Deep Japan: This is a Side of Nara You Have Never Seen!

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if you want to travel like a local I have the perfect day trip for you as you can see I am back in Neta hanging out with the deer but today I'm going to be exploring the outskirts of Neta prefecture where you can enjoy Japanese history and delicious local foods without all of the tourists that you would normally be surrounded by in central Neta and Kyoto area before we go don't forget to subscribe for more amazing Japan Adventures let's go explore nuta off the beaten path let's go oh that's a lot of deer [Music] poop OG station is just a short 20 minute train ride from NADA station so it's a very easy way to get out of the busy area into somewhere a little bit more quiet and I have the perfect quiet relaxing and traditional way to start the morning so I'll see you guys over there I am here now at the dumi temple in ogi city which may have been founded as early as the year 6113 and this is known for also being the burial site of the town's mascot which is named yukim Madu and it's a white dog that belonged to a prince named Prince shotoku so I can't wait to go inside and learn a little bit more about that and try a really traditional local activity here at this Temple so follow me inside and let's go see what it's all about [Music] [Music] for he then we'll pray this Temple is also known for their beautiful artwork painted on their paper doors this is the depiction of the DaRuMa he's basically the origin of what these Duma dolls were modeled after and Duma is said to have been a real person who fell in this very location and the prince Shoku happened to cross him and showed him compassion and kindness and then it was Prince shotoku's dog who said that he would protect the duma's grave when he passed away [Music] here hi for [Music] let's start with the [Music] eyes oh okay M it's a little it's a little lopsided but I think it's okay so basically you can pick whatever stamps you want and it'll turn out very cute and easy like this let's see how it turns [Music] out I think I finished I chose to draw some paw prints on it to represent Yuki m okay so now that I have a little bit of time after finishing my Koro DaRuMa I'd like to enjoy the garden so I'm going to enjoy some matcha green tea let's go sit [Music] outside all right this is a very special experience getting to sit in the garden and enjoy some matcha green tea this is Yamato matcha which is the little local Famous tea from Nana prefecture and I'm going to enjoy a Japanese Suite called Mona which is kind of like a soft wafer filled with red bean paste M so creamy I love a freshly whisked matcha the bitterness goes away if you whisk it just right let's try our tea with the Japanese sweets I love that it looks like a little Duma this is the original design of what a Dharma doll should look like M that's good it's filled with red bean paste this is really the perfect Japanese Zen experience to enjoy MAA green tea in a real Buddhist garden and this green tea is actually served by the yukimaru Chaya which means yukimaru tea house and it's right over there and it's owned by imay who showed me around the temple today so if you guys have a chance please make sure to go check that place out they have great green tea they also have both traditional Japanese and modern desserts there after a very relaxing morning it is now time for me to find some lunch and OG city is actually starting to be known as a Ramen City due to an initiative in 2018 to refurbish old empty shops and lend them out to aspiring Ramen Shop owners and one ramen shop that has a very long history in this area is right here and it's called o Len and it's started out as a food stand right near ogi station so I want to go inside their restaurant that they have now and see what their famous Ramen tastes like let's go inside o it looks really [Music] good all right I'm going to order what I hear is their most famous Ramen which is of course the old G man I hear that what's quite popular about it is you can add as much garlic as you [Music] want what a great story he's been doing Ramen as his business for over 43 years I'm going to start by putting some garlic in there cuz I love garlic um and I'm going to add a little bit of spice because I do like spicy food a lot okay I'm going to mix in the spice and the garlic ooh that looks good oh hold on I got to start with the soup first that's what the rule is here you go oh that is really good oh my goodness it's a soy sauce based broth very flavorful it's very garlicky and it's got a little kick of spice to it it's let's put the noodles in and some crunchy hux M I love the crunch that the huai the Chinese cabbage gives the noodles are really fresh and chewy this is a really good Umami Rich soy sauce ramen let's try a bite of the homemade chachew pork m M very tasty there's a lot of flavor in there too it's a little bit on the firmer side but it also has these pieces of Juicy fattiness this was a really delicious meal I cleaned up the whole Bowl very good if you guys want something a little bit local off the beaten path this is a great place to hit up after a wonderful quiet little escape to the town of ogi I am now back in central NADA City in a really quiet little side street that has these wonderful traditional buildings and I'm going to be trying out a restaurant that's right here and it's called kitset which means Fox and they also have this which we featured in another video actually and this is called the Su dama and these are hung in front of sake breweries and it's also a sign that a restaurant serves Japanese sake so let's go inside and check it out come on beautiful restaurant I'm in right now I'm going to be trying something called Sukiyaki which is a very traditional Japanese dish that's been around since the Magi period this particular restaurant has a little bit of a unique twist to it so I'm really excited to see what it's going to be like [Music] each of these dishes look so incredible I'm going to start with the Spanish mackerel [Music] sashimi M that is fantastic it is a rainbow of different flavors the fish is so tender you get a really subtle hint of smokiness from the seared skin on the edge and then it's accented by the tsachi citris and the slightly sharp also very fragrant and spring-like daon on the side this one is the kitset fried [Music] oysters m wow that is so good honestly this is the lightest crispiest Cy fry super super light and satisfying Crunch and the oyster so tender and creamy you wouldn't even really realize this is an oyster it's really [Music] creamy [Music] also she mentioned that the egg it supposed to have a little bit more of a mild flavor she said a lot of people who don't like it do enjoy this one m m m that is so good the beef is so incredible tender and as she mentioned it's a little bit less heavily fatty compared to a Kobe beef the egg is also creamy and delicious that I think if you don't try it you're really missing out after we have one tasting of the beef next is time for the veggies all right let's start with the enoi [Music] mushrooms M the texture is so interesting and what's really great about these mushrooms is they absorb the flavor of the Sou sweet soup let's try the tofu as well looks amazing M I love a good deep fried tofu so it's absorbed also this really sweet and delicious Savory flavor wow it's is so so I also want to enjoy a little bit of Japanese sake because as you saw outside there was a Sugi I'm going to try a sip of this Kazi and it's actually a Nar sake so let's give this a taste oh wait a minute wow that is so good it's very smooth very easy to drink and it has this wonderful Koji like fragrance all right let's try now the second serving of beef Sukiyaki M you can feel the spice I'm impressed by how remarkably different it tastes from the previous bite oh I love that the addition of the tooto yam which I already love but it has a really lovely creamy taste personally I think I love this dish the [Music] most it is now time for our last Savory dish we often would call this a shim that is actually really cold and refreshing that you can really taste the Yuzu Citrus and they're so light even if you're super full from your meal you can easily down this it's so good this dessert is also so beautiful let's try the ICE Mona mhm really good so as I mentioned to you it still has this kind of Styrofoam like texture I always say it like that it sounds super negative but this one has a little bit more of a chew to it because of the rice flour it also has this really wonderful ice cream on the inside I'd say you can taste that sweetness from the condensed milk and a little bit of the fragrance of the Saka [Music] soup what an incredible dinner everything was so amazing and if you guys want to try it too you can actually book this very same course on our website and the links are down below in the description and the reason why this is really good is because it can be really difficult to book a restaurant in a foreign country in a language that you're not familiar with where they might not also be able to understand you so if it's on our website everything's in English and the prices are all upfront so that's definitely the easy way to go so if you would like to try this make sure to check the links down below and you can also choose from two other course menus as well if you guys enjoyed this video please make sure to give us a like and comment down below if you guys also enjoy traveling off the beaten path and we'll see you guys very soon in another video bye [Music] guys
Channel: Japan by Food
Views: 44,205
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Keywords: japan, japan by food, japanesefood, things to do in japan, japan travel guide, japan travel tips, what to do in japan, how to travel japan, nara japan, nara japan guide, nara japan vlog, things to do in nara, nara guide, nara vlog, sukiyaki, oji ramen, oji town, ramen, daruma doll, daruma temple, narita airport, japanese culture, japan guide, japan travel plan, kyoto itinerary, what to do in nara, japan suica card, nara kyoto japan, japan 4k, japan travel guidelines
Id: AZopA9L2UsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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