restyling your favorite childhood cartoons (w/ @ModernGurlz )

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Our first character is Kim Poss-- - No! - [ Laughs ] CHAOS! Hello my beautiful doves! Welcome back. Today's gonna be a really fun day. I invited Tessa who runs the channel  ModernGurlz to collab with me on this idea, and today we're gonna be restyling cartoon  characters from our childhood TV shows! We're doing five characters on my channel  and five characters on her channel, so if you like what we did and get to the end of the video and you're like, "oh, I wish there was more..." There is more! The theme for this restyling  challenge is kind of like, campy... Exaggerated live action interpretations. And that's kind of it. Like, we wanted to give each other  some free reign with the competition, so we didn't put too many guidelines. If the characters were younger, like there's a couple characters who were like, 10 years old, we aged them up to the late teens. We went into this with the mindset that  it's gonna be like a friendly competition, so you guys can be the judge and please let us know in the comments who you think did a better job for this round! - Yeah, let's do this! Our first character for today  is Shego from 'Kim Possible', which was a Disney Channel TV  series that aired from 2002 to 2007. And Shego is the super villain, or she's like, the super villain sidekick. So, my approach for Shego is  that I wanted to do like... A very fashion forward look for her, because I know that, in the show, she kind of wears like a super villain costume. She literally looks like she  popped out of a comic book. And I did want to include the fact that  it was like, a tight-fitting silhouette. I just didn't want it to be, you know, full on super... Superman. So I started off with the top from Rui Official. At the front and has like these cool cutouts and it's totally appropriate, because Shego is older. Rui Official also has these fingerless arm gloves that kind of stretch out like this and it has all these cutouts in them too, so I thought it could be cool for Shego to have alternating, so one is green and one is black. And then I gave her black biker shorts. I don't care if biker shorts are no longer ed, it just seemed right... It just seemed right! I originally was thinking about giving her like a leather skirt, but then everything just looked too heavy on the bottom, because the top is so... You know, so thin. So I wanted to give her something that hugged the body. Over the knee-high boots, Balenciaga does knife boots that are sick! And they're like soft boots, so they're, once again, you see the trend. - Very tight, hugged the body... - Super form-fitting, yeah... Right! In my mind, the biker short kind of goes under the boot, so that there's no like, awkward sliver of skin. It would be alternating so that, if there's like a black glove here, it'd be a green boot on that side and vice versa. And then, because I wanted  it to be kind of Matrixy... I went with these like, pretty cool sunglasses. I don't know, I guess like, my vision of a live action... 'Kim Possible' is that Shego and Dr.  Drakken are a little bit more like techy. A little bit more like, evil scientists, but less in a cartoony way and more in like a... Serious sterile 'Matrix' way. - It kind of gives me like vibes, you know? Like, if you're like a sports game and  someone wears that like full piece... Like, leotard, that's like... Do you know what I'm talking about? - [Laughing] Yeah! - Where it's like... Where it's like spandex leotard? It's that, but make it high fashion. - That's the vision. - There you go! For my take on Shego I also went for  sort of like a 'Matrix' inspired thing, because I think, canonically, in the show, she's like 30 something. And I think that means that you  can put her in a lot of more... Kind of like, harsher materials and fabrics, and you couldn't with like, someone younger, because that kind of thing is just  automatically going to make someone older. And also, it means you can  kind of play with like... More skin tightness. Because it's like, she's older. It's not like, a 17-year-old character. You're like, "why did you put them in lingerie?" So it's like a little bit "okay..." So, I went for like some just  very classic black vinyl pants. My version of Shego would kind of be like, spy assassin meets 'Matrix' hacker, kind of. So I found this really awesome, again, like a vinyl latex bodysuit, that's black, but it has these  really cool strategic cutouts, that are like, on the shoulder over here. And then, on the other side, it doesn't have an arm at all. And then, because of the top I chose is a t-shirt, you also get a little bit more asymmetry in that, one arm is long and then the other side is just the t-shirt cut. If you're trying to like, do crime, you wouldn't really want to be in like neon green, do you know what I mean? Like, trying to like sneak  into a bank and it's like, "yo, I'm wearing fluorescent green!" - So I also kind of like... - [...] A power move, though, to do that . - You're like, "yeah...". - I know, I'll get away with it! But, yeah. So I went for like, a vinyl  trench that I was like-- I feel like she should wear that when she's like stalking around and then she can rip it off. I also gave her some like, green fingerless motorcycle gloves, because I feel like, every hot girl should ride a motorcycle. [ Laughs ] So I kind of like, picture  her riding in on a motorcycle and like... [ Laughs ] And just like, jumping off with  her like, jacket in the wind and just like, stomping forward, very cool. So I played around with like, some green neon ones and I kept seeing these like, kind of like... Tech inspired boots from Demonia. One, it adds like, some really cool height and since she and Kim like to do like, hand fighting. I think it makes sense for her to have like, some kind of like, chunkier boots, because if you land a kick with those, it's gonna really hurt. - FATALITY! Because one of Shego's coolest part of her outfit is the fact that she has one  green boot and one red boot, and I was trying to find a way to like-- - You mean "black boot"? She's Father Christmas. - [ Screams ]. So I really like the boots that you use, because a big part of like Shego's  character design is that like, green and black, kind of like... So I was really struggling to find a way to like, naturally bring that in without it going into like... Cosplay or costume territory. Kudos on you for managing to pull it off, because I was like, "I'm struggling, I don't know how". - I think I like your design more than mine. - I will say that with... - Oh-oh! Oh, no! Round one! I think I would swap out my boots for your boots, just to like give it a little bit  more of that like Shego energy, because I think you automatically  associate Shego with like, half black, half green and mine is more like, black with green accents. So I think I needed to push the like, green, just a little bit more. - Yeah, but I do like your use of leather, because I actually was originally  going to do like a full leather outfit and then, when I found like, the Rui Official top that kind of like, threw everything into like... The circus of my mind. [ Laughter ] Yeah, I really wanted to use that top, but then like, when I added like the leather elements, it was too... It was like too soft and too hard at the same time. - Yeah, like it wasn't like, well balanced. - But I feel like you were really going for what I was like, initially. Like, the cogs are going with the hacker 'Matrix'... I feel like you accomplished that part better than me. - Yeah... - Next on our list is Sam from 'Totally Spies!' We were debating between the  three 'Totally Spies!' girls, but we ended up picking Sam for some reason, which ended up making our entire list super green, - [Laughing ] But... - Yeah! But we picked Sam and she's  one of the main characters. The show is very 'Charlie's Angels' like... So they're all spies and it's also very feminine and the characters dress really well! So this was really fun to do, for me, at least. - Yeah, it's like... It's like one of the few shows  where they give the characters like, different outfits every single episode, or like, multiple times throughout the episode, because usually cartoon  characters they just are like, here's a t-shirt and jeans, you're gonna wear this FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! - Okay, so my Sam... - Is that a Marine Serre? - Is that a-- - The Marine Serre vest? Yes, yes it is! I wanted to make Sam, kind of like, what she wore in the show, so I was really looking at individual pieces. I obviously didn't have time  to watch all six Seasons, so I don't know if I passed this assignment, but she incorporated a lot of like, '70s inspire pieces... She's also pretty preppy as well, and I think she's the smartest girl, so I started off with a Polo shirt. Also, this is very green and blue and I didn't really realize it until I was doing it. It actually was because I found the Marine Serre vest and I was like: - "I need that". - Gotcha... - And then I kind of built  around this one garment. So I put on like, the vest to give it more of like a '70s look. I also just like love the denim vest, because it just adds like a little  bit more structure to the outfit and then I added these kind  of like psychedelic print... - I'm obsessed with those pants, actually! - Yeah! - I am obsessed! - And they have like this like, flare that also gives it kind of like a '70s... And like the '90s and early 2000s took a lot from the '70s as well, so it's all like.... - Yeah, it makes sense. - [...] And then again, so-- You know, it's all... - Yeah, it makes-- It works, it works! [ Laughs ] - She's fashion forward, she's not stuck in the past! I gave her the Jacquemus Le Grand Chiquito, because I don't want her to give her the small bag, because, you know, she does carry her gadgets. So it's like, a slightly bigger version. - Still small, but big enough to put lipstick. - And then I gave her like these PVC green mules that matched the back. - Again, I'm obsessed with the shoes, actually. So, I did something similar where like I  inadvertently also made a green outfit. I don't-- I think maybe the hair color  kind of influenced us in that regard, because red and green kind of like, are complementary. But yeah, so I went sort of like, a more like '90s indie-esque outfit, because, from what I remember of like, the 'Totally Spies!' girls is that, Clover, which is like, the blonde one, is like the super girly, girly, girly girl, super obsessed with boys, etc. And then Alex, who has like, the darker hair is a little bit more like, tomboyish when it comes to her style. And then Sam is like, somewhere in the middle. And with like, a green floral printed midi skirt, and then I went with like, a similar kind of like, long sleeve top, that kind of did the accents of the skirt. So I picked up like, on the floral print. And then it's kind of like, her accessories where I had a little bit more fun, so I gave her a purple shoulder bag, a purple butterfly necklace, purple Mary Janes and then little white lace socks. And then also I thought it'd be really cute if she had like, little white bows in her hair. A little white one. And so I thought it would just be like a really cute kind of outfit that still is like... If you needed to like run across the street, you could do it or like, climb something, you could. It's not like a micro mini skirt or anything, so that was my logic for Sam. I LOVE your everyday outfit, but I feel like I like pieces of it, but I feel like if I was like, seeing this on TV, I don't know if I would normally like associate it with Sam, necessarily. I feel like I'd be like, "that's a fashion forward girl". I came for your neck! I came for you! - I'm like... [ Mina Laughs ] I feel like Sam is like just a little bit more like casual. - I guess because I feel like the  way that they dressed in the show was also not characteristic of the  way that like 15-year-olds dressed, even though they do start off in high school. I kind of like, played with that as well, by giving them more mature or giving her a more mature outfit. But I do agree! I think that... I probably like should have  gone with the skirt, honestly. And I wish I had done something with a collar, because you're right about like, the more like, preppy thing. I wish I'd done something like  with like a collar detail. So we also decided to do the  transformation looks for Sam, because she does have her spy outfit that's super iconic. And I took it very, very literally. And I came across this push button bodysuit and pants set. And I just paired it with these like, sock boots once again, because I just felt like, if I gave her a chunky shoe, it would just not look right considering everything is just... From head to toe. I was like, pretty insistent on  getting like a stiletto heel boot, because I was like, this show is honestly... It's so unrealistic and fun. And even though people like-- I feel like there's like a  group of people that are like, "heels are oppressive", but at the same time, I feel like it's just fun and it's fashionable and... - They literally have like lipstick laser... - Yeah, like for this type of show... - Anyone can cartwheel and stiletto heels. - That's 'Totally Spies!'... - Yeah, for this type of show, totally makes sense! They'd use it to like carve a hole in a window, so they could like get out or something like that. - It makes sense! - There would be a purpose! - Yeah, there would be a purpose. So I went a little bit more casual-- I mean, I'm gonna just say it now, I think you beat me for the... For the transformation outfit. I think yours is spot on. I was like, very 'Charlie's Angels' inspired, so I went with like, a denim boiler jumpsuit kind of look, but more fitted, so it kind of has like, that '70s kind of thing, that you did with your like, everyday outfit, because I also like picked up on that with Sam's clothing where I felt like there was a '70s inspiration. So I gave her like, a green tube  top to like, wear under that , so she could like have it unbuttoned and you'd see like some of her color palette there. Then a green belt. And then I gave her some like, chunky green shoes that have  like a blue flower detail, because I thought it was like, the flower detail just reminded me of like, the logo for the TV show, so I was like, "this is really cute". - They're perfect! - It was like-- So yeah, so I gave her more  of like a casual spy look, but I think yours is better. - I've noticed so far that I've taken this challenge very early. [ Laughter ] I think it's honestly it  stems from the fact that like, so many of these live-action  reboots are, you know... - Boring? - Wearing like 'Riverdale'. - Boring? - Yeah, but it's like, not eve paying attention to the source material at all. Like I feel like they just went so far away from what the characters dress like, and that's always been like a  point of like annoyance for me, so I think I just like, went a little too ham on being like, "people will know where this show is from". So, next up is Velma. - I'm gesturing towards you on the screen! I'm gonna purposely edit it, so that I'm on the opposite way that you're doing it. - Velma! - My vision for Velma was that I wanted her to be very Gucci. And I think you can tell. - I think you succeeded in that! [ Laughs ] I guess I didn't want Velma to look bad, even though I know she's not a fashion girl like, canonically. She's just never cared as  much about fashion as Daphne, so I don't want to make her  too conventionally stylish. And I think Gucci really  hits that where it's like... - "Yeah, it's high fashion". - Grandma chic. - Yeah, it's grandma chic. And a lot of people will not understand it. And also because 'Scooby-Doo' like, started out mostly in the '70s, I did want to like play with  like a more '70s vibe as well, to kind of like... Reference its past. Let's go through it! So I started off with a  base of this like, purple... - Very '70s, honestly. - With that like little like ruffle thing. - Like that Mozart blouse! [ Laughter ] I don't know what else to say! And it's in purple and I  specifically picked purple because... I want-- You know-- I was like, Daphne and Velma  are kind of a thing, like... - I feel like kind of lesbian-- - Implications! - They're kind of girlfriends! So I feel like it's something that  Velma borrowed from Daphne's closet and then, you know, just like made her own... - Scandalous! - And then I layered on a orange sweater  vest to pay homage to her orange sweaters and I think just because the  sweater vest is a little bit more in and also just like adds like  more layering capabilities, I wanted to go with the best shape. Also, very '70s! For the bottoms, I picked like, a midi red skirt. It doesn't have to be pleated. The one I found was just pleated, but i just wanted like a long skirt  to give her more of a grandma look, and she's definitely, I think, more conservative in her fashion. I gave her these like, orange  socks that would match the vest. And then brown loafers to match like these  like '70s brown glasses that I think-- - The glasses are perfect! - And like I obviously wanted it to be her color combination, because it's so iconic to her character. I feel like a lot of people will not  want to rock the orange and the red and I kind of added the purple to make it not conventional still. Like, I didn't want to like balance it out. I still want it to make it look really funky and weird, but still something you could see down a runway. - Watch out, Gucci's about to have this walk down the runway next Season. I bet! It's going to be like a 'Scooby-Doo'  inspired runway collection-- Wait, no-- Take it back! TAKE IT BACK! Gucci, give me money if  that's what you want to do! Give me money! So I went for more of like, a literal thing. So I very much followed her  like original silhouette, so I gave her like, a shorter skirt. So it's like an orange leather Prada skirt, which I know is like, a little bit like high-end and fancy. But when I think of like a modern day 'Scooby-Doo', if I wanted one, I feel like I would have it be like... Them in college solving crime in New York, but obviously if they're like, solving crime, randomly going to college in New York and are basically unemployed, because the cops aren't paying them, they're probably rich kids. So I also gave her a sweater vest. Funnily enough, I actually did come across your sweater vest, when I was looking up sweater vest and I was like, "oh, do I like this one?" But I decided to go for more of like an argyle printed one, just so we can have a little bit more pattern. And then, also, I feel like argyle's in right now. Like it's very like, in. And I think you get like that association with like preppiness-nerdiness. As for her top, I wanted to do like a turtleneck at first, to like, go with her character. But it felt like a little bit too heavy-handed with the orange, so I was like, "okay, I'll give her like a white puff sleeve blouse". So it looks like really big poking out of the sweater vest, because I feel like that would just be-- It would be interesting to have her have like kind of like a frumpier kind of silhouette or a larger silhouette, than, say Daphne. - Would be like her? - Would be like sleepy. Her sweater is very like-- In the original design, is pretty like... - Yeah! - Big. So, I feel like I wanted... I wanted to give her something like a bit larger. And then, I gave her like some like, very similar to her original glasses, but more like a cat eye kind of shape. And I thought like a black  messenger bag would be good for her, just because I feel like you have  to shove so much crap in your bag, if you're going to be investigating. And for shoes, I gave her like these black Mary Janes, but they're platforms. Like they're just like  platformed instead of healed, so you could still like walk around and  do stuff and they're not that crazy tall. So yeah, I kind of went into  like early 'Gossip Girl' era, if you can remember what they would wear, going around schoo-- Ii kind of like, took a few notes from that. I didn't really go for like a frumpy Velma look, because my association with Velma is always the live action Velma, and live action Velma was hot. - Who's your mommy? I was afraid you were gonna  do the Gucci granny look too, and then I was like, "I'm gonna have to show you up. "Like, the pressure is odd, like Gucci is like MY thing". I think yours is probably more youthful than mine. I kind of was like, referencing... Also like, the live action where they're definitely older than kids, but I think like your look  would really work also for like, them being the right ages that they are. - I do really like yours, though, because I think like, the silhouette, it is like, that grandma chic thing and I do think that is kind of what people associate with Velma. She's not exactly like the hottie, even though I'm like... I think like, for a majority of people, she's like the grandma type kind of like anal character. So I feel like this kind of works, because it's almost like that energy where you think she's like yelling-- Like scold you for doing like the wrong thing. And I do think that is kind of like, Velma energy. - So, up next we're doing Penny Proud from 'The Proud Family', and 'The Proud Family' was a  Disney Channel animated show in the early 2000s. Okay, I'm gonna-- I'm not gonna lie, I didn't really do the assignment. I really didn't re-watched anything. I didn't re-watch anything! So I was like, looking on her Fandom Wiki page, and also pulling things from my memory and... You know, I remember this episode where she was like, trying out for football and stuff like-- she's like a very bold character and I wanted her to also like look very put together and confident. And on her Fandom Wiki page is that she was like, holding class office and she was like a straight A student, so I also wanted to fold in like that  very preppy look for her as well. And also, she like, writes for the school newspaper. The collared button down crisp white is such like, a hallmark of the preppy look. I wanted it to be cropped to make her look a little bit more fashionable, because Penny does have her fashionable moments. I gave her a plaid mini-skirt. It would be high-waisted, so it wouldn't be too scandalous, for the prop... And I gave her a leather blazer that's pink. In a perfect world, all the pinks that I'm showing would match, but this is not a perfect world, so they're not matching! And I chose the leather blazer because leather blazers are very in right now, and I think it would just make her look more 2021, than just having her in a standard blazer. And I liked that it was pink, because she does wear like, a pink cardigan, so I did want to reference the colors of her original palette. And I'm giving her a tie to kind of like amp up the preppy look and to,  you know, accessorize it a little bit more. And white socks and Mary Janes, and I was like, "that's a cute shoe, so..." And it's like, "no frills". I don't know how much money she has. She's like a high school student, so that was also something I took in. Like I wanted it to be still like an achievable look for a high schooler. - Yeah, honestly, we went very, very similar routes. I kind of like, took notes for like: If I did a live action of Penny, I think I would dress her the way Dionne  is dressed in 'Clueless', kind of, because I feel like, as a black girl, I feel like she would probably  gravitate towards Dionne as a character, and probably be like, "oh, my God, I love her outfit" and kind of like, incorporate that into her own wardrobe, so that's why I have gone  like this very like preppy... Kind of like, girly route. As opposed to just like, something a little bit more casual. I think it makes sense to have  her kind of amped up a little bit, even if her character isn't necessarily  as outlandish as some of her friends are. So I also went with like a  similar kind of patterned skirt, but I went with like a houndstooth design. The kids don't really gravitate  towards houndstooth that much anymore, so I feel like it would just be a  little bit more interesting to see. - Trendsetter Penny! I also did a cropped white button-up collared shirt. And just something really simple and basic  that you could wear with just about anything, because I think, you know, in a cartoon world you don't really  have to worry about washing your clothes or buying new clothes, but as a real person, I feel like... She would have to have a kind of like, basic white button up to wear with like, everything, so that just makes sense to me. And then, instead of going like a blazer route, I went with like one of those like, fur trim cardigans that are  kind of popular right now. A lot of times people forget that, if you're watching like a movie or something, and it's all just like one note or just a flat piece, it can look really boring. So I really wanted to like  incorporate layering into her outfit. And I think for Penny shoes, I also went like the Mary Jane route, but I went with like, some red ones, just because I really wanted to  tie all of the colors together and also I was just really going hard on that  like, Dionne from 'Clueless' inspired look. And that's also why I gave her like a lot  of like gold jewelry and gold trinkets. And as for a backpack, so I gave her like this Burberry backpack, just because I feel like... It's cute, it's preppy... But it's also like, a neutral color that you could wear with pretty much any outfit. - Our visions are very similar. - Very similar. - It's giving preppy, it's giving school girl. - Yeah! Honestly, I feel like it's like, basically, she would just switch between the two outfits, realistically. - [...] The same closet. - In the same show she could wear both. Yeah! - I do like your use of like, the darker reds, though, because I feel like she does kind  of wear like a darker shade of pink. And I was like, looking so hard for like, the shade of leather jacket that I wanted and I just couldn't find one, so I was like, "okay, this is the pink  that we're building the wardrobe around". - Yeah, and honestly, honestly, like the red leather jacket, is like such a trope nowadays in my costume design, that I would have been like... If you'd gone with a red leather jacket, even if it had been like the blazer silhouette, I would've been like: "Hello 'Winx' Saga". - "Hello 'Once Upon a Time'. So last in our bunch is Usagi from 'Sailor Moon'. I don't know if you grew up with the dub, but I did and her name was Selena. I just learned how to pronounce "Usagi" today. I don't even know if that's right. - I just distinctly remember going  to Blockbuster and going to like, the anime section and getting  like 'Sailor Moon' DVDs. That's like, my vivid memory. Also: Hey, kids! Blockbuster! Actually, it wouldn't have been DVDs at that time. Would have been VHS. Woof! - So there is a live-action 'Sailor Moon'  that was made in Japan some years ago. Do you remember what year? [ Laughter ] - [...] The days go by... - 2003. 2003, baby! - There was a live action 'Sailor Moon', but we... I mean, I didn't even know about it until Tessa  told me about it, like literally, two seconds ago. So I didn't use it as a reference, but from the photos that I just pulled up, it's very campy, very literal interpretations. And I think for both me and Tessa, we went with kind of like a  more modern interpretation. Something that's not super, super literal. So, for my vision, I still  wanted to keep her in pastels, because Usagi's main wardrobe in  the anime is very pastel heavy. It's very colorful, but they're all like the same... The same tone... Same-- Is that the right art term? I feel like this one, I was a little less creative, I guess, because she does wear so many outfits! Like, it's another one of those shows  where she wears like a different outfit in plenty of the episodes. And so... I was kind of like, looking individually at the pieces and being like, "oh, I kind of like this, I want to incorporate this piece". So, I don't think there's much that I came up with that she doesn't wear in the show. But the styling... Styling is where the magic happens! - The color palette is really, really cute! The color palette is adorable! - I started off with like, this mint green argyle Polo Knitted Top. It's like. not very heavy. It looks like a very light knit, which is kind of what I wanted to go for her. I was very insistent on the knits for Usagi, because I don't remember too much about  like where the show ends up going, but I know at the very beginning of the show, she's very like, childish, she's very immature, she like, cries a lot... So I felt like she would want to wear something like very soft. And for the bottoms I gave her this denim pleated skirt, because she does wear pleated skirts. - Nothing else to say [...]. - Why not a skater skirt? Why not a skater skirt, Mina? ♪ Hello darkness my old friend ♪ - I wanted to give it like more like a denim, just because I wanted it to be  like a bit of a different texture. That's really just like, my entire thought process. And then, I gave her this buttercup yellow cardigan, that's a little bit like, oversized and kind of like slouchier and probably like, the most creative choice I did was the yellow cowboy boots. The cowboy boots just like perfectly matched the cardigan in color, so it kind of like, ties the whole outfit together. And I just like I didn't  want to give her sneakers, even though i think on a daily  basis she'd probably just wear, I don't know, like cream colored Converse. I just wanted to do something  a little bit more interesting. And then I gave her this like, mini-backpack that's like ice cream colored, just because I think it just  matches with her palette! Like everything she wears it would look good. - Very cute! Very cute, very pastel, very childlike! For me, for my like everyday outfit, I took inspiration from like, a current Japanese like aesthetic, which is called "mori kei", which is kind of like, some people cited as a precursor to the current cottagecore aesthetic. I don't want to get into the-- I'm not going to get into the history of that, whole thing, with where it came from, whatever. [...] Cottagecore video I think you had like, 5M? - Oh, my God! But, yeah! So I went for like sort of  like a mori kei inspired look, so I gave her this white tiered midi  to maxi length dress that has like, little ribbons and bows here and there and kind of ties in the back. So it is pretty conservative in that it covers  a lot of her legs and everything like that, because when I was like looking up sort  of like outfits that Usagi was wearing, I saw a lot of midi to maxi length skirts, a lot of pinafores on top of turtlenecks, and kind of like, a very like, '90s girly look. I took notes from that and I kind  of worked off of this color palette. I gave her white sneakers, but I looked up a brand... I think it's called "Bape" and it's supposed to be like a  really popular shoe brand in Japan, so I like, went for like that sort of inspiration-- - Wait, you don't know what Bape is? - No, I don't pay attention to actual-- I don't do things! - Like Streetwear? Hypebeast? - I don't pay-- I don't pay attention to Hypebeast! - Did I out myself? Like am I should-- I'm actually [...]! - And then, I also went with like, a similar kind of knit oversized cardigan, because I also kind of feel like kids  and the coziness and that kind of thing, so I went with this kind of  purple, lilac, kind of cardigan that has these little like black  flower doodles and a cute little collar and I just thought it tied in really well with the dress. And then I gave her like, a little shoulder bag that is wicker and white leather, just to help tie the outfit together and just make it look like  really pastel and girly and cute. So yeah! Okay, so for the transformation, like, I didn't want it to be as literal as like, you know, one for one. But at the same time, like I did want to reference the original  design like very heavily, because I feel like it's so iconic. It just wouldn't be Sailor Moon without like a Sailor Scout uniform. So I started off with this like  really big detachable Sailor collar, because she is a Sailor scout, so she needs a Sailor collar. I wanted to go for a dress, because I noticed in the anime, like her look is just very like tight, it doesn't look like it's separated. - It doesn't look like-- - Like two pieces. - Yeah, it's like it doesn't look like it's in two pieces. I came across this Moschino  Spring 2018 Ready-to-Wear dress and I actually edit it to be blue, because it's actually a black leather, but I was trying to like... I felt like I needed to have it edited blue, so you understood what I was getting at, because the black, like, way too biker gang. I don't even agree with the material. It would do a lot better as like, more of like a satiny silk, because I do like the glossiness of the leather. But I think the leather is just a little bit too  hard and it is like such like a soft girly show, but I really liked the  petticoat underneath the dress, that it was styled as-- I don't know if it comes like, built into the dress or if it's just styled, but I would totally add the petticoat as well, because I think it just like adds this  very like outward structure to the skirt that the anime skirt has and the anime skirt is like, super, super short, whic,h I think, is very scandalous. Like if it was a live action for  high schoolers to wear that... So I felt like adding this like, petticoat, that kind of has these extra ruffles to hide. To hide the underwear would  be like a a happy mean... - Kind of like a tutu. - Like a tutu, yes. And then I had these like, ruffle gloves. These ruffle white gloves, because I just think it like, adds like a little bit more possessed the outfit. And over the knee, boots, because the skirt is like super short, so... I felt like it needed like a high boot. And the red boots are so iconic, so... - Those boots are pretty, pretty freaking perfect. So yeah, so I also, like-- I've struggled to like, not go into like cosplay or like American apparel, or like, Tumblr soft grunge, like territory. Because that like, pleated blue skirt, it really just automatically, if you go that route, it's just... It just brings up a lot of like, other associations and I was trying to stay like, away from that association! I didn't even stay in the realm of like  the Sailor Japanese costume at all, but I did kind of take notes from like, sort of more period clothing, so I have like this, like white high collar lace blouse that has like, these really  elaborate ruffle lace puff sleeves. And then, the rest of it is very like, sheer. And then it goes into like, a lace ruffle cuff. So I feel like it kind of references like the... Kind of like, older silhouette of like, a traditional like Sailor cot like uniform. How that is like taking notes from older styles. So I thought that that was kind of interesting and then I put a blue velvet Vivienne Westwood corset, because Vivienne Westwood is like, really popular in Japan... That's like, popular. And also they're like, popular nowadays and also I feel like it gives a little bit of structure to that like otherwise very white and flowy top. And then, I felt like, just to kind of make it look like a set almost. I did like a blue velvet, like skirt, not like, a micro mini, but definitely something like a little bit shorter, just to like, call back to like, the original costume. And then, because the sleeves of the shirt are already so long, I did like red leather gloves. It kind of like, inverts the color scheme of her gloves, because I think that makes more  sense and doesn't look as... Cartoonish? And then, for shoes, I did these red Gucci platforms and then these white lace socks. I think I want to steal your shoes, though. Am I allowed to steal your shoes and put them with my outfit? I would like that to be a part of the rules! I would like to take your shoes and put them with my outfit! - I mean, I'm not gonna lie, I would totally wear that outfit that is a very Mina Le outfit! Yeah, mine was like, very literal, but I do really like the  Vivienne Westwood corset... And that like, shade of blue looks like it like, literally matches perfectly. - I edited it. - Okay. - I edited. - Okay. I'm glad that you said that you edited yours! [ Laughter ] - Yeah, I edited it. It's like, not that color, but same concept, velvet skirt! - Interesting! - Oopsie! [ Laughter ] - Like I said, I really love your boots, but also I really like the collar for yours.- Like I am missing that sort of Sailor  girl aspect to my transformation outfit, whereas I think yours is a little bit more-- You can see that! But, honestly, the really tough  part is kind of balancing that like, red, white and blue color scheme. - Yeah. - Because I was very concerned about it going into like... - "Patriotic". - Captain America? - Captain America! And I was just like, "that's not what Usagi is at all!" So honestly, kudos to the like, cartoon designer, because they balance that really well, because I think in live action, it could be really hard to pull off. - Okay, thank you so much for watching this video! And, of course, if you had fun, which I hope you did, then we do even more outfits on Tessa's channel. If you like Tessa in general, just check her out! She has two channels: The ModernGurlz official channel and her new science channel where  you see more of her beautiful face. It's called "Life According To Tessa". So if you're interested, please check her out as well! Let us know in the comments, who you think won this round! - Yeah, let us know! We'll see. We'll see. [ Laughs ] - Okay, thank you so much! Bye!
Channel: Mina Le
Views: 338,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: totally spies, powerpuff girls, scooby doo, sailor moon, outfits, costume design, restyling, challenge, childhood cartoons, animation, the proud family, outfit inspiration, outfit ideas, moderngurlz, mina le, totally spies!
Id: 6BQauxZql4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 15sec (2235 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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