Don't Miss The Turn - Pastor Michael Phillips

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i want you to go with me to the book of job the second chapter but i also need you to flip to the back of the book of job just for one passage of scripture in the 42nd chapter hallelujah [Music] job chapter two we're going to pick this up at verse one and if you will indulge me just for a few moments to put this text in its proper context i need to read a few scriptures so that we can have a proper understanding of what the spirit of the lord is going to say to the church and so i'm going to read verses 1 through verse 6. i'm going to jump to verse 11 and i'm going to read verse 11 through 13 and then i'm going to read job chapter 42 just one verse of scripture there and the bible says this again there was a day again there was a day which means it happened before again there was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan came also among them to present himself before the lord and the lord said unto satan from whence cometh thou and satan answered the lord and said from going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it and the lord said unto satan hast thou considered my servant job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and upright man one that fears god and ensues evil and still he holdeth fastest integrity although thou move me against him to destroy him without cause [Music] and satan answered the lord and said skin for skin yea all that a man has will he give for his life but put forth thy hand now and touch his bones and his flesh and he will curse you to your face and the lord said unto satan behold he is in the hand but save his life verse 11 says this now when job's three friends heard all this evil that was come upon him they came everyone from his own place elif as the timonite bildad the shuite and so far the name of thight for they had made an appointment together to come mourn with him and to comfort him and when they lifted up their eyes afar off and knew him not lifted up their voices and went rent everyone his mantle and sprinkled dust upon their heads toward heaven and so they sat down with him upon the ground seven days and seven nights and none spoke a word unto him for they saw that his grief was very great now let's go to job chapter 42. it says and the lord turned the captivity of job [Applause] when he prayed for his friends and the lord turned the captivity of job when he prayed for his friends my brothers and my sisters for the next few moments we have together i want to preach to you from the subject don't miss the turn [Music] spirit of the living god we thank you for this moment this opportunity to [Music] be in your presence there's nothing like your presence in your presence is the fullness of joy at your right hand pleasures forevermore [Music] father we honor and welcome your presence in this place move as you see fit [Music] do what only you can do give us a word that doesn't change some things but change everything [Music] a word that will cause us to be conformed to the image of your son jesus a word that will transform us by the renewing of our minds touch our hearts so it's open to receive the word and on our ears that we're able to hear it the most important thing today is that you have your way do whatever you want to do and we will be careful to give you all the praise all the glory and all the honor in jesus name somebody say amen you may be seated while you're sitting down can we thank god for our bishop bishop t.d jakes come on 45 years of stellar leadership we honor this man of god we thank god for him he is my spiritual father my mentor and he's also incidentally my boss so y'all better shout this morning secondly my other boss is here miss hattie hill so i need y'all to shout for her too amen amen amen amen hallelujah i i i i reminisce on this scripture because it causes me to reflect on the relationship i had with my father when i was a little boy my father would allow me to climb onto on the top of his 18-wheeler because my father was a full-time pastor and a part-time truck driver and he would take runs and sometimes he would let me go on those runs with him and we would go all over the united states of america and at certain times particularly at night he would allow me to climb up on the top of his 18-wheeler and we would sit there having a little picnic on the top of the truck and he would tell me to look up into the stars and as he would begin to tell me to look up into the stars he would begin to explain to me how vast the universe is how big the sky is how countless the stars are and as we will have that conversation he would often tell me that whenever i would feel like if there ever came a time in my life that i felt like god was not moving my life forward or i felt stuck or i felt like i could make it simply look up and he would tell me this because he would then say because you don't know that you have already been brought a mighty long way now when i was a little kid i didn't really understand that i would just shake my head and nod i was about 10 11 years old and i would just shake my head and now and say yes dad and he would say god has brought you a mighty long way but one time incidentally when we were on a trip to new york and he allowed me to get on top of the truck and to look up into the stars and to the sky he began to go into his normal repertoire of saying to me that god has brought you a mighty long way and i said this particular time what do you mean by that dad i don't understand how god has brought me a long way i haven't moved i haven't done anything i haven't accomplished anything i'm still a child and that's when he begin to grin and begin to say to me you have to understand that you're moving right now and you don't even know it i know you're sitting here with a mask on i know you're sitting at home on your sofa and on your couch you're watching on youtube or facebook or whatever streaming platform you're on you're moving and you don't even realize it right there in your pew as you're staying there looking at me trying to figure out where i'm going with this text you're moving and you don't even realize it while you were up last night worrying about your bills and worrying about your baby girl and worrying about your husband and worrying about your spouse you were moving and didn't even realize it while you were on your bended knees praying to god talking to him about a predicament a problem or situation you were already moving and you didn't even realize it was taking place my dad grinded me he said son you're already moving as a matter of fact right now the earth is spinning around its axis at a speed of a thousand miles per hour every 24 hours it makes a rotation around the sun it makes a complete turn every 24 hours that means when you lay your head down at night when you wake up in the morning the sun's going to be up because the spinning axis of the earth has already made a turn it doesn't feel like you are a part of the turn but it is a fact of reality that right now you're moving at a very fast pace oh don't sit down on this word right here because it's not just a message it is a prophetic utterance unto you to let you know that regardless of whatever makes you feel stuck at this very moment doesn't have the power the gravitational pull to keep you where you are because god has already set things in motion i don't know who i'm talking to quite yet because i'm just in the introduction but i need somebody to understand in this room that god has already set things in motion to the point where it cannot be altered it cannot be changed it cannot be undone not only are you moving at a fast velocity i know the science might make your head boil it might make your hairs curl but let me assure you is as complicated as it may sound it ain't that complicated the sun's gonna be up in the morning no okay okay okay okay i got a little bit more work to do you have to understand that as the earth makes this 24-hour rotation uh uh uh that not only that you and i are moving at 67 000 miles per hour and in 24 hours you would have traveled one million five hundred thousand 99 793 miles through space so when my father said that god has already brought you a mighty long way in a 24-hour period you've already moved over a million miles ahead but you don't feel like that it doesn't feel like that you don't even realize get in your car go to the grocery store in a frozen peas section getting your broccoli getting your greens and yet you're moving incarcerated yet you're moving in debt yet you're moving suffering anxiety yet you're moving in pain yet you're moving and you don't even realize it let me bring it down to you at a level that perhaps you might get with because as long as you keep things up there as long as it's ethereal as long as it's nebulous as long as it's up in the clouds it really don't make a hill of beans to you and so my father took me down off to the top of that 18-wheeler and he said to me son let me show you something of even greater magnitude and he took me down into the bathroom and he told me to look into the mirror and he said as marvelous and as splendiful as the heavens and the earth are it's nothing compared to what you're looking at i said daddy what are you what are you what are you talking about what do you mean he said son don't you understand that that if somebody tried to articulate to encapsulate all that you are if somebody took the time to write out your genome sequence the total makeup of you it would take them so long because you would be the equivalent if you will of 3 billion words if somebody tried to map out and write out your dna on paper you would be the equivalent of three billion words there are over seven hundred thousand words in your bible that means it would take over four 000 bibles to equate up to what is looking at you in the mirror every day let me say it to you in scriptural terms i am fearfully and i am wonderfully made the lord knit you together in your mother's womb i need you to look at somebody through your mask online and say you're looking at a bad individual and the reality of the matter is is that this is not a testament to you but a testament to god [Applause] it is he that made us and not we ourselves so as bad as you are he's bad er somebody gonna get with me on this in just a second so when i see me i've got to see him [Applause] that every time i look in the mirror yes i'm looking at a miracle but i'm looking at the marvelous work of god that we are his handiwork his his workmanship that was created to do good works you're looking at something incredible but why don't we see that why don't we realize the sun's going to be up in the morning why don't we understand consistently that god created us and our inmost being and knit us together and our mother's womb i understand why we don't always see it because sometimes the pain that we endure blocks the precision of what god created [Applause] and we're blind to the fact that the sun's going to be up in the morning and we're unaware of how awesome you are just to open your eyes not even do anything just wake up not even accomplish anything just put ten toes down [Applause] we don't realize it because of the level of pain that we endure i understand that because the same man that was telling me things about god died my father suddenly tragically died and my entire orientation of the world of god was completely disrupted everything i thought about god changed every time i heard god was good i was suspicious of his goodness every time somebody said god was just i was suspicious of his justice every time god told me yes every time somebody told me about a characteristic or attribute of god that he's omnipotent that he's omniscient that that that he's all-powerful all-knowing and all-seeing i was suspicious about it because my father was god and i asked god the question how could you do this to me and pain entered into my life at this moment and i could no longer see the stars i could no longer see the sky i could no longer see the reflection of his creation in the mirror all i could see was pain that's all i could see obscured by the loss obscured by the devastation obscured by the tragedy and i had no way to acknowledge that to anybody because i was too young and so consequently when tragedy goes unacknowledged it also goes uninterrupted when you experience a traumatic event and no one can acknowledge it and you don't have a language for the dramatic things of life that come the tragedies of life seemingly can't be uninterrupted and that's what i was facing and at the funeral it was the biggest blow to my psyche more than the death of my father it was at the funeral that the preacher got up to quote job's words to say the lord gives and the lord takes away and i said to myself if that's the type of god he is i don't want nothing to do with that type of god and i shut god out of my heart completely [Music] i didn't want to know him i didn't want to feel them i didn't want his presence in my life because of the loss that i suffered this message is for people who have suffered some losses i want to talk to some people in this room who have suffered some losses because it is the losses of life that makes us think so little of ourselves it is the losses of life that gives us the wrong perception about who god really is because when you lose something that's not the only loss that you suffer i know that i'm in the right room i know i'm in the right space i know that there's a ton of people online and right here looking at me right now who has had some losses in their life to the point where you have questions that have gone unanswered and yet and still you sit here living a quiet life of desperation knowing in your heart god what about that and god why did that happen over there and ultimately what we are asking is what kind of god are you what we're asking god is simple god what type of god are you and at that point i didn't have a reference there was no hindsight i could pull on right now in this room you got some hindsight that you can pull on to let you know that god is actually a good god even though you've gone through some trouble and some difficulty you've also experienced that he's a very present help in the time of trouble although there's some questions you have that have gone unanswered you know that he'll never leave you no forsake you he'll be with you to the very end of the age you know some things about god in hindsight but i didn't have that luxury i yet to have the experiences that i've had at this very moment and i think we do ourselves a disservice oftentimes when we come to god just with hindsight alone without the complete and total perception and angle of what he's trying to do this was my plight because i suffered loss and when you suffered loss you suffer more than the thing you lost there is a collateral damage to the things that you lost it includes a loss of self it includes a loss of identity that includes a a loss of self-confidence it includes a loss of of a choosing a lifestyle the inability to make decisions it's a loss of security it's a loss of feeling safe and it's a it's a loss of having structure in your life and stability in your life you you don't know which way is up or which way is down you don't know what's about to happen next or what's about to take place it's a loss it's a loss of your past because you no longer have the reference points because you lost the permanent thing that's now gone and all of the memories that was with that thing sometimes sit on the back burner because to remember that memory is to bring up that hurt and that pain and you don't want that hurt and that pain in your life anymore i know i sound out of pocket but i assure you i'm right in the middle of the mix because communally and collectively we are all suffering loss which has to bring us to a place of complete and total reorientation of how life is going to be and that my friend is scary whenever you have to muster the carriage and inhale the breath to be able to say i'm going to try again i'm going to get myself back up again without knowing how things are going to turn out or to work out i'm going to believe i'm going to start that business in the middle of a global health crisis in the middle of a pandemic and i'm going to start that endeavor i'm going to go after this vision and you have no idea how it's going to turn out collectively we are experiencing loss it's not just on a personal level it's everywhere and so this brings out about a concern about our suffering but that concern inevitably leads us back to god because who else can we get the answers to the questions we have oh somebody stay with me i'm going somewhere with this thing inevitably we go back to god for for for when we are facing the hardest and the most difficult times who else has the answer jim bean ain't got it oh i'm gonna come on right down your street and come on right down the street hennessy ain't got it no all right okay all right jack daniels ain't got it uh cools ain't got it oh i'm sorry you're a new poor person newports ain't got it y'all trying and play me this morning wherever you're choosing to treat the pain that you are carrying because seemingly god doesn't have the answer and you feel like to even approach the conversation will bring up the hurt that you're carrying right now and so it's scary and it's hard i'm gonna help you real quick i'm gonna help you real quick because it is the human instinct it is human to block suffering and pain don't nobody want that don't nobody want to suffer loss don't nobody want to admit that they're hurting but her cannot be healed until it is heard nobody wants to say i'm going through nobody wants to articulate to somebody what they're wrestling with you would much rather just cover it up or what's even worse you would much rather just be angry rather than to be sad oh i wish i had somebody in here because anger is easy to deal with more than sadness because anger allows me to transmit my pain onto somebody else and to project it somewhere else so that i don't have to deal with it but sadness has to allow me to face the emotional distress and let the emotional chips fall where they may and face what i'm going through and deal with all the tears with all the remorse with all the regret with all the hardship and who wants to do that and so sometimes there are people and things that we turn to that make it easier for us to deal with our pain the problem is is that if you don't deal with it you can never transform it and the pain that you're not willing to transform you will always transmit [Applause] and the problem with that level of transmission is that it spreads quickly faster than omicron oh you're not talking back to me and it goes generationally it doesn't just stay with you it flows through your dna and confine your your kinfolk all the way down to the fourth generation where they have an anxiety without an experience but y'all don't want to talk back to them where they have a fear for an experience they never even had [Applause] because your children were parented based upon your past circumstance and situation and you start telling them don't do this don't do that don't do this don't do that out of the fear and the pain that you went through as a parent so you don't parent your child for their future your parent your child from your past [Applause] oh i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking because that's what the enemy really wants for you to feel stuck like you're not moving [Applause] but yet god set you in a day that moves consistently [Music] that as sure as you open your eyes up tomorrow you've stepped into another term when you woke up this morning you didn't realize you woke up to another term oh y'all just gonna sit here and act like i ain't saying nothing do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth when you woke up this morning you woke up to another turn that means you got another shot that means you got another 24 hours that means whatever happened yesterday is stuck in yesterday god so designed this thing that your pain had a barrier to not reach you in your tomorrow but it's really up to [Applause] you which is expressing why he said give no thought for tomorrow but seek ye first the kingdom of god and then everything that you're worrying about shall be added unto you come on walk this out ain't no rush i'm gonna walk this thing out come on come on come on you have to understand that god set you in motion already look at somebody say i'm already moving regardless of what it feels like i'm already moving god help me holy ghost regardless of what i see right now i'm already moving it's a reason why he put the idea down in your heart because you're already moving okay i can't stay there i can't stay there and so so it is this pain that we got to deal with and to deal with the pain huh you ain't gonna like what i'm about to say lord i told you they didn't wanna go like what i had to say listen you didn't go like whatever to deal with the pain you got to go into weeping mode [Music] [Applause] oh lord jesus pastor i don't do that it's a guy right now looking at me like no dog i don't do that that ain't that ain't for me but but but you're gonna cry anyway you gotta go into weakness there's a reason why when you're born the first primal thing that you do is cry because you have moved from one dimension to a whole nother dimension and you are disoriented in the new dimension so much so all you want to do is get back and where you came from so your first response is that [Applause] and if you don't win everybody gets nervous and the doctor starts flipping you over and patting you on your back because they're waiting to hear the cry hear my cry oh lord attending to my earnest plea now every parent in the room knows if your child starts crying you will drop everything that you're doing because they could be in a room full of 100 kids but you know your child's cry he didn't say hear my prayer he said hear my cry [Applause] come on come on come on stay with me i'm going somewhere with this thing i'm going for this thing so so you're already moving but but to move into the next dimension of your life requires weeping mode maybe i should have called that another term but i don't have a better one you baby you got to cry that out [Applause] lord jesus you got to cry that out you you got to get all of that up out of your system it's called weeping mode it's it's called weeping mode look at your name and say it's weeping mode it's sweeping mode this weekend it's moving come on cut because if you don't go through weeping mode you'll start trying to fix the situation and control the circumstance and rebuke the suffering there's some things you can't rebuke a buke omicron all you want to is still here a bu corona river is all you want to and still here they've gone away there's some stuff you can't rebuke i'll prove it to you there was a storm that rolls on the horizon that jesus stood up and said peace be still and he rebuked the winds and the waves but there was another occurrence when he came walking on the water and he didn't rebuke that storm the reason he didn't rebuke that storm was because he was trying to show him how to use the circumstance not control the circumstance oh i'm preaching better than y'all shouting up in here you gotta learn how to use what you're going through as momentum to go to the next dimension not even jesus rebukes everything [Applause] [Music] i feel the power of the holy ghost because he knew there was going to come a time he couldn't rebuke his own suffering stop trying to rebuke your suffering you can't as a matter of fact oh can i go a little bit because come on can i work this thing can i go a little deeper i'm sorry because as a matter of fact when you try to rebuke suffering when you try to get christ off the cross it's satanic when jesus was sitting down with his disciples at the last supper he was telling them what he had to go through and peter rose up and said no lord and he said get thee behind me satan because it is our first inclination as humans to avoid suffering but jesus says no i gotta i gotta speak to that situation that's satanic to get me off the cross would make everybody miss the turn [Music] come on come on come on come on come on i'm going somewhere with this thing i'm going somewhere with this thing so i can't rebuke this suffering i can't control the suffering and allow me to let you know the reason why you even feel like you're suffering is because you're trying to control the suffering you have to actually let go and give in and trust god lean out on your own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge him because it's outside of my control [Music] like the sun coming up in the morning ain't nothing new about that but opened my eyes and there's some situations in life that come into our life that we can't do nothing about but the ego says oh yes i can i'm a controller i'm gonna drink it away i'ma sleep it away uh okay i don't wanna talk back tell me y'all wanna talk back to me y'all i'ma come over here and talk to some real folk i'm gonna get high i'm gonna get drunk i'm gonna sleep with somebody all i'm trying to do is figure out what to do with this pain [Music] and this is what treats my pain so i'm gonna keep doing that even though it doesn't bring me to healing so i gotta go through weeping moves okay i got i got to get up this thing i gotta get i gotta i gotta go through weeping mode i have to learn to remain open to the grief because it's gonna take me through a process ah look have mercy it's going to take me through a process that's going to leave some stuff in my past that i cannot take into the next dimension of my life there's some stuff that you went through some difficulties that you had that's still embedded in your psyche that cannot travel with you where god is about to take you look at your name and say i'm about to go through weeping mode i'm about to win right up in here and the moment i do it i realize that weeping only endures for the night which means god put a boundary of how long i have to be in weeping mode because as sure as the sun is going to come up in the morning joy is about to meet me i don't care what loss you suffered joy is about to greet you in the morning [Applause] what you got to go through weeping mo now my brothers and sisters i said all of that to get your heart and mind open to the text because had i not dealt with that you would not be able to see this text because of hindsight you come to this text with a set of assumptions the first assumption is that this story is about job you're wrong the book of job though it bears the title of his name has nothing to do with him oh lord i know that's hard to understand but careful study will show you that this is really not about job suffering but rather about god and suffering and how we are to relate to god when we're going through suffering so in essence the story of job is really about god and so if you're trying to find out what kind of god he is read job and at first glance you would think that god is petty that that he ain't got nothing better to do but to pick on somebody because that's what it seems like when you open job chapter one there was a man from the land of ooze who was upright and just and blameless what he's from ooze yeah he's from the moose boys the moose boys up over there and you read that and and and all of a sudden you miss the turn because ooze has nothing to do with jewish people job is not an israelite come on come on come on come on come on stay with me he is not an israelite careful study will show you that that this book when it was written predates the pentateuch [Applause] so job's story comes before genesis exodus leviticus numbers and deuteronomy god has not even selected abraham yet but it is around the same time frame where god is about to make a power shift [Applause] in other words abraham is in the vicinity but god is dealing with job abraham is about to become the patriarch of the israelite people but god is dealing with job who has no covenant time seemingly to what god is about to do yet is under the protection of the covenant that's already in the earth that god made with noah [Applause] so when you read the first verse you're reading the covenant harmony of god's eternal purpose of what he wants to get accomplished in the earth in other words the simple statement there was a man from the land of ooze is letting you know that god was up to something before the foundations of the world to pick somebody who would not even be under the blood covenant of the israelites y'all not even here with me but would in essence be a gentile to show us that he always had a purpose to do what he was going to do in the new covenant oh y'all don't talk back to me [Applause] in other words you're looking at the intentionality of god look at somebody say my god is intentional [Applause] that means that what god sets in motion cannot be stopped that means whatever purpose he establishes that's it that means whatever the words that comes out of his mouth he will not alter he will not break if he said it it's going to happen that means that god has been working this thing out for a very long time because he was waiting for you to get the opportunity to have another turn can i work this thing real quick and so we enter into this message with this understanding that this is god's covenant harmony between the old testament and the new testament of what he wanted the purpose all together the oh my god being revealed in the new do you hear what i'm saying and the new being concealed in the old but god revealing it to us through this one story of this one man who seemingly is going through something nonsensical and unjust and didn't deserve it and he's got to go through it and it's happening and it all starts with a conversation in heaven where the sons of god had come to bear witness and he asked satan at the meeting where you been i've been to and fro up and down throughout the whole earth and god said something that blew my mind i almost called this the title he says have you considered my servant joel i almost called this title thank you for your consideration [Applause] because a consideration means a thoughtful period where you have given reflection about what's about to happen [Applause] so when god asks satan have you considered my servant job it means that god was already considering him before he even acts satan and with god's omniscience he was able to see the end from the beginning oh come on somebody stay with me come on come on stay with me stay with me let me let me get to where i need to go and so and so the conversation starts in heaven but when we enter into the text of where we are we're entering to the second conversation because job had already suffered loss his children was gone he's devastated he's dealing with such pain and now all of a sudden his body is start go through but this time it is flesh and bone that the enemy is about to touch flesh and bone that the enemy is about to touch and god says to the enemy go ahead and touch it but save his life what yeah go and touch it but save his life you mean to tell me it is only so much the enemy can do you mean to tell me that he's got a border of how far he can come into my life you mean to tell me at the consideration of god that i might go through some stuff and that the weapon might form but what it intended to do is not going to prosper i thought i was talking to some people that understood what i was saying you mean to tell me no weapon formed against me can be successful [Applause] not death not disease not debt not doubt not depression no weapon formed against you he didn't say what the weapon was he just said the weapon would form but he said whatever the weapon is i've already created the atmosphere for the weapon to even exist so i got power over everything that even could come your way and i've given it its borders like i gave the water its boundaries [Applause] and so so let me get to my first point i'm sorry let me get down and so the conversation is in heaven and the enemy gets permission because god is setting something in motion satan doesn't care about job he's trying to prove god wrong [Applause] he's after god's word to make god capitulate to his word to give up on his word so that he would exist to be god that's what this whole thing is about when he said to eve he didn't say you would surely die he's after his word david said it this way why does the heathen rage and relegance the lord and his anointed saying he's after god's word because if he can get god's word it is the only thing that has the power to separate soul from spirit and discern the intentions of your heart in other words it's the only thing that god got to use to get to the real issue of our pain it's it that's it that's it that's it doesn't even do it god inhabits the praises of his people and yes when we praise he comes down and he enthrones himself on our praise but that doesn't mean our pain goes away so he gives us praise so that we can break up the follow ground of our heart so that when the word comes forth the word can get down with precision to the real issue and handle some stuff so that you can go into transformation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i feel like preaching up in here look at somebody and say i'm about to go into transformation [Applause] i beseech you therefore brother by the mercy of god that you present your body a living sacrifice be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind [Applause] job is going through transformation because of the initiation that took place in heaven because satan is trying to prove god wrong i got to hurry up and and god and and and god says let me show you have you considered my servant job satan thinks that job is serving god because he's blessed [Applause] so the enemy has always been trying to put what god hates and what god loves to set him at odds against what he loves so that he would punish what he loves and in so doing would not be able to be god because satan knows that god is not punitive oh y'all just i just lost half the room i just lost after room i just lost petrol the reason i love head to room because western theology has taught you that god is punitive god did not start with punishment he always starts with restoration i wish i had somebody in here god is not trying to pun who am i talking get the camera right here you're online you're on the sofa you're on youtube god is not trying to punish you [Applause] he's trying to draw you closer to him and when you go through stuff you cannot understand the only person you can run to that's him i gotta hurry up and so y'all messing with me i need got to my first point come on here we go watch this watch this so so so the conversation shifts from heaven to earth and here comes job's three friends his three friends are coming from separate locations i don't have time to deal with it but i do got to deal with it a little bit because scripture and study shows us that these were some of the wisest men of their era ezekiel even mentioned how wise job was that that he that he consulted kings and his friends are coming because these are the princes and the sages of the day and they heard of his plight and their coming these wise men are coming to someone who's suffering and so wisdom is visiting wounds [Applause] but the problem with this wisdom is that it's man's wisdom with a limited view of god and so man's wisdom starts to try to have a conversation that started in heaven but they don't have a 360 degree view of all the details so all they're left with is assumptions and their own conclusions and they conclude that job sinned that's why he's suffering theologically speaking bishop he was already in sin because there had been no remedy for the original sin yet so everybody that came after adam was born in sin and shaped in iniquity but what the enemy really wants is to think it's your fault god i'm preaching better than your show somebody needs to hear me it's not your fault baby oh something look look at somebody right there down the road and just tell them your minister told them you don't even know it just say it ain't your fault baby it ain't your fault whatever horrible thing happened to you in the middle of the night it ain't your fault whatever abuse took place in your life it ain't your fault whatever thing that befell you when you were a child it's not your fault god is not punishing you [Applause] so and so they're trying to have this dialogue and while they're trying to have this dialogue job starts saying i ain't gonna miss my turn they're telling joe you sinned his wife is saying curse god and die he said listen lady if he blessed me i was gonna praise him and if i go through a hardship i'm still gonna praise him job turned around and said i ain't gonna miss my turn i will bless the lord at all time do i got some old-time people in the room that says i don't care what's coming my way i have decided in my heart that i will bless the lord that [Applause] i dare you to do it i dare you to take 20 seconds and say my bills ain't paid but i'm going to praise them i got laid off but i'm going to praise him my wife is sick but i'm going to give god glory take 30 seconds and blow the roof off the place and give god pray my god i feel like preaching up in here hey something's breaking right now healing's coming into the room don't just think that i'm just trying to give you a little thing to do there's healing in that praise there's victory in their praise there's breakthrough in their praise i hear your holy ghost the enemy wants you to break down but what he does not know is that your breakdown is your breakthrough help me in here holy ghost he tried to bring 2022 into your life like a ton of bricks with one thing after another and again here comes something rolling around into your life but what he didn't know is that breakdowns lead to breakthroughs baby because every discrepancy leads to a discovery it brings you to this space they're having a 360 degree conversation in that 360 degree conversation it's bringing them into 360 degree thinking this requires hindsight but also insight and also foresight come on say it with me hindsight insight foresight hindsight tells you where you have been more importantly where god was in proximity to where you have been hindsight lets you know that yes god has brought you a mighty long wish because you're able to reach back over your past and look over your life and say i shouldn't even be here right now somebody shout hindsight jeremiah said it this way i recall to my mind therefore i have hope it is because of the lord's mercies that i am not consumed somebody shout hindsight hindsight if you look for a moment and just have one memory of what could have happened of what should have happened but somehow the god you serve stepped in and intervened and you went oh [Applause] he has brought me [Applause] wait a second that happened that happened i messed up right there i should have been down and out right there and the disease should have killed me over there and little ray ray and boo-boo and them drove me crazy over here and yet i still got my praise and i still got my right mind and i still got my health and i still got my joy and i still got my peace and i still got my love i god has brought me and so in hindsight job is having a conversation with them and he begins to mourn the day he was born and mocked the day he was born in other words he said god uncreate the day block the time block the moment that i came into conception because that's how sorrowful i am you might be in this room right now feeling the same way you might be online right now feeling the same way wishing you were not born but my brother and sister if you were not born we could not see all the glory and splendor of what god created you for here's the problem your destiny cannot be retrofitted or downloaded into anybody else's life in other words what god has for you is absolutely for you there's only one you on the universe and god's got something for you to do nobody else can grab it nobody else can have it they can shout next all they want to but until you step into what god has called you to do it ain't gonna get done until you do it [Music] i just said a mouthful he's asking god to uncreate the day and he goes from saying to god i don't want to be born i don't want to live to somehow through hindsight coming to the conclusion that i don't want transformation without cost i don't want to reach my destination without experiencing no delays or no denials i have to trust god regardless of what i'm going through or regardless of what i'm facing and so he reaches back and begins to think about the consideration of god and he says i'm not going to miss my turn he began to say to his friends you have to understand through hindsight that my god exists the first place that he comes to when he stops lamenting the day he was born was to realize that his god exists look at somebody saying my god is alive my god is alive i wish i had a church up in here he began to look back over his life and say god it is your hands that shape me i wouldn't be here if it was not for you even though i'm sitting here in bulls covered in ash scraping the puss off of my life you still made me and i'm going to decide to give you glory and to give your praise despite of the suffering he began to stand up and say to his friends through hindsight he knoweth the way that i take and when i am tried i shall come forth like gold somebody shout you're about to come forth [Applause] now i don't need the whole church but i need half a church to shout come forth god told me to tell you that in 2022 you are about to come forth but you're not coming forth any ordinary way you're going to come forth like gold when the bible says you're going to come forth like gold that means you have endured the purification process of the breakdown and made it to the breakthrough so that everything you do reflects god's glory because gold is an indication of the glory of god in scripture somebody shout come forth you feel that thing right there when you shout it the next time i want you to get on your mind everything you got your hands to do in this year i want you to get on your mind every attack that you face since 2022 turned to dime and came into existence i want you to get on your mind every barrier and obstacle that's been in your way because god says i'm giving you the anointing to come forth and when you come forth every barrier that's been blocking you every hindrance that's tried to stop you every attack and assault of the enemy is going to lose this power and its stronghold over your life you are about to come forth don't do it just willy-nilly if this word is speaking to you shout right now come fall [Applause] my god i feel this thing up in here my god i fill this thing up in here my god i fill this thing up in here you're going to come forth it takes hindsight to come forth you have to know where you have been and you have to know where god has been in proximity to where you were to realize that god has brought you a mighty long way and he did not bring you this far just to do that he brought you this far to take you to the next dimension somebody shot i'm coming forth my business is coming forth my anointing is coming forth my purpose is coming forth my potential is coming [Applause] no i'm almost there so he leaves hindsight which is a fact of creation oh god he leaves hindsight which is a fact or a point of creation what has been done and he gets to insight when job gets the insight as he's traveling on this journey through suffering he begins to use his insight insight means that i get to see into the situation so it's not just what happened it's why god i feel like y'all come on y'all potter's house you got to help me out it's not just what happened it's knowing why because if all you had was the knowledge you wouldn't go through what was next [Music] so you need your hindsight for what's next and when you get to what's next you start using insight because the same stuff starts happening again [Applause] but this time when it happens you're stronger and you're bolder and you're wiser and you're more knowledgeable you got more resources you got a bigger network this time when it happens you say not today demo not i've been here not this time somebody shot i got inside when you have insight you know without a shadow of a doubt that your redeemer lives huh job said i know my redeemer lives and when he made that statement he was saying more than just that he was saying not only does he live but i'm alive because he lived i would not have made it through what i made it through if my redeemer wasn't alive so sometimes insight will cause you to just say so sometimes when you have insight and you begin to lean on your your your inside which is i can see into the situation meaning i have some backstory based upon previous history and hindsight of not only how i act when this happens but more importantly how god acts [Applause] [Music] y'all missed a good place to shout right there because when you have foresight your language changes your talk is different you stop saying what i have to do and you start saying what i get to do you stop complaining about the trivial matters of life and you become precise and sharp and focused and dedicated to everything that god has called you to do because all of the distractions don't matter no more i got insight i'm going somewhere i got insight i'm about to make a turn i got i got insight i got directions from the holy ghost and he told me which way i ought to go i got insight insight causes you to say so in other words you stop holding your peace the enemy wants you silent [Music] job was silent for seven days and nights he didn't say a word when his friends showed up they joined the morning party it wasn't weeping mode it was morning mode and they started to mourn with him and they weren't really much help they had good intentions but they were trying to get him to think it was his fault and so i'm going to come to my clothes here in just a minute [Applause] come on hallelujah [Applause] when you have insight not only do you come forth with your hindsight but your hindsight starts to work with your insight so not only do you come forth you come through somebody shout i'm coming through that means when i get to any hardship i know that it's only temporary that when i face any difficulty i know it's just the season and i'm up for another turn let's look at somebody and say you're up for another term baby it's just a season it's just a moment it's just a temporary delay that is not your future because your hindsight is working with your insight and that starts to develop your foresight where you have a whole different picture of the outcome and the future that you're about to have i'm almost there don't rush me just yet i'm almost there so you're about to come through and when you come through your walk is different your talk is different when you come through look at somebody say i'm about to come through you don't understand what i'm talking about but when you come through god can direct you through a dark place and you're not shook by the darkness because you know the darkness is only a temporary thing more importantly it ain't gonna be dark when you show up because you are the light of the world that when god sends you into a dark place light shows up with you because you're carrying the glory of the living god jaco i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i shall fear no evil somebody shout my walk is about to be different if god sends down a celestial gps and causes me in 2022 to have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death there is a reason there is a why behind it because there's a table waiting for me so that i can learn that while i'm going to my destination there's sweet rest right in the middle of the difficulty on top of that he prepares the table before me in the presence i wish i had a church in the presence in the presence of my enemies that's why he wasn't shook when satan showed up to the meeting [Music] [Applause] somebody shout come through somebody shall come through ain't nobody mad but the devil i had all types of disruptions today that's why i know god is doing something up in here my wife's back went out this morning and i came to tell the devil every person that's supposed to be healed set free delivered is gonna get it today the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is a liar you're coming forth you're coming through you're coming forth you're coming through you're coming forth you're coming through i bind every spirit but the holy spirit you're coming forth you're coming through [Applause] come on down bring your best shot i got something for you every young man and woman that's bound that's addictive is coming forth and coming through every child that's going through depression is coming forth and coming through every baby that you're worrying about it's about to come forth and come through hold on mama the holy spirit is about to show up right on your doorstep [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody said i ain't gonna miss my turn [Applause] when you start using your hindsight and you start using your insight you can activate your foresight your foresight it's not about where you've been it's not about where you are that's insight it's about where you're going foresight makes you listen differently because your next move is so important that you cannot miss the turn i need to talk to somebody in this room whose next move is so important that you cannot miss the turn and you've been saying god i can't afford to make the wrong move god told me to tell you even wrong lanes have right turns baby it doesn't matter because his purpose and his coveted harmony is protecting every move you're about to make but you've got to get in sync with what he wants for your life we're about to make a turn we're about to make a turn that's going to disrupt all to change your future my god i feel the anointing of the holy ghost in here your future is hanging in the balance right now [Music] the future is not a destination it's a decision [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stop looking to get there and decide you're gonna make it there [Applause] stop looking for when it's gonna arrive and decide come hella high water i'm not staying here [Applause] my god i feel the lord hurry up phillips come on hurry so watch this watch this watch just watch this voices and so for 30 something chapters they're talking about hindsight and insight from a man's wisdom perspective trying to have a 360 degree celestial thought process but they got missing information so they need a revelation to fill in the missing information so god shows up and begins to talk just look at your name and say god's got the last word baby whoa i feel like look at somebody down your row and say god's got the last word on every matter of my life he's the author and finisher of my faith doesn't matter what the doctor said doesn't matter what the lawyer said doesn't matter with the psychiatrist god's got the last word over my life [Applause] so god begins to talk and when god begins to talk he starts talking to joel and the first thing he says to job is where were you he said hey joe uh where were you when i stepped into the chaos and said let there be light where were you when i gave the water its boundaries and told it to appear but only come so far where were you job when i flung the stars in the universe where were you when i made two great lights one the rule a day and one to rule the night he begins to go through his creation narrative and ask job where you are a part of the creation and job was silent and had no answer and god said to job break your silence i need you to tell me why you think the way you think about me if you know i live if you know i'm gonna bring your fourth light gold if you know you're about to come through what makes you think that i wasn't about to come around and turn everything back to the way it is supposed to be plus better what made you think i wasn't about to come around and change what the enemy thought was gonna be your destiny what's gonna be your future look at somebody say the devil is a liar my god is about to come around he's about to show me why all hell has broken loose he's about to show me what his consideration was for my life he's about to show me the thoughts that he had towards me that were great and immeasurable and i could not count god is about to show up in an enormous way in my life [Music] and job my brothers and sisters has to give god an answer and god's and job said i wasn't nowhere i i don't know and the lord leaves creation he leaves creation narrative and steps into salvation god i'm preaching better y'all shout he stops talking about creation and he starts talking about salvation and he says job if i give you the behemoth if i give you the leviathan would you be able to save yourself and job said i could not save myself from the behemoth or the leviathan in other words job had to realize i can't do it without you lord i can't make it without your lord i can't function without you lord what made me think i was gonna make it through 2022 on my own wisdom [Applause] he starts talking about salvation and the reason that god's toss talking about salvation is because he's trying to get joel to the place that he's trying to get all of us from creation to salvation to dominion when you stop living stuck just in your salvation which means you're just trying to survive because you're not saved from something you're saved for something i'm gonna say that again your salvation is not so that you don't go to hell so that you become everything god created you to become [Applause] that's part of it but it's not the whole turn and the bible says i feel the lord the bible says that when god comes through everything turned somebody shout don't miss the turn and so he tells joe i'm about to turn it all around but i'm mad with those friends and he tells job's friends bring me a sacrifice seven rams seven bullocks bring me a sacrifice and lay it on altar it's to be a burnt offering the reason it is a burnt offering that god asks for is because they're still under the norad covenant when noah stepped out of the ark into a new world into a new dimension out of the uncertainty where we are about to step the first thing that he did was worship and gave a burnt offering because everything he just went through needed to be consumed come on holy ghost did you hear what i just said because whenever you're about to step into your dominion when god makes that turn everything that you've gone through gets consumed that's why god brought me in this room today and that's why the devil has been fighting me all week long because he knew if i made it to this room pain was about to be consumed depression was about to be consumed anxiety was about to be consumed [Applause] your trauma is about to be consumed not that you will ever forget it but it will not have dominion over you but you will have dominion over it [Applause] in all honesty and complete transparency which seems to be the mode of the day in my life i wanted to end this service with y'all dancing and shouting what preacher doesn't want that and every time i tried to turn up my voice the holy spirit said shut it down because here's what job discovered and here's what i discovered in my life it's not about you it's not about there's somebody in this room that's about to miss a turn it might be one person it might be too i don't know it might be somebody watching from australia or from africa or from london i don't know where you are but you are about to miss a turn and the bible says god turned [Music] the captivity of job when he prayed for his friends because when you have dominion [Music] the focus is no longer on you but it goes to those who god wants to touch you're about to miss a turn and i've been speaking to you and i've been talking to you and you've been listening intently which is why you couldn't even respond you couldn't even say i'm coming forth i'm coming through god's coming around you couldn't even use the three points because you were just listening [Music] i came today as a messenger sent from god to tell you everything that has been causing you hurt pain harm shame guilt grief is about to be consumed right here at this altar [Music] right here at this altar you ain't got to wait i'm calling you right now you ain't got to wait you can move right now [Music] and it's often that we think it's got to be a drug or something illicit or something nefarious it doesn't it could be the guilt of a wrong decision [Music] it could be that god told you to do something and you didn't do it and and everything is out of sorts and you think that god is mad with you he's not [Music] don't miss this turn you're about to make a big decision you're about to make a big move don't miss this turn don't miss this turn don't miss this turn don't miss this turn i hear you holy ghost i hate your legals don't miss this turn come on he's got to consume it before you go into the praise i heard it i heard it he's got to consume it before before before before before before before he's consuming consuming consuming [Music] consuming [Music] consuming he's a consuming fighter your deliverance is not your freedom is here this is your day come on lift your hands you get to this altar there's nothing to be ashamed of there's nothing to be sorry about there's no need to hold your head down i don't care come on come on come on come on don't let the enemy trick you into thinking that you have to miss this turn you don't you don't you don't you don't that's it that's it come on open your heart open your mind open your spirit open your heart open your mind open your eyes the holy spirit is here right now to set you free come on deliverance it's in the room right now killing it's in the room right now whatever you need it's in the room right now [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 676,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, michael phillips, Pastor Michael Phillips, finding your path in life, living day by day with god
Id: wqhMto4HDQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 5sec (5405 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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