Rev. Jacqueline McCullough (7 Last Words of Christ)

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it is good to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy name almost high I think just about now would be a good time to give Jesus a standing ovation amen to mother ofili aperi president emeritus to our president president Sheila Davis to all of the women who are responsible for carrying on the vision of women United I agreed to in the name of Jesus to all of my colleagues and these outstanding ladies who shared the word with you I greet them especially and of course we wouldn't need to be here if you weren't here so it's good to have you here amen just tell somebody I'm glad you're still here amen amen I'm coming from st. John the nineteenth chapter and I'm just going to read verse 30 you may have it in other versions but Saint John chapter 19 just one verse verse 30 he begins a reading of God's Word when Jesus therefore had received the vinegar he said it is finished and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost let's look at what was exactly finished the attack of his enemies finished the fulfilling of the father's command to suffer on behalf of you and me finished John 4:34 jesus saith unto them my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies as Reverend Noble mentioned before is now finished the ceremonial law is abolished shadows are done away with vale rented wall of partition torn down even the law of commandments contained in ordinances finished the mosaic economy is resolved Ephesians 2 and 14 for he is our peace who had made both one and had broken down the middle wall of partition between us having abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of Commandments contained in ordinances for to make himself a Twain one new man so making peace sin the power of sin is finished and the title of my presentation very brief presentation is he stopped the lie taken neighbor he stopped the lie the power of sin is finished the end made of transgression by bringing in an everlasting righteousness not something temporary not a one-night stand not relief or making me feel better he did it permanently something that we don't have in our society anymore your Facebook account up today gone tomorrow your BFF here today and gone tomorrow but Jesus did something permanent Hebrews 9:26 if that had been necessary then he would have had to die again and again ever since the world began but no he came once for all at the end of the age to put away the power of sin forever by dying for us his sufferings both emotionally and physically finished his life on earth as it was before now is finished the work of man's Redemption and salvation is now finished he satisfied the Justice of God the fatal blow to Satan the fountain of grace opened up the fountain of peace and happiness laid before us God did a finished job john 17:4 I have glorified thee on the earth I have finished the work which thou gave us me to do now what was the lie there are two kinds of lies in here this morning the first lie is we can save ourselves Adam and Eve tried when they covered themselves with fig leaves when Moses went up to get the commandments they built a golden calf because they thought the calf could do it just like your who do voodoo your totem your rabbit's foot your good works helping old lady across the street even changing rules and laws and at the end of the day you pat yourself on the back and think that your soul is saved and Moses when he came down from the mountain and he gave them the law they all shouted and we will do it and immediately Moses sprinkled or - the blood upon them to say you may have good intentions but you don't have the ability and that's the ego trip that man has been riding on from the garden if I do good works if I finish school if I get a degree if I marry if I buy the right house if I do nice humanitarian things then that's my ticket to an everlasting peaceful life that's the lie we live by that's the lie we share with each other that's the lie we pass on from one generation to the other the Atheist had a sign on the bus during Christmastime last year I can be good without God and what a good lie that is for what the law could not do that it was weak through the flesh God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh for sin condemned sin in the flesh Titus three and five not by works of righteousness and I know we feel good about our works of righteousness nothing wrong with feeding the poor nothing wrong with housing the homeless nothing wrong with visiting the sick but it has nothing to do with your soul makes you feel good emotionally looks good on your resume looks good when you stand up to get your accolades but when the shades of town and the lights are off your soul is still wretched not that works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the holy spirit so how are we gonna get rid of this lie how we gonna stop pretending that we are good people not so bad never been to jail never slapped a woman never killed a child never dropped a bomb never committed rape I think I'm pretty good and that's a big lie so how we gonna deal with the big lie that we have flattered ourselves with with a new here doing a new weave moving to the suburb having a bank account fighting Alexis riding a Mercedes man's writing a cheque I think a black American Express card PhD MD next to our names ain't nothing but a big line what's the lie what's the lie mccullough are you calling me a liar we were born liars we were deceived from the woman the wicked go astray from the womb they speaking lies as soon as they be born from all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and all my righteousness is like a used feminine napkin ain't nothing about me that wonderful if it had not been for the cross of Jesus Christ I wouldn't be worthy today and you need to stop right here and salute him for the finished work of the deception is you don't need his grace you don't need his help you don't need his lies you don't need to be washed by his blood you don't need him to tell you what to do you don't need him to guide your life you're doing pretty good by yourself and sometimes I was pretty good by ourselves end up in suicide sometimes I was pretty good by ourselves and end up in depression how come you're doing so well and you're so depressed how come you're doing so well and there's still no happiness how come you climb to the top of the mountain and you feel so lonely and deserted because something else you didn't touch and that's your soul oh you touched your mind cuz you're so bright oh you touch your body cuz you're lost weight oh you touch your accomplishment and you have a whole list of goals but your song has never been touched and only the finished work of Calvary can he the sin-sick soul mercy dress it up and it still sick put on a new and is still sick gold travel all over the world and you come back home steals away my and on you're saying days you know it's true it is based on the finished work of Calvary he did it well he whipped sin he conquered the power of your slave master took you out of the marketplace of sin and saw you bleeding and broken and told the devil back up his blood intimidated hell his blood put a stop to the sin in your life on your way to rock to hell and God reverse the curse no I have mercy you have nothing to fret about this morning your life is secured in him you worried about paying the bill you better thank God that the bill for your soul was fully paid this morning put your hands together and thank God that is finish here is the second lie that he stopped and I'm gonna sit down and the second lie is I can't live holy I can't live saved I can't stop sinning this Christian life is too hard that's the second lie that he stopped when he said it was finished but by grace are you saved through faith not of works not of works lest any man should boast the grace of God gives us the ability to stop sinning now we may not be able to stop all the sins and some sins are more more devious and deep than others but progressively God has given us the power to say no to sin it's a lie to say you can't stop committing adultery it's a lie it's a lie just say that you don't want to but just don't say you can't it's a lie to say that you can't love somebody just say you don't want to if you've been washed in the blood of Jesus you got the power to back up sin out of your life it's a lie to say you can't stop gossiping you just like to gossip that's all just say you just like to gossip but don't say you don't have the power to hang up the phone and say my conversation has just changed but if any man be in Christ he's a new creature old things are passed away and behold all things become new it's a lie to say you can't stop cheating on your income tax it's a lie to say that you can't stop going to work and clock in a chair at 9:00 when you came in at 10:30 you just don't want to just say that I want to live in my flesh for the minute but don't tell me what he did on the cross doesn't have the power to give you a new line don't tell me that this finish work can't wait the spell of sinner can't wait the stain away there is no don't tell me you can't obey God cuz it is finished made it possible for you to say yes Lord don't tell me that you can't tell people I don't do that anymore because he gives you the power to say I lost my taste don't tell me that this finished work was an exercise in futility don't tell me that there's no power in what Jesus did on the cross you just don't want to but I bring you good news this morning here he has the power to take the don't walk too out of your mouth just give him a few days it is finished it's continual you see it is not just continue ah it's linear that means it is finished it's working right now and you can say I don't want to but oh five years later you don't say I'm glad that I did oh you may run from him all you want to but that finish work will whip you in line you can say that I don't want to but when the finished work of Calvary grabs you at three o'clock in the morning turn your heart in a different direction back you up against the wall your husband and say yes what about your sin it I'm not worried about your backsliding I'm not worried about your lying huh cuz its power wonder-working power in the blood of Jesus huh he's coming after your lie he's coming up to your mess-up I said don't break up that relationship to take the drugs out of your bloodstream to change your attitude what a mighty God we serve ain't just bow before him adore him oh you better praise Emma you are not going to escape stonewall him all you want to the blood coming after you keep on sinning the blood got you keep on lying the blood is getting ready to back you up in a corner lord have mercy keep on doing your own thing with your bad self there's something matter is called the blood keep on running from God keep on running from your preaching assignment I don't care if they call you send it to our judge the blood said preacher and if it takes another 20 years the bug knows how to break legs the blood knows how to handcuff the blood knows how to jack you up the blood knows how to bring you down you're too high right now but these are coming down this finished thing is serious ladies and gentlemen you can't outdo a finish
Channel: Robert Ellis
Views: 25,634
Rating: 4.8981819 out of 5
Id: y2xZnhL4aGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2015
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