Reunited With My Best Mate KSI

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know s is the whole time oh my God I made my first ever sben video appearance I know I know I know I'm I'm I'm a big shot now nobody talk to me I will not be answering my phone it was the hide-and seek video and I did wonderfully and by wonderfully I mean I came dead last but for someone who came dead last I had a good few moments of screen time that I thought we could look at look at this one this is the most physical exercise I've ever seen these two do why do I look so I'm now conscious of my run because of this why am I semi Crouch down running as if I'm doing some Navy SEAL training drill you can't be on the fourth and the third floor they never said anything about it says the map we can't go there yeah and as the rule said the sideen what s men say is we just go imediately first of all my delivery on that was absolutely appalling but I was referencing this rule sheet we got this I don't think they showed it in the video and I definitely don't have it on me now I think I bend it but one of the rules essentially read as what the side B say is law I just found that really funny so I was referencing that but it just [ __ ] fell flat because of my delivery and like just lack of context I don't know I feel as it was just one of those you had to be their things but it was hilarious it was hilarious I promise and I was devastated cuz after this bit there was a clip cut out where uh me and will ditched James it was so good I can't believe they didn't keep it in the video why does he walk why does he walk [Laughter] where did Will and George go I feel bad for him shall we go get him no [ __ ] him let's go to the cover we'll text him come outside this is so mean well would you like a pain will we get in is this theft we get in it's theft from the Sid men company come on please work please okay that's that's [ __ ] that's pathetic abely I was genuinely concerned here that someone was going to come in and Shout Out us for stealing this this phone because I I didn't know if we were even allowed to be in this bit because I thought we were in like the outer cuz there was like an out of bound section I thought we'd accidentally gone to the out of bound section and we were just stealing beer from twickum Stadium okay so I saw someone say because of this clip the video was scripted or staged oh this is this is proof that cyber videos are staged or whatever and I don't even know how how that makes sense I just thought it would be smart to wear like all black so I'm less noticeable obviously they can't keep in like all the context for every single little in the video cuz there was like what 50 perspectives and the video was already an hour and a half long with a lot cut out it would be like 10 hours long yeah I I put that on and then immediately changed back into into all reliable cuz I just thought wearing like a black ball clo it would make sense it would make sense cuz this this look this look is so iconic right it's hard to blend in like that whereas if I'm wearing all black blending in will be so simple right there [ __ ] sh okay so at this point we'll just [ __ ] ditch me we'll like hid in this cupboard thing and he just darts out and then I hear I don't know I don't know who chasing him some people were chasing him so I was like okay they've gone that way so as I come okay imagine I come out the the the closet thing not the closet I'm not gay we we come out the Wardrobe I hear noise to my right there's a door on my left I'm like okay I'm going to run to the door on my left before they could run through the door on my right I'm going to run through there because there's not I don't hear anything coming through there that was obviously a mistake so I don't want to be a Simon Simon has a location on him all times a beacon they'll know where Simon is the whole time oh my God for [ __ ] sake I have never been more devastated in my life my heart sunk in this moment not even because of like the money I knew I wasn't going to win this right I'm not delusional I was having a nice day out I went all the way to Twickenham and I was I was having I booked a hotel the night before cuz I was like you know I think the [ __ ] was at like 10: or 11:00 a.m. I was like I'm not making I'm not getting up at like 4: 5 a.m. to make the commute to London I'm going to book a hotel the night before so I paid like 100 something qu for a hotel the night before and I get found first it was so Peak now despite the fact this uh clearly affected me like I I remember walking out the stadium just a defeated man I had failed but I mean despite all that it was nice to see my good friend KSI again hey what's up bro yeah oh my [Laughter] God that was the Silver Lining in all of this I'm not that sure okay people were screenshot this and sending it to me being like Oh you're you're like 5 I'm not I'm 5' 6 I'm almost normal height I'm like 3 in below normal height I'm not that short I think it's because the whole get up makes me look short and I know You' probably go oh that's cope that's cope you're just coping I'm not I swear cuz it makes my head look lower than it is my head stops here my head stops here but it makes it look like I've got it like sometimes it goes down to here and also perspective is a big thing like JJ and is that Toby there they're closer to the camera so they look bigger I am an almost nor that's a big door okay that's a big door I know I'm making up a a lot of EX I'm not making them up these are valid excuses the point I'm trying to make here is I am a normalized human kids that was a joke I'm not retiring I don't have enough money yet but some other YouTubers most notably Matt Pat and Tom Scott are I'm particularly devastated about Tom Scott he makes some of the best videos but the danani water one is particularly great cuz first of all he's explaining this really interesting story he's clearly memorized this script or whatever and he does it in one take while walking down a busy road and then there's a point in the video where he's talking about like the the bottling plant or whatever and at that exact M he timed it to Perfection he's walking past the bottling plant he goes and it was right that plant right there it's oh oh I don't know if I did a very good job of describing it but it was very I I'll play a clip here Des is is treated tap water from the main Supply at their bottling plant right there in sidcup South London 10 mi from pekam where the episode of Only Fools and Horses was set it's just oh the timing is perfection and to do a 10-minute video all in one take oh that takes some skill now Scott has said that he's probably not going to be gone forever um in his thumbnail so why are some of the biggest YouTubers deciding all of a sudden to pack it in or take a step back ultimately both of them Tom Scott and Matt Pat have been working hard for a decade and they just want to take a step back and enjoy other things in life I'm taking a break for some time I don't know when or if I come back but when I do it won't be weekly at least not in this format not here it's not clickbait on March 9th I'll will be hosting my last Theory episode at which point I'll be handing off the channels to someone else but right now I need to spend time with people I hold dear I need there to be things in my life that are not work and it's been years since that's been true for as much as I love you and I love overthinking things and I love theorizing I don't love late nights I don't love the fact that Steph and I have been work first for over a decade fair enough they want to enjoy the fruits of their labor they've both been incredibly successful and they deserve it and like Matt Pat has as a kid and wants to enjoy watching them grow up you know it's nice it's nice to see and I'd honestly be lying if I said I've never thought of retiring there have been times where I've just been like I don't really know what else I can sort of offer I I feel as I've been doing this for a long time but then I don't know it comes in it comes in roundabouts like there's periods where I just don't upload for a month a lot of you probably noticed that where some months I just I just don't upload and I'll just go awall and I just I mean well I like go well it probably makes it sound like like a call rages or something no I just I just don't make YouTube videos but then my motivation always like swings back around and I always kind of end up enjoying YouTube for the most part like I'm very much enjoying at the moment as I mean hopefully a lot of you can tell because I'm uploading so much now they're not stepping back entirely I think it's also a thing of wanting to do something a bit different and maybe do something that doesn't come with the pressure and stresses that come with what you may consider to be your job Tom is still doing his podcast and Matt Pat is working on a different series I have a lowii mystery series that I think you're really going to dig also mat said that game theory isn't stopping he's getting some other people to replace him but yeah fair enough they're both still doing extremely well and instead of running on the hamster wheel of YouTube Forever until it falls off they've decided to jump off and um have lives no I'm not I tricked you again but rumors were circulating last month that in the event of a war British people would have to join the Army Brits will be called up to fight in allout war with Russia as military is two small army Chief warns now obviously that would exclude me as I am a key worker um I make YouTube videos which are very important to at home morale so I couldn't possibly go to the front lines I don't even know how they would do this people would just go no not going to do that and the prisons are full they're not going to be able to put people in prison for this like they're releasing nones and stuff because the prisons are full they're not going to put people in there who he didn't join the Army now this was all confirmed to be false although I wouldn't rule out like um like mandatory conscription if war broke out but it would definitely be one of those stupid unenforceable things I think beo you know this is the point in which I should probably give you your monthly update on the UK's resident garbage disposal bivo bivo like half the population it seems of the UK uh went to Turkey to get his teeth done this is the reveal big up turkey but Cheese look at that you know the rules listen back home tomorrow back in the UK got nightclub is I always find it fascinating how UK nightclubs pay for these Tik tokers are famous for just you know being a bit strange to come to their Club it's kind of like the modern equivalent of a freak Show but it's not even like they do anything when they're there I've seen videos of like other Tik tokers going to clubs they just kind of stand up on stage and like you know wave to people while there's music in the ble they don't do anything they don't DJ they don't do anything they just sort of stand that and get looked at it is just a modern day freak Show and surprisingly it seems to bring people through the door also um he got probably one of the worst not not even one of the worst the worst tattoo I have ever seen in my life and I hope it's fake I I don't think it is I really don't think it is but I I hope it's fake listen get my first tattoo big up T City listen you know the rules on my arm going to be repping you know the rules now what do you think he means by he's going to be repping you know the rules on his arm it's it's going to be it's going to be the worst thing you could possibly imagine you might be thinking he's going to get a little little tiny tattoo that says you know the rules little tiny tattoo no [Music] bloody hell that is horrific what what would make someone want to do something like that to themselves not only is the font Choice absolutely awful it's like the text of 13-year-old producing a YouTube thumbnail in 2014 you know you can see that text spelling out FIFA career mode # one but also the spacing on that you know the rules there's there's no space between no and the that is and has he pays for that has he paids for that you need to get a free amputation with that that's terrible and that's on you for life now Brandon you're going to be followed by the ghost of your Tik Tok past forever now you'll never be able to escape the one month period on the internet where you are known for swallowing a roast potato because that is exactly what this tattoo represents like and subsscribe or I'll break into your room at night and tattoo this on your arm when you're sleeping
Channel: Memeulous
Views: 322,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RdzjdnspqLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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