6 Truths ONLY Highly Spiritual People Will Understand

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did you know that you are infinitely more powerful than you can possibly imagine your thoughts feelings energy and Consciousness are continually shaping and reshaping your reality in each passing moment to the spiritually awake this seems self-evident but for most these are radical concepts that can be difficult to grasp at first yet this is precisely why the spiritual path is so empowering and life-changing it awakens you to your true power as an infinite Soul inhabiting a human form let's explore six of these deep truths that only the awakened understand truth number one you are the dreamer of your dream imagine being the dreamer who constructs an entire universe inside your dream state the characters the story lines the emotional resonance it all originates from your Consciousness well in truth you are that Cosmic dreamer continually projecting your thought and energy into a living hologram we call the universe as you think a thought and attach meaning to it you breathe life into that concept allowing it to materialize as part of your experiential reality everything you perceive in your outer world had its origin as an inner projection of your Consciousness the world you see around you literally maps to what's happening inside you your fears doubts empowering beliefs emotional patterns when you get this you realize you hold the power to transform any aspect of your reality that is misaligned or disempowering by first becoming aware of and Shifting the inner patterns contributing to that experience this may be hard to believe at first but as you awaken spiritually you'll start witnessing just how intimately and immediately your Consciousness shapes your reality change your mindset especially your Baseline emotional states and you'll be astonished by the synchronicities and shifts that begin occurring in a very short time frame truth number two your life's purpose is Joy one of the biggest traps that keeps people in suffering and limitation is the belief that life should be an arduous struggle filled with sacrifice hard work and delaying gratification until some future moment of success or fulfillment spiritually awake people understand that the greatest work is to live in joy and alignment with your highest nature in this very moment your Soul's true essence is one of boundless Peace Love abundance and freedom anything other than that is just an illusion created by fear and limiting beliefs your purpose in this Human Experience is to reclaim your inherent Divinity and sovereignty as a forever Untamed Eternal Beacon of light and possibility does living from that place of radical Freedom feel challenging at times of course conditioning ego patterns and external circumstances can dull Your Shine temporarily but deep down you know this truth that your highest actualization is to become an Unstoppable force of Creative Energy Beauty growth and inspiration this life is not a dress rehearsal it's the main event the time to play bigger than any fear doubt or limitation is now when you start honoring and expressing your true Essence without apology bringing joy and Radiance wherever you go you become a living transmission of Spiritual Awakening you begin catalyzing ing others to remember and reclaim that same spark within themselves your joyful existence alone becomes the greatest offering to the universe truth number three everything is happening for your growth from a limited fear-based perspective life's challenges can seem terribly cruel unfair or even cruy punishing why do bad things happen to good people why do we suffer loss heartbreak setbacks and adversity the spiritual truth is that every single experience is not happening to you but for you you are an eternal soulle Essence temporarily experiencing a human existence in order to evolve and like a good video game console or amusement ride the obstacles adversities and conflicts you face are specifically coded in to take you to the next level rather than resisting or cursing the challenges spiritually awake people understand that these experiences were actually request requested by you at a soul level to help shed old stuck patterns limiting beliefs fears and false Alibis to press the edge of your Consciousness into an expanded Bolder braver and brighter version of yourself when struggles show up the spiritually aware hold a curious openness about how this situation might be specifically designed to help them grow Elevate and transform in invaluable ways from this perspective life's tests start to feel like favors rather than injustices truth number four love is the only truth this is the grand truth that awakened Souls can feel resonating through every fiber of their being that despite any illusions of Separation Duality or Discord that may temporarily manifest the universe and all beings are indivisibly interconnected through this love Essence like raindrops arising from and rejoining the same infinite ocean each soul is a unique distillation of this love energy journeying for a little while before reuniting with its source all pain conflict hurt or struggles humans experience arise from the conditioned veils of Illusion that leave them feeling disconnected from this love truth but in alignment with your highest Consciousness you can access what Mystics and Saints throughout the ages experienced an absolute unshakable awareness that you are profoundly interconnected and beloved by the entire universe itself that you are the the universe made conscious and taking form to experience itself more fully awakened servants are those who have shed the fearful illusions of separation and egotism and reclaimed their inherent Birthright as a pure expression of Love become flesh from this space unconditional connection compassion empathy joy and reverence for the miracle of existence flows through you effortlessly your very presence transmits Divine love onto this physical plane truth number five there is nothing to attain you are already it years of spiritual seeking self-improvement programs personal development courses all underscored by the belief that some enlightened future awaits if you can just get it right clear your blockages transcend your shadows follow the perfect protocols but the truth awakened Souls realize is that you are already the potentiated seed of the Divine made manifest right now oh sure more layers of conditioning and old patterning may still need to be shed your Consciousness may keep expanding into more rarified frequencies yet absolutely nothing inherently needs to be attained achieved or earned your Eternal nature is one of wholeness the spiritual journey is simply shedding the blinders bit by bit so you can perceive the glory and Perfection already innately embodied within you the enlightened ones are not Superior beings but Creations no more or less splendent than you they've simply remembered the cosmic truth that you in this moment are the full epiphany of Life experiencing itself in wondrous form there's no checklist to complete scrutiny panel to get approved by or final exam to Ace before you are admitted to the inner sanctum you are it you are that which you've been seeking take an honest look in the mirror there is the face of the Divine gazing back at you waiting to be seen when you can collapse fully into this realization that you are already the holographic immersion of source energy everything shifts the burden of seeking orientation dissolves into a freedom of Simply allowing your natural Brilliance to be in this liberated State the univers areses as a living Dreamscape to explore play in and endlessly refine your Masterpiece of creative expression unbounded by any limits knowing you are already there becomes the greatest Corner you'll ever turn truth number six the ultimate truth is it's all good at the deepest depths the most profound realization awaits those who have walked fully into the light of Spiritual Awakening and that is the understanding that all of this the universe The Human Experience every single up and down that has transpired across all SpaceTime is absolutely perfect good and an ineffable miracle from that highest Vantage Point any semblance of Duality judgment pain or suffering dissolves into an a struck witnessing of the sublime orchestration of every atom and experience to the spiritually awake there is no room for judgment or resistance because they can see the intricate Perfection and divine orderedness of it all from this perspective everything quite literally has been unfolding in your greatest highest good despite any temporary Cloud coverings that may obscure that truth trusting this ultimate benevolence becomes the unshakable foundation that provides inexhaustible peace amidst any circumstance an innate knowing takes root that you are forever being Guided by A Perfect wisdom and love even when the details don't make sense to your human mind it's the profound relief of realizing you don't have to understand it all you can simply let go and allow the goodness to revealed in due time if you have made it this far comment down below with the word 100% to confirm that you have received the knowledge from the this video for more interesting topics make sure you watch the recommended video that you see on the screen right now thanks for watching
Channel: Wise Minds
Views: 201,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6 truths only highly spiritual people will understand, spiritual truths, spiritual awakening signs, how to be spiritually awakened, deepening meditation practice, spiritual growth journey, understanding spirituality, signs of a spiritual awakening, living with intention, connecting with the universe, spiritual enlightenment, universal energy and spirituality, inner peace through spirituality, transformative spiritual practices, embracing your true self, wise minds, spirituality
Id: TmRn7PKJ02c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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