing yeah and then even just withdraw like just doing that again but when I've got a sword an actual decent yeah like that's more stronger but I've got the maneuverability now to compensate for it okay so it's still I still think it's effective not as not as effective as this it has Niche circumstances where it'll be like really practical to use I still think having a Maniac Run at you like this we're not fantastic I am great thank you I think it's both apparently ah I will reverse grip with that on and I am going to be the aggressor I'm going to close the distance and I'm going to see what happened okay okay we'll just see change it up a bit Judd does a lot of quick strikes faints and whining so I'll try a little bit of whining not so much faints because you sort of do need to wind but a lot more direct Cuts we'll see how this works oh nice what Nate is doing here is a very interesting and I would say effective strategy I've got cut a couple of times but your thing is in the exchange your cut would have been a death blow yours would have been mostly superficial not all of them but probably most of them but I'm noticing with the stronger committed strikes you are getting through his defenses more directly lack of Leverage and and angle is effective it has to be far more subversive and even then I'm not having proper leverage I gotta trick him when I'm not thinking about it yeah I noticed I do notice that that you were trying there was faint but there was aggressive Fates as you were coming in um all right continue okay damn I called that oh my God I didn't die from that one thank you one thing that I'm noticing from the full committed kind of sparring is reverse script had a big problem of of generating strong powerful committed strikes and in the exchanges Nate's committed strikes for breaking the guard a lot and finding its purchase when the reverse group was just struggling against it and I had to it was very devious I had to fight a lot of faints just to even get close enough because as soon as I try and close that distance he steps back well distances then I thought like it's half sword fighting I love fighting that way and so now I'm gonna Spar nade a bit and uh let's see if my natural inclinations might give me her Advantage sounds sounds good I've definitely starting to form some thoughts on this so yeah all right The Tick of the forearm for a tip of an ear that's one of my favorite moves is seeing an attack with drawing and taking advantage of the the following through so you can do it in reverse grip but it's harder that's definitely a stronger stance I feel I don't feel like I can get your head anywhere near as well yeah four arms for neck oh that was a lost my hand then so I did that that would have been chopped off arm completely yeah that was there was a Nick to my neck but I think you were just out that was such a solid cut oh good I loved it oh yep yep forearm oh him so with two hands that is actually a lot harder to fight through um plus just it's hard it's hard to tell on camera imagine except for those of us who have done a lot of training but when two people line up you can kind of just instantly see if they go like this you know what to do they go like this so all of these little motions Chad and I kind of were hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on so there's a lot of hesitation um to just to see who can get the shot in but it felt like a legitimate defensive stance that was hard to get through and break that felt harder to get through because you're using your body properly leaning backward and forward there wasn't as much footwork as we're trying to stay in frame um like this like I said and same experience I had with tyrants I think every single like strike I was able to land would have been able to do with conventional grip but easier exactly and I feel like a lot in similar way to tyrants not all of them some of them were hitting quite nice but a lot of them were you know slash that might have gone that deep into my forearm or quite literally chopped off my ear but not caved my skull a lot more doubles because it's just harder for a first time really giving this a solid go um harder for me to kind of have what you do with a swordsmanship you develop uh there's an actual sense I forget what the sense is called where you know where your position of your hand is without without looking at it but yeah spatial awareness so I know my hand isn't touching but it's close and I know how to get close like that you develop that same special awareness with sword and ship when you develop where you just know how close you can get and not hit because you have a spatial awareness I don't feel I have that yet no it feels a lot more there was times like oh you hit me I was like uh you know well something something that I was trying to take advantage of is that this was waving around now um when I think anyone has been fighting single-handed there's a lot less control it's a lot easier to get through harder to break because the recovery is quicker to bring the point on but the point still wavers and I was trying to take advantage of that by coming in and like letting a letting a faint go and then try to chop in for the hands and the arm I think I got your hand once that one you got on my forearm was just beautiful you did you did nip me in the neck but I lost [Music] um all right so they want me to try what they're calling true reverse grip one hand I reckon this is uh this is valid don't you think let us know in the comments is if he's holding it like this he's basically holding it with the off hand he needs to be like this he wants to be a true reverse grip sword master let us know because this could be the big defining feature about how functional it is yeah because look fighting like this I was managing I feel like half sorting like this is very very comfortable um but I like that no like this yes like that no alrighty ready sure it's kindergarten videos exactly so just go to like whatever Ward you want I'm trying yeah and what I'll do is I'll tell you exactly where I'm going which is just your head straight down top of the crown I only tell you when but I'll tell you like that's where I'm going yeah I will give shot this he moved his body out of the way faster than he could get his sword up so he's got the reaction but the blade just I know like there's there's no structure block that not as easy as it looks is it well well if you want to actually fight like a proper you know technique thing yeah it's it's just it's cheating because it's offhand up I mean I think I'd almost run the same limitations trying to fight with a long sword one-handed because not as much I can still have more leverage the way it's designed to be used we're not using it that way I mean I have more control but far less than that yeah but this was just like it's hard isn't it all right so um I've been fighting reverse grip the most today and my uh fingers are really sore but the specifically these three bottom fingers and my forearm down here is quite sore and I feel very fatigued now the same amount of time fighting the sword normally it's nothing no problem this already yeah I'm tired I mean I was shocked at the difference in control yes and combative ability I had between one-handed reverse grip and two-handed that was so night and day I have to I have to admit over you know excellent years of fighting I've tried that from time to time but never really given it a a serious shot like this was about as serious as we could get without full gear but never given it a shot of serious as this and I coming to this video thinking okay it's going to show that it's got a few good points but in my mind now that's been reduced to very much opportunistic surprise attack not expecting an upside down sword or it just so happens to be there and now because you know how to use an upside down sword you know what to do from that technique but you'd want to swap back you'd really want to swap back yeah well so what do you think about the two-handed reverse script I still think you're using it offhand yeah so you're still thinking I still think you're basically using it offhand because you've got a I picture it like an ore in a boat one hand is doing all the work the other one's just kind of holding it there let us know in the comments below I'm very interested in it my kind of thoughts on it are it's weird okay I was not expecting it for it to be as functional I was able to make it into hands at the same time I was not expecting it to be so dog crap useless in one hand because that was just we found like like even when I knew the strike was coming in I had no structure and it just broken came in like I said I feel like my mind has completely evolved with this because I kind of feel like I've gone from the person who saw it and expected it to work and maybe even have made a comment here or there saying that it's worked not that I've done that but those of you who talk with me online will know that I'm like oh this should work two okay this is going to be very Niche like I said when we're trying it with steel blades and we're trying it really slow we found a good few uses we found some good techniques that if you practice them in enough I feel like they could they might work yes but then we tried it full speed with LARP and breaks down it's like it might work we got we got some double kills we got some shots in but that was me being very quick and very agile where Shad when you tried it you were obviously a bit more static it unless you're going to be that fast and that quick all the time at every moment and even then it's probably not going to work like so so even with my kind of double-handed reverse grip advocacy okay uh I can still not think of a reason why you would choose Even This Way versus the conventional way every single thing that I was able to pull off I felt I could have done easier and better with a conventional grip people might say you're finding it easier because you're better trained in conventional versus reverse but already feeling the difference in the body biomechanics and the range of motion and how awkward it was to get in certain positions and like I said I can't think of a way or reason why you would choose it over conventional except for you thought it was really cool and you liked it or maybe you are better that way I I think that I can still think of one yeah which is that original thing that I come up with that I come up with yeah reverse grip the original um that I mentioned yes at the start of the video where this to me feels more powerful and stronger than this so if I'm in this type of a structure and the blade happens to go behind my opponent I'm now in a one-handed grip I might fight like this for a second but oh my god do I want to go back to that Maybe not maybe not fingering the guard but going back to that really quickly fingering it's called fingering the guard it's a legitimate I like it yeah so you should hear the other names we have for this stuff this kind of understanding that we're having is reminding me of a certain argument that I've had where there is uh look you can get a level of functional use out of it oh it's not useless in the sense you are able to fight with it to a level you can still kill someone holding the sword that way but it's just nowhere near as good in my opinion from practicing looking at it as no way that is easily accessible you do just as easily do you know what an argument I'm referring to if you say nunchucks the reverse grip is the Nunchucks of sword fighting nah reverse could be nunchucks are awesome than anyone who thinks otherwise is in so basement dwelling loser [Music]
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 484,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G-K3thV3K0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 46sec (3166 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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