The GREATEST JOYBOY Theory Ever (Probably)

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joyboy's name was first revealed immediately following the time skip when Robin read the poneglyph in the sea Forest on fisherman Island its no smoke coincidence Oda introduced this enigmatic figure just before the straw Hat's Voyage in the new world began as the one who rediscovers one piece is meant to symbolically represent his return the concrete details about Joy boy revealed at this point are few and far between but his code name or epithet was first introduced to readers through his apology letter to shirohoshi's predecessor which underscores the fact that understanding and reconciling joyboy's primordial failing is the Paramount responsibility of his eventual successor the name Joy boys only known to the select few who have read the pony glyphs which means the world government has successfully erased all traces of his existence from the pages of History yet his will was inherited by gold Roger the first in 800 years to ReDiscover the tale of his voyage left behind on the final Island and now that Luffy has reawakened Nika's power the future pirate king is poised to do the same from this we can discern that joyboy was a figure who defined the entire lost Epoch of history and that his Legend is inherently tied to the poneglyphs and the one piece itself simply put I believe Joy boy was the first forgotten pirate king you don't have to say wow I know it's wow there are numerous reasons why I believe this to be the case but it's important to remember that ultimately this tale takes place in a world of pirates it thus stands to reason that the central figure of the world's forgotten past was himself a pirate in the same mold as Roger and Luffy I would like to First Direct your attention to a passage included in one of the extra pages in the first volume of the series a narration box accompanying a color illustration of Shanks buggy and other silhouetted Pirates reads it was an age burning with the magnificence of those searching for The Treasure of treasures one piece hidden by gold Roger history's only king of pirates it was an age when pirates Beyond number raised their Flags to battle for Fame and Fortune it was a golden age as far as history is concerned no one was ever declared pirate king before Roger this statement would at first glance seem to dismiss any notion that a previous pirate king preceded Goldie Roger if not for the fact that this story takes place in a world where a significant chapter of History has been erased referring to history's only anything in a world where chapter of History has been erased is immediately suspect and suggests another may have once existed and been forgotten but this isn't our only clue that there was another pirate king before Roger the best evidence that Joy boy was a pirate in the same mold as Roger and Luffy can be found in the lyrics to the song banksaki which as I have detailed in previous videos in part tells the tale of joyboy's voyage it describes a crew of pirates beset by tumultuous Seas whose Faith must be placed in the morning sun a new dawn which will eventually rise Joy boy could have been a pirate an adventurer any number of things but the mention of the Jolly Roger strongly indicates the flag of piracy indeed sailed from his Mast the song clearly describes a group of pirates and refers to proudly sailing the Jolly Roger so if indeed this song describes Joy boy then he must have been a pirate there is one more interesting detail to note the song alludes to all sailing toward the end of the sea now this is interesting because in the current great age of pirates Roger's words inspired the world to pursue the treasure one piece but in chapter 9 66 Roger indicated that the legend of the great treasure on the final Island preceded him as this is what motivated his own circumnavigation of the globe it's natural to assume joyboy is the one who left behind one piece but it's important to pay careful attention to Roger's exact words in chapter 967 while it's certainly possible Joy boy is the one who placed one piece at the end of the grand line Roger doesn't outright confirm this in this scene the former pirate king says oh joy boy I wish I'd been born in your time this is quite a treasure you've left behind a tale full of laughs so notice Roger does say joyboy Left Behind quite a treasure which could be referring to one piece itself but then he quickly follows that statement with the phrase a tale full of laughs which perhaps indicates joyboy's contribution to the great treasure was simply his story that isn't to say the treasure itself is the story but I'm suggesting one piece may be older still than Joy boy and something he too discovered like Roger what remains unclear is why joyboy and many others would have been sailing toward the final Island during the void Century Luffy is seeking laughtail because of the legend of One Piece Roger was seeking the final Island because of an even older Legend of a lost treasure but what inspired joyboy what was he hoping to find it's possible that no such prompting was necessary the Allure of the unknown the romance of Adventure and the promise of being the first in history to attain the unattainable could have been all that was required fortune and Glory kid fortune and Glory George Mallory an English Mountaineer who took part in the first three expeditions to Mount Everest is famously quoted as having said when asked why he sought to climb the world tallest mountain because it's there Odin Roger and Luffy all embarked with similar motivation to discover what exists on the infinite Horizon this innate desire is what conducted them from their ordinary familiar lives onto the Fantastical Road of Adventure but what truly qualifies them as Heroes is that they recognized and responded to the call of Destiny the first leg of Odin's Voyage with Whitebeard was carefree and aimless but he later changed teams and sailed with Roger with a decided purpose I don't think we can say anything for certain at this point but based on the evidence Joy boy may have undertaken a voyage similar in nature to Roger and Luffy we must ask whether he too was searching for something at the end of the sea so could the treasure one piece be as old as the grand line itself nothing yet refutes this possibility Roger indicated the treasure Joy boy Left Behind was his tail full of laughs and thus it's possible well one piece was simply discovered by Joy boy in similar fashion to Roger if Joy boy is indeed made from the same mold as Luffy and Roger then perhaps he too was transformed by his voyage after seeing and understanding the world and discovering the one piece he developed a vision for a world transformed which could only be realized by the king of pirates okay so Joy boy was the first pirate king but what is the king without a kingdom and what type of Kingdom would be fit a king of pirates well it just so happens a forgotten Kingdom Rose to prominence and was destroyed during the void Century not so coincidentally referred to as joyboy's era the fact that the sea Circle was seemingly created 600 years before joyboy's era indicates it had a purpose in guiding the world toward Freedom before the cataclysmic War of the Void century and the rise of the world government my assertion is that the Sea Dragon deity potentially revered on Fishman Island wano and alabasta was responsible for directing the grand lines creation and thus perhaps also originated the legend of the treasure at the end of the sea perhaps the grand line was originally created to raise up a leader capable of guiding the world toward Liberty and Joey Boy was the first to arrive at this Mythic location the first to boast the title pirate king and the first to Envision a world transformed but how did Joy boy try to change the world and what did he Envision why did the world demand a champion of freedom in an era which preceded the formation of the world government the reign of the lunarians might have ended in year zero but the red wall dividing the world's oceans didn't fall at that time and as such whether or not there was a centralized oppressive force in the world there was nevertheless an imperative for Change and that's exactly what I believe Joy boy was trying to accomplish as the first parrot King but here we need to understand what piracy means in the world of One Piece what does it mean to be the king of pirates and why is this Monarch the only one who can bring about the type of Change the World requires I am the pirate king and it is it is a glorious thing to be a pirate King oda's Author comments from the opening page of volume 1 are potentially revealing in order to write a story of power turrets have been Gathering a lot of sources on Pirates and reading them but none state of a pirate who dreamed of becoming one in their young days seems like they were having so much fun that they forgot to mention themselves in history gosh this is why Pirates are such a pain this is essentially a light-hearted remark about Pirates negligence and recording Tales of their Voyage making oda's task of doing research more difficult but also grants us some important insight into oda's creative process by revealing the original scene of an idea which grew into this massive pirate epic a young boy who dreams of piracy this is unusual because piracy is not traditionally viewed as a virtue worth aspiring towards the more familiar bloodthirsty Cutthroats which populate past pirate stories are present in the world of one piece but represent a moral antithesis to the central protagonists this reminds me of a quote from Stephen King's book on writing A Memoir of the craft in discussing the origin or source of his inspiration for his novels he States the following I get my ideas from everywhere but what all of my ideas boil down to is seeing maybe one thing but in a lot of cases it's seeing two things and and having them come together in some new and interesting way and then adding the question what if what if is always the key question in volume 2 Oda discusses his childhood love of a cartoon called Vicky the Viking which contributed to his interest in telling a seafaring adventure story when he grew older Oda gathered a lot of sources on Pirates in preparation for writing one piece but the story really distinguishes itself from others which tackle similar subject matter by injecting an atypical protagonist in the world of One Piece Roger's final words served as a call to Adventure an inciting incident for people around the world Oda wanted to create a story about a young person who dreamed of becoming a pirate this was the spark the what if which resulted in the original premise for the story of One Piece what could spur not only one young person but the entire world to dream of piracy the death of the pirate king and the Mystery of the legendary treasure one piece were the narrative answer the creation of One Piece can thus be characterized as the Collision of two ideas a seafaring adventure story filled with pirates in Search of Lost Treasure and a coming-of-age Heroes Journey for a young good-natured protagonist who dreams of becoming the king of pirates to reconcile an idealistic hero like Luffy with the traditionally sorted world of pirates Oda created a world where piracy may be considered an ideal even a necessity a world where the societal structure has tilted toward tyranny and thus breaking from said institutions by becoming an outlaw may be seen as Noble or virtuous if the freedom such Liberation entails is used for the betterment and protection of others perhaps on the rare occasion pursuing the right course demands an act of piracy piracy itself can be the right cause piracy in the world of one piece is a representation of freedom from the constraints of ordinary Society an act which may be seen as a moral imperative in a world governed by an oppressive Force that's how you look at Buccaneers that makes the bad are good and I see us as members off a noble Brotherhood thus the parrot King may be understood as the Paragon or ultimate champion of freedom in an Epoch of History which predates the current totalitarian regime is difficult to say whether piracy as it exists in the one piece World currently would have been viewed in the same light whether choosing to wave the Jolly Roger would have signified the same meaning to the world which is why it was so important we earlier established that the world's primordial oppressor was already at work long before the void Century this tells us that joyboy the world's first Power King had something to oppose and it also demonstrates that ode has designed his world to accommodate a noble pirate serving as the Ultimate Force for good and the hero of the age demands the influence of History religion myths and folklore as sources of inspiration has been a recurrent topic of conversation throughout this video Oda stated in the first volume that in preparation for writing one piece he researched all sorts of pirate stories and on that note one particular pirate Legend stands out as potential inspiration for Joy boy and the Forgotten Kingdom which rose to prominence during the void there is a utopian myth of a purported pirate colony called libertalia this rumored Pirate's Paradise was said to have been founded by Captain James Mission sometimes also referred to as Olivier mission in Madagascar during the 17th century most historians doubt libertalia actually existed and thus it is viewed as a utopian Legend the name of this rumored pirate Nation comes from the Latin word liberi which means free and accordingly Legend said mission's idea was to create a society in which people of all colors Creeds and beliefs could live freely under the protection of the pirate Lords in villains of all Nations pirates of the Golden Age Marcus rediker described the supposed libertarian Pirates as Vigilant guardians of people's rights and Liberties and barriers against the rich and Powerful French pirate James Mission sailed aboard a ship called Victory and his Utopia sailed a white flag instead of a Jolly Roger United under the phrase for God and Liberty we know the 20 Kings banded together to combat what Clover described as a vast forgotten Kingdom which rose to prominence during the void Century he went so far as to assert the primary motivation for the Erasure of History was to hide the very existence of this nation and given the prominent role Joy boy seems to have played in the void Century era I believe he may have been the Sovereign of a pirate Nation patterned on the Fable tale of libertalia where he tried to unite the various island nations of the world to fight for freedom but freedom from what remember Joy bui's era precedes the world government the world government and Celestial dragons are the form presently assumed by the oppressive force and thus are the enemies Luffy must combat the world government as it exists presently wasn't around in joyboy's Era but its underlying ideology the desire to Stamp Out people's freedom certainly already existed and that's what joibly attempted to change as the pirate king the world before the void century was not an idyllic Utopia and thus the free nation of pirates Joy boy was trying to create likely represents an incomplete goal or aspiration which for some reason failed oh well I tried to start a revolution but didn't print enough pamphlets so hardly anyone turned up I believe much like missions Mythic Kingdom of libertalia Joy boy flew the flag of piracy to represent Freedom much like the Emperors in the modern era he proclaimed himself protector of many island nations and thus the ancient Kingdom could be considered a loose affiliation of many nations all around the world it's even possible Joy boy considered a particular Island the center of his kingdom so to speak much like the Emperors who each have Islands which serve as a sort of capital for their territories in that sense perhaps Wana was at the heart of joyboy's Kingdom based on its deep connection to the sea wano is a fountain from which water flows and it sits on Rich deposits of sea Stone we now know for certain that the Forgotten Kingdom possessed advanced technology but this doesn't necessarily pertain to the ancient wano Now hidden beneath the waves I proposed wanna was the heart of this forgotten Kingdom in this sense that may have been tied in some special way to joibui and the Mythic Sea Dragon evidenced by its deposits of seastone but that doesn't necessarily imply it would have once been home to the same type of futuristic technology found on Egghead as I said it's it's possible this Kingdom extended throughout the entire Grand line inorushi said Roger reached a realization about the civilization which gave rise to the Pine glyphs on lodestar island so perhaps the grand Line's natural endpoint is where vegapunk's void Century analog brought to life these technological Marvels lost to the Mists of time Odin insisted that one of supporters must be open for Joy Boys impending return and while this likely refers to the symbolic arrival of someone like Roger and Luffy who shares enjoyable's Vision the use of the term return is interesting it's no surprise Joy boy would have once visited wano but kaido insisted this land is special and sengoku told sakuzuki its no small coincidence so many of the world's most famous parrots like Roger Whitebeard Odin kaido big mom and now Luffy Were Somehow connected to wano this could even explain the large Straw Hat hidden away in emu's Vault in Mari schwa if it was created for joyboy and amigasa Village perhaps the Hat passed down from Roger de Shanks and from Shanks to Luffy is nothing more than a hero's hat replica of the original The Identical much larger version hidden in emu's Vault would then be nothing more than ordinary hat kept as a Memento from emu's seemingly vanquished foe Kato's new onigishima project intends to make wano the capital of a nation of pirates and thus serves as a dark mirror for the world jewelry was trying to create much emphasis has recently been placed on the fact that kaido believes himself to be the only one capable of changing the world but apparently at some point he came to believe he wasn't the one fit to become joyfully perhaps the reason he selected wano as the center of his territory is because the land of Samurai was once the heart of joyboy's kingdom of pirates and thus the return of joyboy signifies in part the arrival of one who will finish what Joy boy could not and reclaim one I was the heart of a new pirate Nation this is something I touched on earlier in the discussion regarding the hero's Shadow and character archetypes I believe the return of Joy boy signifies the arrival of someone who wants to transform the world as did joyboy as pirate king Joy boy was not an idol ruler he built a network of people who desired freedom all over the world and they banded together to actively affect change we saw this very sentiment expressed in kaido and Albert's first meeting on Punk Hazard kaido wanted to change the world Luffy Blackbeard kaido big mom and potentially even lawn kid are Rivals competing to not only succeed Roger as per King but to represent joyboy's return after all Roger's treasure is in truth joyboy's treasure like big mom kaido is a person who believes he's capable of changing the world and indeed that is exactly what the one who assumes joyboy's mantle must do to bring about the global New Dawn kaido and big mom's respective Visions for this coming new era vary dramatically but importantly neither are fit to be Joy boy because the ideal projected features they want to create by becoming pirate king deviate from that which Joy boy may have been trying to achieve as Shadows of the hero elements of their dreams or Ambitions are Shades or dark mirrored reflections of that which joyboy hoped to accomplish and this is by Design because these characters represent the dark potential of what a hero in the mold of Luffy Raj or Joy boy could become big mom's dream in particular draws elements from the libertalia myth a Pirate Kingdom ruled over by an emperor of the sea in which people of all Creeds races and religions can live in harmony but big mom's utopian Vision taking inspiration from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass is Warped into a twisted dystopian Candyland by big mob's critical flaw the voracious appetite and deep-rooted emotional trauma which caused her to abuse her subjects her vision is pure but corrupted by the cruel means she employs to get what she wants Harmony isn't a virtue unless people choose it for themselves which I believe the Mythic Sea Dragon who created the Grand line well understood kaido's attempt to build the pirate nation and start a global war similarly represent a distortion of joyboy's goals as Whitebeard indicated a war is coming because the world's oppressors will not give up their power and cease their plans to further subjugate the one-piece world without a fight moral character and strength of will are important but make no mistake he forces Luffy in the strats need to face are also incredibly powerful mistake is in asserting strength as the Paramount virtue and as such he wants to start and perpetuate a global war to create a world in which only the strong can live while the weak perish or submit anyone who submits admits their place in this pecking order alright maggots listen up I was about to teach you the pecking order and the first the alpha at the top of the pack of beasts is free to be part of kaido's ink group and challenge for dominance is constantly invited with death completing A Warrior's path kaido holds strength as the highest virtue and envisions the world where the entire Society is structured around its Supremacy kaido like all of those vying for the title of pirate king aims to fundamentally transform the world villains who wear the mask of the Shadow archetype most often view themselves as the hero of their own myth As kaido Told Yamato life isn't a series of simple questions with simple answers his incursion of wano and depression of its people is viewed by kaido as a necessary means to achieve what he believes to be a noble end a world restored to its natural order where survival of the fittest rightly holds sway from kaido's point of view the weak like the celestial dragons will no longer be able to unnaturally oppress the strong in his Animal Kingdom as he says he believes this world of war would represent true equality where big mom over emphasizes the appearance of Harmony at the expense of free will kaido over emphasizes strength at the expense of Harmony or cooperation we don't yet know exactly what Blackbeard hopes to accomplish but at Marine Ford he declared the start of his era indicating he too wishes to change the world by becoming parrot King and he proclaimed his territory on Pirate Island to be a pirate's Paradise where his subjects can live freely perhaps too freely if Blackbeard's errant goals are also in part a dark reflection of joyboy's ambition to create a nation of pirates then perhaps the trait he overemphasizes is unfettered freedom most directly challenging Luffy's root desire to live as the person with the most Freedom inheriting zabek's will teach his brand of piracy permits freedom to lie cheat murder and steal expression of personal freedom without any consideration for the unalienable rights of others life liberty and pursuit of happiness according to Thomas Jefferson or life liberty and property according to John Locke after all as great as piracy might be in the world of One Piece governments ostensibly existed for a reason and should in theory serve to protect people's Liberties unfortunately as has often been the case throughout real world history the world government in one piece and the oppressive regime by which it was preceded tilted toward tyranny and thus piracy acts as a necessary counterbalancing Force but as the reigning Emperors demonstrate there is also an inherent danger in the pendulum swinging too far in the opposite direction teach big mom and kaido are best described as filling the role of the Shadow archetype and thus we see in them the Dark Side of Luffy's ambition the dark potential of changing the world and the way joyboy hoped to accomplish importantly we can see that those in competition to take up joyboy's mantle all desire to become the pirate king and want to change the world for what they believe to be the better remember characters which occupy the shadow archetype are often the heroes of their own myth this is why it's so important Luffy confront these particular villains in his approach to laughtail he must recognize the potential for both good and evil which are inherent to his quest taking up Roger and joyboy's mantle as a heavy burden and requires balancing competing interests big mom kaido and Blackbeard all seek to build a nation of pirates represented in the very title Emperor but their underlying Visions are fundamentally corrupted by their tragic flaws Luffy has slowly grown into an emperor himself by declaring Islands as part of his territory becoming Commodore of a massive seven division Fleet and now by liberating the land which may have once been at the heart of joyboy's Forgotten Kingdom when he eventually discovers one piece and Rises up to challenge the world he will need to incorporate the positive qualities of his rival pirate Emperors while rejecting the bad kaido asks Luffy what type of world he wants to create Luffy replies that he wants to make a world where all of his friends have enough food to eat fitting with Luffy's character Oda has consistently used food as a metaphor to demonstrate Luffy's maturation and growth into the hero of the world demands Goldie Roger Odin Rayleigh Whitebeard and others with some awareness of the world's lost history understood the true weight of what it means to take up joyboy's mantle and the future pirate king is going to play a pivotal role not only in beating up the bad guys who presently rule the world but also in guiding the world toward a new dawn Luffy is slowly maturing into the type of leader fit to Lee made such a revolution against the dark oppressive Force which presently controls the one piece world this means that Luffy's desire to make the world a place where his friends don't go hungry is Central to his motivation it's what makes him a candidate to be Joy boy it's what makes him fit to become the pirate king which makes me wonder just how closely this desire has tied to the yet to be revealed dream that Luffy and Roger share returning to the topic of wano's importance during the void Century wano's borders were opened and thus seastone could be exported to the world anyone who wanted to join this Free Nation could enter the grand line from anywhere on the sea as long as they possessed seastone representing harmony with the ocean's power but the comb belts like moats around a castle served as barriers to keep out enemies of Freedom there are traces of joyboy's influence throughout the grand line because he tried to unite all those around the world in this endeavor the proud Jolly Roger was flown by all who shared joyboy's vision and wano sat at the heart of this seafaring Society joyboy's kingdom was a pirate's Paradise a network of independent nations United in pursuit of free Freedom working toward a certain end goal which was never achieved to bring a new dawn to the entire world we see this Vision reflected in the very nomenclature of the grand line the first half is called Paradise a remnant of this Pirate's Paradise which once thrived and the second half is called the new world because that's exactly what Joy boy was trying to forge now as great as this all might sound the world was still imperfect in joyboy's Era the grand line was still parsed and tubed by the red line a symbol of the world's oppression and joy boy was unable to fulfill the promise he made to Shira hoshi's Poseidon predecessor though they made preparations he was never able to bring her people to live under the light of the true Sun so Nisha committed an unnamed crime and was forced to begin its 8th Century March wano's borders were forced closed the city of shandora was destroyed and joyboy's crew disbanded never to meet again though I first encountered the tale of libertalia a long time ago I was resistant to the idea that Joy boy led a nation of pirates because it implied the 20 kings were unjust aggressors who banded together in an effort to Stamp Out a free nation of pirates and then and blotted Out history afterward to mask this heinous act but this never quite matched with the nuanced way odor rights conflict and structures his world I was bothered by the fact that the Forgotten Kingdom drawing inspiration from libertalia would present piracy as the Paramount virtue and while Luffy Roger and joyboy are presented as virtuous they don't represent all pirates in the world piracy itself is morally neutral these straw hats represent the good the piracy can accomplish in the one piece world but we have also seen the bad thus one key detail has shifted my perspective on this matter and it's in recognizing the potential reason joyboy's Vision this forgotten kingdom was never realized just as Luffy must someday face Blackbeard and Roger once faced zebek a man said to be his greatest foe joyboy's Vision was also likely once challenged by a primordial Morgan ear and perhaps the Schism served as the Catalyst for the 20 Kings alliance with emu acting as an instigator behind the scenes manipulating both sides of this ancient Conflict for personal gain in any case the war which resulted from joybo's held attempt to create a new world the true nature of the world government and its enigmatic evil ruler and the reason for joyboy's Ultimate downfall are topics for another day in the final verses of banksaki the upbeat Melody Is juxtaposed by The Melancholy tale of friends forever parted the sunset on Joey boy's era but he and his crew Place their faith in the inevitable arrival of a new dawn based on the inherent similarities between Luffy and Roger I imagine joyboy was a person much in the same mold who embodied many of the same characteristics on that note we also know that in some form just like Luffy Joy boy must have channeled the same power of the Mythic rear of Liberation sun god Nika both zunisha and the five Elders describe Luffy's Awakening as the return of Joy boy for reasons I've previously outlined I don't believe Joy boy and Nika are one in the same as vegapunk noted the name Nika is still recorded in some of the world's very oldest manuscripts and we know recorded history in the one piece World dates back at least as far as 5 000 years which means the Mythic being Nika if he ever really existed likely lived during the prior Epoch the age of heaven or tenreki which ended six centuries before joyboy arrived on the scene this likely means that joyboy was the previous wielder of Luffy's devil fruit the Elder stated that Nika hasn't awakened in centuries and has evaded the grasp ever since the end of the Hundred Year void which implies that was once awakened we further know that devil fruit particularly of the Zone variety have a will of their own Nika chose joibly as its wielder during the void century and has chosen Luffy in the modern era we also have some recent evidence that lineage factors are somehow able to encode and pass down a person's lived experiences which means that some aspect of Joy boy's will may have been directly inherited by Luffy by consuming the same devil fruit eight centuries later Luffy was strongly averse to being directly tied down by a massive Fleet but eventually agreed to a mutually beneficial relationship wherein they could call on each other for help when needed importantly however these straw hats remain set apart as Luffy's Inner Circle a core group of friends who have level together in pursuit of impossible Dreams though the first parrot king led a global Coalition I believe Joy boy traveled with a core group of friends he of course had connections and bonds with people throughout the grand line and the relationship mirrored those the straw hats share with the Nations they have protected throughout their Voyage when joyboy and his friends parted knowing their time of Adventure was at its end they took the name d which looks like a smile or the half moon hidden behind the clouds as a symbol to Forever memorialize their friendship joyboy's crew were much like the Roger Pirates and the straw hat Pirates and those who carry the name d in the present are their Descendants the D's were gathered from around the world explaining how a giant like Saul could also carry this name among joyboy's crew there was a monkey a Trafalgar a gull a port Goss I even wonder if there were nine of them in total based on toki's Prophecy of nine Shadows cast by the moon someday bringing a new dawn after all the new dawn seems to have a double meaning for both wano and The Wider one-piece world if I'm on the right track this begs the question of which other characters could in fact be bearers of the will of D of course it's possible there are others yet to be introduced but loss of the press net for some of these to keep their name hidden and his other secret middle name water also remains a mystery used as kid could be an interesting candidate given that he Luffy and law represents a sort of Trio personally I've always hoped that Robin's father could be a Henry Jones senior type of character and that the two could have a joint adventure for a time I had even wondered if her father could be Dragon though of course that seems rather unlikely as interesting as it might be for Luffy and Robin to be half siblings that being said I do still suspect Robin could be a bearer of the will of D through her father Robin has also taken particular interest in the mystery of the deeds and as I've suggested it would seem the kozuki possess all the requisite character traits I even wonder if they could be descended from Joy boy himself if my speculation is correct that the straw hat kept in emu's Vault is a Memento of Joy boy his seemingly vanquished foe it's worth noting that based on the pattern on the walls in chapter 906 it seems there are nine alcoves perhaps each containing entalisman of some kind belonging to each member of joyboy's crew given that Odin like Roger and Ace smiled just before his death I believe the kozuki were also a core part of this group and in that sense I think there were likely analogs to many members of the straw hat pirate aboard Joy boy's ship Joy boy himself was the Captain Tom's ancestor who built pluton was the shipwre their musician composed the song banksaki which Brooke introduced to readers eight centuries later the memory of their Adventures forgotten to the world became nothing more than a legend or a story you said memories become stories and we forget them maybe some of them become songs the end of joyboy's age coincided with the setting of the sun and the song banksaki yet his companions took heart knowing the moon would rise to guide Adventures through the approaching night we see this very sentiment expressed in the stories and legends told by joyboy's closest allies all around the world who together wait for this prophecy New Dawn Noah was unable to carry the people of regular Kingdom to the surface but as the Sea King said surely all will go well next time and the fish men hope to someday walk the path toward the Sun the clans of wano aside from the cursed kurzumi Clan all have names which contain the word moon in particular the kozuki whose name means light moon were responsible for creating the poneklyphs sulong the true form of the road podoglyph protecting Minx is only revealed under the light of the full moon the ancient chandorians once worshiped a solar deity perhaps alluding to the Mythic folk hero sun god Nica and based on the lunar City birka they seem to have some direct connection to the moon the winter solstice is celebrated on elbaf to Mark the death and Rebirth of the Sun and indeed the sun died or more accurately faded from View at the end of joyboy's era the world is thus now in a state of night but the moon reflects the Sun's light and thus symbolizes hope as Pedro told pero Sparrow he named his crew knocks meaning Knight in recognition of the fact that there is no Knight which doesn't end in Sunrise placing faith in a future Sunrise also means accepting that the setting of The Sun cannot be prevented this willing Embrace and acceptance of death in service of a higher ideal or purpose is reflective of the story's underlying Mythic structure and is also a recurrent Motif seen in both those who carry the name d who smiled just before death and in the grinning skull the Jolly Roger which serves as the flag of piracy no symbol could better represent what piracy means to the world of one piece and the attitudes of those like Luffy Roger and joyboy we may then like enjoy boys era to the dissolution phase of the cosmogonic cycle whatever World preceded the void Century dissolved from a waking State the sun set on joyboy and his crew and the world is now asleep those who pursue Freedom like the straw hat Pirates are guided through the night by the the moon a reflection of the Sun's light and impossible Dreams one day soon the world will again wake the nightmarish incarnation of the shadow that is the world government and the devil which resides in secret on its Throne will be abolished and the world will witness a new dawn as Campbell said when our day has come for the victory of death death closes in there is nothing we can do except be crucified and resurrected dismembered totally and then reborn or as the song being saki says doesn't matter who you are someday you'll just be bones but fear not for the moon will rise to guide the way in the night and the sun will eventually return Roger and joyboy both willingly accepted their Fates Roger realized he was too early and went to the execution platform smiling knowing his successor would someday surpass him and complete that which he could not and joy boy apparently did the same he knew his Arrow was coming to a close and recognized that history would be erased he and his friends thus devised a system to preserve and protect the truth trusting in the accuracy of these prophecies that someday someone will inherit their will he even left a direct apology letter to the mermaid princess indicating there was a period of time in which they realized their downfall was imminent during which they could make Provisions for the future joyboy's Kingdom of pirates was spread out across the ground line and thus the poneoglyphs were entrusted to many nations spanning both halves of this legendary sea of dreams like alabasta shandora Fishman Island and zou the ancient weapons which must someday be regathered to complete joyboy's Vision were also hidden away it's here worth noting that both the pone glyphs and the legendary treasure one piece seemed to be based on the tale of a real world French pirate named Olivier levassur who famously tossed a cryptogram from his execution scaffold and dared the world to decipher his final message in order to locate his treasure ultimately no one was ever able to successfully locate livesour's treasure but it seems Oda took inspiration from this tale Lake livesour Goldie Roger said to have attained everything this world has to offer including wealth Fame and Fortune they are the world to seek out his Treasure named one piece by the new newspapers and in so doing initiated the current great age of piracy Roger spoke his final words aloud to the crowd in logtown but because of the Void century joyboy was forced to engrave his last message in stone the cryptogram portion of the story seems to have directly inspired the aponephs and thus it would make sense if this language was created by the Forgotten first pirate king as well as his allies in the 8th centuries following the end of joyboy's era the road podoglyphs have had a clear purpose in preserving the true history and in protecting one piece the ability to read this language was passed down among the kozuki clan for centuries thus necessitating their assistance for anyone who seeks to learn the history of the world and reach the final Island if joyboy himself created this language it certainly seems possible he was himself a member of the kozuki clan though this is far from definitive the 30 indestructible pornoglyphs dispersed throughout the grand line appear to have been forged through some special process as they are said to exude a strange energy this could be indicative of some type of residual hockey or willpower imbued into the Stones interestingly the ruins of shandora are the only place we saw the podoglyphs used as the common language these writings are seemingly distinct from the cube-shaped pornoglyphs in that they were carved into ordinary stone walls it's possible the apotoglyphs like live a source cryptogram were devised by joyboy as his era came to a close in order to preserve his final message I suppose it's also possible this language like one piece itself is much older that the indestructible tablets are what's special and that the language itself was once commonly used throughout joyboy's Kingdom as a sort of lingua Franca or trade language used to unite people belonging to different societies from around the world in any case an important question which remains unanswered is how laughtail was originally mapped by those who created the paniclyphs Roger told Whitebeard and Odin that when he and his crew arrived on lodestar island a needle on their log pose went haywire and refused to point toward a new location this erratic Behavior revealed that there was one more Island waiting on the horizon according to Inu arushi it was on lodestar that Roger somehow learned about the importance of the road podoglyphs and the civilization by which they were created importantly in order for laughtail to be mapped its location must have already been known to those who created the road poneoglyphs there are many possibilities here did the hand of Fate guide them all the way to laughtail was Instinct their only Compass or did the Grand lines Creator somehow provide directions to the end of the line before the podoglyphs pointed the way after all as detailed earlier based on banksaki it seems joyboy was also sailing toward the end of the sea during the void Century which potentially precedes the road apocryphs or was lodestar once the end of the sea did Joy boy and his allies somehow create an even more secret final Island to hide one piece before the end of their age this could explain why lodestar which is itself incredibly difficult to reach seems to be the natural endpoint of the grand line it may also explain the erratic behavior of the log pose if left tail is in a location it wasn't meant to be disturbing the natural electromagnetic signature of the region or maybe it was made from multiple Islands each with distinct magnetic signatures confusing the log pose and preventing it from locking onto a new location another key event I sort of glossed over is nisha's great crime we know it was once Allied to Joy boy during the void century and accordingly both the Minx and kozuki were likely members of Joy boy's great nation in an earlier video I explained why I believe otamus kibikibi fruit may have been used to compel zunisha's walk and to bind it to Momo's command as a Penance visually zunisha's design takes inspiration from a 1948 painting by Spanish surrealist Salvador Dali but its name in the land atop its back seemed to be rooted in the world elephant concept from Hindu cosmology the four or eight World elephants are said to stand on the back of an even larger World Turtle which makes me wonder whether the fact that sunicia walks the Seas alone could be related to its great betrayal it also makes me wonder if the missing World turtle is somehow related to laughtail I also mentioned a potential traitor among the DS and perhaps this is where Blackbeard and zebek enter the pitch there's something strange about Blackbeard's body and he's the only person who can consume more than one devil fruit which as we discussed May originate with emu moreover according to Buggy he seems to be cursed with the inability to sleep which has some pretty significant implications given the Thematic importance of Dreams haven't slept for a solid 83 hours but yeah I'm good zebex attack on God Valley indicates some greater awareness of the world's history without having read the pony glyphs and teach is said to have an affinity for studying history all of which suggests that perhaps the Judas Brutus or Benedict Arnold among joyboy's crew was cursed like zonesha and it's only by reconciling the centuries-old dispute that Luffy will be able to complete joyboy's Quest perhaps teach his ability to consume more than one devil fruit is also somehow related to his curse if in fact the devil fruit were created or stolen by emu perhaps this ability represents the 30 pieces of silver joyboy's betrayer received for selling out his captain impell down or Luffy and Blackbeard last cross paths is based on The Inferno by Dante at the bottom level of which resides History's Greatest Traders including the Devil Himself yet Perhaps Blackbeard's Reliance on collecting devil fruit will also be his ultimate undoing if consuming more than one fruit doubles the Sea's curse this is purely speculation but we saw an impel down that teach had a full row of teeth this could very easily be an error but Oda usually corrects such mistakes in the published Tonka Bond volumes the fact that this was never altered suggests that it may have been deliberate but there's no telling what this could mean teeth and dreams are often associated with death so perhaps this is somehow related to teach's curse I speculated earlier that Blackbeard could somehow be carrying zebek or even the primordial Morgan ear who betrayed joyboy inside him as an alter ego Professor Coral style but there's no real evidence for this at this point so I would say it's far more likely the will of this original traitor was simply passed down to zebek and then to Blackbeard whatever the true nature of Joy Boys Morgan near address staring may have been his actions doomed the Forgotten Kingdom and with its downfall came the end of the Void Century also known as joyboy's era 19 of the 20 Kings gathered at the center of the world and descended to form the world government but as indicated by the world's calendars the sea Circle has remained the dominant or ruling Force for the past eight centuries the legend of a treasure at the end of the sea persisted and continued to guide adventurers in pursuit of impossible Dreams for centuries despite the government's efforts to prevent the one piece from being rediscovered until at last 25 years before the present pirate king Goldie Roger successfully circumnavigated the globe and thus initiated the Great era of piracy we recently learned that vivi's ancestor nephotari Lilly a member of the 20 Kings who formed the world government secretly carried the name d which means that just as Vivi is a member of the straw hats Lily was in truth of pirate and member of joyboy's crew the world government's been chasing Nika for 800 years and emu blames Lily for the dispersal of the poneoglyphs on a particular fateful day I think this implies that much like Roger Joy boy willingly went to his death knowing that it would serve to preserve hope for the future emu may have emerged triumphant in the void Century but in the process the seats of his eventual destruction were scattered around the world on the day of joyboy's execution his final message was preserved with Lily's help perhaps even using the power of Kuma's devil fruit with joyboy's death the Nika fruit escaped and Lily somehow scattered the podoglyphs to Loyal friends and allies around the world who have ever since protected the true history ancient weapons and the one piece itself until joyboy's rightful successor Monkey D Luffy at last derives to inherit his will and complete his vision by delivering the world's new dawn thank you for watching this video if you liked it please leave a like if you want to be notified when future videos are posted please consider subscribing it really helps this channel grow and I really appreciate your support but most important make sure you let me know what you think down in the comments thank you
Channel: Straw Hat Jedi
Views: 93,046
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Keywords: straw hat pirates, one piece theory, one piece mega theory, what is the one piece?, what is one piece?, imu, oda, eiichiro oda, joy boy, joy boy theory, ultimate one piece theory, pirate king, dragon, sea dragon, luffy theory, blackbeard, poneglyphs, nika, nika theory, who was joyboy?, who was joyboy, void century, void century theory, ancient kingdom, joyboy pirate king, gold roger, gol d. roger, joyboy returns, return of joyboy, nika awakening, luffy joyboy, joyboy luffy
Id: DYHn1kPwh5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 26sec (2546 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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