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hi guys welcome to my channel I hope you all are well today I have a Bratz transformation video on 6 dolls all in various different states of condition so it should be interesting to see them made over I am going to tell you who each doll is 2007 play sports gold medal gymnastics Chloe 2005 head games Chloe 2007 sweetheart Lily 2006 collector's edition sweetheart Lily 2002 first edition pumpkin glow Sasha and finally this is a head games Chloe from 2005 and she is one of the first edition ones so that is everyone receiving a makeover in this video I really hope you are looking forward to it and let's dive in so far the head games chloe without a body I have gone into my Bratz suitcase filled with damaged dolls and got her this body in that suitcase there is dolls with really severe hair courts and damage I just can't fix basically if one day I learn to riru I could fix a lot of them dolls but right now I can't so sadly that is the situation I'm in but luckily it helps with situations like this this is a body from another Chloe and I am going to be giving this to her so that works out great my 2006 sweetheart Lily also got a new body because her original body is really badly damaged I mean look how badly chewed it is guys someone has had a really good nibble on it she could not keep this body so this is a Chloe body as well and it doesn't match her perfectly she is a little bit too pale for the body but once she is dressed she will look okay I think it's better than not having a body or having a chude body her face and her hair will fix up just fine I think she's probably going to have a lot of split ends but I can cope with that my 2007 sweetheart Lily has a pen stain in her hair well at least I think it's pen so I am going to do everything in my power to remove that as for my 2002 first edition funkin glow Sasha she has a big chunk out of the front of her hair so I am going to try and disguise that using the rest of her hair and the other three dolls are fine apart from needing their hair washed and fixed up so let's get cracking to begin the cleaning process I am taking some hand wash and this one is by kare X it's his antibacterial and it says it kills 99.9% of bacteria which i think is very important when cleaning up second hand dolls especially right now I am taking a soft bristle toothbrush and I will scrub the dolls twice using this [Music] I am taking some nail polish remover and an air bot or a q-tip whatever you call it to remove some blush from a few of my dolls I will be removing my 2006 sweetheart lilies blush because it is chipped the same for my 2005 design your own Bratz head games Chloe and also the over 2005 first edition had games Chloe because hers is quite red and applied quite low down on her cheek and considering her makeup is quite baby pink I want to remove it and reapply it later on [Music] next I am taking some baking soda and this one is a brand I have never used before but baking soda is baking soda at the end of the day I think it should be fine and I liked that it said non-scratch and then of course I am taking a soft bristle toothbrush again to scrub the doll and I will do that and make sure all of the dirt and grime is gone [Music] I am taking the hand wash again by kare X and I am going to use this to clean the hair I will apply it lather it up rinse it and then repeat I do this step twice just to make sure the hair is extra clean [Music] next I will be conditioning the hair using the Tresemme cleanse and replenish conditioner and I am also taking a small tooth comb and a tangle teezer to remove any knots and tangles in the hair [Music] [Music] so for any dolls who still have plastic ties in the back of their head from their packaging I just take some nail cutting scissors get us close down to the bottom of the head as possible and just snip it away and then I push the remaining bit into the head and it's gone so you remove the stubbly pieces of hair from Sasha's head I am taking these nail cutting scissors so because my sweetheart Lily from 2007 has a red streak in her hair which looks like ink I am going to be trying be up see active Plus fabric stain remover to try and remove it using boiling water I saw Shelly from A Thousand Splendid dolls do this on her Channel on a Monster High doll and it got rid of all the ink or whatever it was in her hair so wish me luck [Music] [Music] [Music] the next step is to boil wash the hair and I always add in some conditioner just to make the hair smell extra nice and feel super soft and this one is by comfort it is their cherry blossom and sweet pea it smells lovely so I will be adding that into the boil wash water [Music] [Music] I am going to go ahead and do my doll laundry and this is everything I will be adding to the cold water you don't want to use hot or warm water just in case any of the items run so I am taking some washing powder by sir this is their tropical lily and Yolanda lang I will also be adding some of my cherry blossom and sweet pea comfort conditioner and I will be adding a scoop full of my oxy active plus just to get rid of any stains that might be on the clothing and then just to be on the safe side I will be adding a color capture just in case anything runs [Music] [Music] I will put the clothing on a coat hanger near the window to dry so I left the girls hair to dry naturally overnight and although it does still look where it is in fact dry so I did show in one of my last transformation videos how good the hair looks when you brush it out the next day so I will show you again here we have Sasha and I'm just gonna brush it out and look at that guys it just becomes so silky and so smooth ignore these longer bits it's because her hair supposed to be in a funky style it is so stunning this is one of my favorite things to do I mean that is something else so now I am going to show you what I used to restyle their hair so I take a spray bottle with regular water and another spray bottle with watered-down gel and that gel is the SWAT scarf Pro styling power invisible gel extreme hold I mix a little bit of that into the bottle with hot water it is perfect to tame flyaways and to keep hairstyles in place and of course I take a rat tail comb to do their hairstyles I take these small bubbles from primark and I keep them all in separate containers based on color so I have a blonde one a brown one and a black one but I don't need the black once a day and these work incredibly guys they don't snap like elastics I hate using elastics I haven't used them in a long time these are perfect for dolls and they last they actually last which is perfect because they are just like a normal bubble you would use in your hair and then just in case I want to use any of these on any of the dolls I am taking my black clips and my hair accessories and this is a mixture of Bratz clips and random ones I have got from bundles then I have my hair cutting scissors I have my regular ones and my Finan scissors and I got these from bnm bargains they were not expensive at all I think they were like $1.99 each and they work really good so I use these ones just in case the dolls have any longer pieces on their hair that needs for me not and I use these ones mostly unlike nylon hair once I apply I end it to get rid of any like dead ends but who knows I might use them on a Saran doll one day I might have an instance where I need to use them so I always have them about just in case oh and I also have one of these big grips just a section of the hair whilst I am doing hairstyles I am going to move on to restyling their hair are putting their original hairstyles back in but for funkin gloves Sasha that will not be possible because she has that hair core and her original hairstyle would just accentuate that bald patch so for her I am just going to keep it really simple I am going to take the front bits and tie it around the back and then bring this forward and maybe give her a headband also what I am going to do is as you can see she has these longer bits I am going to cut it all to be the same length as this just because there is no need for it to be this long anymore [Music] [Music] next up we have the head games Chloe who had the ponytail and obviously I took her out to give her hair throw clean but now I am going to put it back in so I will briefly show you what I am going to do I am going to take the hair from her parting so as you can see she has a zigzag parting some dolls don't some do with this hairstyle you go right next to the parting and take the row of plugs that are closest to it and separate it from the rest of the hair and obviously you do this to both sides like that so then you have this section I will normally clip this away with a smaller flip like this this is what these little black clips come in handy for so I'll just like clip that like that out of the way and I know that is the section for that and then I will do the same to this side clip that away and then I will take the rest of the hair this is going to go into the ponytail so I will take this and also right at the back of the head I take a tiny bit of hair right from the middle like so just that much ignore this bit dangling down I normally just like clip this out of the way using the big jar clip I think it's called I'm not too sure and then I would tie these in the back obviously a lot neater than than this I use hair gel to keep it down and I put this bit from the middle into it as well so it stays in place and then obviously I will just put a bubble in this and make this a ponytail and then I will take a tiny section of the ponytail and twist it around to disguise the bubble and well that you have the traditional Bratz ponytail I hope that made sense guys and sorry if it didn't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so to reapply the blush I am taking some soft pastels and an eye makeup brush and I take the shade well I don't know the shade I take the baby pink one right here ignore how messy they are guys I've had them since high school so they're old but they do the job I don't know if this is the best way to do it but this is how I do it and it works fine [Music] okay so it has been many days since I started this transformation and the girls are finally dawn as you can see and I am going to talk you through their look one by one beginning with the 2007 Bratz play sports gold medal gymnastics Chloe she has turned out so lovely her hair is super sleek as you can see look at that guys I am so happy with it I dressed her in the 2004 funk out Chloe second outfit and shoes which I think suits her really well she reminds me of the Chloe from the TV series so that is that beauty then we have the 2005 design your own Bratz Bratz head games Chloe and she is wearing her original dress and her original shoes all I did for her really was fix her up and redo her hair I know these bubbles from Primack are a little bit bulky for her since she has such small amounts of hair in the bubbles but I thought it was better using bees than elastics because elastics pop and crack with age well to be honest they crack within a week so they are not much good but overall I think she turned out lovely her hair is so much better so that is Chloe next up is the 2007 sweetheart lily as you saw from the beginning of the video she had a red streak in her hair with pen and I've managed to successfully remove it and she looks so much better now I decided to dress her in the 2005 step-out Yasmin second outfit I think the top goes so well with her lipstick as for shoes I dressed her in the 2004 funk out Jade's second shoes I know they don't match completely but they were the heels that look the best with the outfit and they matched her the best out of the shoes I had her hair is really nice it is still a little bit fluffy at the ends but she has had 7 boil washes so the girl is having no more here we have the 2006 collector's edition sweetheart lily and in my opinion she's had the most dramatic transformation because as you saw from the beginning of the video she was in quite a bad way and now she looks so so good I decided to dress her in the 2003 collector's edition sweet hat Megan's outfit and shoes which I think looks so nice on her as you saw as well her hair was really really bad she has a lot of split ends and I have spent a lot of time cutting a lot of them off and cleaning her hair up it turned out lovely I couldn't be happier with how it looks to be honest it isn't perfect but you know for a secondhand doll as played with as she was I think she looks pretty fantastic and then we have the 2002 first edition funkin glow Sasha and oh my god guys I am obsessed with how she looks I've dressed her in the 2003 second edition from can glow Sasha's second outfit obviously it is very similar to the outfits that came with this doll so she does look very very good in here even the shoes as well as you can see I have disguised her haircut really really well the headband is also from that 2003 funk out Sasha this is the back of her hair she has such lovely hair guys she probably has the best hair out of all of the dolls in this video so that Sasha finally we have leaves 2005 first edition head games Chloe dressed in one of the head games fashion packs now this outfit is also in these 2005 boutique fashion pack and I think it goes so well with her makeup I love it she has such a soft screening and this outfit just complements it really well so then I gave her the 2003 formal funk Jade second outfit shoes they look lovely with the outfit I gave her her original earrings and I put her original hairstyle back in this is how it looks super sleek super neat her parting did give me a hard time because I had to refined it after I washed it and that wasn't easy so she was a little bit of a handful but will are off because she looks so good Oh Chloe girl she's fallen she said I've had enough I don't even want to be on camera anymore there we go now I am just throwing this in here and being honest with you guys I tried this conditioner for the first time in this video and I really really don't raise it so it is the Tresemme cleansing replenish conditioner it made the hair really dry if anything I you'd have to go back in with my resume mush - rich conditioner which is what I normally use and I love this the second I put this on their hair it went super sleek but with this it was super dry so I don't raise here I don't know what I'm gonna do with the rest of it bought don't buy it if you have the chance but definitely get this okay so we are bringing in the gorgeous Lily for the outro thank you so much for watching guys I really appreciate it if you enjoyed it please do give me a big thumbs up and leave me a lovely comment down below also feel free to let me know who you think turned out the best and who was your favorite from this video and then click the notification bells you get notified every time I upload a brand new video and of course if you want to please do subscribe to see more from me and more content like this I love you I appreciate you I am so grateful for you watching this video your support means the absolute world to me and I will see you all on my next one mwah bye bye guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: AzDoesMakeUp
Views: 270,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bratz, transformation, transformations, makeover, fix up, clean up, restore, second hand, bratz collector, adult collector, tutorial
Id: 04vHA8aShnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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