Returning to Oneness - The Most Eye Opening Spiritual Documentary Film on Non-duality

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remember the vastness of this universe and the insignificance of the mental story just remembering where a spec of dust on a speck of a planet which is in this giant solar system which is just a spec in the Galaxy which is invisible from deep space we live in an ever expanding and Contracting universe that goes on forever time has no beginning time has no end every single living being can trace its DNA back to the very first single celled organism the idea of separate families is an illusion because we are all deeply related and connected and it is that illusion that we fall for that is why we have war and conflict peace within leads to peace on Earth before spirituality I only knew how to be happy when something made me happy whether it was alcohol or a promotion or a raise or watching a movie eating deliciously unhealthy food and I was just chasing pleasure after pleasure mindlessly looking for happiness and thinking I was happy if I could do that successfully just go from pleasure to pleasure only later I realized that all the stress all the back pain all of the addiction was really covering up a lack of true [Music] happiness since I discovered meditation mindfulness spirituality if something pleasurable comes into my life great if it leaves also great there is no chasing anymore there is gratitude for what comes and even gratitude for what leaves because even during my hardest days and weeks there was Beauty there was love there was laughter in every heartache in every grief there is love in every loss in every tragedy there is is Hope and I would say I still have fun I I would say I have more fun everything is connected everything that is good happened because of every single thing that was bad I called it the law of best possible outcomes and what I mean is that even though terrible things happen in every one of our lives and some more so than others I have noticed that these often tragic events become turning points in our lives that lead us into new places to meeting new people to developing new strength and wisdom within us and everything that is bad that happened happened because of those good things because everything had to happen exactly the way it did and it could not have happened any other way and if we changed one little thing everything would be different each of us has this beautiful choice to see ourselves as the villain the victim or the hero the beginning of the universe the Big Bang was like a can of paint spilling off a table it splatters on the floor and we don't say these drops are good but those drops are bad it just is and it is perfect and every drop fell exactly as it was supposed to and it couldn't have happened any other way everything is perfect except for our mental reaction to the universe's Perfection only the mind says things are imperfect when everything just is that is perfection and even if we have had Decades of bad luck we can turn that around starting with turning that mental story around because everything flows from our mindset from the story We Tell ourselves [Music] what makes an individual is not the body or the name or nationality it is having a experience of a life that we experience the universe from a unique perspective and it is that perspective that is who we truly are deeper than the physical body which will age and change every single one of us is witnessing a universe that revolves around us that we are the focal point of in a way we live in a Multiverse because everyone is in their Universe co-creating their own experience we are all drifted in the sea of Consciousness gods in control of our experience forgetting that we are gods do you think you possess your experiences or does the universe possess it God is just beyond thoughts close your eyes still your mind and you will see the universe within just pause a moment to feel the peace and love that is there underneath just for a moment feel that loving presence of present moment awareness feel the body within feel the world around breathe in Mother Nature breathe out back to Mother Nature breathe in the plants breathe out without giving back to the plants when I was living in a Buddhist Monastery in Thailand I heard a story that a few years before I got there they were offered an electric dishwasher and the Buddhist monks rejected the generous gift and they politely explained that to them the dishes are not a chore it's not about having all the dishes cleaned so they can get on to something more relaxing and more enjoyable doing the dishes is a meditation it is an opportunity to be present and that ability to enjoy doing the dishes and once we can do the dishes with full presence there's nothing afterwards that's going to be more enjoyable because whatever it is will be present for that too and it's just a different experience not better or worse not complaining about it not craving for something else there is nothing preventing us from enjoying it except our mental story about it literally nothing is real things are just atoms and atoms are Just Energy stop getting worked up about things family problems Stop Believing they are problems financial problems not real lose a loved one nothing can ever be lost because nothing ever existed except as a memory in your [Music] mind we must also trust that the universe doesn't make mistakes There Is No Death and there is no birth there is only change of form because life is a Eternal they are not accidents they are equally beautiful processes of transformation we will never be born and we will never die because the universe was never born and will never die there is only change like the shape of the ocean will change constantly but if it doesn't disappear even the water that evaporates it goes somewhere it becomes rain everything is simply change and every beginning and ending are simply Illusions before every beginning there was something before that and after every ending life still went on and so the real question is not why is there something instead of nothing the real question is why was there never nothing [Music] when I was in dhala the um home of the government of Tibet in Exile uh I was at a Buddhist Monastery this was in a beautiful Monastery on the top of a mountain m in the himalayans and I was just sitting outside you know looking at the forest and uh a Buddhist monk had joined me and he I don't know he could read my mind he just knew I I was kind of pondering life and he said you know life fires the first Arrow at us and we fire the second one back at ourselves through our a verion and resistance and tension with whatever shot that first Arrow you know whatever kind of difficulty in life came our way and he said the secret is to turn that second Arrow into an acupuncture needle of healing and that's just something I'll never forget because the way we view the world is through our conceptions of the world we don't view the world we we conceive the world so often so much of our Lives we relive the worst moments over and over again uh the worst moments in the past the worst imagined Futures possible and we could just instead choose to relive the best moments or to just be present and and enjoy whatever experience is happening in that moment and the question is just how do you look at difficulties do you welcome challenges and opportunities to grow or do you fear them resist them they will come the question is how do you view it how do you deal with it and you know when you have this Viewpoint which I've really adopted ever since is that there is nothing bad that can happen in life everything is neither really good nor bad it's just okay this happened I'll deal with that now this happened I'll deal with that and as long as you can have this view then everything is just peaceful nothing can disturb it doesn't matter if you win the lottery or lose lose everything there is just this is where I am this is what I have to do and and do it loneliness is a tragic feeling of being disconnected from your true nature which is truly Oneness and one with everything in everyone and aloneness is peace peace and beauty and Bliss and the most amazing experience we can [Music] have Oneness is the realization of the deeper truth of our reality it is what naturally emerges as we look deeper into our existence and to the causes of our experience when the illusion of separateness disappears what emerges is the realization that everything is interdependent and interconnected there is no separateness there is no independent objects with their own independent origination which essentially means that nothing exists without the Observer that things only have meaning because we give them meaning in Buddhism they meditate on the concept of something as simple as a chair and if I remove one leg of the chair is it still a chair what if I remove both legs of the chair or the seat of a chair at what point does it not be a chair and and what they what he's getting at is that uh there really is no chair unless a person sees it thinks chair uses it as a chair this is a human concept you know this this object exists but only a human makes it a chair and that reality is only created by The Observer whatever is temporary is mere illusion it's here one minute gone the next like a magic trick every physical thing in our lives is temporary and yet we spend so much time obsessing on these illusory perceptions understanding impermanence on a deep level rids the mind of any ability to experience loss grief sorrow and attachment the only permanence is impermanence only the non-material empty space Light Of Consciousness is permanent this is real this is worth focusing on [Music] we are the universe like a fish in water unaware that it's in water we are an interconnected part of this universe when you can sit with yourself close your eyes and find peace with nothing then everything becomes a joy everything is a gift when you need nothing when nothing brings peace and joy and Stillness and calm Serenity then nothing can disturb that peace everything can only add to it let these negative emotions just let them go you find that All That Remains is is gratitude love Bliss Joy um and and your life just improves dramatically and so the practice simply becomes welcoming each moment and letting it go staying in the here and now realizing that it is only our thoughts that are making us suffer there can be pain and that's okay there can be loss and that's okay [Music] if we can understand that we are the light bulb in the projector and not the film and the images on the film strip then no matter what happens in our life we can simply enjoy the show and we really can see in depth that the en energ that is no longer flowing that is where all the magic happens and if we can start to spend a little time looking a little deeper all of our day-to-day stresses will not seem like the end all Beall of our lives and they're really is an underlying magic to everything [Music] life is eternal but that doesn't mean death is eternal because death is not real there is only life just as birth is not real There Is No Death we were alive long before our parents ever even met we were alive in our grandparents and great grandparents Our Lives can be traced back to when this universe first began but even before that because the conditions that led to the beginning were in place even before that moment we can't pinpoint down to the exact moment that we are born or when we die there is no single precise moment it is all a gradual transition and flow a constant change of form truly an eternal process of life that can really never be p pinpointed and will never end if not in this universe in Another Universe there is always life there is always life a rising falling away and a rising this is that process only when you really lose everything do you really really realize you've always had everything as long as we have breath we have life and that is [Music] everything the world may not revolve around us but the universe does because there is no greater art than this universe life beyond the thoughts the form and the body beyond the name and the nationality no attachment to any desire no attachment to any outcome no attachment to anything one day the credits Will Roll for us the movie will be over and the lights in the theater will come on but until then we get to live in this very well-designed illusion of separateness and just because it's been a long show years and decades doesn't mean we have to get get too caught up in the story this show is bigger than our little lives and the universe is speaking through us it's a beautiful world out there after every night the sun rises and it is the most glorious sight in the world at the end of every storm the sun shines through the rainbow [Music] appears everything is contained in every thing [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Todd Perelmuter
Views: 4,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spirituality, mindfulness, meditation, how to be happy, why am i not happy, being happy, be happy, depression, anxiety, overthinking, how to be mindful, spiritual healing, spiritual help, awakening, stress, when life gets tough, dealing with life, spiritual advice, spiritual wisdom, enlightenment, eckhart tolle, mooji, krishnamurti, sadhguru, lifechanging, life-changing, addiction, be present, overcome, spiritual teachings, love, loneliness, rupert spira, enlightened, oneness, nonduality, duality
Id: GT48fZe6UQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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