Retro Style Incredibox Mod! - Colorbox v6 | Purple

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[Music] [Music] how's it going everyone my name is azus welcome back to some more incred box today we're going to be moving on to colorbox version 6 which is purple honestly with how the last one sounded I'm pretty excited for this one I got the purple shirt on I got the purple lights on even though it kind of looks blue on camera so I'll just roll with it I guess all right so let's take a look at this week's fan art so we got one coming in from Z noodle arts and let me tell you this one is crazy this is the Azar verse that is kind of hard to say I'm not going to lie which consists of different versions of me kind of like based off of my thumbnails right yeah you got the masks one you got the one from evacuate this one is part cyborg isn't it yeah that's the one from one of the setbox versions and of course you got the little bread right here this is crazy oh yeah and it's based off of the trilly bo one of the trilly box I think it was version three with the uh Burger King yeah that one coming in from silly silly already had a very interesting type of art style but then they moved it to 3D that's pretty dope of course you got the glasses and you got the bread on the shirt pretty damn cool honestly yeah I like that got an animation coming in from Zen noodle I mean come on look at it that that's that's amazing last one coming in from Z noodle had to finish it off with this one so this fan art is based off of Juni ETO junjiito is like art style they realized that I had a junji ETO style poster in the back of my room it's actually hanging up over there off camera an ability to like recreate something like that in a this type of style is crazy to me creepy too like this this style is the style is pretty damn creepy so thank you again for sharing your artwork they're amazing all right let's move on to the actual mod here so because I had a lot of requests to separate the descriptions from the actual like Polo sounds and stuff like that I'm going to be switching back to that so I'm going to be doing all the descriptions first and then I'm going to be moving on to all the polo sounds later so if you're not interested in the descriptions you can head to this time it'll take you straight there on that note though let's check out the uh let's check out the [Music] polos I can't get enough of this music this is is great this is awesome taking a look at the first beat we got joy H2 two gender female a well-known gamer girl in the purple city as well as online known for her gaming records and speedruns pretty chill in person but stronger than you think moving on to B2 looks like somebody trying to dress up as one of the uh robots we got clap age 27 gender male after he had dealt with a nearly fatal injury he was able to have his Consciousness as well as his head become a part of the robot machine this robot machine can display various kinds of images on the screen but can't speak so it'll usually be just beeps or just some other sound effects moving on to beat three ah we got Arisa age 19 Jenner female just a citizen of the purple City I dealt with a loss of an eye but was able to have a replacement from QB not much else to say yeah all right all moving on to beat four we got Patricia age 28 Patricia she is a part robot type of deal with her being a Polaroid desque kind I've never heard of that having a camera on her left eye and one on her hat though the Hat one doesn't work as you can guess she's a photographer for the city moving on to what is that uh name is launch a rocket Okay Age none gender none a rocket launcher a rocket launcher at the game center well alive and rather adorable if I say so myself can launch itself about 50 ft High all right moving on to the effects now we got Steve age 16 General male may look like a human at first but is really just a robot not like the eyes or a giveaway main helper at the game center and very good with repairing things moving on to H it's arcade machine okay oh just like uh Wy right age five gender none just a game machine that gains sentience from Steve's control it gets tiring having to hear that coin sound so much but at least it's happy to be alive at first glance it doesn't really seem sentient but maybe that'll change when we hear it moving on to he he looks tired uh name is Garrett age 24 dinner maill wanted to go into the virtual world Chris had tried to help him achieve just that but filled miserably now Garrett just constantly glitches out usually stuttering when he speaks gett will also sometimes have missing textures interesting moving on to beat effect fact have I been saying beats for these now effect four we get PR age 10 gender none simply just a protogen built with the help of QB can't communicate with words so mostly just sounds or physical actions what pretty chill but a bit short tempered at times moving on to effect five we get orchid AE 24 gender female usually just seeing around with her headphones and listening to some music not much of a bother to anyone really a rather kind and sweet person moving on to meldy one very detailed name is Vibe age 26 gener female Vibe is just a good F character who's always in the mood for fun he usually comes to the game center often and is good friends with pretty much everyone there like Steve and QB moving on to QB yeah age 30 Jenner nuns a GameCube I work at the game center almost everyone knows the GameCube here sometimes seen playing games so they're usually easily distracted but their electrical and programming work makes up for that moving on to Aaron age 25 gender male Aaron believes that everything including himself has intrinsic value rather than high self-esteem we want to be the center of attention great when working with ranged weapons we got uh music box age nun gender none a goober really the hell's a goober enjoys playing a little tune once in a while as they're on a random table at the game center they always have the urge to smile when a photo of them is taken oh he's not smiling there though all moving on to V age 42 gender female V wanted to meet up with me once I got the Cure done ohvo uh the one from red blue and us are very good allies and we'll always tend to help out with one another another a good gal and just as smart and efficient as me she also brought some walkietalkie who's speaking on the other end oh all right voices we got um Nick age 20 non-binary Nick is a great palad mine we happen to get along with each other well Nick is an extroverted person willing to do any challenge but can sometimes get a bit too attached with you make sure to give him a pet every once in a while moving on to voice two we got Chris age 46 gender male main one for the purple City and I'll usually make my own thing for it occasionally like electron or something else been working on a cure for that blue virus which was done not too long ago but B makes a good choice for her first one cured moving on to uh TV oh that that reminds me of a Mike TV I think from Charlie a chako factory the the newer one right age8 gender none the cool TV that hangs around in the game center no really it's just on the ceiling someone gave them that hat too I wonder who I did QB yeah I expected that Chris okay oh wait so who's writing these Chris name is Ria h8 or female like Steve just a robot human but had gotten a big part of her head torn out not too sure what caused that but it had taken a big toll in her vocal cords are somewhat messed up but it's still manageable to figure out what she's saying moving on to the last one kind of looks a little cre wait this one is the one from uh green was it no I think it was Orange right yeah I think it was orange all right name is Jay that's an interesting picture age 33 Jer male found near here running around and laughing manically I took him to my place and after while he had calmed down question mark well I guess on that note let's move on to the first beat and see how it sounds pretty solid first beat it's fastpac it sounded nice got the beat down it's like a combination of high hats and claps I like that okay wait hold on I forgot to say I like the general Vibe of this I think it looks nice yeah actually do like the purple though the purple Vibe going on it looks like a game system if you hover over them they shiver again but in a retro style and it looks like we got two exra polos here so we're going to have to see what they are all right so moving on to beat two the claps yeah sounded nice yeah usually like the beat is like the is like the first Polo it sounded good though moving on to beat three see that's what I was talking about that's like the base the beat that sounds like a beat one right it seems like it's going to be more of a fast-paced type of mod let's move on the Beat 4 now that was like a mixture of like different beats that was actually kind of nice I think they were taking pictures right now moving on to the rocket I can only imagine what this one's going to sound like I did not expect that definitely an interesting rocket sound but hey it works I guess yeah moving on to the why there so many polos here my sure or is it just aligned and it looks like more yeah I think it I think that's what it is moving on to Effect one is it just me or is that kind of quiet I had to turn up my volume but it was also kind of low it was a base there it was a nice base all right so moving on to effect to the coin so it reminds me of the one from wcky it doesn't sound like it though sounds like a what a coin being dropped in like a level up sound yeah that was kind of nice I like that moving on to uh effect three it's kind of hard to like say yeah one two [Music] three fire I love that that one is amazing I love the glitch effects I love the sound it makes almost has like a base in there too was kind of nice iig figured I would like that Polo too I figured from his description vote on to effect four that one is loud okay that one is loud as hell I mean very interesting effects uh I'm really curious to see how it's going to sound with everything else yeah it almost sounds like an alarm I would hate to wake up to that all moving on to the last effect [Music] here I like that I kind of vibe with that I need to get the melody down though that's why I'm curious that's why I'm excited to see The Melodies cuz then I'd kind of understand what we're working with here so I guess on that note let's move on to the Melodies let's hear [Music] it okay yeah I like that that was a good Melody that was a good start so detailed why is it so detailed moving on to the GameCube right [Music] yeah that would be hilarious if the sound was the actual GameCube startup although still really nice I like that open on a Mel [Music] 3 the whistles not bad at all hey The Melodies are pretty nice so far moving on to Melody [Music] 4 sorry that reminded me of something that sounds like a windup what do you call that a music box I guess you wind it up and it makes music just like uh void right I think void had one uh as one of the Melodies is a music box moving on to Melody [Music] 5 that is weird that is very interesting it honestly sounds like a a Melody it is a Melody it honestly sounds like an effect that's that's what I meant to say you know it's really weird hearing everything by itself cuz you really don't know what you're expecting so moving on to the voices now let's see if we get some lyrics in here Roy joh Circle oo it's like an 8 bit although I don't know what they're saying though is that the only lyrics or we're going to get more what do you think let's move on to voice [Music] two [Applause] oh is that like a kind of choir yeah like I knew we're going to get some choirs in here yeah I feel like a lot of choirs are thrown into the uh to the color box spots and it sounded really good this time too so moving on to voice three now you are B it's purple are it's purple it is purple that is how you spell it now it was actually good I like that I feel like that voice sounds familiar oh wait yeah we did get more lyrics so moving on to voice [Laughter] four I kind of wanted more almost Majestic almost almost and last but not least kind of because we still have two more let's hear the last one last [Music] voice oh I didn't know we're playing a horror mod all right what that was so weird okay it was the second version to Orin IO right that had that yeah this reminds me of the Breakthrough one cuz it is there a jump scare you think oh I don't want to get the jump scare all right moving on to the bonus polos let's check it [Music] out where was that from I've heard that before was that a previous color box version or was that like another mod entirely the polo design doesn't seem familiar but the sound does definitely let me know cuz I don't know all right moving on to bonus [Music] [Music] two is that Waluigi all right let's move on to the Beats now see if we can get some I don't even know where to put these at I guess the melodies all right the beats the Beats hit the Beats were pretty good yeah they were nice they're fastpac they weren't anything super crazy though they weren't moving on to the effects now [Music] those effects they're actually really nice I like that great set of effects there going on to the melies now I'm actually kind of excited for these [Music] [Music] pap [Music] my God those Melodies yeah those Melodies are nice vibing with that okay forgot to put these two in there definitely a lot more happening all right moving on to to the voices yeah it's here you are purple are it's purple are purple you are and it's purple I feel like there is going to be a jump scare for this thing I took it away and it still played the sound okay all right so I guess on that note it's time for us to make a chill I think right maybe a little scary but dope [Music] beat [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] the RO super and in the great [Music] circle Dr the great turle are be is purple B are B with [Music] purple [Music] you are be it's purple you are be it's purple [Music] all right I think that's going to wrap it up here overall I thought it was actually pretty nice it had a bit of like a retro 8 bit kind of feel especially with some of the uh polos in there like the arcade game and like The Game Cube I mean come on now I might still have to say that blue was probably my favorite one so far especially like the melody set that I had for the intro that was that was clean of course there was a few of them that I liked the most I think Melody one sounded really good and there were definitely a few in there that were interesting especially especially this one I don't even know what I was witnessing when I was seeing that either way just like every single mod I do want to know what you guys think about this mod we are coming awfully close to Version 9 we have what three more but either way I hope you guys enjoyed because I surely did thank you to all the members of the channel thank you for the people whove joined the Discord and thank you for watching and I guess I will catch you in the next [Music] video
Channel: Azarus
Views: 18,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azarus, azarus yt, azerus, azarus incredibox, incredibox, colorbox, colorbox scratch, scratch incredibox, incredibox scratch, incrredibox scratch mods, scratch incredibox mods, azarus colorbox, scratch mods, colorbox mod, azarus ytp, colorbox purple, colorbox v6 purple, purple incredibox mod, colorbox purple incredibox, purple v6, colorbox v6, colorbox purple mod, purple colorbox, scratch colorbox v6, scratch purple mod, pruple incredibox, scratch incredibox purple, pruple
Id: b67dqcYTcuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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