Returning my Elegoo Neptune 4 Plus

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hey y'all I had a bit of a catastrophic failure with my Iron Patriot print on the eligo Neptune 4 plus um this was the first successful print I did with just the face mask and then I was trying to print the helmet the rest of it and this was the first attempt that I did and it got pretty far and then it fell apart after this it started when I came back it was it was uh like a bird's nest of plastic everywhere um then I changed some of the settings in Cura and I got I changed the filament and I got this well I just changed the color it was the same eligo pla filament but I got this far before it started bird stringing and falling apart and then I was using I tried prusa and I tried Cura but I tried Cura from the internet like the actual version instead of the one that came on this fast drive so then I realized that they had a version of cura that was for the eligo so I did this one with the cura from the internet and what I realized was if you can see the it's not level or it wasn't printing level or it wasn't sticking um this is the B this is the this is the bottom side so this was facing up so it just wasn't sticking to the build plate and so I releveled the build plate I releveled it like two or three times just to make sure that it was level and I used the the cura that came on the thumb drive from eligo and I tried to print it again and when I came back there was Globs of plastic such as this all over the room and it's stuck in there and the plastic is surrounding the actual cables I don't know if you can get it this plastic is running the actual cables in the hotend so I called Amazon and and um I think they would have offered me to replace this part but I told them I just want to return it and I'm going to go ahead and get the K1 Max which is this is a bed Slinger type of printer the K1 Max is I guess it's called The Core XY so the build plate is stationary and the actual hot end moves in every direction instead of this just moves sideways and then the bed moves back and forth but I think because I want to do taller builds um having the bed moving back and forth maybe just makes it harder to keep it stable um like for example this print um you know when it start always printing it this way when it starts getting to the top I just feel like with the bed moving back and forth that's just another amount of movement that I don't want and and I have it on a very sturdy surface this is just a chest freezer it's very solid so I'm going to return this and I'm going to buy the K1 Max um another reason I wanted to get it not only because it has the the solid stationary um surface area that it builds on but also because it just comes with I'm not going to print in ABS or nylon which which would require like the enclosure I'm pretty much just going to print in pla but I was going to I was looking online already to get some kind of camera to do um like time-lapse videos of the printing and the K1 Max just already comes with the camera um you can see it from your phone so it just makes it more user friendly which I don't mind paying a little bit extra money for those those other features and and um on Amazon I think the K1 Max is like 760 or 780 but at Micro Center they have it for $6.99 so I'm just going to go get it um either from Micro Center but that's a bit of a drive so I might just see if my local Best Buy will price match that Micro Center and just get it from them and then when I get the K1 Max I'm just going to continue trying to do the the Iron Patriot um this is the first thing that I want to do the next thing that I want to do after the Iron Patriot helmet is going to be the Gladiator helmet from from the movie Gladiator with uh Russell Crow I believe it's Russell Crow but yeah his helmet is really tight and I want to build that helmet next so just going to return this and I think I don't I don't want to if if if I think that the this printer I'm viously a super novice with these Technologies and and I think that maybe you know this is probably some kind of user error but I was using the elu cura um setting like the the cura that came on the thumb drive so when I was using the regular Cura and the regular pra slicer my prints were coming out fine but when I used the cura that came on the the thumb drive with the eligo that's when I had this catastrophic failure so I just want to say you know I think this printer is great and if you want to get it and it serves your purpose I think for me I wasn't using this full build surface um this is like uh 320 by 320 by 385 High and the K1 Max is 300 Cub so it's 300 by 300 X 300 and um I I wasn't really using the full build surface so for me personally I would just rather get a a that has the stationary build plate instead of the the bed Slinger type so I'm going to go ahead and switch this out and once I get the new one I'll continue trying to build the Iron Patriot and and I'll hopefully be able to get you guys a video of that full helmet whenever I get that Merry Christmas y'all
Channel: Valentin
Views: 5,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PCA0uHNdpw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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