RetroPie on the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

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[Music] the new raspberry pi zero 2w is a great single board computer for retro gaming but at the moment retropie won't work so let's fix that right now [Music] [Music] hi and welcome to bytes and bits if you've just taken delivery of your brand new raspberry pi 0 2w you might be disappointed to find that retropie won't install correctly onto your new board the new pi zero pi02 uses a different set of hardware to the original pi zero so the official sd card image has the wrong drivers in place but don't worry all is not lost the pi zero two uses the same processor cores as a 3b plus so that image is a bit more compatible with it it also has a newer wi-fi and bluetooth chip and again that does need an updated driver and the current release version and that's as of now november 2021 doesn't include the correct software but it is present on their weekly builds so if you go to the weekly build page you'll find a list of sd card images and these are the latest builds of retropie and that are updated every week um they're not fully tested so we do have to be aware that there may be some issues but but in general they are fine and they do include the more up-to-date kernel software which includes the more up-to-date drivers so from here you can download the pi 2 or 3 image and once you've got hold of that you then need to burn it onto your sd card now i've actually recently switched from etcher to using the raspberry pi imager package which seems to offer a really easy way to create your pi boot disks so when you run the imager just scroll down to the bottom of the os list and select the custom option to allow you to use a downloaded image file so select the retropie image you just downloaded and burn that onto your sd card you now need to boot up the raspberry pi zero two board with your new sd card and then go through the initial retropie controller setup now once that's all up and running we need to do a little bit of housekeeping so selecting the retropie menu item will let us run the raspy config utility now once that opens up we can select the display option and then under scan and turning this off will remove the black border around the screen and of course that's if you do actually have one then back in the main menu select the systems option and wireless lan and you'll first be asked to specify your country then you need to enter your wireless network details and once you've got all that set up you'll need to reboot the pi so at this point you should have a full screen display and you should be connected to the internet and you can check this by looking at your network settings in retropie so now we need to run a full system update on the raspberry pi to make sure we've got the very latest drivers so even the weekly retropie builds don't have the very latest kernel software so we can upgrade directly from the raspberry pi foundation repositories so again call up the emulation station menu by pressing the start button and then quit emulation station and this should drop you back into the terminal so use the sudo apt hyphen get update command and this will update your package database then you can use sudo apt hyphen get full hyphen upgrade and this will upgrade your raspberry pi to the very latest kernel software and drivers so this is going to take a while to complete so pop the kettle on and have a cup of tea once all the updates have finished you'll need to reboot at this point retropie should be up and ready for gaming all you need to do is to transfer some game roms into the roms folder in retropie restart emulation station and you're off but we can squeeze a bit more gaming power out of the new board by overclocking it a bit now i did make a video fully explaining how to do this so please check out the link and that'll put down in the description but for a quick upgrade i'll show you how to set it up now so of course this is totally optional and i would advise adding a heatsink or some other form of cooling to your board before you do this but it will give you really smooth full speed and emulation for systems right up to the original playstation so quit out of emulation station again to get back to the terminal then we need to edit the config.text file so type in sudo nano slash boot slash config.txt and that will open up this file in the nano editor scroll down to the overclocking section which will currently be commented out with the hash symbol and then add the following lines in to set the overclocking so these settings will run through raspberry pi 0 2 at one point four gigahertz which of course is up from the standard one gigahertz and and we'll also give the memory a little bit of a boost as well so hit control x then y and then enter to save the file and then you need to reboot the raspberry pi now hopefully everything should boot back up again okay but if you do find that your system crashes you'll need to reduce the value above for the arm frequency setting so go back and edit the file try setting it to 1300 which is 1.3 gigahertz and then reboot to see if that works if you can't get retropie to start at all then just simply take out the sd card and put it into your main pc you'll find that you then have two disk drives one of which is called boot now in the root of that you'll find the config.txt file which you can then edit with a normal text editor such as notepad or atom but please don't use a full word processor like microsoft word your raspberry pi zero two is now a mini emulation powerhouse so let's install a couple of high-end ps1 games um such as colony wars to see how well it performs you can download these games from and i've made a video about how to turn on their broken down download links so again check out the description below for a link to that video so once you've downloaded the rom archive files we need to extract the files from that and then put them onto the sd card on our retropie setup now the easiest way to do this is to use your network settings to connect to the double backslash retropie samba share and that actually then connects you directly to the sd card running in your raspberry pi you can then simply click select and drag the game files from your archive files and then drop them into the psx folder in the rom section on the retropie card if you then restart emulation station um it'll boot back up again and then you'll be able to see your new games fully installed so simply selecting our playstation game that will boot up our emulator and we're ready to go now i've turned on the frame rate display so that we can see how well it's performing and as you can see we're getting a full pretty much 60 frames per second consistently on this fairly intensive playstation 1 software and again if we move from colony wars on to gran turismo 2 which is another game which pushes the limits of the playstation hardware you can see that our our raspberry pi running in this overclock setting is really coping with that very very well and giving us our full 60 frames per second frame rate so that's your new raspberry pi zero two w running the full version of retropie and giving you access to all the great computers and consoles so if you found this video useful do make sure to click the like button and subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any of my upcoming videos have fun playing with your new raspberry pi and i'll see you again soon bye for now for more games programming electronics projects and retro gaming please make sure you like this video subscribe to my youtube channel and visit my website
Channel: Bytes N Bits
Views: 7,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retropie, raspberry Pi, retro gaming
Id: x1RHdH-nlmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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