Rev. Dr. John R. Adolph - "WORLD WAR ME" (CRAZY SERMON)

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today i want to use for simonic subject world war me [Applause] when you look through the annals of what is world history general marvin d brailsford can attest to this it's been marked by conflicts and wars when you look through the annals of world history you can see world war one that commenced with the assassination of art duke ferdinand and it left some 16 million people dead it then seen years later world war ii lasted over 20 years with the great depression at its core and leaders like the fascist racist hitler over in germany yet thank god for allied forces that said enough is enough leaving over a hundred million people dead and millions unaccounted for the worst war we've ever seen so history says yet my brothers and sisters hear this announcement there is another war that has wiped out more people on the planet than world war one and world war ii put together and i don't speak of world war three i speak of world war me at the end of the day ladies and gentlemen there is a dark blemish on the spot of every human soul it has wiped out more of us due to suicide homicide and all kinds of worry and stress disgust dismay anxiety hurt jealousy loneliness abandonment and abuse and the church for long has been silent about these issues yet i argue that even here this morning there is a battle going on in the human soul of everyone sitting in this cathedral it is why you should never make any human being on the planet god don't ever elevate anybody so high that you erase the presence of human struggle yet we are sitting here and there are those who are struggling wait don't look around cause i'm really talking to you it ain't for your neighbor it's for everybody in here there is a struggle going on in the heart it's why your body could be here with me and your mind beyond the other quiet and sung two songs the orchestra has played the bass guitar has stumped the sopranos have hit the right note and some of y'all haven't moved one muscle it's because you're sitting here with your mind here but there is a war going on oh sure you know you should praise god but are you free enough to yes you should lift a holy hand after all he has taken care of you all week all month all this year all of your life but if you're not free enough to do it sitting in this cathedral ladies and gentlemen are people who are secretly at war and our flesh paul says is no good thing and the problem we have ladies and gentlemen is we do all kinds of stuff with our flesh during the week then we dress it up in church clothes and make it come to church and it don't want to be here all of the time but i've come as a divinely inspired postman to tell you that the enemy will not win even if it is the enemy that is hidden within that our god sits high and looks low and has all power in the hell of his hand i am thankful ladies and gentlemen to every christian with a struggle if you have no struggle you have no strain you have no hidden sin you have no hidden problem you have no hidden habit you have no issue that's confronting you everything is okay with you you can really put your finger up and tip out because i'ma waste your time this sunday but if you are watching online and you can say every now and then i'm my worst enemy every now and then my struggle shows up on my face every blue moon pastor ate off while i'm trying to stand i fall flat on my face every now and then i worry too much and worship too little i plan it too much and pray too little every once in a while my demons of my past get the best of me and yet i'm still trying to press my way pray my way do the right thing but every time i try to do the right thing evil is right in my face i get tired sometime wait this is for people can say i just get tired sometimes hold up if you got all the stuff you know you got your five-hour energy drink do that but this is for people who can say i get tired sometimes i get tired of the struggle i get tired of the strain i get tired of being talked about i get tired of pushing sometimes i just get tired of other people and sometimes i get tired of myself is there anybody who can say i just get tired sometimes when you can concur with paul oh wretched man that i am who shall deliver me ladies and gentlemen the existential ontological query that he poses he replies to i thank god for jesus i'm opposed right here in the introduction of this message because ava hamilton i argue that without jesus life is not worth living i want to say to you that if i couldn't have jesus i would clock out it's too much you help people but they turn on you you try your best but you failed you move forward but you ain't got much to show for it i got a lot to show for it but i feel like i'm on a mountain by myself sometimes depression comes this may and disheartened things happen i think everything is going to be all right somebody die in my family just when i think i'm healthy the doctor gives me a crazy bill of health just when i think i've made it something pulls me 10 steps back i just get tired and sick of it all but i thank god because there is something about the name good god almighty jesus that makes alighted heavier all right that makes a dark spot all right that makes me weak make me strong again that i think we ought to just pause right quick because i believe there is going to be a healing in the hearts of god's people kim i believe that god is going to start turning things around for some of us i know pastor you know where is this coming from y'all listen and this ain't even a part of the sermon just live in so the family matters series was coming to an end you know we've been taught my family for the last three months so tracy i'm driving down washington boulevard college street of me and i say to god lord what do you want me to feed your people so i have a series i want to do the lord said don't do that the lord said i want you to do something else i say okay god but hold on you know because the series family is coming tonight what do you want me to teach and the lord told me to tell them nobody knows i said nobody knows what he said that what i'm gonna tell you the lord said i've been letting you go through some stuff and you've been wondering why i've been in low places i've never been in i've had struggles that i never had 25 years i've had issues happen i never had to struggle with and and so god revealed to me i had to pull my has god never made you have to pull over i had to pull her over into an empty parking space and just let god talk to me and god showed me he said in this series i let you feel some of their pain so that by the time you get through feeling their pain you'll know when the real healing comes ladies and gentlemen this series is not for everybody who has it all together this series is for people who can say pastor i don't look like what i'm going through right now people think i'm all right but the truth is i'm hurting on the inside i cry silent tears pastor adolph that no one knows i cry and people have enough nerve to be jealous of me sometimes i'm filled with anxiety and stress but i'm the one my whole family is depending on and everybody's depending on me so if i go to them and tell them i'm cracked up the whole family gonna go to pieces but i need help my dog gonna say who is this for can i just ask hold up if this is for you stand on your feet high five somebody and say god is getting ready to heal me heal me of my heart heal me of my addiction heal me of my stuff heal me of the trash of my past it is not world war one it is not world war two it is me and at the end of the day victory is yours in the person of jesus christ be seated be seated [Applause] what's in the text that's tailored to enlighten empower and strengthen god's people pastor shagwell watch this number one if we're going to deal with world war me listen you've got to be real about the struggle we live in a generation of finger pointers nosy people it's why social media is so prominent because we just want to know what's going on in other people's lives but i want to make an announcement that this series is not for everybody else it's for you [Music] the worst lie you can tell yourself the worst life you can tell is one you tell yourself and if you lie to yourself and say i have no struggle uh last night dick and brushwood i did a survey on instagram about one in the morning y'all i was up praying did a survey and just ask people do you have any struggle that makes you say god i need you about four percent of the people said no i want to tell them you lying you're lying you are a bold-faced lie i have never met any human being that did not have a struggle listen at the apostle paul he understands ladies and gentlemen this particular part of romans is covered with 16 personal pronouns all beginning with i for the good that i would i do not but if i do this i i i i and it's because paul says if nobody else understands what is in your closet that you can't talk about or discuss i understand hold on and only does he understand but he is also under attack anytime ladies and gentlemen you are in a dark dismal place it is because there are demonic forces at work against you listen to me carefully god is not only light but he is the absence of darkness and if you have ever been in a deep dark dismal place you can trust me the devil is at work wait i just gotta ask this because this ain't in discernment but how many of you have ever in your lifetime in any point in time been in a dark dismal place wave your hand can i give you all the shout the devil failed at his attack his assault didn't work you're still like y'all i thought you can't wait let me just tell y'all i thought when i was getting ready to preach this the church would have shouted let me try one more time let me see the hands of those in-house and online who've ever been in a dark dismal look like defeated place can i give you the first official shout everything the devil tried doing that assault failed you decided to live on you woke up and said i'm gonna keep going come hell in high water i'm moving on i need to buy 25 of y'all who thought about quitting at least one time say i thank god i'm still here wait not only does he understand and been under attack but he has not undertaken pastor moore paul says he's still alive the greatest ladies and gentlemen enemy is not out there stop pointing fingers at your boss and your spouse cut all that out the greatest enemy is into me at the end of the day i our end with struggle is a struggle because you can know right and do wrong you can know better and still don't do better y'all ain't saying amen no more let me talk to y'all you can know the right thing to do and still do the wrong thing with the right thing looking you in the face at the end of the day there is some good in the worst of us and there is some bad in the best of us and i argue ladies and gentlemen that there is something that makes all of us struggle don't judge your neighbor because they may not struggle where you struggle you know normally deacon meals and papa mills and deacon brosford i normally don't make lists of sins because when you do and you miss somebody's sin they say who can't talk about mine you know what i'm saying so i normally try not to make a list but for this morning's discourse of human struggle i just have to can i just ask a rather nosy brother nosy question you can be silent you ain't got to raise your hand because i don't want nobody know what flavor your kool-aid is but i just want to know whether you struggle what's a struggle for you wait let me just guess you messy huh ain't nothing good like a little mess for you you don't even care if it's true or not you just like how it sounds oh you arrogant i got it you think you're better than other people so pride has your heart you can't say i'm sorry you can't say thank you and you really think you on top of the world and you ain't on top of nothing hold on oh it's not pride or arrogance it's jealousy every time god blesses somebody else the reason why you can't shout for them is because you think you should have been next and god is making you oh it ain't jealousy it's envy oh it ain't envy it's bitterness you're still mad huh it's been 28 years you still carrying around that same hate trip in fact you still hate people that remind you of people that hurt you at the end of the day you punish people that are in your face trying to help you when there's other people that hurt you and not them oh wait it's fornication high up you couldn't wait to get married you want to try it before you but oh it ain't funny it's adultery high off me and mrs jones got a thing going on wait hold on wait oh wait it's not fat oh it's alcohol that remy martin be calling your name donny remy ladies and gentlemen everybody [Applause] i said everybody can darby i said everybody [Applause] i said everybody your mama had a struggle your daddy hasn't struggled your pastor has a struggle lady dory hasn't struggled all these diggings up here in this white half of struggle that choir they gotta struggle at the end of the day [Applause] i don't care how rich they are i don't care how poor they are i don't care what title they have i don't care how much their weave costs i don't care why they shout if you walk on two legs welcome to the struggle i need about 50 of y'all who won't mind being real with it that just thank god for every bit of your struggle you're still fighting you still pushing you still praying i gotta throw this in while i'm tossing this salad let me throw this in do you know why people don't come to church because they're tired of fake fictitious phony christians [Applause] see listen religion is killing us because religion teaches us to put a facade on the struggle so you look priestly holy big bible how you doing blessed in favor of the lord i'm doing good i don't care what y'all say and at the end of the day you're hurting on the inside and god is saying until you reveal it i'm not going to heal it i argue the day ladies and gentlemen you can be real with the struggle elijah struggled with depression david struggled with bathsheba noah struggle with alcohol here is how you know that people didn't write the bible because their struggles are put out there for you to read on the social media site everybody in the bible has a struggle and the good news is god does not leave you in your struggle by yourself i recently noticed olympic hopeful chicago riches [Applause] i already know it's some legal that's in here hey shakari if you happen to be watching this we love you keep pressing on pick yourself up ask god to help you and keep running till you get to the next contest she smokes some weed for every one of y'all who have never had a bronx have never had some oh we some sticky icky we ain't talking to y'all to everybody else who knows how to go puff puff pass you know the hurt and the pain and at the end of the day we don't say it's right but thank god he can pick you up when you have fallen flat on your face [Applause] i'm so sick of extra holy i've never made a mistake i don't do what you do you drink more liquor i sip ziffendal so i'm i'm so sick of church people who can look down their noses other people like you've never committed saying i'm so tired of quiet people who cannot say pastor i'm struggling and i will keep trying i'm so tired of preachers and prophets and apostles who are so high they have no earthly good below i am so tired of people who come to church and cannot worship because you are too proud to admit you need god i think we ought to pause right quick for everybody in this struggle lift your hand and say god i need you i need you in my heart not mine my soul my walk my talk and my witness [Applause] be seated let me argue one more thing hey watch this big brother watch this that cream there so watch this if the struggle is real and it is and if it affects everybody and it does then you must ask the question why does god permit it if he could stop it it's what you call a theodicy the idea is god could stop this you know i mean after all if god sees you trying to live right he can say i'm no longer let you struggle with homosexuality i'm just going to liberate you but the devil don't play that way now if god is in control and he is he could stop that but why doesn't god stop it you know why why listen listen to me he lets us struggle to the point we can struggle no longer [Applause] only to come to the point where we have to admit without him we will never make but with him every day gets sweeter than the day before i need about a hundred of y'all in here who can look back on your life at different things god has delivered you from and tell somebody it gets sweeter as the day goes on hold on watch this number two i got nine minutes left be real with the struggle be rugged in the spirit everybody say be rugged no real battle happens without conflict so to be a christian says welcome to the conflict pastor adolf what conflict if you have to ask then you just to miss the whole fight that's been going on in your own heart sometimes the conflicts are simple i don't need to eat fried food my cholesterol is elevated here you go in the popeye's line talking about this you're moving slow maybe it's god trying to give you a chance to get out of line [Applause] for you dr c strong these can go from simple to complex like i'm on my way to the casino see how that hurts feeling that loss just feeling hope [Applause] i know this is my rent money and i haven't given the tithe but i'm gonna pray the lord blesses me traffic jam on i-10 you go the normal trip that take 45 minutes take you two or three hours it was god trying to give you a chance hear the words of the text papa mills here with this dick betray him for the good that i would i do not for the good that i would i do not but the evil that i would not that i do now i if i do that which i would not it is no longer me but sin that dwells in me my brothers and sisters there comes this moment of an inward battle it happens every day somebody says something about you you got a hefty bag full of dirt waiting to be released you are now in the place where you have to decide god's way or the world's way every single time something happens to you there are decisions that we make and those decisions have consequences and the problem is there is a oh you and i and a new you living in the same house and the old you like show always and the new you is trying to do the new way and the problem is watch me you feed the new you once a week on sunday at nine o'clock and the oh you you feed all the rest of the week you feed your own you on monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday and then you give the new you a snack on sunday tell me i'm going to church ladies and gentlemen this is warfare you're going to have to feed the new you every single solitary day you're gonna have to wake up feeding the new you you're gonna have to get you some new people to hang around you can't even hang around the same people no more because if they used to the old you they can't even understand the brand new you i need 50 y'all in here who know what it's like for the old you to show up at the wrong time i need to buy 20 who can say pastor adolf sometimes i owe me sure but i'm trying to get rid of it but the lord won't let me my brothers and sisters god leaves the old you in you for two reasons one is that you will always know where you came from and number two you were always thinking that you ain't there no more i need 25 of y'all no i need 50 who can say i may not be what i need to be but i ain't what i used to be either raise your hand in this house and tell god lord i shout hallelujah [Applause] katrina when the world promotes change they talk about willpower but i want to say to you that this is not about willpower it's about his power pastor shagwa willpower is self-pushed self-pressed and self-aggrandized but his power is a power like none other cheryl when we use his power it's not like willpower willpower says if i'm trying to get you to quit drinking i don't put alcohol anywhere around you that's willpower you learn how to say no to the drink but watch this ladies and gentlemen it's his power you can be sitting at a bar full of every drink in the world and god will give you a spirit that says i could but i don't want to who am i preaching to let me just ask right quick anybody in here ever been addicted to anything and god heal you you're not ashamed to tell everybody leap to your dog on feet right quick and tell people if god can do it for me he can do the same thing for you and everybody else hallelujah may i suggest that while we wrestle between the old and the new watch what comes out of your mouth because i believe that what you say is what you will soon see [Applause] so stop talking about i'm this and i'm that stop calling yourself what everybody else does i argue you ought to call yourself what god says you are because at some place watch this ava what you say comes to pass is why in mark chapter 5 verses 23 through 34 the woman with the issue of blood before she got to touch jesus i argue got healed at her house you see what she did was she called an express cabinet meeting between her chief of staff and herself me myself and i and she had a conversation as he lives that went like this if i could just touch the hem of his garnet because i'm tired of being sick and if i could just touch him i know i will be made whole if you ask me she got healed then that's where the healing happened it was later made manifest when she touched him because sometimes you got to have a talk with yourself a talk that goes like this i will not let that bind me i am bigger than that i am stronger than that and even when i am weak i am still moving forward at the end of the day i refuse to let the devil in hell get the best of me jesus has hung for me bled for me and died for me and because he's risen for me i'm gonna run on to see what the end is gonna be i wish i had 25 baptists for this kind of preaching at the end of the day i don't have to settle for bondage what he has already paid for my freedom i'll never forget this i watched my daddy struggle with alcohol 31 years hold on don't judge my daddy i feel the judgment just stay focused he was the black baptist preacher too sunday morning oh my god he's gonna shout them people they're gonna pack people out of all the way to the fellowship hall you know he gonna have sure monday another day tuesday my goodness where is this soap i got to go to bible study thursday my god friday saturday gotta get sober preached on the morning 31 years of that hold on in my youthful ignorance i judged him that's what young stupid people do you judge stuff for all of y'all who got judgment on your team hush jesus put it like this judge locked that you be not judged so i know i'm in the bible you ain't gotta say man but with the same measure you judge that same thing gonna be used with you in my youthful ignorance i judge my dad watch this what i discovered though was that god delivered him one day while going to church i asked my daddy i said daddy you've been away from alcohol a while do you ever want to drink he said sometimes depending on whether y'all get on my nerves or not [Applause] but he said even though i want to i'm not i said well daddy hold on how do you not when you want to don't you want to know the answer to that how do you not when you want to in fact y'all got to all lean forward because all of us that have a moment where you shouldn't but you do this is for everybody to say hold on drinking ain't mine but i know what it's like to not do it but i want to here's what my daddy said he said when i really want to i'll let god be my decision maker because if i make the decision i'm going to fail but if he makes it for me i'll come out all right ladies and gentlemen my brothers and sisters god never fails us last principle cause i got four minutes left be real about the struggle be rugged in the spirit lastly be ready to celebrate every struggle that ensues on earth has an inevitable victor every struggle on the earth listen to me in a boxing match somebody will ultimately win even if it's a draw they gotta fight again at some point in every contest every battle every struggle that will ultimately be a victor in world war ii i thank god for the allied forces who came against hitler and his fascist racist germany and helped us put an end to the plight of global depression i am so thankful for those who in world war one said we've had enough and i'm thankful ladies and gentlemen for the 13 colonies that on july the 4th 1776 said we are sick of great britain yeah it's the fourth of july you didn't think i was gonna pass by that did you before you eat your barbecue let me go ahead and tell you this right quick i thank god for them but i don't think god just for them i thank god for him because when paul says i'm tired and i can't go any further he says this i thank god for jesus say this with me i thank god for hold on this is the mantra for the rest of your day say it again i thank god for jesus why because his blood has already cleansed us his cross has already liberated us his empty grave has already fixed it for us and nobody can go back into your past to bring up the dirt he's already paid for bill cosby's out of jail some people mad about it some people upset i shouted i said thank god you see what happened to bill was he made some mistakes in his past but he admitted those mistakes and they were supposed to be closed up and never discussed again a woman who wasn't in this mistake said hey he did this to me and instead of just trying that trial they went back and dug up his pass bill has an attorney who said hold on they can't do that that's against the rules and it took them two and a half years to admit that once you admit it you are already acquitted ladies and gentlemen if you can't shout for bill you ought to shout for yourself the blood of the lamb the god almighty does not let them go into your past to pull up your trash it has been forgiven i'm done [Applause] they call it the declaration of independence we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men ought to be eight that ought to be be created equal but they have certain uninaliable rights life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that happened on july the 2nd 1776 it was ratified on july the 4th 1776 245 years later i don't come in the honor of country alone but i stand in the honor of those who follow christ i have another declaration of independence for you and this is for people who can say i believe that he hung i that he died and i believe that he rose again is there anybody here who can openly testify that i believe in the lord where are your hands this morning if you believe i believe that a declaration of independence is in order right now i hold these truths to be self-evident that if you are in christ you are a new creature all things are passed away behold things are brand new amy all right i stand with the new declaration of independence lift up your hands oh ye keys and biggie lifted up the everlasting doors and the kingdom glory shall come in who is ow who is i the king of glory the lord strong and mighty floors mighty in battle amy all right high five your neighbor if you got some hand sanitizer and tell the neighbor welcome to the declaration of independence it was the next declaration lift up your hands and utter these words no weapons hallelujah no effort thank you jesus that's formed against me shall prosper i will look through the hills i must come with my help my hair my hair my helper comes from the lord which made heaven and earth be all right i know that my redeemer lives i know that all things shall work together for the good of me because i love the lord and he all right i said ain't he all right i said 80 all right find one more neighbor's hand only if you roll to church with them hold their hand and say neighbor i got a new declaration god bless yes lord gives me strength someday today it will never ever lose its power hey all right sing one more hand and tell your neighbor say neighbor it's the fourth of july and it's not just the nation's independence but i'm celebrating my own freedom because today is the first day of the rest of my life i'm walking and talking with my mind stayed on you i've come too far to turn around ain't he all right i said ain't he all right i'm trying to shut up but my soul didn't gotta be happy that's why i'm here to tell you this is the day [Music] that the lord has made i will rejoice i will rejoice who don't mind celebrating what god's about to do in your walk talking worship lift up your hands open up your mouth and tell god i'm free thank god i free free in the holy ghost freeing my soul free in my spirit yes hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Channel: John R. Adolph Ministries, LLC
Views: 3,712
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: dr. john r. adolph, dr john r adolph, john adolph, pastor john r adolph, Pastor John R. Adolph, Rev Dr John R. Adolph, rev dr john r adolph, Dr. John R. Adolph sermon, john r adolph sermon, Dr. John r adolph sermon, Rev. Dr. John R. Adolph sermon, Rev. Dr. John R. Adolph preaching, Rev. Dr. John R. Adolph
Id: KcOpY_bYgUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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