Wandering Antigua, Guatemala - Everlanders see the World!

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[Music] welcome back everyone in this video we're in antigua guatemala and uh no idea what we're gonna go see but we're gonna go walk around town and take you with us [Music] um [Music] all right guys a little bit about antigua this city is almost 500 years old 479 to be exact and it used to be the capital of guatemala but in 1773 an earthquake came along and devastated the city and it was basically abandoned for about a hundred years people moved down to what is now present-day guatemala city and now antigua is a world heritage site many of the runes have been preserved so we're gonna go check out check out some of them right now so all of the streets in antigua are still cobblestone which you'll be able to tell by listening to the vehicles driving by all right this is our first stop santa clara [Music] convent so this is the convent of santa clara it was started by six nuns that came from mexico and they want to build a church here that was 1699 and then they worked really hard and i think the first building was inaugurated in 1715 and then the earthquake of 1717 happened and a lot of it got destroyed so they spent another 20 some years rebuilding and then the earthquake of 1773 happened and then after that it was abandoned but today they're working on restoring it actually actively while we're here you can see people working and it's gorgeous a really nice place right now it can be used for weddings and other celebrations you want to have here they have all these cutouts in the walls there and here and here everywhere and they all have the name of the organization in the date and i guess this is new and this is you know just exposing or keeping exposed what used to be there well that was pretty neat although hopefully you guys found something halfway interesting because i know you don't watch our channel for historical relevance and accuracy [Music] one more thank so as you can see the town square is a really active place um we have the government buildings all around here and the university which was the first university for latin america and i think we're going to continue on from here [Laughter] no matter what town square we go through in mexico there's always a kid chasing pigeons it's inevitable and i'm the kid this time all right here we are the big market in antigua let's check it out [Music] the open source is coming [Music] that is a pack of lies [Music] into the heart of the market here this is kind of overwhelming there's so much here but we're gonna pick up a few things [Music] foreign all right that was the big market uh we picked up some chicken some vegetables some koben peppers which are like a really awesome sweet hot pepper that we found here and now we're gonna head to the most iconic thing here the santa catalina arch [Music] so behind me this is the most iconic thing to see in antigua the santa catarina arch and this arch was built in the 1600s because there were two convents one on each side and the nuns had taken vows of solitude so they couldn't walk from one convent to the other so they built this arch here so that they could walk across and then in 1800s i think 1830 they put the clock up on top there and i read this i don't know if it's true but it says still to this day they have to wind it every three days so these are the floats that they carry um through the streets with the samana santa parade [Music] you can see a little taste of some mana santa parades in our last video so this is the convent of chapuccinos built in 1731 and the nuns that stayed here were apparently practiced the strictest regulations out of all the nuns fasting poverty and they survived on gifts from from the local people so we're going to take a look around this one see what there is to see so this area was where the nuns would come and pray and apparently each nun would get their own little cubicle and then the grand puba nun would stand there at that middle spot and would be able to hear all the prayers all so good i see let's give it a try yeah give it a try [Music] can you hear me now um you need to speak a little louder maybe i need to turn my mic out oh there's still some nuns in there yeah i see you go to the back and that's where you pray from get that tunnel effect and then it fires right out at the nail [Music] the nail i speak of is apparently that hole in the middle so on further examination looks like all these little rooms you know we probably could have got the tour and figured this out for real but anyway each one of these little holes was where the nuns would hang out and chill and play cards or whatever probably had a little statue of jesus here and then in the entryway each one of the facilities has some facilities which all can join in a common moat at the bottom and then the way they've got this portrayed here there were these handy iron gates with padlocks on them to make sure that you prayed real hard ah there we are see i knew i knew we had further to go bye jason sing us a song what can i say in this environment that will sound amazing and epic remember to comment and subscribe all right we talked to an english speaking guide so we're able to clear some things up um the area that had the 18 cells was actually used for a retreat so the nuns would come and they would stay in the cells and do a three-day fasting retreat and the mother superior would stand in the middle and then she could talk and do the prayers to them and then the basement area that we were in they said it was used for a cool storage or also could be used for when they wanted to sing because when they'd be in there and they'd sing you could hear from our video the voices would just go all out to the heavens all right let's keep on going we stopped here for a coffee another really cool place in antigua just full of really awesome restaurants this one is a bakery i'll show you some of the great stuff here here we have all sorts of goodies this is what we ordered right here but tons of gorgeous pastries yummy all right well deserved break after trekking around the city well deserved it's a stretch nice break happy to have you maybe next thing on the list is a haircut little barber shop next door might check that out all right we're gonna get jason all fixed up here all looking nice [Music] all right guys i guess this is happening [Laughter] all right guys thank you so much for watching special shout out to all of our members thank you thank you thank you you guys and hopefully you found this interesting this was just us wandering around antigua probably not the most informative but hopefully giving you a taste of how beautiful antigua is thanks for watching guys we'll see you next time you look about 20 years younger spence annuals with uh hovind
Channel: Everlanders
Views: 3,125
Rating: 4.9722223 out of 5
Id: BdiGAPQisJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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