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Matthew beam is a YouTuber I have a very interesting relationship with it's a one-way relationship admittedly like I have uh this I'll go get it I have this carbo cut out of it I think I'm probably the only person in the world to have a Matthew be cboard cut out say hello Matthew and people often ask me if this is me in the background of the videos like me without the mask why would I have a carbo cut out of myself in the backr of my videos so if you don't know about Matthew beam I've made two videos on him one on this channel about a year ago ripping into his Frank terrible poorly paced videos h i see a lot of Matthew Bean videos as what's wrong with current YouTube it's just like Mr beastify in the middle of the ocean and I'm surrounded by sharks my goal is to survive the next 50 hours lost the seat but first I have to make it to that boat there it is that's Mr be island wow this is going to be insane we're going to be spending the next few days deserted on this island with no one to help her and then I made another video on my other channel where I actually praised some of his new videos for being better spent the last 4 hours here in Orlando now we have to head I know what you mean when you say he's he's looking quite like shredded do you know what I mean like he's looking he looks good I've seen a video from him that is simply unforgivable but we'll get on to that in a minute because I have some very distressing news for any Beam Team Ultra fans out there Matthew beam is being hunted by the police I know I know I'm just as disappointed as you are he posted a video I built a secret gaming room to hide from the police and genuinely you are not going to believe believe this video I'm building a hidden gaming room in public to hide from the police and to show just how secret this room is I've challenged the police to find me so as you can tell from this intro he's b a gaming room to hide from the police how much free time do the police in your town have Matthew here in England your house gets burgled and your nan gets stabbed and there's like a 50% chance they bother to send a police officer out but apparently Matthew has the whole Force out trying to find his gaming room while the police are searching for me will be turning this this room into a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle themed gaming room the police are never going to find this in here I mean yeah I I believe you I believe they will not find your gaming room because if there's so little crime they can come out in force and hunt down your sweaty Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle gamer cave they probably do not have much practice in hunting people down can't believe them in a real police car right now you know what we can get some lights and Sirens going we're going to be on the lookout for Matthew beam he's issued us a challenge hello police officers currently inside of a crazy hidden gaming room you are never going to find me you have until midnight to try though good luck you're going to need it I don't think you're ever going to find we're going to find him and we're going to take him down they actually allocated tax taxpayer funds to finding Matthew be for his challenge video like At first I thought all these people were actors in police uniforms and stuff but this seems like an actual police station and she was in an actual car with the lights and sirens and stuff this is real this happen and if they find me at the end of this video I've agreed to give away $5,000 I mean that's great Matthew but this video cost 100 Grand in taxpayer money also who are you going to give this 5 grand are you going to divvy it up amongst the police there's about 50 of them looking for you they're only going to get like a 100 each they're adults with careers they don't need that but they're not going to be desperately hunting you down for the chance to win like $100 you have one of those shirts for maybe a dog we can use a k9 yeah this is so [ __ ] real they've got the Kines out and [ __ ] he going to rip one of his limbs off in his nice teenage Bey Ninja Turtle F gamer room he works at a warehouse Y and he's always there you can tell us where this warehouse is at y I have a key I can let you guys in we'll start there then I'll check the north side I'll check the south side but how has he actually managed to get this many police officers on board is there literally no crime in this area or something like Matthew beam just lives in a crime-free Utopia hey guys I'm CBD how are you good how are you is it just me the finds it so funny they just sat in a room with the curtains closed during the day and they have the lights off I like to think Matthew beam has actually barricaded the window but the only source of natural light and forbid them from turning on the lights they have to just sit in their dark cupboard with only the light from their screens Illuminating the room until they finish the Matthew beam video and then only then are they allowed 30 minutes of outdoor Sunshine time we have Commander's approval we are going to find Matthew the police officer started to spread out around the entire city to search and cover as much ground as possible [ __ ] out Osama Bin Laden could rise from the dead and be on the run in an English City and they would not bother putting out this large of a police presence let's go get in the truck oh boy this is an amazing plan they're never going to find me sorry what the [ __ ] is that what purpose does that serve have I missed something I like to think of myself as a bit of a mafew beam a fish orado it's it's not a title I wear proudly but it is a title I have nonetheless literally I I am the only person in the world to have a Matthew beam carbo cutout what the [ __ ] is this truck see he's got subscribe button on on the side as if people driving are just going to whip out their phones and subscribe to Matthew Beam on the highway they got the Beam Team worlds tour did Matthew beam do a world tour I'm not aware of this because if he had done a world tour I'd have been there and then on above the the driving bit it says new videos every Tuesday Matthew beam that's a lie Matthew that's a dirty rotten lie at the time of recording this you haven't uploaded for 3 weeks how could you print such a lie on a truck you're not allowed to lie on a truck you guys subscribe to my channel and my brand new gaming Channel beam gaming I'll give you $1,000 gaming channel you say we'll take a look at that in a sec it is premium brain Rock content it's what I was talking about with the unforgivable video this is the craziest thing I've ever done huge shout out to the cardo Springs Police Department visit their links below wait was all this in return for a link in the description shout out for the police the police required a link in description shout out what on Earth is going on in this weird town where he lives cspd was so glad to take part in this video we hope you saw how a awesome being a police officer can be if you'd like to learn more about what it takes to become a police officer or how to apply to csbd visit our website at the link for the people watching this video go oh yes I want to Hut down Matthew Bean for his for his gaming room challenge I want to Hut down Matthew Bean for his gaming room challenge I'm going to sign up to the police I'm I'm only eight but I'm I'm still going to sign up to the police cuz cuz I want to go find Matthew beam anyway it ends with the the police catching him and Matthew beam gets the electric chair which is probably why he hasn't uploaded for 3 weeks in all fairness but now it is time to look at Matthew beam's new Endeavor beam gaming where he uploads various Minecraft videos none of which I've been able to sit through for more than 20 seconds and initially for this video I was going to do a thing where I I sit and watch all eight videos he's uploaded so far but being realistic I do not want to put myself through that so I thought we just watch the first one lava Rises every 5 seconds in Minecraft just to get a feel for what beam gaming is about and if I can stomach it maybe we'll watch another but honestly don't hold your breath me and my friends are beating Minecraft but lava Rises every 3 5 Seconds oh my gosh that's scary 5 Seconds Aon go ahead and count to five 1 2 3 4 5 lava just Rose in that time we need to hurry well let's go oh my God so first layer's coming where are we going we going to need to get high ground okay tell me what just happened tell me what has happened so far in this video the lava Rose yeah okay the lava Rose but what the [ __ ] is going on the face cams are too jumpy I cannot tell what the [ __ ] is going on why is this bloke flying around the lava is he in creative mode is this the the Cinematic cameraman they've got flying around the map you need to distinguish these things you cannot have him in the corner where with the [ __ ] cinematic camera thing is going around because otherwise people don't have time to think cuz this is only on screen for two seconds they'll think oh this is his POV I know I'm stressing a lot about the the Matthew beam gaming video but it's so incoherent is oh it's [ __ ] brain Rock sorry I'm making a pickaxe guys the Llama just Rose I'm freaking out right now I don't know what to do what is the layout of this where is everyone where's everyone positions I cannot tell what the [ __ ] is going on guys look up we got to get to the top of this volcano to escape and get to the Ender Dragon okay finally finally we we get told what's going on guys this is scary Aon how did you get up there I've been breaking and climbing the whole time I'm tempting the lava 1 2 3 4 5 oh I'm getting trapped I'm getting trapped help me help me wa that went up two blocks the editing is too frantic it's it's too much I don't know what's going on with each person I know this is content that you're just supposed to like watch and then switch off your brain clearly because if you think about it for more than 5 Seconds you go insane but it's just so bad let's have a look at the intros of a couple of other videos bikini bottom hideand-seek in Minecraft I made bikini bottom and invited 13 of my friends to play hide and seek whichever one of you has last be found wins a brand new toaster a toaster I want some toast every single detail in Bikini Bottom is here is this jellyfish feels this looks so sick even either all these people have like terminal YouTuber brain rock or this video is scripted is this jelly fish Fields this looks so is this Jellyfish Fields this looks so cool shut up he's done nothing wrong I'm sorry a man who was very excited at Jellyfish Fields this map looks huge though where am I even going to hide yeah you're doing too much mate like the BL the blue shirt you're doing too much you don't need to be this enthusiastic about Matthew beam's Bikini Bottom hide and seek in Minecraft video oh my gosh I blend him with everything in here oh my gosh wait wait wait wait what's up here can I just oh you're in sand youve got a sand skin on of course you're going to blend in with a why are you so surprised you got you got a sand skin on I know this I know since I've C on this video I've just basic just ripped into this guy come it's too easy surviving biggest natural disasters in Minecraft this ought to be a hoot today we're surviving the most insane natural disasters oh my gosh what was that what was that see it's the [ __ ] cinematic camera again with them in the corners it doesn't make sense it's not their POV I don't even know if you should have face cams on my Minecraft videos it's just too much to look at Follow The Yellow Brick Road follow the I don't remember how that song goes there's so many dinosaurs oh look at that what happened to just you know like a like a simple Minecraft let's play like a like an what like an SNP type thing where people would just play on a server and then like the dinosaur coming we got we got to run from we run but these videos look painful to record it's just screaming and shouting while playing Minecraft oh they're getting eaten by a T-Rex I'm will beish it up oh oh my gosh he's chasing us maybe it's just because like I actually don't care but I don't know what's going on with this one even they just kind of how are they escaping metos theyve just got on like a mine cart and gone away oh our mine carts okay right they're on the Minecarts but the Minecarts got blown up by the meteors oh that's fun I actually can't bear to watch any more of this i' I've watched a small portion of like three videos all in all I've probably watched about 6 minutes of these videos I cannot bear it maybe this content just isn't for me these are like combining old Matthew Bean videos with gaming which is disastrous Matthew S it down a little stop screaming and shouting and these videos will probably be watchable to people over the age of nine like And subscribe and I I will make memus gaming
Channel: Memeulous
Views: 337,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WTuNeIFfdI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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