Reunion: He hasn't seen his father in 2 years || STEVE HARVEY

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I'm backing one of the volunteers from my mentoring camp my soon-to-be son-in-law being who's gonna marry my daughter Carly that's another conversation we we're gonna stay off that for a little while still tight about that one oh but joining us now is one of Ben's mid-teens this is Jimmy Jimmy are you built a pretty strong bond with being sensitive camp yes um Ben actually has a good understanding of what I'm going through because he's been in my same footsteps and he's just basically trying to make a guideline for me on where to go and how to be successful as he is today at the same time much better and also at the same time to forget teach me how to forgive my father for not being there for me just as his father wasn't there for him what kind of relationship would you like to have with your dad I would like to communicate more weekly and visitation is key to a child I don't know if he knows it but if he's there physically and not only mentally it has a big impact on a young man such as myself and it can help me go to be a great man to either my kids and my wife in the future you know we pull some things together being and your father's here or Jimmy seniors here now before we bring them out any final encouragement you want to give the Jimmy Ben you know first of all Jimmy you are one of the more courageous young men I've met it takes a lot of courage to sit up here and tell your story and ultimately forgive your father and I think you're gonna give inspiration for a lot of young boys out there just like your little brother that we talked about and you're doing the first step the only other thing I can just tell you is the journey is not gonna be perfect be honest be open about your feelings like you're doing today because the biggest thing that we tend to not do folks who haven't had their father is be vulnerable and let them know that man I really need you and I think you're doing an unbelievable first step today thanks buddy well that moment is here please welcome Jimmy senior Jimmy big Jimmy the moonship question what do you think about your relationship with your son well still I think me and my son have a good relationship is this that I moved out of town with that being said I'm glad to be heard and I know some things that I missed in his life and I'm willing to patch it up Jimmy what do you feel when you hear that most people don't get an opportunity like this so at first I was sad I still know but most of all thankful and glad that he came today I want to let him know that I love him in our career bottle and I lay down my life for him and I have his back 400% and I'm willing to patch everything go well you know we have any advice that you could help these two with I think the biggest thing being here today is I think all of us on this stage want us to see you guys take that step forward but also you understanding that he has those feelings right a lot of conversations I had with my father sometimes the truth hurts and he's been hurt but at the same time Jimmy also is understanding that forgiveness is for him and for you right and they're going forward today any any way I can help anyway mr. Harvey can help we just want him to be with his father and that's really the biggest goal today is right I'm willing to sit there you know if I heard it you anywhere I'm here to tell you I'm sorry and I asked you I thought I asked you to forgive and I like I love you too and I forgive okay see let me let me take a moment here because you know I get on I get 125 of these boys at my ranch I get another hundred in six other cities it's a sad situation as men what we do is we say I'm sorry and we genuinely mean it but the thing what I'm sorry is it don't erase nothing there has got to be some work here that has to happen because here's a deal but I'm talking to all fathers out there that that's not actively playing a role in their son's lives I got that life happens you you go away sometimes you get sent away but we as men all of us and you know I've had a period in my life man why hadn't been the greatest father because I was out there homeless and all this here trying to pull it together but at the end of the day we got to start from somewhere and don't let her buy the whole that over your head when you ain't been in his life hey man long as you start now long as we begin the healing process from where we are we got to start now I can't fix what happened in the past but I tell you what doggone it right now I'm doing the dog best I can to show everybody that I bought into this world that I love them and I died for them and I do anything he said he died for you that's the ultimate for us we ain't got no more when we ain't got no money we're Dively my father told me a long time ago he said boy I'd die for you I can't imagine heíd be if I a hair slick Harvey it's unexplainable what would have happened to me if he wasn't snatching me when he snatched me if he wasn't giving me that look when he looked at me those moments molded me into Who I am that he got to had it we got to get these men to come back into these boys lives and make a difference we're gonna help this out a little bit we're gonna help with this long distance part because that's one of the problems that's why we're gonna be hooking Jimmy and his mom up with a flight to go visit with his dad out there so you all can get to spend a little bit more time together Thank You Man I appreciate it we want to say thanks to being Jimmy senior and Jimmy jr. you
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 770,147
Rating: 4.9179521 out of 5
Keywords: Steve, Harvey, funny, humor, comedy, tv, steve harvey, steve harvey daytime, steve harvey show, Talk Show (TV Genre), Reunion, Father (Quotation Subject), Son, Mentoring, Forgiveness (Quotation Subject)
Id: auFIJxylYV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2015
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