Retarget Motion Capture: Blender, Mixamo, and AutoRig Pro

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hi darren lyle here this is a video from my course blender and motion capture if you'd like to see more of this course as well as more than 500 other blender videos then click the join button and become a member of my youtube channel lots of blender training courses and a new blender video each day hope to see you there enjoy we've learned how to create and use motion capture data from a motion capture suit let's now take a look at downloading some pre-made animation for our character and for this i'm going to use mixamo let's go to here and i'm going to choose animations now you can scroll through here and click on various animations that you'd want to use um there's a dance one here a silly dance that i saw not too long ago here this one let's try that one let's put this one on our character so now that we've chosen our animation let's come over here and click on download and i'm going to choose an fbx really that's the only thing you have you can choose colada but i think an fbx is really going to be the better choice let's do it without the character or without the skin i'm going to choose 24 frames per second and i won't choose any keyframe reductions at all so with all that set up let's click on download and i have created a miximo folder here i'm going to go ahead and put this fbx file in that folder and now that that's all done let's go back to blender and let's import this in let's go to file import and this time let's go to fbx since it's an fbx file here we go and let's browse to that folder and here is our silly dancing fbx now i'm not going to change anything over here i'm going to keep everything just as it is and let's see how it works i'll click import and there it is now it looks quite a bit different from the rig from the perception neuron but it's still there everything's still there if i click play here you can see there it goes so let's work on putting this on our character i'm going to see how long this is how long is this it looks like it's 93 frames so i'm going to type in 93 here hover over here and hit the home key so there you can see all of our keyframes this two does not have a t pose at the beginning so i think we should manually scale it to do that let's tab into edit mode let's go to the front view here and i'll come down and turn on in front so we can see it let's change our pivot to 3d cursor and i'll select everything and let's scale this until it's about right i think i'm looking here at the elbows and kind of where the elbows is going to go right about there i think now the hands and the fingers are pretty off here but i think that'll be okay everything else looks pretty good so i'll go back to my median point i'll tab back into object mode and here we go okay now let's tell auto rig pro which armature we're going to use so with this one selected the one from mixamo let's click the eyedropper here on the source animation and it says source armature not initialized freeze source armature so let's click on this and there we go now let's click on our rig here for our character and click our eyedropper there now we need to build a new bones list here i'll click build bones list and let's do that now we've got differently named bones over here from the miximo rig so let's choose the miximo rig hips here and looks like it assigned the root master there and that's correct so we want to then click here to set that as the root let's then find the feet i'll type in foot there we go and let's choose the foot fk.l that needs to be changed right we need to change this to ik let's type in ik and choose the left bone and we want to ensure that it is seen as ik let's do that over here remove these type in ik ik dot r and see it as ik there all right now we can do is we can go ahead and click retarget so let's see how it works retarget and then okay okay looks like there he is looking pretty groovy let's uh go to solid mode let's turn off the miximo rig for a moment and let's hit play and look at him go so once again he's pretty stretched oh i'm going backwards let's go forwards here there we go once again he's looking pretty stretched so we're going to have to do some interactive tweaks here let's go ahead and do that so let's go to the side view and take a look at the feet i'll come over here type in foot and let's begin with the left foot interactive tweaks i'll take the location down to point zero one and let's try and move this up um i think it's z yeah there we go negative z maybe twice let's try the right foot negative z twice yeah let's do that all right now let's work on this to bring this down some this is the root root let's select that and we'll bring that down with the y we're gonna have to come down probably pretty far for this something like this let's see if that's gonna work well he goes pretty far up there here let's bring that down so the knees bend just a little bit nothing like this let's see how that works yeah i just don't want those legs to stretch too far you know maybe let's bring this down one more see how that works yeah it looks like that leg is stretching still over extending there there we go okay got that now let's take a look at the arms the arms actually go into the chest around here let's see if we can fix that with some tweaks uh these are forearms so let's type in forearm and the right one here let's see if we can bring this out just a bit oh that's the rotation we don't want that try this yeah it looks like we may be able to bring those out just a little bit like that let's see how that works now what happens if he puts his arms out like this it's not too bad it's a little bit hyper extended there isn't it but that may work let's see i'll turn off the rig close that panel and let's see him go oh yeah he's got the moves so there we go and there may be more tweaks that we could do here for a leg here and there but generally speaking that's how you'd bring an animation motion capture data from a website where you can sometimes get these for free or for purchase and you can use the same process to retarget these to your character here in blender
Channel: Darrin Lile
Views: 49,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video game, blender, 3d, animation, character, tutorial, unity, substance painter, motion capture
Id: gNCehuAEn_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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