SCRUB: SpaceX Performs Wet Dress Rehearsal of Third Starship Flight Stack

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and here we [Music] go we have LIF off propulsion continues to be noral R 68 chamber pressure looks good probably enough tow [Music] fly it's orang oh my God oh my [Music] God put that in the big bag you 343 unfolds to go indeed we rise together back to the moon and Beyond me to be igniting in the Flair correct thanks you we don't need any more of [Music] these [Music] welcome to another NSF live stream we have a full stack Starship on the pad and star base and we have a tank Farms pooling up and we have a road closed so you know what that means we are expecting a wet dress rehearsal today of some kind some sort of propellant loading test and all the pieces are in place so we have gone live I'm Jack berer for NSF and I'll be your host for today's testing and also I am joined by our ever competent cohort of co-hosts starting off with Mr Ryan Kon Ryan how are you doing bud I'm doing good it's a uh it's a it's a nice time of day for once and Starship is doing something it's a nice change over the last week and fingers crossed SpaceX doesn't troll us for a third time yeah fingers crossed indeed and it's it's nice to get some Daytime start ship activity so we get these nice views you can see the tank farm right there spooling up I believe those are the liquid oxygen uh sub coolers but uh I'll leave that to Alex to determine or clarify Alex is also on the stream Alex how you doing I'm doing well it's just it's ironic that the moment that women live a bunch of cars went down the road so yeah uh of course yeah yeah that's a SpaceX we all know them very well but yeah I'm doing fantastic and let's see if they actually go for a testing today everything is pointed to that but we'll probably touch on that later on and also in the background we have Mr Kevin Michael Reed who I'm going to be very nice to for reasons he is the he is the best he is so great he is just great and won't be showing anything on stream that he shouldn't be and let's just uh let's go off to the races if you guys have any questions uh feel free to tag Us in chat type @ NASA spaceflight and write out your question and we will see it pop up in some software we have running in the background so yeah Alex what are we hoping or expecting or thinking we might see today yeah so the hope is that SpaceX may get a wet dress rehearsal done today all of these signs that we've seen so far point into that that they are shooting for a Wess rehearsal whether they actually accomplish it or not that's a that's a whole different question right uh but so far we have seen first the roadblock is in place the excuse me uh and the thing about the road block is it's not only here but it is also at the usual location for a launch so we also see here another roadblock this is where the roadblock is located when we have a launch and for wet dress rehearsals it is moved up here so those cars that we saw down the road closer to the launch on the previous View those eventually once they start loading the the rocket with pendants they will go away and go up the road up to this point because they need to clear out the the area the the blast danger area which is C and so that other road block the one that that we show in the previous View uh up the road that doesn't happen for a static fire test or any sort of partial load of propellant that doesn't happen um they do have some kind of in between where sometimes there's like a roadblock somewhere up the village but it's not entirely all the way up there um it's a bit it's a bit complicated to be to to explain it all but definitely looks like just by just by that roadblock today we're going into rehearsal also recently SpaceX tweeted on on X or I guess a post on X um on Twitter uh they they they said that they're shooting for a launch rehearsal for these flight three test flight so it's it's definitely looking like today is going to be the day that they're going for that launch rehearsal as they call it and and also as well I saw uh some buses for employees that are uses usually those are used usually to evacuate the employees because now the village is a few residents and then everyone else is just basic employees and they need to evacuate as well so they use buses to be able to shuttle them outside of the of the blasting area and there's your um there's your bingo card I guess shuttle it's it's not literally the shuttle but I use the word so you can cross the bingo card but uh yeah um so you know there's this this growing list of things that have been happening today this morning that just point towards a wetes there's another thing that we're seeing here right now I guess that I should point out that the Chopsticks are open in sort of a launch configuration but for the flight to wet dress rehearsal we did not see that so it's not a guarantee that whenever the Chopsticks are in this position they're going for a wetus but it definitely is kind of sort of like a a subtle indication that maybe it is and just you know when when you put it together with all of the other amounting uh number of evidence then you can pretty much tell that yeah this is pretty much a w rehearsal but again as I as I also mentioned at the beginning we'll see if they actually are able to to do that because as we saw uh if you if you were watching Starbase live prior to this commentary stream we saw a crane going out to to the liquid auction side of the of the uh tank farm then went to the to the methane side I I believe uh there was also a lift going going up and down doing work so they're still doing some of this work I I believe it'sa prepar Preparatory work like preparations of the tank farm but you got to take into account that the reason why with this wet re wet dress rehearsal is being done is not just because they want to test things ahead of the flight but also because a lot of the things are being tested today are new so they have installed four new sub coolers since Flight 2 uh they have inst on the liquid auction side they have installed new pumps as well on the liquid auction side on the methane side they have installed another two sub coolers they have installed more pumps as well there there's a lot of things are new there are new Plumbing new new hardware on the tank farm side and so that is important to be tested and especially recently in like the last couple of weeks we saw them replacing lock bumps so it is it it it probably will not surprise me if today's test doesn't go completely smoothly for them uh because of all of the new stuff that is being tested today but if it does that's going to be a big win ahead of this flight three test flight that we're sort of thinking might happen in early March but yeah that's all the things that I need to say for today's test so far are are you sure is that it I I think I think yeah all right cool you even answered a question from uh Jordan Payne in terms of what do we know what the crane was doing at the orbital tank farm this morning so you you even hit that so good job Alex that was perhaps your longest Alex answer yet uh Christopher Hela thank you for gifting 10 red team memberships that's very generous of you and if you got a membership gifted to you be sure to thank the person that did it Sean plays too much thank you for gifting one red team membership and Coco cats also gifting a red team membership musical wolves thank you for the support they say Happy Valentine's Day I'd love to see a wet dress rehearsal will the days they get from the I believe they mean data will the data they get from the wet dresser will be lovely palentine's day that's right it's that stupid day isn't it um Mr one wolf thank you for the extremely generous Super Chat that is very very nice of you we appreciate that so much they say when does everyone think that Starship will star in a major Motion Picture other than media like Armageddon or For All Mankind Starship was in Armageddon I think they're they're talking about how in a lot of um a a lot of popular movies they show the shuttle and so will Starship be be the shuttle in movies in in the future where all of the rockets that you see in movies they just look like a Starship like even a recent one that was moonfall they were using Endeavor or something like that from from California it was it was nuts it was crazy yeah the shuttle is so iconic that I suspect it'll be a movie a movie prop for some time to come but I don't know give it like five or 10 years and Starship will enter the Zeitgeist and become uh it'll it'll start to appear more in media I think but I I don't think we're there yet I think we're still at the stage where most people have no idea what Starship is or what it aims to do or how transformative it will likely end up being but uh Ryan do you have any do you have any thoughts no Ian I'm just going to agree with your point there which is like the majority of people still have no idea what Starship is which is kind of annoying but hopefully our job means that more people know what a Starship is precisely and then I have to it's obligatory I have to ask have you seen Armageddon me yes no all right I'm okay here's a little inside baseball I'm going to try and turn over a new Leaf here instead of being angry when someone hasn't seen a thing I am going to try to be excited that I get to share this thing or encourage you to watch the thing so I'm not mad at you Ryan I'm excited for you because that means that you get to watch Armageddon and experience it in all of its horror and Glory it's a terrible movie it's a Michael Bay film so you know there's going to be a lot of gratuitous explosions and it's like you know basically popcorn a popcorn movie but I'm excited I'm excited for you at some point you're going to watch Armageddon for the first time and then I want you to DM me and be like this was truly awful I loved it or whatever your actual uh mhm uh words I can't even words so yeah I'm excited I'm excited that you get to see Armageddon for the first time I envy you um um let's see here good question from Mr one wolf and extremely generous support thank you Daniel grabbing something from the store they say love all the coverage keep up the great work uh and Anonymous with a store purchase I believe they are getting the patch there thank you for that the new patch is so like H it's so good Ryan agree disagree uh I agree that the patch is very good I I do like the pat it is my favorite patch I like the diamond shape yes I was that was my next question is of the three patches we've done so far which is your favorite and you you would say it's this this flight three patch mhm I I would I would go flight three patch flight two patch and then flight one patch which is like you know Natural Evolution you get better at doing something over time you know but I just this one just feels a bit more I don't know maybe it's just cuz it's the newest one it's my favorite one yeah maybe I I don't know I I'm really particularly love the design Alex what is your what are your thoughts on the flight three patch that we recently released oh it's it's cool yeah the one thing that I like is that on the on the digital version that Ryan did the clouds swirl on the Stinger thing I don't know if Kevin will will animate that I don't know but yeah you can see that when there you go oh do it again wait wait no no no do it again do it again see the see the the clouds charling there you go nice work Ryan I love it I love it do it one more time do it one more time just for fun yeah Kevin my guy thank you uh apocalypse cow gifting 10 red team memberships thank you Ryan gifting five Liz McQuade gifting five y'all are the best all right let's do some [Music] questions we'll start off with uh anyone want to try and pronounce this person's name because I'm definitely going to butcher it if I try drv Dro pank haa that's my attempt thank you Ryan that was an excellent attempt they say we have not received an overpressure notice or an Evac notice so how they can how can they perform a wet dress rehearsal well uh turns out Mary has in fact been asked to evacuate so uh there are there is an evacu ation order in place so that is one of the tea leaves that we have dived our uh ankling today that you know they might be doing a wet dress rehearsal will it be a full wet dress rehearsal a partial will they intend to go for a full one will they hit some kind of snag and not do a full load we don't know but certainly all the pieces are in place for some sort of potentially hazardous propellant load testing that would necessitate and Evac of the village this look to be the cars that went down the road before Oh interesting we have a new road closure update tomorrow's road closure has switched from possible to scheduled o another test tomorrow that's a very short turnaround if they want to test tomorrow another again this Tech yeah how remind me how much propellant does the orbital tank farm hold like it's it's like one and a half times what a full stack needs so they wouldn't necessarily have to top off the whole tank farm if they did do more testing tomorrow but what if it's not the full stack tomorrow oh what do you mean haa so overnight they moved the two-point lifter to the launch site which means that's the the the lifter that they use to lift a ship on the subal pad or a live a ship in general with a crane so maybe a static fire on 28 yeah so what if today they do this sort of full stack wet dress rehearsal it goes well they D stack ship 28 tonight after they have completed all the closeups and everything they daack it they move it to sh uh to Super B pad B and tomorrow they do a static fire test of it because it's probably not out of the question and we know that at least a number of engines which we don't know if it's one there's up to six that could have been changed basically but maybe one has been changed at the very least because they removed engines but there's always the possibility that then they just put put it back in after doing some work on that engine outside of the vehicle but there was let's say that at least on the pictures and Views that we saw when they stacked ship 28 you could see at least one of the vacuum engines was very clean it was not as uh test proven I I I guess is the word um it was it was not as used as the other two so it could be part of the whole thing where they just need to test that that engine and so they need to put it on the pad on superable pad B and so they need to to do that testing this week and they're going for that schedule closure I don't really know to be fair it could also be that you know just in case today's test doesn't go well they can try again tomorrow with a wet dress I don't I don't really know interesting uh Annie McGee thank you for the support they say will SpaceX be producing their own propellent gases that was a thing that they were saying they were going to do for a period of time and appear to have either put on hold or scrapped right uh Ryan yeah it's the actual production of their own prop is a lot more complicated than just keeping it in a tank and for the time being SpaceX just seems to have been more focusing on their vehicle kind of side of things because as we saw with the with the big vertical tanks SpaceX tried to build their own big vertical tanks and very recently we've seen two of them getting removed and and they've been purchasing like a whole collection of what Elon called sausage tanks like hot dog tanks uh so SpaceX really seems to be putting their R&D into Starship more than into the tank farm as things currently stand uh just go ahead H I was I was gonna make a mention because we know that this is a full load precisely because of where the roadblock is located when it is a full load they don't place the roadblock that far up the road where we showed it uh earlier and also they don't need to fully evacuate uh star base completely there have been times and this is true and this is why I said that there there have been some some some times where there has been a partial load of propellant being loaded on the whole rocket and part of the village was evacuated but not fully and the roadblock was not at the launch location where it is right now and it is not and it was not at the testing location it was somewhere in between um basically at A Martin Boulevard if you have Google Maps you could probably find it uh but I don't really know how to actually tell you this these are the coordinates just look it up but but yeah um in the future we may have a ual uh ways to to show with that but shush that's a leak um did you did you just shush yourself yeah I know I know I'm I'm I'm that crazy woo anyways um yeah so that is that is precisely what we're thinking that it is that way precisely because it is a a location that they don't use for a partial load they don't close that that part of the road for a partial load they only close that part of the road for a full closure and again we have seen also shuttles of buses moving SpaceX employees around to evacuate I don't really know to be fair that if if actual every one single person out there is uh cleared but that's probably the case good deal uh H 9000 is asking well it's probably not the safest thing to do could they do a spin Prime test on 28 well stacked o you want to take that one first Ryan and then we'll let Alex say O A couple more times uh uh just say no uh just say no I'm no I'm just trying to think of like any kind of possible realistic way that that would be possible and I'm looking I'm looking at this at like thousands of different ways in my mind all concurrently and no you heard it here first Ryan is a supercomputer with arms and legs actually that tracks no wonder you can edit so fast uh Alex what do what do you think I mean it's it's a really really hard risk to commit but there you can see people at the at the Cutie arm they seem to have pulled over that that work platform that's interesting and again there's there's a lot of new things here in play um and the other day they were also having trouble with the with the QD so I don't know if they have come to the to the QD arm to do work on it or just to deploy the platform for the sake of deploying it they uh they forgot to turn flip the switch from stack to wdr so they had to go up into the QD arm and uh and press the wdr button it's interesting that they they were up there and then left like are they going to come back did they do whatever they needed to do interesting it's not like the the platform needs to be out for for a wetus though needs to be out for a more serious launch campaign and things like that but for today doesn't really matter if it's out or in but I wonder if they have like cameras I I see some cameras on the platform maybe they're using the platform to look at the ship I don't really know could be yeah going back to the question of the of the spin prime it it's definitely quite a risk to to take for very little reward in my opinion I don't think it it really gives that much of of of data for the kind of risk that you could get if it goes bad kind of safer to just put it on the on the so we pad and and test it there right you don't want any accidental ignitions during a spin Prime as we have seen with booster 7 uh rip white tube uh RJ Brown is asking do they need to deack before flight yes yes would you would you care to explain Alex yeah um yeah so as we've mentioned in the past right the the flight termination system that they use has a physical pin system those pins need to be removed in order for the flight termination system to be electrically uh armed whenever they are in launch countdown they have a signal that is sent so that the flight terion system is armed so that that physical uh system that those those pins that are used to save uh physically this the flight transmission system those need to be removed and the thing is the location that they are right now you can see here inste of that boxy thing around the middle of the ship there um and that location is very high up there's no lift that can reach that place um and I know there's a lot of people and we're probably going to get this question a lot today I it um but it's okay um that you know they why don't they put a platform on the of the Tower or cannot the Chopsticks do it and all that stuff the problem is in the future when they're launching daily when they're launching multiple times those physical connections don't need to go in again again after they land with a ship right so if you think about the long-term priority you shouldn't need to do all of the daack and stacking because at the end of the day they're just out of the system but for now they're not there yet right so for now they have to to sort of stick with what they are right now with those physical pins they need to daack the the vehicle because they not they cannot reach it in full stack configuration but it's a quick thing we we saw it for for flight one we saw it for flight two it's a quick thing where they just daack they go up there pull the pins stack again it's not really something that takes a full day or takes a full week to do it's a very quite quick thing to do did Jack die Jack you there talking well muted I'm a big dumb dumb head I panicked for a second yeah thanks thanks for that um yeah what I was saying while muted because I'm a big dumb dumbhead is if you're familiar with watching Falcon 9 launches then you've heard the call out as the first stage comes back uh that the FTS has been saved I believe there's also a call out for the second stage as well so they are able to electrically uh inhibit that system to Safe a booster while it's on like coming back and Landing so recovery Crews can approach safely the vehicle and you know there will be a similar sort of thing for Starship when it's coming back they can electrically inhibit the FTS and then they don't need to do like you're saying Alex they don't need to reinstall those pins you know it's just part of the the rapid Cadence they're looking to to uh to move towards yeah in such a case you just stack it again and flight gosh I sure hope that uh get we get there I I really do I want I want to see a Cadence that that that that requires that you know the thing that I love about the shot right now is that we see that heat chield is so much better so much better than the previous two ships it's like oh my God yeah it it it definitely looks dramatically improved I mean every Starship and every booster looks better than the previous one and uh that that statement holds for uh where we are at today with ship 28 and booster 10 [Music] um Canan Copeland is asking other than the wet dress rehearsal and the FAA what's left to do uh remove scaffolding from the orbital launch Mount what what else are we are we waiting to to see on the on the pre-launch checklist Alex well we don't really know what else SpaceX may want to test there there might be some other things that they may want to test definitely a launch rehearsal like they're doing today is one of them um that they have publicly talked about at least and so I I'm not fully sure to be fair apart from that that there may be that ship 28 stic fire but that's still a sort of guess rather than a reality a fact something that has been publicly talked about you know um um it is not that kind of thing um but other than that other than those two things I don't really know only SpaceX knows obviously even even SpaceX might just have like a list of required test and then another pile of of of like a list of good to have but not required tests that they may do if they see that they have the time to do or they may just opt not to do it at all like may maybe themselves they don't really know what at the end of the day they're going to do cuz they have so many possibilities to do right so you can imagine it that way yeah makes sense Zachary grabbing some stuff from the store they got the patch they got something else they got oh they got a calendar nice um they say love everything you guys do thank you can't wait to rock and represent the largest rocket ever created by Humanity go NSF go SpaceX go Starship thank you Zachary we hope you enjoy the patch and calendar and John also grabbing something from the store they say as always thanks for the coverage thank you John they got a patch that is a mighty fine looking patch I know I already said that but I I'm just I'm so stoked on that patch let's see here oh do we have a do we have a sweet graphic or do we want to wait on the graphic all right we'll wait on I believe I was trying to to correct a little bit all right all right all right Willie thank you for the uh store purchase they say keeping my patch collection complete you all are the best you're the best Willie uh Jah what's up Jah longtime supporter of the channel they say get off the nuclear warhead head which if you had seen Armageddon you would get um Benedict thank you for your store purchases three of them what did they get they say oh they got the patch I bet they I got all three patches they say keep up the great work NSF and go Starship heck yeah thank you um Benedict again oh yeah here we go I just got to I just got to click it again because it he they bought multiple things um but it won't let me click it why can't I click it all right moving right along i c g harsh is asking do wet dress rehearsals damage the rocket like nitrogen does to other materials does nitrogen's fairly inert I don't think it is nitrogen damaging to materials that's what reversal damage to Rocket like the answer is no I don't yeah I mean the only the only damaging on quotes right um it's not really damaging but when you load cryogenics onto a vehicle the material shrinks and then you turn it into when you dtank the vehicle then it it goes to ambient temperature and so it expands so that cycling of and also the valves and things like that also need to cycle whatever like the thermal cycle of going from room temperature just super super cold and then back to room temperature it it can be it you can put a strain on the materials and so sometimes certain rockets and and some people in the audience might might remember uh certain one uh certain Rockets have like a limit in the times that you can tank it and DET tank it and so or at least like a safe limit at the very least maybe you can go past that safe limit if you actually go and take data out of the of the structures and things like that but that but that is a very high number even SLS which is the rocket that I'm talking about was like on the within the safe limits it was like 22 times and they they were they were saying that they could probably go like twice that and still be good so it's a lot of times that they could load and we've seen for for Falcon 9 for example they they are flying almost 20 times by now and that means they loaded at least three or four times at McGregor with cryogenics uh they loaded at the PAAD for the first flight probably and then like multiple times across the the lifetime of that booster so for Falcon 9 just to put an example of like a a reusable rocket that that thing can be loaded multiple multiple times without any sort of issues Oliver p is asking has booster cryo gotten any fast between the first wet dress rehearsal for if1 and now this is an Alex question sorry Ryan well soon Ryan will be able to to talk about that as well because we're working on on videos about this also another leak I guess um but but yeah the so there's been a lot of new stuff that is being added to the to the tank form uh for flight three that that is new compared to flight one and Flight 2 for flight two the propellant load sequence lasted about 97 minutes we expect this one to be closer to 1 hour for uh with with the new stuff that they have added to the tank form again it's new pumps new sub coolers some of the sub coolers are just dedicated to the to the ship which is good cuz that means perhaps when they start loading so one thing that happened with the past two stacks is that they started loading the booster and when whenever they started loading the ship the rate at which the booster was being loaded slowed down because basically they share the same resources now it seems like they have dedicated resources for the ship and dedicated resources for the booster so when the booster is being loaded perhaps and this is a perhaps because we're we're yet to see it but perhaps the the the booster load will not slow down and actually go through very well um but you know that's what what we're going to figure out today what what is it going to look like every single time that they introduce something new it's always exciting for uh for people like me which you know we we track these timings and we try to guess what else is going to happen next and so it is always exciting because then we figure out something new it's like you jack when someone doesn't hasn't watch a movie or a show or something and then you're you're like yes you're going to get to enjoy it so that's the same feeling we're going to get to enjoy something new today hopefully there's been so many changes to the orbital tank farm that uh we'll just have to see how that plays out oh look look we have fancy graphic showing where the uh where the road closures typically are oh that's not the fixed one Kevin it's not it's not the one that was fixed a Ste one uh there we there we go so yeah you can see the the partial road closure that's like the typical there's a static fire or some sort of testing at the launch site um closure Point sometimes it's at the sometimes location and uh for launch and full wet dresses and whatnot the block is all the way up Highway 4 at the intersection of Highway 4 in Richardson Avenue uh so there you go that's a good way to visualize that's what's going on here and there you can see that roadblock uh those two white trucks are on Richard the red truck is on Highway 4 mhm good deal that's the same place that they set up the roadblock for launches that's the last place that anyone can go to a bit on quotes I guess for for a launch so yeah except certain SpaceX employees which I believe they can go up to the Stargate uh building right and there's typically for launch multiple layers of Roadblock there's one around Massie there's one the the normal soft roadblock all the way up uh by Brownsville so uh yeah standard SpaceX closing the road down for some full stack testing exactly what we want to see today uh Canan Copeland they're asking when do we expect to see Frost Ryan uh sometime today well we need to have uh a a a o it's orange someone got the orange shirt it's such a good shirt um we need to have the the propellant lines to the Launchpad chilled down which we have not seen yet and that is indicated by uh the the tower and olm vent neither of which we've seen start up yet so Alex where where are we at right now like what are there still Crews at the pad I guess I I think I see someone on the QD arm right now yeah that that is the interesting thing that they seem to still be working on the ground systems um you know as they usually say they may have SN uh they may have hit a snag excuse me um so you know but but this is the sort of thing as I as I was trying to emphasize before they have a lot of new systems right right and so we need to be patient we need to be patient cuz this is this is the first time they've tested a full stack with all of this new hardware and so we'll we'll see what happens today but yeah still keeping an eye on the cruise working there it seems like they are they are uh sort of pulling away that work platform wait so they extended it and now they're retracting it yeah and the funny thing is this platform is like manually deployed so there's a there's a guy there that needs to actually go in and pull it out or pull it in it's it's crazy interesting all right well we'll keep our eyes on it and we'll report changes to the status of things as we see them come down the pipe uh Brett thank you for the support they say you guys got me I was going to get one but needed the set can't wait to see more launches from Charleston South Carolina nice getting the patches it's a good thing too because uh the patches we order like a set quantity and then once they're gone they're gone so I I don't know how we still have flight one and two patches but we do and if you won all three uh you know Now's the Time to get them cuz once they're gone they're gone uh so thank you for that Brett and I'm glad you got in while the getting's good Charles thank you for grabbing something from the store they say very nice to add to my collection they also got the patch excellent Angry American thank you for the Super Chat they say 5.5k watching barely 1K likes smash like and kick algorithm monster thank you thank you for that Angry American Sean thank you for the support they say put a bird on it when Gary plushy uh Gary the grle I feel like that'd be a challenging plushy to make I don't know we'll we'll have to talk to the store team but thank you for grabbing the patch mgj is that is that our Sean cuz what it was it it was called Shawn right that's a store message that you read it did say Shan and it was talking about Gary huh I don't know if it was Ouran we'll have to see if he confirms or denies in our back channel uh bet Gare thanks for getting the patch we appreciate you Daniel thank you for the support they say I've been watching NSF since sn8 and even have a very brief Cameo just before sn10 launched I finally made the red team on B10 lift love y'all thank you so much which was your now I'm curious what your what your cameo was which one what which which of the streams oh yeah there were several wasn't was that 7 10 the one where there was like the we did like a 12 hour stream and then it scrubbed and then we did another 12- hour stream like the very next day well I meant on the on the booster tin lift oh Al I guess booster tin lift that was not the one that we had to scrub right uh I don't think so was Chip 28 booster 10 left is just the one that took forever and we had the long music filled stream and then yeah but still it it lifted yeah okay okay Stephen thank you for the store purchase they say keep up the good work Steve sgb guitars thanks bud RC Horsemen gifting five red team memberships alyso perini thank you for the five this Starship is already used as a rocket.png first time in the anime orbital children I got hella excited when I watched it oh I'll have to check that out I do like me a good anime yeah there's some there are some places where it's already starting to be seen even For All Mankind have like has like a knockoff of a Starship I'm not going to spoil anything but yeah I mean it's from season two so or season 3 I guess but yeah it's it's from a few seasons ago so no spoilers you should watch it watch yeah no I really do need to watch For All Mankind I'm I'm currently in the middle of a serious Breaking Bad binge um and then I think after that I'll do better call all again and then maybe I'll Do For All Mankind um seph serpentis Russ thanks for gifting five red team memberships Jill thanks for the store purchase they say Golight bford thank you bford they are gifting 10 red team memberships that's amazing yor George uh thank you for the support Jorge thank you Spanish Spanish thank you they say love you guys love NSF Greetings oh greetings from Spain yeah Jorge have you ever had a baloney pizza is that like a normal you really asking this on stream is that like a normal thing in Spain cuz apparent Alex is eating a balone pizza and I no I was I'm not eating it right now well you're currently digesting a balone pizza like what what is that why would anybody do that to themselves I'm I'm just looking at chat I'm waiting for a response from Jorge really really yeah no this is important wasn't that a store uh message it was they got a they got a patch so maybe they they go by another name on chat oh maybe darn it all right well we'll move on uh Anonymous thanks for the store purchase they say when hop well you can do people are saying they have they have tried baloney Pizza I don't believe it yes they're talking about about that look look at chat look at chat it's fine real baloney is good not American Bal is there a distinction in baloney the elevator's moving do we do we got the elevator moving are leaving the QD arm the elevator is not elevating though going down it's de it's de elevating de elevating good all right well hopefully we see the uh the cars that went to the pad leave here shortly and uh we get into testing proper as we'll be signaled by the start of the olm vent that's sort of the next step in the flow that we would expect to see right Alex um yeah I guess um that's really non-committal answer you you got there as usual I'm gonna go no I'll ask Ryan Ryan what do we expect to see next how about that uh Frost we're going to be seeing some vents we need we need some o vents we need some Tower vents we need all the vents uh which which signifies uh that they're uh that they're progressing nicely which we are yet to see but hopefully we see it soon see Alex that's that's how you answer that's a good answer boom Vin that's the way I'm just sewing a rivalry here like it's chaos that's not rivalry I I I already don't go a long well with with Ryan you don't need to force it oh n it's it's a joke it's a joke you know me well I don't want to get DMS of being like oh why are you mad with with Ryan I haven't gotten I haven't gotten any more DMS yet yet yet yet exactly TJ Moore is ask asking has SpaceX solved the fuel SLO so speculated issue with the booster we it's not confirmed uh on flight two was potentially uh its rud caused by a fuel SLO issue and we've seen some new weld lines on the booster uh do we think that's a a solve for the fuel SLO I'll go with Ryan first take that Alex it's okay I'm I'm watching the feeds I well I guess the only the only way we'll be able to answer have they fixed the fuel slash problem is if there's a fuel sash problem on this flight um but the the extra World lines we did see it does for me it makes much more sense to try and solve this issue through those kind of additions for this booster and this kind of family of boosters compared to doing like a complet completely different design because it's much quicker to you know add components than to completely redesign how the tanks work so you know whether they decide to redo how the tanks work we're not going to see that until future boosters so hopefully this intermediate potentially fix does the job for fuel slash yeah hopefully uh Alex any thoughts I will go with what he just said that uh I guess the flight test is going to be DET test that sounds very um yeah very silly uh but but it is true that you know the flight test is going to be that test of whatever they have installed here on both vehicles to avoid the issues that they had with with the with the second flight it was a lot less issues than on the first flight let's be fair to that but but there were still issues that need to be solved and we'll see if they actually solve them for flight three fingers crossed uh y'all are coming out in huge support I like I'm I'm struggling to keep up here Raymond with a store purchase thank you they say thanks for the coverage uh Lawrence thank you for the support they say go if3 I love your coverage and commentary keep it coming and they bought a bunch of things from the store as well thank you so much Lawrence Brian Young gifting 50 red team memberships that is insane I get like chat is just going ham right now left and right Scott was gifted to membership Brian was gifted to membership Alexi was gifted to membership like holy cow thank you so much Brian for that extremely generous gift of 50 memberships if you got a gifted membership first thank Brian then go over to the YouTube Community page and check out the sweet member only content that you now have access to because you're now a member 50 people that is insane Joseph thanks for this the store store purchase they say thanks for the coverage uh Scott thank you for the support they say missing the sticker for o if3 o thanks for your stream uh we do there's people asking about a sticker we have Robbie Williams here too asking for an a flight three patch sticker uh no nothing to announce yet store team is looking into it um I too would like a sticker but the patch is sick so we have that right now so if you want it get it uh Anonymous thank you for the support they say love these patches different Anonymous thank you for the store purchase they say y'all streams are always so fun and the collections in the store are phenomenal thank you Anonymous uh Doug Ramsey with a $20 Super Chat thank you Doug very nice of you there they say will they try will they wait to light more than three engines on the booster After hot staging till after the reversal maneuver is complet complete to avoid more prop slash on if3 if2 tried to light more before maneuver was complete what do we what do we think will we see a difference in engine uh relight configuration on on flight 3 perhaps Alex you can go first it we will probably some see some kind of change on the sequencing um I'm guessing that part of the magic on trying to make that work I guess is the the the sequencing of events and the timing of them so when they need to occur uh in in what order they need to be to to to happen so all of that is very important and another thing that is important right now is to see all of those cars going away it seems like they're preparing to do so please right looks like people are leaving right now like actively leaving the pad this would have been the crew that was up on the QD arm so we saw them on the QD arm they extended the work platform they retracted the work platform they descended via the elevator and uh now they appear to be leaving so this is good this is exactly what we want to see we want the pad to be clear once again so that we can get into testing in Earnest good deal do you think they know that there's an excess of 8,000 people watching them right now they know I bet they're hoping for this to to go along so that we can spool up the music I mean I'm I was a fan of the metal the other day that was that was quality that was quality uh Keno thanks for becoming a Capcom member that grants you Discord access so pop into the Discord and say hey are you really using music now Kevin's Kevin's putting mus but we said we liked the metal I mean I liked the lowii Beats to relax and watch Starship too that was also good but well for for now I think the the only metal that I want to hear at least is the rugged let's put it that way and there goes the truck excellent bye bye everyone say Bye by bye bye goodbye goodbye truck it's not even driving on the right side of the road like what's he doing he's just go down the middle hey the road's closed all bets are off and there they go up the highway there we go there we go there we go engage we need auto track for this did you just did you just pull up a card and say engage I yes engage uh all right you see it here crw leaving the pad and now they will uh pass through the roadblock there Excellent Man Star Factory's gotten big good deal all right so can we call the pad clear now yeah um as long as they don't go back it was clear before but they just went went to the to the pth for some reason as we went live about an hour ago it it was it was hilarious how we had the intro rolling and then I saw on the stream on on our feeds and everything I I saw the cars going down the road I'm like oh my God go well now they have left the pad and that is what we want to see excellent black dragon getting a nice slip stream here getting ready for an overtake oh yeah it's getting a getting a little bit like slightly increased MPG when you when you slipstream behind a car and you you get that little extra extra boost there is it detrimental to the car that you slipstreaming like do they get increased drag somehow or something no that's not how physics works well that's why I asked Ryan cuz I wasn't [Laughter] sure um nitrous oxide though they need they need that black dragon is as is saying SL asking I always drop off the Starship news for a month or so after each launch and was wondering could you guys give us a quick crash course of the past couple months Alex it's your time to shine I thought it was Ryan quick Ryan you time to shine you you you don't get to tell me that Ryan because you have been editing all of the Starbase update videos for like three or four months so it's your time to shine do you think I actually watched them though you should you're the editor come on uh uh okay okay so uh after the launch uh pad looked all right uh they immediately started putting scaffolding up on the olm they gave it a scrub looks all right uh and then uh which which order was it uh booster booster and ship rolled to to the launch site ship did uh ship did Static fire uh that looked uh okay uh and then uh also the ship did the static fire and then went back and then they both came out again and they put snowmen on the roll out or something like that and then they did Big static fire and then they did the ship static fire on the same day and then that looked really cool uh and then they went back to the launch production site and then they did a final few tweaks on booster and ship and then they rolled them back out again to the launch site like a week ago and then they put booster on on on launch Mount and they put ship on top booster and then there was a big thunk and then they were like oh that's not very good so then they took ship back off the booster and then uh they messed us about and we doing put the Clon off at like 10:00 in the morning and then didn't lift until midnight and then they put the back on the booster and that's where we are today can you do again the the thunk thunk I mean that's that's pretty close yeah that's I would say that's fairly a fairly accurate representation you're doing the next star base update Ryan the script the the the editing everything it's amazing oh anyways there there you go black dragon Alex do you have anything to add or should we move on no he did it perfectly lot of pad work I guess it's the only other thing that that I guess is that's what I said they gave it a good scrub they've cleaned it up oh yeah clean it up install a bunch of new hardware and everything oh yeah they rolled some tanks out as well some big hot dog tanks they did that as well some tanks yeah those are not being used today though plugged in a bunch of mods to the tank farm and a bunch that are not yet fully integrated into it but clearly here working towards upgrading the OTF you too oh look at that they have they have uh moved away from from the from the RO block we is are they still at Richardson Kevin can we get a view of uh the block at Richardson still there yeah I wonder the two white pickup trucks have moved I do wonder if they have moved temporarily because sometimes they they also do this where the roadblock doesn't move straight away to this location they move to the to the and sometimes here uh location uh which is at uh s Martin Boulevard they sort of wait there and then once they make sure that actually everyone has left then they go up here I don't I don't really know to be honest where if if they are right there but yeah they have left the the usual roadblock the hard roadblock is now uh what's the what's the name of that place Richardson Richardson yeah Richardson good deal so Road still closed do not fret that the uh close-up road block has moved that's pretty normal we've seen that before tank farm appears to be spooling up again so now we're waiting for the mm vent to start up right yes Jack that's right I don't talk like that come on my name's Alex I eat baloney pizza for some reason are you are you are you Mickey [Laughter] Mouse we need to fill this rocket anyways we don't need a copyright strike for this one I've been think this actually brings up a good point now uh I don't know if anyone is actually saw it like like actually watched it live I being not from the United States of America I just saw some some clips on Twitter uh but I was wondering so Nickelodeon did like a kids broadcast for the Super Bowl right I'm thinking we should do like a kids broadcast for flight 3 that's what we should do I think it'd be really funny and we can have Dora the Explorer explaining like what all the vents mean and things like that I think that'd be funny I instead of backpack backpack it'll be full stack full stack that's all I got we just we just need Nickelodeon on board that's all um can there be slime involved does Nickelodeon still do slime that was like their big thing yeah they like slime the field or something can we put slime all over thech the payload for if3 is slime uh Corey thank you for the store purchase they say love the coverage great to be part of this community keep up the great work uh Darren thank you for the store purchase they say building my patch collection how big would the Tang Farm need to be to support a crude moon mission uh that's a good question I mean they need to have the ability to rapidly load and launch multiple ships for refueling in orbit operations so uh perhaps that's what we're seeing them size the tank farm for now Eric thank you for the support they say patch number three for launch number three and Chris thank you for the store purchase they say huge thanks and shout out to the NSF team thanks for all you do let's go flight three nice Angry American they say my mom at 72 wants to see Jack in a killed I can't believe I just read that on air James no E4 Tango thanks for gifting five red team memberships James with a store purchase they say keep the videos coming guys watching from Cornwall UK that's where they uh that's where virgin orbit tried to do the their their last launch from right Ryan yeah yeah they launched they they uh they didn't get much further than than that but they launched H so sad I wish they had succeeded but at least Cosmic girl gets to live on as part of straddle launch yorg thank you for the support they say buying this is a birthday gift for my friend Janice so wish him a happy birthday you too chat all right everyone wish Janice a happy birthday ready go happy [Music] birthday I'm I'm waiting I'm waiting to see if chat say no we're not singing just that is a copyright strike for sure right there even though I I know but I'm but I'm not singing I just did a joyful it was like sing song but it wasn't you weren't singing the song I said happy birthday you didn't even say that to me on my birthday I didn't get a sing song Happy Birthday well your birthday is STO for like another month so that's true I'm so old elmad thank you for the support turned TW I just turned 71 uh Flight 2 was supposed to go on my birthday didn't make it looking forward to flight three so are we seeing reports of rust on cybertruck see anything like that on Rocket Garden ships not so much the ships but booster 4 is looking mighty Rusty I'm so I'm still surprised they haven't scrapped that yet they might instead of scrapping it they might just be waiting for it to be integrated by the rust yeah not wrong you can see on the left you can tell it's booster 4 because of the way that it is meaning it's got the hpu covers still it's yellowy and not cool looking and one of the grid fins is just permanently broken it's like waving hi I'm booster 4 it's like go away booster 4 you're going to get scrapped I'm still mad they didn't scrap booster 4 but they scra sn15 like if you really need the space just getting rid of booster 4 uh mathas store purchase thank you they say hello to all of you hello Matias jera gifting 10 red team memberships thank you Jah so many gifted memberships on this stream you guys are awesome Jean Claude thank you for the store purchase they say let's go if3 no matter what happens it won't disappoint yeah I mean I think the old old uh excitement guaranteed is applicable arnab Malik is asking us do we think if3 will be 100% successful Ryan go first so I can give Alex time to prepare his waffling define success doesn't explode the pad does get ship to orbit re-entry if if uh what's what's this one called chip 28 gets to the gets to re-entry I would say that is a success whether it like successfully like makes it through the atmosphere that's a that's a whole different ball game right but I think getting to the actual point of entering the atmosphere for a re-entry I think that would be a a a Monumental success agree Alex if you Alex if you have a good answer you get a waffle um I I don't know it's it's in I I think the booster is going to work again I think the ship might actually go into orbit the difference here is whether it will actually make it through re-entry or whether the booster will actually return to a controlled the splash down on the ocean I don't think it's going to be going that good but you know what we see here we're seeing here this full stack uh I want to tell a few words to this full stack uh prove me wrong that's that's my my few words to this full stack prove me wrong actually do it come on I dare you yeah I'm talking to to the rocket like I mean it's okay we have been live for let's see how long now just over an hour and Alex is talking to the rocket so strap in it's it's going to be an interesting one uh G Hammer is asking do we know if the FAA has all the info they need for uh or all the info they need on if2 yet like what's the what's the deal with the anomaly investigation Alex and FAA status um right now we at least have some confirmation from SpaceX oh not SpaceX excuse me from from the fa that not all of the information has been sent just yet so the fa has the report from SpaceX but uh the the mishap investigation report but we don't know if it has been closed out and after it's closed out uh they still need to implement the the correction the corrective uh actions and after that the fa needs to you know to actually give the approval that those actions are good to go for flight three so obviously we're just in that sort of in between where things are happening they are not completed but we don't know exactly what is the full status of the paperwork that is the point that we are right now deal come on tank farm do your thing Pope vent going strong that is cool I mean literally I see what you did there Aiden Charming is asking will it have FTS when it's crude Ryan Ryan talking whilst muted that's an interesting question because I'm I would say no Alex is probably going to be like well actually but I'm just thinking it never before has a second I say this now and Chris is going to enter chat with shuttle shuttle shuttle but if we just ignore the shuttle for a moment okay never before has the vehicle like this the second stage and the crew thing being like the same thing right the shuttle uh wasn't didn't have a didn't have a didn't have a automated like termination thing like on the on the on the orbitor right I don't I don't believe uh that' be a bit silly if it did uh so I would say no for Star I don't believe the Orbiter itself had it yeah like I I know the srbs had like some kind of thing where if something was going really wrong they could kind of of like kind of so so the whole thing would like spread up well the external tank doesn't need FTS because it it it if if there with no srbs and no and no rs25 the orbital the the external tank is going to have a pretty hard time getting to getting to orbit by itself the srbs could kind of split themselves apart the Orbiter didn't have it so I'm going to say that the booster will the Ship Won't with crew just because it has crew on board so it's a really interesting point going forward though because never before has this much propellant with this much power being like physically connected to the seats that humans are sitting in right so this is just going to be a really interesting thing both like technologically and Regulatory wise going forwards to see how Starship is regulated I expect they will uh they will have an FTS on on the ship just in case you know things go extra arai but who knows Alex do you have any thoughts well um I I will say Falcon 9 does have a flight submission system even when it's carrying crew but as Ryan said this is unprecedented where you have the second stage tanks the propulsion system also attached to the vehicle like crew Dragon itself doesn't carry a termission system but the Falcon 9 second stage and the first stage do have a flight termission system so it's going to be interesting how they do it in the future for Starship and whether that's actually going to happen or not it's probably something that we'll just have to wait and see what happens but yeah very interesting interesting question there from Aiden all right so the pad is clear once again they've moved the uh the final roadblock as we have seen in the past tank farm looks like it's doing its thing chilling down the lines we do not have an olm or a tower vent yet but uh all things nominal what exactly are we expecting to see coming up and in general today Alex yeah so right now we're seeing a lot of venting uh especially from the bunker and from the sub coolers it's it seems like a least those uh Lux Lux sub coolers the liquid auction sub coolers are starting to vend we also have here the pop vent as well as we call it but we still don't have the the olm vent that that we're waiting for that will indicate that they have started chill down the lines to the olm so that is sort of the status where we are right now where the tank farm is pulling up but yeah that that um o invent is not in place just yet and that o vent once it comes up that is the indication that they are chilling down the the lines to the overall launch mount a similar vent will appear over here uh on the tower as well um where the the the same process will occur but up the tower so we're going to have the the the lines up to the ship being being uh chill down in order to be able to to go ahead with a with AAL load once those vents go up it's especially on the on the olm side once the olm vent goes off uh or or guess dies off once that disappears then the Lu at auction load will begin and so we're going to go into that propellent load which will look different for for this uh full stack rather than what we saw for flight one or flight two but yeah that's that's sort of the things that we are looking for next I'm gonna need I'm gonna need some more arrows uh I'm gonna need some more arrows on screen next time you do illustration Alex that was a a Dar of of clarity there we need more more arrows please um and RC horseman in chat says ooh dos art but no it's Alex art doart is red that's how you know Alex art is purple Alex can we get a smiley okay but for that draw a giraffe do a giraffe I just did a smiley it takes a while cuz the whole thing it's a very complex process and so it takes a while until it appears but yeah I I don't know a w rehearsal today if we get a wet dress rehearsal today we will all be Smiley just like that smiley you drew thank you this looks more like a like a dinosaur kind of thing I don't know no yeah that's a giraffe it that's a that's an amazing giraffe fantastic work hang on the tail the tail there we go do they have tails I guess yes right yeah they do they do yeah there you go that's the tail it takes a while but yeah oh my days God okay moving right along thank you thank you for humoring me uh Bryce says I just ordered a flight one and two patch last week needed three your coverage got me hooked on SpaceX and Starship yay Anonymous with a store purchase they say keep up the great work guys music sucked not my cup of tea sorry can't please everyone all the time uh I have I have a proposal here though if you didn't like the music what you could do is mute the stream and play your own music just an idea that's true you or or you can mute the stream and play uh Starbase live audio which is not music if if you really want like pad audio and stuff Steven says great job guys with the store purchase thank you Steven Jonas says greetings from Germany keep up the good work thank you Jonas uh Stefano with a store purchase says go Starship thank you for that Anonymous says thank you for providing the best coverage out there keep up the great work thank you Anonymous Israel thank you for the support they say hey y'all this will get mounted besides the other two I was shopping for a Gary plushy but sadly could not find it shout out to the field team indeed shout out to Mary and Sean out there in the field make everything is coming along uh Paul thank you for the support they say keep up the great work guys I'd love to come and see one of these launch one day you should you absolutely should it's the wildest Mr cont tuver uh thank you for the support they say will there be a re-entry Landing attempt to see on the actual launch basically uh it seems like you're robotic maybe it's my connection I don't really know no he he's robotic okay I thought I thought it was me cuz I have also the whole thing to do the AL extration or the Alex art so things are going a little bit slower than usual so I thought it was my end but now I see Chad is saying that that is oh there we go that's my feet where vent where vent we want the vent we need we need it uh yeah I can clear that up oh um Jack you you probably have to to check your feed yeah if well while Jack is uh trying to to stop his internet breaking I'm just going to hit a few more bits of support here uh Victoria's been purchasing a couple things off the store saying buying for my husband Chris who watches your streams every day well hopefully Chris gets uh gets the new patch and the and the flight two patch Vincent uh saying for my brother Julian n in France who watches you every day thanks a lot for your dedication you're very welcome Vincent I hope that Julian gets that flight three patch uh Joseph Zimmerman has become a launch director member that's the that's the top one uh or the the the the second the top one I think so that's a lot of support thank you very much that's a lot of support uh guy guy gooey gooey sorry sorry uh has become a pad R member thanks very much for that and then Al X vies saying uh with a $10 Super Chat thanks for your great coverage on a side note who's taking bets that SpaceX surprises us and instead of a wet dress they go on and do a full launch today uh well I don't think the FAA would be too happy let's put it that way uh there there's there's many things that still need to be done including arming that flight termination system we were talking about not that long ago yeah um can you hear me am I a robot oh hi Jack there we go am I coming through okay we got you hooray Digger in chat says Jack went out for some baloney I did not and I certainly didn't put it on a pizza it's bolog not bolog who amongst us would do that baloney BNA yeah bologa bologna anyways it's a hard it's a hard um where were you going with your conversation before Jack you were saying something oh we had a question uh I don't see it anymore but someone was asking what the profile is going to be for flight three will it be a landing attempt a re-entry attempt what are we expecting to see on flight three yeah um so flight three it is interesting because we have yet to see some kind of official confirmation on the on the actual trajectory I mean we have already words of you know pop from from public officials from from SpaceX I mean um from Elon and Jessica Jensen Kathy leaders they all they all have talk about things like the cryogenic propellant uh transfer demo uh there's going to be an inspace burn and things like that after it has already gone into space it's going to do that that sort of burn to test the orbit for for future flights now the question is will it actually go into a full orbit you know what I mean that it's actually going to go into a stable orbit or whether ites will go into the trajectory that it was already targeting for flight one and two but instead uh do some sort of um um basically that in Space Bird be um what it will do instead of making the the ship land on the on the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii it will just make it land somewhere in The Indian in the Indian Ocean that could be a possibility rather than actually going to orbit and the reason why we think this is a possibility is because there's been recent documentation that suggests that that SpaceX may be looking at at that kind of profile it doesn't confirm and it doesn't say that it is exactly going to be that it is going to be exactly this flight because it's a general it's part of a of the communications permit to be able to introduce uh Starling antennas on Starship vehicles that that permit has been going for a long long while um since 2021 pretty much and that basically that uh document has been renewed every 6 months or so and so for this case in particular they filed the usual uh documentation but then there was an an extra documentation where they said it was going to be the Indian Ocean rather than the Pacific Ocean where they will dump the ship and so it is not clear and and so because it's a general document it it doesn't talk about a specific launch in particular it is not clear whether that will be with these full stack or the next uh full stack or whatever other future uh flight but it is definitely somewhere around this time because that documentation is set to to start like the the start of the of the period for that for that license is around this time of the year around February 2024 so they were definitely looking for some of these to be into effect for a flight around this time and it could be flight three so it's it is a possibility it is totally within the realm of the possibilities and so we have that in Space Bird that could maybe go uh after they have done the transfer or maybe before we don't really know as well the the the timing of when things are going to happen uh in the flight rather the sequencing but it's going to it's going to happen it's something that at least we know it's going to happen it's going to go out into the Gulf of Mexico this is just a summary now of all of the things that I said we think it's going to go out to the Gulf of Mexico just like uh the last two flights but in but instead uh once it when the engines shut down on the ship and it goes in between Florida and Cuba and everything when it goes through that it is is just going to be performing a uh sort of like a a simulated theor burn with an inspace burn and instead re-entering over the Pacific of over the the Pacific Ocean it'll reenter over the Indian Ocean and in between somewhere there in that Coast phase or whenever they actually want to do it they're going to do the uh transfer of cryogen from from the uh I think it's from the main tanks to the header tanks or the other way around we don't really know which way but it is a transfer of cryogenics about 10 tons of cryogenics that's more or less what we're expecting we have a whole video uh being prepared for that by the way just so you know uh it'll it'll become more clear by then hopefully hopefully indeed all right let's hit some more support the mad scientist thank you for the support they say why don't they use a compressible air bladder to solve the fuel slashing problem Ryan I think this uh can be chocked up best part is no part would you agree that's the that's the that's the that's the the what's it called method that's the method that elong likes to to bang on about best part is no part uh they want to delete as much as possible while still having you know functional vehicle so by removing unnecessary parts and simplifying uh it just reduces the number of ways that things can go wrong because if the part doesn't exist in the first place there's no way it can break so yeah but it it's it's much simpler to just you know weld some metal together than than try and develop a compressible air bladder but yeah it's an interesting concept it's just not really the the way that they like to to to to to iterally develop these things right Kevin thanks for the store purchases they say patches we need those stinking patches excellent reference uh guy guy thank you for the 10 euros they say I'm watching from France I spend a lot of time with you guys great work thank you for spending your time with us you're voting with your time which is aru even uh more special than voting with your dollars cuz time is money but time is finite I don't know you get it Dante thank you for the store purchase they say thanks for the coverage Davin thank you for the store purchase they say do we know yet where the second tower might go we do not Anonymous thank you for the store purchase they say love the commentary folks would love to see some new Glenn or is that North of Grumman in tares SL yeah it's north of grman love to see some north of grman and/ minitar Swag I do have uh my my very first successful remote camera setup was of a minotaur out of vandenbberg on Halloween W I don't even know how many years ago but we could we could in theory put a Minotaur print in the store I don't think anyone but you would buy it but that maybe maybe we I'm I'm a I'm a big fan of the rare Rockets I forgot when it was now but I think there's a minitar scheduled for vanderberg next month I like the rare Rockets it's coming up I I really love minitar it's uh I don't know it just looks silly and good to me I don't know why it's like the the chunky stubby first stage solid and then the super thin and spindly second stage and third stage solids and then you have the wacky oversized uh diameter change into the into the fairing it's a it's a quality rocket I'm excited for that Minotaur that's coming up elmad thank you for the support they say when ship is in Orbit doesn't the fuel float around in the tank yes that's the point of the slash baffles and Ed thrusters you you uh to settle the propellant you fire the Ed thrusters and uh that way you apply a force to the ship that can cause the propell to settle in the appropriate places mhm oh you're back cool um yeah anonymous anonymous thank you for the store purchase to say Trail life Houston Rocket Club holy Ash Wednesday feel like I just I have no idea what I just read but thank you Anonymous uh W Scott Howard yeah sorry just just cuz we're looking at them right now you can see they are the venting from the liquid auction sub coolers those are new pipes that they have installed as well that is basically they used to to dump it closer to the sub coolers but now they have these extensions and they even have put a wall they have fancied up everything on on the tank farm uh they it's it's becoming what what do you say they in in the UK uh R more Posh it's it's all more fancy basically and so you have those extensions to those exhaust FS for the sub coolers the new uh protection wall there that they have as well it's yeah it's it's all very fancy but it's it's a lot of venting it was already a lot of venting before when we had uh four sub coolers on the liquid auction side and now we have eight so yeah get ready there's going to be a lot of venting W Scott Howard thank you for the Super Chat they say did did you hear the latest Dawn dish soap commercial yes they stole our music uh Christopher thank you for the support they say picking up all three Starship patches thank you for that massive deal closer thank you for the support they say given if2 torched the pad what upgrades are they making to Stage zero to move closer to Rapid reusability and not months of repairs Alex I'm sure this view although we're we're keeping It Wide I guess but um this this view if you can see between among all of that venting that is occurring there uh on the bottom of the tower the concrete base they have installed these sort of metal protections to the bottom cuz that's another thing that gets a lot of blast uh from the the exhaust from the from the launch and it's not really that protected so uh that is important to get protection because it's it's literally the base of the of the of the tower you kind of that's that's something that you kind of have to to protect if you don't want to you know the tower to actually go down I guess but yeah it's it's not those black things by the way that's part of the protection but those were already there for flight two I'm talking about the concrete base of of the tower that has to received like metal sheets on on it and so those those sheets are going to be protecting the the tower as well and now as for the launch Mount we haven't really seen anything else being added rather I believe they have actually removed some of the internal protections not sure if those will go back in uh cuz booster 10 is in the way that's the problem that booster 10 is in the way so in order to put those I believe they will have to remove booster 10 if they want to go ahead and put those back uh but maybe they just found out that they don't need them right that's that's another thing some things need to to be improved some things need to be protected but other things they may have found out that they don't need as much protection um to to be good enough or I I don't know but uh I I cannot think any other reason why they would they will not launch with some of the internal protections to that launching but those were removed and so it is very interesting to to see what what happens with it those are some of the protections there are others that we probably are not uh privy off because they like really deep internally onto the the systems and we cannot see it good deal Mikey Harold is saying Jack if you're hosting the stream who's setting up at Vandenburg there's no media access for today's Vandenburg launch and so I am still in La although we will see how today's events go maybe I jump in my car and drive up to Vandenberg and shoot it from a public publicly accessible location but uh Starship is sort of the priority right now although SpaceX is like absolutely firing on all cylinders Alex correct me if I'm wrong but they have a falcon 9 on all three of their Falcon 9 pads right yes so they have Falon on slick 40 yeah go ahead slick 40 they have another one at 39a and they have another one at Sleek for East that we know of they it should be already on the bad uh if they want to launch tonight so yeah that's that's very interesting that they have all of these uh there you go that's Space Ghost life that is uh Falcon 9 B1 60-8 on 39a preparing for the im1 mission it's scrapped yesterday and they're trying again today we'll see if it actually happens but you know it's one of those things that just like today with the wet dress rehearsal I emphasized that there's new things going on uh cuz there's new stuff that has been added ATA they also added new stuff as well and so it it seems like it didn't fully work yesterday when they were trying for for that launch so it's good to to test your new hardware but I guess you you were going another way I guess yeah yeah uh hang on let me cook so three Falcon 9es that's 10 engines each you know nine for the first stage one for the second stage so that's 30 engines mhm plus the 33 engines on the booster plus the six engines on the ship there's 69 engines that SpaceX has on their various pads right now nice nice Dynamite Harry thank you for the support they say thank you for gifting five red team memberships uh let's see here Angry American thank you for the support they say 8.3k watching only 2. only 2.4k likes show heart I guess show love smash like thank you angry americ Angry American is like the hype person for our stream they're like always doing the super chats telling people to hit the like button thank you Sean thank you for the store purchase they say super excited for if3 thanks for all you y'all do John thank you for the store purchase say fantastic stream as always Tyler getting a whole bunch of stuff from the store they say could SpaceX send an empty Starship to the Moon with a single launch this is an Alex question that's an easy one no so even with an a fully empty ship they would still need to refill it in Leo yeah yeah but with just one refilling like just one trip of like about 100 150 tons of propellant you can send a huge amount of payload towards the moon doesn't mean that you are able to land it but with just one refilling of one tanker you can get something like 20 30 tons to to transl injection it's crazy just one you don't need a full tank on Starship while once it is in Orbit or around around low earth orbit uh basically um it doesn't have the enough propell enough propell to be able to go all the way to the moon but you just fill it just a little bit more and you can launch a lot of payload to the moon so imagine if it's fully loaded if it's fully loaded you can you can launch hundreds of tons towards the moon which is the principle of the hls Starship that you need to fully fuel that that Starship so that it can go not just to the moon but enter orbit around the Moon land on the moon then launch again and enter orbit around the moon like that's a lot of energy you know all of the propellant being being spent so yeah that is is why you need full tanks for for hls makes sense David thanks for the store purchase they say thanks for keeping me entertained informed and clothed for the past four years Matthew do thank you for the support they say for the Dora of3 broadcast fund uh an angry American says cartoon jack in a kilt instead of Dora no not going to do it Charlie W thank you for the Super Chat will thank you for the store purchase they say everyone else is getting patches so I guess I will too I mean you should there's again there's a finite amount like we just put the flight three patch in the store so it's still going strong but uh flight one and flight two patches are not going to last forever Glenn thank you for the support they say thank you for all the time that is needed to give all of us such an entertaining broadcast well thank you for the kind words you guys keep supporting us and we'll keep being able to do this Tyler thank you for the support they say I'm watching from Wisconsin I visited South Padre Island in October when I visited the pad I saw one of the NSF team working on the live camera I was too nervous to interrupt so hi a Tyler you should have interrupted if you find if you find me and or us in Star base there's a fairly good chance we'll have stickers on us so it's just like a cool little NSF sticker um so find us say hi even if we're busy we might have to keep working and we might not be able to like stand around and chitchat for a whole bunch of time but you can at least say hi and we always love seeing people who are fans Anonymous thank you for the support they say another lovely patch for the collection hoping late Feb early March launch so I can see it fly in person a up from East Yorkshire I think that's a fairly accurate time frame I don't expect February anymore at this point but March is certainly on the table uh oh I made it go away dang it I I blew it I I blew it you guys I I clicked on a super chat too fast it was Nick Sal when vertical booster for ship 15 uh yeah I can't a I'm sorry Nick hang on hang on somebody talk about something while I try and get this back well I was going to say that I hope you don't you don't blow up Starship because that that will be that will be bad that would be bad it's it's an attempt at a at a pwn an attempt I can't find it I can't find it I give up I'm sorry Nick this is what happens when you get impatient with the question key let's see I I wasn't impatient I just I was just a little click happppy Josh Shulton thanks for the support they say Jack do you have your kayak ready for splash down cam no alas Mr space repair thank you for the support they say if there was some sort of hurricane coming to Star Bas could they possibly move booster 4 and ship 20 to the mega Bay High Bays or let them out that's interesting I wonder what they would do I guess if they have room in the Bays they could I'm not sure if they would just leave them out though oh yeah I don't know Steven thanks for the store purchase they say they got all three OTF patches thanks for all you do thank you Steven Bill thank you for the support they say since I was what it is cold look at that it's frosty the booster is not Frosty yet is it no that's the sub oh you're talking about the sub coolers yeah we're looking at the sub coolers they're Frosty look at that good deal the thing that I'm looking forward to yeah the one that I'm looking forward to be Frosty apart from the booster and and the rocket in general but before that we need the the lines to the overall launch Mount and the tower to get Frosty to get Fenty so we'll see um yeah let's see here mitsu level is asking do we think there's a hardware fail safe that the FTS can't go off while the booster is on the pad yeah that's like the whole point of the pins right Alex um well yeah so the the FTS of course it has the pins so that it doesn't accidentally trigger yeah and even when they're out uh they can electrically inhibit the FTS as well up until uh they're getting actually ready to fully launch so there's multiple multiple fail saves here what's this few what are we looking at we're looking at the M Bud yeah work is you're meant to be the one that answers the question s is that is that pipe going to start getting Frosty here it's cuz I I was saying can we zoom in on this location I I think there's still trying to find out which location it is I should have drawn like a big circle you should have I told you more arrows we need more arrows to the left of that last view other way for the operator uh schinger chat is asking can we get a Starship with a Super Mario Bullet Bill painted on the nose oh my God please please can we somehow make this happen this is the best idea I think we've ever gotten on a stream no you you you both don't agree okay fine I I don't get it well Alex I'm excited you don't get it because that that means you get to play Mario and be an experience that how do you not get it I can't I can't I'm trying to turn over there's so many games of mar there's even a movie right or something like that I don't know there's multiple yeah yeah so like yeah I I don't I don't get fine I played it but there's so many of them just you know the bullets you know the the bullets have the the face on them like the mouth and the eyes it's come on now I think remember that I was probably like 5 years old when that happened and that's too many years ago unfortunately that's so many years ago moving right along um Jake rer is asking will SpaceX have to increase the height of the tower for Starship version 3 what do we think Ryan I'll let you go first I'm sorry I I apologize based on on your side I I I sincerely apologize assuming that the ship grows from above the Chopstick lift points I would imagine that this size Tower would still work but if they like put stuff underneath the Chopstick lift points meaning the Chopsticks would need to be lifted higher then obviously they need somewhere for the Chopsticks to go but I would imagine that they would keep the Chopstick lift points in the same place relative to the bottom of the ship and grow it from the top if that makes sense I hope it makes sense yeah I know that makes sense I agree Alex any thoughts can you repeat again please will SpaceX have to increase the height of the tower for Starship version three um my two cents on that is that is no that's my my two sents and the reason for that is actually very simple uh if you if you allow me uh I'll I'll explain it so the the reason behind that is that if you think longterm or maybe midterm even cuz it's not really that going to be that long term what about in between term in between terms okay right uh do we do we have in between Seasons as well I guess uh boy I'm thinking of The Simpsons now of course um the the thing about about the tower if you have to make a toer tower to accommodate a toer ship then that means that whenever SpaceX is launching different versions of a Starship then you need to to reconfigure the tower right that doesn't sound right if you think about it like in some shape or form that Tower needs to accompl accomodate all of the versions of a Starship um whether it means that there's going to be modifications to the height so that eventually you know cuz it like you could think a way of doing that could be just make it so so tall that the Starship will never be taller than the tower and so never will will have any issues at all or on the other hand you could modify the lift points on the vehicle so that that it is at different uh locations on the on the vehicle so you can see there if you were to lift so right now the the Chopsticks have uh not on the flaps but right below the flaps there are two locations where two pins from the Chopsticks go in and sort of engage and then that's what what allows them to be able to lift the the the ship up and down but you could imagine that in the future if if the vehicle is just taller the the lift points are still there just have the nose and the flaps and everything they are farther up the the vehicle so essentially the the points have actually move moved down but the Chopsticks keep keep doing the same work at the end of the day they just they are just connected to a different location of the vehicle so that's another way to do that and I think that's a more same way to do it again because in the future you will see different sizes of a Starship you will have maybe the the depot version the one for storting propellants in orbit it's going to be like super huge as we saw in some of the renders maybe some others are going to be shorter like we we don't really know right and having that flexibility is really key CU it's really really bad for your launch system to not be that flexible good question good answers Bill thank you for the store purchases they say since I was there I've wanted the first of patch thanks for your excellent coverage of the new space race Anonymous thank you for the store purchases they say keep up the good work kit thank you for the support they say will they shut down fewer Raptors on booster 10 in order to mitigate sloshing maybe we have nothing confirmed yet but it's certainly plausible Andreas thank you for the store purchase they say thank you very much for your reporting I often watch with my daughter and in Switzerland a program for kids would be awesome I'd rather be flying an X-Wing thank you for the support they say balone on Pizza is the new pineapple on pizza but pineapple on Pizza can actually be good I think the most cursed Pizza is a pineapple baloney Pizza Anthony manahan thank you for the support they say could Starship ever break New Horizon's record time of 9 hours to the Moon H I suspect not just because New Horizons needed to be cooking so hard by the time it left the uh Earth and Moon's sphere of influence in order to get all the way to Pluto Angry American thank you for the support they say could crude Starship do powered soft splash down with Escape rafts in the event of a booster failure that would be pretty funny honestly like not funny in terms of people on board but like just imagining uh a a crude Starship like safety briefing the same as you get on a plane like in the event of a rud the your seat may be used as a flotation [Laughter] device my oxygen masks dropped from the stealing above there you go nice and oygen will also Rush below cuz it's exploding remember to secure your mask first before helping others uh will it have a uh Mido plug oh God hopefully they install all the [Laughter] bolts luckily this is SpaceX not Bo so Landon Mich thank you for the support they say hey what brain of cameras are you using for if3 and how many of them do you have at this point thanks for the coverage uh I shoot Canon and I have many Canon cameras I have two r5s an 0d uh two 60ds a 5D Mark III a 6D Mark I an RP I think that's all of them plus a GoPro uh that's just what I have like as as part of my remote camera kit um Sean also has I think an R5 and an R7 uh Mary has a whole bunch of Nikon cameras we have all the robot cameras um and we're looking into well I'm looking into uh some some extra fancy stuff for flight 3 but nothing to announce there yet we'll see how that all works out but always looking to up our coverage and uh bring you even better views each time they launch these things so stay tuned for that because we got some cool stuff cooking Jack just wants an an excuse to to play with cameras that's true it's my favorite thing it's if we're talking about playing cameras Ryan you you play a lot with ours so that's true yeah I saw you yesterday what was he doing yesterday oh he was he was working working with the robots out there uh remotely moving them around let's put it that way oh oh yeah okay I'm picking up what you're putting down J Man NOS thank you for the support they say best Dino Raph ever that shows you how far behind we are on support we're talking about your absolutely horrible giraffe Alex um no it was good it was good I'm just kidding it was good make you mind it's it was horrible you were right at the first time it was horrible but seriously you guys like thank you so much you all are coming out with so much support I'm like drowning in it over here trying to keep up um Ben benoi Ben thank you for the Ben thank you for the support they say thanks for the great merch what a better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than with a wet dress rehearsal oh God does that mean Starship is our Valentine well we're looking out for for a launch on Valentine's Day right so I guess this is sort of a a rehearsal of sim Valen I don't know all thank you for the support they say here we go for if3 right FCC hello FCC I think you mean FAA yeah ah there we Beno thank you for the support they say hi NSF thanks for the great merch and what better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than with a wet dress rehearsal Paul again thank you uh benois again and again I think the I think our panel might be glitching out a little bit James thank you for the support they say let the wild speculation begin launch date question mark oh dear I'm going to say March 13th Alex I'm going to say uh March 10th oh my birthday for no reason at all ah you got it I was GNA be like oh it's March 10th for no reason at all it's oh oh it's your birthday oh but you figured it out uh right what do you think [Music] March what's a night hang on let me check what a nice day is in March how do you it's spring break the 10 the the 10th is a Sunday so that's a that's a bad day obviously uh let's go with March the what's a nice day the 19th Father's Day at least here no I'm going to go with the 7th 14th 21st or 28th which means that after I've stayed up all night I can then go to bed early to edit twists in the morning yeah and I can put it as a as a news piece on on twist right yeah yeah yeah that's why I want them to to be able to to test today so I can put it this Friday on twist that's exactly why ni it's a joke Richard thank you for the support they're Thanking us for the amazing coverage and they say don't know how you keep it up I'll tell you how we keep it up it's like all thanks to everyone coming out and supporting what we do so your store purchase is part of the answer there Arturo thank you for the support they say greetings from Mexico City nice Nicholas thank you for the store purchase they say patch three for my first patch thank you NASA space flight love your streams uh flaw perspective is asking what do we all do with our patches mount on jackets wallboard I uh I have a giant stack of them because I just have so many but yes I have a little display of them on my wall and I rapidly am approaching the time where I need to make a second one because I have so many patches it's a good problem to have uh Ryan what do you do with your bches uh I haven't got any yet what yeah what mhm how can we can can we mute him I can't I can't but Kevin can yeah but I can just unmute myself because I have the same Powers oh he's a mute oh true cuz he he's also a operator oh well um what what should we we do with Ryan I don't know but what do you do with your oh he is muted uh oh Chris Chris is in chat saying Ryan to manager's office manager's office Ryan I love it Alex Alex what do you do with your jack no you can't I just did boy yeah is true you can mute Jack you actually have muting Powers but uh well in my case you know if I actually had all of the money in the world I will probably buy all of them and just go on a parade and throw all of the patches around so people can see all of the space the cool space flight stuff cuz it's like spread the word spread the word and ho ho ho Merry Starship or something uh but yeah I don't I don't know I just collect them and just put it on a on a drawer on my bedroom I don't have any fancy ideas to have for them maybe if I have the money or if I had the money I guess I will probably launch him into space that will be cool to to do and then obviously not just launch him but also get them back that will be even cooler Phillip has uh bought a patch from the store patch time greetings from Mich greetings to you Phillip uh Kilmore with a $5 Super Chat saying when Kilt um well now that now that Jack's hopped off for a second uh I can say that Jack Loves The Kilt photos so make sure to keep tagging Jack with the Kilt photos he's a big fan he appreciates it very much uh and that's what he gets for abandoning on us for five minutes uh Carl says uh the robotic voice reveals that Jack is an AI robot uh that's true we just put him on charge for a few minutes uh Valentine sorry if I pronounce that incorrectly saying uh uh hello from France thanks to you I became passionate about Starship and you're learning Engish thank I'm apparently not learning English and I am learning English thanks for your great work you're you're very welcome I'm English and I can't speak the bleeding language I think I think you bought all three patches here let's find out that's one that's like two and this is like three there you go I'd rather be flying a n swing with the $10 Super Chat saying wild in all caps orbital refilling idea two ships tail to tail in a flat spin move Center of rotation from midpoint out towards the nose of one ship so Cent Fugal Force mov fi Jack I tweeted you a pick well Jack's not here at the moment Alex uh physics man does that physics uh sure um the the problem is um two ships tail to tail in a flat spin move the center of rotation from midpoint out but that's a lot of work right like I right now it seems like the the method that they were going for is like uh the one back to back um I I don't know they're the ones that have all the data and all of the engineering stuff so I don't I don't I don't really know to what what to say about that other than kind of looks a bit more complicated cuz the other way you just have to apply oh there we go that's the you have the thumbs down and the thumbs [Laughter] up yeah so the other way where it's like back to back you can still apply like a force with settling thrusters or things like that and you create the same kind of artificial artificial uh gravity so I don't know D in the back channel is saying that violates physics the center of mass moves as the fuel moves yeah and it is also true that once you spin that uh it'll move out rather than moving in so yeah Christopher say oh carry on Alex sorry I was going to say that in in in any case what you will need is something like something in the middle and then the ships being I don't I don't really know if if it's really something that you could do with centrifugal force though cuz it's it's like I'm trying to imagine right now very hard in my brain a setup where you have two ships stuck together and C centrifugal force somehow makes it all go to where it needs to go I have a hard time to imagine that MH Christopher says happy early birthday uh I'm not sure who that is to is that to Jack maybe I don't know who whoever that's wishing a happy Birthday to happy early birthday John thanks for all you guys do love the coverage I need to get this patch on my SpaceX hoodie creating something really special uh I I agree oh you got you got hoodie got the got the hot staging hoodie from the store and the pat like test three patch uh so for everybody who's just joined us here over the last few moments as the pope event now starts going again uh uh Kai is asking uh do we have an estimate for when propellent loading will start so Alex do we do we know at the moment have a rough idea when they're going to start loading prop into this thing or are they just going to you know just keep venting from the pope vent and and not and not the LM vent like we want them to well it takes often a few hours for the tank firm to spool up it's been undergoing work for for sometime and so it's going to be a while until we actually see propenal load cuz after this is pull up then we have the O M vent and the tower vent and those are to chill down the the propell lines to both the olm and the tower and those often last for about 45 minutes or so and so it's right now now even if the O event started right now you will still need to count about 45 minutes until propen load starts minimum okay Ken has bought four things off the store can't wait for the actual launch but a wdr will do whilst waiting I agree with that statement there the launch fingers crossed isn't that far away now oh you got big mug Everyone likes the big mug uh Ryan saying will the H of NSF be my Valentine uh sure why not uh Anonymous saying uh uh big thanks for your countless hours of content and for making my German sleep schedule some kind of freestyle I think everybody who works at NSF is now on a freestyle sleep schedule thanks for buying the patches Anonymous says tanks I think that's I'm going to assume that's a that's a that's an attempt at some pun I'm sure Sawyer would appreciate that uh uh Toby uh with a store message asking how do they rotate the vehicles when held by the Chopsticks to get the alignment right well I don't I don't know Mr Kevin Michael Reed if we could go back to review where we could see the the little stabilizers poking out of the of the chopsticks for Alex to explain Maybe [Music] there we go yeah so you can see there those are the little triangles there at the bottom uh of the arms but then also the the the not the arms uh the pins on the arms you can sort of see it it's a little knob there on the middle of each arm uh those little things go into uh little sockets on on the ship underneath of the flaps and those can pivot a little bit they are not fixed um obviously those those pivots you know it's it's very subtle it's not really a huge amount of of angle of rotation that you can do and then the the the sort of the stabilizers I usually it's it's a bit hilarious cuz the first time that I try to me to sort of put this in my brain is Imagine instead of two arms it's actually two hands and then you extend your your hands with your with your four fingers right and your thumbs so your thumbs are up and then you have your index your middle and your annular finger and then you have the pinky uh below the pinky is sort of those stabilizers so you have to imagine that pinky a little bit separated from the other three and so those pinkies those stabilizers are the ones that adjust very fine-tune the location in in the sort of angle of the ship so you can see there that pin at the top of the arm and then the stabilizers there those triangle things below the the ship also has like another set of sockets like a little set of sockets right below on on the vehicle that uh are specially designed for these stabilizers and again these stabilizers can move a bit can adjust slightly here and there the position of the ship so they have very subtle uh it's not a huge amount of movement but they also don't need a lot of it because again it's a big vehicle we sort of talk about this when they stack the the vehicles that it is SLE movements but because they are so big when you do a small movement you still move a lot at the end of the day uh it's it's a small angle but the the eventual movement is big and so it is because it is a big vehicle it just a small one degree deviation makes it be a very big de deviation in terms of distance so yeah it's it's not a lot but again it's it it does it does its job at least I'm just going to kind of hammer through as many of these store messages as possible because these are like these are like 30 minutes old at this point because just a a a stupendous quantity of people have been purchasing things off the store so I do apologize that we can't read everything out but we also want to talk about we want to talk about the testing that's going on before our eyes as well today so just to everybody who has been purchasing stuff off the store uh a big thank you for for all of that because it is greatly appreciated it's the uh it's one of the many avenues that in which you can support what we do uh so yeah it is just the the store team uh Po and especially who designed the patch a big big thank you to them and they are very gracious for all of the store support that we've been getting uh over the last few days ever since we La launched that patch that one right there with the with with the Hawaii and the and and the Starship for the for the flight three uh which you can get at shop. there's also other patches last chance on the uh on the flight 2 merchandise the patches they're not marked as last chance on the store though because uh the way we do the patches is we just like bulk order loads of them so uh there's still some flight one and flight two patches not going to BU on the shop so uh if uh once they're gone they're gone we won't be reordering them so uh if you want one of them make sure to get it now because they will not last forever they are a a a limited Supply run if that makes sense fingers crossed and we can see the tank farm still doing tank farm things waiting for them to to start doing more than tank farm things I guess have let's pick up a question here for you Alex give you something to talk about uh I guess the the producer wants me to talk about this cuz I was taged um yeah listen to Kevin yeah yeah Kevin smart listen to Kevin um yeah so we see there those those uh exhaust vents for the sub gooters they have defrosted a bit um they're still kind of Frosty but they have defrosted it is very often to see this where they Frost then they defrost they Frost they defrost they're not so they're not continuously Frosty until we actually go through propenal load so once they start propenal load those things go ham it's it's like really really active and then that's where you can see a lot of these uh a lot of these uh Hardware being Frosty all the time but uh before that you will see these sort of Frosty then def Frosty Frosty def Frosty the the important thing is that it never goes completely defrosted that's a that's a bad thing but again um in particular these pipes sometimes they actually get fully defrosted because they are part part of the subcooler system what I mean by completely defrosted is the sub coolers themselves so we don't want the sub coolers themselves to be completely defrosted because that means they have been unloaded from uh their liquid nitrogen they need to be filled with with liquid nitrogen to be able to subcool CU that's their that's sort of their thing they're called they're called sub coolers for a reason and there you can see the other ones for the methane side of the tank farm they are bit uh they're a bit Frosty again it is not the complete thing because that is very often where you see a little bit of frost and then it goes down it goes up it goes down but it is not until they actually go into propenal load where it's completely frosted over it is completely active uh this is just part of the of the pre-chill down procedure ahead of actually chilling down the the lines that go to the olm and the tower was that you Ryan with a thud or was this stream I I don't think I made a thud uh okay what was that did I make a thud I don't know I heard a thud oh I didn't intentionally make a thud I'll put it that way I'm back oh hi Jack I did not hear the thud but I also was getting my headset put on what kind of what kind of thud are we talking talking about here was like boom boom Ryan uh you want to you want to give us a rendition he didn't hear it so oh there you go okay well I guess be careful what you wish for when you mute me because you might just be stuck on your own for a little while let's do some more questions as we wait for this wet dress rehearsal today Road still closed pad still active and clear what was what were you guys just saying about the the orbital tank farm uh the Frost has gone away on the sub coolers yeah but that is a a thing that they often do where it's like they get Frosty then they get DEF Frosty then they get back a again Frosty it's a bit of a problem there cuz it's part of the whole cycling and and chill down process that they have for a tank farm the tank farm itself needs to be chilled down as well that's the that's the important thing so that is part of the process and Purge like it's not just chill down it's also I purges the whole ship in basically good deal uh Tom a Saunders is saying with all the new orbital tank farm work are we expecting different Vents and time frames could this be a new record for fuel up Alex yeah so we're diff well different fence um I'll go to that later I'm going to deal with the other one so yes we're expecting different time FR time frames because of how they have changed the tank form they have changed the pumps and sub coolers and and and what I said before as well that even the sub coolers now they have dedicated ones for the ship so whenever we see the start of prop load on the booster and then cuz on previous two stacks the way that the tank from was set up is that when we saw the start of propenal load on the booster it was going fastish and then when they started the propenal load on the ship then it slowed down because they share the same Commodities the same sort of sources with the pumps the uh the sub coolers and everything but now they have dedicated a subset of the sub coolers to the ship and so now when they start the propenal load on the ship they that that shouldn't happen where the propenal load on the booster slows down it should all go at the same rate and so that is something that that I'm looking forward to as as a person that has been tracking this for a long long time because it will it'll be new data that we'll we'll have to to feed into our view of the flight so yeah and as for the different vents one interesting thing that is different on this stack uh from from the previous one at least on the ship they have removed some of the vents and they have added others so for example if you remember from the liquid auction tank they had Cowell vents those have been removed uh they they were actually removed already for ship 26 but ship 25 uh and ship 24 they did have the cowbell vent as as we call it there are basically vents that look like cowbells and instead now there are cowbell vents but they are located on the ship no conone which is weird but okay I guess and I'm mostly sure those are related with the Heather tanks um so if we actually get to that point it's usually around the L latter part like towards the last 10 15 minutes of the count when those things uh those Heather tanks vent so we're going to see if they actually get to that point but if they get to that point we will probably see some kind of venting from those as well but it is not on that side producer it is on the other side if they vent from that side we're having a [Laughter] problem um good question so yeah I mean as just as a repeat of the quick status update pad closed pad clear Road Road closed a village is in a state of evacuation so still something going on and we're just hanging out answering your questions waiting to see what happens next some good oldfashioned tank watching now he CH washing also good yes look at that look at that so smooth the lofty Scotsman is asking did anyone else notice the arvac that got replaced has a different nozzle on it is that is that so Alex is this something you caught well this is something that we actually noticed while on the live stream um that one of the arvac kind of look differently um but but yeah it's it's really interesting that that um that one of the Raptors at least they look to be a little bit different now there if it could be and this is a a real wild thought I guess it could be that it is actually one of the engines that they used but it but we are tricked by the fact that it just looks so clean and I say this because sometimes like even with ship 25 it happened where one of the Raptors was actually cleaner than the others and we were like oh that's new but we didn't see at any point and we we had actually eyes on on that on that vehicle before it flew we really didn't see any changes on the ship engines so it just it just looked very new so it could be down to just how it looks like sometimes sometimes appearances are deceiving I guess yeah makes sense um question can you guys hear my dog absolutely destroying a bone right now like 2T from my face because she feels the need to chew her bone like 2et my quietly all right I'll see if I can get her to be interested in a softer toy sorry about that you eat your crab eat your crab uh let's see here what Pez is asking will it test and with a static fire I think most wdr's yes but I don't think we have an over pressure right no wet dress rehearsal uh typically they do not end with static fires I don't think I don't think SpaceX has ever done a static fire with a full stack is is that is that correct Alex yeah they haven't done a full stack stattic fire test and another thing to point out they don't need our over pressure notice for wet dress because they evacuate directly like the over pressure noce usually if you read it it usually say says uh within 10 minutes there will be a siren and you have to leave your house and things like that while that happens while the testing is ongoing because of uh safety precautions and things like that uh just in case there's another pressure of you know as a result of that testing and so if you are just not in your house at all CU you have been evacuated then you don't need an over pressure no is that's the whole point of the over pressure Noe is that you are in your house you have not evacuated but at least you're tell Hey whenever this this test happens uh make sure you are safe right and so uh they don't need an over pressure notice for a Wess they just get evacuated good deal rocket fella thanks for the support this go ahead Alex go ahead no no no go ahead it actually it actually changed now uh but I was going to talk about the there we go um that vent little vent there from the sub coolers that is one of the sub coolers that so there are four methane sub coolers and that's the one the one that is venting is the one that is dedicated for the ship it is venting a little bit it is not however the sort of venting that um will indicate anything major in my opinion uh it doesn't seem like it is going at a fast rate or anything like it it just looks like it's venting like just like the pop fent is venting and things like that I I will have to wait and see to interpret more things I love that animation so much it's so good good job Ryan you're welcome uh oh the the Super Chat that I accidentally deleted earlier from Nick they said when vertical booster 4 and ship 15 take up the same amount of space in the Rocket Garden when scrapped be 4 will require much more cleanup that's I that's I guess back when we were talking about why haven't they scrapped booster 4 yet yeah fair enough just waiting for some action here everything is in place for a wet dress rehearsal today and so we are waiting to see the next steps here of tank farm activity and hopefully the orbital launch mount vent starting up to signify the beginning of gsse line cool down rocket fella thanks for the five curly L's they say hi guys love your coverage uh keep it up why hasn't SpaceX tested starship's belly flop and Landing functions since sn5 that's a very good question and not one that I have an answer to I wish they had done more flights after 15 because those low altitude hops we're so cool Keith thank you for the support they say for Jack's kayak and his Splash cam program the how is the kayak coming back now um that's like a deep cut from like sn8 days yugan thank you for the support they say how they stack Starship so precise with chunky Chopsticks Alex this is you this is all you ch I assume they're referring to the to the shorter Chopsticks that they have uh they have sort of redesigned for 39a and and the one that is going to be installed here uh the second launch Tower at Starbase yeah um well the we don't really know I guess that's sort of the the part of how it is being redesigned I'm trying to find the words here cuz the problem with the New Chopsticks I don't even think they're asking about the New Chopsticks my my take on this question is just that the Chopsticks are blunt instruments oh and and the Precision is Remar like the Precision you're able to achieve with them is remarkable yeah they have hydraulic systems on the like there there are rails where those pins are located and they can move them here and there a little bit and they also have hydraulics on the on the pinkies as they call them the stabilizers uh can also move like yeah it'll be the same with the with the with the shorter ones it'll just be a little bit different um I just don't know the actual way cuz we'll still have yet to see it but yeah barlin is asking why Evacuate the village for just a wet dress rehearsal Ryan because if the wet dress rehearsal goes wrong you know in the extremely unlikely event that big Starship starts you know doing a big boom that impacts the village you don't really want to be in the village so it's a it's a big precautionary measure to get make sure that there there's no one no one could be ever placed In Harm's Way should anything happen but we're not expecting anything bad to happen it's just you know you have to do it just in case Safety First yeah the main point of of the evacuation for launches precisely that rather than where the rocket goes it's just that even if if the rocket stays on the ground uh it is not a really good idea to place people that close to a fully fuel Starship just yet at least maybe when it gets crew uh raid or something that's that's the point I guess but yeah and that'll be people that that are going um you know they have they have paid to be there to be on that risk Thomas is asking what's the shortest time between a falcon 9 launch and a Starship launch Alex uh if you give me a minute I have it I said if you give me a minute yeah yeah I took a bite of my food right as I asked you I shouldn't have done that well too bad uh about 23 hours I think o no he he I forgot during flight during Flight 2 we actually were on the live stream for Flight 2 and there was a starlink launch that was 7 hours 57 minutes and 3 seconds between Starling group 6-28 and Starship flight Test 2 by the way star the that starlink launch was performed with booster b169 nice let's see here Mike Garder is asking what is fueled so far I don't see any Frost lines nothing is fueled so far right Ryan yep we're still waiting still waiting they're currently just it just appears that they're moving stuff around the tank farm at the moment we're seeing things get Frosty things get unfrosted things get Frosty things get UNF Frosty and then you can obviously see all the condensation buildup it's like a big pool of was kind of cool actually big cool Stage Show I'm sure Kevin would love to produce this with all of these cryogenics and we can see the pope vent off there in the background that's that's going off currently that keeps uh turning on and off so that's all that's happening we we are yet to see an omm vent we are yet to see a tower vent and those two things indicate when fueling will begin on booster and ship respectively fingers crossed we see it soon Matrix Matrix is asking for predictions for the time between flight three and flight 4 Alex I know you love these sort of questions so you get to go first hang on cuz I was uh can you repeat the question please do you just do you just tune me out when I start talking you just hear my voice and you're just like all right I'm I'm out of here look when we are on stream there are so many things that I have to look at to keep to keep track of everything that I sometimes I do have to tune out uh so yeah um can you repeat it please thank what is your what is your prediction for the time between flight three and flight 4 oh dear um hopefully Less Than 3 months but I'm not H I'm not too positive um yeah my hope is at least Less Than 3 months Brian oh I did the thing I did I did the thing on the on the on the not lift stream uh where I worked it out so flight one to flight two was a uh May June July August October September November which is 7 and then uh December January February March which is four so that's minus three so it would be 2 to 3 months between like 3 and four was my prediction I think I think I think that's a fair assessment I mean I assume for flight three there will be some sort of mishap investigation like it'll I think it's going to go really really really well maybe even close to perfect but I don't think it'll go 100 perfect which means there will need to be a mishap investigation so between that and rebuilding the pad like 2 to four months I think is is reasonable we're still it's still all a very new system it's still all a prototype and it's still a test program so lot of moving Parts I think suffice to say mkj 8888 is asking how will crew survive starship's flip my only guess here is rotating chairs Alex what do you think rotating chairs uh it's just it just reminded me of musical chairs but um yeah I don't know it's it's gonna be interesting to see how they deal with that it's it's some of those things that it's like H how will it look like and they're the only ones that obviously they are working on that because we don't really have access to all of the engineering and all of the work that they do so yeah I I really don't know to be fair that's my my answer that I don't know and sometimes it's good to be I don't know uh let's be fair with that and that goes to you uh Jack what well cuz you sometimes force me to to answer questions that I'm like I don't know about this question you're like oh you don't want to say is that that's is that what I sound like yeah oh you don't want to say you're bad I don't I do not sound like that yeah yeah and then you're like stop stop stop Che me stop biting me that's that's you to to like a of course she actively trying to chew on my hand right now why are you the way you are um that's what I wonder myself as well let's see Leslie stop it Leslie Sedwick says what what year is it when Mars is closest to Earth and will Elon send anything then uh it's not necessarily about closeness right it's about the position of Mars's orbit respective to Earth's orbit but there's a there's a Mars transfer window like every what like 2 years or so yeah every 26 months yeah so uh uh coming up uh what's the year 2024 so there is there is a uh there is there are some launch opportunities this year between October and November we have the Mars Orbiter mission 2 uh uh from ISRO and Escapade uh from uh NASA which will be launching this year 2026 November and December that's the the launch window that's being used after that uh for the uh Martian moons exploration or MMX Mission from Jacka and um impulse relativity might be sending a marander around then and then we have the uh Rosal and Franklin Rover from Issa which uh is currently scheduled to or plan to launch rather uh in the December to January 208 2028 2029 window but as you know these things like to move uh yeah um that one we'll see yeah yeah guess that that's a that's a pretty uh honest response to that one by the way Jack that says that that I did a good impression of you just saying can't catch a break let's see here Steve is asking do we think SpaceX will ever be publicly traded because they want to invest oh boy Ryan Ryan what do you think this is like so out of my wheelhouse uh as someone who has a maximum of 0o seconds in uh trading experience uh no Alex well all of the things that we have heard from SpaceX is that they don't want to go public or if they ever go public it'll be when they are actually stable uh which frankly with SpaceX that'll be never yeah because they're always developing something new they're always building something new yeah especially like even even starlink I remember Elon saying well if we ever actually do it like in a in a ideal situation if we ever actually do a public um public offering whatever it's called if if they actually go uh public with a starling it's only going to be when it is actually settled and the constellation is up and actually servicing and but the problem is sure now they have a service now they have a constellation but they are building a new one right they have these staric V2 minis eventually they're going to launch V2 full or V3 whatever they want to call it on Starship like they're still doing new stuff either way and it's not going to be stable at any point GNA be having a lot of moving parts so yeah yeah and they're not really having trouble raising Capital at this point which is you know the reason you would do an IPO um SpaceX I feel like every couple of months we see another news article that SpaceX has completed another funding round and that they're now valued at some astronomical number and oh wow I didn't that was not that was not important U or that was not intended um but yeah they they just don't need to and you know you give up some control of your company when you become publicly traded you limit the sort of things you can say um so yeah maybe starlink someday will be spun off and uh and go public but hard to say holy cow Jonas grabbing so much stuff from the store thank you so much they say saw if that's 10 different items yeah that's insane thank you Jonas they say saw if2 last year on my 32nd birthday from South Padre luckiest short trip ever greetings from Germany nice but see seriously thank you that's a lot of store purchases that's you got you got you're getting some metal prints another one nice and another one and another one and another one oh they got my they got my metal print for flight they got the calendar how do you do it Ryan it's orange patch no no Ryan no Ryan do it how do you do it do what it's orange do it what's orange come on you did it earlier I'm Waring you up on purpose it's orange I know there you go there you go hat cuz t-shirt you did it it's orange with with the British accent T-shirt oh you got a jdub t-shirt it's orange it's orange see see what I say tell me been alive for hours with very little action without telling me we've been Al for several hours with very yeah de that's that's a huge amount of support cuz again it it is it is a store purchase right so they they have gotten all of these amazing merch that we produce but then also at the same time that supports a lot of people like the metal prints part of of of of that is just it just goes to to the to the photographer that shot the the picture so like things like that and and obviously you know the the the rest goes to be able to feed all of these robot cameras and things like that like it it is very important that that we get these these contributions and uh as as a perk I guess you get merch so that's good merch the RO the robots get very upset when they're not fed with some wonderful electricity yeah they they do require photons they they demand photons you bet uh I still boy I still have some nightmares when we have a lot of clouds like today of days where they've been very whiny about electricity let's put it that way they get they they literally storm off to their rooms by themselves and put themselves to sleep when they don't have enough electricity I'm still houses for all the robots by the way that's how that works I'm still just blown away by this like how what an insane store purchase and and Alex as Alex was saying I we saw some metal prints in there and uh it's huge that like it's just there a huge amount of merch but the metal prints especially like a portion of that sale like Alex said goes to the photographer who took the image so not just supporting NSF but supporting individual photographers as well it's truly outstanding thank you so much hopefully for uh your 33rd birthday you get something equally as cool as a Starship launch uh kaichi is asking are we expecting more stage zero upgrades and patches after if3 yeah I would say so at the very least they're going to have to refurb the pad again right Alex I don't know if they mean patches about our patch when you said patches yeah there you go that that patch uh well I I I know for sure that there's probably going to be more patches coming down the line cuz they're cool and uh ping is is really awesome uh designing them but yeah it's there's probably going to be more upgrades yeah and and also we're going to see a second tower a second mm as well being built at it's going to be very very interesting cuz we saw I mean it's going to be the third overall cuz there's also 39a but all of that happened you know to get to 39a you kind of have to work at 39a or you know you if if you are a photographer putting remotes there it's not it's not like here where you can just drive down Highway 4 you are next to all of the hardware all of the construction you can see it happening uh from very close up so it's going to be interesting um Roma thank you for the support with the store purchases it's a huge thanks for all the work you're doing high five from France Richard also grabbing a bunch of stuff from the store thank you they say I've been watching since sn1 you guys rock that's amazing long time tank Watcher right there that's longer than I've been watching is it longer than you've been alive uh only maybe only just only just Josh C version three thank you for the Super Chat they say a little off topic but how do you think Mars missing a magnetosphere will affect planning SL timing of future missions to Mars I mean you certainly want to avoid any kind of uh massive solar activity when you're transiting astronauts to or from or have them on the surface that's got to be a consideration right yeah and also there's there's ways to be able to to Shield people while on the ground and this is something actually worse on the moon than on Mars cuz at least Mars has some atmosphere but the moon doesn't have any atmosphere so whenever we actually set a base on the moon it will be very interesting to have somewhere where you can go down on the ground and for those that may have watched For All Mankind they actually have level arear underground for shielding against uh solar storms and things like that so this is something that in the future like that that is not unrealistic CU that is something that you probably need on the moon and eventually on Mars as well that that's going to be cuz again you you okay okay you have the atmosphere on Mars but it's very thin and there's no magnetosphere there's no uh magnetic shield around the planet or anything so you still need some kind of shelter underground and just a just I don't know six or 10 ft uh on the ground it's it's okay you don't need that big of a of of a of a hole in the ground I guess to dig you could also do it above ground too just put some water is shielding around like one of the rooms and you could even take the reg and put it up above of your like a like a EO kind of thing oh yeah good point instead of digging you just put on top that might be easier actually yeah yeah I think so unless you like find a pre-existing cave or something yeah lava 2 someone is's pointing out that that is also interesting right Steven thanks to the store purchase they say always great information keep up the great work Alexander Ash thank you for the support they say everyone loves Starship but new Glenn looks sexy I mean I'm I don't think there's a a butt that's necessary in there I mean I think we all sort of agree new new Glenn is a really good looking rocket everyone loves the Starship and new Glenn looks sexy yeah right right and Neil thank you for the support they say thanks for the amazing patches I'll treat them like their Pokemon and collect them [Laughter] all nice see that's a reference that I can get Haven played what I haven't played Pokémon ever no never I haven't really Alex I'm I want you to play Pokemon because it's an amazing game I really haven't had any any consoles or anything where to play that so that's why man playing Pokemon on my game boy ride the bus to school don't get much better than that yeah I didn't have it I anyways atrian games thank you for the Super Chat this say thanks for all the great coverage what do you all think about the New Vertical wall by the mm and how it will hold up to the shock wave of ignition seems like it'll hold up just fine but maybe that's famous last words I don't know uh let's see atrian game thanks for the support oh that's the same one I just read uh Jeremiah thank you for the store message and purchase they say thank you for the amazing coverage and keep and great merch keep up the excellent work very kind of you Jeremiah thank you hope you enjoy the merch yeah and there's the it's hypnotic look at that it is and there's the ordinance bunker where they keep the FTS charges you can see that orange placard there indicating there's explosives inside yes that one uh Kevin thank you for the support they say patch is purchased better late than never all right let's do some more questions all fourx is asking could Starship use Falcon 99's first stage re-entry profile I assume you mean the booster yeah well there's there's also ooh hang on the old event has started excellent there we go what we want to see this is exactly what we want to see the olm vent has started which means SpaceX is is going to be chilling down the propellant lines that lead from the tank farm to the pad in preparation for beginning propellent load this is perfect mean yeah this could mean now should I answer the question or go into guessing mode guessing mode what do we do okay get see mode first and then we we go back to this question um you know I said said that sometimes like the minimum absolute minimum that I've seen this o and vent take it's usually 45 minutes but again they have changed things right so it may take less but let's say it is that absolute minimum that I that I usually see which is about 45 minutes we're let's Round Up to 1:45 p.m. so that it all plays nicely so let's say that the vent goes away at 2:30 p.m. Central right that would mean uh the propanal load starts around that time and we're expecting it to be 1 hour this time around instead of 1 hour and a half and now we're seeing venting from the the uh the chines as well that is to load the fire suppression system fluid the CO2 the carbon dioxide that they use for the fire for the fire suppression system on the engine section um what I was going to say is that if this is a big if if that is the case that they start propell on load at 230 and that they are going to take about an hour to fully fuel the rocket then that would mean that by 3:30 p.m. that will be sort of our simulated t0 for today that will be sort of the the guess here that they're shooting for the simulated t0 of around 3:30 p.m. central is that the case I don't know I'm not a SpaceX but I'm trying to guess here and this is based on the assumptions that we have for this uh for for for this test today and the good thing is that we're going to figure out uh whether those assumptions are correct or not and that is very exciting when that happens yeah I I love being able to uh look at the data that we've gotten and things that we've seen in the past and sort of try and extrapolate from there what was the what was your predicted timing yeah so the simulated T will be somewhere in the vicinity of 3:30 p.m. central that that that is sort of the the thinking now will it be that again we don't really know cuz this is a first time kind of thing they have upgraded so many things that a lot of these timings will be new but it is just just a pure guess assuming certain basic conditions that again the old en vent will take about 45 minutes to finish and that propenal load will be around 1 hour so adding those up to the current time then we get around 3:30 p.m and this is the thing today is a launch rehearsal right so they need to to have a t0 to shoot for even though they're not going to launch today for obvious reasons uh they still need to rehearse everything as if they were shooting for a certain launch time and so that is the thing that they're probably targeting to that they are having a simulated t for this simulated countdown sequence this launch rehearsal excellent yay the olm is venting yay we're moving into testing Ops in Earnest hopefully today we get to see a fully Frosty full stack Starship ship is the tower venting too uh well let me see I don't know I can't oh doesn't look like it or maybe there's a little one going there's a little it it looks like it looks like it is I can see it uh maybe if we can go well there's also there's also this for you as well for the overlay there it is there bottom right by the stairs hopefully no one's on the stairs everyone's that's the tower that's that's the one that I said when vent now vent oh this is great this is great not just because we're seeing activity pick up and we see things that tell us that we'll get soon get into prop load it's also great because of course I'm going to say it more data is more better so we can take all of these events and their timings and Alex you and Adrien can throw them in a spreadsheet and uh Divine what's going on and what we can expect to see for flight three based on what's happening right now yeah so I guess I can talk a bit about what to expect from these vents right cuz we usually have the waterfall mode and what it means and everything so um for the O vent right now it is sort of in a very small uh for right now it's very small in size and not really very powerful but as we progress through the countdown that oil invent will grow and grow and grow and towards the last 5 minutes or so of that vent it becomes very powerful and very active you can and we call it waterfall mode because it just becomes it looks like a waterfall coming from the olm it's crazy it is also very beautiful uh most of the times but uh for the tower vent right now we we've seen that sort of little of activity it doesn't grow that much at this point in the countdown but once closer to the propellent load this Tower vent comes back sometimes once sometimes twice it kind of depends uh for flag two it came back twice and towards the end again on that on that last time that it comes back it grows in intensity just like the O vent and then it has its own waterall mode and the waterfall mode of the tower vent is amazing cuz see you have the full stack the Tower with the Chopsticks and the vent is just like a big c going down all the way across the the launch side it is amazing and I hope we we get to see that in in just a maybe half an hour or so may may be happening excellent all right well we're getting into the uh the meat of it here I am going to jump off briefly but I will leave yall in the capable hands of Mr Chris Bergen the bergener NASA space flight actual the burster Chris Bergen Chris how you doing yeah I can't deal with that kind of introduction it's just not very yorra of me to be the burger neor sounds like a a a wrestling introduction I need a rock tune to go with it maybe yeah right need some metal music Kevin some laser sound effects I'll take that now is Chris the Bergen Bergen eater I just star men like anyway moving quickly on Starship hey they can start feeling it now cuz I'm here so that's good I actually the legend the Chris Bergen the one and only one and only suay Sunday Sunday all right I'll stop okay this is fast live let's let's bring this down to my auction level this is way too Lively for me um yes so where we are status maybe you can update me Alex on where we are yeah we're right now in chilling mode we're we're seeing that oin vent the tower vent they are chilling down the pipes that go to both to the oilin vent and the tower vent we're hoping to see a propenal load maybe in the next 30 to 40 minutes to to start around that time so keeping an eye on things as well excellent I see there got 9,000 people have been waiting just for this event and noo all turn up and it gets Frosty but that's impressive it just goes a sign of how this vehicle has resonated with people and rightly Sir this is the world's largest tallest vehicle I I keep stressing that because when you watch it so often it's a case of people get used to it and they lose the context of how important this vehicle is not only in its world record eyes but also in what it be capable of doing and taking people back to the surface of the of of the lunar surface and then to mans Mars which is something we've been always waiting for people of my age the shuttle era age and even before then we'll know that after Apollo we basically gave up on low earth orbit past low earth orbit it's called be beyond Earth orbit and that is something we finally getting back after many many years it was always a case of 20 years to Mars 20 years to to Mars it was like that for a good few decades oh about 20 years before we can start thinking about Mars missions we're finally under that limit now I think I think it's fair to say there be lots of challenges it won't be on elon's timeline but it will be a lot sooner than had it just been the sole NASA plan arimus brings in the commercial vehicles now and that's where Starship can really shine I can see a HS style contract for Starship for Mars I really can so I'm hoping that this rocket is the Hub this is the future this is where we finally get Humanity to be multiplanetary yeah I agree and as you've probably seen on your screen there's been some store messages popping up I I'm not exaggerating when I say this so far today we have literally received hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of messages so apologies that we can't read every single one out but we we we do want to cover the wet dress rehearsal in between all of the support that we're getting which is has been incredible so thank you every body but we we just physically we need more time that's what we need in order to read all of these out Chris uh Jack asked me and Alex a while ago uh how well we think flight three is going to go so how well do you think flight 3 is going to go yeah it's very easy to be a fan of rockets as we all are and hope for the best and not lose objectivity but even with objectivity we can use the long PS of what if1 and if2 the difference between the two showed so when SpaceX said okay between boost 7 and booster 9 we're going to upgrade the booster look how well the Boost done boo booster 9 did compared to if1 it was a world of difference and with this flight ship 28 is upgraded compared to ship 25 so you've got that same kind of parameter of her where you think okay they've learned the lessons which is very SpaceX like they tend to be be a company that's not afraid to break things to find the best sweet spot for their vehicles so I've got every hope that we may see a progression from if2 where ship 28 actually completes its own mission as well and then we get potentially a re-entry and I always caveat this if they lose the vehicle during re-entry that is not terrible now some people in chat will rightly say well Chris that's just very Space X funboy overie no no no because you need the data of the TP yes and a failure on ship 28 where I say failure very carefully where it's lost on re-entry will provide them a wealth of data on the TPS and that will play in so well to the Future missions I I Alex I say this every time Alex the spal for 30 years we still losing tiles there was no we found the problem after five flights they basically kept on losing tiles it's where you lose the tiles and where you need to reinforce and they only get that that data really from re-entry so we need ship 28 potentially to be a massive success where it's re-entering if it survives we who wonderful brilliant if it doesn't that is a wealth of data that will help the future Vehicles along their path so I'm very hopeful about I3 right to get back to your question I'm very hopeful that we'll get to that point of success where we're into a re-entry test and I'm saying test because it doesn't have to splash down and go swimming around near Hawaii it just needs to get to the re entry point yeah and uh as you've probably just been seeing I've gone through the uh a a bunch of different patch orders that we've been getting from the sh of of from the store for everybody who's just joined us I think it's worth reiterating just again very briefly that uh the patches are ordered we do like a bulk order for the patches so there's only a certain number of them so uh especially for the flight one and flight two patches if you want one you should probably think about getting one as soon as possible because they are not going to last forever once they're gone they're gone they're gone so just uh just a just a just a just a note on that and then all of the other Flight 2 merchandise that's lying around has been marked as last chance on the store as well so they'll be uh going away soon as well just so everyone is aware so I don't want anyone to be upset saying I wish I ordered a patch but I didn't so you know make sure to get yours at shop. nasaspace if I can sorry Ryan if I can jump in on that one um just to stress cuz like I started the site and I I if I said false statements about star merch and whatever you then I'd be rightly in trouble it's absolutely a fact we bulk order we don't say okay we've run out we'll go and order some more it take too long so we bulk order a rough estimate of what we think we'll do and then we'll have that until it sells out and literally is that so it's no you know you see stores you pass by stores in town and they say closing down sale then three years later still got closing down sale on this on the side the sofa shop the default sofa shop has a 50% off sale every other week yeah it's not the case you might know the one I'm talking about yeah I do but we can't name on streams might get in trouble um but yeah it's a case of that is truth it really is once they're out they're out they're done so it is limited for a reason that's why we say it and we always stress it not to kind of like by know sales talk or anything like that we're not we're we we we cover space FL we're not professional store people uh we we say it because we don't want people disappointed by saying well I didn't really believe that was limited I waited a few months oh they're not available anymore oh why well that's why we warning you yeah yeah get it now or you don't get it yeah and speaking of support o over the last few uh minutes here we've been getting some absolutely honking gifted memberships we first of all have Matts who gifted 50 the Big 5 red team memberships which is a ridiculous amount of support thank you so much and of course if you receed one of them make sure to thank Matts in chat uh we also uh where did it go we had Mighty uh donon gifting 10 red team memberships Brian Green gifted five red team memberships and then we also have uh many people uh becoming uh members themselves uh such as James the armchair rocket guy becoming a Capcom member that now means you get access to the Discord server uh uh and Todd has become a pad rap member as well if that'll come up thanks panel uh and uh uh I think that's all of them that we've gotten recently and we've also just got a tip from Peter sh at tips. uh asking uh does SpaceX still use the operational status red yellow green lights that were on the tower haven't seen them in a while Alex do you want to do you want to take uh give this one a go that was a long question I didn't I didn't catch everything the space still used the operational status in Brackets red comma yellow comma green lights that were on the tower haven't seen them in a while dot dot dot um I haven't seen them either I don't really know what's going on with those I'm mostly sure that they just removed them cuz I I just haven't seen them ever since like the ancient times of I believe like booster 4 and chip2 like that's that's a long time ago boy but yeah I don't I don't really really know what else has been going on with those I haven't seen them did you just I just heard kind of like a kind of noise I don't know whether that was something like a tower the tower vent still going as you can see there yeah it's it's a tower vent it's honing I tell you what Alex just because we have a lot of people who tend to only really follow the coverage when something interesting is happened such as this right now can you just quickly describe Tower event because we have the uh Falcon 9 launches coming up as well where they have the T minus 20-minute event and that's from the tower so maybe just a quick round up on what the tower event is doing right now yeah it it is pretty much the same as the Falcon 9 t- minus tournament event where we see the ground systems being chill down ahead of prop penal load and this is precisely what what we're seeing here it's also the same for the O vent that they chill down those lines that go up to the vehicle in the case of the Falcon 9 it is to the second stage of the of the Falcon 9 in this case of the tower vent it is also for the second stage of a Starship which is the ship there ship 28 and so uh those lines need to obviously they need to be conditioned in order to be able to to load all the cryogenic stuff in this case for the vent uh we mostly believe it is uh with 99% of confidence it is related with the liquid auction load on the second stage just like it is for the Falcon line because when they do that chill down they do it with with the same liquid that they use for loading onto the vehicle and you don't want to vent methane it is not good environmentally but also it is a fire hazard and so those things are normally they they're flow through but they also then recover there there's pipes that they can recover through all of the systems basically we've gotten a lot of different super chats as well very quickly or try and rattle through them Pez is asking brother you play go off today uh Chris uh we're not expect oh so saying it's the first Super Chat on YouTube thank you very much for that Chris when are we expecting the the the uh the plate to go off today we're not expecting a static fire but I can't remember if they did the plate last time I think they did Alex did they do it last time I I believe it was at the end like way after they DET tanked the rocket was already the we're actually preparing to to go off live like we were just wrapping up the live stream and then suddenly boom they fired up the the delug system that was that was interesting yeah it was a case of where they didn't really need to do obviously because a wet dress rehearsal is everything minus the engine ignition so obviously any test the water Del system which is actually fantastic by the way praise for the people designed it because it worked a treat on if2 if they test it it was basically a free test they're just basically saying okay well it's a wet dress rehearsal let's do the full dress rehearsal minus the engines but include the water Del system but it kind of caught us out last time because it didn't come at the timing you'd expect it to be set up for on a a technical t0 so I think we may see it and if they do it the tiet is a free test um which is perfectly fine just to make sure the system is working it's all buy down risk for the launch day itself this this is basically checking that everything is in working order for the launch day that's why they call it a wet dress rehearsal cuz it is literally rehearsal all the controllers will be on on their consoles as if it was a launch day today for this that's how it works uh Mr Rich Texas doesn't say anything but still supports with a 1999 Super Chat thank you very much X org effects guy sorry if I said uh saying is there any uh news on land purchase swap to expand the area of the launch site or is that just gossip Alex was that just gossip what's going on with the and um well there's there's an area sort of to the west of the Launchpad that they are trying to get as a sort of exchange with the I believe it is either the county or the federal government um basically they they have this patch of land I think it is in is Blanca and they want to sort of give it away in exchange for a little bit of peace from federal land to the west of the current launch site we don't know what else is going to happen with that all we know so far is that there was going to be a vote for that and it has been delayed to March because of protest and things like that um we don't know what SpaceX wants to use it for knowing a SpaceX it'll probably be just for parking lots just like they did with with a with a suborbital site where they were doing stuff next to the suborbital paths you were like oh is this going to be a third subal path and no it was just simple all plane parking lot or a a park a park a car park or something like that what what do you guys say in England yeah we say car park Americans say car there you go yeah there you go very quickly here I'm going to try and rattle through as much support as possible super step from an hour ago says free Jack he he is freed now don't worry uh bford a very common name in chat saying thanks always for your streaming so do you believe there may be a sip 28 stanic fight tomorrow Alex you were hinting that that at the start of the stream especially because a road closure has just been upgraded it could um but I'm wondering this thing is probably going to be late for Det tanking cuz if our our assumption right and our guess is that they're probably targeting somewhere around 3:30 p.m. as their simulated T then they need probably a couple of hours to just DET tank the rocket and then after that uh they need to save it um being able to to have everything set set up in place for this tag and then roll ship 28 to the Sol pad put it on the stand and then ready uh ship 28 to be able to be static fire it's it's a lot of work for tomorrow it's not out of the question but it looked much better this morning when we started the live stream than now uh man with two ends uh with the $5 Super Chat saying why will it take so many flights for Starship to get to the moon when it's the most powerful rocket ever and Apollo only took one uh well Chris the actual size of the Apollo spacecraft that went to the moon is much smaller than Starship isn't it yeah you've got to remember when you look at sat and five on the pad it's the very top and if I can steal Tim DOD saying pointy end where they would launch a Bo system under the launcher Bo system the very pointy end is a very small capsule and that was where the astronauts the Apollo Astronauts would sit the rest of it was all tankage and stages and Rocket now with Starship it's completely different vehicle you're looking at it right now on screen that top third is all the Starship and the crew or the at least the payload ability is quite a lot of that top half of the ship so that is a lot of capability a lot of mass that they're going to lift on this booster and it takes a lot to get it to the blue the surface so it's complete different ball game and that's why the large architecture is so much different now but it's a great thing because if you think about it if it does work out which we all hope it does then the capability of what you can get to the surface of the Moon is infant teal compared to the Apollo era yeah and I actually made go ahead well I was going to say that I actually did the math uh a while back of how it will take if you took the the most e Mass efficient not volume efficient rocket that you could think of what will it take for that rocket to be able to land 150 tons on the lunar surface with just one launch right when Apollo landed it was just I think to trans luner injection it was something around 45 tons so that is just on the way to the moon but on the surface of the Moon it was somewhere around 10 tons uh landed on the moon and of those 10 tons the actual useful payload it was like one or two tons uh that they could bring up so yeah if you think about Starship it could in theory land about 150 tons on the L surface if you try to do that with just one single launch and one single rocket the rocket will need to be way way bigger let's put it that way the the the math just gave me six units uh not six six units I meant uh six figures on on the size in in terms of tons on the size of the of the ruget so it's a big rocket that you will need for that kind of thing yeah I made the math a while ago or the maths don't invoke Trevor snik I do have to very quickly excuse me I do have to very quickly apologize because I did a jack I was going through the store messages to put them on screen and I accidentally lost David graper message which was a $50 Super Chat thank you very much for the support David and I do apologize that I lost that and I can't put it on screen but uh yes even more gracious as an apology for me uh because thank you very much for your very kind message there you have all the coverage you provide keep up the great word work uh we will we will do our utmost to uh try and improve our coverage for every little bit of support and contribution that we get uh yeah I'm very sorry I see the I see the face Palms in chat I'm very sorry I'm very sorry I didn't mean to uh uh but very quickly uh thank you to Randall for becoming a red team member uh if come on panel come on thank you panel uh Yan sorry for been set Inc correctly asking do we suspect Starship will ever wear a kilt unlike unlike unlike Jack I I doubt it uh it has a skirt it has the engine skirt it's not a kill they're different Alex they're different I Jake Keegan is in here somewhere I don't know where he is but he's probably shaking his head right now uh sanity bites with the1 pound the only correct currency asking what about Pokémon go you do have a mobile phone right Alex I have no idea what this is in reference to Alex do you know ah cuz I said that I didn't play Pokemon I I don't I don't play those games no okay me neither me neither uh Andy p uh uh uh saying uh well this was this question was addressed to Jack but he's not here right now so I'll Stand in for Jack or Alex do you want to do your jack impression uh I'm planning to visit star Bas from Columbia in two months for the first time if I see you can we take a photo any advice from me whilst I'm there go uh Jack from Spain yes and and of course you can ask me about kill make sure make sure to ask Jack as many Kilt questions as you have exactly and I'll give you a patch I'll give you a patch PCH patch it's orange every time every time you say kill you get a free patch um M jasse has become a a pad rap member Adam has become a pad rap member Peter has become a pad RP member Blackhawk has gifted five red team memberships uh Steve has got some patches off the store thanks very much for that and uh Anonymous has purchased all three patches off the store thank you very much again I'll say it again to everyone who's been purchasing things off the store uh and with that I'm going to take a little bit of a breather uh I'm going to talk hopefully talk to you all later for a certain United State space force Mission 124 coming up later this evening afternoon morning wherever you are in the world uh but in my place I'm going to seamlessly swap out with another Ryan oh well hi hi Ryan exactly the same we sound exactly the same yeah of course yeah yeah how's it going everyone everyone you know Ryan sorry to before you before you start I have just been told the member multi member multiscreen I can't even say it the member multiscreen is live I'm going to put it into the uh Community page it's all member levels doesn't matter what member level you are you'll get a nine box like control panel of our cameras and it's also got all the coverage the wet rehearsal which will also work for launch days and things like that so if you are any member level you will find it in in the YouTube channel area of our Channel and that is now live just making sure everyone knows that sorry Ryan oh no worries Chris um how you guys doing I uh I only woke up a little while ago cuz I got home from work was decided to sleep and was hoping to wake up to a frosty rocket but didn't um but it looks like we're getting close to that right now so so yeah how's it uh yeah yeah all right you can see that all inent is going crazy right now I'm not sure if it's fully uh waterfall mode uh sometimes the humidity and the wind maybe a bit deceiving but you can see a lot of venting there's a lot of it um so yeah we're sort of waiting here for that old en vent to stop and go right into propen load we got some good questions by the way which I can read out because I know we'll get the answers from our two very capable experts here uh deari asks uh where is Starship launch control located well right now they have the the ad asra school and also they they do stuff as well from Stargate we don't really know what else they do but on the sort of flight to recap video they had shots of people inside of a Stargate so we assume that they are there for the launch what we don't know is what they do it seems like it's some sort of control room um and they also have obviously ad asra which is where we saw Elon and everything you know uh cheering and all that but but yeah um those are the the locations and then mission control is a ho as usual as well very good and very much related to an interesting subject that's going to see from Starbase in the very near future is can you explain this is from Ruby Foxton by the way can you explain how far through the Tower 2 construction we are how many parts have been shipped where do you think they will support the first when do you think they will support the first launch you want to go ahead Ryan yeah I can go ahead with that um so so far they have started the construction of Section 8 over at Sanchez I don't think they finish putting all the bolts in cuz a lot of times what they do is that they'll put all the columns up then they'll put all the cross beams in and put like only a couple bolts in them all um we'll have to look at pictures up close see if they've actually put all the bolts in or whatnot yet um and then there are parts for section 9 section n is basically the roof of that Tower um I don't remember if all the columns are there I know at least two of them that are there so they'll have to start building that one as as well and of course we have sections 1 2 3 and six that are currently in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico on their way to Starbase which leaves sections four and five over at Robert's Road um mhm once those get here they will start kitting them out more like adding in cryo lines doing a lot of that other stuff and they kind of sit at Sanchez until they have a foundation are able to stack him so it's kind of where we're at yeah and right now we're not fully sure where it's going to be going and when its first launch is going to happen but that is one of the things that that Elon mentioned at the All Hands meeting um about a month ago that they want to have that that sort of second tower at least being built during this next year so we'll see I'm going to speed speedrun through some support I always find this crazy I me mentioned this the last stream I was on which was yesterday I think they up to side that I always find it absolutely amazing the amount of support we get and I tend to sound disingenuous because of my accent I'm a yman we tend to sound quite Gruff but trust me it means the world to us when we get this support cuz this support gets turned around we don't Bank it and go H like the um the Disney character the McDuck with his little Vault of gold coins we don't do that we reinvest it back into what you're seeing right now and I mean this I see it happening I see it being paid out um where we can bring you more and more coverage but I've been on big street I'm a big fan of perogi people in Chapel n from scam play Black he's amazing Channel much bigger Channel than us and he doesn't get this kind of level of support and it really is fascinating how our community is so supportive of us it really is appreciated so thank you when I say thank you I really mean it thank you Brian for your support by buying something from the store which is several things from the store brand You' been busy shopping uh timc thank you for your support uh bits and Bobs UK versus stuffs and things from the US H has it been a booster St fire yet with the ship stacked beside launch nother hasn't that's never the plan I always caveat that by saying they may one day get a free full stack static fire during a tzero launcher B when the engines fire up and they decide the parameters aren't good enough they're going to stop abort it I I do I am quite curious if that's even possible once they commit to launch I'm going to go with you out first Alex let's take a scenario that it's launch day and they've got the full stack is all field ready to go to get t0 to fired up the Raptors some of the Raptors aren't happy and it would normally be a launch abort parameter but can they actually abort if many engines are running because of the literally the thrust of it and the way the pad systems work with the hold down what would be the scenario there could they have bought during a few seconds of of firing engines or could they have to commit from that point yeah right now the way that they have it is if they have more than three engines that are bad they just abort the the the sequence so they have the ignition sequence but the engines do not ignite at the full thrust and it is not until t0 that the engines actually ramp up to full power so by t0 they that that's s that seems to be like the decision the go no go decision of where of of whether they actually go ahead or they don't go ahead and so um because this this is one of the things that sort of less known about Starship that it is not held down on the the pad so they have uh platforms that sort of keep the booster in place and they have holdowns but these holdowns uh open up well before the liftoff well before the indiction the ignition of the Raptors like minutes or may maybe even about an hour before of that lift off so it it is something that happens way before and so by the time the en just ignite they ignite at a at a partial thrust and then they rump up to full power after all have been confirmed to be healthy and the thing is that occurs at TC and the rocket actually doesn't move up until T minus uh t plus 2 seconds or so we saw that for flight one we saw that for flight two I expect the same for for future flights and so so in the future if that were to happen you could aboard up until t0 after t0 I'm not sure what will happen to be fair cuz the engines are are rumping up maybe you could throw down and then shut down or something if you but it seems to me that if all engines or at least less than 29 engines are running on on super heavy by the time of the T then I don't think they they will commit to a launch absolutely awesome answer Alex that's even I learned something in that I've been for this all this time that was great uh thanks to Alexander who says great coverage and content well thank you Alexander uh Towers become a Capcom member which means you'll get access to Our member Discord which is a real fun place I spend way too much time in there it is a massive Discord now and it's very much a very friendly place as well I think member Discord helped that because I've on some free discords where they're not so friendly but this one is very friendly so you'll enjoy yourself in there Ryan says you sold me on the patches thank you for the great coverage well thank you Ryan Samantha amazing stream last three years I've been watching from tur UK he even got the wife into watching daily um bring out the bacon buty with Earth cake and cheese wow to I I've been there a few times with York City away days and they've got palm trees in T it's that South amazing amazing Place talking we always love that big weekend away day with York City there uh wesle love the streams been following since sm4 greetings from the Netherlands uh arov says uh thanks for all you do all the way from India this is great because I I I made sure I was putting this in order because it's an international audience that's following this vehicle I I love the aspect of that and it's just really an inspiring sight I find people have noticed when they look at these streams and see this rocket but the fun thing is it doesn't really do it justice because I've talked to many many people in our team who have been there the rocking in real life is even more massive it really is for a context I think when we see humans for scale it really helps bring some context of the size of the vehicle uh Tony says thank you for all your coverage well thank you Tony for your support uh Joe says keep up the great coverage these are amazing they're support messages and they're using their ability to put a message in the support by Thanking us for the coverage which is a double thank you I I really appreciate it thank you and we're asking see any questions from chat we'll ask them does that be a support message or anything like that we'll read them out uh such as ADM DRS who says what are they venting that's flirting away from the orbital launch Mount right so that's very much a good question for people who maybe just get into this what's all the clouds coming out the side Alex yeah the the cloud report um so yeah that is gasis auction that is currently being invented overboard uh from the olm that is part of the liquid auction uh chill down uh that is ongoing right now um we sort of mentioned this with the T minus 2minute event on falcon 9 where they need to chill down the lines that go to the uh to to the to the second stage on Falcon 9 and in this case it is to the olm but also we saw before the tower vent which hasn't stopped but that is spected that is something that that I talked about earlier that it goes on then it drops off and much closer to the propellent load then it comes back again here the mm is just goes through all the time and so what we're seeing right now that is gases oxygen very good Wilford says will Starship heat tows need to be waterproof like the space shuttle if so will this impact rapid reuse very good point um oh there's so many ways I can answer that I'll I'll hand over the the actual question about Starship but let me just digress as I do into the space shuttle program the whole idea as you may have noticed in our test of shuttle Sunday coverage um the other day on a stream where the stacking was taking too long we saw how they envisioned the space shut to be turned around it was going to be a rapidly reusable vehicle like Starship is envisioned to be the good news is Starship is likely to be that whereas the space shuttle was soon found out to be one that needed three months turnaround inside the OPF the opit to processing facility and that included a lot of work on the TPS I think that ship will have that in mind already they need to know that the TPS on ship is something they can't spend days and days and days reworking for its next flight because that then takes away the potential of Rapid reusability so I will put my trust in the spacex's as far as the TPS on ship we saw on the um WB 57 footage a lot of tiles coming off ship 25 have we seen I'm going to bring Ryan webar on this have we seen any changes to the application of TPS in The Limited views we've got at the production site um not uh I mean a little bit here and there so sometimes they uh do basically a uh sometimes they're adhesive on sometimes they're they're pinned on uh one thing we did see believe it was yesterday they did roll out a barrel section which had a combination of the smaller pin the smaller pin setup that we've seen and the larger pin setup which could look like a Pathfinder possibly for version two so that'll be something to keep an eye on for possible upgrades and updates to the ship heat shield going forward very good Alex you got the inut on the TPS situation because it is important isn't it let's face it it is a big tied vehicle that belly flops I will also before sorry Alex I'll interrupt you by inter Myself by saying the thing with the Space Shell was there was a re-entry profile that was literally s turns it was so Dynamic the re-entry in special cuz it had to bleed off all the energy via curves literally by you're going left big left turn big right turn you would see on the on the landing track on the re-entry track he was doing massive curves to bleed off the energy because of the lifting body design where a SP where a ship will come down belly flop style won't it Alex it be a completely a less stressful re-entry profile I seem yeah it is it is a bit different it'll be more like a capsule in that sense where you just uh use the flaps rather than because a capsule will use its uh sort of off center uh off center Center of mass uh to be able to to create a bit of lift and use uh thrusters in order to be able to uh go into the correct attitude to be able to do that in the case of a Starship it uses its slaps to be able to control its attitude and that attitude then dictates what is the whether the the you know the the trajector is going to one side or the other and things like that I will not be surprised if there's like small little Wiggles not s turns like the shuttle but maybe to bleed off a little bit of energy here and there cuz it still has some some kind of lift lift drag uh ratio uh towards the the beginning of the re-entry that is important because it it has a big surface area and things like that and it has the flaps and everything so ital still probably have some maneuverability and it is important that it has that cuz otherwise you know when it goes to to coming back to land on the Chopsticks that's going to be an epic thing and it needs to be very precise it if it if it were like a capsule where you deploy parachutes and it it then right the the initial part of the re-entry does look like a capsule but then it has the flaps so that it's more maneuverable in terms of the final portion of the re-entry when it's just like dropping straight down very good A little quick program not not to many people in may be in the same but Scotty D if you ever have a stream issue where it may look Frozen I know Scotty has been sending several messages in cam Frozen it's not frozen it's all good on our end it's coming through fine it can be a local YouTube issue or it could be your own browser just refresh the stream that's usually the best thing and know when you do refresh it make sure you're on 1080 cuz I've had a few people going why is the camera so fuzzy it's just literally YouTube settings that's all it is we will tell you if have a camera issue we wouldn't s like say everything's fine with a frozen camera we would we'd be working on would let you know so it's definitely okay Scotty just refresh your stream and you'll find it probably okay for you again uh thank you to Dan gift a red team membership this gift and a membership is a new thing from YouTube for about last year or so I think and the way our community has been using it to Play it Forward by passing on a free membership to somebody in YouTube's chat in our chat room who may I think the way it works is the amount of time you're in um commenting and liking videos or what have you I'm not entirely sure of the algorithm use of the allocation of gifting members ship but I've seen a lot of longtime people in chat who've probably been massive fans of our channel for a long time but can't and most people can't afford to buy a membership themselves they've been gifted one by one of our generous members of the community I think that's a wonderful thing just say thank you in chat if you get one because I think it's a a really cool thing that has allowed people to get for no obligation at all one month of free membership and it's not just your name in Green at Red Team you get extra content as well because I put it in there so I know what content goes in there there we go uh Jackson when do you guys think we'll see a KSC launch okay right one of my favorite questions 39a Starship Tower it's built they've got the legs no but to launch M yet they've got the little stubby Chopsticks they haven't got really a tank farm of such yet uh when do we think we'll see them ramp up towards what would be the maiden launcher Starship from 39a Alex you go first I really hope it is this year that we see them coming back to to 398 to be able to to do all of that work but yeah I don't I'm I'm not fully sure to be fair it's one of those things that I hope that to be the case but we don't really know and Ryan we did see that I forget which astronaut it was it was it Michael agaza who took a photograph from the plane arriving for the axim 3 launch where we actually saw part of 39a Starship tank farm area and you noticed that they'd actually Tak away some equipment uh yeah so there were there were sub coolers there uh that had basically been left uh those are now over here at the orbital Launchpad at boka and over at Massie so they've stolen a lot of stuff from that pad and now it's over at boka so we'll have to see when they start ramping back up hopefully sometime this year hopefully look at this live view there our own camera cameras Space Coast Live we've got several cameras at KSC which is a wonderful thing that will it's not only just for Falcon 9 and all other pads there and what have you but also we've got this great view of 39a Starship Tower there you can see the tower is built the still be Chopsticks because they decided the Chopsticks at Spar Starbase were longer than they needed so we'll do a sto ones for the ones at KSC and you can see the legs pointing up there the opal launch Mount is pretty much built it's in Hangar M and it's not been rolled out yet but they've got the equipment n to ramp up Wednesday field the need to the obvious situation with SpaceX right now is they're focusing entirely on Star base which makes perfect sense they want to really get make sure that Starship is ready and operational before they start launching it from historic 398 that's the way you've got to say it you've got to preface it with historic because it is it's a former Apollo and shuttle landing uh launch site it's a landing site and you never know one day we might see boosters and ships Landing at 39a Via the Chopsticks you never know look that look at this right so status up to event the tower event just came back which is good news oh there we go look at that look how cool that is I mean it's literally cool yes so yes pun intended um so from a status point of view Alex if you were asked a question which I'm going to ask you now how far away do you think we may be from prop leing on ship and booster um given the current status we probably know no much not not very far away I I will I will say maybe no more than 20 minutes from a propenal load maybe less than that wonderful by all means I want you to completely interrupt me mids sentence if you see any Frost because I might be looking at the panel with the questions rather than looking at the actual live stream so by all means please buzzing if you see anything cuz that'll be a milestone they we all looking forward to the start of prop loading for the wet dress rehearsal which is a big big milestone let's not be underestimated this is a big big milestone towards the third Flight of the world's heaviest the world's heaviest the world's largest and tallest rocket ever built I'm assuming is the heaviest as well actually there we go uh electric Doon says you guys are the best keep up the great work again somebody who was supporting us and then taking the option of using the message in that support to thank us for what we do that's double thanks as far as I'm concerned and it never fails to amaze me how amazingly supportive our community is it really does mean the world to me and all of us uh Michael gift a red team membership so someone else got a membership s Side Show Bob gifted me red team membership Steve what are the two lines connected to the ship from the ship quick disconnect are we talking about what we're talking about the rap side yesterday where there's two almost like pole lines it looks like very small lines on the ship quick disconnect arm that attached the ship itself I wonder if the venting will allow us to see it as we pan left let's see oh yeah I guess the ones that were were asked about on the Raptor side yeah yes it was there we go they're coming into view now yeah these uh we believe at least one of them it goes to a Port that is called the the fuel bubble system and that Port what it does or what we believe it does is what it refers to that bubble system is that there's a an influx of bubbles being injected into the to the fuel uh propelling tanks basically on the fuel tank and what it does is when you introduce that it mixes the whole fluid the whole uh propellant in in this case it will be the fuel and and by mixing it what you have is a very consistent very thorough and like very homogeneous uh fluid with all of the properties across being you know the temperatures and the densities cuz if you think about it when you start loading the the propellant obviously it's it is at the bottom and that first propellant as you keep loading you're loading from below so that layer will go up up up up up on the on the top on the on the tank and so so by the time you load the last few drops of methane on the on the tank right that upper layer it's probably at different temperature if you don't mix it but if you mix it while you're loading that propellant then that means that all of the of the propellant across the tank it is the same the same temperature the same densities it is something that is called stratification where different locations in the tank have different temperatures and different densities that is something that you normally want to avoid because that means as you drain those tanks as you fire the engines and you drain those tanks that means you're getting propell and that is different temperatures different densities and therefore you have a different performance from your engines that is not ideal you want to have a consistent uh performance from your engine all across the board all across the burn that you do all across the the the entire flight whenever they're firing you want them to be at sort of the the same performance all across and so that's what they do with a bubbling system that they mix that that propellant to be able to have consistent and homogeneous properties Alex ladies and gentlemen a Fountain of Knowledge as always that was brilliant another brilliant answer Alex I will point it out I think it's brilliant I thought it was brilliant Paul so hyped for if3 appreciate every single stream you guys are WR well thank you Paul it's because of people like you can do this you know there's literally lots of money involved in making this all work and that's where the support makes it viable I can't stress it enough I go on to the point people go oh yeah Chris is just reading out no really mean it I seriously mean it I've started to site in 2005 so I know the challenges we were on like I was panicking about $25 server cost back in the first days of the site thinking well that can't really go on forever you know it's not an endless you know money pit and that was in 2005 I'd hasten to think how much money we spend now but thanks to your support we are still viable so thanks you right I'll stop going on about that cuz I do go on about it quite a lot Anonymous another patch for my collection can't wait for test flight four patch yes that'll be in work that will be falling the theme I won't say too much but Pauline our amazing designer of the patch is she is so good so so good and these patches will be evolved in Flight four so we can look forward to that one as well the nerdy one gift a red team membership thank you the nerdy one I see your name all the time uh GH Starship is a simple star message I will just repeat it because we all agree Nan strain gifted red team members thank you had a gift train gift Train everybody I can see a gift train in the panel so I can see at top of the YouTube chat as well wow okay let's try and go through these um Patrick finally ordering the patches I've been waiting s uh watching since sn8 love the coverage thank you your long time sn8 that was remember that myself stabby just with a tip thank you stabby that was amazing stabby unicorn what a great name because unicorn's horn will be stubbing yes uh I was going to say uh I I want like give even 10 seconds of just how cool that view of like all of this venting CU it's it's amazing the the shots of the full stack the tower the venting coming off from both the olm the tower the tank form like I don't know it it just looks epic I don't know it's it's amazing no that's very valid it is very valid because look at that the size of it as well though that's what we lose the context the that's a that's a massive massive CR LR 1100 11,000 I think it is massive massive Crane and it doesn't look that massive compared to the tower it is it is massive it is such a big because we see we see the same with Falcon 9 right where we have that 10 minutus 20 minute vent and we think oh yeah it's a vent whatever but it's also massive and now you have a rocket that is like 50 m taller and and with a tower that is much much taller than anything that has been built for Falcon 9 and now it's like well that is much much bigger you can see it there boy really is no that's absolutely complete context because we do get a lot of people who are regulars they're on stabus live all all all the way through the day that's the your core audience your bulk audience there then you get the events like this and you will get more people probably just browsing in and maybe for the first time as well they may have seen something and it may have it may have be recommended by YouTube which rarely happens but it might have been and that's where people pop in and go okay that's big and maybe they need the context of just how big this rocket is it is I've said this for three times in my little spell on commentary now but I'm going to say it again the world's tallest and most powerful rocket ever built by Humanity that's interesting the tower event is going to away way okay usually it's first the old invent but it's okay okay maybe the event will follow shortly CL and interrupt me Alex because I'll quickly do the supers while we're doing that yeah BR importance of that maybe maybe to get into context there if that vent stops on the mm vent on the mm excuse me that means they are going into propenal load um it is it is interesting it is interesting um we'll see you know what to do Alex you know what to do if you see something just go Chris Chris stop talking we put a m done Chris Ray speaking of Chris's has GI look at that it's cold as it should be cuz it's being chilled down that's the point of chilling down had to hide it that's Basics is own little way saying no we'll keep that one secret we'll put a vent on it no oh is that vent that vent is coming from the from the Cutie itself look at look at that uh can we can we change to Sean yeah can we go back to that one yeah that trailer not that one it's it's the other one to Sean or trailer yeah there you go see it's venting from the own QD that's interesting I saw that what appeared to be a vent I didn't know if that was going to be venting but I again yes it is interesting cuz Mary took and maybe I'm plugging here the membership program if you member you probably have seen some pictures recently from Mary looking at the Cutie arm they are really cool shots of the closeup of you know there there's a lot of people out there that that really like the the engineering of all of this and it's really cool to see all of that and I saw what appeared to be some kind of vent kind of open in the pipe of sorts and I was wondering if the QD arm itself will vent at some point with those changes but I guess uh we're seeing it here in action that V Mary takes amazing photographs and videos I know I say it all the time probably not enough and fact I know not enough I'm sure everybody knows Mary's content is amazing I want chat to annoy the moderators by spamming Mary's command into chat right now go for it here we go I I don't if Mary's watching I hope she is if not I'm going to screenshot it or bandicam it even there we go let's go proper video yes there we go exactly it is going crazy because Mary's the reason why we even started this YouTube channel I said it on the last Raptor side and that's because of her content was so amazing it was getting literally wrecking our for with people downloading it and what have you so the YouTube channel started to relieve the forum for that very purpose and that's where we are now we're at 97,000 subscribers for a reason and literally because we started the channel because of Mary and Mary's continued content so there we go the chat has gone crazy and rightly sir I will record that and pass it on to her because it's important people uh she's she knows how much love there is out there for her cuz she does amazing work right Chris right Young Folks will say nowadays she's the goat the I know you've got to explain what G is G is initials for greatest of all time it's the Messi versus Ronaldo thing so that's where yeah newone goes that's a bit rude saying goat no no no goat is go a which is greatest of all time there we go right Chris Ray I will get to you you gifted five Ro team membership thank you very much for your support amazing um IC Horseman gifted five red team memberships um El Moran sorry I'm probably ruing your name there gifted 10 red team memberships that is amazing thank you so much blackw NZ um gifted five red team memberships I assume that's New Zealand uh Chris W one of our team has gifted one team membership um Scotland Freedom some alien has gifted one rad team membership Scott just says go Starship Adrian inter uh Alex interrupt me if something happens uh going going going going going um Angry American wow uh watch free gift coming in like 7,000 likes I think angry Americans asking for more likes by all means it's free if you hit the like button if you like what we you seeing and maybe less what you're hearing but more what you seeing hit the like button and that always helps the YouTube algorithm Gods because they see the likes and they go people humans they like it everything is fent in now now the sub coolers are venting which usually indicates they're loading mean but I'm not going to call it out until I actually see the liquid auction side doing the same as well um not the same but like having the the indicator from the liquid auction side as being loaded as well but usually that kind of big big venting is indicator that they're loading methane in in this case they have the well now now we move away but the one of those all of all of those fents the one on the right is for the ship and all of the ones for the left are for the booster dedicated for the booster which is a new thing that they have introduced for flight three um that they have a dedicated subcooler for the ship and three dedicated sub coolers for the booster so yeah um that is interesting those three vents are right where there are three valves on the back side of those uh sub coolers so that is definitely them venting and cool chilling down propellent so right let me dare speed run this again before Alex see something else venting okay well we Chang views so I I try to to point out what we're seeing sometimes that's all right no that's fine I did ask you to inum me if you saw something so that's fine I'm just hoping they just stay like this I mean what Alex be fair let's before we go on to thanking more people what's the next thing you're looking for what is the next big thing where you go Chris Chris what is it I'm waiting for the for the O vent to start uh not to start to to stop excuse me uh but yeah it's actually going faster which I mean this is probably the the proper waterfall mode for the O event but now everything is venting cuz if if we can have like one white shot or anything you can see like everything is is venting I I saw SPL and there you go like just this view you have all of the of the condensation in the ground you see the O en vent the the QDR venting on the background on the back of the ol you can see all of the sub coolers from the from the methane side venting meanwhile the the liid auction tanks uh excuse me the sub coolers for the liquid auction they're also venting on their own just venting everywhere it's funkers and this is not even on propell oh well now we are in propellent lad that oil and vent has stopped right okay so then probably those vents that we saw uh before with the methane sub coolers then they are definitely uh loading methane onto the booster and the ship as well so given that we expect to see frost on the booster first but we don't know how it will look like for for flight three that is the EXA same thing today that we're going to see new things for Flight 2 flight one we used to see first the booster liquid auction tank then the ship liquid auction tank then the booster methane tank and then the ship methane tank I believe it was in that order we'll see we'll see how it'll be um but definitely keep an eye on the bottom of the booster cuz that's probably going to be the first location that we're going to see uh Frost right then dare I speed run will I get more than 5 seconds into this you'll probably have like 2 minutes until Frost appears oh go go go go go right uh thank you to Michael very much appreciate your support uh Steven also gifted Merit memberships thank you angry American was back and GI a red team membership after his message thank you angry American Nathan thank you for all great coverage thank you for your support oh my word right okay um Charles thank you very much for your support as well Elsa Alan who gifted a red team membership we've seen Wonker say become a Capcom member see you in the Discord um so did I actually did a message earlier um we've got star M saying no F3 let's go with the mo month with with this month well I might be asking him much that but we'll see you never know let's get Frosty go I3 says Kimberly yes I agree with that one as well thank you so much Steve says love the content as always do you guys have plans for our days for floating around or whatever to capture Starship entry um we're hoping Jack will be in a kayak for it now no you won't be that's really that's cruel especially when he's coming back on soon he'll shout to me for that um we we always got plans to look at what we can do so Never Say Never let's just leave it at that and in fact I will quickly say before Alex is definitely going to inter me soon um I will say that we're what we're plan what you see right now is things we've been planning like months and months before and then what we're planning right now is what you'll see in the future so we're always evolving our courage again thanks to your support So Never Say Never to things you don't see right now but would like to see we might be planning it already Alex well I'm already I'm already interrupting can we take trailer 2 I believe cuz the ship is now the first to be to be Frosty that's that's a change see see see changes CH it changes anyways boys but but yeah that is the liquid auction tank on the ship getting Frosty already so that is a huge confirmation that we are into Propel load here uh so it basically means that they're loading first the ship which is okay it's okay previous times it was the booster now it is the ship okay um that may also have to do with the fact that they have the new dedicated subcooler system for the ships so um yeah that is interesting also I see there's some droplets pulling our camera we're going to need a wiper system well I've just clipped that because I think that is the start of prop Lord proper regardless of it been shiper boost there for the wet dress rehearsal so I shall clip that part there I'm going to try multitask in fact I know Jack's coming on soon so what's going to happen is uh I will then update the X feed with the news but I think it's only fair 11,000 people in here right now those people have been patient a lot of those people have been patiently waiting for this so you get first look because you were here already rather than those people just scen I'll wait for a Chris Chris tweet or ex post or whatever you call it these days whatever the kids call it these days X isn't it that's right um and I will quickly thank more people because it's it's a crazy level today really is and very much appreciate it but there's some good questions as well uh da just say great coverage um got great with the patches too thank you very much for that uh Charles has used a support message to beckon people to like the stream we it's amazing uh 10,000 viewers and only 136 likes well I tell you one thing Charles if you refresh the screen you'll find YouTube's um browser in your situation was not updating the like count we have more than 136 likes thank you um but thank you for passing on that message to make sure you do like the stream cuz it does help it's free it's no how I'm asking people to like the stream it takes you one second it's free there we go um anonomous says of3 let's go within the month again so thank you for coming back to mention the same thing again I think the launch date itself I think we're looking at early March to be to be fair but don't rule anything out and there is a question actually from Chris w i r Chris W it says do you think the 3-week estimation from Elon is viable or is at Elon time well that was interesting because we do tend to think look at the frost there frost line is going up on the ship that's interesting I I do think the 3-we um note from Elon is probably realistic to be fair so if it said A week then maybe not but he said three weeks and I think that is fair I think it's all based on the fa8 now once to get past this red rehearsal and probably potentially a static fire and ship 28 I think they got plenty of time for the fa8 to say yes and then be ready for a launch early March is this going up quite fast uh Ryan can you have you watching the speed in which this gets Frosty is that even the correct terminology the the pace in which the frost line is rising oh Ryan's actually sorry Ryan the one time I actually asked you a question you just popped off for a second Alex um the frost line it's not really going up that fast is it yeah um I'm looking at things that make me go huh um but again this is a new timeline new procedures all around and so I don't really know what is going on right now um just to to give an idea of what I'm looking at so what I'm looking at right now is the fact that the tower vent has returned which is weird because it usually means that they're not loading liquid auction on board and as you can see that frost line is not really going that up uh so that is that is the thing that is troubling me um I'm sort of scrubbing here a little bit back on our internal feeds and yeah I don't see a lot of growth in the last minute or so on that frost line the tower vent coming back usually means because again as I was saying before that venting is gas dis auction so that is coming from having so you have the line going into the ship so to speak right and so you have that sort of vent on the side if you're venting off that oxygen it means that it's not going into the vehicle cuz it's going elsewhere it's going outside so whenever it appears with this strength actually it is it sometimes appear as trickling but it's okay when that happens when it happens with this strength it often means that they have stopped uh the liquid auction load I'm not sure what is going on with the methane side of things uh but it is definitely interesting I also saw the olm vent return but it now has stopped again so I'm not fully sure what is going on with the mm as well uh but we haven't seen Frost on the booster or at least I don't see frost on the booster so that is a little bit troubling uh but we'll stay here and see what happens now the tower vent is disappearing so that could be good news yeah it's interesting because this is why I do these right rehearsals it's all about practicing it's all about finding things it's all very useful people rightly may think oh that doesn't look right that went wrong you always want something to go wrong in testing it's like McGregor when we see occasional it is an occasional thing where a raptor will go pop they may have forced it past its pressure points where it's they getting data on how far they can push these engines it's all about data on the ground so that when they do launch these things they've got every chance they've walk down the risk towards a successful flight so whenever you see something that isn't quite right or something that doesn't fall at the pattern or something that isn't nominal so long as it's on the ground and nothing's gone boom as it's going uphill then that is a good result so that is why there's important context to why they test in fact it's a very well-known rocket science thing this is why we test literally that's what all companies use that phrase because it's important to find issues on the ground to avoid issues during the ride up to space yeah and this is and it is important to stress that there are a lot of new systems for this flight that they hadn't been rehearsed on previous flights cuz again they they sort of sometimes when we talk about the previous flights it seems like oh everything is just already proven so they don't need to do anything else when they flew the previous missions they they did what is usually called a minimum VI viable product sort of thing where they had the the the the size of the tank farm was big enough to be able to let a full stack fly and you know it it it was enough for the job but now they're trying to optimized things cuz now they have already flight data right so they have optimized the the tank farm they have now a full kitted uh tank farm with full pumps with full uh sub coolers and everything now they're starting to get into that point where now that they have a basic mold now they're trying to optimize it and try to get better at it and in that time time they're going to have these sort of pains with the GSC all all over again cuz it's new GSC and so it it's bound to happen this this sort of thing where they they found these these little snags on the road I guess very good and at this point I'm going to go rush off and do the important job bandic caming some clips for the X feed nering where we are in current status and lucky people you've got Jack back is Jack back on commentary I am back on commentary and we are I was all ready to say and we are back with Starship full stack testing but kind of odd to see what's going on right now but thank you for uh the break Chris I walked the dog she was happy to get some outside time indeed thank you chat bye for now bye so what is going on we saw them load good question on the ship good first which is normally not how it goes right no so what could what they could be doing with this new count uh is since they have dedicated ship sub coolers now on both the locks and the methane side uh they have a decent amount more they might have a decent amount more prop load capability on the booster so those start loading boost start loading the ship and then into ship load they'll load booster and they'll load it fast so I'm talking full load within like 50 minutes kind of fast um and that would be that would try to be it so that ship is already partially loaded and then booster loads they fast load it because they have more capability to load the booster than they do ship but they load ship a little bit slower and then say like 50 minutes after it's all fully loaded cuz I mean they weren't they weren't loading ship for long and that's already a decent frost line on ship that's pretty fast considering um so I I think what happened was is they started loading and it it seems like they might have run into something it's kind of it's kind of odd cuz a lot like sub coolers are dead and a lot of venting is stopped so I I don't know they they seem to have just halted all prop loading cuz they may ran into an issue but we we don't really know we'll have to wait and see here this this view is the perfect example of that like just 15 minutes ago there were venting everywhere from this View and now there's like nothing at all we saw a little bit of frost on the ship uh and nothing else I don't want to REM I I would like to remind people if you were around for December testing with booster 10 and uh ship 28 um the booster was tested here on the mm because is the only place it is the only place where they can do static fire testing of the booster yet I guess um but the thing is this is not the first test with some of the new some of the new hardware and I say some cuz for other parts it is completely the first one but um what I'm trying to say here is that when they tested booster 10 they also had issues they they in fact went straight ahead to a 3 33 and static fire test of booster 10 and during the propell load they stopped the propell load stopped and they were like uhoh what's going on and it seemed like they hit a snag there uh with the propenal load they worked on the tank farm for another week or so until they actually tried again the static fire test that was bit painful cuz it was also in Christmas time uh so everyone one of us here had to to sort of scramble to I think it was December 28th or 29th that they did the the static fire in the end and that same day they did a ship static fire test of ship 28 so we had double treat for Christmas I guess we had uh chip 28 static fire test and then booster 10 um 33 engine static fire test so again there's a lot of new systems in play here so it is about to happen that's space is hard and all all of the the phrases and and things that you can imagine I'm really I I'm so not a fan of space is hard like the sediment is is there you know I get it it's a complicated task to put anything in orbit yes I agree with the basic premise but it annoys me because I mean how long have we been flying Rockets now yes it's complicated but it's really just like fancy plumbing and some big tanks like really come on we should we should have a lock on this better than we we do already and when you see companies um you know succeeding so wildly like Vulcan flying perfectly mostly on its first launch um and you know everything that SpaceX is doing with Falcon 9 reusability that like that's why those things make me so excited is because it's it's doing it right it's what you want to see it's making it look easy not hard anyways interesting hold situation out here little bit of frost on the ship and uh not a lot going on at the orbital tank farm or anywhere else do have something interesting though um real quick Chloe Dan in chat says Jack has no idea how hard space actually is all right that's fair I'm a photographer not a space ometer or an engineer or anything oh look at this is this what you're about to call out Ryan yes so it looks like the roadblock has moved back to the normal location that it would be for like a normal testing um that it's hard to know what that means um that could mean that they aren't they might have stopped um or they were there might be a red team headed to the pad um I don't know if they have enough time in the window to fix something and then keep going um it's we'll just kind of have to see if they you know we're going to have to look at signs you know see how the tank farm does if we a see any cars to the pad that kind of thing so we'll just kind have to wait and see here interesting so the roadblock has moved back well that says what that says to me is they are not currently in a configuration where they're going to go for a full load because that's that's when they move the roadblock right so interesting interesting sign of what's going on it seems like some cars are going down yeah right now the the ship is obviously with a little bit of liquid oxygen loaded on board that tiny little frost line ah poor poor ship but but yeah um well that's unfortunate let's put it that way well that's why you task so who knows you did the phrase they say how many flights will happen in 2024 and in 2025 I'm going to say I was going to say four flights this year but even that I feel like that might be a little bit wildly optimistic I'm going to go with three flights this year and eight in 2025 just because I want a nice big fancy number H people are I said you I said the the thing of you said the phrase and now people in chat are saying your phrases more data more better and all that stuff oh my God Ryan how many launches do you think in uh 2024 and how many in 2025 o 2024 um I can go with four to five Max it's going to be I mean just just vehicle Readiness alone it's going to be kind of hard I know they have most of the vehicles built but it takes a while to go from a stacked booster to a booster capable of actually flight uh it takes like nine months these days somewhere around the it takes a while to do it um 2025 H they all up their production the the biggest thing is how quickly can they turn this pad around they might might be able to do like 10 that's a maybe it's it's entirely dependent on the pad that's going to be the interesting one Alex what do you think um I think we'll see a maximum of five flights this year I don't see more than that and I don't think it's really with any um um what's it called the the regulation like the the PA or or anything like it I think it's just the tech techical limitations right now it doesn't seem like they are ready for more than that um and I guess this test is sort of a proof of that that things are still green they need to to grow and and flourish and everything you know I I I I really went really bad with that with that comparison but you get the point that um they still need a lot of testing they still need a a lot of uh data and yeah still need a second tower I mean once we get a second tower once we get a second tower in Star base I mean I we've talked a lot about you know where's it going to go uh when's it going to come online but to just really contemplate SpaceX having two pads in bokach chica that's going to be such a game changer they're going to be able to I mean obviously launch twice as many starships and whatever they get the the pad refurbishment time down to it's only going to and I'm excited I'm excited tldr I'm excited for a second tower and once that happens we'll see the the like really start cranking up I mean the the skyline of star base is going to change a lot in the next 18 to 24 months um we're getting I some of you may have noticed um we're going to be getting a uh at least not we SpaceX is going to be building a I think it's a six level parking garage it looks like it's going to go behind uh the Stargate building where they're currently doing some uh Drilling and pilane and then they have a five I think it's a five level office building that they're building next to the star Factory um which is going to be uh that's going to be a sight to see and then I I personally would expect Stargate building in the high Bay to go and then they build another Mega Bay that's what I would expect so like in 2 3 years time you're going to have three Bays a parking garage a factory and office you're going to have a lot of stuff um yeah I mean it it's it changes dramatically like just from week to week and even in the in the just a few years since starhopper I mean it's insane it really has gone from basically like a sandb bar to a actual fully-fledged Starship Factory so looks like is the Alex are you doing any AB testing uh is the frost receding growing what's going on here oh that kind of looks like it's going down yeah it's yeah the frost is going down and and so that will that will indicate obviously a det tanking in progress right now um I will say though um when they did the wet dress for flight one and flight two they did not hit any snags mhm so this is this is also precedented in the sense that they have had lots of luck I guess but they also to to also be fair to to luck I guess uh but not to SpaceX is is also the fact that for flight one they had multiple tests before so they had tons and tons of partial load testing um they also had the booster being being tested mean booster 7 was tested so many times boy uh but yeah and then for flight two they also did a partial yeah they also did a partial test before the the wet dress rehearsal for flight two for flight three they sort of tried to go straight into a wet dress rehearsal because of you know we saw the evacuation happening we had the road block going up to the usual uh blast danger area for launches so they they were obviously prying to go into a full load of the rocket a full wet dress rehearsal and it seems like they hit that snag very early on and so that's that's probably some lessons learned I guess that well if this were a launch now you have prepared everything for a launch and you have hit a snack basically few minutes into Propel load and yeah so more testing more better Jack I believe you are muted don't steal my bit yeah cuz I knew you were going to say don't steal my for well yeah well there you go sorry it took me a second to unmute Mister thank you for the store purchase they say if I have3 is an allout success as in ship splash down what if do you think will the first catch attempt be booster 20 I feel like I want to collate every time I been asked this question so I can know how my prediction has changed over time or if I'm consistent I doubt I'm consistent but my gut is like somewhere in the 20s of for booster uh Ryan what do you think depending on how these next few flights I mean I could see it like 16 or booster 16 or higher a little bit around there I wouldn't be that surprised um you also have to like factor in the uh SpaceX skips and n number of boosters factor into any equation that you like whatever whatever serial number or booster number you're saying it it's one of those things though with with what they've got here and it's the whole thing of okay we've got the new version of ship or possibly a newer version of booster like we've seen we've now seen booster 14's common Dome uh roll out of the star Factory it's got four locks vents on the side like booster 13 does have to analyze it more to see if we got any more changes um but like it's it's unknown whether or not they fly them all um especially with a version two uh coming coming or do they fly like ship 32 or 31 they do seem set on making sure ship 31 is ready for flight though they are they are working inside it finishing off some tiling they're they're working on it so they seem to be set on wanting to try to fly it now do will they that's the other question what what happens when we get there 32 on the other hand chip 32 is sitting out in the Rocket Garden hasn't been touched in months so there's a chance that that one doesn't fly at all and they go to version two at that point but when a version two will be ready your guess is as good as ours on that one I'm excited to see it I I'm very excited to see version two and eventually I guess version three you know just the iteration of Starship over time especially the different Starship variants like I can't wait till we see the first tanker variant I can't wait till we see this first HL like can we take a moment and just really think about what this vehicle is going to look like like this is an excellent shot to sort of complicate like take the flaps off paint it white put the worm on there like let's go I cannot wait for that Alex did you want to answer I figured I could give you a break on that one but if he wanted to answer you could I don't even remember the the question anymore booster catch which booster you think will be the first one to be caught if everything goes right on uh on flight three and the ship splashes down no anomaly investigation Etc it'll either be on the late 10 or the early 20s at the earliest on booster zial number right I feel I feel good feel good because I said 20 so I feel like you I'm I'm doing the right thing because you're smart so hooray um Anonymous thank you for the story purchase they say I'm not sure if this has been asked but what's everyone's percentage on a fully successful flight I say 90 to 95% it really sort of depends on how you define fully successful if we take it literally I'm going to say like 70 to 80% Ryan what do you think okay fully successful are we talking are we talking uh re-entry splash down yeah take it literally flight three follows the profile exactly okay I just wanted to be sure what our what our definition success was um I could say 80 85 yeah to get all the way sure why not we'll go with 885 Alex are you going to come in with like a super pesimistic like 50% because I think that's reasonable I really do yeah percentage of what fully successful flight but like if you define fully successful as it follows the stated profile exactly ship does anything supposed to doost does to do speak enough booster doing what he supposed to do it looks like it's fening interesting I wonder if yeah they're they're depressing or DET tanking I'm also mad super heavy hang on hang on I just want to I just want to listen this sounds awesome it's right there next to the to the hot staging ring oh like right above the grid fan yeah look at that yeah it's the new methane vent yeah that's uh every vent's open that's a full de press of the booster y wel yep that's a that's a welp you know what I'm not even mad we got some really cool views today like this one it's awesome looking you know with uh you know I'd rather I'd rather this happens on a test day than launch day so yeah yes uh this is why you test go ahead I I with um with already changes that we can see to the to the launch count here cuz we can already see changes to it I am now even more excited when they actually do the full wet dress I am incredibly excited cuz I really want to see all the changes and how quickly they could possibly load this rocket cuz like we see them load Falcon 9 in what 3 35 minutes and I think Falcon heavy is 45 it's like uh those are pretty decently sized Rockets now this thing is like 5,000 tons of propellant and they want to load it in 50 like that's that's ridiculous it is really I it's truly truly ridiculous to think about like 5,000 tons of propellant moving from one side of this facility to the other into this giant cylinder uh I mean we see so many pump like so much pump uh pump work at the orbital tank farm like changing out this pump changing out that pump uh and I I really do wonder if they're just like running these things ragged uh and just burning pumps out left and right but it's SpaceX seems to have this desire to rapidly fuel their vehicles as part of being able to reach a you know High Cadence with them so it's just crazy that they've managed to achieve the same thing with Starship that they have with Falcon 9 and Falcon heavy in terms of speed just because it's so much more propellent uh Alex you want to give uh give us a recap SL state of play for anyone that may have just joined um yeah so right now we seem to be in some sort of a hold uh we saw all of the ground systems like everything venting mm uh Tower QD arm uh the the sub coolers were venting everything was venting and so um the oent stopped the sub coolers uh on the methane side went off as well which is usually the indication that they have a started methane load we saw it for the ship sub coolers and and the booster sub coolers uh we saw all of that now that indicated that propell load was starting and within five maybe 10 minutes stps of that happening it seems like it stopped the only thing that we the only Frost that we saw at all was on the ship liquid auction tank that that was the only tank that got Frosty doesn't mean that it that it was the only tank that got loaded all of the tanks might have gotten some kind of load in some shape or form but you know the only one that got to the point of actually crossing the we line of the of the aome of it uh was the liquid auction tank on the ship after that we saw that Frost stop we saw some certain vents return and then things seem to have just died down including that that frost line is receding and almost disappearing you can see there's not a lot of Frost left over now on that ship so we think they are hit some sort of a hold here on the process we're not sure if they're going to be resuming the wet dress rehearsal um the roadblock that was located at the usual launch blast danger area location uh it has returned to the one that is used for testing um so that is also concerning we don't know if it is because they want to come back to the to the pad or something like that like they're waiting just for for for things to be safe to approach for a red team to like that that could be a reason why this is the case right that they they're wanting they're they're waiting for for things to be Sav enough for our red team to come here to the pad and fix whatever it is that that cost the hold and maybe they could proceed into the wetus rehearsal later down the the the day because they have up until 8:00 p.m. for for for the road closure today now that means that by 8:00 pm they need to have completed the wet dress so they will have to repair whatever cost is they will have to go back into propell load sequence load the rocket then Reach the the simulator t0 DET tank the rocket and then uh save everything by 800 PM Central it's a it's an aru task let's let's be fair right but yeah um we'll see we'll see what happens more venting from the booster there well I'm going to run through some support Luca thank you so much for the €1 they say star base looks very Scrappy for space flight standards do we expect the next tank farm orbital launch Mount to be much cleaner looking tank farm yes I think the orbital launch mount looks it's pretty good like maybe I'm just biased because I remember seeing it without all the shielding on it for so long and it you just saw all of the internal plumbing and like valves and control panels and everything um it looks like so clean and nice now compared to back then remember what it looked like when they first put booster 4 on yeah like it was what how long trying to remember it was only like a week or two after they had lifted the o ring on onto the legs that was so janky remember when they lifted a ship on oh Tower vent just started again yeah that is that is common when they're doing this this sort of DET tanking process we can also see the the rec condenser they that little vent in front of the armor tanks I guess you can call them now like that they look cool I like I like the look of the of the additional um I don't know what you want to call them supports that are that are on the the the water tanks they're so they make them look so much better and less Jank um Rod thank you for the store purchase they say now I will have a complete set of patches picked up a mug to boot nice thank you for doing that we hope you enjoy the merch gayen thank you for the support they say I was privileged to be there for the stacking and launch of if2 nice good Luca thank you again for gifting a red team membership da Swanson also gifting a red team membership Anonymous thank you for the purchase they say the thanks for these live streams bought all the patches chairs um another anonymous said need another t-shirt love the patch for if3 need to support NSF win-win I'd say thank you so much seriously the the support that we get especially ahead of these bigger events like starship's next flight is so critical and so amazing because we want to do as many cool things as we can and bring you the very best coverage of if3 you seem to be robotic Jack yeah yeah we we need to get a hold hold hold on that internet but yeah you can see there are a lot of venting uh that little vent from the that is that is normal that we've seen that kind of event before but yeah just a lot of um uh depressing like depressing all the systems cleaning it all out um after loading all the propellant it's basically all they're doing at this moment they're safing everything what they're doing we'll see um let's see CH are you back I think yeah can you hear me yeah yeah you're better now cool yeah I don't know what's up with my internet today sorry Anonymous or no Anthony thank you for the support they say keep up the coverage picking up a couple things from the store looks like the patches nice lady rocket becoming a pad rat member party Dragon thank you for the support they say the tower arm is Frosty they spilled cryo on the steel structure uh no are they are we are we talking about the tower vent or the QD arm if there's frost on the QD arm I bet that's just from that the new that new vent which was really cool looking by the way I was watching that while I was uh walking the do the purple sector thank you for the support they say thank you for becoming a red team member oh they are they became a red team member I'm an idiot Anthony Frank Gomez thank you for the extremely generous Super Chat they say Texas tpwd would that be Texas Power and Water Department oh it's the it's the land say they're Al they're have a meeting on March 4th at their Austin headquarters regarding the land regarding the land swap there's an email address for public comments hope you all show support if approved new tower will be built there love you NSF happy vday so the land swap was more about land around Highway 4 sort of to the west of the pad and the west of the suborbital pad am I is that is that correct yeah so the land that they want there's a lot of land that they wanted so there there was a good chunk of it that is basically just on the other side of that Gateway To Mars sign uh there's a section of land they want there um and then there was uh some land that they wanted over by the village too probably to expand the village a little bit more possibly more housing um and I think they were going to hand over uh a bunch of land over near um Port Isabel I don't remember ex exactly where I'd have to look at the maps again but yeah yeah yeah it's like uh it's like northish of Port Isabella if I'm not mistaken yeah somewhere around there so I I'm guessing they want it to expand the uh the launch site um I don't know if that area is Wetlands that would require Army Corps of Engineers all that fun Jazz um so even if they get it what I mean I don't know if they use it right away cuz the the funny thing is is people is if you look at any of the flyover photos or anything like that or even Google Maps you'll see that SpaceX has kind of a weird perimeter around their launch site the reason for that is is because the land that they built on was not Wetlands so they didn't have to like repurpose it somewhere else uh they were it was easier to to to build on that uh it was easier to build on that land without the extensive amount of paperwork now they own a lot of the wetlands like if they go if you go south a decent ways they they own more than enough spot to place an entirely new Launchpad and tank farm they own more than enough land to do it um the problem that is is that most of that is Wetlands which requires an Army Core of Engineers proposal approval plus a public comment period And there's a whole bunch of paper work and red tape that goes along with actually using that land um so if they do decide to build the second tower down there that is something we will see ahead of time um unless they decide to build it the suborbital site which they can just kind of destroy the suborbital site and drill into it without really anything else um and there is a ship depress vent right there look at that yeah more signs that uh we are if not wrapping up testing uh going to have a red team come back to the pad and try and hit something with a wrench and make it work right we did uh we did see that sort of earlier today right with the uh the teams right after they had closed the road going back out there and working on the QD arm with that the uh the access platform stretching it out and then bring it back in so who knows maybe we'll see the red team come back out we'll just have to keep an eye on the road block these these vents are always so like entrancing that and especially as the vehicles start to look better and better like the venting we were seeing on the booster a moment ago the venting we're now seeing on the ship it's just these things are such cool spacecraft it's so wild that we get to just observe them develop this insane system day by day and divine what's going on like wet dress rehearsal of the world's largest rocket for the third launch no big deal no no big deal speaking of no big deal we're going to tag out Alex and bring in Trevor so Alex thank you for joining us on the wet dress rehearsal attempt today uh oh boy yeah I I need a bit of a break here cuz it's already dinner time there's also a falcon night launch that I want to I don't want to miss we're live for that by the way uh so pull over a new tab or something so yeah I I need to eat people need to eat to to be alive so yeah I'll take a break here and I don't know maybe if if we're still live I guess I'll could come back all right cool see you guys bye Trevor what's up not a whole lot just got back from class and well kind of bummed we haven't seen more action yet off Starship but excited to be here what class it was model Theory and then abstract algebra 2 explain what those words mean um so model theory is basically the study of sentences um like if you have some structure What sentences or like what are all of the sentences that are true for that structure um and then abstract algebra is just like looking at if you have some relations between objects what holds and all of those objects and whatnot so neat I understood some of those words well uh have have you been able to keep up with what's going on do you need a a refresher I would love a tldw since I did not watch in the middle of lecture uh yeah Road closed tank farm started to spool up they sent A team out they worked on the QD arm a little bit the red team left tank farm continued to spool up uh they started loading prop on the ship liquid oxygen specifically and then stopped and uh then they moved the roadblock back to the usual like close in spot right there on Highway 4 and I think LBJ and now we're seeing a bunch of venting from the GSC and the ship and the booster so roadblock still in place they have the closure until 8:00 p.m. if I'm not mistaken so uh plenty of time for more testing to happen in theory if a fix is forthcoming and quick so we're hanging out and waiting to see what happens next excellent and we have a little picture in picture of the Falcon 9 launch out of 39 is that no that's 40 I I have to get used to there being a tower at 40 uh at Cape canaval space force station that's so wild um I don't know if Kevin can bring up the Tweet SpaceX just had a pretty cool tweet um because there's not only a pad a rocket vertical on pad 40 as you can see right now and on the orbital Launchpad there's also one vertical it's like 4 East and launch complex 39a so all four of space X's operational pads have vehicles vertical on them that's yeah that's insane insane yeah like like the definition of firing on all cylinders so uh out of SLI 40 SpaceX is launching the ussf 144 Mission or the space force if you are so inclined you can watch our stream of that which is also live right now you can have it in two tabs open I think if you if you are a oh I think we Jack went robot again y I'll continue with what he was saying though uh ussf 144 is on 40 uh slick for East has starlink group 7-14 uh and then 39a has the im1 mission uh which was they had a launch attempt last night um and then that got pushed to to tonight uh later tonight so space is going to if all launches are on track they will have three launches within the span of about 8 hours uh which is pretty remarkable uh and then of course the pads will be turned around rapidly for even more launches next week so crazy times I think I'm back can you hear me you are back you're back you're back man what like what is going on I'm sorry I apologize uh Anton thank you for the store purchases a whole bunch of them they say thanks for the great coverage very kind of you we hope you enjoy the patches I'm I'm glad people are taking heed in getting them while they last um let's see here blushy boy thank you for gifting a red team membership tnh are C vids becoming a red team member yes we hear you Starship Ryan what is that what is the vent on the um coming off the ship that mates to the vent on the hot stage ring and then dumps that we're seeing there on the left side it's the engine chill vent uh they're probably just getting rid of some access cryo that's left over so just nor just Norm normal kind of cleaning out the system basically is what they're doing at this rate safe and everything I'm a big fan of the engine chill vent for the ship it looks amazing the ways in which this vehicle comes alive when you get into prop loading or in this case unloading or whatever uh it just looks cool oh yeah it does Steve Steve Civic thank you for the support they say study this sentence 24 frames per second is better than 120 frames per second that's just false I can stud that really quickly I was like they know they know that Trevor is on now clearly oh man and they are they are baiting us I I I will say though personally like like as someone who plays a bunch of video games like I I remember playing the old consoles and stuff you know you're you're down 20 30 you're running 30 FPS on like Xbox 360 PlayStation 3 you got used to that so long and then when you get to like the updated consoles like Xbox One or PS5 or PS4 or even if you go over to PC gam and you get 60 plus FPS it's it is such a game changer cuz your eye it's like you hit 60 FPS and it's like all of a sudden you've unlocked something your eyes everything's so smooth it's like what is going on you know yeah Dimension you have people like Jack that say that you would rather have a choppy video than a smooth video really you doing this right now I mean I am doing this right now Jack I I I will say this there are there are some movies where you don't want to smooth them out like the old movies like the old Star Wars older Stargate all these things that are shot in like 24 FPS and you don't want you know it's the way you've always used it and if you were to view it in like a higher FPS it would just look wrong like am I the only one my internet is my internet is not conducive to me properly making my argument right now but I don't think everything should be 24 frames per second I think certain things should be and higher frame rates or refresh rates are appropriate in different circumstances like I'm not saying you should have a VR headset that's 24 HZ or 24 frames a second on the display like a cool cool thing of like 24 FPS for those who have seen uh Spider-Man into the spiderverse or or any of those two animated movies like they shoot most of the characters in 24 frames per second but when miles is first starting out they shoot it in 12 cuz he's like janky which it it's it's an artistic decision so you know higher FPS isn't always better Trevor sometimes it's an artistic decision and there is one exception and I I think this is a big exception I agree with you that uh interlacing like madeup frames is atrocious and all of the like smoothing algorithms that some TVs have to try to up 24 FPS content to 60 or whatever just looks actual garbage and as Jack well not Jack will agree with me on this those settings should always be turned off immediately yeah they're travesty they're one of the worst things humankind has perpetrated on other humans man uh and I say that jokingly obviously but it is awful um yeah I don't know we've we've uh We've waxed on we studied the sentence there you go little bites whoa whoa Deluge Del test nice 342 I mean I I wonder if this was the original t0 and they decided just to go with it anyways right that that does fit the timeline yeah I'll never get tired of seeing that that was fantastic and that is why we stay live thank you yes I agree with a in the back in the back channel that is why we stay live yeah I'm interested to see how the new uh blast wall contained or did not contain that water or like helped channelize its direction but very interesting to uh to see that Del system go off that that new blast wall is more for the shock waves and sound of a launch than the water but it'll help it'll help so it doesn't hit that as much but yeah that was awesome so just to round out the the frames per second discussion before we got distracted by that pesky awesome Del test Lil bites in chat says Jack are you really telling me you wouldn't want to watch a 4K 120 Fram per second video of Starship on on OLED no I'm I've never said that I would love to do that I wish I had an OED TV and I plan on shooting Starship again in 4k 120 so yes give me um Trevor out here perpetuating lies about me I did not say that Suzanne thanks for coming a padra member Matt PD thank you for the support uh they say make that 23.976 frames per second which looks perfect at 180° I yeah I mean I'm not the biggest fan of 30 but I'll shoot 30 if I have to I've never understood why you know I like I know MKBHD is passionate about this about 30 versus 24 frames and like to me they both are just too low like who cares about those six frames you need way more than six TR let's talk about Starship because we could literally do this for hours I like how I lasted about 5 minutes on stream before this came up so just to um cover this so that water Deluge test was 50 minutes after the M vent had shut off and they looked like they were starting prop load on the booster so if that tracks they were looking at they're looking at you know 50 minute full like the start of prop load I think was I have to I have to see where start of prop load was on ship I think it was like 5 10 minutes before so you're you're looking at 55 minutes for prop load and then you get that final five and then hit the water delusion go which would track towards a quicker countdown so when they do do this full wet rehearsal we'll really have to see if they load it that fast um I'm kind of curious if they decided just to keep the like t quote unquote t zero of the wet dress and just test the water delug anyway since they haven't done it in a little while right yeah very interesting it's pretty crazy that if that timeline is true that is quicker to load propellant than Falcon heavy and there's a lot more propellant that needs to be loaded on Starship yeah what did you say Ryan 5,000 tons of propellant in 50 minutes that's insane yeah that's what how quick is how quick is Falcon heavy again Trevor um give me a second one there was your second give me a minute then okay all right Falon off the top of my head but heavy is just not quite common enough for me to know yeah true fair enough Anonymous thank you for the support and grabbing the patch it's such a good looking patch Steven thank you for the support grabbing something from the store they say d to the face and also grabbing a patch yeah so Falcon heavy rp1 load begins uh at tus 50 minutes and liquid oxygen load begins at tus 45 minutes if uh this chart I'm looking at is correct yeah so it'd be just as fast or or so as a falcon heavy which is insane it's Insanity like I I don't I don't know any other way to say it it's a truly impressive feat of engineering that we are graced with the luxury of being able to like backseat driver or like you know a lawn chair quarterback like we just get to sit here and watch them test this insane vehicle the future of space flight before our eyes uh it's funny 28 minutes ago in our question Q we have Paul F asking will they do a deluge test also the answer is yes Israel Brewster is asking is the far roadblock down uh they did move the roadblock back up to LBJ and Highway 4 the standard spot for like static fires and whatnot I'm not sure is the roadblock at uh Richardson gone so they if I remember correctly cuz they had a road block at like the production side entrance or somewhere around there um I I don't I'd have to look back to see where it was cuz do you remember where it was Jack the uh the original roadblock I think it was somewhere up around the production site um the ones the ones that we saw earlier today were the one at LBJ in Highway 4 and the other one at Richardson in Highway 4 over there by uh By The River cam okay yeah so I I don't think that one is still up um but hly haven't seen see if it is but it looks like they moved some of it back because they are DET tanking and safing the vehicle so which is unfortunate all righty all I am spaghetti is asking what ship and what flight will be the first crude Mission oh man go nope no you have to give a better answer than that make a wild guess it is so far out um that you know SpaceX has been pretty public about how while they're working on crew stuff in the background it's very much not their main priority right now since they haven't even gotten the ship into orbit yet and even once they get a ship into orbit they then need to get it back and then they need to start getting to a version that is actually operational right look at Falcon 9 uh it took them many block upgrades before they reached a version of Falcon that they were comfortable launching humans on and now you have to do that similar process for a much more complex vehicle that is uh Has No abort system and uh has to go through re-entry with the entire second stage um and then of course you you will ALS almost certainly have to do some refuelings or refilling in there uh and so you'll just need so much launch infrastructure and a level of operational vehicle that is just nowhere close to being ready so I don't foresee this happening for at minimum 5 years but probably more like a decade uh that we see humans fly launch on Starship and land on Starship and what serial number will be on in that many years is beyond me H yeah it's way I could see that like they have a ways to go to to verify this system you know and I I know for a fact that they won't want to launch humans off of Starship from the pad into orbit without I I I know I think it was was it Elon or is it Gwen I can't remember who said it it was like they wanted like hundreds of flights under their belt where they did something along those lines but wasn't there also like a comment from Gwen about if they take as long to get humans on Starship as they did on Falcon 9 then they it was like a major company fail that was like the quote I yeah oh I I vely remember that but it's I don't remember the exact context but what she may have been saying is that you know like hls would count toward that goal and I I see hls happening way before um you know launch an entry on Starship yeah yeah that makes sense it's it's really fascinating to think about what this place is going to look like in uh in 10 years okay so the the roadblock is no longer at Richardson good to know yeah good to know I guess that's the looks like uh one LBJ is the only uh roadblock we have which means they're just waiting for the Launchpad to be safe and then cuz I don't think they'll do any I don't think they'll go into back into any prop load status not with fully depressing everything and and everything like that I mean if they did run into an issue which it really looks like they did my guess is they'll want to Safe everything go out there check all the systems um we do know that they have a closure for tomorrow um so uh so they could they could use that closure to do it but if for some reason they can't fix whatever issue they had they can go ahead and use the one they have for Tuesday um so all righty well we just wait to see what happens next Del test was awesome um let's see oh just to go back to that question really quick Ryan did you have any thoughts on first first crude mission that you wanted to hit before we moved on h i i i i don't know what ship M it would be but I want it to be called Enterprise that's fair I was going to say like ship 50 but no that's not that far away though yeah that seems wildly early it's probably in the hundreds Trevor got me all pessimistic now cuz I hope my answer is very very pessimistic but you know this is a hard problem and you you don't want to have a repeat of you know shuttle and there are you know there are lots of differences between Starship and shuttle there also a lot of similarities and I really hope SpaceX is very careful about putting people on this vehicle and I'm sure they will be for sure here's the thing with that though too is it actually like say ship 60 or something or do they name it like cs1 cruise ship one right you know I mean certain point once we're in like the hundreds the SN well the ship number Paradigm becomes like oh it's Chip 337 like what what I think they'll do and I I it would just help to differentiate I mean it'll be kind of obvious to see what each vehicle is used for but what I hope they do is like they they have a different they have like T for tanker or c for cargo variants CS for crew or like hls for the HL less variant or something along those lines I think that would be kind of cool to do that Ryan what's going on there on the left all that venting uh that is the methane sub coolers venting um I think just they all just fired up one by one I think they're purging the last it looks like we have and there are some of the sheriffs leaving the uh road block it looks like yeah there was there's one or less car or so there um it looked like one just started heading down Highway 4 a car just did I think they're just purging the last of uh releasing the pressure um that's left over in the sub coolers there say one final safing so yeah we we 100% have a c of the pad now so that that and the last cars are leaving the roadblock which pretty much indicates we are uh we're done for today um un unfortunately whatever whatever issue SpaceX had run into let's hope that they can uh figure it out maybe have it go again tomorrow if not uh maybe around Tuesday next week um but do remember it's still a test program you know things break things happen this is why we test so no worries yeah the road and Beach are now open well that'll do it road is open that means testing is over for today was was a pretty nice day though we got some action we got some prop loaded on the ship we uh got to hang out and chitchat and argue about frame rates um yeah they have a closure or tomorrow um and and I won't be surprised if we see them attempt a full wet dress rehearsal again and you better believe we're going to go live for it but uh yeah I think with that we should wrap it up uh Ryan thanks for being on the stream yeah thanks Jack uh came home went to sleep woke up you know joined in it's always fun to join in got to got to see some new interesting stuff though even even though it was only a little bit but it makes me even more excited for when they do the full wet dress rehearsal absolutely Trevor thank you on as well of course as soon as I get here uh I scrub everything and they're done for the day but um hopefully tomorrow we'll see some more action that's all your fault Trevor um also thank you to Alex for being on earlier and uh thank you to Chris Bergen and Ryan Kon for being on earlier as well and thanks to Kevin Michael Reed for operating the stream um I think let's all go watch USS f124 and be friends in chat over there so thanks for watching stay tuned for updates as far as when we're going to go live for um whatever they're testing tomorrow probably another wet dress rehearsal attempt so we will uh bring you that when it happens we also have a new daily watch the new daily and uh twist watch twist watch all the things all right thank you everyone for the a huge amount of support on today's stream we'll see you again for the next one for
Channel: NASASpaceflight
Views: 203,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Livestream, spacex starship, elon musk, spacex news, starship spacex, starship launch, spacex launch, boca chica, spacex starship update, elon musk spacex, spacex super heavy, spacex live, starship live, starship rocket, spacex rocket launch, raptor engine, Booster 9, Starship Stacking
Id: Aaw_5EP6F6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 304min 44sec (18284 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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