Reveille | Full Movie 2023 | Action War Drama | WW2

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[Music] oh for who's do do off fck out cloud that's is [Applause] English IED how much further I'm tired sh up almost Sergeant I think we're lost Perez I know the way Hill 193 is that way Hill 253 is that way I said I know the way hey s smoke no how about after we resupply him can I have smoke [Applause] done done we're [Music] done come out for that's is p breathing no I think he's gone they got Daniels too damn it hurts I know I know nor how bad is it I think it went right through but it burns oh Jesus they're hit do you understand they're hit no how you going to do shoot me my own gun Engish my wife made me that wife wife some bastard Loose Loose Loose Loose by foree fore speee would fcking you to go out that's Tom Tommy [Music] youe yeah be me there my from kind cup s oh for [Applause] and offie H the out okay to we Fe [Music] then here here have yeah fore spe spee n no next for for yeah now good Okay C my de quack it's my hand fall now spe [Music] fore yeah uh-huh oh it's [Applause] come here this she Pia th good right good Mex Lo here here yeah [ __ ] you oh huhe yeah then clining Costa Costa here here for yeah for [Applause] kind of forets all BR let last [Music] for singing yeah for fore fore foree spee ganger yeah for yeah cigarett keep yeah man the be for something cooking do for give me m yeah fore fore so give me for okay next [Music] [Music] again come we can that has to Sak us out the fall sh cover cover all cover in how many we get S how many quiet Leo Leo quit scratching your nuts they're fighting I don't give a [ __ ] what they're doing just get down there and make sure that Crouch's down hey take uh take row and Joe with you Dr your dogs Acy Joe on me come on come on laty anus let's get down there and make sure those crowds really want to surrender might be that Squad from yesterday go to sword swords how about we get down there and see that's a great idea Gano stay on that gun what the hell's your deal Ro they thr up their goddamn hands his face was blown off I was doing him a favor go I swear you can't do anything right can you make it one bll it next time me here what [Music] God damn it they're still alive that fast one I say it I say it don't you all know when the war's over [Music] fresh that one still has it gun I say it and worry about them get [Music] on still breathing afraid so hey gono you shot too damn low what no sense keeping it down now Chief's gun already telegraphed our position every Crow and [Music] sanro Leo Joe take care of these crowds and I don't mean shooter hands up high what are we waiting for sge should we plug him plug them yeah yeah I am for that you L crows to worry about here br no gerl we got the right Patrol buddy you big stupid Sun [ __ ] probably murdered we stole it from anyway poor [Music] baby Joe Joe Joe you're a big scary poock we get it okay okay eyes and shine [Music] fre that has to be an 88 y all got to act sge what's the plan sge we got to get these crows under cover get some Medics up here are you serious I say we end their misery and go home shut the hell up bro takey these three prisoners get back to the Battalion come on why me argue with the Yanke doodle now get these crows to cover and get some Medics up here all right let's go Fritz you got a p too let J take that old man back to the cave where bro get the [ __ ] over here I will you quit picking out your nut sack for one godamn it you get them bugs of me I swear I'll kill your ass speaking of that we going to kill these CR now come on come on [Music] you really go get on spider hold on hold what my God Jesus are you kidding me you got can't one goddamn minute to scratch your nuts bite hey don't you go walking out on us now okay SL he won't budge God damn it you take care of this but I'll get five all right I broke yeah yeah five hey hey can you hear me hey all right is [Music] woo hey frits all fair Love and War right can I tell you a story took me one night to forget about this walk I get the mechanized dandr from this pretty little ey tie [ __ ] and now I'm fighting two WS that's what you get for not giving me a turn well then you'd have the bugs now wouldn't you okay F has a bump on his head but he's okay he's not leaving that gun he will soon your walk starts at 12200 yes [Music] hey shut up crou I'll in your misery real [ __ ] quick hey Ro he scared he ain't scared me he scared he ain't scared bugs out of my face you're dirty Mick now we are baby sitting them you know they destroyed my Country Joe you're from Chicago he wish and my parents are 100% polish okay it's still my country all right all right your watch starts early okay really come on that's an order let's go Joe got the short stick have fun Joe come on leave him alone leave him alone J well there he is hook what Freda that your name Freda h that's it what the hell are you doing he's got in his gut all right he's had a bad day come on sit down R come on row goddamn rifle down we're not murdering anybody we're not murder no one we're not doing it what the hell we've been doing since we got here he have like a map the location can you read German read a map right there that's your head it's fine so I think it's our first time seeing an Indian [Laughter] [Music] probably reminds them of the Indians in the movies right Stage Coach drums on the Mohawk I was a single man trying to raise the little girl yall think I had time for stuff like movies back in civilian life Ro what about you uh before we shipped off I saw that uh at sappy L picture with all them Kuts in Africa that's yeah that's where it was at uh funny thing was a few weeks later we was in cablanca bro movie's called castle one look I remember is the guy he had that uh that colored piano player right he Bo guy yeah he uh he didn't get the girl need so so what it just ain't right you can't watch B gu I could watch him at anything you guys ever heard of Gary Cooper S New York that that was a hell of a picture that was a good one that was a good one who's gobling at the Crouch who pick them walk oh my [Music] gosh Dodgers come on up anus name's not anus all right what you have for me boy I'm hated to say you guys to keep your eyes in the e in the north there's a possibility of a candy ATT come from s Petro you guys already run into some trouble yeah crop Patrol this morning by chance you come across enus and his three prisoners in your travels I can't see I did you're supposed to bring some Medics up for these here crowds well all I know is that there's a possibility of a Canon attack from San Petro so stay alert all right all right do what you got for me I some amm andc rations for you all right all right thank you oh what happened to you huh oh I didn't notice it don't you get that checked out all right say travel oh a that ugly hey hey you better not be getting comfortable over there I'm looking at you Freda let's see what you got before your comrades arrive you mind if I do that huh what we got here oh we got family photos now y all should leave that alone I want to check it out I want to see what it is I'll put it back oh man look split look at she got saskas on cheeks think that one what is it this is a this is what we call a morale boost we doggies yeah I'll be [ __ ] your Crouch's actually got something worth taking maybe These Are Family Photos now give us a break with your bullshot will you hey are these your is this your mama's tits huh is oh this is your this is your sister this one's this this is a sister right here Ro Leo that's a that's a got belt righto that's how you like it choking upo I'm trying to lighten the mov I hear what you're saying all right but just see what you can do for the C sir yeah right that's but I got it don't uh don't I think that's it what happened what happened calm down calm down Cal down I know he's up hey there you are you're good good look at me all right hey r r check out see what his name [Music] is so Walter B something his name don't matter anyhow just another damn Superman what do they call him Uber wrench clean it up all right all right [Laughter] hey put a gag in their mouth or something I'm tired of hearing they yapping fellas been up for two damn days right exactly what we need you quit ring up the Crouch and good for us neither what do you want what what do you want what you want to smoke what want this to let it yeah my phone and bring it to you my phone bring it to you hey uh I think we should break the wine out no no I don't think that's a good idea break the mine out Ro it's just you know hey I'm counting your sips okay count my sips [Music] [ __ ] all right F smell like well ain't no Southern Comfort no absent or moonshine it's not going to be as strong oh my God whoa you want to hit give it to him give it to him hold on give it to man I miss this I missed this okay tip your head back tip your head back the hell you doing don't choke Rose never been to Catholic Church you doing these are our trinkets you TR about Friz With the Enemy hey it's just a set not a big deal when you come you so tenderhearted ly he's my prisoner what up on the hill I aim for the one in the middle my bullet my prisoner you understand hit your one my bullet my prisoner yeah I understand hey hey hey what are you doing what are you doing [Applause] AC come on buddy I B my prisoner right bro give me the bottle bro give me the bottle rest me over some CRS no I'm not going to rest you I just want the bottle for myself cuz I'm a [ __ ] alcoholic piece of [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up don't [ __ ] start with me I swear to [Music] [Music] God coming of the [Music] Lord great R don't Glory Glory Hallelujah yes so we were uh sitting around the bibw about 100 miles from a crow nothing but sand [Music] anywhere so we come over you know see if he needs anything and he's dead dead yeah dead that's a door now one no Rhyme or Reason to it he was just dead what happened to him so apparently later they found out that there was some kind of uh dog fight or something on the other side of the continent and fight it's gun off and the round Reach Out position and hit him is that an American plane what was it why why doesn't matter what kind of plan it was no it doesn't think about the [ __ ] odds of that a bully coming and just spontaneously hit you I mean that's I couldn't sleep for nights it was strange one yeah what is that did you [ __ ] in that what is that I don't know I just cook it no you're [ __ ] I don't want it come on you're 100 lb you need to eat more all right all right well thank you is it bad godamn it yeah this one's not so good Glory Glory [Music] Hallelujah I am marching Ro we can give it a rest already come on get in [Music] here like [ __ ] here yeah it smells like you engine still sleeping huh righted neck red neck you're the one whose neck is red boy all right down all that gunfire out there everyone who wants to fight for this country is crazier than a rat in a tin [ __ ] house house for on what's the ash for one Maxes for [Music] Wonder yeah a smart [Music] wheree [Music] for yeah let ah yes Mar on come in the and CH [Music] must sh p v chce H marks don't for [Music] God what are you talking about now I don't know I don't speak German room you know we got to get up in here we got to C capture some froy lines why so you can get your crabs again or does it matter we I already have crabs what are you talking about we did capture some fra lines oh the oh yeah yeah yeah Joe check this out oh my God okay we got a couple of hot ones here wow I grabbed this off the little one imagine like a couple of trains a train yeah look at those Caboose I need a better look what do that me lights I need lights ain't that a church candle so what so what you're always talking about how these crowd steal this and that you go and take a a candle from church why do you care if he has a church candle when the when the [ __ ] did you care about the eye ties I stole a bottle he steals a candle who can who cares I I don't care let's just call spade a spade give it a rest but we're not even close to B yet this this lazy flipping Behavior you know what this is this is what we call why the sound L to the north yeah okay okay get your dirty bug blistered hands off me Dodgers anus anus oh boy no still not Aus all right all right all right come on calm down what can I get you what do you need get him some water some water come on come on there you go pop you're good you're fine you're fine all right all right you're okay the crowds reoccupied the Northern end of Mount Rondo they put an SP out there a second Battalion had to pull back and the captain caught a goddamn bullet in the shoulder from a bir gun this place is going to get hot all right you don't think it's hot enough no stop stop what else do you have for us there if there's a Counterattack there's going to be more artillery all right do you have any more rations nope bacon company's running Slim this is probably going to be your last meal so be ready all right boys Drop the bottle get your helmets and rifles and packs on five don't give L of the scoop hey thank you I'm glad you got that checked out all right thank you so hey hey see see house good man good man brief I got it old man oh my me [Laughter] he's here here [Laughter] oh M you know that there's a Crut wh Joe I thought you hated all crows what P up [ __ ] Red Socks Dodgers Le your turn Leo walk R shine what the hell they good told you stop drinking that wine you got a cigarette oh my God where your job at that oh I swear to God my balls are being devoured by these little bastards where's my gas you sitting on it no I'm not sitting on it see enough this here [Laughter] can cut my heart broke you C you look [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] show you see what you did there Joe even they don't like the idea of a poock laying with a Crut and don't worry we won't tell anyone in company shut up already I just about had it with you you know them stripes are getting to your head boy how about you lay off me for one goddamn minute why don't you look at yourself self rope at 0600 you're drunk as a skunk you don't think there's anything wrong with you hey how would you get off your high horse boy you ain't a better man than me I sure am younger than you I'm already a sergeant don't have to explain myself to some piece of [ __ ] private no brains and no skills you're just a lazy alcoholic with rotten teeth that's all you're ever going to be isn't it you know what I probably laid with more women than your virgin ass has ever been around boy oh huh yeah I don't give a [ __ ] about your [ __ ] rankings or your medals or whatever horseshit ladder it is that you're trying to climb here in the Army what are you laughing at F you think this funny to you huh I sure do yeah you think this is funny yeah I do and you care you know what the hell with both you okay you know I could do your job better than you ever could yeah I could if I was a leader of this squad I would have put them poor son of [ __ ] down a long time ago easy fix to this problem but you easy fix you know what you are you know what you remind me of you are a deer in the middle of the [ __ ] road you don't know which way to go and you're going to get us all killed what are we doing here we're doing our duty as soldiers signed up [ __ ] bull [ __ ] I didn't [ __ ] sign up for this [ __ ] I got a telegram I thought it from the damn rurs you know what it was it was a draft notice tell me I'm fighting this war whether I want to or not same thing happened to you latty ain't that right huh wouldn't you rather be home with your little girl right now you twoo f right you'd rather be with your squad right now ain't that right what you trying to press your mom P huh watch yourself you trying to be some [ __ ] Hometown hero you're the only one that wants to be here sge look at you drunk as a scun m than a red hand turns out you're just a coward you [ __ ] I will [ __ ] end you take it easy I'll [ __ ] end you too that's it Jesus give me a headache what your up come and hang over hey what's that camels American smokes it ain't your lucky day boy are you serious serious where did you get them from huh huh who did you kill don't you dare I'm a prisoner or a court son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] Savage no should be ashamed no no that's enough that's enough of this chicken [ __ ] now sit down and forget about the smokes hey hey sit down sit down sit down get out of the way let me shoot you no shooting him he want to die kill shooting anyone sit down sit down I've had it both of you you don't want to [Laughter] [Music] shoot what for okay and send a sign get over here good this is the wellknown alcoholic w106 dream message hallucinations caused by the stomach kicking the Daylights out of Oliva if you must drink avoid making martinis with hot tomatoes and pumping nickel bread period what's some great advice for us right now isn't it Yogi interpret your dreams what do you have over there later want to hear yeah Dear Daddy skull started I scored an A in English but a c in arithmetic that's all right honey when are you coming home Granny says the war is about over I hope she's right Mama came by the house the other day for me to meet her new hus husband and Granny would not talk to her hey hey L don't let that bother you brother guys a for he y I ride my bicycle to school even when it rains the boy laugh at my stringy hair I hope to see you soon Daddy from your loving daughter CLA in that's sweet let's see the uh let me see the photo oh she's cute get the piggy tails hey on a real note I want you to do me a favor okay you got to keep her a kid forever you here little I can do about that here what you all go short any letters Leo I got something what you got thought to be good oh yeah who is she she's a she's a girl I um found in New York if you want oh we'll see but if you want the frame I'll sent it but the man at the post office said not to sent it unless you ask for it oh Frank where going to hang at the wall this cave hanging on Rose clock what do you expect you know the civies the civies they don't know anything about this war nobody knows anything about this war you know Ro told me that he was a professional boot leer what was that he said he was a boot [Laughter] leer what is that it's like a rabbit running a carrot f i boot leer oh my God hey boot leer he's out somebody sleeps like a qu yeah that's how I prefer him actually I prefer if yall quit with the wine the women you see I have to deal with because of it to put up with this you can't say that yes I can you know I was thinking when we get back home makes you so sure we're getting back r h really you got to be The Optimist someone has to I [Music] m [Music] Jesus somebody's still alive oh he's dead like the rest that's why we call him the Uber M Uber m y really going to try getting that to his wife Leo yeah I don't know I kind of feel like a jackass if I left to he yeah I Shot The Crow and yet I feel Petty that he couldn't make it home y'all fellas looking forward to going home what do you think bro what what's yall going to do when y'all get back you know drinking screwing yeah a much else we're doing the same [ __ ] you've been doing yet you're just not killing anybody yeah yeah I'll be seeing you in hell you Fellers you FS ain't scared scared of what going home why would I be scared of going home I don't know I don't know sing too much I suppose you know lady that's exactly what your problem is what's that room I always thinking too much know I just I just never thought I'd get used to saying this saying what this that am I supposed to just go back in shies talk to people like I used to hey how you doing good morning how is the weather like none this [ __ ] [ __ ] ever happened and this Prout bastard if he makes it out of here what's he going to do when they finally chop off Hitler's head he's got eyes like a lobster oh what can you have eyes like a lobster [ __ ] you talking about remember my uh my father I think I told uh did I tell you about it no I didn't tell you not oh Joe sounds familiar yes yeah my Father F fought the CRS in the M River France when I was a little kid he took me out showed me how to pull in the lobster cages and he said to me you know he's from Hancock M if you have a over there might get eyes like these lobsters Scar the [ __ ] out of me yeah I I know what he's saying it's like like the eyes of a drunk man you know your eyes your eyes that's the pop in the kle the punch yes okay no no no no that's the this is no this is the good part shut up all right then he said to me he said he stopped right he said and he looked at he made me face him and he said to me he said so there's two things in life right and the first thing you're not going to like hearing this but it's important the first thing is you're going to feel pain as you grow up insurmountable amounts of pain and it's just going to keep coming and coming and just when it hits its peak it's going to go and you're going to feel good and then it's going to hit again and and this time you're not going to know your ass from your elbow you're going to panic you're going to hate the world you you might you know you might cry and that's okay and you going to want to give it all up you can't you got to keep pushing and this is going to continue for the rest of your life what was the second thing he said second thing he said was he said you're not going to believe this but you can handle it all of it smart man come on get here good God man where the hell have you been I had some trouble getting those crows back under the artillery clearly but I did it all right what do you got for me this morning second and third battalions attacked Mount Rotondo from the south and from the East driving the Germans back all right no Medics nope no doc will come out this far just for some Kuts what guess it don't matter now that one's still hanging on barely it's hoping for our Medics and take them off our hands ah there's been a change of plans SS what is it listen up all you ding bats we are going on the offensive right now we attack San pyro gentlemen drop your [ __ ] and grab your socks they're sending the whole Battalion up all right you heard him pack up and gear up let's go what what about hey pack it up we moving out what about this crowd bro Joe get that CRP to the front of the cave good job let's go go big man all right okay we go come [Music] [Music] on sh we go here we go come on almost almost son of a [ __ ] moving up that's right San patro yeah but first time finish what we started wait [Laughter] come on poock everybody ready yep looks sge second battalion's just on the other side you're practically waiting for us all right let's go get a move on what about the crowd I'll take care of him go on I need you to take point me pick up your dogs here good luck [Music] friends [Music] [Laughter] what [Music] hey come on [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Laughter] a [Music] for for [Music] that's [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] for is [Music] for [Music] for
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 3,134,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, reveille
Id: 2PH1iIsDzZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 7sec (6367 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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