Return of the Gods | Ancient Aliens Documentary with Erich Von Daniken

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the fifth kind this video is in association with Gaia comm creating thought-provoking documentaries and programs for unlimited access to thousands of educational works and documentaries please click the links in the description now and receive your one-month exclusive full access price for only 99 cents throughout her ancient past humankind has documented various connections with advanced beings these stories can be found engraved upon the walls of temples and inscribed in religious works all over the world [Music] when the ancients asked from where they came the visitors pointed toward the Stars it is now a popular belief that the star system referred to was serious yet wherever they came from we believed it to be a world similar to our earth with the right atmospheric conditions and gravitational forces needed to visit the earth and survive upon it just as we explore space today looking for a planet with similar conditions to our own it makes sense to assume that other intelligent life throughout the universe would behave in a similar way author and researcher Erich von däniken explains whatever they came from their whole planet cannot have been complete different to us it must be a planet similar to earth otherwise they could not have survived here on this planet so the question what if they come from we cannot answer but it must have been an earth-like planet now astronomers who they find daily practically more planetary systems so we have to look which ones aren't the closest to us probably they came from them if the gods are indeed galactic travelers from a faraway planet with advanced exploration technology to know their intentions we can again ask ourselves what would humankind do in the same situation [Music] within our known history many shameful acts have been committed against fellow humans wrongly justified simply by the group or individuals notion of superiority above others this is a repeating problem and we still see it today but perhaps if we do reach the technological capabilities needed to enable our own interstellar travel agency we would in turn have progressed further on a consciousness level breaking down barriers of indifference and cultural separation in which case we may be more understanding and caring toward a different species helping it along a prosperous path teaching of our own struggles lessons and mistakes author Richard Dolan has researched the various possibilities for many years let's say we were an alien group and we were here on earth we don't look like the natives but we have an interest in their civilization we have an interest in monitoring maybe we even have an interest in managing them because we realize that they're shooting like this in terms of their technology and they're about to leap into our world whether we like it or not so we might want to establish a presence and influence among them we might want to have a base on their world for some reason if we did how would we do that but we would have to have our own people who look just like them our own fifth column is this really the case I don't know that it's the case I think you'd be foolish not to consider it as a reasonable thing as covered in some of our other videos we find documented accounts within many action civilizations referencing beings from the stars such as the epic of gilgamesh where we learn of the Anunnaki the Egyptian mythology of deities and sky gods the Indian gods who came to earth and flying machines known as Vimanas now in the Hindu mythology there they describe twins the name of the twins were that merits and he clearly say that the Morrow's were flying between the continents they were flying between India and Central America so both continents were influenced by the same gods that's why we have the same type of pyramids step pyramids like towers not comparable to achieved because the merits the twin Dumanis were flying the Morrow's were flying with Romana's and the flying machines of tomorrow's were described again in the drona pareve they described that the machines the flying machines of tomorrow made a terrible noise but the Marisa twins they could fly all over the planet wherever they want without landing without refuel so their energy must heaps have been something which we cannot understand by the way energy energy of the Vimanas in some of the texts the energy is described the fuel what they use as energy but we are not able to translate everything I know professor dr. Ian Lipkin Jalal he's one who can read the sanskrit text and he told me we found writings about the fuel the composition of the fuel and there are some words which we understand for example part of it was Quicksilver we can translate the word Quicksilver part of it was a mica we know what my guys okay but other components of the fuel we cannot translate it some of them sound like honey honey what kind of honey they are different kind of something sweet something we have no translation if we would have the translations of all the components of these vimana fuels then we probably would have a new newer energy for our machines here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] many of our so-called myths have dates dates about the humans and the Kings and these dates are for as humans impossible I was talking about Palenque and Palenque this tombstone under the temple of the Pyramid of inscription Palenque there is Paco the second ruler of of Palenque in the grave there are de things which you can read and one of the datings gives a figure of 1 million two hundred thousand years before Park Allah how is this possible or in ancient Sumeria we had the so-called Kings list the Kings list which today is in the British Museum in London and there they give the names of all the Sumerian Kings before the Great Flood it comes together more than two hundred thousand years and then the flood Thames and after the flood the gods descended again from the sky and the gods who ruled after his kind still together they ruled twenty-four thousand years and three hundred and one years in the few months we have exact dates now in India again in the Indian mythology we find impossible dates all these states are confusing you have a possibility but this really speculation we all know when you are in a spaceship which travels in a very very high speed the time between the spaceship and the planet is different so an astronaut who would fly let's say to the next solar system to Proxima Centauri with a very high speed who maybe become only a few years later older while on the planet Earth two or three thousand years might have passed so it might be that these so-called gods in the universe they were traveling with high speed and on earth in fact hundreds and thousands of years past but we are still talking about the same God but that's not the final answer that's one of the possibilities when I speak to Western scientists for example Germans or Swiss indologists they say we are talking about the stories in the Veda they say well it's maybe about 500 BC not older when I ask the same questions to Hindu professors which know much more than our Western scientists they are saying at least 6000 years in the past it's much older than what we thought [Music] first the extraterrestrials finally they went back home some of the model space ships were destroyed at least two of them we know from a tuna they were destroyed one of the other mother spaceship simply disappeared because the guards the so-called gods they be helped themselves likes today acknowledges food - they study some group they teach some group they give some advice and finally they disappear again they don't want to die here on this planet they run away and the Vimanas they take them with this of course when we today we have ethnologists with high technology our knowledge is for example they have a photo upper earth you know or they have maybe they have a light in their hand they have technology maybe they have arrival whatever a weapon so all these precise instruments photos light etc our acknowledges take back with them again they don't leave it there the same thing happened in the past their technology disappeared because they took them back with them there's the almighty god shiva and shiva had a flying machine a flying bird this flying bird was Garuda and Garuda was flying around Shiva now Garuda was not the normal birth because Garuda even flew to the moon Garuda was able to fly away from our solar system Garuda also used bombs Garuda were bringing his master Shiva to different places in our solar system not only on earth so Garuda was a kind of spaceship space vehicle etc ballast l9 seven six five we have to go committee to start two one booster ignition and liftoff of shuttle Endeavour NASA's final space station from compartment that brings a bay window view to our celestial backyard [Music] the most interesting fact which really shocks your head is the tombstone of talent II I was standing on this tombstone I made photos and you're completely shocked the picture is absolutely clear there is a man sitting in a sort of capsule bending forward like a motorist and racing cyclist he uses his hand to manipulate he has a mask on his nose he's sitting on a chair and outside the frame there is a linking flame when you see all this you are completely shocked and you know this stone plate was chiseled at least 2600 years ago in the past so this was the real revelation in archeological view the temple of inscription in Palenque which isn't reality at pyramid according to official archaeology is maybe about 600 AD so not very old but the tomb with the tombstone of Palenque because there were stalactites and stalagmites much Pete must be much older than the pyramid which was brewed up later on the tomb so at least two and a half thousand years if not much more [Music] in the Old Testament within the Book of Ezekiel written in the first person Ezekiel describes an encounter with beings in a flying machine the passage reads I looked at I saw a windstorm coming out of the north an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light the center of the fire looked like glowing mental and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures in appearance their form was human but each of them had four faces in four wings spread out above the heads of living creatures was what looked like something like a vault sparkling like crystal and awesome under the vault their wings were stretched out one toward the other and each had two wings covering its body when the creatures moved I heard the sound of their wings like the roar of rushing waters like the voice of the Almighty it's icky rights at the four sudden they hear hear the noise in the sky all the slaves look up there then he sees an object coming down from the sky then he realizes that the object makes a tremendous noise he compares the noise with the thundering of a waterfall or he compares him with to be with fighting wagons so a terrible noises of judgment all the slaves looking there the object comes down sand is blown up Ezekiel is high priest by profession so he believes in the beginning it must be God he felt on his nose to pray to the Lord and then he realized this is not God and then he describes exactly what he sees he describes now only the noise he describes the wings the wings move when the wings move that let the tremendous noise start to be there again when the ring Stood Still they were hanging down he describes the link he clearly says the lake were out of metal then he cries he tries the wheel and the wheel shocked him top totally because the wheel of his times can go forward and backward but the wheel which is here they go also forward and backward but at the same time left and right without making a steering movement you see when you are sitting in your car today and you want to make a curve you make on your really a curve a steering movement and the wheels are turning now that you come in your curve Ezekiel sees a wheel which goes forward backward right and left without making a steering moment this shocks him so he cannot understand it it describes it for time erich von daniken is well-versed and educated in biblical scripture he believes that the gods described within the Book of Enoch were an advanced race of beings who sinned against humankind giving a unique perspective and using that vocabulary we can relate to within our current time of modern technology imagine a normal ship on the ocean two hundred years ago so they are maybe four weeks on the ship on board the ship now they came to a an island with beautiful girls what do they do they have sex the same thing happened with the extraterrestrial they were four maybe hundreds of years in their spaceships they were working in their stable patient the astronauts now they came to the planet Earth and as the Bible says they saw that the daughters of men were beauty so they took them to wife by the way in sort of the Bible translation they say the Fallen Angels saw not the daughters of men were beauty and they took them to wipe what is a fallen angel they who descended and not only in the Bible you find this absolutely clear again in the Book of Enoch they clearly say the guardians of the sky they had a mutiny on board some of them wanted to have sex with beautiful humans they wanted to have contact sexual contact with them but it was forbidden to do so that's written in the Book of Enoch so they make a mutiny Enoch keeps even the names of certainty six of these extraterrestrial figures which say we want to go down there we want to have sex we want to do this even if it's it's against what the Lord the Lord is the commander of the spaceship says and they had sex and the result was some different creatures and Giants and all these things [Music] one of the most notorious earthly mysteries within the Bible is the Ark of the Covenant a device described as having great powers emitting an energy source resulting in the poisoning of those in its vicinity ultimately leading to death a similar description to that of radiation poisoning in correlation to modern nuclear reactor technology could the ark be a nuclear device within the ancient past the art of the government was an absolute dangerous object and the Ark of the government definitely had radioactivity in the second book of the Kings the Ark of the government is transported and one of the priests his name is Usha he's simply because there was a moment where the Ark looked as he she would fall from the wagon one of the priests his name was OSA he touched the Ark and at the same second he died like from an electricity power and in the book of Samuel it says everyone who came too close to the ark of the government died and they described how they died they their skin began pale their nails and fingers and feet fell out that they were blind etc so they were afraid of the Ark of the government and freely by free will they brought it back to Israel the Israelites the next morning saw that the Ark of the government were here again with four horses the horses were already near dead the children of Israel were dancing around the Ark of the government praying to the Lord that the Ark of the government is back finally from the land of the enemy and at that morning so says the Bible 72 of the Israelites died including children what half these children done wrong the only thing they were too close to the ark of the government because the Ark of the government was absolutely dangerous you know our own was the priest the brother of Moses and Aaron was the one who created a new priesthood only those one are allowed to go close to the arm of the governor they had to wear separate suits this is a seven time woman separate the closes the art of the government was dangerous because it was in reality a plutonium reactor plutonium reactors are used today in our satellites if you need a satellite who needs power for 20 or 40 years you need a minute or plutonium reactor plutonium II reactors are never used on earth because they are incredible dangerous plutonium is really dangerous a little chastity piece powder or plutonium can kill thousands of people it's a very very high radioactivity that's why we use it only in satellite and they never tell it to the humans I mean he satellites the energy came from plutonium reactor so finally the arc of the government was back with the Israelites 72 of them died they continued their trip and Salamone created the first temple Salomon put the art of the government in a temple in the holy place then Salomon by the way he had some flying machines Salomon could fly all the time this flying machines of Salomon is not part of the Bible is part of the so-called Kebra Nagast the quebra [ __ ] is the book of the kings of ethiopia there you read about the flying machines of King Solomon they even sigh say how fast it was so in one day he made the distance of 30 days if you would go on underground anyhow Solomon created the temple and had a separate room for the Ark of the government now Solomon because he can fly he had a girlfriend the Queen of Sheba in today's Ethiopia he we see the turn different times and they had a boy together he went to visit his father Solomon so he comes from two days eighty Opia with a man with many camels and came to Jerusalem and in Jerusalem vinyl FM said to his father Solomon my mother the Queen of Sheba which you love so say has some problems for enemy and she asked me to come to Jerusalem that I should bring the art of the government to ATO PIA with the Queen of Sheba because the people who have the ark of the government they always have power she said now Solomon said to his son this is impossible my own people my priests would kill me if I would allow you to take the ark of the governor out of the Temple of Jerusalem but the boy was finally the son of Solomon he was a priest himself so at night he went with the few followers into the temple into the room where the art of the government was standing he made an exact copy of it they went out again and outside the walls of Jerusalem his artists created the copy of the Ark of the Covenant at night they made the the priests of Solomon drunken they went into the temple they stole the real the original out of the governor and they put the copy there the next morning the priests didn't even realize it it took two or three days before they realized that not the original is anymore in the temple of Joseph it is a copy now Solomon he knew exactly it was my son and he went with his horses to follow but he could never reach him because finally same with the art of the government again was flying in one of these flying machines do today's Ethiopia so the original of the Ark of the Covenant arrived in fact at today's Ethiopia the Queen of Sheba he was very very happy thousands of people surrounded the Ark of the government and thousands of people died again with the same sickness as we had before in the second book of the Kings now the Queen of Sheba was afraid of the Ark of the government she realized that this object is dangerous she put it down in a hole in the ground and exactly there today in the ethiopian city of Aksum the the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary is standing now this is a optical optical Christianity in Ethiopia and a few years ago the head of the Coptic Church was in Switzerland shortly and in Germany and one journalist asked him do you know about the arc of the government is it true that he sees in @yo Pia under the Church of the Holy Virgin Mary and the chief said yes I was one of them who saw the arc of the government this object is not from this planet his object is from other planet so sometimes I'm asked by the critics where are the proofs for extraterrestrials the arc of the government even if only a piece of it had survived would be a final proof but that's a question of religion the region religions would never allow us to go down there and to make scientific researches on this object so the time is not right for it we have to change again the spirit of time [Music] although the Ark of the Covenant has yet to be found we have discovered other such mysterious items that go against modern historical teaching of our ancient ancestors technical progress such as the Antikythera mechanism a two thousand-year-old ancient mechanism found off the coast of Greece in the Sangh hung sighs muskoka that was able to detect seismic activity such as earthquakes dating back to around 100 AD [Music] with decades of documented evidence and mysterious artifacts now discovered throughout the world it would be a logical conclusion to assume we have indeed been visited and guided by an advanced civilization within our ancient past we will recognize the extraterrestrials because they are similar to us they are of course wise up to us the a technological standard is much more advanced than our because if they would not be much more advanced they could never have reached us you don't know the distance between the stars are measured in lightyears so if you don't have the technology you cannot reach it even if they have developed something like over speed of light in our society we say according to Einstein over speed of light is not possible but with the big distances there must be a way for over speed of light they know it they know the way how to do it so they are much more advanced than we we will recognize them at the same time they are wise you know these extraterrestrials we have technology to reach out these stances of light is they are not stupid again these are not animal-like beings who just reach the distances to kill others it makes no sense they are wise they are soft they are helpful they are understanding to us and not just animals who are there to killers like we have it in some science fiction pictures [Music] professor dr. John Mack was a professor at Harvard University he has studied extraterrestrial abductions I knew him we have been together just between us for quite some time and I asked him how many extraterrestrials to exist out there and he said there are hundreds thousands of different forms of extraterrestrials out there some of them are humans and we probably only get in contact with more or less human form of extra treasures but there are a hundred thousands of different forms of there we just don't know if the universe as fast as our universe is must have many many forms of intelligent life if not you cannot contact them you have no possibility to talk to them to learn from them so you have to multiply intelligence in the universe just as we send probes to Mars and throughout our solar system searching for a planet with the right conditions to sustain life and given the analysis based on the Kepler space mission data listing as many as 40 billion earth-sized planets orbiting in the habitable zones that we know of within our galaxy it would be highly unlikely maybe even statistically impossible that we are alone in the universe there have been many reported encounters of strange objects in the sky with many declassified government documents being released into the public domain including odd new statements from highly ranked government officials such as former Pentagon official Louise Elizondo and Paul Hellyer the former Canadian Defense Minister Paul show host George Mooney and Richard Dolan who have personal contact with the ex defense minister expand on his recent TV broadcasts the former Minister of Defense of Canada Paul Hellyer has told me specifically that he believes in an extraterrestrial presence do aliens exist are they already here to the pose of threats or its chance for salvation Paul Hellyer a former minister of defense of Canada and and he believes that life-forms from space exist and are present on earth it's great to have you with us on our show why do you say that UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying over our heads well because I know that they are and they've been as a matter of fact they've been visiting our planet for thousands of years and one of the cases that would interest you most if you give me two or three minutes to answer is during the Cold War 1961 there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying south from Russia to the across Europe and the supreme Allied commander was very concerned and about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole I love how Paul said give me two or four minutes to talk about yes specifically right he is into this and he's into it in a big way that's right and he's either a liar or this guy is really telling the truth there's no middle ground here well he's certainly not a liar I also know Paul and he's he's got a great deal of integrity and he's you know done a lot of research into this subject well as many many other people have done and I think it's very important that we have someone of his stature who's willing to go out there and by the way that was a very good interview he gave was Sophie Chevron Anza and we need you know to get more prominent individual he may be the highest level of government official that has gone public like this he is there was actually a Minister of Defense of France back in the 70s a man named Paul galley who Robert galley excuse me who gave an interview not not nearly as prominently at was Paul Hellyer as we continue to explore the planets within our solar system are forever developing modern technology is able to take high-definition photographs from the surface of Mars using satellites and the curiosity Rover's on examination of the images we can clearly see strange anomalies in shapes with elements of intelligent design upon the surface our space probes today are mars they surround mass a small robot with the name of curiosity is rolling over mars and again we receive pictures from the surface of the mass and some of these pictures clearly say shows structures which are not normal again we look for the next plausible answer and sooner or later we have no more closeable answer we have religions and we are educated in our religions and now we learn that most of these things are wrong so we lose our ground we lose our reason of life we say we have been living here and praying and we went to church and we were adoring some gods and making designs and technology in the name of them and now we realize it was not spiritual it was all extraterrestrial they are technologically ahead of us they simply visit us we are the primitives in their eyes so we will lose a lot and a contact between extraterrestrials in the beginning would be a shock that's why by the way they do it in a soft way with crop circles etc they had the technology to do it in a hard way but they do it in a soft way and because they understand how we react so it's reasonable even from the scientific community and sometimes even for the government to go forward in a slow way with that information not just shocked mankind by the way this is one of the reasons why I do my job I have many speeches worldwide and my my lectures are quite impressive you see wonderful things and at the end of every speech I say to the audience dear ladies and gentlemen this is not a question of believe it or not I will turn myself in my tomb if some idiots come up and make a sort of religion or sect of Erich von Daniken's knowledge so why I am doing why I am doing what I do because I want that mankind see all this information from the past from an other angle which brings us another answer and another spirit of the world that's my duty I want to change the spirit of time [Music] some of our scientists I guess some of the astronomers some of the genetics they know already what is going on but they do not go to public because their own colleagues say please don't you make us ridiculous you make our scientific society ridiculous because the people will not believe it to you we have to do it softly step by step not just like a shock and I think this is the feeling of the ETS to do it softly not shock the humans I met in my life different people from the scientific community from the military community who showed me and expressed me something which I should not go to public but I know it I have seen it this is why I am so sure so self sure that I'm sitting on the right horse I know much more than what I publish because some things should not be published hundred years ago exactly hundred years ago in Fatima Fatima is a little village in Portugal there seventy thousand people saw a UFO now at that time the church could not say it's a UFO they call it it was a wonder a miracle of the Sun when you go today to Fatima in a gigantic Cathedral the Cathedral dedicated to the Holy Mother Virgin Mary you see in glass painting the miracle of the Sun and thousands of people watching the sky now hundred years ago that took place it started all on May 13th and it repeated for six months and it ended on October 13 now one of the world her name was Lucia she received a message and the message she give to the highest commander on this planet not to the king of protocol the message went to the holy Pope in Rome it was Benedict the fifteen so the child Lucia later went into a convent she became a nun and she gives the message to the Pope with the order to publish this message to mankind in on October 13th nineteen sixty forty three years after 1917 the Pope 1960 read the message many journalists were around it and the newspapers of 1960 said the Pope answered I can not publish this message it would create a panic among humans now my god if the message would come from the real mother the Virgin Mary she knows what she does and the Pope said I cannot publish it it would create a panic because of this answer journalists start a big speculation they said maybe the message has to do with the next world war with the third world war we will all be destroyed etcetera so they went journalist went to the bishop of lela lela is the next biggest city to the village of Fatima and the bishop was living in layer and they asked the bishop does this message from Fatima has something to do with the next world war with you no Rockets Pershing ss-20 and so on and the bishop who knew the message says no it has absolutely nothing to do with the next world war with the destruction of mankind it concerns our belief now when it concerns our belief why should they not publish it mother Mary was the one who gave order to public and the Catholic Church doesn't publish it in my opinion it was a message from extraterrestrials the extraterrestrials in nineteen seven they surrounded our planet they realized in 1970 mankind had no technology advanced technology for a message going around the world there were no satellites in 1970 there were no television in 1978 cetera so they simply calculated give them another 40 years and then they will be ready in this message probably and now I have to speculate probably she said well welcome humans greetings to you humans don't be afraid of us you are not alone in the universe there are many other societies in the universe we were here thousands of years ago we will visit you again etc we will come back in the next decades and so on now between 1917 and 1960 43 years have passed and Fatima has become a pilgrim place gigantic Cathedral is in Fatima millions of believers pray to the Holy Virgin Mary and now in 1960 the Pope realized this message it was not the Holy Virgin Mary that's why I said I cannot publish it it would create the panic no speculations come up has you to do with the next world war and the picture of her Laila said no he has nothing to do with the next world war it concerns our belief yes because it was the extraterrestrials or not and not the mother Mary now hundred years have passed this year I expect maybe that they show up again they show us again what in 1970 they believed it's a miracle of the Sun but it was not the miracle of the Sun it was an extraterrestrial spaceship they gave us a hundred years of time and they will show up again I hope at least this is my wish my dream all the Pope's since 1960 know the message none of them has opened it to the public none of them there are speculations all kinds of calculations I studied this very carefully the speculations contradict each other some of the Pope's are really telling lies concerning Fatima [Music] I was one of these figures which already 30 years ago was in Colorado in the in the mountain called Space Command I was one of there at that time it was a secret visit and I saw they observe everything around the earth everything they said you see this is exactly the solar satellite whatever numbers it and said well this is calculators they know it's exactly now over America we can every position there of course I asked them about UFOs have you ever with your observation see UFO they said of course what do you say to it that we can say nothing it they are too fast their speed is so incredible and they make some maneuvers rectangular maneuvers which we cannot imitate so we know for sure it's something different but we don't have to be afraid of it of course in Space Command here in the giant Mountaineer they know it but they don't go to public we can prove that in antiquity our forefathers made gigantic signs in the ground like today's crop circle just it was done by our forefather some thousands of years ago and all these designs are laid out in a way that they are so big you can see them only from the air I mean Nazca in Peru is one of the examples but it's not only Nazca in the meantime because of our flying aircraft because of our helicopters we found gigantic designs dating from prehistoric time in in Saudi Arabia in Australia in today's jordania then even here in in the United States in California a place called blight you see figures in the ground you can see them only from the air in Mexico the Sonora Desert there are hundreds of designs which you can see only from the air and the main mystery is definitely not sky in Peru I was so many times in Nazca I made myself over 5000 pictures of Nazca I show you here now pictures of Nazca which were never shown on television and you really are shocked when you see these designs and look at them carefully until today the scientific community has come up with the following information all these designs on the ground is an astronomical calendar it made no sense then they say it was a cult for the water gods another scientist retested now it was a cult for the mountain gods I read always in scientific magazines now it is a cult for aquaculture my god this is ridiculous there was never a creek culture it's too hot for it if every in every time somebody something was growing there green then you would not see the designs anymore another suggested now it's a prehistoric Inca spot place something like an a prehistoric of Colombia others now is that copies of fata morgana x' so the not teef somewhere in the air they have seen some lines maybe in the clouds it was a starting place for hot-air balloon we know that hot-air balloons could have existed in prehistoric time in South America it's theoretically possible but we have no writing no written recall about it but even for hot-air balloons you don't need landing strips hot-air balloon chest out on one place another one said and now these are acre plots that acre plots means growing of something there was never something growing there another one said now these are procession streets you know for some religion it's ridiculous streets which started abruptly ended abruptly etc another one suggested now this is a prehistoric map the map for what for where or a cultural Atlas we have had in the scientific community so many explanations and every scientist think this is plausible that's the next natural right version it's all nonsense just look at these gigantic lines this is eye-openers and on television you never see these pictures I have 5000 of them [Music] in Nazca there you see some mountains which were artificially cut off you never see these mountains on television somebody cut the top of the mountain of you can clearly prove it in the pictures normal mountains around Nazca they come to the top from both sides and you see it's the top of the mountain then you see one mountain or the cold tub is cut off and there is a line on this mountain and under the line the line looking like an airstrip starting abruptly ending abruptly under the line is a zigzag climb no idea no suggestion what this was I simply suggest our investigators speculate it has something to do with flying you see today we need electromagnetic impulses for example to start machines Matan magnetic it could be something inside we have sent a scientific crew to Nazca and I have asked the scientists a few questions which archaeologists would never ask archaeologists ask for datings for bones for fireplaces and all these things I asked for example please go to the desert of Nazca with your modern equipment and measure the resistance of electricity what is the resistance of electricity if I have a 100 volt and then I have a measurement measuring device and I want to see if the electricity is flowing so I can measure the flow of electricity and I want to know from the scientific world thus the electricity flow in Nazca is it the same flowing as in the desert or on these so-called lines they made their scientific measurements and as expected in the desert in the sand there is no flowing electricity because sand is an isolator like ceramic is an isolator but then they made the same experience on the lines on the lines with that cut of mountain what zigzag lines are and the the speed of the electrical resistance was 8,000 time higher than just a few meters in this er so there is something I asked the scientist can you measure magnetic fields in Nazca is there something wrong of course there are changement in the magnetic field and especially on the lines on that mountain they found the magnetic field in the ground under the line which is so high that they could not measure it anymore so there is something behind it but nobody knows what it is and nobody is allowed to go there or make diggings so we know that something is your own in Nazca because we can measure the flow of electricity the difference in the sand and the difference in the so-called lines we can definitely measure the changing of the magnetic field on the g'tok line there's something deep down there but in practice one would say okay so make a hole what's so difficult there it's not possible Nazca is completely protected you don't receive the permission to simply scratch a little stone away if you do something you are immediately arrested you get in jail in Peru and you have to pay the pay about ten thousand dollars to get out again so we know by measurement something is you're only not scarred but in practice we have no possibility to check it I know from my knowledge of ancient texts of ancient mythologies that sometimes of years ago a gigantic mother spaceship was surrounding around the earth now this mother ship the spaceship after a long trip they need something to refuel I mean is it organic material eg geranium is whatever so they measure the planet where could you find something maybe they are looking for gold and from an orbit they can measure where we find gold or whatever now they simply send an automatic space probe down an automatic space probe would not need a landing strip he simply came down with like one of our satellites and before it came to a standstill it might be that this automatic space probe is blowing away some sand and stones and etcetera becoming kept before he comes to a standstill one of the actives was watching this something was coming from the guards from the sky and this space probe make some measurements hello what is the magnetic field here do we find gold uranium or whatever and this appears again another not thief goes to his scribe and say hey something was descending from the god I saw it here on the plane of Nazca and you see a small line simply made created by the blown-away stone and sand and other natives may think obviously the gods want that we make some lines for them and it becomes a religion a cult that the natives now make lines in all kinds of direction small lines large lines thin lines long lines the longest of the small lines in Nazca is 23 kilometers long over cross mountain he'll try the way 23 kilometers the longest of the airstrip locking lines is 3 point 8 kilometers long enough to land the jumbo jet now that was my suggestion the lines were made by the natives because it has become a religious cult but that's not all the exit arrest is in fact they found something there some say which they used we have no idea what it used and they took it off from Nazca it was the extraterrestrials not an artist who cut the mountain because something which they needed was in there by cutting off the mountain you have degrees there is nothing in Nazca where is all this the breeze which they took up from the cotton mountain and maybe they had an automatic landing machine and the landing machine was working on a magnetic field and for the magnetic field they needed zigzag line under the line because you with the zigzag line you compose an electromagnetic field so it comes to a standstill and you pour it the other way around and you started again the local people made the figures you see if you have in the ground your figures of fishes spiders monkeys birds and these kind of thing and these figures were made by the local you know Nazca is very very hot the surface of the desert of Nazca is composited of little brown stones and sand now you have only to use your shoes and to scratch away these little brown stones and you see itself a higher bright shining a level appears and with this you can in fact make these figures there is no mystery in making the figures you can also make some lines this is also possible by scratching away with your shoes the surface of it but the large lines starting abruptly ending abruptly the large big lines on mountains which are cut off are not made by scratching away with your shoes here technology was used so you have to differentiate there was high technology in my eyes from extraterrestrials which has to do with the cut off mountains zigzag lines and these things and there is imitations of the natives even after the extraterrestrials left when they have received what they wanted the not thieves continue to me clines in hannes of the god so you have bows they're high technology from extraterrestrial and simply primitive lines made by the natives it has been 51 years since the book Chariots of the Gods was written by Erich von däniken today as then he continues to research and pass on his vast knowledge gained over the many years you can watch more of Erich series beyond the legend exclusively young gaya click the links in the description to get our limited partnership one-month trial offer price of only $0.99 thanks for watching and we hope you enjoyed this video to see more please check out our channel page linked below we will leave you now with a short video clip of Erich von däniken as he explains how he became the man he is today and what it was that gave spark to his amazing lifetime journey on truth and knowledge all over the world I was educated in Switzerland as a strict Catholic and of course as a young man I was a deep believer in God by the way I still am a deep believer in God but as a young man God had to have some qualities for me for example God makes no mistake God is omnipotent he's all over he doesn't need a vehicle in which to move from point A to point B of course God makes no mistake that I had in my head as a 15 16 year old boy now I was educated in a strict Catholic school led by Jesuits and there we had to learn Latin and Greek and always we have to translate parts of the Bible from one language to the other and I realized slowly that the God of the Bible does not have these qualities I expected for example the God in the Bible he is using a vehicle which to move around described by the prophet Ezekiel for example and God in the Bible he makes mistakes he creates human and he says and it was good but later he finds he was not good and he decided to destroy them all he makes experiences he sends a demand even the paralyzed and he knows in advance that they will make a sin and they promptly make what he expected what he knows and I was very disappointed so I simply had doubts in my own Catholic religion in my education I wanted to know if other communities in antiquity have similar stories as we have my religion and that was the beginning of Chariots of the Gods I started to read Hindu mythology's and even in the college I was indicated in the college some of the professor who knows that I had doubts in religion and Eric go to the university library and ask for a book of Enoch and as a 17 year old I read Enoch and I realized that here someone is telling us a story in the first person and he's talking about guardianes of the sky for all an Angels sex with humans that was really absolutely crazy from my young brain so I my doubts continued and I decided I want in the beginning only as a hobby follow this path [Applause] I was growing up you know what else my family were hotel managers so I was grown up running to reception and bars and kitchen and so and was absolutely normal that after my high school I took the way of hotel business so I was in the hotel special school I was a waiter I was a receptionist I was a barkeeper and whenever today I sit in the restaurant and I realized that the way to saw the Barkeeper's are doing something wrong I said to myself come on Eric you could do better you could stand behind the bar or behind the reception desk so when I finally wrote Chariots of the Gods I was managing director of a five-star hotel in Davos which is a place in the Swiss [Music] I was fascinated by the idea that in the Bible in the religions we are the victims of misunderstanding I was fascinated then at that time in Germany there was a magazine called Nagas Europa new Europe and as a young man as a waiter already I was writing for this magazine even in high school I was good in writing I have already had the best notes in writing so I wrote for this magazine about mysteries thing mysterious things in the Bible and so on in 1964 that was four years before Chariots of the Gods was on the market I published an article was a full double page in a big Canadian newspaper it was a German newspaper called they're not Western the NatWest appeared in Winnipeg and the title was were the grass of the Bible astronauts by Erich von däniken so I was writing about this that subject long before I made Chariots of the Gods I was working in hotels and the hotels had season you know summer season winter season between the seasons I was always traveling I learned in all these books about archaeological mysteries so I wanted to go there and always before I went I went to a archeological place I knew the literature in advance and I knew the scientific literature I knew what the archaeologists said about such and such place so I read the book before I traveled even as in the 19 year old I was for the first time in Egypt the high school I was was a school for rich kids and one of the rich kids in my classroom was an Egyptian boy and he invited me to a gypped so as a 19 year old there was the first time sitting on a camel and standing before the pyramids at the 19 year old I was the first time in subterranean caves in Saqqara so I was writing about the subject even as a hotel manager and of course meat by the ears I knew I learned a lot and in the evening I was always discussing with some guests finally one of the guests said you should write the book Eric the book okay why not so I wrote the book Chariots of the Gods in my free time in the afternoon or in the evening and the original book had two hundred and thirty-five pages then I sent this manuscript to 20 different publishers in Germany and 20 publishers send it back each and every one with well this is not for our society this is not for our our edition and this is not professional enough etc all went run back one of the hotel guests said was the editor-in-chief of a big German magazine the magazine's name is Dietz I'd the time and I said to him I have a manuscript now but nobody wanted to publish it and he said Eric I probably can help you the next morning he was phoning to someone which I didn't know and I hear it still it was today he said to someone listen Erin I am standing here in a hotel in Davos in Switzerland and I have a young man here and this young man has written a complete crazy book but the man is not crazy you should listen to him so now is that it was how Chariots of the Gods was published in February 1968 in Switzerland first the German title in the beginning had of course Germany was arena rumen and the sukham means memories of the future normally you can memorize only the past you cannot memorize the future so memories of the future was the original title in the German language because I had the idea we were visited by extraterrestrials and we the human race we will do the same thing in the future we will visit other solar systems and we will influence others that's why memories of the future this title has come to the desk of my British publisher in London it was souvenir press and mr. earnest test he could do nothing with memories of the future it had nobody has memories of the future we can memory a memory at the path not of the future and because I quoted Ezekiel in Chariots of the Gods and the world chariots is expressed Chariots of the Gods in Ezekiel the British publisher decided to name the book Chariots of the Gods in Switzerland we have also different magazines and one of the big magazines still exists today is called the belt boy the the week of the world and the welt oh hey they started to publish the German version of Chariots of the Gods so it has become a best-seller before the book itself was on the market because at that time I knew already the Mahabharata I knew the Book of Enoch and I slowly understood my god this is all a misunderstanding the gods must have been a star another solar system when I wrote Chariots of the Gods I had the opinion that I am the first person who write about these things laterz when Chariots of the Garter on the market I received several letters where people just mentioned the a mister von Daniken but a similar idea we have are already in such-and-such a science fiction story so science fiction authors were already writing about this speculation you know so astronauts are traveling to another world and there they are looked as the gods and so on even in some scientific newspapers and all this I learned later when Chariots of the Gods was in our market in scientific newspapers there were articles written by scientists with the same question so I was not the first with that idea and not the first on the market but I was the first one who took it for serious not as fiction I took it as fact and I brought in Chariots of the Gods all the sources I mentioned were did I have these questions and these answers from so I took it seriously you know when Chariots of the Gods was first published and my German publisher he found an English publisher and at that time I was absolutely no professional concerning writing and these things being an auteur so my German publisher suggested okay all the foreign right we make health and health between the publishing house and the author I said okay I agree I didn't knew nothing about it so the German publishers sold Chariots of the Gods to a British publisher London the British publishers sold the right to an American publisher in New York hardcover it was putnams and Sun putnams and son sold the paper book a paperback rights to another company in the United States now they sold about 8 million paperbacks of Chariots of the Gods but this publisher made health and health with Putnam Putnam made health and health with the British publisher the British publisher made alpha now with the German ones and the Germans with me so from this 8 million of Chariots of the Gods Must paperback and maybe received a few cents per per copy so I made money off Carlin I'm not playing blaming no one for it it was my mistake but it's not that I have ever become a rich man thanks for watching the fifth time if you like our videos and would like to see more click the big red button to subscribe it's free and really does help us out this video is in association with creating thought-provoking documentaries and 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Channel: The 5th Kind
Views: 4,122,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ancient aliens, Ancient Aliens 2019, 2019 Documentary, Erich Von Daniken, documentary, 2019, the 5th kind, full documentary, ALIEN GODS, ancient past, anunnaki, ancient ufos, ufos in the bible, return of the gods
Id: _rUJcB0oKs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 41sec (4121 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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