The Old Time Preachers Quartet

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[Music] [Music] if you hold up a dollar Lola will come and get it for the Good Samaritan fund we buy food clothing household items so a hold of a dollar Lola's here and maybe somebody else Christie does generally for some reason I don't see any dollars [Music] load it up I'm waiting [Music] would somebody hold up down I'll land you adopt I'm still waiting hold up a doctor for the Good Samaritan fine try heaven sake [Music] yeah I don't see one doc [Music] [Music] this must be the chin CEA's crowd I've ever seen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening good to see ya good to be in the Lord's house what a good day this morning and it's good to see you back if you're visiting make yourself at home page 120 victory thank God for victory in Jesus good to have the old-time preachers quartet they want to see old-time you just look around in here brother yes you're gonna get old-time right in here look at us huh stand up old-timers victory in Jesus page 120 all right you got it what's the first word [Music] ah [Music] July is his precious blood [Music] forever he's happy and he bought me [Music] is due [Music] [Music] me [Music] dear Jesus spirit and somehow Jesus came internal and make sure our visitors are welcome these but his redeeming he is due in big day [Music] and some sweet say it out [Music] these son is due watch me as the ushers to come will come with us evenings offering sing this old song and because he lives I can't lose [Music] the yeah [Music] [Music] because he lives I can't say become [Music] all fear is gone [Music] the offering goes to the cortex of the old-time preachers quartet so you give liberally you give us God's blessings take care of em and we won't feel too bad Willie ash brother Lloyd Locklear preacher Lord Lockley to ask the best thing only [Music] keep your hands clapping put them together for the old-time preachers quartet as they sing for us it's not [Applause] that's a good banded [Applause] [Music] just say Lord [Music] his feet [Music] one morning and a rain as the crowd so big they were walking mom [Music] so slab was soon that the birds huffed theirs but like the man he was Oh we saw [Music] archiplanet included you test [Music] strange [Music] just to say [Music] [Music] once I was close [Music] son I say ready Oh [Music] that's compassion the [Music] yes I'm a child [Music] ready [Music] right [Music] well now our child [Music] home ah [Music] I'm all washed in his blood [Music] oh yes Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] and [Music] I'm a child [Music] right right [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] see [Music] with Jesus Savior remember when you gave him [Music] has Ramon you knew he's calling to the place she maybe turn [Music] you wonder how [Music] [Music] there's just test balls [Music] now go live redeemed cause I've been I've been to calorie though sometimes I falter and I failed his will to see EEMA forged it's fun and in him I rejoice because I wanna is little sheep and his sheep [Music] time [Music] the darkness away from the there's come impulses so well just as false as you [Music] that's comfort [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is good for us to be here after my goodness it when we booked this all memories just started flooding back to me many many many Cantonese have been able to attend at this place heard some of the greatest preaching in the world that I've ever heard in my life and in blessed to hear folks like the primitive quartet and the Spencer's and just all these folks from over the years man and I remember crying and shouting and praying and running and crying and shout repeat repeat repeat and these are wonderful memories and honored that our quartet could be here and I started seeing the things up on the on the TVs you know they were bringing up who all's coming Jim Brady trio good friends of all of ours and who you have coming with the camp-meeting coming in folks like the joy airs again great friends of ours just wonderful people and I got to thinking why in the world are we here boys because they got the best there is coming in and so I don't know well I kind of know why we're here our friend brother Kevin Garrett I think war brother will down to a nub I mean he just absolutely wore him down and so we're here and we're glad to be here and our goal that we don't have you can see we don't have we may sing something some tracks a little but we don't have stacks and extra vocals and I mean we just were for preachers and a deacon and we love the Lord and we go out and try to sing about Jesus and that's all we do so there won't be a lot of fluff and there won't be a lot of glitz and glamour and all that but we sure hope that you feel the Lord if we fail and debt that department then we have failed miserably but if you feel the touch of the Lord then we'll consider it a great great night had some folks that want to hear some songs that we do I've been tellin you hear on the radio around here XM or all that but so I said that we would do these so I tell you what brother Adam how about I'll write this ship to the shore let's do [Music] some say that we don't in turn that it's just too old-fashioned here too late already [Music] this old chip design so many and same Jesus the candy has lost no one so I ride this ship to [Music] I won't step off on the glorious Saturday man while it took four [Music] today that's a washing bad crimson [Music] questions and every sin thing [Music] one minor dance no this old ship design soul man before let's say Jesus the captain has lost no so our I listen to the song [Music] this whole ship design slow man I say [Music] oh Jesus the captain has dude [Music] they ship to the store this I mean this old ship design so many deform eroded safely oh Jesus the captain has lost no not one some I ride a ship to the shore this whole ship hillside so many before me wrote it safely or Jesus the captain has lost no the picture in my mind that I have is a few weeks ago the military aircraft came over from foreign soil and landed in the back door opened down Marines brought down 50 little boxes covered in blue flags those remains of those soldiers that fought on the foreign soil that the enemy had kept all this time my daughter Abby she said daddy why would they do that why would why would go Korea do that I said baby look when the enemy knows that they're going to lose their only consolation is inflict as much pain as possible on their enemy and the devil knows he's losing he's a loser I don't like him he's a loser and the only consolation he has is to put as much pain on the soldier of the cross as he can possibly provide but I got news for him one of these days I'm not coming in on a c-130 and nobody I'm not landing at MacDill I'm not coming in in a little box with a blue flag but I'm steppin off on the old shippers I on the other side and it won't be a five-star general or the vice president it'll be the King of Kings the Lord of lords my captain Jesus Christ and it won't be a little box of remains it'll be a glorified body like he had with a mind like Christ and the hope of a heaven that'll be mine I'm glad I'm on the right chef Amen Jesus the captain has lost no not one [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] take card a weary Christian don't Areva fear or doubt or crotchless soon me Connie and we'll see him in the cloud just as Jesus rose again the lid rush shall us all right and he'll take us where our faith in me side will be will delay business forward when we find me the Savior in the sky [Music] and it's all world [Music] it stays one day closer and we know it won't be long here we joined with Evans choir and to his sing Reventon song wonderful reunion above the ones gone before as we go [Music] we fly to meet upstander in the spine [Music] hila Terry us too [Music] we'll be away this whole world relevé [Music] this whole world advised when we fighted me a seder in the sky even Terry after we'll be waiting this whole world he was very your distillery or too bad well over [Music] [Applause] [Applause] and it could be the night are you ready [Music] it says one day closer after we know it won't be long he'll be joined with Abbott Squire hands with sing redemption songs what a wonderful reason our loved ones gone before as the group's [Music] if so we'll define quickly fighting me a Sager [Music] the soul world [Music] when we cried at me that state during the skies [Music] it's all world yes mr. Fawlty [Music] [Music] [Music] and we could--we this old world goodbye because the tomb is empty he's gone who does still in his grave Jesus he's gone an empty - hallelu [Music] Mary came unto the to Jesus or the stone was moved he had gone to say oh he is resinous see her he's gone the store is full man go [Music] to say that this haha [Music] [Music] if you don't know this RZA see you oh don't wait to learn to create winter unto his bride has been completed don't wait until you hear him say [Music] Bernie's gone the stone is roll back down you see lad his father [Music] all whooping China [Music] is for oh geez the store like God [Music] yes [Music] man he is gone praise his name but he's coming back he's just gone for a little while but in John he says he's coming back to get his children he's prepared a place for us are you ready to go is the question tonight it really is because I promise you not was he coming back brother will I believe it's any second I used to say about any day and then I changed it's about any hour in about any minute I'm down to the second fellas any second he's coming back well again thank you for having us we want to do some more singing but real quick and I am going to make this quick because we're here tonight not about the old-time preachers quartet it's about Jesus and I want to quickly introduce the fellas because every time I don't I get people back to where the CDs are they say well who are you where are you from and so I'll just knock it out real quick from Chickamauga Georgia singing tenor his brother Tim Owens right here this is his first official weekend out with us you've seen him several years with the Kingsmen singing lead his name is Bob sellers and then right around the corner there that's he's been singing all kinds of parts baritone and tenor and lead and we keep him off the bass because I believe we've got the bass vocal cover don't y'all think we got that covered but he plays acoustic in bass and a great preacher just a good friend brother Adam Borton from commerce Georgia you remember him maybe from his 11 years with gold city and then we have of course old six for 94 not anymore not anymore still for my two cents the greatest bass singer to hit his stage and I can't believe he's singing with the old-time preachers quartet but he is and you know him mr. Mike Holcomb he's a blessing I promise you that brother Mike what do you spy name's les Butler and I'm glad to be here what do you say we do one that you did with the inspirations 44 years ago put it on the map and people still love it today how about when I wake up to Sleep Number let's do some [Music] what my thoughts are wonderful Oh leaders to hear gable stop this ha ha ha but if speed or war rise to be doubtless Redeemer with the like Charlie I made you sleep when I weakened sound that I'll be buried in one school never the story with the read about all of the age praising the one [Music] [Music] I like this glory to God I'll have a new party changed in the twinkly when I wake up no more let's see it telling the story with the redeemed of all of the ages original one [Music] yes my words are that happy I'll be my wife wartella the story with the reading done all of the ages present the one not to speak of with 3d not all of the a dissipates into one eye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] boy I like that second verse glory to God I will have a new body as folks were walking in I saw some kind of stooped over and some kind of lame and and and and and folks it looked like they were having a hard time seeing it something looked like they were having a hard time breathing and that is all going to be in our past when we get to heaven no more that gonna have a glorified body just like Jesus hallelujah sing that second birth boys I like it glory to God no more pain no more achy feet baby back somebody say that man glory to God I'll have a new body tainted between me darlin when I went to sleep oh boy me I'd not travel it's all about that see to speak though we know that dawn at the out won't worry Laurie watch will tell the story made three feet up over the ages breaking the line [Music] some - was that nothing happy I'll be over eToro back right will tell the story with the reading of all the ages facing the line [Music] with three feet up over the a disarray signal [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah hey brother I hadn't his brother high here where is he Hoyt Duncan come here come here you all may know this I don't know if you know it or not but this is my 41st year of doing this I've been on southern gospel radio 41 consecutive years and haven't missed a week in 41 years to God be the glory for that and I know I know when it's good and I know when at eight and I know when there's people writing under the unction under them I'm talking about losing out with the Holy Ghost and there are there are a couple in this world today that a lot of folks maybe don't know about one of them is a friend of mine from Mississippi his name is Roger Johnson he wrote that I'll write this ship to the shore which is one of the top songs of the year this year in the singing news magazine and it just got God on it you know what I mean when I say it's got God on it it's got God on it and in the last three or four records that boy you sent to me got God on it every songs got Donald and we we've just started to learn no we can't do it and I'm hoping you can tonight and we just want to stare at you while you do it we may we may cry or run or shout or just just stare at you I'm not sure what we'll do but we love the song that you wrote that we just recorded called one more reason can you do that [Laughter] [Applause] one time well that's two times more than we've done it so oh you got another one okay well it'll be good it's got gone on it I know so go ahead and sing whatever is on your heart brother we need a band come on bad come on man matter of fact I tell you what hey band hey band whatever boys done just stay up here and finish the set with us okay because you're way better than I am anyway so cover me up brother hi we love you we love your songs and your music Angie I'm sorry I can't do that well I don't know what to tell him I better sing and sit down jeez I stood in the hospital room at the bedside someone that I held so dear and I felt so helpless as I watched her suffer but what my head I stepped outside and into the hallway and either did my eyes heavens wait and I started talking to the God of Abraham Isaac it to come by this Oh [Music] my healer to release his pal you're [Music] this crowd that there are some people for dirty and struggling with pain for summer so we read through those Satan's attacks and he loves to steal your joy away [Music] others need beats or it cuts from the master just something in the street that your day described you let me tell you I come to these altars and say [Applause] to come by this way [Music] Giavotella your are gay would you do it's a friend oh babe listen I feel the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is away [Music] [Music] go the Taira these are great provider I'd say cause I feel the gone oh babe Rahab Isaac and Jacob passing this away here's your praise now will we name the God of Abraham chickens per passing is away releasing his power [Music] Java Tyra he's our great oh yes I made a mistake boys that should have been the last song of the night you don't follow animal acts or people that can sing like yeah there was a band that came up to me a while ago to order to hear the old-time way and I'm glad he called that because we like singing it you know why we like singing it because we believe that and we do our best to live that and I like this song the old-time way it's not about smoking mirrors to me it's just about real the Holy Ghost coming by touching people saving sinners he's still saving sinners today thank the Lord old-time way [Music] it's alright if it steps off [Music] let the homie having control I'll join in with the Saints that's where brain [Music] are sayin horn oh now snake [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy named Sanders friend news the way that the Bible [Music] Oh ha [Music] we have anybody here tonight this glad you're forgiven glad your sins have been blotted away man I like the words of this verse when I live in love for like Jesus folks around me can see then I can tell them all of the many reasons why I know my redeemer he lives for it through the blood there's salvation on the side [Music] time for eBay Oh this firm [Music] lucky for his return [Music] praise God for the old time cookie for his return [Music] for the time raise time for time [Music] let's do let's see it's time but we're supposed to be done in two minutes go to page 188 go to page 188 grab the red book fellows and normally at the end of his service and we'll do what the I mean I'm trying my best that's not 188 what is it 180 I'm trying my best to mine the Lord I am and normally at the end of his service I'm and and and brother will you do as you as you want here in a minute I mean make the altars open and but you know what I'm just in a happy mood tonight and we're gonna end it up on our part if that's all right everybody's you know what if I was to for 41 years in radio I've interviewed presidents I've interviewed people in various halls of fame I mean I've interviewed congressman senator dumby just all kinds of people and in the course of those interviews I've heard great stories and uplifting stories but I've also heard of hurt in sorrow and problems in pain all I know is that and we all were to interview all of you tonight there'd be some sorrow and pain in this audience am i right about that I know this for the child of God when we get out of here and we're in heaven nothing but happy over there nothing because we're not gonna have anything just be sorrowful over the pains gone the bad memories of things are gone it's gonna be happy and I'm looking forward to anybody looking forward to happy other than me and there's a good one here this old read-back hymn book I love this book it ain't broken don't fix it it's just fine right there where it is let's go to see fellas let's do it everybody's gonna be happy over there [Music] [Music] [Music] well Oh [Music] mother's father's sister's brothers were seated round the clock and I [Music] [Music] [Music] Laurey [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh well [Music] [Applause] [Music] begone Satan disguises and to for everyone [Music] [Music] everybodyís [Music] ow Oh [Music] everybody Burwell [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] now we got y'all excited we have an invitation how about that heads are bowed eyes are closed you may be here tonight you have a need in your life for the Holy Spirit has spoken to you you have a burden in your life you want to be remembered in prayer would you just slip up your hand by that same pray for me God knows each and every heart life I have a need tonight a bird and I have something in my life that I need the Lord to take care of and I want to be remembered in for any others tonight I am I mean I'm loved ones who need Jesus in their life and remember them in prayer tonight the altars are always open we're gonna have an invitation song and you come if you feel that God we love you we thank you Lord for for the group tonight for the Spirit we felt I pray for the different hands Lord you know each and every reason feed in their heart and if any feel led that they need to step out and come to these altars Lord I pray they will be somebody to come and pray with and have your way in the invitation for it's in Jesus amen [Music] to come [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] yes [Music] yeah [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah a man by the less you have CDs you want to tell him about real quick sure we have CDs come and see them there you go no yes both we have a free newsletter too that you can sign up for just give us your name and email address we've got we are I wasn't kidding our King James Bible in this right back in book what else you need I mean I don't know you don't need anything else and so we're big supporters of hymns and I've got a t-shirt back there that's really it's really good it's got to do with hymns and so there's that Bob's got some CDs I've got a brand new solo CD myself and then the group has one and we're finishing up the one that we've got brother Hawaii his song on and it's not ready yet but if anybody wants to preorder that I guess we could do that too so again brother will with everybody you've got coming and coming in a week thanks another hand preciate them coming tonight if you're in the Nashville area what's the radio station you're on I listen till when I'm in Nashville we used to have two in Nashville well now we don't have any but now I'm still on the air but I'm on syndicated radio so I'm all across the country matter of fact I'm here in Florida and some spots so if you wanted to go to the website to see where everywhere in the country go to les Butler in France calm and all of those radio stations would be right there hey man my first time I heard brother les he was playing Billy fields a song his first time I had heard his radio station in Nashville so good to have them tonight few announcements Deacon's Trustees meeting right after service Jacob Barry and the parson family are gonna be singing and preaching at Shadybrook on Thursday and Friday so if you'd like to make your way up to that that'd be a big help of work day Saturday start and I thought it was 8:00 it's 8:30 starting at 8:30 24 hours of Prayer if you have not signed up the signup sheet is in the in the vestibule outside and we start next Sunday more in our camp meeting Scottie will be teaching Sunday School class in here starting at 10:00 and then 11 brother Mike McCoy will be starting our camp meeting off and hope you'd be praying ready for a good time in the Lord you
Channel: First Free Will Baptist Church
Views: 11,964
Rating: 4.6896553 out of 5
Id: bzhrataxB6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 59sec (4499 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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