Revelation Now: Episode 7 "The Rest of our Work" with Doug Batchelor

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he did this under careful supervision but they noted that after that period of time he was having moodiness memory lapses hallucinations and he couldn't do math problems god designed us that we need rest we're going to talk about how to find that rest in this presentation of revelation now hello friends if you've tuned in you're part of revelation now we'd like to welcome all of those joining us across the country and around the world part of this international bible prophecy seminar are we delighted to be able to study with you some of the most important and fascinating prophecies of the bible i'd like to welcome all of those who are joining us i know this has been translated in different languages i'd like to remind you that if you'd like to get a live translation into spanish just visit the revelation now spanish website or you can view this program on the af latino facebook and youtube channels we also have sign language for the deaf and that information is available at the revelation now website if you've missed any of the previous programs we will encourage you go to revelation now and you can click on the archive section and you can watch any of the previous programs i know we give a lot of bible verses as we go through these studies maybe you want to go back and review please do so it's available at revelation now we'd also like to thank our media team for helping to put this together we have a number of folks working to make this an international bible study we want to thank 3abn and 3abn latino for partnering with amazing facts in broadcasting this live as well as af tv and the many others who are translating and helping behind the scenes to make this presentation possible now as we have been doing through all of the presentations following the sermon this evening we will be taking your bible questions so if you have a bible question you can just type it in on facebook and we will try to answer as many of those questions as possible as we work our way uh through the program we want to thank those who have responded and communicated with us from around the world we got comments and questions coming in from saint kitts in the caribbean from germany from kenya from iceland from namibia from finland sweden canada and of course all over the us and so if you're in a different country watching this and we haven't mentioned your country let us know where you're watching from and we want to thank you for joining us for the study we did get a wonderful comment coming in from the country of namibia and it's from michael and this is what he says i am 10 years old and thank you for these presentations you have inspired me and my eight-year-old brother to come up with our own prophecy seminar called prophecy today so we're glad that even the young people and the children are studying and we had another testimony mwaka is watching from sudan and he says such a powerful presentation thank you pastor doug for helping me to understand these important messages and i think you can see a picture of the group there in sudan that is uh watching our program so if you have a group meeting and you'd like to send us a picture of your group you can upload that at the revelation now website just click on the contact us link and you'll get your instructions there tonight our topic is entitled the rest of our work and we do have a lesson that goes along with the presentation it's got the same name it's the rest of our work it's supplemental material and so after the presentation we want to encourage you to read through this you can fill in the answers look up the bible verses this is available for free download at the revelation now website we also have just a fantastic free offer that we'd like to make available we don't always offer this magazine it's one of our premier gifts but we'd like to make this available to anyone that would like to get it you just need to text the word life to the number 40544 that's if you're in north america and you'll be able to get a digital copy of this great magazine called the rest of your life or if you're outside of north america just go to the website and you can actually download the magazine you can read it you might even be able to share it with a friend so take a look at that well at this time i'd like to invite pastor doug to come forward as we prepare for tonight's very important presentation pasadena we've got a number of uh deep prophetic truths that we're going to be launching into this coming week actually tomorrow morning we have a special presentation it's going to be at 11 a.m pacific time and for those who are joining us you might have to calculate the time for where you are but it's going to be a live broadcast where we're going to get to know pastor doug a little bit better so you'll be sharing your experience of how the lord has worked in your life so that's going to be at 11 a.m tomorrow morning that's saturday morning the 31st of october and then we have another very important presentation that will be taking place saturday evening yes seven o'clock pacific time and you don't want to miss that matter of fact uh it's going to be october 31 and the subject is called bewitching spirits so that's just the way it lined up but how appropriate that's right well before we get to our study let's start with prayer dear father we thank you that we're able to open up your word and study these very important timely biblical truths and lord we ask for your spirit we know the bible is your book and we want the holy spirit to guide us be with those who are listening and watching all over the world in jesus name amen amen thank you pastor ross and once again we'll be joining with pastor ross again immediately after this presentation we'll have i think a two-minute break taking your bible questions so if you have any bible questions on tonight's subject you can send them in via facebook at the facebook pages where we're broadcasting right now i think you can also go to the revelation website and there's a way to do that there well our study today is titled the rest of our work and this is really a prophecy subject now when we first get into it you might wonder what is the angle on this what are we going to be talking about i want you to go to revelation chapter 14 verse 7 and notice this it says fear god these angels are pictured flying in the midst of heaven and they declare fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship him who made worship the creator the heavens and the earth and the sea and the springs of water by the way that is an excerpt from the fourth commandment says to god's people to worship the creator we're living in a world where a lot of people do not believe in the creator anymore they believe in evolution same chapter then it singles out the people who are worshiping the beast in his image you look in revelation 14 verse 11 and it says they those who worship the beast and receive his mark they have no rest day or night who worship who receives his mark of his name and so you've got this contrast between one group that is worshiping god and they're worshiping the creator the other group it says has no rest those who worship the beast in his image and whoever receives the mark of his name now to understand how important this subject is of worship and rest we're going to go back to the old testament and go to the book of exodus most of you know the story of the exodus it's uh dates back to the time they believe that ramses ii was probably the pharaoh who was ruling in egypt at the time of moses children of israel had been enslaved by the egyptians and the egyptians were treating them very cruelly they had task masters over them that were working them well moses who was born as a slave but he was adopted into pharaoh's house miraculously he tried to deliver his people on his own when he saw one of the egyptian task masters beating a servant moses rose up and he killed the egyptian task master and then when it was known he fled into the wilderness and he figured that well he wouldn't be the one god would use to deliver his people but 40 years later god appears to moses at the burning bush he said i've chosen you i want you to go back and bring my people back to this mountain to worship me here that was mount sinai mount horeb where god gave them the ten commandments so moses goes back to egypt but before he goes to the pharaoh and tells him to let my people go he first meets with the elders of israel notice what it says here and moses and aaron his brother they went and they gathered together the elders of the children of israel now at this meeting something very important happened he said to him god has spoken to me and he's going to deliver you from your slavery you need to humble yourselves before god and return to him he highlighted that they had been adopting the customs and the idolatry of egypt that they had been neglecting to worship the true god and among the things we believe that moses said to them in that meeting was we need to continue resting you guys are working seven days a week one reason we believe that is look what happens next when moses then goes to the pharaoh and says let my people go and the pharaoh doesn't want to let them go afterward moses and aaron went in and told the pharaoh thus says the lord god of israel let my people go and the pharaoh said behold the people of the land are now many and you make them rest that word their rest is the word shabbat you are making them keep sabbath they're not giving me as much work i don't want them to rest i want them to work work work you're making them rest from their burdens thus say a pharaoh i will not give you straw to make the bricks go ye get your straw where you can find it go there for now and work for there shall no straw be given you now the story of the exodus is the story of salvation you've got a nation that are in bondage they're in slavery and uh the pharaoh was like the devil and he's making them work they're they're laboring they're heavy laden you know jesus said come to me and i'll give you rest the pharaoh says i don't want you to rest i want you to work work work work yourself to death so you don't think about the purpose of life and so you've got this contrast that you even see going from the book of exodus all the way into the book of revelation between worshiping the beast in his image and worshiping the creator go therefore continue with that that level of work well god said i'm going to bring my people out that they might worship me plague after plague went to pharaoh saying let them go let them go there was the darkness and there was the lice and there was the blood in the waters and and the hail and the fire and the then eventually there was the passover that was the last of the plagues they sacrificed the lamb and then they began their journey out of egypt and of course moses brought them to mount sinai don't forget the lamb comes before the law nobody is saved by the law we are saved by the lamb so he led them through the red sea and after he let him through the red sea before they get to mount sinai they run short on bread and god says don't worry i'll feed you with bread from heaven he said six days a week i'm gonna rain down this bread for you but you're not getting any on the seventh day on the sixth day gather twice as much he said eat that today for it is a sabbath to the lord today you'll find none in the field so god performed this miracle for 40 years where he reigned bread down from heaven for six days but there would be none on the seventh and it was meant to be a time of rest now this is even before they get to mount sinai so this law predates even the ten commandments because when some of the people went out to try to gather bread god said to moses how long will they refuse to keep my commandments and that's the next to the 16 you don't find the 10 commandments until you get to exodus 20. so with this little backdrop let me just tell your friends what we're going to talk about in the last days you've got a battle over worship one group is going to worship god receive the seal of god and another group is going to worship the beast in his image and they have no rest you can see that in the book of daniel the king made a law in daniel chapter 3 everybody's got to bow down and worship this image but those three faithful hebrews said we're not going to bow and worship the golden image because the ten commandments say do not make idols and pray to them so they were tested it was a government law but they refused to bow down they were threatened with death but god delivered them then you get to daniel chapter six now it's the persian government instead of the babylonian makes the law don't pray to anybody but to the king darius for 30 days are you going to die well daniel said i can't do that because that breaks the first commandment in the last days the devil's going to do the same thing there's going to be a law that is going to compel people first they'll be told you can't buy or sell and it's going to compel them to worship contrary to god's word or they won't be able to buy or sell ultimately they'll be killed so we need to know what these issues are so we're not deceived in the last days keep in mind daniel chapter 7 verse 25 says that the beast's power thinks to change times and laws now friends put on your seat belt because you're going to learn some things tonight that i think are going to surprise you but i pray you'll come with an open mind and an open heart and an open bible we're going to go out to our man on the street and find out what people have to say about the sabbath day and that'll be our study tonight i think a day a rest is absolutely necessary as long as you make the most of it i think everybody needs rest every now and then it doesn't necessarily have to be a single day i guess i think people need like three days of rest per week i do think people need a day of rest two actually i i personally need like five days of rest per week uh it's a tough life the people need a day of rest every week because it helps recuperate the body we're not really meant to just keep going 24 7. i think having a good day of rest for you know just any sort of lifestyle is important you know if you can't just work yourself every day um saturday i believe uh sunday night sure the biblical sabbath is on it's sunday i think the biblical side of this on sunday could be saturday sunday some people it's monday so i i don't know probably around easter right lent april-ish the day of the sabbath is sunday it would be wednesday on a sunday it's saturday some people say it's saturday some people say it's sunday i say it's whatever day you want to make it from sunset on friday or something until like sun sundown on saturday starts friday night through saturday night up until saturday evening i believe all right well there you've got the little feedback from some of our people out in the various cities across the country dealing with the subject of sa of the sabbath now stay tuned friends you're going to find out this has very much to do with prophecy and the last days but as is our custom we're going to go into this study using the question answer format so our first question helps me remember all the different points question number one did god make the sabbath rest only for israelites what does the bible say you can read in mark chapter 2 jesus said and he said unto them the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath see god made man on the sixth day but then he made the sabbath on the seventh day he made another day for man to be blessed in that time period now the word that jesus uses here man that's the word anthropon or anthropos and it means mankind man is not how you spell jew a lot of people think the sabbath is just for the jews that's really absurd it's not only jews that need rest in the sabbath commandment god said it's not only for a person it's for the people in their household and even their animals everybody needs rest that's part of god's design part of his divine design for us and it even says in isaiah 56 6 also the sons of the stranger meaning non-jews that join themselves to the lord to serve him and to love the name of the lord to be his servants everyone that keeps the sabbath from polluting it and takes hold of my covenant even them i'll bring to my holy mountain and make them what's that word here in the studio joyful in my house of prayer this is to be a blessing it's to be a joy and he said to everybody you know he said that it was to be the stranger within your gates the servants in your home even your animals it was made from mankind now the reason this is so important is because very simply god is love the way that you develop a love relationship is with time after god made man he then said i'm gonna make a specific day he made the world six days why is it we have seven days in a week he was finished after six days why don't we go one two three four five six one two three four five six why is there another day because god says now i want a day where we can enjoy our existence our creation together because all love relationships take place in the context of time show me a couple that's having relationship problems and i'll often show you that they're having time problems they're lacking in quality time every now and then mrs batchelor reminds me we're not spending enough time together one of the benefits of the covid is that we've got to spend more time together because i'm not traveling quite as much sometimes we'll say we're not spending any time together i say i'm home all day she'll say but you were in the office i'll say but i texted you how many of you have texted your spouse while you're in the same house you don't have to raise your hands so we we're living in a culture that is the most stressed culture in the world i understand that the five leading causes of death in humanity are stress related things like heart disease diabetes cancer high blood pressure they're all related to stress most of the i think it's also true that the top five medications that are sold whether it's sleep aids or antacids or antidepressants are all related to stress stress is killing society and if people would rediscover what god originally designed for man they'd find a blessing that would really lengthen their life and the quality of their life as well as the quantity now when did god establish the sabbath this the sabbath something that just came for the jews in exodus chapter 20 and did it pass away with the coming of jesus let's find out what the bible says back in genesis when god made the world and keep in mind who made adam and eve the gospel of john tells us in the first chapter all things that were made were made by him speaking of christ he is the word and jesus when he made man in his own image he then made a day and the bible says the lord would come walking in the cool of the day to spend time with man but after sin they ran from god and there's been this separation so it was part of this perfect plan right there in genesis chapter two second chapter in the bible thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them and god blessed the seventh day and he sanctified it so it's right back there in the beginning because in it he had rested from all his work which god created and made and keep in mind god didn't rest because he was all exhausted the bible says god neither slumbers or sleeps he's never tired the bible tells us that god really was resting because he was reveling in the enjoyment it's like he got done with something he stood back and he folded his arms and said everything is good good very good and he was enjoying the creation god likes to make life so question three now we're going to repeat that verse that we just looked at in genesis chapter 2. i want to highlight something that has to do with revelation what day of the week is the sabbath according to the bible and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and god blessed the seventh day and he sang to fight it so here we are in the very beginning first book of the bible and you find the number seven mentioned three times when god says something three times it's very important it's like when the angels go holy holy holy speaking of god and so when it says the seventh day the seventh day the seventh day then you go to revelation that tells us about the mark of the beast the number of a man it's 666 it's interesting man was made on the sixth day so the contrast you find between genesis and revelation is a contrast between man-made religion and god made religion the worship of man and the worship of god and you're seeing that uh there's a a big gap between the two of genesis and revelation so how has god demonstrated the importance of his holy sabbath well he did several things here you notice it tells us if you look in exodus 20 matter of fact if you have your bibles we might just go here and i'll read this right out of the blessed book you go to exodus 20 it's the first place you find all the ten commandments you'll also find them mentioned in complete form in deuteronomy 5 then you find them itemized many times throughout the bible new and old testament and i ought to mention right here some people say well we're only supposed to keep the commandments that are repeated in the new testament and so we don't need to keep the sabbath that's a myth i've often heard the sabbath is repeated in the new testament there is one commandment that is not repeated in the new testament it's the commandment that says do not take the name of the lord in vain but i hope there's no one watching that believes it's okay to take god's name in vain and it does say in the lord's prayer hallowed be thy name so the principle is certainly there but yes you do find the sabbath commandment in the new testament so you find the commandments many times through the bible but most complete form is going to be here when god spoke them and that he wrote them with his law his finger and you can look in exodus 20 and this begins with verse 8. remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days you should labor and do all of your work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord notice it doesn't say sabbath of the jews sabbath of the lord your god in it you shall not do any work you or your son or your daughter or your male servant or your female servant nor your cattle nor your stranger who is within your gates four in six days the lord made the heaven and the earth the sea and all that is in them that's a quote that we just read from revelation 14 worship him who made the heaven the sea and the earth in revelation that is an excerpt from the fourth commandment about the sabbath calling people back to worship the creator just before jesus comes in the same chapter that's chapter 14. for in six days the lord made the heaven the sea the earth and all that is in them and he rested the seventh day therefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and he howled it you know that he did something different obviously it says that the lord he blesses the day he rested on that day he sanctifies the seventh day god does something unique with that day we cannot choose to pick another day when god says i have picked the day you know if you went to a man who had seven daughters and you said i'd like to marry your daughter and he said really which one so it doesn't matter one of them he'd say get out of here so when god says look i have a particular day that i have done something very unique with i've hallowed this day i rested this day as my example for you to follow my example and i bless this day because i want you to be blessed and you say well thank you god but i'm going to be my own god i'm going to pick my own way my own day of doing things that's not what you call obedience that's called man-made religion and so people have gotten away from doing what god said and also when he said it now you might think pastor doug you're making a big deal out of a little thing you know why the whole world is in big trouble today because of a piece of fruit think about it the whole world is struggling with sin and misery because god said don't eat that fruit i mean would you ever do that to your kid if they could grab a piece of fruit off the table all the world's going to end now because that fruit but it must have been very important does god care about little things jesus said he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much listen to what christ said in matthew 5 19. first of all he says do not think i've come to destroy the law or the prophets i did not come to destroy but fulfill whosoever therefore shall break one of the least of these commandments and teachmen so he will be called least in the kingdom of heaven but whoever shall do and teach them now you might wonder pastor doug why are you talking about this well we talked about idolatry because it's one of the commandments and people are going to be worshiping the image of the beast in the last days we need to know what the bible says about idolatry we're talking about the sabbath because it's one of the ten commandments the longest of the ten commandments in the middle of the law and most of the world is neglecting it and they're not being blessed because of it we want you to be blessed notice jesus said whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments so you can go through the 10 and say whichever one you think is the least christ said that person will be called the least by those in heaven doesn't mean they're in heaven it means the people in heaven refer to that person as the lowest kind of person if you are breaking or teaching other people by your word an example to break one of god's commandments that's bad news sin is the transgression of the law jesus died to save us from our sins so he wants us to be do it and he says blessed are those who do and teach it so i you know i want god to bless me that's why i'm doing it and teaching it same will be called great in the kingdom of heaven those who do and teach it of what two precious things does god say that the sabbath is a sign so if we look here in exodus 31 verse 17 he said it is a sign between me and the children of israel forever for in six days the lord made the heaven and the earth it is a sign that god is the creator and that reminds us that he can recreate us because being saved the bible says you're a new creation you're born again old things are passed away all things are made new the sabbath reminds us that god recreates us and we need to be recreated in his image what else is it a sign of and it says here that i gave them this is ezekiel 20 verse 12. i gave them my sabbaths to be a sign between me and them that they might know that i am the lord that does sanctify them now that's telling us that he's a god that makes us holy so we need god to still sanctify us and by the way he said it's a sign you know you get to revelation it says that god has a special sign seal that he gives his people bind up the testimony seal the law among my disciples in isaiah chapter 8 seal the law there's something in our hearts that makes that difference now a christian is ultimately a follower of jesus and we've told you the revelation is the revelation of jesus let's look at the example and the teachings of jesus on this subject what day did jesus keep holy he came to nazareth where he'd been brought up and as his custom was custom isn't something you do once or twice ongoing behavior he went into the sabbath into the synagogue on the sabbath day and he stood up for to read jesus pattern his custom his behavior all through his life he would go to the synagogue that was the gathering where they would worship god on the sabbath day and he would read the scriptures and it was a common practice for him and this is a good example for us god has a day for us to rest from our regular work now when we talk about wrestling that doesn't mean that you stay in bed all day that wasn't god's intention i know some people like to interpret it that way they say oh yeah i have no problem all day sabbath the hell of rest it's a day to worship god you can read in leviticus chapter 23 says i'm calling the sabbath a holy convocation that word convocation means assembly you convene you come together he wants his people to come together and to worship him bible tells us in the new testament in hebrews chapter 10 do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together and the principal time that god's people in the old and new testament would come together they could do it any day of the week but the principle time was the sabbath they would come together because it was that holy day of rest it's okay to heal jesus healed people on the sabbath day he said it's better to do good on the sabbath day you never find jesus in the carpenter shop on the sabbath day because that would be your typical common work and you're not supposed to do that work god said very plainly now we know what jesus did what about paul what was his custom regarding the sabbath acts 18 verse 4 and paul as his custom was he went into them and three sabbath days he reasoned with them out of the scriptures he's talking of course in the synagogue they're going to say well that makes sense he's talking to the jews and he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath day he persuaded jews and greeks notice it's not just the jews he's also persuading the gentiles non-jews such as the greeks did the apostles also meet with the gentiles on the sabbath yes acts 13 42 and when the jews were gone out of the synagogue the gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath day so you see all through the bible the apostles continued to preach that worship on the sabbath day you can read where it says on the sabbath day we went out to a river where prayer was want to be made and the book of acts is written by a gentile luke and he never says the old jewish sabbath all through the life and example of jesus matter of fact there's a lot of contention during the life of jesus with the religious leaders about the sabbath the contention never had to do with should we keep the sabbath the contention was always regarding how should we keep the sabbath and so but jesus always he said i have kept my father's commandments and i abide in his love so this is the example of christ did jesus intend for his people to keep the sabbath after he died you can tell them that you can tell when jesus is talking about the end of the world in matthew chapter 24 he specifically said that they should pray that their flight it's not talking about a flight on united or delta it's talking about fleeing for your life that it would not be in the winter neither on the sabbath day because winter time there would not be any food in the fields you could forage and the sabbath they certainly wouldn't be in keeping with resting if you've got to run for your life so he said we even should pray ahead of time for that that we don't have to flee so looking down in time jesus always said it would be part of god's plan now going back to revelation i want to remind you this is where we started then i saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth what did jesus say about that matthew 24 verse 14 the gospel of this kingdom will be preached in all the world to witness unto all nations then the end will come then the end shall come doesn't say it might or could it will come here we have pictured these angels flying in heaven in fact you know i i think about right now as we're speaking that this signal is going from here via internet to at least a couple of different satellites going up to the sky 23 000 miles above the earth there are many satellites that are circling in what you call geocentric orbit they are in a stationary place there are these angels and they've got these big wings of solar panels that give them power and they are bouncing the message off their satellites and it's going all around the world a lot of the internet traffic is uh not going by direct line it's bouncing off the satellites i don't want to make too much out of that i'm at these angels or satellites but i just think it's interesting so the gospel is going to the whole world this is telling us these angels with a loud voice in the heavens heavens are a place of visibility where something is going part of this message is what fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship him who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and the springs of water that is an excerpt from the sabbath commandment the heaven and the earth and the sea and the fountains of water so this is part of the message that is going to the world bringing people back to the bible now i've got to pause here breathe doug i get excited and i forget how i felt when i first learned these things i was shocked i mean you think i would know better because i grew up with a jewish background but when i read the bible and i'll tell you my story tomorrow morning if you're able to join us i read the bible and i accepted jesus and i started going to church and i went on sunday because that's when all the christians went to church and i thought well i started reading the bible it says the seventh day and then i looked at the calendar seventh day saturday and i'm going well how can that be and i went to several pastors and said why are we going on sunday and uh it seemed like every pastor gave me a different answer and one pastor he said well doug the reason that we go on sunday is because uh the first day of the week was the day of the resurrection i said yeah but jesus said keep the seventh day i said do we have a commandment he said no but we've got a long-standing tradition and i went to another pastor and he said don't worry about the sabbath doug we're not under the law now we're under grace we don't need to worry about the ten commandments i said can we break the other nine no i was doing a seminar like this with a live audience had hundreds of people there and uh i presented this subject and there was another pastor there and he interrupted it was a smaller community so i think he felt that liberty he raised his hand he said brother doug you're putting these people under the bondage of the law i said pardon me he said you're telling them they've got to keep the sabbath commandment and that's putting them under the bondage of the law and i said wait a second you're telling them not to keep the sabbath you're telling them to work i'm telling them to keep it i'm telling them to rest you're putting them under works and he said i asked him a question i said do you think we need to keep the ten commandments he said no and some of his members were they went and he said yes then he thought well that would mean you know it's kind of a package deal and he said nine of them and so i said you're telling me then the one commandment we're supposed to forget is the only commandment that begins with the word remember that doesn't make sense but i remember how shocked i was when i heard these things for the first time i thought how could so many people be wrong how could so many religious leaders be missing this and i want to emphasize right here there are going to be a lot of people in heaven that didn't know this i not i'm not questioning people's relationship with the lord i think the greater part of the christian world maybe doesn't understand this truth but it's in the bible and god is calling us back to his word in the last days and so you know i just want to make that clear and i hope i'm being gracious i get so excited about it that sometimes i think i may blow people away as i'm sharing this subject but you know the reason i don't apologize is because it's one of god's commandments and so how could you feel like you're apologizing for sharing the ten commandments if people want to know what the bible says i mean sin is the breaking of god's law all right with that disclaimer does the bible teach that god's end time people would also be keeping his seventh-day sabbath yes the dragon was wroth with the woman that woman is god's church and he goes to make war there he got your battle of armageddon with the remnant that means remainder of her seed which the seed means to her descendants her children that keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus christ the dragon is especially angry with those that keep the commandments of god friends if you're ever in doubt about what to do do what makes the devil mad and you're doing the right thing i know in the judgment day i will have no problem standing before the lord and god is not going to say doug why did you keep that commandment i'll say well god you spoke it with your voice you wrote it with your finger and uh you know you wrote it in stone to indicate its unchanging nature i mean if there's anything that god could do that would emphasize this is forever i would think that would be it and so i'm very confident that a christian should not apologize for believing in all ten commandments it's not called the ten recommendations and god is not giving us optional choice this is his law this is his will and you will be blessed if you obey the devil all through these examples in prophecy tries to get god's people to sin against god because he separates them from god by their sins through coming to jesus we are reconciled to god through his forgiveness that's called justification but then he wants us to obey him and that's what sanctification is here is the patience of the saints this is revelation 14 12. it contrasts one group that has the seal of god that worships god the other group has the mark of the beast and then it says here is the patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandments of god and everybody keeps some of the commandments some of the time i before i was a christian i was in jail a few times not just visiting and everybody i ever met in jail keeps some of the commandments some of the time at least when they're sleeping right so is god looking for people that keep some of them deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 29 god says oh that there was such a heart in them think of that verse it begins with the word oh that there was such a heart in them that they would fear me and keep all of my commandments always that it might be well with them and their children god wants us to keep it that it's well with us because he loves us whenever you tell your children to obey you have their interest in mind we're missing a blessing god didn't curse the day he blessed today and we're missing that blessed are those who do his commandments there you have it that they might have a right to the tree of life and enter in through the gates of the city so this is an important issue with god question 11 will all of the saved be keeping the sabbath in heaven yes isaiah 66 22 and 23 for as the new heavens and the new earth that i will make shall remain before me says the lord so shall your seed and your name remain and it will come to pass that from one new moon to another and from one sabbath to another shall all flesh does it say all jews all flesh means all people whole creation gather to worship before me there's another example of it was a day to gather together to worship a holy convocation we could even keep it in heaven think of this we just showed you it was there in the garden of eden with adam and eve we know that in the old testament moses is part of the commandments we see jesus and the apostles are keeping the sabbath day through the new testament matter of fact the vision of revelation is given to john says i win the in the spirit on the lord's day what is that i think we have a question coming on that it makes sense then will we we're going to keep it in heaven right so the big question is should we be keeping it now i would think so friends can we be certain that the present day seventh day of the week saturday is the same sabbath day that jesus kept holy there's no question about that you can look in the bible in luke 23 54 through luke 24 verse 1 and that day the crucifixion day was the preparation the sixth day of the week was the day they would prepare for the sabbath and the sabbath drew on sun was getting ready to go down and they returned and they prepared spices and ointments to embalm his body and they rested the sabbath day according to the commandment this would have been a good place for luke to say they rested the sabbath day according to the jewish custom but he says the commandment very clear of god and he was a gentile and on the first day of the week they came to the sepulcher and praise god jesus had risen the tomb was empty now why did they come sunday morning because they loved the lord so much they would not even finish their labor of love embalming his body because the sun was going down friday afternoon they knew the sabbath was coming they knew that would displease jesus can you imagine that jesus never gave the disciples the idea that the sabbath was not important to him because he impressed them that it was so important to him they would not even finish that labor of love embalming his body until after the sabbath was passed so they never got that idea from jesus that it didn't matter and the angel said that he's risen so the preparation day was friday many call that good friday the sabbath was the day in between saturday and then you've got sunday have you ever considered friends that jesus he laid down his life for us friday afternoon he went to sleep he rested in the tomb on the sabbath he even kept the sabbath in his death he rose sunday morning to continue his work for us as our intercessor the high priest in heaven who lives to make intercession for us he even kept the sabbath in his death if you look in a dictionary saturday seventh day of the week seventh day saturday it's in the encyclopedia in over a hundred and five languages of the world more than that the word for the seventh day of the week is sabbath day i suspect some of you here in our studio audience speak some spanish it is saturday sabado any russians here subuta and you can go through 105 languages why is that because all the people of the world sprang from a common culture where they all had a seven day week why is it that here we are in a world now it makes sense that the reason that we've got a day with 24 hours is it takes 24 hours for the earth to revolve one time on its axis it makes sense that most of the countries and and civilizations of the world even the ancient ones they had a month with about 27 days because that's the lunar cycle it makes sense that most of the civilizations had a year with about 360 to 365 days because that's how long it takes the earth to make one circuit around the sun so there are heavenly bodies that dictate these things but tell me what in the sun moon or stars gives the world a seven day week in the bible in six days god made the world and he rested the seventh day the whole world has our time governed by this and some civilizations have tried to change it and it failed miserably there now some are going to say pastor doug we don't really know what day the sabbath is because they changed the calendar well it's true that they have changed the calendar a couple of times but there's been no change in the calendar that has affected the weekly cycle someone wrote a letter to the u.s naval observatory asking if there was any change in the calendar that affected the weekly cycle they responded back there is no change in the continuity of the weekly cycle since long before the christian era and was there a change in the calendar yes uh i believe it was pope gregory he went from the julian calendar named after julius caesar to the gregorian calendar and in october 1582 added 10 days and you went from october 5 thursday to friday october 15. did the calendar change yes did the week change no people get confused because the calendar and the week are on the same piece of paper they think that one affects the other they're two completely separate independent cycles of time that's why your birthday's on a different day of the week each year because they operate separately one is a date one is a day does god allow anyone to change his holy day proverbs 30 verse 5 and 6 every word of god is pure add thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar it says that the the beast's power would think to change times and laws so when you look at the law of god which one of the ten commandments is a time and a law there's only one now friends the purpose of the plan of salvation is god is holy heaven is holy he's calling us to be holy the bible says be holy even as i am holy he blessed the sabbath day and he made it holy now think about this for a moment there's a place on the globe that's called the holy land what place are we thinking of israel if you've not been there it's a wonderful wonderful trip inspiring and in the holy land they've got a place called the holy city and where is that jerusalem anywhere in the world you say what's the holy city i can say jerusalem and in the holy city they've got the holy mount mount moriah mount zion same mountain and on the holy mount they had the holy temple and in the holy temple they had the holy place beyond the holy place they had the holy of holies and in the holy of holies this is what gave everything its holiness was the holy law the word of god written with his own finger on stone and in that holy law you find the word holy one time actually two times but they're both in the sabbath commandment one that says holy that one says hallowed so the place where you find the word holy is in the middle of the law in the longest of the commandments and the only commandment that begins with the word remember and the commandment much of the christian world is forgetting and we are missing a blessing and working ourselves to death it's like the devil the pharaoh trying to kill us off by making bricks without straw god wants his people to rediscover the blessings of the sabbath now i know when you hear this you're thinking oh pastor doug you know my job i got to work seven days a week you first make up your mind and say is this true and if it's true will god ever ask you to do something without helping you do it god he'll help you do what he wants you to do you just lay it before him and say lord i'm yours how do i do this and he'll guide you he'll move mountains and he'll part oceans but if you make up your mind you want to follow the lord he will bless you for taking a stand and keep in mind i've had some people say pastor that i can't keep the sabbath i'd lose my job you know shadrach meshach and abednego would not bow down to the golden image and they were at risk of not only losing their jobs they're going to lose their health insurance they were going to lose their lives but they decided the commandments of god are more important than the commandments of man and so god you know jesus said you've got to seek first god's kingdom and his righteousness god deserves the priority in our lives the devil wants to change times and laws you read in hebrews 4 verse 9 it says there remains therefore a rest for the people of god and that word rest there is sabatismos this is the new testament you can find the sabbath being kept by god's people all the way through the new testament you know one reason i know that it was not changed and man cannot change god's law is because the sabbath was such a big part of the nation of israel every week that for god to change that without there being an enormous advertisement in the new testament is really absurd it's like a self-evident truth for example i'm talking to a group here in sacramento area northern california if i were to tell you did you know that the government just changed the law yesterday you may not have noticed you know things happen when you're not looking especially these days and they decided we're going to now follow england with our driving patterns we're going to switch and drive on the other side of the road how many of you believe me you don't believe me because you say if the government was going to change that they would advertise that really thoroughly because it would be it'd be chaos and a lot of people would die if they didn't know that law had been changed if god was going to change one of the ten commandments you'd see it discussed all through the new testament you know what you see the arguments about the arguments are about things like circumcision and and some of the ceremonial laws they were just shocked that the new testament christians were not required to follow those things when does the sabbath begin and end according to the bible from even unto even shall you celebrate your sabbath the days for god's people do not begin and end uh you know like midnight i think we've got daylight savings time in two days saturday night it's usually they do it in a sunday two in the morning but saturday night two in the morning that's depends on your perspective god doesn't keep time that way sundown was the end of a day biblically the bible says that uh at even when the sun did set and then they brought the sick to jesus because they thought he didn't want to heal him on the sabbath he would have healed him on the sabbath anyway but they knew that it ended and began at sundown and there's no question about what day that is it's still saturday the seventh day of the week someone might be thinking well pastor doug how do we know that there's not been a change well not only has the calendar not changed not only do we know that it's interesting the people never have a problem with the days of the week they never have problem knowing what day is sunday until they learn the sabbath truth and they say we really don't know what the days are they always you know celebrate easter sunday they said there's no question about what the day is but when they learn the sabbath truth they get real fuzzy about what the days are you might convince me that there was a jewish man or even a family that got shipwrecked on a deserted island lost track of time and didn't know what the day was but the idea that the whole nation would forget their holy day all at the same time is very unlikely the jews still know when the sabbath is it's the same day that all the christians kept up until about 250 years after christ the muslims know what day friday is and everybody that celebrates easter on sunday they know what day the first day is there's no question about that what day is the lord's day in revelation 1 10. the vision of revelation was given to john he would not work the romans had him imprisoned on the isle of patmos and history tells us they had some minds on patents where they would make the slaves work john would not work on the minds sabbath day he probably had the vision on the lord's day what day is the lord's day let's let the bible tell us what day the lord is but the seventh day exodus 20 10 is the sabbath of the lord that's the lord's day isaiah 58 13 if you turn away your foot from the sabbath day from doing your pleasure on my holy day god is so clear the sabbath is his holy day therefore the son of man is lord also of the sabbath day indeed i challenge you send in a question anybody if you can send pastor doug one example in the bible where god commands us to keep the first day holy i'll read it to everybody but i'm not waiting for your email because there is no commandment i know that this has come to us from tradition again i know there are spirit-filled god-loving christians out there that maybe didn't know this before but this is an important truth i think he wants us to all know and i don't have enough time to cover everything i want to cover so there's a website i want you to jot down a lot more information to answer your questions it says discover the sabbath truth it's called you might just make a note of that somewhere if you've got questions about this it answers just about every question you could possibly think of and it's very thorough great website and go there question number 16 what blessing is promised by the sabbath commandment jesus said come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest jesus wants us to have that peace and that rest he says if they will enter into my rest and then finally my presence will go with you and i will give you rest the lord promises that he will be with us in this journey you know when the children of israel went out of egypt god went with them in that pillar of fire and when we come to christ he says my burden is easy i want to give you rest for your souls part of the sabbath is when you surrender yourself to the lord he gives you a peace in your heart and then as you make up your mind say lord now i'm not going to live a life of sin i repent of my sins i want to now obey you jesus said if you know these things happy are ye if you do them it's not everyone that says lord lord that will enter the kingdom of heaven but they that do the will of my father in heaven i don't think it's an accident that you're listening to this right now friends i'm teaching you from the word of god and i hope that you will not look around you you probably think well how could so many religious leaders out there be wrong that is the very same thing that they said to the apostles they said how could all the priests be wrong if jesus is the messiah the priests will announce it well friends moses said do not follow a multitude to do the wrong thing to do evil and so you follow what the bible says and you will never be sorry amen you know before we close out this presentation with prayer don't go away we'll have questions in just a moment i want to give you an opportunity to respond to what we talked about if you're in a group or a church group they've got some decision cards for you because we want to know how to pray for you and those of you who are watching on television or satellite when we go to the break in just a moment you can go to the website there'll be a card there for you to fill out and the questions on the card basically are talking about what we heard tonight if it makes sense best time to take a stand for the truth is when you hear it and the holy spirit is working in your heart i want to ask you just four simple questions first of all do you desire to have god's law written on your heart that you might have the seal of god in the last days just check that and you can put your name phone number on the card for your group second question i choose to keep the seventh-day sabbath and to worship my creator you want that blessing you see lord that's the right thing i want to do that third question i choose to be among the saints who love jesus and keep his commandments if you want to be in that group in the last days mark that box and the fourth question says i still have questions about this subject but i may be like a pastor a group leader someone to visit you pray with you and ask those questions i want to pray with you now before we go to our break that god will give you wisdom to encourage to follow his word and receive that rest father in heaven we just want to thank and praise you for now your presence in this presentation we see we are living in the last days and you're calling your people back to the word of god back to the truth to build on that rock of your word i pray you'll bless each person here that they might have the wisdom and the courage and the faith to follow jesus and just bless them now lord i pray that you'll help them sense your presence and your spirit will speak to them and magnify your voice and your love in christ's name i pray amen don't go away friends coming back in about two minutes answering your bible questions in six days god created the heavens and the earth for thousands of years man has worshipped god on the seventh day of the week now each week millions of people worship on the first day what happened why did god create a day of rest does it really matter what day we worship who is behind this great shift discover the truth behind god's law and how it was changed visit throughout recorded history tales of ghosts and spirits can be found in folklore in nearly every country and culture egyptians build pyramids to help guide the spirits of their leaders rome sanctioned holidays to honor and appease the spirits of their dead even the bible tells of a king that used a witch to contact the spirit of a deceased prophet today ancient folklore of spirits and apparitions have gone from mere superstitions to mainstream entertainment and reality scientific organizations investigate stories of huntings and sightings trying to prove once and for all the existence of ghosts even with all the newfound technology and centuries of stories all over the world there is still no clear-cut answer so how do we know what's true why do these stories persist does it even matter we invite you to look inside and find out for yourself visit hello friends we want to welcome you back to revelation now and we're going to be taking your bible questions so we want to thank all of those who have sent in your bible questions uh it doesn't just have to be on tonight's topic it could be on any question that you have related to the bible and we'll try and answer as many of those as we can pastor doug we do have some questions that's already come in and maybe we'll start with those so we'll have our studio put up that question it says hasn't time been lost and the days of the week changed since the time of christ and it's talking about the sabbath how do we know the sabbath is on saturday that's a good question the you know it's easier for us from the time of christ to show that time hasn't been lost once you get back you know uh 4000 bc or 3000 bc then you start having some little gaps in time it's a little harder to track the ancient history but with the the thorough chronicling of history from the romans in the greeks and other civilizations that overlapped were fairly certain about the time from 2000 years ago to the present day and so yeah there's been no time lost when it comes to the weekly cycle so we know that what was the seventh day for them back in bible times is believe it or not still the seventh day of the week now and even church history they comment on keeping the sabbath through the early church history and they comment on how things begin to change through tradition and of course you've got the whole jewish nation they observe the seventh day of the week the sabbath that hasn't changed for 2000 years right and of course they keep the sabbath on saturday seventh day of the week so there's even you know there's ways to check uh prominent dates in history with astronomy astronomy is a very dependable precise clock and they can uh they can go back retroactively and just look at prominent dates and certain days of the week and see yeah it's still matching up okay very good our next question that we have is uh is in acts chapter 20 verse 7 through 12 proof that the disciples kept sunday as a holy day so that verse is acts chapter 20. yes let's look at that together and this is a story of it's a miracle that happened in the bible and the reason that luke put this story in the bible is because there was a resurrection so let's read it and upon the first of the week there were days not in the original it says first day in your bible but that day supplied on the first of the week when the disciples came together to break bread they say okay they're coming together to break bread that must mean it was a communion service on the first day of the week the bible says they broke bread from house to house daily breaking bread in the bible meant eating it didn't always mean a communion service it was a common term the road to emmaus jesus broke bread with the disciples that evening which would have been a monday after sundown and so yeah the lord's supper was on a thursday god did important things many days of the week and he broke bread with them on thursday did not make it a new sabbath day um paul preached to them ready to depart on the morrow and he continued to speech until midnight and there were many lights in the upper chamber a lot of lamps where they were gathered together there are many gathered meaning it was starting to get hard to breathe and they're sat on a certain window a young man named utica is probably looking for some fresh air being fallen into a deep sleep as paul was long preaching so this is dark now think about it when it is the first day of the week biblically that's what we call saturday night so they had been together all through the sabbath paul is leaving the next day which would be sunday nothing wrong with traveling on the first day of the week he preaches long because he doesn't know when he'll see them again and this is actually a saturday night meeting which was the first of the week biblically this young man falls asleep and he fell from the third loft was taken up dead paul went down and fell on him and embracing him said trouble not yourselves for his life is in him when therefore he was come up again and had broken bread so now they've broken bread twice and eaten that's what they're doing they're eating he talked a long while till the break of day and so this has nothing to do with god establishing a new sabbath or replacing the old sabbath there is nothing wrong with the seventh day where god needed to replace it with a new day okay very good we have another verse that we'll put up on the screen another question it says does romans 14 verse 5 say that it doesn't matter what day you keep and you know pastoring in our radio program we often get this question what does romans chapter 14 verse 5 talk about when it says one man esteems one day and another seems every day alike yeah um and you probably know that we were able to see the questions that came in before the program pastor ross is going to take live hot questions from you in just a moment so we're deliberately wanting to cover some of these common misconceptions and objections people come up with as soon as you tell someone you've learned the sabbath truth it's amazing how many christians will try to talk other christians out of keeping one of the commandments it is astonishing to me but paul is talking here and he said i want to start with verse two if it's okay for one believes that he might eat all things another who's weak eats herbs he's talking about some are afraid to eat things that have been sacrificed to idols so they just eat vegetables let not him who eats the spies not him him that eats not and let not him which eats not judge him that eats god's received him sometimes we go to a chinese restaurant there might be a buddha in the entrance with incense some very sensitive religious people will say i can't eat in that restaurant because they got a statue of buddha i'll be participating in idolatry paul said if it bothers you don't eat it eat vegetables if if you've got faith and it's not going to worry you eat it pray over your food so that's the kind of thing they were talking about back then and now here's the other issue one man esteems this is verse five one man esteems one day above another another man esteems every day alike let each man be fully persuaded in his own mind see not only were some of the jewish christians very sensitive about eating anything in the roman marketplace because it could have been sacrificed to an idol they wanted all of the new gentile christians to celebrate the jewish annual feasts these are annual sabbaths and other holy days and not talking about the weekly sabbath and he said don't judge your brother one man regards one day above another another man regards every day alike let eat one each one be persuaded in his own mind i've never heard a pastor in a sunday church stand up and tell his congregation if you want to come sunday that's just up to you however you feel they never use that verse that way until they hear the sabbath truth here he's talking about keeping of jewish holidays he's not talking about the seventh-day sabbath that's part of the ten commandments that predates creation now keep this in mind friends the jewish ceremonial sabbaths came after sin they were written on paper by the hand of moses the ten commandments existed before sin they were in the garden of eden they were written on stone by god's finger two completely different laws yes the sabbath day does still matter okay very good we'll go to some of the questions that's come in the first question is why does the sabbath begin at sundown instead of midnight well in the bible they didn't have accurate hourglasses or watches and you know the bible tells us the evening and the morning where the first day the evening in the morning with the second day after god created the world he then declared that that evening would be the completion and really the commencement of a new day god saw the light go out and he said that's the conclusion everything is good good good very good so god chose it to be the even at the end of a day and while you're resting you'll wake up the new days there okay another question is coming this person says my job is a nurse am i breaking the sabbath if i go to work on saturday well i think that if you are a sabbath-keeping christian you should try to make sure that you don't schedule every sabbath so you miss gathering but certainly jesus healed people on the sabbath day and there's obviously some necessary work that needs to be done on that day you know i'm a seventh-day adventist christian and we have a lot of hospitals and i can guarantee you that they don't all vacate the hospitals friday afternoon and leave all those poor people languishing in sickness say sorry it's a sabbath i've got to leave of course you take care of the sick and so there's some necessary occupations that god wants us to maintain that are humanitarian but if you are in that profession try to rotate your schedule with others so that you don't miss every week you need that old your own spiritual yeah the rest that yeah that you get on the sabbath well here's a neat question pastor doug i don't think we've seen it before this is from a 10 year old and he asks did jesus look like joseph since he wasn't technically his father you know the bible doesn't tell us exactly what joseph looked like and so it's hard for us to know exactly what jesus looked like what we do know about jesus it tells us that he looked like a normal man back then because he was able to hide in the crowd and they had to get judas to pick him out because he looked like the others growing up they always said is not this the carpenter's son so and uh i won't take this too far but um you know it's interesting that the genealogy of jesus is traced through both mary mary's father and through joseph god could have taken some characteristics of joseph and introduced them into jesus so that he couldn't at least fit in with the family i don't know i mean if jesus was the only blonde in the family it would have made it hard for him so all right good question kimberly's asking what kind of activities would be good to do on the sabbath good question well we mentioned that it's a day for corporate worship the bible tells us once again exodus 23 it's a holy convocation and not for the whole day but we come together for part of the day the study of the word the proclamation of the word so we would have like sabbath school some people do it on sunday they call it sunday school so there's a study time with the families and children it's kind of interactive then you have the proclamation the minister someone appointed to proclaim the word then there's often a good fellowship meal people nothing wrong with eating together god told them to gather manna on friday so they could enjoy it on sabbath and then he also said bake what you're gonna bake and cook what you're gonna cook try and get all that work done ahead of time so they can enjoy eating it is okay to take a nap and rest i certainly hope it is because it comes over me every sabbath and but then it's a good day get out in nature if the climate permits do something that is spiritually appropriate interactive with the kids and it's really a good time to family good time for visiting there are often shut-ins and old people that never get a visit and you can take the kids go sing a song we get together sometimes with friends and we sing and it's just it's a day to rest and bless and fellowship and grow in our love relationships with god and each other okay um somebody's asking maybe they live on a farm they say can i feed my animals on the sabbath absolutely and jesus talks about this specifically he said each of you on the sabbath day you lead your animal to water if they fall in the ditch you pull them out of the ditch if you've got cows you better milk your cows and your goats because they'll be miserable and eventually they'll dry up if you don't keep milking them and so you're expected to take care of the animals you should not go out harvesting the bible's very specific about that that's something different and that ought to weigh today but when it comes to um taking care of the animals yeah that would brittle a righteous man regards the life of his beast solomon says so we should care for our animals okay talking about animals somebody asked is somebody else is asking where do dinosaurs fall in the biblical timeline well you know there's so much in the media about dinosaurs and i would have to respectfully disagree with some of the dates that are assigned i was just this week looking and it's amazing to me someone sent me some national geographic photos and they said we've discovered amber and look at this ants that were caught in amber have not changed in 100 million years look a dragonfly a mosquito a spider caught in amber it's amazing they have not changed in 100 million years that's what it says and yet they think the tyrannosaurus rex only lives 60 million years ago and they lived all by themselves they somehow got wiped out but all the spiders and ants lived you know i think that the dating methods have some serious flaws a matter of fact they keep updating those dates every few years i think the dinosaurs lived contemporaneously with people before the flood and the larger reptiles were wiped out we still got reptiles today you got komodo dragons and iguanas and there's still lizards all the creatures mammals and reptiles are smaller now and so i think there's just been some misdiagnosis of some of those dates and so i don't think we have a study on this but i remember a few years ago an atheist paleontologist found a tyrannosaurus rex with soft tissue and it's 60 million years old and they said this does not make any sense and she's she said look i've got no axe to grind i don't believe in creation i don't believe in god but this is elastic soft collagen tissue in the bone of the tyrannosaurus rex i think there's problems with their dating methods absolutely all right next question that we have passed today if you've got your bible there on your ipad matthew 5 22. matthew 5 22 and the question is could you help explain what this verse means matthew 5 22. go in there right now and it says but i say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause will be in danger of the judgment and whosoever shall say to his brother raqqa shall be in danger of the council but whoever says you fool shall be in danger of hell fire and the word raqqa really means worthless one that you have no value you're worthless and he says you shouldn't even be calling your brother fool now that's a that's a strong word uh it's interesting that jesus at one point told the disciples he says oh fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken and uh so he's basically saying you know we should not say anything that is derogatory or unkind especially that word raqqa there meant telling a person they have no value so hope that's answering what they're asking there do not be angry with your brother without the cause says you're guilty of murder if you do that okay another question how do i witness to an atheist friend who sees god as hateful yeah you know you hear that question they say god seems so vengeful in the bible and really god is the bible says god is love and it's the same god in the new testament and the old testament god sees that sinners are miserable and so sometimes god in his mercy he puts him out of their misery but the lord does not want anyone to suffer jesus does not want anyone to perish you can show them those verses in ezekiel 18 turn eternity why will you die i have no pleasure in the death of the wicked says the lord they forget there's a devil and if atheists understood the great controversy the devil is the one who is a thief who kills and steals and destroys and he's the one who brings misery look in the first chapter in the book of job it's the devil who goes out and he brings all the plagues and the suffering to job and the devil is bringing all that suffering on earth jesus came to heal and to save so he needs to just read the bible and we'll see there's a battle between good and evil and god is going to win that battle but right now there's a lot of people suffering from the war that's going on okay um another question it says should christians be kosher should christians be kosher well you know when you say kosher even the orthodox jews today are not all kosher based on the bible requirements that they've kind of developed some interpretations on what it means to be kosher and keep in mind my mother was jewish so i'm speaking with a little bit of experience a lot of the jews in north america follow no kosher laws but for the more orthodox jews they've got a lot of requirements that you don't necessarily find in the bible the bible does make a distinction between clean and unclean foods and a person is certainly going to benefit health-wise if they follow those guidelines we've got a lesson that even talks about some of the health benefits you'll find in prophecy okay and we're coming to that later another practical question if i take the bus on the sabbath am i breaking the sabbath you don't know i remember we did a program like this uh 21 years ago in new york city that was very exciting program and very few people in new york have cars you just can't afford them everyone gets around with public transit and what we all did is we just bought subway passes so you just kind of wave your past and you walk through on the sabbath day but we had to take buses and we had to take subways to get around to get to the place of worship and someone might ask well the bible says you need to let your animal rest but it is true in the 1800s some people to go to church they had to take a buggy 10 miles to church but they want to gallop their horses and and work them very hard but you know sometimes you you need to do certain things in order to get together for worship when we have worship in our church on sabbath every now and then the deacons have to put down a few extra chairs or something and there's some practical things the bible says jesus said even the priests would profane the sabbath but they're guiltless and what he meant by that is sometimes there's necessary things you need to do in order to worship god and they used to have to sacrifice animals and that so you might have to get on the bus and pay a bus fare to get to church or to cross i know some people they have to cross the toll bridge every time they come to church right i think god's practical okay somebody else is asking can i keep both saturday and sunday as the sabbath you know i should try to do that you can't keep both because only one is the sabbath when i first learned this i'll tell you i was kind of in a dilemma because i was convinced about the sabbath truth from the bible but i was going to church on sunday and i remember how shook up i was when i learned this so i'm sorry if i came on too strong tonight friends because it did it shook my world and i said boy i can't escape it logically i didn't want to believe it but everyone i talked to just convinced me but um so i tried to go both days because my friends all went to church on sunday and i didn't know anybody in the sabbath churches but then i realized you know you can't serve two masters it really was a different attitude and so i finally made the decision only one is the seventh day and you can only really keep one sabbath now you can go to church tuesday wednesday thursday we're gonna have a meeting here sunday night so we're gonna have a meeting here tomorrow night so you can go to church any day of the week last supper was on a thursday uh jesus died on a friday nothing wrong with worshiping god seven days a week we should worship god seven days a week but not all seven days of the sabbath okay somebody asked else is asking do angels keep the sabbath well you know i think angels always worship god but the angels are also doing ministering jobs on the sabbath day christ when he healed somebody some of the religious leaders were giving him a hard time they said you're working on the sabbath and jesus said my father works and here unto i work and if god is working he's working through his angels so angels are no doubt busy doing missions of mercy and deliverance uh on the sabbath day and so uh they don't keep it the way we're asked to keep it they're probably very busy on the sabbath because people are asking for blessings and they're gathering for worship their brains are there yep well here's an interesting question this person asks they say uh in revelation it says that in the city there is no lie there's no need of night because jesus is the light so how do we keep the sabbath if it's good unless someone asked that question it says yeah there's no need of the sun it doesn't say there is no sun because it's clear that there are there's a distinction of day and night in the world made new god is going to restore things to his original plan there will be sun there will be moon says the sun i think it's in isaiah pastor ross i don't remember the verse someone will look it up seven sun will be seven times brighter and the brightness of the moon will be like the sun everything in heaven is going to be much brighter than it is now so there is a sun there moon there are stars and gods are going to have days and the earth is still going to rotate but in the city there is no need of the sun because the glory of god is brighter than the sun when god appeared to peter james and john when they were on the mount of transfiguration and jesus was deified it says he was brighter than the sun at midday so there's no need of a sun in the city because the the glory of the sun is basically overpowered by the glory of god that's all that's saying and the verse referring to is isaiah 30 verse 26 thank you that gives you that okay another question that we have can a christian enlist in the military well certainly they can some might say well aren't you putting yourself on compromise in a compromising situation i think you are um it's interesting some young people think i i'm going to join the military so i can get away from mom and dad and no one will tell me what to do so i can be free and boy if you want someone to run your life join the military you know i went to military school i didn't go to the military but i i was in military school at five and then again from 11 to 13 and they had a rule for everything but you know it's they're going to tell you what you can and can't eat they're going to tell you when you must work and not work and they expect to put a gun in your hand until you need to take another life now i know that during the wars there have been some christians that have been incredible heroes in the military they made a movie about a seventh-day adventist christian named desmond doss i think it was called hacksaw ridge that said that um he volunteered he went into the service he says i want to help he says but i'm not going to pick up a gun i'm not going to kill anybody i will heal people and he ended up getting a congressional medal of honor for rescuing i think roughly 70 people from this escarpment under constant fire i actually knew him he came to our church in northern california and uh just a real man of god he was in the military but he said i'm not going to break the sabbath unless it's an emergency for human life and he said that i'm not going to carry a gun and somehow he not only made it through the military service but he ended up getting the congressional medal of honor it's an incredible story okay somebody else is asking well if saturday is the sabbath why do so many many so why do so many people worship on sunday well i think they're doing it in sincerity because it's a custom it's a tradition that they've they've always learned growing up but it's something that came not from god's word it's something that came just from uh from history and you know we can read historically and we'll be studying more about that in future lessons that around the time of constantine the great this is over 300 years after christ many christians were keeping two days the romans kind of celebrated on the first day of the week it was called the day of the sun that's why sunday is called s-u-n the days of the week the jews they numbered them they didn't name them you had first day second day third day fourth the fifth day preparation day six day and sabbath day that's how the jews itemized the days of the week the romans numbered them and named them after gods moon day monday the greeks in the romans tuesday tua wednesday was odin's day thursday was thor's day saturday with saturn's day sunday was the worship of the sun the jews became very unpopular during the rebellion about 70 a.d and some of the christians wanted to say that we are not exactly jews and they began to distance themselves from the jews and they said you know we will be able to reach more romans if we begin to keep sunday also and so in an effort to try to evangelize the romans that for a while they kept both days which is part of the reason in many western cultures they keep kind of both days gradually abandoning the seventh day in favor of the first day but it happened over a period of hundreds of years it didn't happen quickly and i think we actually will study more about that as we get into some of the prophecies in the bible well pastor doug we probably don't have time to take another question but maybe we just let people know about what's coming up a reminder we have a very exciting and full weekend tomorrow saturday morning 11 o'clock we're going to have a special program it's going to be live broadcast and it's called the richest caveman and you'll be sharing your experience of how you can i will i'll be sharing my uh my personal experience i think they'll find interesting it's been in a book for a few years and uh we encourage if anybody is watching this broadcast and you're in the sacramento area we're going to have room for about 400 people in it's our new facility we're going to do our best i think we got room to safely separate 200 on the two different floors and um but we would welcome you and i i'll be sharing my personal testimony it'll actually be our first day in that facility so we're very excited and so if you're wondering if you're in granite bay or in sacramento would like to come the address is 6605 or one five six six zero five zero five six six zero five sierra college boulevard in granite bay california so uh hope folks will be able to come out and we have to meet them and don't forget now tomorrow is the 31st and that's called reformation day that's when martin luther began the reformation it's also called halloween and tomorrow night so we're still opening the church on reformation day but tomorrow night we're studying bewitching spirits and so if you can't come in the morning tune in again
Channel: Doug Batchelor
Views: 62,887
Rating: 4.9066234 out of 5
Id: h9BnpW8vZhc
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Length: 87min 45sec (5265 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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