Resto Shaman PASSIVE HEALING BUILD! | Full Guide!

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what's going on guys Zuko back with another Dragon flight video This is for Resto Shaman this time I hope you guys are all doing very very well I want to talk about basically a a passive Resto Shaman build setup that I think a lot of you guys are going to love and it's something that I have been trying in my keys over the past couple of weeks and I'm really really loving it so I'm going to go over the entire build and the talent trees I'm going to talk about like the pros and and cons of it a little bit talk about like how it does its healing and then I'm going to get right into this ever Bloom ever BL no a throne I did a 22 throne with it I've been doing other Keys as well on with this build we've done some 23s did a black work hold did a atal desar and then we've been doing 22s on Throne Dawn the infinite W Crest Mana 21's 22 on dark that was overtime so we haven't quite got there yet but the keys like this is a viable build that's what I want to try and show you it's very very viable in the higher Keys okay I promise you that you'll be able to do it so what is this spill here's what you're not going to be casting with this build you are not going to be casting chain heel we do not take ancestral reach or flow of the tides we are not taking a tidebringer to make it faster we're not taking high tide we're not even pressing chain heel we literally don't press chain heel okay that's how this build works it is on my bars but I don't actually even press it and if we look at um some of the keys that I've been healing you can see that this is how this build kind of ends up looking at the end of the dungeon footage in the Throne I will show you exactly what it looks like here's how this build works there's an enormous amount of passive healing that you just activate at the beginning of a fight so that it's rolling throughout the fight and does a whole bunch of healing for you so that you don't have to triage quite as much but you still have your triage tools you can still smack somebody with a big healing surge or a big healing wave in particular healing wave but there are multiple do uh Hots sorry going on in the background right now we've got Riptide you've got healing stream totem Earth Shield procs Earth living weapon is ticking in the background Healing Rain is healing people on the ground even you got tidal Reservoir which is your tier set bonus that's healing people over time as well and then you have procs of ancestral Awakening that is all happening in the background that is most of our healing I mean you can see that Riptides 23% of our healing if you combine all this stuff together it's about 50% of our healing is just going to be passive um under the hood happening all the time you just have to kind of maintain it and it's not that difficult to do yes I'm using healing stream totem instead of cloud burst I'll do a little segment here on cloud burst I really think cloudburst is a wonderful ability and it's very very good especially in raid but it's also really good in Mythic plus the reason it's not very good is because most people have a really difficult time using it properly and actually getting the huge procs that you're looking for when you activate the cloud burst right the problem with Cloud burst is that you have to put it on the ground then you have to actually do a whole bunch of healing and then you have to detonate it at the right time so that it's actually topping people off or or healing an enormous amount of healing for you to have invested all that time and energy into it and honestly 8 nine times out of 10 lots of players just struggle to get the right detonation end up it ends up just overhealing a massive amount which is what happens with me for the most part so I just use living stream and this makes your healing stream totems absolutely absolutely insane they are very very strong another big difference is that you can have two healing stream totems down at a time instead of just having one Cloud burst at a time healing stream totem essentially single Target heals one of your allies every once in a while but because of living stream that ramps up by 10% every single time it goes off okay let me find a better uh I don't have the throne we tried the 23 Dawn here we go so oh that's not going to work either because we have the cheating at the end let's just look at the uh let's just look at another Throne that I did that's a good one to look at so here healing stream totem 83,000 you can see it crit for 83,000 that is as much as a healing Surge and it does this multiple times I mean it crit 127 times I can have both healing streams totems down at a time and they can both be ramping up getting stronger and stronger and eventually critting people for this amount 83,000 which is outrageous that's a lot of healing and it's a lot of free healing that you don't have to spend any time doing you just plop these suckers down and Away you go obviously Riptide is going to be our biggest heal because of the uh tier set bonus making it really really strong and the talents that I'm taking buff Riptide as well I have torrent which up up Buffs the initial hit of Riptide by 20% and then we have wave speakers blessing which again Buffs it as well we have primaria wave to add another Riptide and we have Primal title core to keep adding more rip tides man over and over and over again it's very very strong of course that entire time we're digging for uh and uh ascendence procs with deeply rooted which is really really good lots of people don't take Earth living weapon I think that's a giant mistake it ends up doing five to six to 7% of my healing most of the time and again it's another thing that's ticking in the background it's passive and it really helps you out so those are all the passive components Rip Tide healing stream totem Earth living weapon the teer set bonus title Reservoir Healing Rain Earth shield procs and then ancestral Awakening are all contributing to healing in the background when you're in trouble when you really need to heal somebody you can press healing surge you can press healing wave and if you really have to heal multiple people at the same time you can press Spirit link ascendants or you can press ancestral guidance those are the cool Downs that you have available all three of those cooldowns by the way this is kind of a special Niche for Resto Shaman ancestral guidance ascendant and spirit link all take healing that you're doing and then evenly distribute it to other players that are affected by it so spiritlink totem redistributes Health your ascendants whenever you heal while you're in ascendants it's going to duplicate that healing and spread it out to a bunch of other people AG is going to um copy 25% of the healing that you've done and converted into healing on up to three so it copies it and spreads it around right that is like a niche for Resto Shaman you can hit a single Target with a huge heal and it's going to copy that and distribute it to the rest of your team therefore becoming AOE healing so that you don't have to actually press an AOE heal like chain heel or uh Wellspring or downpour whatever you don't have to press any of those buttons you can just kind of spot heal people like a paladin does and you'll be copying all that depending on what cool down you have rolling that's kind of how this bill works you have a bunch of passive healing going on in the background just keeping people alive if people start getting low enough you can smack them with a really hard triage spell like healing wave or healing surge if you're running out of time and then if you really need to take care of multiple people at the same time press a sentence press AG drop a spirit link to help distribute all the healing that the big single Target healing that you're doing and to distribute it amongst the group that's kind of how this plays okay that's that's how it works now let me dive into the footage really uh we'll just jump into the dungeon I'll show you kind of how this looks in practice this is the opening pole here this is a 22 Throne of Tides so this is on tyranical week I do want to make sure I just highlight that this is a really tough dungeon on tyrannical week and you can see right out of the gates we are struggling a little bit I drop a link there's an example right there of of where I am really struggling to keep multiple people alive at the same time I've got ravenous Pursuit it looks like Lynx is about to die and at the same time I'm dying at the same time the warrior starts dying so I'm like you know what screw this we're just going to link everybody together this is a huge opening pull and uh we need to make sure that everybody stays alive okay now I've got this um drown on my hunter so I need to triage heal him really really hard so I can do that with my healing surge get him back to full pretty quickly there's another healing Surge and he's up again our triage healing is one of the strengths of Resto him so all that you really need to do is to provide that passive healing in the background to keep bumping people up so that they're healthy and then you can triage the people who are really getting wrecked individually and it works out really really well let me just turn the volume down a little bit more so uh here's the mini boss of course you got to be careful I got an ascendence proc right there which is really good helps you heal people the ascendant procs sometimes go off at a really bad time but lots of times they go off at a really really good time and that's it's awesome to sort of see that but again here I'm just dropping my healing stream totems and I'm rip Tiding people and you can see I'm doing 97k on the side of your screen there it doesn't really look like I'm doing a whole lot but I have four tidal reservoirs up right now this is why you want to do this you're healing wave and your healing surge will add a title Reservoir chain heel does this too but it's much cheaper to use healing wave to do it and I have four of them up right now so they're all ticking with my Riptide healing it's all pouring into everybody I also have the healing stream totems in the background and we're almost doing 100K HPS on this pole without really putting too much effort into it the other really good thing about this is that it doesn't really cost a lot of Mana this is one of the best parts about this build it's very very Mana efficient chain heel is an awful spell on our Mana bar it is so brutal how much it costs and with this build you basically don't spend that much Mana you're mostly rip Tiding and healing waving healing waving as much as you possibly can in order to uh get the healing and you'll just end up doing 100K another really important thing that I want to highlight with any build that you're running as a Healer right now the damage in dungeons is incredibly spiky it is very very volatile people's health bars are just yo-yoing all over the place that's why I like the passive healing from this build it helps to keep people kind of at a level um uh Health points a level hit point percentage and then you can obviously top them off with big triage another thing that you should do bring a trinket you should get a healing trinket honestly there's never been a better time to have healing trinkets I have this touch of the voodoo from AAL desar it just did 656k healing to somebody there cuz they were about to die so this is how valuable these kinds of things can be especially like I said because the damage is so spiky um you can really just forget about somebody entirely and just press a trinket on them and then there you go it's like having a cool down I get the drown on me not a big deal we're going to Healing surge it up even though it is it is really difficult to get through it we get through with a couple healing surges there you go again another strength of Resto Shaman the ability to do that let me get to the bosses I really do want to show you the boss fights cuz they're where the um build really comes together I think let me just get past this part here we'll get uh lady nitar so or lady njar at the beginning she's going to zap individual people so you have to be very very careful about that right there's one zap right there look how much damage that did on tyrannical it did 65 almost 70% of his health so I need to react quickly with a healing surge I need to do that multiple times to multiple people so this is a you have to manage your Mana manage your Mana you to be really really really careful with your Mana otherwise people are going to die now he got hit by a secondary mechanic he got knocked in the air by the blue so not much I can do about that here's an ascendence proc going off look at the damage that just bounced there look how much healing we're doing again this is primarily with healing wave I'm just able to grab people's health bars and just throw them right back up to 100 with a huge healing wave mostly because of my Mastery actually but also because that's just how this build functions now we have the AOE portion where there's lots of people moving around it's very very hectic I have to watch my feet yeah this fight mostly requires you to do big triage it's good to have some passive healing going on but realistically speaking in phase one that's where the danger is for us you need to be triage healing really really hard so drop a couple rip tides and then use your healing waves or do a healing surge to get people up it's okay to do it that way there's look at the damage there I have to be really quick about this using your nature swiftness is really good here smack one guy instant nature swiftness smack another guy with a big healing Surge and it will take care I just did it right there on the warrior so that's how you're going to kind of take care of that okay now I do want to get to the next boss cuz he's he's even worse he has a really good mix actually of damage type so here is Commander UL ulok he's going to do a big slam that's going to do a lot of damage to us after bubbling fissure oh he just did it right there so we move over here now I need to use cool Downs to mitigate the damage of the slam but I also need healing going on in the background to mitigate the dot that he puts on everybody everybody's bars has this purple stuff this is a DOT so I have both healing stream totems down look at their health bars recovering here yes we're in a link to prevent some of the damage but it's about the rip tides and it's about the healing stream totems going off I do pop Ag and AG spreads out all the healing to make sure that we're able to get through that and again I probably use too many cool Downs there but because I have the voodoo trinket for the next one it's okay we can use the voodo trinket here comes the second shock wave boom we get knocked back I'm going to voodo trinket somebody you can see uh boj job's just going right to full see how much healing that did I'm just going to show you one more time I'm pretty sure I drop it on him here comes the knockback I dropped trinket on Bo job watch what this trinket does it's just going to send his he right to full ding ding ding ding ding ding ding there you go so I don't have to worry about him I can Riptide everybody else I can healing wave healing surge there we go we're triaging people and it works out all the tidler reservoirs are keeping us going right so this is how this kind of looks in a realistic scenario you get big uh burst damage on everybody that you have to recover from and then you have a DOT to take care of as well and if you had a cloud burst totem it wouldn't be doing the same kind of healing that the healing stream totems are able to do because they're just tick tick tick ticking away right instead of doing one big burst here's a shock wave I'm very poorly positioned here I pop my I got an ascendence proc which was awesome there you go and it's spreading out all the healing to for us to recover I get a primordial wave into double healing stream totem is down now into a healing wave and boom we're kind of top back up again lyx gets kicked in the face right there but there you go that's how we recover even though I had a really poor position there I needed to be in a better spot we were able to recover okay that's how that kind of looks when you're looking at burst plus a bunch of uh dots going on at the end as well now I want to get to one of the best fights I end up dying here which is kind of unfortunate one of the most difficult fights I think for healers on tyrannical week is going to be this next guy Mindbender uh gersa this guy puts a really nasty flame shock dot on somebody at the beginning of the fight you can see it just went off on me I just want to back up a little bit here this flame shock on tyrannical week ends up doing like 50% of your health just from the initial cast watch my health bar here 835k he hits me with it I go down to 400k that did 430,000 damage just The Upfront tick of flame shock did that much this entire fight is about managing your dispel you have to dispel as quickly as you possibly can but as the fight goes on he starts putting out this flame shock faster than you can dispel it so you have to find other ways you got to get a little bit creative with how you're going to deal with it so you can see there's one on me right now my dispel is up it's all good I can dispel myself but guess what he's going to put another one out right now it's on the warrior my dispel is 3 seconds away he's going to die in that time if I'm not careful here so I make sure to triage him again I hit him with a nature swiftness I use a very kind of a mini cool down right there to get him up now there's one on the hunter I can spell the hunter keep him alive this is kind of the difference you have to basically start choosing between dispelling somebody now it's on the hunter I have no dispel and I need to use a cool down you go dispel one person use a cool down over here dispel this guy use a cool down over here I think I also use my raciel so I I pop my ascendants here just to cover this so now there's two out now I'm not going to I don't think I need to use my dispel oh no I do dispel him sorry but I'm using I'm covering this with an ascendence proc right um an ascendence cool down which I'm not going to have later but that's okay you have to use them at some point point there I can dispel ble again see how much damage it does if I'm not responding very very quickly he's just going to die so this is why this is one of the hardest fights I use my racial right there my dwarf racial to get rid of that one so that's saving my dispel and now the next person that he hits which is the warrior I can dispell him immediately and now I'm kind of back on track right so this this entire fight you have to figure out how to use your tools that you've got at your disposal to handle the people who you're not able to dispel that's what you have to do and then you have to kind of like Bridge the difference between the people you can dispel and the people you can't I think upcoming in a second here I end up using my spiritlink totem right there cuz I I ran out of dispels I'm like you know what let's just share the load here there we go I dispel that guy I'm tanking my damage which is fine I still have my defensive which is great because he's about to hit me for a third time in a row with another flame shock so I think I just pop my defensive maybe I didn't oh yeah I didn't even pop my defensive I should have I should have defensive there and there we go we finally get through that entire phase the Mind Bender guy hops off of our friend and and now the fight switches from being single Target triage to being AOE he has this these Shadows that are bouncing around and just causing damage this is perfect for us we just use healing stream totems rip tides this is perfect for our build we're able to just slowly and surely get everybody back up to full health while this Shadow is bouncing around and I can fill in with some healing waves if I need to but that's how that goes that fight is like incredibly difficult triage healing that moves moves into um you know having healing over time bouncing on everybody at the same time which is really really great that's what you kind of want to be doing there I had to sustain about 152k HPS in order to make that work so that's how that kind of goes Here's the final Gauntlet a lot of healing required here the most difficult thing here is the swell plus the little guys dying when the little guys die the little like slime dudes they put this um magic uh debuff on us that makes us it increases the the amount of magic damage that we take and when the Sentry starts pressing swell we take increased damage um a lot of increased damage so you need to be very careful about that see this spoke I got another ascendence proc that was very very lucky that's how this build works though if you're pressing Rip Tide enough you will get ascendence procs you will you have to trust that it's going to happen just keep pressing rip ties you can see I almost always have five rip tides out all the time that's what you want to be striving for now we have 10 stacks of this dot this is very dangerous if we had somebody doing the swell right now we would BAS going be dead now we get up here and he starts swelling and then all the little guys start dying so I'm like you know what we might have to just spe Spirit link this there we go this is how you handle this situation we're not using chain heel right so we're just going to Spirit link and I got a proc on ascendant because I'm pressing Riptide so much and I was able to recover there so again in situations where four or five people are all dying at the same time you do need to use ancestral guidance or ascendants or Spirit link to cover it and it to also spread the healing out that you're doing because you're doing mainly single Target triage healing for the most part right that's how it's working here comes a bunch of swell or a bunch of uh debuffs here everybody's taking a lot of damage like I did press one chain heel there that was a moment of weakness I apologize that was the one chain heal I think I had for the entire dungeon so that was uh that was a mistake I I I apologize for that here we go we got 22 stacks of the debuffs you be very careful not to pull uh the next guys we just got to wait for a second for the debuff to fall off and it's falling off right now so we're good we can pull these guys here's the double swell again very dangerous even though it's um like on fortified week this will be very very dangerous I I will need to have popped I have to pop ancestor guidance or ascendants here in order to live through this on 4 five weeks it's thankfully tyrannical so I can just do my healing here I think I do pop AG anyway watch AG just pumps everybody again we're doing single Target healing and it's duplicating that and giving it to other people we're doing 134k HPS right now this is the kind of numbers that are required in this high of a key so but just to give you another sense of of what this looks like okay let's get to the final boss I'm going to drink one more time the most dangerous part of this fight for us is when this moment is happening right here when the debuffs are being dropped and people are trying to stack very closely together they will take a lot of damage from the initial hit from this watch their health so you have to be very ready for this they go to about half half HP and then they're stuck standing in it for a little bit long longer so they lose even more HP so you need to respond quickly with like a healing surge or a really fast healing wave in order to make that happen okay just be ready you have to be ready right off the bat then the ads are going to spawn after the boss does his Roar you cannot stand in these purple swirlies or you will die so I need to move away from this purple swirly or else I'm going to die and then the ads will start uh spawning or casting spells you can use cap totem here cap totem is really good here to stop them from casting Inky Blast by the time they're done being stunned they will all be dead which is very very nice and then you rinse and repeat right so when you want to use your cooldowns here is when people start getting these purple circles right here you want to use stuff like Spirit link use your ascendants unfortunately ble was standing in the black stuff he didn't realize the black stuff is always expanding in this fight he didn't realize he was standing in it he ends up dying there's really nothing I can do about that but we end up resing him which is fine I think on the next one I end up casting uh spirit link to keep everybody alive just don't be afraid to use your cooldowns that's when you want to use them is when everybody is forced to like drop their puddles and have to soak a little bit there right so here comes the next set I think right here I'm going to show you my spirit link usage so here it is right here we're all stacked up I'm like you know what screw it I'm going to Spirit link there we go let's keep them all alive the hunters get out right away which is good I took a little bit too long getting out there but it is what it is then I can triage heal again we're doing about 113k right now here comes the Roar the roar does a lot of damage as well got an ascendence proc which is awesome again if you're doing the build correctly you will get as sentence procs don't worry about it you will get them I'm cap tooming again these ads so they don't cast their Inky blast it basically if you take the double cap totem node it literally gets rid of their entire existence they don't even get to cast anything and then we have one more I believe I pop a sentence here if I'm not mistaken no I didn't actually must be on a different one anyway we're just triage healing again it's just boom you do so much healing wave and healing surge hits so hard it's it's really crazy how good those things are okay then we get to the final fight aat and we end up killing him I got 32 points for that let's go to 42105 that's where we are looking at the overall okay so there we go there's the touch of the voodoo which is really really good Ive cursor here there we go so here's the numbers overall Rip Tide 21% healing stream totem 11.6 let's look at all the passive stuff rip tide and healing stream totem that's 33% right there Earth Shield 7% so we're at 40% of our healing Earth living weapon is 5% so we're at 45 right Healing Rain is 5% that's 50% of our healing tidal Reservoir ends up being 3.4% and anest so that's 7% right there so we're at about 52 53% of our healing is just passive healing plus procs going off I didn't even include restorative Mists which is the ascendants proing I should probably throw that in there to be honest so it's looking more like north of 60% of our healing is coming from passive healing going off or procs okay that is how good this is and I promise you if you look at all the different dungeons that are in the rotation right now this is something that is absolutely required there are so many dungeons that require a lot of persistent healing to be going off all the time we just looked at Throne of Tides let look at ever Bloom right think about Arch Mage Soul at the beginning of that fight she does her big fire thing that's just just hurting everybody if you have healing stream totems down and rip tides going you are going to keep people up so they don't get absolutely wrecked by that mechanic when it's going off it's really really good for that right um yalu when he spawns when she spawns when he spawns the ad there's a lot of persistent damage going off on everybody you want your healing stream totems down very very good ancient protectors they're doing pulsing damage the entire time and then obviously people are taking a lot of extra damage from like the charge and the green puddles that get put on the ground but there's pulsing damage going off the entire time which makes it very very good for these passive effects that are going off in the background think about dark heart Thicket right the dragon fight when he starts pushing you back right with his little wind effect that's doing ticking damage to everybody tick tick tick tick they'll go down right to zero if you're not helping them have healing stream totems on the ground have rip tides out already ready to go have your title reservoirs prepped and ready to go they'll be Distributing Health as well you can just uh manage these kinds of uh effects you can manage these boss fights with a build that prioritizes this kind of healing where you've got passive healing going on in the background and it represents about 50 to 60% of your overall healing it's going to be really really strong for you I promise so let me know what you guys think I wanted to do like a really big deep dive on this build what I've been doing over the last week and how much I've been enjoying it it's pushing plus 22s and plus 23s it's totally viable guys so don't don't let any body tell you that you have to take Cloud burst totem that this is a troll build that you can't like that you you can never take Earth living weapon just don't let people say this stuff to you it's really stupid um don't let anybody tell you that you must take high tide or you must take all the chain heel talents because they're just Superior to anything else you can run this build and you can do it right now in whatever keys that you're running let me know what you think in the comments down below would love to hear from all of you guys and um I'm going to be doing more videos on Shaman I'll probably do some more on restro let me know what you guys want to see if you want to see some other build or something else that I'm doing I will link this talentry down below uh in in the description so let me know what you think thank you guys so much for watching love you all I will see you in the next one
Channel: ZucoWoW
Views: 39,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6u-2p4VH9aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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