RETRO OSAKA Street Food: Exploring Shinsekai, Osaka’s “New World”

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hi welcome to japan by food i'm your host shizuka anderson today is my last day in osaka and i thought i'd wrap up my osaka tour by visiting osaka shinsekai shinsekai literally translates to new world and it was built in the year 1912 in order to attract tourists and revitalize the neighboring area but right now it is not so much new and modern but extremely retro there are also tons of amazing street foods retro shops game centers also there's an area that is designed to look like coney island in new york as well as another area that's designed to look like paris and speaking of paris the tsutenkaku tower right behind me was modeled after the eiffel tower and it was actually designed by the very architect who designed tokyo tower and i'm here to explore all of those vibes and eat some tasty food let's go explore [Music] oh this is cute look at the penguin it's the penguin doll penguin hall apparently oh my gosh it's a dagashi bar so if you guys don't know dagashi is retro candies that they used to sell in like the showa era dagashi yat were very popular during this time they're like old school retro candy shops but this is a dagashi bar so i'm really interested in finding out what that's all about let's go check it out wow this place is so cool oh my gosh there are retro toys all over the place [Music] so you can do all you can drink for two hours for only three thousand yen which is about 30 bucks and you can eat as much takashi as you want and play games this is incredible all right so i've selected this table to sit at because they have super mario and i really want to play the nintendo 64. so let's sit here and they have a little system where you can select all of the dagashi goodies that you want and put them in this basket yay so we've got our dagashi goodies i can't wait to try these out oh what is [Music] my drink has arrived i ordered the melon cream soda because this is actually a really popular drink from back in the showa era they also serve it in a masu which is very not common to see normally you put sake in a bamboo square masu like this but instead they've got their glass inside it's a really cute touch there we go now it's turning bright green just as it's supposed to be creamy and sweet and retro we've still got a whole heaping basket of dagashi candies and i cannot wait to try them the first one i want to try is this aji kare rice crackers this one actually started in the year 1960 so it's been around for quite a while it's actually even older than this one which is about 40 years old so let's try this smell it oh it smells like dry curry let's try it here we go those are really good but basically it's like rice crackers have been coated in curry powder let's try the natto umaibol because natto is infamous for being a little smelly some people really despise it but it is a popular healthy food in japan yeah yeah it is bizarre it smells exactly like i'm eating real fermented soy beans okay let's see how it tastes itadakimasu interesting actually it's it's quite good i i like it i think the strongest flavor that i get from this is like spicy mustard the last one i want to try because i'm really curious about this is this little tiny dessert and i'm just so curious about what it's going to taste like so let's give this one a try it actually isn't powder it looks like whipped cream on the inside that is really cool let's give it a try weird um it tastes like it tastes like grape it tastes like you know grape soda or something like granules of sugar almost so it kind of dissolves into like little sugar specks so this is definitely a really cool place to visit when you come visit shinsekai anyway let's keep exploring shinsekai oh it's the new world market and i'm in front of an old-fashioned popular butcher shop that sells beef cutlet sandwiches they're right above me and apparently they're really good they also sell freshly fried croquettes and it says on this sign here it's the taste of osaka so i'm gonna have to try let's go [Music] okay i've got my fresh piping hot beef cutlet sandwich oh my gosh this is so fresh um it is like it's really it's almost burning my hands it's that hot but the the bread you can see is nicely toasted the inside is freshly fried it looks crispy and delicious the cutlet is so crispy on the outside that crunch is amazing the bread is fluffy and soft and all of it is piping hot and the meat is juicy on the inside you also get this wonderful spicy japanese mustard on the bread gives it a really nice kick this is so so good definitely recommend well that was really delicious we still have a lot more to see let's keep exploring [Music] so it's kind of a stereotype that old ladies in osaka always wear leopard print and tiger print and this shop really lives up to the stereotype look at this japanese sweet shop oh my goodness everything looks so delicious and everything is so cute look at these these are traditional japanese candies that you would eat during the obon season wow and even look at those ones these are so cute they're shaped like a paper fan they even have some paper fan artwork on it that is beautiful but you know what i'm interested in today i think these look really nice this is called imoniki and emo means sweet potato and on the inside it's actually filled with white bean paste it's very nice it has sweet potato and nikki is cinnamon it's a very traditional flavor i think i'm going to try one of these so just a dollar for each item it's a really good deal apparently all of these are actually made in-house well this is incredible so this is a jelly but all of this is made in-house too we have sweet potato and also apparently they're famous for their custard pudding that looks really good and really cute so i'm gonna get one of these and maybe one of those sweet potato munjus and let's give them a try all right i've got my goodies this is the adorable homemade pudding it says nakayama on the top which is the name of the shop and i have my manju my sweet potato manju but it's actually nice and warm because it's freshly baked why don't we start with the freshly baked manju let's give it a try as you can see it is filled with white bean paste and because that it is quite sweet but i love the sweet potato the baked sweet potato aroma that comes with it now it's time to try my pudding oh look at that custard that looks so good the top part is not extremely sweet if anything it's a very very mild flavor you can enjoy the taste of the eggs and you can let the caramel sauce add the sweetness this is really good and it tastes so traditionally japanese and i think it's worth noting that this shop has been running for 105 years and it's a family-owned business and the men in the photos above are actually the father of the current owner so it's been passed down by generation so it's very clear that there's a lot of love in the suites that are made here and it's definitely worth trying if you ever come by well let's continue exploring shinsekai shall we [Music] i am at the billy ken shrine in the shinsekai street this shrine actually features a little golden statue called a billy ken this billy can is the mascot of the area so you can find this statue all over the streets here lots of little goodies and souvenir shops that feature the billy ken as well but what is the billy ken it's actually originally designed by an american artist in the 1800s it's said that the billy can is the god of the way things are ought to be so if you rub its feet you can get good luck apparently so if you come here and you pray to the billy ken you might get good luck [Music] here i am now at the janjan yokocho the janjan yokocho is actually a little side street that connects the shinsekai area with the tobita red light district and it gets its name janjan from the onomatopia of the sound that you play shamisen and the reason why they call it that is because back in the day the shopkeepers used to attract customers to this area by playing the shamisen and if you look carefully you can actually see that the mascot character is a cartoon of the tsutenkaku tower playing a shamisen it's really cute let's go explore oh this looks like a takoyaki shop oh yeah they've got takoyaki grilling up here but also they actually have something called a janjan yaki which sounds really intriguing to me it says it's a meibutsu or famous food in this area let's get one of these and find out what it's all about [Music] here we go let's take a look at what's inside oh it looks like a wonderful almost okonomiyaki style dish with the mayonnaise and green onions on top and on the inside they've actually added takoyaki they seem to just kind of mix it all together so as you can see there's some good big chunks of octopus inside much like a takoyaki the top of it looks like probably what an okonomiyaki or takoyaki batter would be like it also has potatoes cheese and egg and it's covered in a wonderful takoyaki sauce oh yes that looks good hot and delicious that's really good oh that's good i have to say it's like a fusion between okonomiyaki and takoyaki that's exactly what it is plus it's got a little bit of egg and a little bit of potato which makes it kind of unique oh yes the potato makes it nice and fluffy as well that's delicious if you like a good sweet teriyaki style sauce and mayo and a little green onion crunch then this is the bite for you all right i've just gotten my final snack of the day i just stopped by the nearby tsuruganea it is a very historical manju japanese sweet shop that's been open since the meiji period which is the beginning of the 1900s at the beginning of the show up here they actually started a brand new suite called the nashiro basho which is based on bananas and at that time it was still a very expensive fruit to get so not many people could eat them but many people wanted them they made a manju sweet that looks like a banana and apparently it tastes a little bit like a banana although it doesn't actually use bananas in it um so you get a lot of this banana smell when you bite into it and there's a little bit of a faint delicious banana aftertaste but the inside is all japanese style sweets it's actually white bean paste on the inside the outside is a japanese manju kind of like a baked steamed bread sort of thing very unique very very japanese and it definitely tastes like the showa period but on that note that actually wraps up my day at shinsekai and i have had so much fun here it's like walking into a retro style theme park this is also the last video in my osaka series and i really hope you enjoyed it please let me know in the comments below which location i visited that you liked the most and which video is the most fun for you anyway thank you so much for watching and i hope to see you guys in the next video so don't forget to like comment share and subscribe see you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Japan by Food
Views: 69,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Osaka, shinsekai, shinsekai osaka, shinsekai osaka food, tsutenkaku, tsutenkaku tower, japan, osaka japan, osaka street food, things you must know shinsekai osaka, things to know about shinsekai osaka, shinsekai osaka things to do, japan vlog, japan travel vlog, japan travel, japan trip, tsutenkaku osaka japan, japanese food, travel japan, japan travel guide, retro osaka, japanese street food, osaka food tour, japan by food, shizuka anderson, shinsekai food, travel guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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