50 HOURS of Banning EXPLOITERS in Blox Fruits

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7 months ago I recorded a video of me spending 24 hours of banning exploiters in bloxs today I'm here to finally make peace with them forget that we're going server to server to find and destroy every possible exporter we could find but not only that but later on in the video we're going to be going undercover as an all on Discord to find people who are hosting services using exploits and then confronting them in game head on along with other crazy things that are bound to happen later in this video all right there's no time like the present let's get started trying to cleanse these evil doers this is what I'm talking about first server and this looks like a juicy one who would have di exporting at cake Island his name is Rip Indra okay and he's trying to kill me yo this kind of reminds me of the time when inro actually caught me you know what I'm not going to talk about that look at this dude wait till you see the no no no all right what's his guy's name Rip 2007 Dragon so rip 2007 Dragon copy his ID go back in game and then there he is slban Boom he's gone and now this person gone all right let me check the rest of the server see if there's anyone else that might be lingering around okay this guy's chilling this guy's just killing Captain elephant this guy's good this person's good this guy's doing a raid by himself all right I think this server is just fine let's move on to the next one what are you what's with these exploiters what are you trying to find out here level six se Zone let me find find you again see there there he go he's leaving me and he's gone boom Another one oh he just leveled up this guy's busy trying to level up but he's about to have to restart his whole journey again get out of here I don't want to see your face ever again wait just a minute I just swapped servers from the last one and I just realized something this guy right here the person I just banned for leveling he's friends with someone I just saw on that same server hold on let me go back where is he at yeah this is the same server zero rainy zero br oh he's exploding too I missed him I didn't I thought I swore it distracted everyone ah buddy buddy buddy you're ring your friends out you got to go though and he's gone just like that this guy's in our server too and he's typing in the chat right now rip family that's him let me see what he's doing Let Me Wait why is he posed up like that why is he posed up like that let me ask him are you an exploter be honest of me might let you go no e big fan your friends were EXP what do you have to say about that huh Z rainy zero you know him he was exploiting you exploit no way he was my friend oh okay you know what I don't have valid proof that this guy may be a cheater even though he's kind of like glitched I don't know if that's an exploit I'm going just let him go I'm sorry that I banned your friend bye all right new server let's see who's trying to be a Good Samaritan today all right these guys are just doing their thing this guy's doing kitsun Shrine all right right good luck all right another good person another good person and yeah oh God this guy's freaking out guys go who off guys o off guys off off T off 3 two 1 go okay he said forget that I need to start my full moon trial I swear I saw o off I swear on my mom don't swear on your mom maybe swear on your English teacher I don't think there's no one in here surprisingly no exploiters just yet I got to find some I got to meet my my daily Banning exploor quota I got to ban 500 a day before inro bans me here's an exploer here's a bunch of them I think let me check how about you Mar all right Maru is good this guy is cheating how about the rest this guy too uh this guy he's not moving I think he's fine we'll come back to you hey yo okay there's a bunch of expers here this is going to help my quota a bunch oroso 4V and ban you see this one's not like the others this this one has a very kind looking eyeballs a trust deep down he's a monster it's in his name even SE monster okay maybe he's not export he just turned to look at me I'm sorry I doubted you you look like the rest of them I could have swore this guy was exporting but he's here with a boat oh is this their way of trying to get the Leviathan gate yo that's kind of smart dang too bad I got to ban you though bye-bye how about your friend I got to bring him with you oh where where'd he go bye-bye same for this one how about Farm andac oh okay this is what you're going to do you're going to pretend you're AFK so you don't look like an exploiter pleas check your build dark step and dark and you're in a third sea yeah that's not fishy at all here let me check your profile wait where'd he go where'd he go hold on wait what what why'd you go from there to here what's the point of that you thought you could Escape me here let me show you guys something farm and neack zero friends zero followers zero follow two badges which is second C and third C conveniently and they joined 17 days ago look there's even a wanted poster for you way over here see now tell me why I shouldn't ban you right now look you can act AFK you can do what you want but I'll be back I'm going to get the rest of these guys first oh oh there's one all right voi come here we're got to watch you get banned when you disappear into the abyss and he's gone all right farman you can act AFK but I have your name written down we're going to come back for you later when I come back I better see you exploiting so I have valid proof to ban you all right let's move on oh boy hold on look at these usernames they have to be cheaters except rayan I I trust rayan isn't an exporter right you know what let's check him first let's uh let's see he's normal all right but maybe not this guy oh oh wait they're fighting these two are clashing akt ptic Kon and rayan are fighting each other yo n uh uh-uh don't try me Ray rayan in the rayan you you tested me and I had to blow you up with the Bazooka what were you thinking hey yo akt brought his buddy oh now rayan's about to get 2v one good luck actually is his friend possibly exploiting let's see was that flying oh no no no no no no no no okay he's fine he's fine how about umu oh yeah oh yeah for sure all right umu get out of here where did I just teleport oh bro that the other umu this one decided to hide in the ground you thought you could hide in the ground what do you think you're doing hiding in the ground again like a hedgehog all right I I I couldn't kill you there all right let's get the other umu and Bam they always fly away when they're being banned yeah that's kind of that's kind of poetic it's like their accounts are flying away to the black streets heaven after I ban them ooh what's this one doing oh you can't run away from me oh you're killing mobs okay you're just trying to level up that's all there nothing wrong with trying to level up right wrong b boom gone Gonzo wait what's this one doing what are you doing up here for I can't stay up there do you just like the view I don't get it why is this exploer just looking at the ocean I'm sorry I interrupted you but hey what just happened to him what oh no where'd he go oh no oh yo my best old friend kept uh spawn killing him ah hey Chandler we got my best old friend no uh the real Chandler from Mr Beast I have him added and we summoned him oh who oh get him Chandler yes y yo Chandler's a menace beat him up kill him all Chandler use the triple dark blade that we gave you oh snap they're trying to team on me not on my watch all right where's the exploer you guys are distracting me and let's ban this one he's gone and look another umu joined the server yo how many of the how many how many UMO are there here let me I'm going to look up all these UMO in a second let me ban this one first y this one's chilling up here too that one's gone this one's gone bye have a great time a come back here where you at oh look at you look at you no one could run away from me ever all right he's gone he's gone yo these extra guys keep using portal to find me anytime I teleport to another exporter these guys are here how about you oh you're in the same spot as the last person are you going to fly up there as well and kind of do the whole sing thing yeah I I knew it is it going to be the same spot too a all right ban all right I kind of want to check like how many umu are there in Blox Roots see look another one just joined hold on let me investigate real quick so we look up I don't know oooo something something blah blah blah what is this the umu Army the umu family n forget the rip family look look at this yo should I go server to server and keep Banning each one of these yo there's so many by the way keep track of how many people I'm Banning and let me know how many you count at the end of the video there has to be like thousands of these guys but don't worry I'm going to get them all trust that all right this umu is not choosing a team let me go let me go find him right now I'm sorry buddy before you even get a chance you're gone we got him I found my new mission for today's video we're still going to try to find people selling services with x waights but first of all we got to we got to take care of this umu situation but before that we got to go back and check on pharmanac and see if they're truly an exploiter go pharmanac and we're joining them this is the grand reveal fanac a cheater an exploiter or all the above oh now they're here fanck what happened who did this to you it was the electric claw trainer wasn't it I'll get him how could you all right farmin I took care of things see you're not an exploiter right I swear farming a an exploiter did he stop exploiting when I first arrived I don't get it I'm 100% convinced even though Farm neck hasn't done nothing that this person is an exploit I'll be waiting here for you hey hey hey hey stop it that's farming neck you're killing I waited here like 10 minutes for you I'm going to come back at the end of the video and check on you all right and if you're not exporting you're free to go you might be the only potential exporter that might let go because you're AFK like this now we must take care of the umu ant colony starting with umu 2962 let's go yeah there they are there's actually there's like four umu in here and then probably other exploiters too let's get them there's one got him here's the other one got him oh there's another one he's not an umu but he's one of them and you're done there's two umu loading or waiting to choose the team but I'm going to still get them that's one and there's the other one next up we're going to join up U one 122 n oh crap there's three 1 2 3 four there's another four they group up in pairs of fours for their take over of the third sea that might be their plan actually there's one oh shoot oh shoot the umu are on a run not on my watch what do you think you guys are going I'm dying I'm dying to the water they know my weakness we're going to start with umu 1229 oh wait there's a boat is that what they're going towards it is what is this they summoned boats in the middle of the ocean and they stacked on top of each other here's let me get rid of you gone now this one now that one's gone yo two more just wait huh wait what oh oh no no no no okay I got scared umu hold on listen to this umu 1229 tried rejoining the server and it looked like he got in I guess his XO was trying to automatically Join This Server but didn't let him see look 254 it's not going to let him he's not going to be able to choose the team see yes they're trying to rejoin but they can't now how about this one if I ban this one will they try to rejoin join he's not even going to try to rejoin but still all right we cleared This Server of uh the umu but we got to check if there's other exploiters still that guy's good this guy is not chea and okay I thought that was a normal person but they're a hacker DDR shock I'm here to okay you're banned get get out of here now we go to the next one the next umu another day another umu is banned all right there's two in here and maybe a lot of other exploiters there's three actually okay who do I want to start with this guy oh there we go oh I teleported to the wrong one but I got that one we got this one oh there's another one who's this one who's this exploiter here oh hey hey yo the water admin comboing me the admin killer combo who Tau the exploiters to do what's going on yo who taught the exploiters how to do that what's wrong with your boat too let me ban this one cuz you almost killed me dog I'm not having it just get out of here oh my God oil Z y13 got that one one got this one a this guy's not doing nothing no you tricked me get out of here I got him how about oh I am humo ah this guy's just trying to grab a quest nothing nothing uh nothing bad right where they go what goodbye they were stuck in a Time Loop they kept going back and forth with this NPC in the spawn oh no this one uses Dragon talent and the fire fruit oh where'd he go I'm sorry you can't outrun me you're done sorry student or false student no that guy's good nope oh who wa he's F he's not good I got him I got him I'm saving your pirate raid from these exploiters and there's still two umu that haven't decided to choose a team yet we're going to ban them anyways that one's gone and now this one's gone all right we can move on to the next Bunch all right 1 2 three four it's always four of them I don't get it all right here's a bunch oh these guys are ferocious they're destroying these NPCs we're about to save cake Island from actually if they're killing bandits are we really saving cake Island these exploits are killing the bad guys but if I kill the guys or killing the bad guys am I the bad guy I don't know but I don't care I don't care I got a mission one Mission only that one's gone sayara got this one and I think that's all them let me check the rest of these people in this server shanee you're good this guy's not a hacker this guy's good this guy's not good Q Tyler you're not like the rest of them you got actual clothing on that drip doesn't save you from being banned goodbye the next server oh wow another four okay no surprise at this point you know the drill we got to get on all right banned ban this one's banned got this one nice that's all the umu hold up what was this oh it's another one all right you're banned well well well what do you think you're doing here umu 064 six you think you just lounge around while all your other comrades are getting banned from their hard work of exploiting huh you think you're better than them with your saber sword oh and your SharkMan karate you disgust me umu leave my sights this one's gone this one's gone got this one another one and this guy all right that's all them for This Server one umu two umu three umu four we still got the rest This Server which I'm pretty sure is just full of exporters yeah let me get them all why is this one called I'm not Inu anyu are you sure this isn't you what if any you secretly leveling in all with exploits should I ban them what do I do you know what let me get rid of everyone here got this one boom boom bam and the final one wow I'm not in you apparently not in you it's very export today got this one is that more joining This Server here let me actually check hey crap I think he's yep I what's going on he has to be he's kind of like doing like some kind of futuristic dance moves there all right got this one surely this last guy's not exporting right ah he's not all right cool cool thing cool beans I think it's time to move on to the next umu in store there's one another one this umu is fighting SE Beast oh and he reset y'all there's three of them here I think all right got this one got that one yo what the what one of them Yo as soon as I teleport to one of them they hit me with the freaking dragon lighter oh hell no who did that let me find out it was this umu right here oh I couldn't have been because he was all the way haunted castle so it's was a different exploiter in here huh I guess we're just got to go through all of them it's not this one not that one that one has God human this one also has God human all that's left is this guy right here uh uh I mean right here where is he he just left to get nah we're we're chasing you we're chasing you you're not escaping me there's is no way I'm allowing that oh there he goes he chose a team he chose a team but where he has 7.2 million Bounty nah we got to extinguish this guy oh he's trying to kill people that wasn't that was him oh we got to go I banned him I banned him oh that that exploiter was a menace it goes server to server just killing people all right we got rid of him though so I don't know next server oh server is full there goes this one that one another one got that one another one another one holy crap that one that just flew by this one right here boom that one and that's all them for This Server wow that was a bunch all right new server this is going to be the last one before we hop into Discord and start tracking down some of those exporters that are selling their hacker Services boom got that one got that one right there that one is this last guy an exploter or does it just really like resetting I don't know I kind of like resetting too sometimes ah there he goes and banned oh and the server rewarding us with a fruit that spawned wow thank you server let me go find it real quick wow wow thanks Indra only 500 xw banned and I got a rocket fruit no I'm kidding ah this is just going to go right Kobe now I'll be going undercover on a secret Discord alt account finding people trying to sell services using those and exploits and then we're going to try to strike a bargain with them for a free service but when they go to help me with the raid or some kind of other service they'll find an am in there ready to ban them this guy says right here scripting for fruits can Auto do king Indra DM for offer it let's DM them hey can you host a scripting service for me I need raid help and in the meantime we're going to be dming more people till we get a reply about me script user oh okay so here's another one hey you uh I gotta change the way I type too hey you a script user can you help me service I have D I can give you help with raid I'm got to speak like I got I don't even know how to talk boy service to exchange for money for robo how to get Robo I will go to your account and run the script to get pirated Robo for you yo bro what's wrong with this kid listen if you're listening to this do not exploit do not not do any kind of black marketing you will get banned scammed or hacked one of those three for sure it is not worth it I know the game is grindy but that's what makes the game more fun trust but anyways I kind of want to get this guy let me message him hey can you use exploits and help me with a raid oh wait wait wait did I see that correctly he put his username I think I only has one account and the main name is Hoy de try oh he put his username okay either this guy's a liar or he's just banned because when I look him up there's only this guy and he's been online last 4 weeks ago a month ago and he has no blocks badges either so I don't know I don't really know you know what we still dm' them hopefully he replies to us soon I use scripts to farm rage each rage takes around 3 minutes not banable okay really it's not bannable hey man I need help with raid can I get your service I have kid soon oh he just logged in all right this guy replied what help do you want what raid okay this guy's rushing me he's pinging me a bunch D raid and Phoenix for kitun I think that's worth it honestly how many raids you want five for do two for Phoenix I'm just trying to get this guy's username so I can join him I'm not really trying to really negotiate this he said okay but may I know why you need five D and two Phoenix awaken my fruit okay when do this I trade first payment first have voucher okay what's your user how to join yo yo bro this guy just sent me his whole freaking I don't know okay all right buddy I get it you people trust you and you're a legit guy supposedly but that's not what I'm here for payment first bro yes bro where do I trade you user oh you have private server what is that kind of username let's look him up oh he's online he's online all right all right all right cool cool cool cool cool yes but have only link what does that mean what what do you okay you have private server but I have only link what what are you trying to say here oh I am not the owner of the PS oh I have private server link oh okay can you send oh bro I'm going to tell you guys straight up be careful when clicking on links especially with people like this you're there's a good chance that they're trying to scam you and take stuff from your account when you click on suspicious links there's a good possibility that they could steal your stuff so in any case if there's a opportunity where you have to click on a link just say nah join me add me on Roblox enjoy me and trade with me okay so I don't want to click the link bro cuz that's dangerous I'm going to say who owns the private server they're using name I am not owner a bro you're killing me then we can do public server oh okay I'll join you you're joins are on I will join why is this guy so complicated bro you know what fine fine fine fine fine fine fine we'll go on the admin all and Adam bro oh hold on I'm going to get real rude with this guy okay yeah yeah sit down down sit down all right okay we set him our username he's going to add us and then he's just going to join us okay I guess but here's the thing we can we have admin on this account we can still kick him and ban him that's exactly what we're going to do gave you a request okay okay let's see let's see oh there he is all right we accepted him and now we're just going to join a server on Blox so he's just going to join us all right now we're just waiting for this guy to join our server oh shoot there he is Joker your friend Joker to has join the experience where's he at oh oh we got to take off our triple dark blade okay that was close that was close there he is hi okay let's trade come to manison all right okay I don't know what to do I don't know what do I do do I just ban him up straight up do I just say something before I ban him I don't know what to do where's he at um is it perm what kind of question is that oh let's just get him excited let's just get him excited he has a raging demon title that's kind of crazy okay come oh there he is there he is are you ready oh you know we're just going to go straight into it he said question mark question mark are you ready you got to tell me are you ready yes all right he's ready 3 two one ban oh shoot oh shoot we banned him oh shoot I kind of feel bad but at the same time I don't he's a dirty exploiter oh he's spam pinging me why bro what do you mean why bro where did you go you kicked how do you mean please what I did does he know I'm an admin I don't know please what did I do I will repay please unban me oh no sorry Joker but this is what exploiters get this is what happens when you exploit goodbye Joker 23 this is Joker's villain Arc for real he's going to come back and be like the ultimate ultimate admin killer never exploit again or I will find and ban you again sorry I won't cool I'm still not unbanning you though all right what's his final words we will'll leave Discord no okay you're doing too much goodbye Joker uh enjoy your ban ah that was pretty fun in case you guys want to see me do more stuff like that or just a typical exploiter Banning stuff then make sure to comment like the video so I know for sure to record more of these but before we close off the video there's still one more exploiter or possible exploiter that we need to check up on farman let's go join farman let's see are they finally exploiting or are they a normal player TP f farman I knew it you were an exploiter oh there you go look at you you're flying and you're killing NPCs see now you stopped attacking midair and as soon as I teleported to you I bet you weren't expecting me huh oh yeah yeah look at you look at you bro ah I i' never been happier to ban and exploited before don't try to fly away I'm sorry farman this is your time the end of the road for you oh all right I got them and it seems farmin was in the server with some straggler exploiters so I'm going to get them to real quick there's one all right I think that was the last one that was a bunch of exploiters all right let me know in the comments below how many total exploiters I Bann in this video and whoever gets the right number first will receive a random prize thank you guys for watching and if you want to see me do a part two of vanquishing the umu exploiter bot Army then like the video up to like I don't know 15K likes I don't know maybe I think that's possible over time all right I'll see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Uzoth
Views: 927,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, admin, dragon talon, blox fruits admin, roblox, new fruits, noob, trolling, troll, indra, blox fruits update, blox fruits troll, update 20, gamer robot, mygame43, no cursing, family friendly, blox fruit, anime, race v4, 3rd sea, 1st sea, dragon talon trainer, challenge, exploiter, cheater, sanguine art, leviathan, guide, Kitsune, New Fruit, Giveaway, Dragon, Update 22, Blox Fruits Update 22, Admin, Trolling, Troll, builderman, roblox storytime, perm fruit, epic, ban, exploit, banning
Id: GTl5sQ1VHcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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