Revealing the PAINT SCHEME for our 18th Century Library | ENGLISH MANOR HOUSE

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[Music] the exciting thing is that because of the American ays exhibition which is going to take place in the library it gives me the good excuse to redecorate the library so in the past we have had all of our exhibitions when the houses open up to the public um in the library and but we haven't had an exhibition since before covid so this is the first exhibition we've had since 2019 and I really just want to lighten up and freshen up the Library um to get ready for this American ays exhibition so we uh love working with a paint company called milins um they've sent us these lovely lovely paint PS they've been around since 1884 and I want to go light in the library so I have seven seven different uh colors that I've sort of chosen that I like from very light to a little bit darker and a little bit more color so what I've done is I've just taken actually sort of a thick card stock and I've used actually almost like a mounting what you'd use to mount um pictures and cuz it's nice and solid and then I can put them up in the library and be able to look at them and the nice thing about using these rather than painting on the walls is you then don't have to paint on the walls and you can kind of move them around the room to see where the light hits um where the light doesn't hit and then you can and obviously colors sort of change depending on where they are in the room so I have seven of these and I'm just going to start to uh paint so the first one I'm painting is fitzrovia followed by Kensington Rose then I have thread needle gentlemen's pink early lavender pale lilac and Soho pink very very British [Music] so I've painted a double coat on all of these and you can see they they're all in the same kind of hue of color if you like a little bit of I like to think lilac and soft pink throughout all of these but these over on the this side are clearly much much stronger um I'm swing towards this end but again I need to place these in the library look at them in different places in the library have Luke also look at them as well and then decide on a color so let's head into the library unfortunately I couldn't be there in person to see the paint colors but thanks to the wonders of modern technology I was was able to join via video we wanted to really brighten up the library and you can see it's sort of a I don't know almost like a hay color I would describe it Luke as a hay straw color but because of the fire that is here and and it does get occasionally used and of course over the years it's become a little bit mtled and then that made me realize with all the windows the Georgian Windows the a Windows facing out to to the um front Courtyard that perhaps we should go lighter what do you think like a light color I I think definitely lighter I know there was a plan at one point to go really dark and I never felt comfortable with that I think this need to be a light run so I'm hoping you've chosen some light colored paint the first one we're going to go with is which originally I thought was going to be my favorite in the kitchen but now I've changed my mind but it's called kening Rose so there it is there and hold on I'm going to put it um here everybody for you to see so if I just kind of go I guess a little bit there and maybe that's a better way Luke what do you think yeah I think that works pretty well yeah I'm also thinking it could be the woodwork though so maybe so it could it could do you see how if I put it up against the woodwork it and even if I redo these book cases it's quite it's almost the same color Luke if you can see this everybody it's almost the same color as the book cases themselves well I quite like our existing colors so um that would get a thumbs up for me right if we did the woodwork in this okay so this is possible woodwork then what we have next which has it's called called Fitz roia and again I'm going to put it up but it's too gray for me I think it's too gray I'm going to actually I'm going to ex this Luke you're not even going to get a decision on this it's too gray um you can't cut me off before I've even given my input maybe you can well I let's compare it with this one then everybody so then we have um this one's called thread needle it's very similar but then it's got a little bit more of a of a a warmer tone to it so one is cooler and one is warmer so if I put all three up so Luke if you just see cuz I'm thinking possibly Kensington Rose for the woodwork you can see here and this gives it actually a really good example of sort of a little bit of pink a little bit of gray and then this one's much warmer um so got it's a library and libraries are supposed to be warm and I think that uh going a bit warmer is is probably a good idea particularly as it's right next to the fireplace now let's go to the color so for me this is probably my favorite but you're going to but I need you to think of the whole room and how it would look so we've gone sort of Rose lilac color and this one is called gentlemen's pink not sure necessarily like that name but um I quite like that yeah I like that one too and then let's look at it over here with the light coming through I mean it's so then when you've got the light coming through you know it's quite Pink So then I'm not so sure so it's interesting how when you put it up against the light okay let's stay here for the time being then let's look look at the one that I thought I was going to like which I might still like which is called pale lilac and that's really what I wanted to go for in this room was more of a lilac but you can you see Luke it goes it's quite dark now so I think it's not so sure about that one on this wall I don't like it on this wall it changes color and I like it but but no so let's put that as side then what we have is we have Soho pink so again I'm going to head here again it looks very lavender there and then do you see that Luke and then over here it looks very purple I mean it looks Violet purple yeah no yeah too too too too violety too oh it's you have that's why you have to get these into the room now this last one is called early lavender now this one funny enough when I was painting in the kitchen I didn't really like um but let me see it up against the darker wall maybe but I'm still not convinced nope it's too blue it's interesting having it's good to have this wall because it's too blue oh I think we got to go warm we got to go warm my thought is everybody to go where is it here we go this one Kensington Rose is what I'm which I was going to do for the woodwork so there it looks quite light but then when you put it up against here it does give you just that little little touch of I mean it's hard to see it on the camera as well I don't know do you know what I like it you see when I see them like there then I think oh it's the the it's this one the gentleman's pink but then when I saw it up against the wall it was to it was too pink and then one next to it is called Kensington Rose h i I think at this point I'm going to defer to you for the decision and as long as we're not painting the soap for any of those colors I'm quite happy let me know what colors you think the ones I'm going for are gentleman's pink and then Kensington Rose if I don't know gosh and then we have to think about the ceiling so Luke I'm going to talk to your mom about the roko ceiling and just get the history around this before I start to clean the ceiling which is going to be a big [Music] task have you ever wanted to be Lord or Lady of the manor and stay in a grand Castle or stately home with great friends and family when I lived in the US I was fascinated by these places the extraordinary history the Royal connections and of course the stunning historic buildings and works of art I've been lucky enough to marry into one of these families and I now live here at Matton which is known as Britain's Finest manor house but now it is also possible for you to stay in many of these great houses and Estates thanks to storied collection storied collection offers exclusive hire of private Estates and castles across the United Kingdom in Ireland where the historical significance and Legacy of each property are carefully preserved and guess what maon is now officially a member of storied collection 2 each historic house within storied collection has been handpicked to ensure the highest standards of accommodation and service they cater to a range of interests including fishing golfing or enjoying guided tours by the owners themselves so whether you're organizing a grand family reunion an exhilarating trip with friends a corporate retreat or even a wedding these places offer an accessible way to turn your dream into memories that you will cherish for a lifetime and it's much more affordable than you think with a diverse range of castles manners and mansions a stay with Story collection is a unique opportunity that is not to be missed and please remember to mention Julie when booking to receive a 1,000 discount on any stay of five nights or more click the link in the description below to explore and reserve the historic home of your [Music] dreams we are getting excited for the Alberta uh ninth counts of Sandwich American ays exhibition here at mton when we open up our doors to the public and I am really looking around this muniment room and deciding what's going to go into that exhibition but once I look at those pieces a lot of them need to be restored what I have here are possibly some things that I might put on um display but also things that need to be repaired so of course the family ancestral seat since 1627 was hinching Brook Castle up in Cambridge of course that was lost um after the second world war and we came to mton and this is where the Earl of Sandwich collection is but we have a lot of um Engravings um all around sort of different bits uh that have henching Brook so this is a beautiful letter holder but you can see it's come away on the sides here and I will have to properly uh repair that I'm not going to do that now but I am going to repair something for you guys um repair that it's beautiful so probably a couple hundred years old with this we also just have in one sense kind of a writing pad a drawing pad and this one's in on the inside it's in decent shape so it probably isn't I mean it will definitely be almost 100 years old because it's got the H for henching Brook and it has the Coronet up there but you can see the red rot here in uh the leather and I have um some great conservation materials that will help to solve that so this would be really and we don't have the key we're I've got to get it to a locksmith everybody to open this up I have given it a good shake to see if there's anything in there and nothing is is is shaking but um this was Alberta's and probably this would have been used to put her letters in that she had to correspond or even letters um that uh that she was maybe writing and then put them back in there and then finished them later on in the day but it was um usually cases like this were for um putting in uh letters cuz that was of course the means of communication you know 120 uh years ago I'm not trying to restore this back to sort of gleaming shining Beauty you know it's this is if you again go back to the dates when this would have been given to her between 1905 and 1916 you know we're looking at around you know roughly 10 um almost 120 years old possibly so I just want to be able to stabilize this um and that is what I'm going to do after I repair right so I'm going to just grab here little PVA so I'm just going to start with this one first and again I'm just going to be super careful [Music] so I really like my um that probably needs a little bit more there my bone folder which just makes sure that you use this a lot for book binding but so that you don't have any bumps or wrinkles throughout this is this corner is just needs a little bit more PVA great and again that's being proving a little bit tricky so I'm going to have to put this on its side just so it can start to mend there we we go I am going to be taking my fine liner of the glue and just getting this Edge through here so just making sure that there we [Music] go I'm really pleased with this it still has a little bit of drawing to do here but I'm pleased very much with the side as soon as I know as I feel it's attached then I will take a the bone folder to it in a second but there's just little elements here that I can just stick my fine liner under just so again we can stabilize [Music] this [Music] wow it's amazing just again being really gentle with this material so I'm just going to pop this to the side here clean my workspace everybody and I'll be right back [Music] and now I'm just going to be looking to apply this quite um well in many places actually because you can see the the red rot sort of all around um this beautiful piece so I just again I'm using um a sponge and to um put it in the affected areas so and then that will and then I just want it to allow to dry so I'm just going to put it in the affected areas which is pretty much this whole entire [Music] case [Music] now it may not look that different too on camera but I feel um that I have stabilized um there was a lot of red rot around that I I've been able to stabilize it now once this properly dries I mean I can still touch it and it's not coming onto my hands or anything like that don't get me wrong but I just it it you need it to sort of properly just sit then I will look at just polishing the brass here and the brass at the hinge in the back and the brass with the key in the hopes that I'll be able to break into this before the American ays [Music] exhibition this is the room everybody that I'm looking to redecorate but this room is you know it's obviously of great historical value and in particular um the ceiling so when I'm redecorating the walls the the ceiling is to not be touched apart from a clean well the thing about the whole of the these Works were done by a company that lived in blanford and sherban called the bastard brothers and they were the main smart contractors of the area at the time of the 1730s 1750s right so so Richard brrip used them they were quite um they were canny so when you look at the ceiling you might think that all this was very careful plaster work it isn't it's molds that they already had okay because I have actually seen this exact ceiling in a house in Dorchester not as a ceiling but as PL to work on a wall oh my goodness all way up right so it was almost cast oh yes car already bits it was already cast they knew what they were doing so they knew that if they were dealing with the Gentry if they could provide it cheaper in an already cast form they'd make more money and everybody would be happy and just to just so are are those of you watching the if you look at the house I mean obviously it's been built throughout um different Generations but you have this Georgian facade so Richard brrip who was here wanted to create well I think he was a chap who had sort of potential ions you know a county figure you know maybe a bit of money bit more money than his predecessors right and so he and he wanted to make the house a little bit more contemporary so he put on this Georgian facade classical facade and in so doing he decided to create the staircase Hall in doing that he chopped these two rooms up and as a result of that he had to put a new ceiling in here I see but he but he kept the old overmantle and far place from the 16th century right and okay and the overmantle is the Royal code of arms isn't it James the yes it is Jes a first and this was over in melplash court which was also owned by the broad RPS okay and then by the Compton so in the late 19th century comptons decided they'd Make this House a bit grander so they took a couple of overmantel back that the one in theall that was quite I I guess a common thing to do so to see a big Grand house something that you'd like you'd bring it in and and you own it already so you just right I've been looking at in particular ceilings and and sort of I wouldn't call it restoration I would just call it cleaning yeah and conservation conservation exactly so just to clean it a bit and what that requires is no water unless you absolutely have to and it's the tiniest amount with some type of conservation detergent but mostly it's with um dry sponges yeah so I have um Pro proper um conservation dry sponges arriving and I'm going to get on the ladder and just you can see bits of sort of cobwebs hanging off just a tiny red yes well we've never done it I mean yeah I don't think so well I suppose we may I'm sure you have oh I don't know but it's in I mean it's in it's in very good condition very good condition but Julie actually you are my daughter and I don't think you should be going up on ladders up to so this room is going to be just touched up a little bit um light light paintt color to be determined not sure yet but of course this is where we're having the exhibition and I was explaining to everybody we used to have exhibitions when we opened up the house to the public here but then pandemic happened we sort of stopped and we're now going to bring them back and one of the things you're going to show me right now is add dress around the time of probably going to transfer your address Alberta all right well let's head up in one of the special truns [Music] wow this is incredible this is stunning well there you are Julie [Music]
Channel: Mapperton Live: This (un)Aristocratic Manor Life
Views: 35,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mapperton, mapperton live, mapperton julie montagu, mapperton estate, mapperton estate youtube, mapperton house and gardens, Julie Montagu, Luke Montagu, american viscountess, mapperton house tour, mapperton wedding, mapperton rewilding, mapperton tour, mapperton pool, Mapperton Live pool, mapperton christmas, mapperton gardens, historic house UK, rewilding, earl of sandwich, Viscount Hinchingbrooke, Viscountess Hinchingbrooke
Id: BxV9IKQjUro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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