Restoration Blog: October 2017 - Jay Leno's Garage

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can we fire it up you bet let's fire it up see how it goes [Music] [Music] I'm gonna episode of Jay Leno's Garage restoration blog this is where we try to keep updated in all the projects we have going on as you know the guys get to work on their stuff here as well you know para body man he does all our paint and body work does a beautiful job he's painted all the cars here and this was just the biggest pile of crap I'd ever seen move on I don't know how the wife he need to take it home that's why you see it was so bad but it's coming together it's nowhere near finished of course but tell us what we have here it's a 1958 Dodge correct Dodge Coronet there right super defy hundred ok yeah and what motors is that that's a 360 one with two four barrels okay it's a top of the line on the dodge yeah four 5858 yes now the Dodge not yet the Hemi I'm trying to remember it they had some ham it's also good okay okay this is a 361 and tell us about this color this the original color was were white no it was a two-tone the white and they're like a beige is metallics right kind of so I use this copper copper metallic and black and this is more likely the color scheme from regal Lancer all right okay let's open the hood see with the model yes okay yeah brand-new carburetors yes what was our brand new aren't they yeah brand new and you were added the dual master Dumas yeah you always have to have that and this braking oh and this brakes in the front of yes yeah cuz even a car shows they don't discount for dual mass no they don't the single got custom radiator yeah very good very good okay and much wider than stock tires huh this is latest stock and an upgraded from 14 to 15 okay yeah and I've still got to do the front bumper on obviously it's got to be detailed and cleaned up yeah and as you see he got the rather Spartan interior you didn't pay extra you see this is this is the interior got if you didn't pay extra but but not the floors were solid after well some pieces are put in there yeah repairs no there is one oh yeah no that looks good okay cool the hardest part is to get all the pieces for it yeah yeah moulding and stuff like that for a dark and crisis very hard I mean when we were kids you could find these in junkyards all day long but W they don't have junkyards anymore no and causing this error I've been crushed your soul for oh you know cuz I remember these weren't worth anything I know you know but of the two three on the box on a box he got the big fins in the back yep there was just one more year of fins 59 was the late last year the big giant thing exactly like and I was like all these little doodads here with it I like that too yeah yeah and the exhaust very is that the stock exhaust that's an extra option they had way back but it was Chrysler ya know that was a Dodge I mean I what I mean it was I mean it was accurate yeah that's a new production yeah and I love this big emblem here look at this yeah big 500 there 500 yeah very cool now we talked about the spring that's sitting a little high yeah you're gonna maybe drive I'm gonna drop it down okay yeah well that's pairs project he's working on this thing all the time come on let me show you what we've got going on like pair go back to work on those own car yeah well this is my 71 911 T you might remember a pair painted this about six eight months ago on our last restoration blog drove it on for a while they decided you know we should go through the motor cuz we did the interior as you can see it's beautifully done and we pulled the motor out I've seen this no motor here and Jim's friend you know Jim Hall our fabricators friend Darrell's a big Porsche guy he's got my engine down in the clean room come on let's see what he's up to it's a Porsche guy at Darryl hall he might remember from popular singing group Halla notes as you see the road has been very rough on him it's been a tough guy tell us what are we doing here this is my engine from the 71 911 T which was the base Porsche model what was it two point two point two two litre now we're taking it to a 2.5 2.5 liter yeah exactly right right so what we've done is gone to larger barrels bigger Pistons you can see that the difference in the size and the holes here yeah and so we get a bigger bore plus a longer stroke crank this is a crank out of a 2.7 liter so we're getting exactly 2.5 liters and with a longer stroke we got a lot of torque right instead of going to a very large bore with a short short stroke and we didn't go to 2.7 liter a 3.2 because I wanted to keep the original transmission with the old dogleg on it just to keep it I didn't want to make it a hot rod hot rod I just want to make it a little bit more powerful 911 and we put the dual plug head out our dual plug had a head on it and in larger valves right so you'll see there's two spark plugs right very cool one on the top one on the bottom they they set I don't know if you do these fire simultaneously or is there a millisecond but there's there's a I believe it's a 12 degree difference between top and bottom the bottom fires first the top supplier second because the flame travel is lower on the bottom than it is we're gonna talk yeah yeah so it nan only got bigger holes coming in here and bigger bigger valves so it's going to breathe a lot better through the set of Weber carburetors that's going on it and we put the oil squirters in there so we're gonna have a little more yeah so if we come over here to then do this case this is a magnesium case so if we look right down in here there's a little spot bright spot in there and that's a little orifice that is drilled into the oil passage and it squirts oil up under the skirt of the piston so that it it doesn't detonate as much and it also doesn't burn that there's a there's a plug for machining at the factory and there's a just an aluminum plug that is pressed in and I like to put epoxy on the off to help keep it in cool and our transmission is over here the Trent yeah synchros weren't too bad yeah the brake bands were worn out but the teeth themselves are just flying yeah and the other thing we're doing is is put put in a delimiter slip in it instead of just the old one leg or that you bet on the power and that lights out the right rear and then you get go the other way and it lights up the other rear and this will allow the car to be a lot quicker whoo cool and more more predictable the crankshaft is this the the two-seven crank or the the 70 point four millimeters stroke is a much more balanced crankshaft counterweighted better with this crankshaft you can you can take it to over 7,000 rpm easily and those are the new Corolla rods that are significantly lighter and stronger than the stock rods they do a really nice job very cool alrighty I'll let you get back to work all right come on I'll show you the Imperial well this is my 58 Imperial Paris started taking it apart you might remember this one we did a this one we put disc brakes on the world would just brakes on it about six eight months ago and it was a nice old girl it kind of just bad kind of yellow repaint on it it was what's bad looked okay it's fun to drive and I figured well we might as well do it right it had a little bit of rust right exactly the rust their engines nice trying it runs right wonderfully it's a wonderful driving car so is that well let's let's do it right so that's what Paris started you just started to take it apart how's it seem so far so far is okay but I mean it's a big boat to work on yeah but it's a nice car I love these cars better shape or worse shape than you expected it's an average because the only real rest is down here at the yeah occupy yeah exactly okay but yeah it's it needs a bit of work right now we've done the brakes we've got Wilwood disc brakes on it on four four wheels that was a job yeah because you see Imperial this is not just another Chrysler Imperial was a separate division so they had their own axles their own brakes thrown everything take it and nothing from Chrysler fits Imperial because Tyrael is bigger stronger you know just everything is different not everything I mean generator and a few other things are the same but for the most part all of the chassis pieces and you exactly to get stuff for these but we're getting there we're gonna put it back to the original white this is the color it was here as you can see yeah in here so we want to put it back to just as it left the factory we're having a new dash made so it's it's good it's kind of rare also because this is one of the last convertibles right right yeah right and it's the last year of the Hemi - yeah the big 392 which is a legendary engine as far as drag races were concerned they tried to find as many of these guys yeah you find the car but is no engine right I'll leave you to your work Thanks all right thank you well this is my 1955 of Bristol 403 these are built by the Bristol Aircraft Company these were quite advanced cars back in the day just beautifully made you know when these to build the Bristol aircraft during World War two when the war ended they needed something to do so I decided to make this car if it looks like a BMW that's because it uses a BMW a 6-cylinder engine that was part of the war reparations fantastic motor 2 litre but it feels like a 3 and a half feet it's got so much power I bought this car sight unseen aesthetically it was a pretty good shape and Tiras nice bodies nice but the engine was just toast I mean it ran but it smoked just used a lot of oil people would chase me couldn't smoke so much so I parked it and it's sad for a few years and then we decided to just bite the bullet last week and pull the motor out and we sent it down to our friend Edie pink to just go through it and check everything line board and do all of that so we'll get this back together and we'll have this running for you pretty soon but come on I'll show you else we got okay this is our long-suffering mechanic George Swift yeah you may have seen this car in some previous restoration blogs this is my 1934 Fraser Nash chain-gang replica they call it the replica is a replica of the race car it's not a replica car it's a fascinating car but the most fascinating part is the transmission because there really is one isn't one it's a train chain driven unit like a ten-speed bike he just jumped from one chain to the next and we thought we had it all together a number he realized the chain somebody had used were too big and they were rubbing each other and causing the whole thing to get screwed up and we couldn't find any change that fits so we switched a motorcycle change so we had to cut new sprockets and do this whole thing and there was a problem with the Axel's doing there well this axle wasn't easy to get out and to get the sprockets out the axle had to come out that's the workout bernard like you said resized all the sprockets the gearbox is out right now and if you look at it on the bench you can see how the gear is engaged right but it's not a traditional gearbox it's like a dog box but it's all exposed that I open you know and then it changed jump from one sprocket to right you know the reverse chain is constantly driven right and when you were putting it in Reverse two chains for colliding and that was that grinding right right and eventually what blew the chain off right I wasn't here that day right yeah so one and because it went to a motorcycle chain which has like ten times the breaking strength of the original chains the the chain was too long for the reverse chain so Bernard made two new sprockets right and changed their size so the motorcycle chain would fit and that's a workout I mean you see those pieces and it's not adjustable you have to get the chain that has to be made for that yeah all these four chains in the four forward gears are adjustable the reverse chain is not right right so and that was the one that screwed us up yep yeah we actually had it running around the street we were driving it it was just grinding all the time and then one day just think popped out of gear and I couldn't move it and we realized the chain had broke because it was rub it against the other chain so yeah it'll be done on Friday not this Friday but Friday it'll be done yeah let's move over to the Steam section George's been working on the Stanley Steamer here this is our 1907 Stanley Steemer 20 horsepower we drove this thing a lot drove the wheels off it until eventually the boiler kind of gave out well I didn't give out we ran low on water and we scorched the boiler and well hey let me show you what that looks like let me show you come on over here come on over here as you can see this boiler is can you see how it's warped how it sort of balloons up here in the center that was from too much heat and not enough water see the way this is what they call a firetube boiler the water goes in and in around those tubes and that helps to keep it cool but what happens when you run out of water you wind up melting the copper tubes then you have to what they call swedge the boiler you put a tool in here bang each one to seal it but it's just too far gone luckily has a guy named Don Borden he builds these beautiful new boilers he does a wonderful wonderful job and that's what we did we put a brand new boiler in because trying to get this thing to work it's just rusted its worn-out it leaks so let's show you what the new boiler looks like as you can see it's a nice flat surface it's not fold like the other one George just dropped it in this week and we're putting it all back together and she should be ready to run be good for another hundred years you know I called the Stanley factory they're not around anymore autozone had all the parts autozone had all the parts that's right oh well this is our 1916 Rochester Duesenberg motor that goes in the Revere we did the cosmetics on it John five years ago it's just been sitting waiting but now she's just about ready to run this was they call a walking beam engine and the valves come in from the side so it operates in this way kind of open and closing and it's really something kind of different it's really kind of a cool motor and and quite fast from what I understand the trouble was the club well this is the original clutch as you can see it's kind of a Mickey Mouse would be the word but it just was not yeah I think this car was driven every day yeah and I mean this thing looked like it had half a million miles yeah just driven into the ground and that clutch to make that would be nearly it's it'll be crazy expensive so a modern clutches MacLeod is that yeah well yeah Barnard made that yeah late and we resized the flywheel for the clutch surface we still have to put a ring gear on it yeah and well the ring gears are back so that's around here somewhere what is I think it is yeah good so we'll get that well this would be running soon to just like to Stanley just like that one just like the bristles this will be a Tuesday yeah it'll be Friday Tuesday another Wednesday on this family yeah it's the car you may have seen on the website this is all called the butter faux go after Argentine racehorse it uses a 1916 Fiat 12a engine out of one of the Italian fighter planes great motor fast car but it had no brakes well you had rear brakes only and they were mechanical but no brakes in the front so stopping was more a suggestion than an actual seat so what we did here we put disc brakes who made these phony drums and hid the disk brakes inside Bernard you know our shop foreman he's off racing this weekend or else he'd be here to tell you about it we mounted the discs inside these fake drums so now we have something that stops and it's reliable and you can actually drive this thing the way it was intended because this is a fast car that's a hundred miles an hour comes up pretty quick in this thing because it's it's an airplane it's a 22 litre six so each cylinder is like a 350 Chevy almost so but come around this side and I'll show you the you'll see the brakes inside you can see the disc brake hidden inside the drum once again will word has come to the rescue for us here you know Wilwood disc brakes I've never seen an application they couldn't adapt to it's really amazing we use their stuff on on my 59 Chrysler Imperial and now we've used them on our 1916 see out here and now you've got a car that actually really stops and it doesn't hurt the visual impact of the vehicle hardly at all because with these fake drums on here it looks more period but but now you can actually drive this this thing was really scary because you had to use the handbrake and and the mechanical foot brake and you just you couldn't stop you could slow down but you couldn't stop now you can actually stop lock up the front wheels if you want so that's that's really pretty cool so that's another piece of the restoration as you know every car show you have a guy just throwing sparks for no reason they just seem to do it in every show that's what Jimmy's doing now yeah this looks good Jay looks like I'm working okay let's move actually he is working he's doing a great job on these these are the similar two jackets for that that Benz Mercedes at nineteen twenty one car that ran at Brooklands you know that car yup it's got a 1908 mercedes chassis with a benz aero engine in it six cylinder but the water jackets where the water goes around the sillens was all rotted out and they were steel and Jimmy's replaced them with these homemade brass ones but as you can see takes about a month to make each one and here he is this one we're up to four thank god this is not a v12 so it's a six similar so we got two more to go and as you can see how much work is involved you got to make the template and do all this so well get in there yeah pretty soon pretty soon so so that's where we are with that one come on let's go on to the next thing how'd you saw with pare he was working on his Dodge and of course Jim has been doing is so Cortina for quite a while it's coming along nicely as you can see it's starting to look like a car now turn does you like a car got the right finally got the right color I've never seen trouble I know it was because they sent us one green and it was just too green and it's not really like an army green isn't it kind of I know buddy I don't have a real answer on weird College and I've got that color except somebody gave it to him right right but well that was the rumor that it was it was like left over I think British army painter yeah so maybe that's - is in coming along nicely I mean it just looks beautiful I mean this is the definition of a ground-up duration which is really cool but the piece de resistance the engine is in the yeah I kind of I got away from working hard on this they do the engine yeah and it was a little engine that didn't really want to is right two year old no so it took me a long time to get it to come together but now it's running on the time can we fire it up you bet let's fire them see how it goes oh here in the engine room or the dining room of the shop Jim's got his Louis Cortina motor here and now with the exception of the alternator this is all pretty much a 1966 Lotus Cortina head movement it absolutely is it's matching numbers 14 okay yeah that I'd never seen an engine where this cylinder head had the same number as the block just so many of them had been hot rotted and what-have-you in the past so I went to a lot of trouble to put this engine back together that's great it's it's ready to go soon but coming about these headers these are our dyno headers we built up so we can do any twin cam here on the dyno these are thermocouples we use that to adjust the carburetors we get the mixtures right this temperature gauge just keeps the water from dripping out of the block I mean that actually will be the gauge in the car right right but everything else is instrumented on our super flow dynamic and big giant web words on there although the stock carburetors it came with the car actually those are your carburetors Jay yeah the a lot of parts of this were submerged in buckets of water for like 30 years yeah yeah and we couldn't rebuild mine they're the same ones well come on let's fire it up it's going here in the dyno room here so first we turn the fuel pump on right need a couple of pumps like [Music] a little bit lower on so actually all that is [Music] not gravity we're doing a power run this actually gives us a graph of how much horsepower in court first we're not up to temperature or anything's we don't want the entire run [Music] the way around other way around yeah [Music] now it's healthy yeah sure you offer adversity above there you go pretty cool that's we got one last thing to show you that's the big Merlin powered car we've been doing for a long time we'll show you that one and last but not least our 1932 p1 chassis with the rolls-royce Merlin engine as a spitfire we just had the wheels redone we've got to be cannons which is a fantastic place I think wheels come from all over the world to go to those guys yeah they're motorcycles cars they build their own spokes yeah and you know when you put thousand horsepower through 80 your own wheel you want to make it as strong a wheel as possible because this folks can just break off you can realize it so what they've done is they've put an extra heavy-duty spokes in here to handle a torque and so I feel a little more confident let's show you what's been going on with this Jim we now we we had our radiator installed it looks beautiful Jimmy made that housing here and everything for it did all this and this tell us about this radiator well in order to cool this engine we wanted to have the best radiator we could so this is a modern core right so we actually built a radiator built a shell that looks just like the original rolls-royce with the exception doesn't have a little eggshell right pattern the fuel suit or the pardon me the water system cooling system is all custom we've got Evans cool in it we have a couple of electric water pumps which will cycle on and off like when you're at a stoplight or something so we're really hoping that this will be the clue to keeping the engine cool I hope so what so you know I've seen the wheel drop co-op with having those done we've had the muffler's on we have the header sound these are the ones that came with a car when I bought it 30-something years ago they did a nice job on the header so yeah we decided we'd go with that and not you know try making our own yeah there but as you can see Jim's in a wonderful job all the fittings everything's beautiful Jim made the intake manifold for the Weber carburetor I don't think has ever been a Merlin that ran on Webber's this is probably the first one that I've ever heard of maybe somebody else did hit but I know where they are but using our 3d printer Jim was able to design and make that so that's pretty cool let's see we redid the doors and yeah you have these problems where as stare at the back you here it is what happened was before with the other hinges we had the door would only open this far and then it would crunch would scrape the paint scrape the paint hey I mean then the idea had been well we'll keep the hinges hidden well you know this is an old car right but it doesn't matter to see the hinges what we want is using upper gearshift that's a proper gearshift none of this automatic paddle stuff it's still 1932 so that's pretty cool and our - nicely done have the engine turning here and the wood this was done by those guys with Madeira contact concept yeah they do all the wood dashes for Mercedes and all the other cars they do a wonderful job as well so that's pretty much it for the restoration vlog for today you see we got a lot of projects going all the time here and you think he got something fixed like we thought we had the Fraser Nash all done and realized it changed they're rubbing each other and with the wrong chains for the car and nobody makes those change that had to remake all the first rocket so it's not easy but it's fun the guys gets to build their own stuff here too as well so Jim Martinez come along pairs 58 dodges going well and we'll see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 581,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restoration, blog, jay, leno, porsche, fiat, garage, Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, car reviews, compares cars, classic cars, vintage cars, sports cars, super cars, cars, car gear, McLaren P1, Porsche 918 Spyder, Camaro Z28, jay leno garage, jay lenos garage, car collection, cnbc, episode, motorcycle, ford, corvette, tour, dodge, lexus
Id: Qq8l4fEb-UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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