Non Duality Meeting Dublin Feb 2024

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so there's just aliveness there's just what's appearing to happen rooming Phoenix parking seagulling chairing uh bodying there's just energy and energy is unknowable it's it's nothing being everything so when I say energy and unconditional love and wholeness and Oneness I mean all the same this is what we're talking about but that can't be described or known it can only be kind of pointed towards and that's what we'll be doing all afternoon really it's the illumination this is a simple direct illumination from nothing that all there is already is just wholeness just aliveness and this sense then that we have of feeling that I'm alive or it's uh I have alive that I'm an individual that that is a story it's it's a something that arises in aliveness and it is a a really felt embodied sense in the body uh of feeding in here and there's an out there then so there's a a sense an energetic sense that it's my life so there they are my thoughts there are my feelings uh it's me that hears uh it's me that sees it's me that touches it's me that feels emotions everything is goes pours through this sense of me and I really feel as though I have a life and I'm living my life and I'm it's it's told to me in the story and confirmed to me since when I was a child that I do have a life and the choices I make uh will determine how my life looks so either if I make good choices it will work out better bad choices it will work out worse um and so on and I um I exercise that volition and Free Will and I live my life to kind of improve it or whatever and so so that's what we're told and that's what we experience also that feels like a reality that I have a life and I'm really ating to different people and I did this and I did that and other people did other things and so on um and for many that's just that's fine that's there's not really an issue with that and it seems to be working out whatever way it works out for them and it really kind of goes unquestioned for others there's a a question about that or there's a question that there's something missing in this whole reality that they have a life and that they can be happy by earning a lot of money or getting the promotion in the job or getting the bigger house or whatever it is uh there's a question um and so there it's a question then logically there's a uh there's a a sense because you're in a logical linear causal reality that I can do something to get the thing that's missing then I can fill the Gap I can answer the question and then we hear all these communications as to what it is that's missing and what we can do to get that thing that's missing um so those are quite appealing because we really do feel when I really feel that it's my life and I'm living it and there's a world out there there's a yearning and there's a question and there's a sense of unworthiness so these communications then will appeal to me and I will be attracted to one over another so uh the ones that offer me a prescriptive methodology to by which to find say wholeness will be the popular ones then if I uh sit in sit in uh mindful awareness or I sit I reside in the present or I try and do self-enquiry to trace the eye or I do meditation or whatever it is these are very appealing to the individual because they reinforce that there is is a separate self who can do something to get somewhere um there's nothing right or wrong with any of these they're just what appears to happen there there's nothing wrong with these communications but this is a different communication then this is from nothing it's from nobody it's a direct uncompromising illumination that there is no separate you there is no individual there there's nobody sitting in this room there's bodies in this room there's no separate individual in this room already it's already the case that there's no separation and that when you do feel like an individual actually what is being yearned for is what is appearing to happen it's simply directly already whatever is appearing to happen Sensations uh signal on the chair sounds this is unconditional love our wholeness already so that's what's been illuminated all afternoon the all apparent all afternoon um and obviously there will be questions about that because that's how this seems to function but you can't go right or wrong with the question it really doesn't matter you can sit here all afternoon and not say a single word nothing is expected of you there is no you in the room there's no separate you in the room so it may also be the case that there are lots of questions and you can't go wrong with the questions either because uh it's energetically this is how this whole sharing appears to work there's there's a a question and there seems to be an answer from here now logically to the individual or to the mind it would be well this chap sitting up here either knows something or pretends to know something or you know speaking from some sort of knowledge whether he's right or wrong because that's how things appear to function in the story we live in knowing and people have authority from having expertise and knowledge so he knows something maybe I can understand what he knows and I can get to where he is to put it kind of Simply and crudely but actually what's been illuminated is not about knowing at all because what you're looking for is unknowable it is nothing to do with knowing or understanding so although you might want an answer there there seems to be when there's a question and there appears to be an answer from here it's not about the answer or the question it's kind of how the whole um sharing seems to function is that there's a question and there's an answer but if you want to just stay with the question and the answer you're kind of just stay with the concept and this is not conceptual at all this is not about knowing or understanding or concept it's all regarding a a a resonance an energetic resonance that's what this is It's all about um an unknowable uh is that can't be had can't be known can't be obtained can't be grasped and cannot be uh escaped from because it's already all that is it's too obvious actually what's yearned for that is the problem for the the apparent problem for the individual is what they seek is not uh esoteric and complicated and full of levels it's actually too direct and immediately just already whatever appears to happen simply just sitting on a chair sounds a thought whatever it is that's it that's already wholeness and the sense that you have that you are in that or relating to that is uh simply a story so we will um we'll see what happens see what apparently happens this afternoon um yeah so that warm and this she going take this off when you say you want to grab that Mark sorry I know it's a pain but uh okay the people online will hear you a lot better it's on yeah okay yeah so when you say uh you might just stay with the question and answer yeah um but this is energetic but at the same time there's no choice in that oh there's none at all no no no that would would be what would appear to happen that's what but there's just the invitation here that this is already all that is this is what's sought and there's the illumination that that's um that it's energetic it's not about you knowing something so when people come to the meeting Sometimes some people they are very analytical and in that kind of trying to understand it and they their focus is very much on that uh on getting an answer to the question now obviously there is nobody doing that so it's just been pointed out at the beginning that it's to do with a resonance and that's all because someone will either be analytical and stay in concept or they won't it doesn't and it doesn't the other thing is it doesn't matter one is not better or preferable to the other so uh actually like how the the individual hears this is totally irrelevant completely irrelevant it doesn't matter because there there is no individual already oh yeah see fine uh so it's like in the same way that what what's your for is completely nothing to do with you or the way you think you are or whatever so the in energetically there's no individual in the room but energetically that that feels like an individual will continually try and get something out of the the meeting and that's totally fine that's what appears to happen but it can also be the invitation is there and the the um possibility is there that it's seen that actually what they're yearning for is nothing to do with them and there's nothing to get and there is no meeting is no like it's it's an it's a dissatisfactory uh or an un unsatisfactory um reality because it's it's a half alive reality so there therefore there's a yearning for because everything feels like once you feel like there's a you it feels like everything has been lost wholeness has been lost because why is there me in the world out there there's little old me in the world out there and then there's a yearning out of that then to not be separate the individual is just kind of in this Loop of being separate only interested in being separate and continuing to be separate and only within that Loop just feeding on that Loop of knowing that's why I'm not speaking to an individual so and the individual can't hear it anyway because again it's an apparent individual and the individual just wants to be an individual and for some there there isn't such a strong year in know there's not such a resonance and there wouldn't be any resonance with this to be like what is he talking about I have no idea but for some there tends to be some kind of sensitivity that there's another possibility like it can kind of appear to get um when we talk like this uh you know somewhat complicated maybe maybe not you know but it can and it it's not actually it always comes back to very it's very simple and direct and just whatever is appearing to happen but when you feel separate that's overlooked and not seen so what's earned for isn't seen because what's the individual ual Fields they're yearning for is uh an abstraction or an idea of how things could be better so they reject what's yearned for in favor of what could be what might be and that's that sense that people have of kind of moving forward towards something that's kind of around the corner you know when I get the job when I get that job oh when I get the job oh yeah the job is good but I kind of want to be manager I think and I get to manager and I'd like to be area manager maybe you know and then you get to that corner and it's like oh CEO would be just then I'd be there you know taking an obvious Sil stupid example but like that's that mechanism is is that it's just that illustration of how we're we feel like we're driving forward we're kind of looking for something but we don't know what it is and and the incredibly the amazing thing is you you won't ever know what it is actually because it's it's unknowable you will never find it either because it's not a thing you can find it's it's already the case it's just aliveness itself is what's been yearned for and in fact really it's kind of the reverse really of what people think it is because it's the actually the loss it's a loss it's not a gain as an individual you're in a subject object reality and you think you're looking for something that you will find around the corner uh and then because that makes sense it's I feel I'm an individual I have a life something is missing I live where I see things and experiences and objects so if I find the thing or the experience or the object then that would be the thing that will fill the Gap and then that then I'll be there and Incredibly actually what's yearned for it doesn't involve any kind of gain but it's a loss of of the sense of this separate n this separate eye that appears to be there the cruel thing is it's not really there yeah you know this isn't a meeting all afternoon about how you can your your individuality can fall Away really it's an illumination that your sense of being an individual is a story so if it's a story that means it it's not really going to fall away because it's not actually really there to begin with but the really felt sensation of it of feeling separate may not be there like that that's a huge Paradox for the individual they can't really because it's either the individual is due Duality and is me and my life and life you know and and very much uh that's like I'm either there I'm not which is I'm either there either either is an individual or there isn't um that's way it is and when you say um that which feels separate now I suppose that alone that's a paradox isn't it that with feel separate yeah because really there isn't anything yeah completely like but it's words I suppose but it's I know it's fine I mean that's what I said at the beginning you say this is this is what this whole thing is about is that you can say whatever comes to mind about what we're talking about so I I see your point like I mean if when you feel like uh an individual say it's a subject you're a subject right and there's there's eight or 10 billion subjects then there's eight or 10 centers of the UN eight or 10 billion centers of the universe and we can't all be right yeah you know so it's a it's a obviously it's a it's a reality it's a false reality in which you're the subject and everything is an object to you and that's the way that's that's a really felt sense it really does feel like people are looking at me there's a me they're looking at and when I talk to people there's a me that's talking to them I'm relating to you we're we're having a conversation I'm relating to you and it's in time and space and it can then go well or not well and there's meaning and significance in it and all this and this is kind of the world we're living in and when you feel like that you so when you feel like a subject and you feel like an individual you will only see other individuals so it's impossible he cannot be seen what's been shared here when you really feel like an individual you will just see an individual so when I when I talk like this then it's the apparent individual will really feel that there something happened to Kenneth it had to have something there's something there that happened there and it will feel like that here Kenneth is speaking from a kind of Center Point and and it would be very confusing to the individual because because they will try and continually pin it on me or on somebody for something to happen there has to be somebody because I feel like a somebody is that addressing what you're saying cuz I feel that that's what you were saying yeah you're kind of locating who is it then that uh well I suppose yeah yeah but it does really but there's the whole you know um that with feels separate is there isn't anything that feels separate yeah yeah there's the appearance of feeling separate yeah I well I suppose that's yeah maybe that's what I was asking it's an appearance another way another way of putting it is all there is is energy right so there's just energy and energy chairs and and rooms and you know doublings and everything uh and in that energy then there's a the appearance of an individual so the energy is boundless and infinite and eternal and then energy appears as Limited in time and space as a separate self what it's a it's a story it's just a story it's energy its wholeness appearing as a separate entity two holess and then you have Duality you then have two so all of this comes under nony which is not to so the very term itself is just the direct pointing that there's not you and the world there never was so there is no separate you there's just what's appearing to happen but all the time you feel like there's a you then you're in that reality and that's not an idea it's it's it's a really F sense and then you're trying to understand then what's been said here because you're Liv experiences is one that you can understand the world you can know it and that knowing the suggestion being made is that knowing is actually just a story yeah it doesn't feel like a story it feels really real and it feels like the the the world is knowable and it does feel like you're separate if if you say it does I don't know like CU I can't see any separate individuals it it's you know conceptually this makes sense which has nothing to do with what you're talking about but um you know since he in this message a few years back you know there is a sense of something different but it's you know it's like conceptually you can nearly argue this and say yeah it couldn't be any other way but I know that's not what you're saying or it's a strange sort of sense of well this is obvious yeah but that's very conceptual that's like you know you can nearly make a reasoned argument that this is the case which is you very much could like you follow it from a logical point of view and that's uh the whole point really is that um again it's it's non duy I mean the individual is in this play of apparent opposit in which everything is logical and linear and and sane and that's it then insane and illogical and chaos and all of that that's not it so that's the whole game of feeling like an individual um but you could certainly know what's been said here and people do know what's been said and they know all about nity and they know all about all of its branches and they know about advita and they know about um branches of Zen Buddhism and blah blah blah and they know all about the different religions and uh spiritual Traditions that more or less going to say this and they can talk and they can come out with the lovely quotes and it doesn't matter because they're in knowing so they know that they're not there really now it could bring uh a huge relief like in the sense of uh they could have had some very fixed Paradigm of how life is and that could have fallen apart then and then they see there could be a certain freedom in that but that's not really what's been spoken about it's just that's just what appear is appearing to happen it doesn't it has no meaning at all it has no uh this is really about a lived sense of Separation a lived sense that I'm sitting on a chair it's not an idea like it's a lived if I feel like an individual I will have energetically I will have a feel that I a feeling that I'm sitting on the chair and everything I do I have a feeling that I'm do I'm speaking now there'll be a sense of uh self-consciousness and awareness that is simply an aspect of knowing and that knowing is simply an aspect of your sense of separateness so it's it's all energetic like either either energetically you feel that way or you you don't it all collapses and that collapse is not a gain of knowledge or some sort of understanding it's actually a loss it's total loss of everything it's a loss of everything you think you know you think you have it's complete loss of everything and then nothing there just nothing and nothing is everything this is not nothing this is uh nothing appearing as a room in a hotel and du and this is actually everything this is boundless wholeness this is everything room in in Dublin to the individual it's a separate thing called a room in which they are sitting in a place and there's all these boundaries and and knowing so there's either a sense a kind of there's either a lived sense of moving in time and you have a life or there isn't and there can be kind of an in and out of that obviously as well apparently in know you you're all as cold for this than you for for for for of course you can yeah this is on is it yeah yeah it's just for go through to the other yeah pick you up online yeah cool thanks um yeah that's my question um sometimes um sometimes it seems like there may be glimpses or some clarity about what you're pointing at yeah and whether or not I believe feel I'm a person I usually feel I'm a person yeah um whether I can see it sometimes I can see through a little bit but one of my more most recent I guess recent fears I guess for the last good long time has been like that habitual thoughts and whatnots that are here whether I call them a person or not they seem pretty bloody determined to be honest I mean sometimes I feel like if from my childhood maybe or something it kind of goes this may be reality maybe the truth that's may be what and who you are I don't care you're not allowed to go there you must stay here in the thought process and that's the only safe place for you you can't go there you don't have permission being yourself being present being spontaneous not allowed dangerous don't go there and then the thoughts bring me back from presence which is sometimes feels lovely and peaceful and nice and I'm going wouldn't it be normal just to stay in peace presence and whatnot wouldn't that be once you see it a little once you just start going there and part of me is going no I could stay here in this thought created nonsense for the rest of my life because the habits are so determined to keep me here yeah and I get really frustrated going that's ridiculous I keep seeing through it and I keep coming back anyway that's long enough for a question is it yeah I don't know fine any I mean anyone is free to you know what I mean by the question I mean yeah totally as we're somewhat on topic people can say whatever they want you know and it's I I hear what you're saying yeah yeah so like for me that energetic like the individual is is uh is is energetic an energetic sense of being separate and that looped way of thinking is that sense of is reflective of that now the difficulty here is there's not really a real individual right but we this is the illumination that that that it's um an appearance but when it appears it does appear real and it has a real fear of its absence and is it has an um an investment in maintaining itself safe from a world that's outside it so it was what you described there to me is that's what I hear is an individual saying we stay we stay here in the known now right we stay what we stick with what we know and we stay in this or whatever way you describe like a loop here we stay in this cuz this we know that we don't know and what we don't know could kill us yeah you know and that's exactly what is being illuminated here is that this individual is just maintaining it the only function of the individual is just to be an individual so it's maintaining itself safe in its reality in its known reality and is afraid of the unknown because the unknown spells its absence and death to the individual so although that that seems that it's what you want and it's keeping you safe it's also what's been yearned to be broken free from and and uh your absence is actually what's really sought so you what we all seek is our own absence and what we're most terrified of is our own absence we're absolutely terrified of not being there in this when we talk about fear of death really well mostly like when people some people talk about fear of death they're talking about different types of fears like fear of pain or suffering or whatever but generally you're afraid of your not being there and um incredibly you're actually not there that's the big joke is That's The Divine Comedy is already you're not actually there already there's no one to keep safe in that so the suggestion then is that I'm not I'm saying very clearly that there's nobody there so there's nobody there to do anything about that to do anything or to not do anything about it but if what's been said Can is heard and resonates it can be seen that actually there's just aliveness that's all there is so aliveness appears as what you described let's just say an uncomfortable feeling right could just kind of simplify it and and uh for the point of illustrating it's an uncomfortable feeling the individual wants to kind of stay in that you know within that um the and feels also that there's something like that's outside of it isn't it want sustaining the known of it but actually the the uncomfortable feeling itself is it you know so the resolution for the that in that case will be staying within the known that's how that's I hear that's resolving that you know what I mean it's already just whatever is appearing to happen yeah I guess I'm always looking for something to do and then I hear there's no do or what am I supposed to do with that um yeah I'm not doing anything seems to leave me whever I am with this pattern of yeah but I mean you see you're not you're also not being asked not to do anything okay you're not you see you maybe what's been heard is you're saying there's nothing I can do so not doing anything doesn't work for me but I the the illumination here is there's nobody there so equally if there's nobody there to do there's there's obviously nobody there to not do like that's the most common uh mishearing of what said actually the most common thing initially I find is people say well you're saying there's nothing I can do then and actually I'm not saying that at all unfortunately it's a little worse than that because it's the suggestion actually there's nobody there at all that can either do or not do so there's just aliveness in that body there that body there is actually whole is everything because that's all there is so that body there is actually unconditional love body the misconception is the sense that there's a self in there and out of that sense of separateness then there appears to be a problem and there's something missing yeah strange I feel like what do I feel I'll just admit just while I'm here that um whoever I am as I say um while I'm listening to you I want you not to be able to answer my questions so I can continue to argue whereas I could could sit here feeling crap and that would probably be better in some way you know cuz I'm just there's a pattern of wanting to argue and and then sitting with if you're you're not doing a very good job arguing now which go I've seen I've see that more argumentative people no I know but I I just I'm sick of it now you know uh no what I'm saying is like there's no you there so whatever you think you're doing or not doing doesn't matter it's just just being heard as it's heard the the sense of there being a separate you is irrelevant you couldn't you can't hear what I'm saying anyway there's just simply directly just uh sitting on a chair speaking sounds Sensations oh sounds boring oh my God yeah yeah great definitely yeah that's good feedback really CU it's the individual like it's just bored with what's actually looked for and what the next thing what's the next thing what's the next stimulus what's around the next Corner give me something like really the energetically the when the individual the apparent there is no individual but energetically when someone feels like an individual in these meetings it's like sh look at me you know feed me give me something and that's what what makes these meetings different is all the other meetings more or less you are being spoken to you're being addressed you're being given something to do somewhere to get to and then you're being fed as an individ this it doesn't see you as an individual and that's just there's nowhere to go with that so that's in some way confronting to the individual whether it's boring or it's uh maybe even more confronting or it just and then also there can be a resonance strange I can feel oh I can feel that there's nowhere to go it feels frustrating and whatnot and then it's desire to stay here I'm to do something to stay here with the nowhere to go which is again doing is a desire it feels like the right thing I'm here have nothing to say whatsoever now so that sounds like the right place to be so therefore I have to stay here so there a doing then in the staying or something it feels like rather than trusting oh there's no no there's nothing to trust like and there's nothing to believe or agree with or anything like that there's just simply whatever is appearing to happen so if that's a thought that you whatever you describe there that's just simply what it is then that thought if there's an emotion then that's it's also that if there's uh standing up and saying L and thanks and walking down that Corridor right and going down the steps and going in for a point or into the car or whatever and down the road that's it because there this only is apparently a meeting and that's what's been very clearly communicated what's yearned for is what is appearing to happen it's inescapable you as you can't have it you can't know it you can't grasp it because it's not a thing it's not an object and there's no you and simultaneously you it can't be you it's inescapable it's all embracing it's everything that appears to be and energetically this sharing energetically uh this illumination that just can be obvious to nobody maybe so there's just what's appearing to happen feels like there's no control well suppose it should really it feels like there's no control over it yeah it feels like there's no control over anything and I'm thinking well there isn't anyway really is there and it always just seemed like there was in my thoughts I was trying to create stories that I thought I was in control yeah so there there as an individual there there's a sense that there is a control over everything because because of course there is because you feel you really feel that you have a life so if you you are living your life which everybody tells you you have since you are that high uh in your living then you have control over your life and you have control over the decisions you make about your life and you know there's all D and you have millions of communications about making the right decision at the right time doing the right thing for you Etc and this communication then is Illuminating it's going to the very heart of the matter and Illuminating the only thing that needs to be illuminated is that there is no you so therefore there's no control the sense of control is all about the sense that there's a you that has a life there's nothing to control there's just the there's um a play of life there's what appears to happen and in fact this is nothing appearing to happen appearing to happen there's nothing even really happening because if it was really happening it would have to be happening to you in time and space it has to be in that real causal reality and there would there really would be time and meaning and all of that thing and here the suggestion is those things aren't appears they appear there appears there's what appears to happen there appears to be t and it's all a story this isn't really is you said this isn't really happening no this is you could say it's real and unreal if you want but as an individual you're in the real because you feel that there's you and everything is happening in time and space so this now is it's not a story for the individual it's not an appearance it's actually a real meeting in a in a hotel room at such a time you know it's you're living in the real in a causal reality and what's been suggested is that's an appearance it's just an appearance there's energy appearing as whatever and that causality is just a story just as you are just a story so the realness when that sense of being an individual oh sorry I'm tring in there when that sense of being an individual just isn't there then it's the difference between living in the real and just everything being in appearance you can't imagine that difference because all you would have is just an idea when you don't feel separate the re everything goes from being real and separate to be a play of light because everything is nothing and nothing is everything um which which which is which is not understandable like you can't understand well I was just going to say there's no understanding arising of that so maybe that's a good thing oh well it's not a good or a bad thing it's just whatever you no I don't understand that uh and nobody does understand that these are terms that are just used to illuminate I'm not sitting here speaking from any kind of understanding if I was it would be a totally different Communication in which there would be something to know and I know it this is about unknowing it's just about just this this is the freefall that's yearned for fullon aliveness that's both feared and simultaneously earned for and it is about your absence not you getting something and that's unconditional of them what's the point you there's no point to anything there's no point to anything so there there's there can only there from from the perspective of someone who feels like an individual there be this is really happening then and there' be some point to the communication yeah what's being clearly communicated is that there's just whatever is appearing to happen there's already no separate you so I don't see some separate individual who can I can then save our our needs to not be separate so it's just a sharing without agenda it's just shared as it's shared and then it's heard as it's hurt that's all it's in a genderless uh communication okay so you kind of compelled to do this I don't feel I'm even doing it I'm not even doing it okay what it's just what appears to happen there's a there's a passion here yeah it's just it's nothing to do with kenet the character it's just this passion and this sharing of this without any agenda okay so kind of like you were singing or something yeah it's just what appears to happen okay and when you say what's a yearned for is this what you don't mean that literally do you when I say what's yearned for is this when when you say literally like I mean this isn't uh this isn't there is no this you know but it's just a pointer so when I say that the pointer is whatever appears to be happening so they're sitting on a chair breathing we can see some traffic kind of here the roofs of houses this beautiful whole building Birds pass by there's Sensations in the body there's sounds that's what I mean you know that's but that's not knowable because once you try and know that you're you have something then okay the individual wants to know when you say this what is this what do you mean this yeah like when you what's earn for this just like it's not like I'm yearning to be sitting in the South count West count do you know at a a meeting or or yeah I get yeah like if I was really earning for I would would have got I would have earned for a more Swanky Hotel okay yeah no what I no I I totally hear what you're saying and and what I'm saying is I don't mean the content of what's appearing to happen I mean the energy just simply the energy that's what I mean okay like what yearned for the suggestion be made as has been expressed by other speakers a few other speakers have said it the treasure that is yearned for is not the a treasure like the Swanky Hotel yeah or the experience of the Swanky hotel or whatever the treasure is actually aliveness itself not what is actually appearing to happen in Al liveness so I don't mean that you're yearning for uh oh everyone's yearning for someone's in a in a extremely painful situation and someone's died and someone's sick and someone I don't mean it in that manner of someone who would say oh you manifested this yeah through uh this is what you actually brought about through your nonsense all nonsense who would yearn for for suffering and pain and death do you know what I mean that's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is that what's yearn for is the very aliveness that is that is appearing to happen not what's appearing to happen yes yeah yeah that's what I mean yeah and you see that when that scene then The Duality collapses because the Duality you are The Duality you're the je you are jism itself and what you are then in Judaism is you are the wanting to be in the Swanky hotel and having them a good experiences and not one to have to deal with shitty hotel so I want good experiences I don't want bad I want pleasure I don't want pain I want Comfort I don't want discomfort I want special give me something special for God's sake I'm sick of this mediocre people mediocre that you know we're in this we are this Jew jism and we're pushing away one and we're pulling in the other and that all collapses when the sense of you collapses because all of that is about this illusionary sub separate self as like a comfort for having lost everything um and that and then when it appear when I say it collapses I mean appears to collapse then it's seen by nothing that there's just aliveness and aliveness appears as something pleasant and unpleasant it appears as Pleasure and Pain so therefore here go there's nowhere to go yeah there's literally nowhere to go anymore because it's simply boundless wholeness unconditional love appearing as that whether it's positive or negative whether it doesn't matter the context sitting in a chair in the West County looking out the window you know is just what appears to happen and it really it's everything it's this is everything it's not really it appears as a room in in the West County with some guy talking on a Saturday afternoon and I'm missing missing the rubby it's actually boundless Eternal infinity and whatever words you want to use see the words don't really matter the reason that's not seen is because it feels maybe perhaps when you talk uh that you feel that I don't know but it feels for some that I'm sitting in a room in the West County and so it's all coming back to me it's like a presupposition all the time me me me all everything comes back to me and there is no you there never has been like there's thoughts there are my thoughts I'm feeling bad think of the language we use it's all me how do you feel how what do you think and and and and in experientially and as I said when when you're really young your parents the teachers everything confirms you have a life you are an individual with of life and we really feel and experience that we're relating to other people and there's a disatisfaction in it there's a there's a yearning in it there's a yearning for it just to be not somebody not some guy who I know that I'm speaking to that I have some sort of relationship or friendship with there's a yearning for to just be liveness bodying and that's the same with everything there's a yearning for it to be not be me and the tree or me and the sunset it's just that it's life sunsetting and the invitation is Contin is constant it's always there and then then what you have is Indescribable so if you if you go from a sense that there's me in the tree and me in the sunset and me talking to you and me having a life I can't describe it then it's complete freefall unconditional love that there's just aliveness and that is Liberation that is The Liberation that's referred to in a lot of these Traditions the problem is that they're then there it's there's an overlay of dogma and theory and concept unto them then and we hear them as something that I can be liberated yeah I can be enlightened enlightened Enlightenment is a scene that there is nobody nobody's ever become enlightened it's beyond understanding it's incredibly simple cannot be need to be cannot be understood for for for for for e for for for for thank you just an observation but whenever there's a question here a seeming question it's fairly quickly realized the question's point pointless there is no question but at the same time there's like intense fear of The Emptiness [Music] um yeah yeah yeah what is that that's the sense of feeling separate so there's a it's resonating whatever way it's resonating and there's a sense that as the question comes up it's kind of dying into its own you know this it can be seen there is no not only is there no answer but there's not really even a question really uh as was saying at the beginning it does not matter you know you could sit apparently sit here for the whole afternoon not saying single word apparently because it just be an appearance or you could be question after question after question it there's no significance doesn't matter it's all energetic um and it's Unique to like everyone will describe maybe something different and that's what will appear to be happening for them so the fear is a fear of your absence because it's very obviously being illuminated here you're not sitting on that chair there so that that feels that it is sitting on the chair isn't going to be too thrilled about that so there there you go then you have fear the suggestion then of course is that the fear is of course the fear is aliveness like the fear is fear is already it whereas the individual would feel I I feel fear I want to kind of know this fear and I know to kind of do something with it yeah it's like half shows up only the fear shows up without the the act the aliveness okay yeah but there there is only aliveness so so it's just uh aliveness has fear but there may be a sense that it's your fear that's what I'm saying whereas if there was no sense that of being separate it would just be fear it would just be or Just Energy fear or whatever what this when from hearing you talk the way you're describing it it's the sense like I can't see an individual there is what I'm saying there is no individual sitting on that chair there looking at me now talking there's just aliveness talking but from the way you're talking it seems that there's the maybe the felt sense of Separation yeah but also I'm talking about it in relation to many little glimpses right where that fear just not even I don't even know what it is but there is that sense of pure emptiness and now the Glimpse is over and I'm trying to understand the Glimpse oh and then I have another Glimpse do you see what I'm saying so this kind of lived sense of that this is it no it's not then it is then it's not and it's all in a narrative The Narrative is all about me all the time there's just aliveness so everything that appears to happen and none of it is in any way significant so the glimpses aren't significant they don't matter it's just the way it appeared that way it will never be like that again it didn't even really happen it's just whatever it's unknowable like it's not a stage I'm not talking about some sort of stage or um experience or something like that it's just that either feels like there's a U or it doesn't is either a sense of separation or there isn't like fear is a very fullon alive thing pain also pain is very full on alive but then when you feel it's your pain and you're filtering it and you're trying to know it and trying to push it away and for for e for e e for for for e for e can so uh I like how you describe this uh sense of uh individuality as a feeling of contraction because it really feels like a relaxation when uh when it's seen that uh uh this is just a happening you know uh regardless of the whatever is appearing to happen it's it's just uh you know there's no um there's no solidity to anything so then it it feels like a relaxation out of that contraction yeah it it doesn't really matter what's happening you know no no it does good or it could be bad you could be at the receiving end or some of something or you could be giving suffering there's no goal of being good or you know so there's just this relaxation so as opposed to the contraction it uh yeah it appears and I know it's a description of just what's appearing appearing to happen here but yeah sounds lovely yeah I mean that's um that's it but there's there's there's nothing happening this is nothing appearing to happen yeah when you feel like an individual it's not nothing appearing to happen there's it's real it's really happening in time and space and it's happening to me yeah it's not happening to me it's happened to me and other people or or other people so that realness is uh it's it's really felt yeah and yeah and you also sense the contraction in other that feeling of contraction and it sometimes like what is there to hold on to why are you so tight you know so contracted there's yeah you don't see the reason why that happens on the other side yeah you see it does you can certainly see it yeah I mean like like even like um like uh somebody with a uh really uh constricted uh narrow kind of worldview or a belief system you know and they're you know this is it's very dichotomous it's very this person's wrong and I'm right we need to vote for this person and not this person and and like you say when you talk to these people it's it is exactly like that it's like a oh oh there's a kind of a heaviness to it like it's like oh like a cont it is it is that it is an energetic contraction yeah and then um yeah it is it is a it is like this whole sharing is is uh is is um a loosening or a a kind of there's an expansiveness to this that I can never find the words for that I'm totally St by because it has nothing to do with me and it's the only word I I land on that seems to kind of uh say it for me is boundless there's a boundlessness to this uh and everything is boundless anyway that's how it is when it's shared like this the boundlessness of this can be obvious to know and it could it could also simultaneously be a fear fear could be and a a sense of being confronted by it and not wanting it could could simultaneously be there as well this kind of flavor of boundlessness can be sensed as well you know or or either one either extreme of course and there's still a sense of the body so it's almost like I know this is just a description but almost like it's not that you see yourself from outside the body but it's like you become aware of the of the patterns and of the way the body reacts to circumstances but it's like you know who cares the body is doing its own thing it doesn't matter who cares yeah we were I think we were talking about that a bit yesterday someone was talking about insights and and you can you can have all of these insights you know and and about the way you are and the way that oh this actually appeared to be like this and it was actually like this and none of them matter it doesn't matter there's nothing to hold on to yeah you know there's nothing to hold on to it's an in lovess with what's appearing to be from nobody and it's a fullon adventure for nobody and that's what Liberation is not safe lovely um kind of state that you imagine where everyone loves you and they think you're great and uh you just experience bliss all the time or you you know you resolve all your mommy issues or it's all nonsense it's all just concept yeah and I like that that word in loveness because it doesn't mean that you like everything it's not like you like everything it's just this feeling that anything can happen and anything is allowed to happen like you know there's no controlling no as you as you say there's no Authority so it's just whatever is happening yeah it's a play of life and it's it's a it could be immensely painful yeah and that's what would be appearing to happen but it's the difference between you feeling that it's something happening to you to a solid you yeah and and it it's it being a play of life that is that is sometimes painful sometimes pleasure and and you're there just like you know everyone else is like what makes you with your feelings and your yeah of course like that's that like that's that all like of course people when they think about a thing called say Liberation or Enlightenment or whatever of course they imagine it to be some sort of special State because that's dualism you know duy is this play of of opposites and they feel that oh everything are kind of a bit stale and secondhand and uh there's this special guy who traveled to this remote area of the Amazonian jungle and licked a frog's ass and lived in a cave for 10 years and he's got this special knowledge cuz he went to Jupiter and he came back and he's going to share it with us and it's just stunning you know and we got to get a piece of that because this just isn't it's so people believe that you know or someone who lived many years ago and they did some austerities or whatever yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and and so that's the way like for the individual it kind of has to be if if the individual is imagining Liberation or whatever you know what we're talking about here they're invariably kind of hit on something special and they'll find evidence for it then uh they'll find the the person who wrote the book or who had the ashram in India and they were enlightened so don't tell me there's no such thing as an enlightened person CU I I read the books of the people who follow the enlightened person and I was at the ashram and I felt the specialness and and so it feels real it all feels real you know and so they continue to pursue something special and that special thing is not sitting on a chair breathing and to become worthy of it too whereas they already are right so they they need something to apply effort and to reach that end goal yeah that's a good point without effort is not exactly without effort is not uh it's not real like you can't you can't just beat oh no it's ridiculous what I what's been suggested here to the individual is just absolutely ridiculous it's just ridiculous that it's just this come on now come on and you are yeah you are I'm already what's been looked for like yeah no no no no no thank you yeah no thank you I'm I'm I'm I'm going to see Tony Robins I'm okay with you thanks I uh I'll wait for Tony he's going to fill me up with hope or whoever else you know what I mean this calls what to do at what time yeah yeah yeah yeah totally I mean you just been um you just you're just looking for the individual is just looking for a communication that feeds the individual so the more protocols it has and the more structured it is and the more prescriptive it is the more appealing it would be because the more is reinforces that I actually am an individual and I can do something to get somewhere this is not a communication that anyone wants to hear this is for nobody it's actually complete unconditional love and it's not you know yeah it's like telling someone to relax you know it's like there's no it's either happening or it's not it's not something I that works very well with my wife though I think that came up before I say darling relax I know you told me to do the you know I forgot just relax looks like a charm every time relax it doesn't really matter relax it's fine or else I'd say if she if it's not working I just say you just need to calm down now do the trick then and she' say okay D sorry I I I wasn't aware I I did that's exactly what I need to do yeah I see something unpleasant coming your way yeah exactly yeah no there's no there's nothing needed there's nothing to be done because there's no one to do it so speaking to the illusion of the individual trying to uh get them to not be an individual is like somebody as as uh been quoted quite often like you try not to be an individual is like you trying to grabb your ankles and pull yourself off the ground like that's how ridiculous it is and you the harder you try maybe you think I'm not trying hard enough so just pull harder then and you'll hear you'll hear from teachers well you're not you've got the wrong technique you know you need to grip in a different way and that you you get there eventually I got there you know so we keep trying to pull ourselves off the ground yeah and then there's stages step onto a stool and then yeah yeah there yeah yeah you just Haven you progress through the levels yeah yeah um yeah it's too simple that's the problem it's just too directly just but the other thing is we all know this like I I'm not I'm not telling anyone anything here they don't know they pretend not to know that's what it is are they maybe they pretend not to know is a diff not a great way of putting it but they like everyone in here there's nobody in here but the bodies that are in this room are unconditional love bodying and that's all they are and of course of course that's known then because that's all they are so equally like whether it's on online or in the room or whatever it doesn't matter and then what it is really is just like this overlay then just like an artificial overlay that goes over that then of this sense of separateness yeah and then that's what then like almost pretends not to hear this or but it doesn't want to hear it anyway and it because it lives in knowing it wants to make something of it and just goes around in knowing and this is not knowable it's not knowable it's just aliveness nothing being everything it's not knowable if once you know it then it's it's an object to you that's SE to it so you're you're you're just in abstraction then that's all it is so it's just like being everything you know you're not in it you're not out of it you're everything yeah yeah and it it is stunning when it's seen because it's just so obvious and immediate and directly whatever is appearing to happen but if you feel like an individual your concept of wholeness or whatever will be just whatever it is it's just going to be just that just a concept and you will have a like people literally have an idea of wholeness and people teach they think they are teachers and they speak to people about how they can do something to get to holess it's so ridiculous it's Hess it's it's all inclusive there's nothing outside of Hess exactly like so there's either wholeness or there isn't yeah so what they're describing in that add yourself to the wholeness you can't get there yeah because if you can get there then it's not wholeness it's two so it's du Duality so all it is is in the story of Separation stories in the story of Separation about not being separate and they're the ones that are appealing to the individual they're the ones because the energetically the individual knows it's it's completely safe with that it's totally safe with the teachings of such and such a person because that that means it can be an abstraction out here and I can work my way to it so it's great Happy Days and that's why they're so popular that's why you have you have communications that can fill an arena you know it can literally fill an arena with thousands and thousands of people of course it can because it's a hopeful energy that someday we'll all be United and whole and one and blah blah blah blah blah I'm not going can get what you want and you can be happy forever huh you can get what you want and you can be happy forever yeah yeah yeah that's it however that package look I just heard a scientist recently speaking about this destruction of the earth and uh he said uh we are users of natures instead of living alongside nature and I was thinking we are nature it's like it's not like we should be living alongside nature we are like it's it's all one there's no fundamental ignorance like even that like he's trying to again he's trying to conceptually like there's something wrong where we're using nature we're objectivizing it where we're exploiting it instead of living in harmony with nature but he's he's missing the fundamental ignorance is that he the sense that there's a thing called nature and US yeah nature that's the the arrogance of that is just absolutely dazzling when you see it it's just stunning yeah we are not uh something looking out at the nature you know we are nature yeah it's just aliveness yeah yeah we're so great we're going to save the planet we're just we're so we're such a beautiful race we're just going to we're going to do it we're going to save the planet or save the species by colonizing Mars yeah yeah yeah so I think we're have for a cup of tea it's about that time is it yeah um let's say kind of 40 minutes each guys for you online um and what I'll do is I'll close it down and uh you'll be in the waiting room then again okay all right okay thank you thanks yeah they're really missing up
Channel: kenneth madden
Views: 7,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Non Duality, Oneness, Wholeness, Enlightenment, Liberation, Awakening, Andreas muller, Love, Unconditional, Unconditional love, Eckhart tolle, The present, Infinity, Eternity, The Now, The moment, The Open Secret, Alan Watts, Adyashanti, Tony Parons, Wei Wu Wei, Rupert Spira, Jim Newman, Ireland, death and dying, continuing bonds, death anxiety, Palliative, Tony Parsons, Lisa cairns, adyashanti, Gangagi, death, nothing, Meditation, Advaita, awake, awaken, wake up
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 39sec (5559 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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