Restoring the Lost Anointing

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Lift Your Hands to Heaven I mean Heavenly God we have come into this house and gather in his name to worship him Heavenly Gregory we have come into this house ah there you go and gathered in his name to worship him we have come into this house and gathered in his name to worship Christ the lord word worship Him Jesus Christ the lord so forget about yourself and concentrate on him and worship him so forget about yourself and concentrate on him and worship him so forget about yourself and concentrate on him and worship Christ the [Music] lord worship Him Jesus Christ the lord Jesus Jes Jesus Jesus there is something about your name lift your hands and tell them you're my master Savior Jesus like the fragrance after the rain you're are Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus let all Heaven and Earth Proclaim Kings and Kingdom and kings and kingdoms they all pass away but there's something about your name Jesus you're the sweetest name I know and you're just the same as your lovely name that's the reason why I love you so gentle now oh [Music] Jesus you're the sweetest name I know I cherish your beautiful name I Cher cherish your wonderful name I cherish your matchless name your name is [Music] Jesus we cherish your beautiful name we cherish your wonderful name we cherish your matchless name your name is [Music] Jesus would you go to Second Kings please chapter 6 stay with me Gregory I wasn't planning on talking about this but I really feel I must would you read for me uh Pastor Dan 2 Kings 6 1-7 I want to I want to talk to you about something I'm I'm going to give you keys on how to find the new anointing that's coming we are we are we are at a moment of change to find what was lost what was lost is about to return I'm going to show you how through this amazing portion 2 Kings 6 1-7 and the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha and by the way I wasn't planning I even talking about that I see this is like a like a word for you now that God wants me to talk to you about okay and the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha behold now the place where we dwell with thee is too straight for for us to nrow let us go we pray thee unto Jordan and take then every man of beam and let us make us a place there where we may dwell okay now they were in a narrow place just like many of us today are in a narrow Place spiritually we have to find Jordan Jordan represents Vision in the Bible because when Elijah took Elisha prior to his departure number one he took him to gilgal speaks of Faith because it was at gilgal the Mana stopped was at gilgal the cloud disappeared was at gilgal the fire was gone for 40 years Israel walked by sight they come to gilgal now they're forced to walk by faith so whenever you read the word gilgal it's Faith then he brought him to bethl bethl is the place of testing in the Bible That's where God tested Jacob that's where Saul lost the test bethl so Elijah brings him to gilgal then to bethl so bethl speaks of testing then he brought him to Jericho more than Jordan Vision so whenever you read the names in the Bible gilgal our walk of faith bethl our walk of surrender testing if we ever speak of of you know Jericho that's Warfare because that's where all the wars took place Jordan is a place of vision that's where John saw the Holy Spirit remember yes yeah so and it's the place where elij Josh said to Elijah if you see me go up you'll get the double portion so they said let's go to a place of vision we need a new vision we need a new anointing for vision and and take then every Mana beam and let us make us a place there where we may dwell and he answered go ye and one said be content I pray thee and go with thy servants and he answered I will go so he went with them and when they came to Jordan they cut down wood but as one was spelling a beam the axe had fell into the water and he cried and said alas Master for it was borrowed and the man of God said where fell it and he showed where did you lose it where did you lose it and he showed him the place and he cut down a stick and cast it in thither and the iron did swim therefore said he take it up to thee and he put out his hand and took it ah now this is a story of the restored anointing the axe head was lost the a had is the anointing so many today thank you many today in the Lord's work have lost the axe head of power just like there and the ax head of the spirit the unction has fallen into Waters of worldliness Waters of indifference Waters of sluggish so we too have lost in some circles the aad of power in the waters of the world in the Waters of indifference in the waters of sluggishness you see people with ability and training but they are trying to cut trees with uh broken handles that have no ax head on them so when you are trying to cut trees down with the ax head gone you're just making noise yeah uh you're making noise and the trees are not falling the work is not done all you're left with his bruised hands and wounded trees when the ax head is missing and you're trying to chop a tree down with a stick all you're left with is bruised hands and wounded trees and that's what's happening to the church but I'm here to prophesy we're about to find the exit of power I repeat I wasn't planning on even talking about that so how do we regain it number one go to the right location they came to the right location there were trees there Jordan Vision the right location is mentioned in 2 Corinthians 6 14-18 so if you really want God to use you right now find the right location in the spirit in the spirit you've got to come to the right place right location is very critical when it comes to the power of God so read that for me 2 Corinthians 6:4 through 18 be not unequally yolked together with unbelievers that's the wrong location keep going for what Fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with Darkness and what Concord hath Christ with bile or what part hath he that believeth with an Infidel and what agreement hath the temple of God with Idols for ye are the Temple of the Living God as God ha said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people now this is very important there are a lot of people today who are in the wrong location because they are with unbelievers that's the wrong place to be in isn't it so in Ecclesiastes 9 18 it says wisdom is better than weapons of war but one sinner destroys much good one sinner destroys much good you see when you're with people of the world they'll destroy the good God wants to do through you because you just said you just read come out from among them be separate then I will receive you then I'll be your father you'll be my children so it's time you and I find the old axe head that fell by leaving the world getting away from the ungodly friends you've put around you you'll never find the power of God with the wrong crowds around you it because it says one sinner will destroy it all so find the right location by getting away from the wrong people and you see also it is more than just location with people it's location with where you live Abraham would not have been Abraham if he did not leave Ur in Iran Jesus left Nazareth because there was no faith in there and Paul the Apostle had to go to Arabia to find it he he could not stay in Jerusalem he went to Arabia looking for it and found it there he could not find God's call being with other people even though they were good people he had to go and find it by himself and so he said I went to Arabia location is everything and that's what we see here they went to the right location number two number two if you really want to regain the anointing you must have the right leaders right leadership without Godly leadership people will always turn to Idols in Judges chapter 2 verse 18 and 19 would you read that for me this is not my message for tonight I'm only only talking to you I just feel by the Lord I got to share this because there are people sitting here in Ministry who have lost their anointing and they need to regain it it's time to regain the X head of power find the location you lost go back to it and secondly you must have the right leadership over you judges 2 Verse 18 and 19 please Dan and when the Lord raised them up judges then the Lord was with the judge and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge for it repented the Lord because of their groanings by reason of them that oppressed them and vexed them and it came to pass when the judge was dead now listen that they returned they returned to what and corrupted themselves more than their fathers so when the judges were no longer there when they lost leadership they went back to Idols yeah so it happens today how do we know who the right leaders are ah very good question with a great answer from the book of Isaiah let's go to Isaiah please 28:19 are you learning anything okay so Isaiah 28:19 says something really powerful so how do I find the right leaders how do I get them how do I look for them Isaiah 38:19 tells me how Isaiah 38:19 if I said something different I didn't mean it so Isaiah 38:19 please the living the living He Shall praise thee as I do this day the father to the children shall make known thy truth father to the children shall make known thy truth the fathers are the one who reveal truth if they're not giving truth they're not fathers they're Liars yeah read that again the living the living He Shall praise the thee as I do this day the father to the children shall make known thy truth yeah now let let's look at Jeremiah 7:18 Jeremiah 7818 says says something powerful so a true father brings truth and one more thing Jeremiah 7:18 Pastor Dan what do they do now Jeremiah 7:18 says the children gather wood the children gather word and the fathers Kindle the fire you got it oo they bring fire you want a father make sure you have someone who tells you the truth and will build fire in you Kindle the fire read that again the children gather wood ah now the children are the the church the people that that are looking for the anointing find someone who can bring fire in your life to this day Katherine kumman brings fire in my life through her tapes she's gone yes and I and you don't have to meet your father you don't have to meet them you just find them did you hear what I said I never met Miss schuma to this day her tapes cause fire to Arise at me and truth and fire always been there with her I never matter you don't have to meet somebody so they can give you truth and fire and I want to just say one quick thing let me let me give you the wrong boys and girls you shouldn't follow there was a man in the in the in the church 2,000 years ago named diatrus now the atropus is mentioned in third John and John the Apostle talked about how Wicked he was and he gave us five things about that man five things that are bad news about the guy but if you if if you go back and read it in third John you'll you you'll hear about the atropus and there's five things that he said about him so you can write them down cuz this help you never follow a man who loves to exalt himself because he exalted himself it says he loved the preeminence he loved to be number one okay never follow somebody never choose a father who exalts himself never number number two uh the atropus rejected Apostolic Doctrine and councel he rejected the apostles and their Doctrine because John said he even doesn't listen to us he does not receive us read it there in third John he said he loves the preeminence and does not receive us does not receive us means he will not take correction he will not listen to Apostolic Doctrine and counsel number three Never follow someone who is unreasonable who is unjust who accuses people people publicly who attacks leaders publicly by name because it says in third John who prays against us with malicious words he loves the preeminence he does not receive us he prays against us with malicious words meaning he was attacking John he was attacking the apostles and then and then number four the atropus had no had had no ability to receive other believers because it said he forbade people from going elsewhere he said I have all the truth you need to go nowhere now I found that years ago when I was reading the Bible and it protected me from staying at the church I was in because when I went to Katherine kumman I came back to church and the pastor's wife got angry at me she said how dare you go to see Catherine kumman we have it we have it all here and I said no you don't you don't have her all here she rebuked me she said how dare you go see Katherine kumman we have everything here and I said to myself that's what what you call Witchcraft and I walked down out never submit to Witchcraft try to control your spiritual walk try to tell you who to listen to that's control and the atropus it says forit people from going anywhere except hearing him and number five it says he publicly rejected Believers a public rejection of Believers and you can read all that in third John so a real father gives you truth and fire a wrong father I just gave you all the five things he'll do for you or to you okay now number three number three and this is all in the by the way can we just read uh uh first Peter 5 just before I go on are you learning anything good it's not even my message 1 Peter 5 1:5 I I just I just felt I got to talk about this okay first Peter 5 1 to5 and then we'll we'll and and then I'm almost done because there's not much more I want to say so okay go ahead the elders which are among you I exer exhort who am also an elder and a witness of the sufferings of he's now talking about the right fathers to find them keep going and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed feed the flock of God which is among you you give them truth taking the oversight thereof not by constraint but willingly not for filthy luer but of a ready mind neither as being Lords over God's Heritage but being in samples to the flock exactly examples to them not Lord don't be Lords over them don't tell them how to live their life don't try to control them be an example on how to live the right life and when the chief Shepherd shall appear ye shall receive a Crown of Glory that fadeth not away likewise ye younger submit yourselves unto the Elder ye all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility for God res resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble now number three number three with with what Elisha did remember he took him to the right location Jordan Vision he talked about he showed right leadership because they came to him and finally right application so the three things that will restore the anointing right location right leadership right application what is application well dry wood cannot hold an axe dry wood cannot hold an axe so it had to be thrown in the water to get wet and when it got wet it held it without a nail so the anointing of the holy spirit is that River that'll get your dry wood wet the anointing of the Holy Spirit the power of God wow so we need to throw that wood in the river don't we and what does w represent us our life wood in the Bible is symbolic of flesh flesh that's what it's symbolic of thank you Jesus come come on there Gregory there is a river can you all lift your hands and begining praying on the Holy Ghost Out Loud please Out Loud come on Saints and there is a river give a h here there is a river that's the one that flows from deep within there is a fountain that frees the soul from sin come to the waters there is a vast Supply there is a river that never shall run dry there is a river it flows from deep within there is a mighty fountain that frees the soul from sin tonight come to the waters there is a supp there is a river that never shall run dry fill my cup Lord I Lift It Up Lord come and qu this my soul Bread of Heaven Fe me till I want no more here my cup fill it up and make me fill my cup Lord I Lift It Up Lord come and quen this thir in my soul of feed me till I want no more here's my cup fild it up and make me here's my cup fill it up here's my cup fill it up he my cup it up and be holy spirit th ome in this place Holy Spirit thou ome in this place of father of Mercy you are you Thou Art in this tonight feel all the hungry and thirsty within restore us oh Father revive us once again Holy Spirit th in this place holy spir Thou Art welome In This Place om poent father of mercy and Grace Thou Art welome in this place and glory glory glory to the lamb that's how it comes SS as we worship Him [Music] Glory [Music] glory glory to you the lamb for you are glorious and worthy to be praise you're the L upon the [Music] throne to you we lift our voice in PR in Praise you're the lamb upon the throne glor we wor Worship You savior We Adore You Lord glor to L blessed lamb [Music] glory [Music] glory glor to for you [Music] glorious and worthy to be praised you're the lamb upon the throne unto you to you we lift our voice pra In Praise Your the upon the [Music] throne [Music] glor glor glor the Holy Ghost comes as we worship Jesus [Music] glory glor glor to for you are Glory us and worthy to Bea you're the upon the [Music] throne to you we lift our voice praise you're the L the wonderful Master tonight as I lay hands on your servants let the anointing return upon them help them find that new location for that new anointing new leadership for that new anointing coming and new application as the wood falls again in the river your River the life the being surrenders to the river I give you praise for what you're going to do tonight give you the praise don't let one vessel leave empty don't let one servant leave without the oil without the fresh oil in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Amen
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 170,419
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Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 16sec (2296 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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