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it is a beautiful day today which is very very good news because this afternoon we're going to a medieval fair and you will never believe who we're going to meet there Mommy doesn't know about the medieval fair yet I think she'll be really excited so I'm going to go and tell her and I'm super happy because I'm going to be able to wear one of my beautiful dresses by Sean Vendetta I'm right here Mommy were you just trying to phone me hello I'm here come for my morning cup of tea let you know this well guess what we are doing this afternoon mummy yes yes I have no idea we're going to a medieval fair in Chateau roux medieval things you look completely stunned in shutter rooms yes apparently I thought it'd be really fun I think I'm going to dress up as well interested for medieval don't you think oh yeah you look like a little medieval girl and you know who's going to be there who are we having lunch with no idea Soma yes yes I was watching his Vlog somewhere in Holland yeah he's in this area and we're all meeting at the medieval fair yeah I'm looking forward to it that's it that's fun we can't believe it mommy's just given me my cup of tea we're settling down for our morning chat and I've just heard that Maria isn't well today and tonight is a guest dinner so I'm going to have to step in to cook this evening mummy you've offered to help Phillips offered to help so there'll be three of us in the kitchen well at least we're going to Chateau roof for this medieval farewell so there we can go to the supermarket I know but I don't want to miss it we haven't seen Selmar in so long we'll just have to pop in go to the supermarket and then Russia that's because you're freezing look at you you're covered in how many Cardigans I don't know it's a nice day we do not need to be cooking winter food it's a beautiful day we're not having Castle in mummy and we needn't worry we've got Philip on our team cooking up a store in the kitchen what could possibly go wrong oh dear I I can't even imagine that technician could go wrong no exactly now I think the dress is in here yep the blue one there we go that's fantastic to have an opportunity to wear it we're on our way now we're taking two cars mummy Percy behind us in the Mercedes and that's because we had to overtake because in fact I couldn't keep up with my mother luckily they waited for a bit and now they're following us but I was astonished I haven't seen my mother Drive in so long but with the new eyesight she was like a rocket a bit worried now and we're going with Wendy and Pam you excited about the medieval fair yes it's been nice to see Selma again I know it's so exciting it was really hard to find parking so we've dropped everyone off at an entrance miles away we've got no idea where we are and we're gonna try and find everyone [Music] it's too long look you're also wearing sugar Vendetta today yes this is for sure this is from prison oh really that was in Canada but this I don't know this is from one of my festivals where I went in the Medieval Festival it looks a little bit like Lord of the Rings here do you see how it works and then wow I like it what do you think of Phillips Cape it's really nice it is pretty magnificent isn't it Philip why is the hood not up it's really glinting in the sunlight as well well that's why I always blind people it's also made by shooting yeah yeah yeah Sean made it too let's have a little look [Laughter] look how adorable it's like wearing a blanket because I'm cold I have noticed and I am blaming you there for this summer no one else is in medieval costume you texted me last night saying now don't say you've got nothing to wear I know you've got something to wear so I thought everyone would be dressed up but it is a thing on some point it was started also in Holland the festival in not so many dressed up but if some people start to dress up other people see I think next year I'm going to do that too so basically you're telling us we're drunk yes so I mean I'm not surprised it looks like that you could have warned me though no no okay look at that oh wow Sam's favorite oh that looks very good it looks not very appetizing well I'm going to agree I can't put my finger on it but look at the inside it looks delicious it tastes like Christmas pudding it does a little bit doesn't it it does I think it's so delicious raisins in them yeah and she says it's delicious with goat cheese so we could maybe have that tonight for my emergency I had to cook at the last minute meal so you made it yourself I bought the fruit poo easy to digest I've just realized that last night Maria was cooking and we had goat cheese for the starters so I can't do that tonight that would have been quite a good solution so I think I might pop to the supermarket and get some prawns make a prawn cocktail and we can have well I keep wanting to call it fruit poo it's not medieval Pudding we can have medieval pudding as part of the dessert here we go more and more ideas coming to us there's some more room it does look very similar too similar to what we've already got I feel it's intriguing they look wonderful are you getting anything for Tatiana you're on the lookout she's very uh how do you say difficult to buy for yeah because it's a very special taste but you'll note if you see it I like the hair clips so pretty for Tatiana yes yeah she's got such beautiful hair [Music] [Music] oh well perfect here is the soap oh did you see these look look they look just like cupcakes and there's so many different ones she makes bonjour I have to say Tatiana makes Incredible soap yeah it's so nice yeah what flavors does she like what scents we've chosen this one for Tatiana it's natural but because it's made with amazing olive oil it's got the most delicious smell the enchanters tavern well that sounds very good always like to drink I'm driving no Yeah Wendy now you're not in medieval costumes because Soma didn't tell you to dress up yeah I have to say I think you are the most silent trendsetter you are you're the most stylish woman here I love that outfit so much I have to say Philip I can see you in that with the brooch the Thai everything it's it's stunning it's really stunning quite a few websites that sell to Repro vintage clothes yeah it's really good love it and the brooch on the tie that was a freebie when I bought the blouse no yeah they sent it as a gift fabulous cheers Selma good to see you so tell me everything about what's happening in your life we found the Chateau or actually the Chateau found us where are we going to live with Tatiana and where are we going to to start up our events to donate also in the medieval 54. so it's happening it's going to happen yeah and I think a lot of people know the one it is from Vivian and Bill the first Chateau that you went to after Lala because yeah they're such a nice great couple and they were looking for a couple to start up a business there because they also wanted to organize things yes somebody has to do it so it is such a good match and uh yeah they're great people they already made the side buildings for to make a big Ballroom in there he wants to make a little Ballroom in the Chateau so yeah it's happened it just really happened when are you hoping to start uh there is some work to do so it's difficult to say because we have to make an uh like uh see how long it takes to to do all the work and then we can plan the first yes did I go song so I I think six months and how far are you from La La Land how easy is it going to be for us to come down for a bit of dancing not there for three hours oh we can do that easily not that bad that's nothing you've got your dancing shoes ready you mean these ones yep that's the ones last time do you remember when you were teaching us how to do the walls then we fell over it's so lovely we're all together bit disappointed because they're not starting the roasting of the meat for baps and things until later and we'll be gone by then but they do have galettes and clap so I'm going to have Savory galette that's mine being created with sure it's so honey and goats chews it's good this is fantastic oh me too it is so good have you already eaten yes yeah I'm looking forward to my what flavors have you gone for I've gone for the traditional lemon and sugar oh you've gone for the sweet yeah and you two are on sweet as well [Music] actually I really like what you've done there my copy you later who is this creature I'm going to find a name beginning with a p because it's a pocket Mouse so it's got a bigger mouth yeah I was gonna call it Pavlova actually because it's got a valley skirt I do not want to go but mummy has staged an intervention Mommy I don't want to go oh my God there's medieval fast somebody else has to cook mommy you and Percy are cooking tonight yeah well I I'm not feeling too good actually okay fine I'm coming home summer I would have loved to stay longer I'm loving it here and this evening I'm sure it'll be wonderful when they have all those delicious meat roasting over there yeah enjoy yourself but Philip and I will definitely come and visit you in the new Chateau because the owners kindly invited us so I'm so excited all right see you soon okay give lots of kisses to Tatiana bye bye bye the what store that was a tea so don't tell me that now Wendy I've got to go you are all going straight home in the Mercedes and we'll go do the shopping and hurry back yes and I just realized she didn't bring a change of clothes did you I can't believe it I didn't even think about it Selma said I needed a costume I put the costume on it I completely forgot I have to go to the supermarket I'm gonna have to go to the supermarket dressed like this we are running so late to be fair to Mommy and Philip they have been trying to drag me away from the medieval fair for quite some time but now well someone I hadn't seen each other for ages so we were catching up and it was really lovely but now it's 4 30. for 14 people it's 4 30 and we still haven't been to the supermarket yes which is not concerning at all it is it's so sad that we're leaving oh meanie [Music] great now I am walking into the local supermarket in a medieval gown everyone's been very polite and pretending not to have noticed so far just another run-of-the-mill outfit okay medieval dresses definitely were not designed for Plus they keep snagging on my train as I walk done finally time to get home and cook this meal maybe in a different outfit we just got back it is ten to six can it be done dinner's at 8 14 people although time is of the essence I'm gonna quickly get changed because I think that the whole train thing whilst very glamorous in the kitchen you can see we've been let loose in the kitchen you're busting out this phone and how does my mother feel about this Spode being used well this is not her tea service I think the face we're only using the soup bowls we're using them for the prawn salad shouldn't it be in a transparent dish no I think it'll be fun in that and we're trialing it for Christmas aren't we and now to make the source of a Thousand Islands yep just tomato ketchup and mayonnaise I love this sauce and it's so ridiculously easy then to this I'm going to add some lemon juice a tiny Touch of Tabasco some paprika and Worcestershire sauce if we have it oh we do it is a wee Dash that should do it now I've got a mixture here of King prawns little tiny prawns and crayfish I'll mix that all into the sauce it usually just calls for some chives which I actually have and a little bit of Dill but instead I'm going to use Cherville I absolutely love travel it's slightly aniseedy but it's got a bit of a hint of parsley as well I think it's great in a prawn cocktail I have got avocados the size of dragon eggs look at that it's the same size as my face I can hide behind the avocado can Bobby send you for a bag of carrots yeah just a few are they from the garden fantastic oh fabulous okay lovely lovely they should go somewhere I think so we're not going to starve that's the main thing I'm about to marinate the chicken look at this Perfect Production team honestly we've all pulled together we have the carrot section over here absolutely magnificent work Percy well Isabella says I should peel them and stop caressing them but I think Mommy you're very lucky that Percy likes to caress things he's a very gentle man be thankful for what you have this is magnificent honest firstly you too this is the Dream Team back in the kitchen it's a guarantee Maria had got the most beautiful jihon mushrooms so I must use them I'm going to just make them in butter really simple butter parsley and garlic and you'll be happy to see this fill up doesn't it feel a bit all Tomatoes mushrooms here is when you smell things 39 minutes till dinner is served and we're running out to look for parsley it's so nice being able to just dash out into the garden if we find that we haven't got something in the kitchen okay fingers crossed for parsley this one nearly fooled me for a minute I thought we had parsley but no it's delicious coriander but that won't do with the mushrooms and this one is coriander too this is so disappointing whenever I want coriander I find parsley when I want pasta I find coriander the fates are cruel I found the sign and I think that the sum total of our parsley is these four leaves yeah that's not gonna go very far with our mushrooms I think we just finished the last batch in this batch which is sewn all the way down there is too small to harvest do you know where there's any parsley so if any idea Hansel Gretel Jillian no more Sorrel and mint than you can shake a stick at rich in horseradish swimming in Rosemary marjoram end time I'm just going around humming Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thyme all of which we have except for the parsley yeah people appreciate when there's no goodness you're right you're right this does make me appreciate the days that we do have parsley yeah what are you looking for die ribs tie wraps what are they for are they part of the meal is this something we need them for kind of put them around the carrots and see and obviously I saw parsley in the supermarket and I thought no no we don't need that we have that in our vegetable garden What's Happening Here basket broke people Percy told me it was to wrap up the carrots originally little bundles that's quite ingenious actually yeah nice right we are there we're at the point of serving the starter with seven full minutes to go until dinner that is not bad I need a little other spoon to use with this spoon it's a miracle it's eight o'clock the starter is ready and the hair is down I got changed I didn't think I was gonna have time to get changed well done thank you Mama couldn't have done it without you and Percy seriously good team I have to say though I have to say I much prefer it when Maria does the cooking but it's truly good that we managed to pull together it looks so beautiful and we're using the Spode as well this is the first time we've had this combo yeah I hope that the food will live up to the table now you're ready and it's amazing we have prawn cocktail at the start so this is a little bit of an in-joke because all of us have our favorite sartos pork cocktail which is really retro and kind of 80s uh starter but we always have it on Christmas day and we always have it in these plates which is why we've got all of this out so it's crayfish prawns King prawns uh in a thousand island dressing and lots of avocado it's beautiful I think the starter went well big relief and now I've run through to just start getting the main course ready for plating in the absence of parsley I've added chives and garlic to the mushrooms and a little bit more butter they're basically done I'm just warming them up so chasing the chicken out Mommy's just keeping it warm whilst we get the plate and now I'm making a juice with the mushroom sauce and lots of tampons it's all gone through I'm going to sit down for the main course please do start uh before it gets too too cold it's just roast potatoes and chicken and carrots from the garden and a sauce with Creme Fresh and mushrooms with Shiro it looks beautiful apparently everyone liked the main course when you worry yeah I always worry I love Maria's cooking so much oh take over um thank you and look at this the perfect team here have got it all perfectly sorted and these are our very very first fix from the garden for the year so we haven't got very many each person gets half at least we get to taste it and there we have me I was going to say it again I'm not going to say medieval poo we have medieval pudding high five mummy we did it oh no this is better isn't it did you send that americanism we don't need to carry you um [Laughter] admit that I did not make the pie we knew it was a crisis so Natty went out and bought apple pie but very excitingly they are the very very first figs from the garden this year that's why we've only got half each because literally this is all the figs that we had the first ones to be right and also the strange Brown substance is uh from the medieval fair today because we like to taste some of the things at the medieval fair and uh I really get I tried it it's really nice very nice that was quite some day I am absolutely exhausted but going to bed happy everyone was well fed and it was so good to see salmar again ah and now a long night's sleep thank you all for joining us for another day of La Land life a huge thank you to all of my patrons especially Donald goodmiller Crystal Hardy Delane Holbrook Kim Hasselhoff and David and Tom Henderson and for all of my patrons if you haven't seen this week's Patron video yet it's an in-depth tour of the garden hosted by the one and only Kirsty and thanks to absolutely all of you for watching I look forward to seeing you again on Sunday foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 102,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries
Id: YJdaqXQB1Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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