Dr. Will Beauchamp - Three Pillars to Strengthen Your Life

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i see none help me out right in front ed and peggy how many years 41. i had a birthday too oh pat gross where is she this is close you're going to get you don't want to be next sunday somebody else who was i'm talking to that was having a birthday [Music] anybody else let's sing let's sing to sister pat then then eddie happy birthday to you miss pat happy birthday to you happy birthday god bless you [Music] happy [Music] [Applause] [Music] salvation [Music] ed and peggy happy anniversary our fine fine these are some of our favorite people they just do work and do well and we love them all right happy anniversary to you happy anniversary to you happy anniversary god bless you [Music] amen good to be in the house of lord good to see you this morning if you're visiting for the very first time if you've never been with us before we want to welcome you especially if you just raise your hand if you've been this very first time you've been with us our ushers have a gift for you have some upstairs ushers you give those gift bags up there if you'll fill out those uh cards that they'll be bringing to you we have anybody upstairs help me out thank you jim i need some mushers upstairs there we go get that to them fill those out put that in the offering bag when it comes by and you keep the gift good to have you any others visiting for the very first time good to see all of you now listen i know it's hot outside but be honest did you not feel just a little bit just a little glimmer of hope of it lasted for about 15 minutes amen but it was there stand with us ron's going to lead us in a number this morning oh happy day i don't know if it's on her hey ryan you know i've got a a request this is an old old old song and we do a little happy day to fix my choice and then second verse if you've got it oh happy bond it's not even on mine here oh happy bondage and then on the last here's done the great can you do that magically it is good to see you i i don't want to talk above you or anything like that but i had to talk to brian to ryan there a little bit are you happy two or three of you are fairly happy but anyhow it is good to see you good to be in the lord's house good to have hannah and dj my granddaughters her sweet husband yeah you could you could do that if you sue started to but it kind of died you know all right oh happy day singing oh happy day that fixed my choice [Music] [Music] see how many remember when he taught me how to watch saturn [Music] all my love [Music] he taught me how to watch [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he is [Music] what you pray [Music] when he taught me how to watch [Music] [Music] about 56 years ago the first time i got to visit the church on the hill and old jim dunlap would leave that you remember that janice don't we remember that so good good days thank you lord and a few of you still barton kathy and a few still remember those good days thank god sister o'hallon would sing at the top of her voice my those were good times and good singing and i fell in love with the church and the music and all the good things here and so uh i'll try to do this and too while the ushers come christ is give give me a key there hon give me all [Music] christ is all i need christ is all i need amen he was crucified for me he died [Music] that [Music] christ is all i need christ is all i need is [Music] is that pretty to me [Music] while i was home uh a convalescent uh i got to watch the choir thing and i'm telling you again it thrilled me it just does me so much good and it's not like being here but i'm telling you it's second just second like in anyhow is this a good looking crew right here [Laughter] all right thomas pray for it upon us this we pray lord you should bless the choir anoint them with the holy spirit bless each one of them their lord and we praise your god you're blessed visitors is here today dear god but you let me arm around let them stand and feel your presence today and we pray dear god that you have blessed each and every person that showed up today your god give them a holy spirit experience bless this offering now and bless the preaching of the nature of god for we ask you all in your precious holy name dear lord if there's anyone here that don't know you as a personal savior may this be the day of god that claim you bless us now for as we take amen [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so all right [Music] there is [Music] i cannot see while going through [Music] this hand still leads as i go [Music] i'm trusting [Music] to the [Music] that guides me through this [Music] and some sweet days [Music] i long to see [Music] my your savior's and sing the story saved by grace that golden strength [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that guy me through this we relay and some sweet days [Music] oh i'm trusting [Music] [Music] be through this weary legs [Music] reach that strength [Music] is [Applause] sick [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes sir don't get no better than that right there amen psalm 121 if you have your bible psalm 121 psalm 121 once you've found it please stand with us psalm 121 the writer says i will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help i want you to look at verse two here my help yeah my help my help yes cometh from the lord amen my help cometh from the lord which made heaven and earth he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will not slumber behold he that keepeth israel shall neither slumber nor sleep thy lord is thy keeper the lord is thy shade upon thy right hand the sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night the lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve thy soul the lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even forever more lord we love you we thank you god for your word today lord we lift up those who are here this morning and those who are watching uh who have needs burdens heartaches discouragements god if there's one here who's never accepted you as their personal savior that they would come to the saving knowledge of your son today god we pray for your holy spirit to be present move upon our people have your way in every heart and life for it's in jesus name amen i want to ask you a question this morning and i would say only you can answer it but no others who know you can answer it how many of you are optimists raise your hand i want to see you're an optimist i mean you see everything in a good light all right quite a few of you some of you are lying because i know you but i'm just kidding how many of you are pessimists raise your hand come on be honest yeah we're in church thomas was a pastor peter was a pessimist um how many don't care what you are raise your hand today you're all right that's that's most of us i heard a pessimist asked he was asked the other day about the state of america and what's going on and and this is what he said he he said well all i can say is the world was better 20 years ago and the guy interviewed him said well how so and he said well 20 years ago our world had bob hope johnny cash and steve jobs he said but today we have no jobs no cash and no hope i thought it was a pretty good answer wasn't it well we don't know who wrote these words of psalm 121 where we're never told but whomever it was he definitely was an optimist and this optimus of psalm 121 he's going to share with us three stanzas of a song that he had written himself and in this song are words that carry a message for any day you might be facing for any situation you might find yourself in this morning so if you are feeling helpless hopeless uh you're hurting we find in this psalm right here psalm 121 three pillars upon which we can build the foundation of our life and will help us stand against any storm we are up against three pillars i want to give them to you this morning and we'll be finished we're going to put them on the screen uh pillar number one the writer tells us that when i am in need the lord is my provider when i am in need the lord is my provider now look up here the government is not your provider uh whatever political party you find yourself in they are not your provider but today i can lift my hands and say with almighty the lord jesus christ is my provider today you see the psalmist had done what all of us tend to do when we get into trouble you know what he did he looked every place but the right place he tried everything but the right thing he he asked every person but the right person and so he begins by telling us in verse number one and two i'm gonna paraphrase it he says this i looked up into the mountains does my strength come from the mountains he says no my strength doesn't come from the mountains they come from god who made those mountains you see one thing that's common to every person in this sanctuary this morning is this every one of us has some sort of problem and listen if you don't have one now hold on there'll be climbing one just around the corner you have a problem how do i know that because you're human that's why and today it may be a big problem or it may be a little problem but here's the thing all of us have some form of problem maybe your home is facing a problem maybe your job is facing a problem we look around our government is facing a problem our our nation has problems but too often church we look to the wrong places for all the solutions to these problems here's what i heard the other day well if if we had a greater economy it will solve our problems no it won't if we can just put a conservative president in the office if we can just put a conservative congress that will solve all our problems no it won't zig ziglar said this too often the reason why people never solve their problem is because they look to the wrong place for their solutions so i asked you this morning who or what are you looking to to help you in your time of need listen again to verse 2. the writer says my help cometh from the lord can you imagine anyone you'd rather have as your helper than the god who created this universe i mean why do you think the psalmist refers to his god who created everything here's why because the god who creates everything controls everything and the god who controls everything can help me through anything no matter what my need may be whether it's a time of trouble a time of tragedy a time of heartache god is our helper that's why the psalmist goes on to say in verse 3. look what it says he will not suffer thy foots to be moved now look at that word moved there it means to slip he's saying god will not allow you to slip or god will not allow you to fall on your face be honest how many have ever tripped and fallen on your face right last week i was walking up these side stairs into the side office and it was during car line the worst possible time when kids are everywhere right and i'm hurrying up right and my top my foot hits the top step you know those three steps that go up this side right it hits the top step and i fall flat on my face now you say well why didn't you catch yourself here's why i had a mission barbecue sweet tea in my left hand honest truth honest truth honest truth in my and i reach this is why it's important i go to fall i reach with my right hand to hold it up okay but you know what happens when your elbows hit the ground it doesn't matter what happens you give way and it goes and i remember sitting there just looking at it as that beautiful liquid drops out the side of the cup and i jumped to my feet as fast as i could and what do you think the first thing i did the same thing you would do i looked around to see if anyone could see me and man there was a whole group of like third and fourth graders ah that pastor will fell down slipped and fell right on my face god won't allow you to do that god will meet listen to me god will meet every need that you have in your life not your wants we all have once i want this but god will meet every single need that his children has in their life listen to what we read in verse 3 he says he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will neither slumber behold he that keepeth israel shall neither slumber nor sleep so the writer wants you to know that god is watching you 24 hours a day it not wonderful seven days a week god has his eyes on you and the reason why you should be able to sleep at night no matter how deep your need may be number one my help comes from god and this god has his eyes on me every single moment that i'm alive back in the days of world war ii when the germans were bombing london all night every night there was a a particular day when the bombing was just devastating on a certain city and afterwards the citizens began searching among the ruins for the dead and the dying and the missing and and there was a godly elderly lady a grandmother they couldn't find and they looked everywhere they could they looked in the bunkers they looked in the shelters someone finally decided to go to her home that had been bombed all around her and they found her fast asleep in her bed they came in and woke her up and said miss smith how on earth could you sleep with all that bombing going on listen to what she said she said well it says in the bible that he who keeps israel shall neither slumber nor sleep so i figured there was no need for the both of us to stay up all night so i went to bed that is the kind of spirit we ought to have knowing when i am in need the lord is my provider pillar number two when i am in trouble the lord is my protector verse five the lord is thy keeper look at that word keeper the word keep and keeper it's used three different times in this psalm and it literally means someone who protects you someone who guards you so listen how god protects you in verse number five the lord is thy keeper the lord is thy shade upon thy right hand now we're told specifically that the lord is our shade and he says this though on our right hand why the right hand well in ancient days a soldier had two primary weapons or or two primary pieces of of instruments that he used in fighting he had a shield and he had a sword but here's the thing his most valued piece was the shield because that was his only line of defense and and the shield was always held in the left hand which means his most vulnerable part of a soldier was on his right side so this writer wants us to know that is exactly where god stands in our lives god stands in your life in my life at our most vulnerable position well one one writer said he said the lord always puts his strength at our greatest point of weakness there's another reason why god is called the shade upon our right hand look what it says in verse six the sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night now understand the reason why he refers to the sun is because the sun gives off heat christians sometimes in our christian life we face the heat sometimes in the christian life it gets hot but here's the key god never allows you to get to a point in your life where you cannot take the heat because god is your shade he protects us from the burning heat he protects us from the blinding light of every fiery trial that comes our way and i love what the writer mentions he says both the son and the moon and the reason why he mentions both is simply because it doesn't matter if it's daytime or it's dark god is protecting me in the bright light of the sun in the night light of the moon the lord is our shade the lord is our shield the lord protects us paul harvey told one of the most fascinating true stories on his radio program years ago took place in world war ii he said there was a b-29 bomber that took off from the island of guam and it it was heading for kokura japan on a bombing mission and when it got to its primary target they said that plane circled above this gigantic cloud that covered the target for almost three full hours until the gas supply from that plane was at a dangerous point well they didn't want to pass up that primary target but they felt they had no choice they were about to run out of gas so with one more look back they decided to look for a secondary target where they unleashed this terrible bomb they they dropped it on a secondary target weeks later an officer received information from military intelligence that what he said sent a chill down his spine he he found out that thousands upon thousands of allied prisoners of war the biggest concentration of americans and enemy hands had been moved guess where to kakura japan days before the bombing that city which they were about to bomb was the exact prison camp and had they bombed it thousands of our american soldiers would have died except there was one single solitary cloud that continued to shade both the sun and the plane from its target you and i must understand today satan seeks to drop those fiery darts those fiery bombs of doubt discouragement depression despair disappointment he tries to do this on us every single day but we must remember i have a god who is clouding over me and is my shade and my shield we're promised his protection three pillars that will stand through any storm when i'm in need the lord is my provider when i'm in trouble the lord is my protector pillar number three when i face temptation the lord is my preserver let's face it every one of us here today face temptation we are all tempted to do things we ought not to do that's why we read in verse 7 the lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve thy soul that word evil here in the hebrew language does not refer to evil that is done to us it refers to evil that is done by us we sin don't we we fall short every single day every single week i remember years ago emory was really little she didn't know i was gonna tell her story she was really little and i was preaching on sin and how we shouldn't sin and uh i had said i had made the comment have you ever gone a full week without sinning and that's kind of where i left it and we were in the truck going home and she said dad you asked me if i could go a full week without sinning i want you to know i can't do it and neither can you i sin every single day we face temptation we we fall short every single day but god promises us that if we are are following him if we are serving him if we are obeying him he will not only lead us out of temptation but he will deliver us from evil does that sound familiar to you sounds like another verse we know in our scripture it's the lord's prayer it's exactly what jesus told us to pray for remember he said lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil so understand if you're a follower of christ there is not a sin on this planet that can defeat you if you're not determined to let it in but listen god not only preserves us from evil notice how he concludes this song in verse 8 he said the lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even forever more can i give you some of the best news you'll ever hear in your life even when you're not faithful to god god is still faithful to you even when i'm not faithful to god god is still faithful to me think about your life right now have you always been faithful no you sin you mess up you fall short i've not always been faithful to god i've let him down but listen god has never let me down he's always been faithful to me i want to tell you that our god will be faithful till the very end so when you feel like you're at the end of your rope you've come to a dead end in your journey of life you you feel like your enemy is going to win whether your enemy today is disease or disappointment or discouragement i want you to remember who your god is and what your god will do it's the lord who's my preserver there was a christian in africa his name was frederick nolan he was being pursued by some people of a false cult because of his stand on the gospel frank nolan received word that they were trying to find him and kill him and they were coming to his house so he ran he was fleeing from his enemies and they pursued him over the hills and and the valleys he he could find no place to hide and soon fell exhausted into a cave expecting his enemies to find him at any moment while he was lying there waiting for certain death he said i looked and behold i saw a spider weaving a web he said within minutes that little spider had woven a beautiful web around the mouth of that cave and and frederick nolan said i i joked and said to myself what i need is a boulder to cover this entrance and god you sent me a spider web he said i could hear my pursuers coming when they finally arrived they wondered if nolan might be hiding in that cave but when they saw the unbroken unmangled spider's web they thought it's impossible for him to have entered that cave without dismantling the web so they kept moving on realizing he had escaped certain death nolan wrote down these words when he got home listen to this he said where god is a spider's web is like a wall but where god is not a wall is like a spider's web i want to tell you something this morning when you feel like you've lost everything just remember today god is my provider when my enemies begin to attack me remember god is my protector when the devil's trying to take you down you just remember it's god who is my preserver so if you're down today and you're hurting discouraged we need to look to these three pillars from psalm 121 to give us strength and encouragement in our life heads are bowed and eyes are closed we get a song of imitation maybe you're here this morning you have a need in your life maybe you're discouraged this morning a burden that you're carrying listen to me you can't handle that you weren't made to handle that we have to give all of our cares unto jesus give him over to him he's our provider he's our protector he's our preserver [Music] but listen life happens and we battle these things each and every day and some of you are there and you just be honest today heads are about eyes are closed no one's looking around you just say i i need to be remembered in prayer today would you remember me in prayer i have a deed i'm discouraged i'm down try bless all the hands i have a need this morning bless all the hands god knows what it is bless all the hands you have a loved one today that needs jesus in their life you want to remember them and pray to slip up your hand by saying pray for me god we love you we thank you for your word we thank you that when we don't know where to turn when we try to handle everything the god you tell us as your children you're our provider you're our protector you're our preserver help us to put our trust in that in you for so many who raised their hands this morning you know the need today you know the burden that they're carrying god i pray you would meet that need lord if any are here that need to come and pray for whatever reason they would step out they would come they'll be others to pray with them god we love you we thank you for it's in jesus name amen as we stand as we sing if you need to come and pray these altars are open as we speak [Music] christ [Music] oh [Music] till [Music] me [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] me [Music] sure [Music] do the first day jesus [Music] [Music] free [Music] is [Music] is [Music] uh [Music] then [Music] [Music] i want you to have a seat for a second i've asked bill to come he wanted to share some news with you this morning all right this uh this story i'm about to tell you this testimony a lot of you already know the the heart of it uh but uh it's it's a good it's a good testimony it's a good story and it's worth telling again it's worth hearing again many times really i'll never forget it on uh in april of this year uh i was diagnosed with a pancreatic cancer and the tumor was very large for the area it was and it was infringing on other organs and blood vessels etc etc and it couldn't be removed surgically with any degree of safety or hope of success so is had have another plan the plan was 10 treatments of chemotherapy spread over 20 weeks and hoping that cancer would be shrunk enough that they could remove it surgically safely with a positive outcome and so that's what we did at about 16 weeks they took a look with some scans and it had shrunk enough where it could be surgically removed at that time but we continued on with the uh with the chemo to the finish last thursday but the tumor was still there and very recognizable last thursday i went for and it's incompetence topic that's the best i can do babe and uh to take some get some new images of the of the tumor and to take some uh needle myopsis and it was over i everything was over i'm back in the covering room i'm dressed sitting in the chair waiting as soon as the doctor comes i can go home and eat i'm hungry i hadn't had anything to drink in a long time i'm thirsty anyway doctor comes and she walks in and she says i know what she said was your tumor is gone [Applause] but i didn't understand what she said and an attendant over here did and she saw that i didn't she could tell i didn't tell her couldn't tell what she said and she said mr hampton she's telling you that your tumor is gone congratulations and about that time the doctor repeated the same statement mr hamilton your tumor is gone and i said what and she says your tumor is gone and i said gone and she said next she says the tumor is gone and she says this this is her testimony she said i have never seen anything like this and i don't understand that was her exact word oh yeah and i replied to her i said doctor i've had many many people praying about this for a while and she says this well between the medicine and grace the tumor is gone and that's just the way that we prayed about this i prayed about it and i asked the church and i asked the preachers to pray about it god bless these treatments and if you bless them then we'll have a good outcome we never imagined anything like this but the tumor's gone uh there's still some things to be decided if i don't have the pathologist report yet there may be some cancer cells left but the tumor is gone thank god thank god amen praise the lord i want janet beck and tony davis to come forward they're going to join our church this morning i do have a few announcements i don't want to share with you as they're coming tonight are all of our youth are going to be going uh k five through fifth grade or going to cc's with charlie and doris sixth grade and up we're going with aaron and brie to portillos and all of you adults who have kids going to one of those two places i'm going to mission barber here to get my tea back if y'all want to go with me um you think i'm kidding you think i'm kidding janna is coming uh by statement of faith tony's coming by a letter but i need a motion to receive them into our church can i get a second 100 percent can't beat that a few announcements so let me give you two more uh movie sales sold out 6 p.m we have no tickets for that we have 24 25 left for the 6 p.m one uh we're selling them in the back if you'd like to go at 3 p.m uh for that that movie also don't forget alan o'keefe service funeral services tuesday in the sanctuary 9 a.m to 10 a.m visitation 10 a.m will be the the service all right that's tuesday so remember that all right this will be our dismissal come back tonight brother aaron will be preaching the kids will be kind of running the service hope you come back and support october 3rd next sunday gary tim's family will be at the hillsborough county fairground at 2 30 in the afternoon after the service just saunter on out there and uh all right and coming and fellowship and make sure these folks are welcome my heavenly home is bright and fair feeling [Music] you
Channel: First Free Will Baptist Church
Views: 221
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Keywords: Will Beauchamp, Tampafreewill, First Free Will Baptist, Church, Tampa, Seffner, Florida, Jesus, Jesus Christ
Id: RlC686LLygM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 16sec (3136 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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