This Incredibox Mod is So BEAUTIFUL! - Colorbox v7 | Pink

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P CL [Music] ping with my [Music] eyes how's it going my name is azaris welcome back to some more incredibox today we're going to be continuing wing on to version version 7 okay yeah which of course is uh Pink as you can tell by the pinkness I've got my pink shirt on I've got the pink lights on I'm actually kind of surprised I had a pink shirt so yeah this week has definitely been the most busiest week and we're rocking 4 hours of sleep right now I'm actually feeling pretty good though so I don't know don't ask why I woke up in the middle of the night couldn't go back to bed either way let's check out this week's fan art yes first one coming in from this phased coming in with a dope sketch that their girlfriend Drew I feel like that's definitely based off of a thumbnail too yeah with the glasses down and the and the eyebrow raised yeah also I'm looking quite handsome in that drawing I feel like I can match it pretty well right next one coming in from random mix my God buff azerus someone commented bro is about to go Super Saiyan I agree with that that is definitely a version of azerus I I don't want to mess with altogether though dope ass art dude the detail to the muscle and everything oh my God okay now it's in black and white but I can only assume that the liquid on his fists are most likely blood next one coming in from Z noodle Arts coming in with an animation and this animation is crazy God and I think it's the one from uh evacuate yeah with the blindfold on I can only imagine how difficult and long it takes to draw an animation this is definitely another version of azus I would uh like to stay away from next one coming in from bloxy Boo this one is a polo redesigned as azerus and to be honest I'm loving that Vibe I love the sweatshirt that he has on I love the background that has on too of course you got the headphones you got the sunglasses I think that's a prettyy solid pole design right there I'm liking that that's pretty dope okay we got another Polo design by Lemon Drop kills pretty damn cool I love the bread I love the bread thrown a PE sign and what is that say in Inc incred I love the mixture of just different words with azus I love that of course on a TV cuz I love doing TV intros don't I either way that's going to wrap it up for the fan art this week thank you so much for sharing I love these fan arts man I can't I can't get enough so let's actually move on to the mod uh we're going to be going over the descriptions first let's take a look at the descriptions let's hear the music [Music] though all right so a few people mentioned that these songs were from from a game I don't know a game I I forget the name of it so pretty dope soundtrack though I like the eight bit sounds either way moving on to the first one we got the first beat name is Harold age 20 gender male an assistant of the hospital usually helping with Judy which we have no idea who that is yet will usually help with medical stats like vitals vitals has his own wearable heart monitor on his head um last time I checked your heart is here not on your head moving on to beat 2 we got Judy age 39 and her female one of the nurses that works at the center hospital she's a very caring and patient gal and is able to comfort whoever she might be with when checking up she works well with any medical tools especially needles God you know what came to mind it's terrible like if you're getting your blood drawn but then they missed the vein so they have to stab you again and they miss it again and they have to stab you again hasn't happened to me but I know it's happened to a few people I'm I'm good sorry to put that into your mind let's move on to beat three the teddy bear okay name is Barry age made 19 years ago gender nun Barry is a toy that was made for Catherine by her own mother and has had it for several years it would later have some medical Parts in it to have it be able to move around on its own I'm good despite being worn down so much it's still somewhat in an okay condition moving on a beat four nice glasses name is Kevin h21 gender male just a really chill guy most of the time but at parties he's at his craziest noted that he's good at karaoke and for his signature star glasses yeah there I I just compliment Method All Right Moving On to beat five what is that name is dango age 16 Dango are well-known food in the pink Village so this little creature ended up becoming a thing top one is always angry the middle one is usually confused and scared and the bottom one is just a little goober what is goo what is what's a goober all right moving on to the effects that God he looks tired oh I see why name is Catherine oh age 19 gender female Catherine is Marshall's old sister older sister she had gotten into an accident where she got stabbed by a sword easily going through her gut she's currently at the hospital in critical she's currently in the hospital in critical condition where her brother's staying by her side though she feels she can't be saved moving on to effect two we got Lilla age unknown gender female just a little moth that roams around here sometimes seen with bells and can play a little tune oh Lilia oh okay it's missing an eye Lilia tends to flutter around here at times and sometimes squeaks as it's their form of communication moving on to effect three name is Yale age 25 Jenner male Yale has learned how to fly and even how to make his own little helicopter propeller on his back able to take him wherever he's able to go he was somehow able to become good friends with the moth probably because he can fly and moving on to effect four we got Vienna like like Vienna sausage age 33 gender female Vienna had her lower jaw destroyed and it's currently unknown what had caused such a thing we had given her a prosthetic one one problem is that she can't really form words but just noise so she's usually grumpy moving mov on to effect five we got question marks age 23 gender non-binary their eyes were missing but we gave them a screen as a replacement it works and it also makes a synth like sound from them though it's apparent that they may also have memory loss as I can't remember their own name all moving on to the Melodies now we got uh Marshall age 17 gender male Marshall is Katherine's younger brother they happen to get along with each other very well but that one day would change him completely now he's very sad each day while also wearing a flower necklace that Katherine made for him a while back moving on to Pikachu moving on to piku age 20 G female piku is just a funloving robot having a very bubbly personality being mostly pink metal with some electrical parts her face is just some pink light glowing on her screen she also occasionally helps with Judy or Harold Moving On A Melody 3 we got CAU age 50 gender male a cat person who taught the way of keys also happens to be telekinetic usually isolated from everyone else and rather be left alone can't get to know much else about them moving on to meldy 4 we got Hara age 45 Jer none our guard for the place sound their horn whenever danger is near or here thanks to the metal and horns shielding their head all you can see is their eyes but it kind of makes them more threatening is that the point though moving on to the flower the FL oh my God the flower name is the flower age 100 plus it's noted that it loses a petal every decade with it being over 100 years old it was known that it used to have 18 petals it's Unknown about why it's oneeyed moving on to voices now oh that's pretty cool looking uh we got Rose age 46 gener female I like the design of that it's like a statue oh it is a yeah okay a statue here at the Village it's been here for quite a while but still strange on its own some people have heard sounds coming from it moving on to voice two we got velvet age 24 gender female velvet just enjoys cold weather though it's usually only winds that we get at most she has this weird skin condition that makes her look negative though her personality is the opposite moving on to what is that uh mck McLoud okay age 16 general just a very innocent Cloud fellow and a pretty big softy in general usually seen with ear muffs just for style he enjoys looking at the sky and seeing all the pink clouds just like him moving on what is that puff puff what is our age about a month jener Nel an attempt to make a new creature we don't know whether to call this a success or a failure but it's adorable so it'll stay moving on to Leo age 32 gender male Leo is the main caretaker of the cherry blossom tree that grows in the pink Village if one gets cut down he plantss five more he's very serious with his work though short-tempered you need to earn his respect on that note let's move over to the actual mod now hey how's it going everyone welcome back so it's very pink there's not really a specific design that they're going for here like last time it was like a retro kind of game style this one's uh Pink so on that note oh wait so there is a code that you need and I have them written down though I don't know how to is like just 15 13 1 and 18 okay yeah that's how it works easy I think there's two of them right ah okay so it's 1455 19258 so it looks like a an eyeball and nter here without further Ado let's check out the first beat sounds like a heartbeat I think that's what they're trying to go for it sounds like it might be a little bit of a fastpac kind of beat I like the fast-paced ones moving on to beat two the nurse's cap [Music] seems like we got a little mixture of high hats and claps I kind of like that beats are sounded pretty decent so far can't really tell yet so let's move on to B3 got some uh Jingle Bells in there is it Christmas time already that one's the teddy bear obviously that one's definitely a button too I should have known that I would rather not have a teddy bear that moves around on its own inside my house moving on to the glasses yeah we got some what do you call that like tongue tongue clicks pretty nice Edition though I'm looking the Beats so far the beats are pretty good all right let's move on to the um what are those again okay yo what okay that was a whole beat Al together that was like literally every single beat put together it's great also I like how they own each had their like own little animation oh that was cool let's move on to the effects now to the [Music] sword damn that had uh that had some B to it again I always love when the Bas vibrates my headphones you know it's a good base that one is the pole that got stabbed it sounds good but I hope they uh hope they hope they survive moving on to the Bell reminds me of the Bells mod I wonder why seems like we're getting a little taste of the Melody I like bells in the mix sounds sounds good that one is the moth clearly so yeah let's move on to effect [Music] [Music] three oh that one was cool that one was dope that one's almost like a secondary base it was like a deep scn dude I love that all right moving on to uh effect four [Music] [Music] I wasn't expecting another one to come on uh almost sounds like an alarm definitely another uh synth that one's a pull that lost their jaw moving on to effect [Music] five oh yeah that one's cool I can't tell what kind of instrument that is maybe it's just like a maybe it's like a synth but played backwards that's what that's what I'm guessing I don't know that one's pretty dope though I like that moving on to the Melodies now it almost sounds a bit sad I mean considering the polo yeah the polo is uh the brother of the one that got stabbed so it's like a violin though it's kind of nice moving on to the second one the robot one [Music] not bad not bad so when I first heard that first part I thought it was going to be like a fastpac like8 bit kind of Melody but it wasn't but that's okay sounded nice still moving on to Melody 3 I don't even know what that is [Music] I see it's a key to a piano I like piano I like piano polos I think they're great sounds pretty nice overall I just realized that this um icon is crazy looking okay that's cool all right moving on to Melody 4 harmonizing horns God I love it my God that was good harmonization was there sounds like I was walking into like a kingdom all right moving on to the sunflower flower with the eyeball [Music] yeah I expected it to stay the same tone but it didn't it switched it up that was cool that was a one of the faster paced Melodies that was awaiting moving on to the voices now the corrupted looking [Music] one oh my God I'll tell you right now if I heard that coming from a statue I I would be scared too I can't even pinpoint is that like a choir of sorts it sounded nice though mov on to voice thir [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I kind of like that okay oh yeah I guess I'm curious to see if there's going to be lyrics we're going to see with this next one though that last one's good though I like that one pink clinking in my eyes it's like a dream so I heard like pink scy I don't know I couldn't understand we got some lyrics though not bad all not bad overall I had the lyrics for the blue mod stuck in my head for a while now all right moving on to the second to last voice let's hear it [Music] [Music] not going to lie it got me at the first part then it started harmonizing it was like a choir like a high pitched choir moving on to last voice well we got some more lyrics I have no no idea what they're saying though pretty dope so far I guess we're going to move on to the bonuses we got bonus one the high hats love it um that one also looked familiar wasn't that one in the previous version or one of the previous versions I'm pretty sure sounds great now we're going to move on to the bonus two let's hear it oh my God that was great okay I'm going to put that one with the Melodies these two bonuses are amazing so I guess on that note let's move on to the Beats hear them all together beats are fire okay those beats were great high hats add a lot dude the this beat and actually the uh teddy bear had quite a bit to it let's move on to the effects now [Music] there is a lot of base and a lot of synth happening in there I feel like these two bases won't go super well together we're going to have to see moving on to the melodies [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's definitely a lot going on in there I will say though the flower great um the bonus one pretty good I will say the piano though piano with the violin amazing all right moving on to the voices now [Music] pink CL pink [Applause] [Music] step in my [Applause] eyes like a [Music] fantastic voices to be honest I honestly wasn't expecting it to sound that good the voices together those voices added a lot to it um also this like choir thing creature thing here too so without further Ado let's go on to make ourselves a nice pink beat [Music] oh pink clouds pink sping in my [Applause] [Applause] eyes pink clouds pink [Music] Skies opening in my eyes for [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] pink clouds pink STS I'm gaming in my eyes take dream [Music] [Music] this version was actually really nice it was almost like a dramatic song Almost I really like the vibe of that it was great now there were a few in there that weren't as good to be honest I didn't really like this melody uh I think the piano and the violin perfect together and there are other ones that like worked with certain mixes and didn't work with other ones I'm like ah that doesn't sound right but once you get that mix down oh my God it's like it's like gold it's amazing yeah this one is definitely one of my favorites I I I feel like blue is still up there like that one mix from my intro was just fantastic but this one this one is really good thank you to all the members of the channel thank you for the people who have joined the Discord and thank you for watching I know it's been a crazy few weeks it's been busy it's nearing the end of the semester so you know every everyone's getting their exams and projects I do want to know what you guys think of this mod so definitely leave it down in the comments we're getting really close to Version 9 so I can't wait for that but either way on that note I think I will catch you all I keep on saying on the flip I like I'm going to keep on saying that on the flip yeah [Music]
Channel: Azarus
Views: 12,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azarus, azarus yt, azerus, azarus incredibox, incredibox, colorbox, colorbox scratch, scratch incredibox, incredibox scratch, incrredibox scratch mods, scratch incredibox mods, azarus colorbox, scratch mods, colorbox mod, azarus ytp, colorbox pink, pink colorbox, pink incredibox mod, colorbox v7, colorbox pink mod, scratch incredibox pink, pink incredibox, pink, pink v7, colorbox pink incredibox, scratch colorbox v7, colorbox v7 pink, scratch pink mod
Id: hIC2GIhsaLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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