Retroreflectors; they're everywhere, and they cheat physics (sort of)

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I have been fascinated by retroreflectors since a young age and actually did a 12th grade physics research project on them. Anyway, it was a great video and did some digging into the platooning thing. This is what I found.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/going410thewin 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2020 đź—«︎ replies

Congrats u/TechConnectify on your creepiest slow tracking shot yet!

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/BuckeyeSmithie 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2020 đź—«︎ replies

Tangentially related fact: in The Netherlands those orange bicycle spoke reflectors are specifically not allowed....

I don't understand that either.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/citruspers 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2020 đź—«︎ replies

You asked in your video why you wouldn't use a retro reflective sensor as a safety beam for a garage door.
There's quite a simple reason: These sensors must be cheap and only react to the amount of light that's beeing reflected. So if someone with white clothes crosses the beam near the sensor, the clothes might reflect enough light and the door wouldn't stop.
There are more sophisticated sensors, which will also measure the distance, but they're more expensive.
And people would have the setup the correct distance

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Thomas9002 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2020 đź—«︎ replies

u/TechConnectify , the hexagonal lines on reflective tape are where the clear protective film is attached to the backing tape. Look closely through a high powered magnifier and you can see the surface of the film is slightly deformed where the lines are. You can verify this by carefully peeling off the film, it will leave the reflective surface untouched.

Presumably it's done so the film doesn't alter the refractive index of the reflecting material which would affect the return angle. Tapes using this construction tend to return much more light than the embedded bead type. Also the smooth surface is easier to clean and doesn't collect as much dirt.

Why they choose a hexagonal pattern instead of any other shape I don't know.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/chopsuwe 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2020 đź—«︎ replies


👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Telaneo 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2020 đź—«︎ replies

Okay, did anyone else crack up when "off-screen" Alec asked "I'm gonna need a 'yes or no' answer here" and host-Alec just continued talking as usual. Not even acknowledging the "interruption" beyond turning to look.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Holyrapid 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2020 đź—«︎ replies

/u/TechConnectify, I don't know which specific application you referred to, but the marks tracked by machine vision are called fiducials.

The most common use is small circles on printed circuit boards (PCBs) that allow the pick and place machine to triangulate (really biangulate) the position of the position of the PCB, within the machine, before placing components on it.

More advanced machine vision often use AprilTags, a 2D barcode, that allows for triangulation, as well as identification.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Who_GNU 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2020 đź—«︎ replies

It seemed very weird to me when you started to talk about reflectors on pedestrians, as in the nordic countries we have little reflectors that you hang on your jacket or backpack during the winter months. These can be cute things like snowflakes or branded stuff like moomin characters or Tom of Finland for instance.

These can be bought from basically any shop, from grocery stores to book stores

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Raxing 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2020 đź—«︎ replies
[over sounds of crickets and frogs] Have you ever thought about light and where it goes? Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with your device, I’m standing in the middle of a country road with no illumination at night and thus… there’s nothing to see. Well, that’s not quite true, but there’s not enough light for the sensor in the camera to make any use of and so we’re left with nothing but darkness. And in fact, my eyes can’t see much either. It’s real dark! I’m using my phone for this, and like many phones I can turn on a weedy little LED which will emit a smattering of photons to get reflected off of things and hopefully make it back to the camera where it will detect them and form an image. But, because that LED is so dainty... well it’s only really helpful at close range. Looking down the road reveals… not a lot. But now I’ve turned around, and watch what happens when I turn on the LED. Woah! Look at those bright chevrons! The road curves here rather suddenly, prompting the local road authority to erect these warning signs. And even though they’re lit by a tiny LED that’s about 20 meters away from them, they appear incredibly bright and the camera can easily see them. In a weird twist, though, the signs don’t appear that bright to me. I have to have the camera right in front of me, basically in my line-of-sight, in order for the signs to appear brightly. And if I turn off the camera’s own light source and switch to a flashlight, well now the signs don't appear that bright even though they are illuminated with a much brighter light source. In order for them to shine brightly, I need to move the flashlight right next to the camera's lens to basically the same position of its own LED in the beginning. What’s going on here? Well, those signs are what is called retroreflective. Retro, as in old schoo - I mean, back or backwards, and reflective as in reflects light. In common usage, this might simply be called reflective but, that’s not really an adequate description. Everything’s reflective to some degree, even Vantablack! This vinyl record is reflective, this toaster is very reflective, I’m reflective, you’re reflective, some people are even deflective! Ehh, I’m sorry, and I'm gonna need a yes or no answer here, are you able to explain what you mean by "deflective"? Our vision works because things are reflective. So long as there’s some source of light which can land on things to be reflected back and make it into your eyes, you’ll be able to see them. But when your only light source is a tiny little LED or, perhaps a pair of car headlights, your everyday light reflection technique becomes limited with distance. See, when light hits most objects it scatters in all directions. Even if you shine a bright spotlight at something, only a small fraction of that light ends up coming back into your eyes. The rest goes in all sorts of directions, allowing anyone to see it from virtually any vantage point. Making matters worse is the inverse-square law. The farther away something is from a light source, the less light that hits it because it spreads out and thus the same amount of light covers a broader surface. You can help combat that by focusing your light source into a tight beam for a longer throw, but you can’t fix the return trip. Or can you? That’s what these signs do. They’re covered in a coating that forces light to be reflected back to its original source and virtually nowhere else. How can they do that? Geometry. Consider the humble mirror. It may not seem like it has much control over how light gets reflected but in fact it does. A lot, really. The mere fact that you can see a reflection in a mirror is astonishing when you think about it. Again, most objects just reflect light all scattered-like, allowing you to see *it* but not much else. But mirrors let you see an image of other things in the environment, and that’s only possible if we can get light to follow some rules. And that rule is; The Angle of Incidence is equal to the Angle of Reflection. The path that any light ray hitting a mirror will take after it hits it is entirely predictable. Say you shine a laser pointer onto a mirror. Well, whatever angle it hits the mirror at will be the same that it leaves the mirror. So, a thirty-degree angle on the way in equals a thirty-degree angle on the way out. That’s the entire reason mirrors allow you to see an image at all - light that hits them simply changes direction, so it has whatever structure it did in the first place creating what looks to be a window into another world.... Anway, knowing that angle in equals angle out, you can put two mirrors at a 90 degree angle to one another and end up with a mirror that always sends light in the direction it came from. See, no matter what this angle is, you’ll get the same angle coming out here. Then it hits the other mirror, and we know this is a right angle so this angle is just 90 minus whatever this one was, (since we're dealing with a triangle) and since the exit angle is the same as that result, the sum of these angles is always 180 degrees. So, no matter how light enters this little corner, it will go right back to its source. Take a look with the laser pointer. The return line is always parallel to the incoming line no matter where I shine the laser from. Another fun way to visualize this is simply to look into the corner. You’ll see your reflection no matter how you move, which is pretty neaahhohhhh right. There’s a third dimension. I’m always forgetting about that third one. Ugh, no matter, just add another mirror. Three mirrors arranged in this shape, an inside corner of a cube, is all you need to create a retroreflector. Now we really can move around however we like and still see our reflection, within a limited range, though. And now the return beam from the laser stays parallel even when the height changes. You don’t even need to use mirrors to do this, instead you can create prisms from a single piece of glass or plastic. You can see some of these in use in this video in which Geoff Marshall and Steve Mould explore their use in surveying the London Underground. And you can also see many of the same demos I just did in Steve’s video ostensibly about stealth aeroplanes. But what’s the point of this? Well, it’s to combat the inverse-square law by cutting its influence in half. When driving at night, no matter how good you think your car’s headlights might be, they don’t have that fantastic a range. As things get farther away, the beam gets more spread, and so objects farther away from you are hit with less light. The same thing happens on the return trip to your eyes, so you really can’t see things much more than about a hundred meters away. At least, not well. But a retroreflector will be visible from many hundreds of meters away, and if conditions are right kilometers away. How? Well, whatever light that hits them from your headlights will be directed in nearly-parallel lines right back to them. It won’t spread out like the light reflecting from virtually all other objects because we’ve mastered geometry. Using a corner-cube prism or other methods virtually eliminates the spread of light and nearly all of it gets returned to sender. You might have noticed, though, that your headlights and your eyes aren’t exactly in the same place. That’s no matter, the lines are *nearly* parallel, so there’s margin for error. Plus, at any distance more than a few meters, the angular distance between your headlights and your eyes is mostly negligible. It does however mean that the effectiveness of retroreflectors is influenced to an extent by the design of your car. If the headlights are mounted in an odd location where they're far away from your eyes, you might not be able to see reflective markings quite as well. In fact, I’ve often wondered if truck drivers, as in big rig over-the-road truckers, have a harder time seeing reflective markings because of how high up they sit. Let me know in the comments. Still, though, these reflectors are remarkably effective at limiting the spread of reflected light. That’s why I couldn’t see the chevron signs with my naked eye, and why they didn’t show on the camera when lit by the flashlight. The phone’s own LED is right next to the camera, so even though it’s really not a bright light at all, whatever light does manage to make it to the sign will be sent back bright and clear. And this is why using a camera flash when there’s anything retroreflective in a scene tends to… not go well. Just as a demonstration of how remarkably effective these are, I’ve placed a few around the set. To the camera, they don't seem to be all that bright. That’s because none of the lighting illuminating me or the set is in-line with the camera's lens. But watch what happens when I shine a flashlight at them right next to the camera. Even though the flashlight adds so little light to the scene that it might as well not be there, whatever manages to land on the reflectors goes right back to it, and into the lens. And of course if I step up to something a little brighter, the effect is dramatic. Anyway, the use of retroreflecting things for roads and associated markings is in my opinion one of the most clever things we’ve done for road safety and underappreciated. Though it’s a simple thing, it dramatically increases safety when driving at night in countless ways. Making things more visible is always a good idea, and using your car’s own headlights as an incredibly effective means of illumination is so clever it’s almost like a hack. Road signage can appear as though it is lit which can dramatically increase safety. Barriers and other warning devices become glaringly obvious when they’re retroreflective. Even something like a railroad crossing can become instantly identifiable from a mile away when the crossing gates and crossbuck are retroreflective. And of course, all this is done without any electrical infrastructure or the use of any energy at all of their own. Retroreflectors are able to take miniscule fractions of your headlights’ output and direct it so effectively that signs can appear brighter than if they were conventionally lit even when you’re well outside the effective range of your headlights. It also eliminates light pollution associated with lighting signage because it’s your car’s own lights providing the illumination. But personally, signs aren’t my favorite use of retroreflectors. Instead it’s simple markings. Placing basic reflectors like this in strategic places can dramatically increase safety particularly in inclement weather. In situations like heavy rain, having embedded markers between the lanes like these makes it so much easier to stay in your lane, and also makes it easier for those around you which is important! It can even help during the day, one of many reasons that your headlights should (and are usually required by law to) be on when it's raining. Here in the US it’s common to see white markings at regular intervals on guardrails to make them more visible, and it has the lovely effect of guiding you on the road almost like runway lighting. I think this is not only beautiful on a curvy stretch of rural road, but helps you guide your car in a nearly subconscious way and put more attention towards avoiding other hazards. And of course, putting reflectors on those hazards themselves is also a great idea. This is why *every car* has red reflectors somewhere on its rear. While your taillights do of course light up at night, it would be nice to see a parked car, too. Or the rear-end of the startlingly large number of moving cars out there these days with drivers who somehow don’t know when and how to use their headlights. Yes, I’m talking to you, person who thinks their headlights are automatic when in fact they’re just daytime running lights and thus your tail lights aren’t lit. Sure, automakers deserve some blame for making that mistake possible, but you are piloting a two ton machine capable of killing people. Learn how it works and how to use it properly! Cars also have reflectors on their sides, too, for the same reasons. But of course the most important hazard to avoid when operating a car is a person. And retroreflectors can help with that! Hi-visibility safety vests almost always contain retroreflective stripes in addition to being a ridiculously vibrant color to make a human body as noticeable as possible. If you’re ever working somewhere that vehicle traffic is a hazard, it's imperative that you wear one of these for your own safety because drivers are careless idiots. Because of that fact, bicycles have reflectors on them to help make them more visible regardless of what their rider is wearing, but I would suggest that you go a little above and beyond and invest in a vest, lights, and whatever else you can because again, drivers are careless idiots. Really, if you're ever spending time as a pedestrian or cyclist around motor vehicle traffic at night, reflectors are your friend! Sure, you might not want to go all out with a neon vest, but there are plenty of backpacks, shoes, and other accessories donned with highly reflective markings. I suggest you seek them out for your own safety. Anyway, let’s talk a little bit about the reflectors themselves. There are actually many types out there, and they’re finding their ways into more and more places. Many commercial retroreflectors simply mold a pattern of corner cubes into plastic, like these red ones. It looks like a sea of honeycombs but look inside and you can see the distinctive shape of a corner cube. It's even more obvious from the back. An interesting thing about these is the argyle-esque pattern you can faintly see. This helps them have a wider effective angle because, well, a corner cube as you can see here does in fact have a limit to its retroreflectiveness. Having those cubes in two slightly different orientations means that the reflector as a whole is effective over a wider range of angles. But the corner-cube isn’t the only method of retroreflectifying. Spherical shapes are effective, too. One of the earliest examples of retroreflectors seeing road use is the so-called cat’s eye. These reflectors were inspired by the eyes of a cat. Let’s take a look at one. This is a cat. The reason the eyes of a cat and in fact those of many vertebrates are retroreflective is because their eyes contain a tapetum lucidum. This structure behind the retina serves to reflect some light that passes through the retina back onto it in order to improve night vision. A fortuitous side-effect of this is that many animals near a roadway at night are often very visible so long as they’re looking in your general direction. The eyeshine as its called of a cat inspired the cat’s eye reflector, invented by Percy Shaw of England in 1934. This was the first raised roadway marker with many copy cats appearing over the years. No, I will not apologize. You can also just use tiny glass or plastic beads. A lot of reflective fabrics use these, as well as some reflective tapes like this. They are quite effective and have a more forgiving range of angles than corner-cube based designs, however it’s not quite as bright. It’s not far off though, and the ability to use this over a wide range of materials and applications makes for an extremely versatile technique. Here’s a fun product, raw reflective beads designed for you to make your anything reflective! Just figure out how to get them to stay on something, I suppose a glue and maybe a varnish on top, and voila! Reflective miscellanea. You could even write secret messages with these, visible only to those in a car at night! Or with a flashlight on their head. Or with a camera phone. Or with discerning eyesight - it’s really not that invisible but I do like the idea of writing something naughty with this on the back of your car. In fact, products similar to this are often added to roadway paint to make lane markings themselves retroreflective, at least to some extent. 3M calls this Connected (nice) Roads All Weather Elements, and while there’s no doubt in my mind they make lane markings much easier to see at night, I can’t say I’ve encountered anything quite as effective as good ol' embedded roadway markers like you can see here. Oh, fun fact! Many of these embedded road markers are white on one side and red on the other. On limited access highways or other divided roads where there’s the potential to be going the wrong way, they’ll be placed so that the white side faces oncoming traffic (so, you) and the red side faces forward. If somehow you ended up facing the wrong way, all of the roadway markers would appear red to hopefully signal to you that something is very wrong. I say hopefully because I feel like few people actually know this and don’t have a lot of faith that people who might end up facing the wrong way would even recognize the novelty of red lane markers let alone what they’re intended to communicate. Anyway, the last kind of reflector I’d like to show you here is this kind. This is a different style of reflective tape, and it appears to use very tiny corner-cube reflectors. I’m very curious about how this is manufactured. You can see that different squares reflect differently, and there appear to be four groups. Undoubtedly this is to provide the same widening of effective angle that we see in the conventional plastic reflector. The tessellated hexagons you see appear to be there for… style? They actually break up the reflective portion so… yeah this is a bit of a mystery. My guess is they are designed to allude to the honeycomb structure you see in a traditional prismatic reflector, which ya know now that I think about it it’s gonna make people more likely to buy it. It just seems like it would definitely be more effective than this plain-looking tape. It actually is, so I guess that’s good, but it would be even MORE effective if that pattern weren’t there. Oh, and while this is admittedly a complete shot in the dark, I think that a lot of newer road signage uses this sort of reflector as a coating and perhaps that’s why they can sometimes be obscured by things like condensation. You might have noticed a blotchy-looking sign at some point, often uneven condensation patterns are the culprit, or other partial obstructions like light snowfall. Because the individual prisms are so small, perhaps they’re more susceptible to things like dew droplets bending light off the course we want it to go. It’s probably for situations like these that some critical signage (and other warning devices like road construction barriers) get their own illumination despite being retroreflective. And while we’re on the subject of signage, I do think it’s possible for some signs to be a little *too* reflective. In a setting like this, where one is using their high-beams, a lot of newer signs are downright dazzling and… well maybe NHTSA should investigate different reflectivity techniques and standards depending on the setting. A really bright sign can wreck your night vision, and when one of the hazards you’re looking out for is deer or moose, that’s a bit problematic. And finally, this video doesn't really have much of a structure, does it? Let’s talk about some of the other things we use retroreflectors for. They’re not just useful for making things visible at night. Corner cube reflectors work thanks to geometry, so they work on pretty much anything from radio waves to light to sound. Things like buoys will have corner reflectors in them to make them appear more clearly on a boat’s radar display, and so will boats themselves. Unless of course it’s a stealthy boat. You’ll sometimes see a retroreflector just like these ones used in simple electronic trip wires, either for burglar alarms or motion sensors. A simple device with an infrared LED and photodiode can be pointed somewhere at a reflector's general direction and because the output of the LED gets reflected right back to it, the photodiode can see it easily. Just modulate the light so it knows that it's its own signal, and if anything crosses the path between the emitter and the reflector, that signal will be lost and woop goes the burglar alarm. Interestingly you tend not to see these in use for garage door openers safety beams. Instead you get a pair of these doohickeys and it can be a pain to line them up. The nice thing about a retroreflector would be that alignment is pretty easy because the return beam is self-aligning. I’m presuming there’s a reason we don’t use these in garage door openers, but you’d think you could get away with just one device and a reflector on the other side. Corner reflectors are also often used in surveying. We can measure distances quite precisely by timing how fast it takes a laser pulse to return to its source, and when you place a retroreflector some place as a target, well you can use angles and junk combined with measured distances to triangulate the coagulants and quantify the hypotenuses and survey says building. Continuing on those lines, one thing I’m surprised doesn’t get much cover is the use of retroreflectors to help automated systems find their bearings. Maybe you saw that thing about road trains of self-driving tractor-trailers following one another with a human pilot at the front, and they used computer vision systems combined with a pattern on the back of each truck to work out their relative position. Hi, quick editor’s note, this is a brain-worm of mine that I cannot find the source for. I know I saw something which included a picture of that pattern, but I can’t seem to find it. Best I could come up with were some scholarly articles comparing different autonomous truck platooning (as this is apparently called) systems. If any of you out there know what I’m talking about and can share a link, please do. Otherwise, well, hopefully you understand what I’m getting at. It seems to me like perhaps we should start working on standardizing roadside markings so that self-driving cars or even just driver-assistance technologies can have an accurate understanding of where they are in space. Just a thought. And of course, let’s not forget the most famous retroreflectors of all. The ones we left on the moon. Astronauts on Apollos 11, 14, and 15 left some reflectors up there so we could go all zippy zappy with a laser, time how long it took to get back to us, and know precisely how far away the moon is at any given time. There were also retroreflectors placed on two rovers sent to the moon by the USSR to allow for similar experiments. We’ve tracked that data over time and learned all sorts of cool things about the nature of the universe. Science is pretty neat. Remember that? Remember science, the process? Ah, good times. Anyway, the next time you go for a drive at night, well first of all be careful. Please. But also take a moment to appreciate the beauty of retroreflection. Though we may take it for granted today, it took the combined efforts of mathematicians, materials scientists, highway engineers, curious biologists, and above all, people wishing to make the world a safer place. ♫ glaringly smooth jazz ♫ Light that hints it... hints? And I've already ruined it! And that rule is - I regret writing it that way! And we know this is a right angle, so this angle is just 90 minus whatever this one since it's a triangle. Daaahhh! Whatever this one? One more try... But what... But what's the p... [clears throat and makes very silly noise] But, a retroreflector will be visible from many hundreds of meters away, and if conditions are right kilometers away [laughs] my brain broke [clears throat] Any - oo Anyway, the last... Anyway, the last kind of reflector I'd like to show you here is... this... that's so dumb Reflectors are pretty snazzy, huh? Think about the fact that every single one out there was planned out and spaced precisely for your benefit. We really ought to appreciate those sorts of things a little more, wouldn't ya say? REFLECTORZ RULE
Channel: Technology Connections
Views: 837,993
Rating: 4.9721832 out of 5
Id: Bi_Tp1H9CDs
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Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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