10.2.5 BEST M+ HEALERS (Pugs) | Which Healer Can *CARRY* Groups? | Dragonflight Season 3 | Tier List

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hello guys and welcome to my new video and today is going to be a big one what is the best healer for poges or which healer is going to allow you to carry your group and this is going to be a video that is going to be 10 weeks in the making because I have played every single healer spec in there I've geared them I've got the foret I basically done a bunch of fug keys on every single healer in order to gear them up in order to get the crest and this is going to be my tier list of healers that I feel have the highest chance of carrying your group in that pug content now these videos take me a really long time to do like I said 10 weeks in the making because only now I've really geared a lot of my healers and only now I've really experienced the content with all the healers myself in order to do this video so if you like the content please like And subscribe and a big disclaimer because I know there's going to be a bunch of people who just look at the tier list and they're like why did you rank this healer so low when this healer is one of the most popular or the best healers in really high content in those BL 30 keys because this is this is not a video for those highest keys in the world this is a video for pug weekly keys from the range of 20 to possibly 25 and this is going to be very very different because when I say which healer has the highest capability of carrying a dungeon in a pug we're looking at things like utility and for example utility like Pi or power infusion might be really great in really high keys but in lower content power infusion is not going to be amazing when your group doesn't interrupt or stone or disorient and they just going to die or just going to wipe so this is why this tier list is going to be very very very different when you compare it to some of the highest Keys done in the world and we're looking at how each healer is able to deal with different affixes because some of the affixes are left to the Healer so we're looking at things like Afflicted we're looking at bursting we're looking at sanguin how each healer can help the group and carry them to success and another important disclaimer should there be a tier list for this kind of key range absolutely not because every single healer is capable of healing or meeting the HPS checks every single healer can do really high keys and there is no need for a tier list for this but a lot of people have asked me and I've experienced or played all the healers and I wanted to share my experiences so far so let's start the teer list and you can see here s tier is being a Healer that can really carry your group this is going to be a Healer that can do a lot in terms of babysitting your group and also kind of controlling trash packs and helping in a lot of different situations and honestly based on all my testing and you have to remember that I've done so many mytic po keys with every single healer and honestly the best healer in that key range in terms so carrying the group is going to be restoration Shaman and that is mainly to do with the utility the utility of Resto Shaman in these poies is just almost unmatched because first of all you have a blood lust there is multiple times that I got invited to groups because the group did not have a blood lust even though my iio score or my gear wasn't really appropriate for the key level which is great on top of that you have things like AOE Stone you have a knock back or knockup depending on how you're going to Talent Thunderstone you have poison cleansing totem to deal with Afflicted and there isn't enough people talking about Afflicted and poison cleansing totem and that is basically applicable to all shamas poison cleansing totem is borderline overpowered when dealing with this AIX because for example you can play a preservation of VRE or a voker and have double dispels with qu Rising flame in your normal dispel which is great you have to Target Afflicted because Afflicted can sometimes spawn in these really awkward positions and with Shaman you just have to press poison cleansing totem and it will automatically remove Afflicted without you having to look where Afflicted spawn without you having to Target it without you having to divert your attention from the current combat poison cleansing totem is absolutely overpowered and not enough people are talking about this is not uncommon for me when I'm doing that hug environment hug keys for me to do something like 60 plus dispels in the dungeon I basically solo this AIX without having to try all that much when compared to other heers and I think that is important type of utility that Shaman provides and again Afflicted weeks are basically free on top of that R Shaman has ARG be the best healer inter because of the range and the short cool down and I don't want to understate the value of an interrupt in these pokeys because the difference between playing a Healer that has an interrupt and a Healer that doesn't is absolutely massive you can really really carry certain dungeons there are few dungeons in this dungeon pool where interrupts are absolutely insanely valuable on top of the fact that Resto Shaman has received very recently some Buffs to its healing some Buffs to its damage and the trooper is very very decent I think you can really carry your group in that Pok environment of controlling trash packs in terms of providing interrupts providing Stones knockbacks blood lust your output in terms of healing and HPS is also good you're a range healer which can also be viewed as a big plus especially for new healers coming into World of Warcraft because playing melee can be a little bit daunting with frontals and things like that but we'll talk about this overall wrestle Shaman honestly feels like a Healer that is made for this PO content because the amount of control that you provide in this environment is absolutely insane because I feel like any week any AIX I'm going to be able to control it I'm going to be able to help out the group even if the group is not doing their job I can help and carry them so now let's go to our second healer and this is going to be a Healer that could very easily be in s tier but I'm going to be cautious and place it in a tier because I do think it's missing some of that big ticket utility items so there was a blood L of B res when it comes to that POG environment but Mis mon provides so much on top of its insane healing profile and the amount of healing you can do is absolutely crazy and I think that's kind of showcased during bursting weeks because healers are able to really demonstrate the amount of healing they can do during bursting because it's going to translate more HPS at the end of the dungeon and I think M mon is actually one of the best healers when having to deal with bursting for multiple different reasons so when you're looking at bursting specifically I think M mon is pretty great I already mentioned that you have multiple different tools to deal with bursting looking at things like a Revival Mass dispel even if you can't dispel bursting you still have things like diffuse Magic on yourself and even if you don't have that your healing Trooper is so high that you can really handle a lot or high stacks of bursting and that is kind of a testament to how much healing they can do on top of that I don't think enough people are talking about shon's gift overall I think shayon gift is borderline absolutely overpowered and when it comes to those bursting weeks you can really for example shayan's gift on Max Stacks feels like something lay on hands on your head and the interval for when you can use shayan's gift with an appropriate amount of stacks is relatively short which means that again when you're doing B content and is on POG and bursting a lot of the times when you're doing pgs with bursting aics they don't really care or they can't really control their DPS just think of everbloom is an example of dungeon that is a nightmare when it comes to bursting honestly myON can really handle that so well I think shayan's gift a lot of times on my testing I would have shon's gift with high Stacks every time there was a high bursting Stacks available and I would use my shon's gift if I didn't have that I would use Revival if I didn't have that I would use diffuse magical myself I would dispel someone else and then it would spot heal other group members and it just felt like it's not an AIX on a Mis Monk and that is just a testament to how strong their healing is but I'm getting sidetracked there's multiple different things that M can provide Ring Of Peace is situationally overpowered especially when it comes to those sanguin weeks in terms of push backs in terms of knocking mobs away you have an interrupt again I talked about the fact that healers with interrupt there's a huge difference when you're playing a Healer with interrupt versus a Healer without especially in these Pok environments you also have instant AOE Stone monk is an absolute beast when it comes to those poke environments you can really carry the group because of your healing because some of your utility you're missing some of the big utility items and those are bloodless and B res but it's not the end of the world especially with B res you can have some of those engineering items to give you engineering B res which is not comparable to the pure B res but it's still better than nothing but overall m is an amazing healer you are a melee healer and this is going to be a downside to few people because people tend to find melee to be a little bit more Awkward with frontals and honestly a lot of your healing is coming from melee with that fail line stom build and ancient teachings and sometimes you might find it awkward to stay in melee and do your rotation and provide healing and this is why I haven't placed Mr Monkey that s tier because to some people it might feel a little bit more difficult to play because it is melee and things like that it doesn't have some of the big ticket utility items but overall you could easily Place Mis Weaver in s tier but right now I think it's an a tier and I think it's an amazing healer in all forms of content so now let's move on to our next SE and that's going to be restoration Jude and honestly it's going to be very hard for me to place this because you can have multiple different utility items that you can pick up as restle Jude to help carry your group but that is also dependent on which key level you're doing because this is a tier list between 20 or weekly keys and something like 25 you can absolutely sacrifice survivability and pick up an interrupt which means restle Jude could actually be somewhere closer to that a tier if you cannot pick up an interrupt I think it would drop down to that b tier but overall this is a teeress looking at again Lower Keys in highest keys in the world restle Judes will have to pick up up extra survivability they'll probably will have to drop that interrupt because again Druids in general are not the tankiest class in the game unless you really use your bare form if you can micromanage your bare form you're going to be doing really really well and you can survive a lot of things but if you don't do that you're kind of in trouble so in highest skis in the world you need to pick up extra survivability there's a bunch of talents that help you with that and because of the class streak you can sometimes feel like you're forced to mix and match which utility you want or can pick up for a certain dungeon for certain AIC is a Restoration Druid restor Druid can pick up interrupts you can have multiple different utility with Roars in terms of disrupts you can have things like typhoon Vortex again typhoon for sanguin weeks Vortex and typhoon combo is pretty good in terms of just disrupting the crashback on top of that you have things like B res which I think is nice to have a pure B res class in P keys versus someone using engineering B res because it can be somewhat awkward you have Mar of the wild in terms of having a really really nice group both again versatility is something that is sought after and besides that your healing is absolutely Bonkers as restoration truth with that Grove guardian and that tear set combination and I've seen more and more Resto Druids and those hierarchies using Tree of Life combination in order to Brute Force healing checks and hey you're one of the healers that can do a good amount of healing on the move which can be very relevant on certain dungeons on certain bosses I think it is a very very good healer in terms of providing again root Force healing in terms of insane HPS in terms of insane pet healing it can have a lot utility depending on which key level you're doing again we talked about interrupt can you pick up interrupt or you might not be able to do that just some last notes about the dro class Tree in particular because I genuinely feel the design is absolutely shambolic there's some notes at the end that feel almost man to pick up there's a lot of utility that is somewhat hard to get to there's nodes that feel almost irrelevant that you have to pick up in order to progress down the tree it just feels like one of the worst healer class trees that I've seen and I really hope lizard that is going to redesign it in the future I don't think it's as good as Resto Shaman in terms of carrying your groups in that 20 to 25 range but wrestle Druid I think there's many different reasons to play this healer and if you like that kind of healing over time play style if you like that pet healing Grove Guardian type of healing because Grove Guardians are going to make up a huge portion of your overall healing if you like it if you like shape shifting honestly restle Jude is going to be a very fun option and now let's talk about the next seal and that's going to be one of the Rising healers that I've tested so far now my preservation ofre has the lowest item level out of the healers because it was the last healer for me to test but honestly the amount of Troop that I've seen from preservation ofer is absolutely wild for example Myer's DPS and healing trut is higher or equal to some of my healers who are 10 or 15 item levels higher it is absolutely crazy I could actually genuinely put preservation of ochre almost s tier somewhere in a tier but there is a big big negative to preservation of VRE and I'm being very cautious and I'm going to be placing it in B right now so why is Preservation aoker here what are the good things about it in terms of the utility that you provide as an evoker you are actually pretty good you have a blood lust you have double dispel with quarter rising clame and normal dispel your dra theer racials in terms of knockback and knockup is pretty crazy good when you think about this in terms of the ratios that you can have really good utility in my opinion you have sit tionally strong utility in terms of rescue in terms of doing certain skips things like a pressing Roar can have really good Synergy with certain other classes things like Benes demon hunters and you can go even further and talent into AOE D Rage which can actually be pretty op especially Jung those raging weeks other healers also offers something similar for example Resto Druid or Druid specifically has Su which can be used on a single Target on a shorter cool down there's a lot of things that preservation of V has that can provide on top of its insane out output when it comes to empowered abilities and that is partly due to the fact that your two set bonus again shoots out living flames and that feels really nice your empowered abilities are really going to pump and because of the very recent changes to reversion honestly I really enjoy the reversion changes I really think the preservation aoka can pump and don't let anyone tell you that aer's output is bad or anything like that because if you can play around your group your output is going to be really really strong you can really heal you can really deal damage and the recent reversion changes actually added to the game play so why am I placing preservation of ochre and beat here because there is multiple times where I would do like 10 keys with preservation of ochre and nine of those keys I'm carrying the group I'm providing blood L I'm knocking mobs up I'm knocking them back I'm doing double dispels with qu rizing flame I'm using my rescues and all of those things and I'm really carrying the group my output is really good and then you can have the 10 key or the last key where there's a lot of rang in your part and again there might be a dungeon or bosses where people need to be spreading and that becomes a nightmare it's not that you cannot play around your range limitations you can absolutely for example if people are within your range you can apply Echoes and then people get out of your range you can still detonate echo in multiple different ways to provide healing so you can play around that but the fact that you have to stress and try and do that means that is it correct of me to place preservation of ochre in the same teer something like a mystery of Monk or something like a Resto Jude or Resto Shaman because those healers don't have to care about those range limitations sure as restoration JW you have a florescence as rest so Shaman you have things like Healing Rain and it does help with people stack with it but it's not a deal breaker like preservation of oka's range limitation so because of this I cannot Place preservation of Oka higher than these healers or on the same footing because you can have moments where preservation of OKO is going to feel absolutely terrible and that is apparently due to the fact that a lot of people have forgotten about preservation of vr's range limitations in these P keys not a lot of people are playing preservation of Po a lot of times in a dungeon I might be like hey guys just care about my range try and play Within my range and things like that and people are like what range what are you talking about I think the fact that you either have to ask your group to play around your range or you have to try yourself to play around other people that fact alone makes preservation of ochre or drops some couple of tear I think in the future blizzard will have to acknowledge or look into the range limitations of reservation because honestly if those limitations were removed I think aoker would actually jump a tier or possibly two because of everything that he provides right now in terms of having a full melee team you're going to have an insane time because if everyone is in range the output is just Godly and now let's go to an exent that's going to be Holy Paladin and the best way to summarize Holy Paladin again this is coming from someone who's actually main Holy Paladin for most of season 3 and that is mainly because of the rating requirements but the utility of Holy Paladin or Paladin in general is actually insane everything else is somewhat lackluster but I cannot escape the fact that utility you provide the control that you provide can really carry certain keys I'm going to be placing holy pad in B tier I don't think it's better than preservation OFA again preservation OFA could be a lot higher but the range limitations can be really awkward but look at Holy palad in terms of utility you have things like Stone you have disorient with blinding light you have p you have immunity which can be very strong in certain keys and certain dungeons things like Bop and freedom can be situationally strong depending on how use them you need to know when to use them as well people talk about blessing of sacrifice and all those things but I genuinely think blessing of sacrifice is not what it used to be because back in season 2 and things like that you were kind of immortal you had a lot more survivability in season 2 in season 3 blizzard nerfed Holy Paladin specifically in terms of survivability so when you use your blessing of sacrifice you need to be really careful about your own HP your own survivability especially if you're using it during dangerous situations of course you can use bubble and Sack if you want additional safety but I think sacrifice is definitely not as good as it used to be by itself because of the survivability nerves to Holy pal then you have a bunch of auras that you can provide additional utility in terms of devotion ordera for damage reduction your utility as Holy Paladin is really really strong the other aspects of the class kind of let you down so that's why holy pin is placed in a b here I think there can be a lot of moments where you might not have your cooldowns and your healing might feel a little bit lackluster outside of that I think it's kind of weird that your holy power Spenders don't really pack as much punch as they should do a lot of people don't really like the hard casting gameplay it's just there's a lot of iffy things to do with the gameplay but it's not really appropriate in this video and I think overall he can still have a good time and he can still do really high Keys as Holy Paladin but I definitely have struggled more with Holy Paladin than some other healers the best way I can describe holy p is that it does have an extremely high APM in terms of actions per minute you're always casting and it just feels like you're always clicking buttons and you're not really getting enough out of that compared to how much effort you're putting in that's the best way I can describe holy pin right now I'm not a huge fan of the gameplay that was created in season 3 but I can't deny the fact that the utility the Holy Paladin provides the control that you can give to your group The interrupts and things like that they're still very very strong and now let's go to our last healers and a lot of people are going to be very confused here but I urge you to watch disclaimer video of this tier list because this is not ranking healers in terms of the best healers for the highest skis in the world this is looking at that PO content from 20 to 25 range and carrying your group and priest is the only healer in the game that can not have an interrupt and that alone is big enough to drop it down a couple of te in my opinion especially in pokes who do not press that interrupt is pretty significant so what can I say about holy priest or priest utility in general a while back blizzard actually made a blue post basically saying because you have Pi or power and fusion as a priest your utility is not going to be the same as other healers in these poke keys for this tier list I would gladly take back or remove power infusion and get back and interrupt in something like Shining Force for the people who don't know Shining Force is a knockback that was taken away from priest a while ago I would gladly take that because power Fusion is near useless if people don't interrupt if they don't stop if they don't disorient Trash Pack mobs and people end up dying a lot of the times this is why priest and the highest skis in the world is doing really well because people can really make use of power infusion they can really organize the interrupts they can really organize the stops and all of that and they don't need that extra utility from other healers they really want that power infusion in PG Keys like I mentioned I would gladly trade Pi for that extra utility and this is why priests and holy priest or discipline priests are ranked a little bit lower than all the others it's not like priests or holy priests have no utilities still provide a lot of things and there's a master spell but Master spell has a twom minute cool down and oh boy a lot of these pug groups especially on bursting weeks tend to forget that they think that your master spell has no cool down whatsoever and that has made a lot of these Keys a lot more stressful I think holy priest went from being one of the best Stealers when dealing with bursting to dropping down significantly because that m spell cool down is definitely felt you still have things like fear of psychic scream to provide some control to Trash Pack mobs which can be pretty good dominate mind feels good for dealing with Afflicted you still have certain amount of utility you can still provide or control Trash Pack mobs you can still help out your group but I definitely feel the best way I can describe priest when it comes to these PG keys from that 20 to 25 range is that you're a passenger you're a passenger and if your group is doing really well if they can manage interrupts if they can manage Stones if they doing their things properly if they're using their defensives you're going to have a really great time and Pi is going to have a lot of value if you are a passenger on a really bad group who doesn't manage those things properly you're going to have a really bad time and because we are looking at pys and we're looking at healers that can carry your group this is the reason why I place holy priests or priests in general a little bit lower I think if they had interrupt that actually would go up I still think you have a couple of talents that you can mess around in terms of centure in terms of making a chasti a little bit more again not a lot of people are picking censure not a lot of people are playing around that but I still think you can have couple of different Talent builds that could provide a little bit more utility if you wish I do think that Holy priest again they received some changes in terms of Buffs in terms of buing the single Target buffing their AOE and buffing their damage I still think the damage that Holy priest can output if you can DPS because you have to remember unlike displine priest dising priest does healing true damage holy priest kind of tends to is there anything going on right now nothing nobody needs healing I can go in DPS if you can DPS or allowed to DPS as holy priest I think your damage can actually be really good and can be better than discipline priest depending on how much time you can spend dpsing and that is apparently due to the fact that again holy priest has been booked now let's go to our next healer and I don't want to talk too much about priest because a lot of the things that I talked about holy priests are going to overlap with discipline I don't think discipline priest is better than holy priest when it comes to those POG keys and this is why I'm going to be placing discipline priest in here there are multiple reasons why I'm placing it as one of the worst healers when it comes to pogs because again I'm going back to that how do I say passenger analogy if you have a group that can really handle their utility their interrupts all of those things you're going to have a really good time and I genuinely believe that in that 20 to 25 range or how can I put this I think holy priest is going to be less punishing to play than discipline priest I think disci priest has become a lot more simpler to play because in season 3 they got this kind of rework a lot of the buttons have been removed and your rotation is a lot more simple but it's still very very punishing to play because you have to play around mind Bender Shadow Covenant windows again I talk about mind Bender because mind Bender is the most popular build in Mythic Plus versus something like Shadow so if you're playing around those Shadow Covenant Windows those mind Bender Windows if you mess them up you're going to be really severely punished because I do tend to think that discipline priest outside of that shadow Covenant window can lack some of that healing I also think that if there's going to be situations where someone in your party is going to take consistent single Target healing and your atonement transfer is not enough to keep them up and you have to focus fully on that person it can feel a little bit punishing so I do think that disine priest in the right hands and in really high content in groups that can really organize their defensives organize their utility organize their interupts this priest is really really strong healer and this is why some of the highest keys in the world are done with displine priest that is partly also due to the fact that in really high Keys it's all about survivability it's all about can you live the key if you can live the key you're probably going to time it and this is where this increase utility in terms of having pain suppression or double pain suppression or having things like barrier comes really really handy now this tier list is not looking at the highest keys in the world it's looking at weekly Keys it's looking at 22s 23s 24s 25s you're not going to need that utility in order to prevent one shots it really depends if you're doing tyrannical or not but you don't really tend to need that and I think holy priest is actually going to be a better option when it comes to pokies because it is less punishing and also Alo there are multiple times where you're doing bursting weeks as this pried and you have six seven eight nine stacks of bursting your master spell is on cool down and you have no mobs to hit in order to heal off you might as well just dispel yourself and start casting Master Resurrection because people are going to die and again by far the most punishing healer when dealing with something like bursting but that might be more of a skill issue on my end but honestly I tended to swap to Holy priest during those weeks because holy priest doesn't rely on having targets alive and because this priest can some feel punishing because you should always be casting again you should always be casting as every single healer but that goes double true for this priest because of hands like void sum if you're casting you're getting additional cool down reduction you're getting higher up Shadow Covenant and it makes the key feel better if you fail to do that it can always create this ripple effect where you're always trying to catch up and because of this again this is a Pog tier list this is not looking at the highest Skys in the world if you're a god tier disciplin priest with an organized group you're going to have an amazing time and you're going to provide a lot to your group if you're primarily doing po content and you're trying to carry your group in multiple different ways I don't think priest or disci priest is going to be the best option here but overall disci priest can be very fun to play and it can be very very rewarding which can be fun for a lot of people out there and now in terms of the summary of the video I want to stress the fact that this is not a tier list of healer performance and the highest keys in the world and organized content in groups that using Discord voice and all that thing this is for healers that are going to join po content in that Weekly key range 20 to 25 type of deal what are the chances of those healers carrying those groups in multiple different ways in terms of utility again utility is going to be a king here because every healer has enough HPS or he's going to meet the HPS checks in that key range so utility is a big aspect how much healing you can do how much damage and all those things and this is based on my experience so far and this is why I plays priest in a lower tier because you're the only healer who cannot have an intro and blizzard also mentioned it's a type of healer that lost a lot of its utility because you have Pi or power and fusion Pi power and fusion is great in high content where people can play around interrupts they're going to use their defenses they're going to use their utility Pi in these pug or lower Keys where people might not be using interrupts or defensives it's not going to have all that much value so this is why priests are a little bit lower I did also put extra emphasis on holy priest being better than dising priest in that kind of key range because I genuinely believe holy priest is less punish ing to play but you also have to keep in mind that group composition can play a big factor especially when you're doing these high keys and this is why I see a lot of these PR or this PR being included because for example if you have a pro Paladin in your group and that Pro Paladin handles all the interrupts or a lot of the interrupts you don't need a Healer that provides interrupt you rather have someone that provides Pi or power infusion or provides indirect damage or increases that group's DPS or on top of that you would also like to get that power War fortitude buff in order to add extra survivability to the group but this is a tier list looking at all the heers looking at nonrestrictive group compositions in terms of you're not sure what group you're going to get in POG environment or you don't really want to wait for that Pro P to come around and this is why priest is a little bit lower if priest would have an interrupt and couple of other utility items it would climb a lot higher I think I'm also being relatively harsh in terms of where it plays priest because I'm assuming the worst in poges because I've done a lot of poges I think if you have a semi decent group I think holy priest could easily climb and I think this priest could climb but in terms of continuity I'm going to keep them in the same position just so you know I think priest performance is going to rely more on that group again play whichever healer you enjoy the most because that is the best value for your subscription and this is why I play rest of Shaman really high because the utility that they provide in terms of controlling the trash bags again you have AOE Stones knockups knockbacks you have blood lust if you join a group that already has blood lust your utility is going to be somewhat diminished but having as such a good interrupt as rest of Shaman is honestly I cannot put enough emphasis on having an interrupt in pokeys especially for certain Dungeons and I did talk about things like poison cleansing totem and again rest of Shaman is going to control the group M Weaver is really strong I think M Weaver provides so much healing it has a lot of things they can bring to the group as well ring of pce bunch of other things it's missing some of the big ticket items and ter of blood loss and B res but you can get engineering B res and I think m is in a really good position arguably one of the best healers in all forms of content Resto Jude could fall depending again drw class Tre is extremely convoluted in terms of you're almost being forced to mix and match which utility you want to pick up for a certain week for a certain dungeon so maybe you you will be able to pick up interrup maybe you won't because you want extra stability maybe you want something like hibernate and typhoon for again for something like incorporeal and sangin weeks and that kind of limits your other choices so I still feel Resto Drew deserves to be in that a tier but he could definitely fall because the true class streak could use a lot more love preservation of Walker could honestly be S or a tier I think the output of preservation of ochre is really really strong I know in highest Skys in the world they're they're bringing augmentation of ERS and there's no reason to bring preservation of ochre because your utility is going to be overlapping but if you don't do that if you don't have other classes or other vocus in your group reservation is doing really well the output is really strong utility is strong and the only reason I placed it in bti is because the range limitations can sometimes be really painful you can play around the range limitations in multiple different ways but because you have to stress and do that or how do I say you either ask your group to play around your range limitations or you have to play around your group because you have so many range and people are spread out purely because of that fact I'm bringing him to B tier but honestly it's kind of deservant of being at least in a but that's up to you to decide Holy Paladin is one of those healers where I actually believe the utility kind of carries them in this I plac them in beer even though I feel a lot of other aspects of Holy Paladin are a little bit lackluster you can still do really high Keys you can still have a good time but I still feel a lot of the gameplay aspects are not really as good as they used to be but that is just my personal subjective opinion everything here is my personal subjective opinion you're more than welcome to disagree or agree with this let me know what your teist would look like just remember this is not looking at the highest keys in the world utility is the king here I'm also looking at ease of play I'm also looking at HPS output how easy it is to meet those HBS checks because let's be honest no healer is going to be unable to meet HBS checks and those 20 to 25 keys because this is basically a video 10 weeks in the making because I can finally say that I'm playing every single healer I've geared every single healer to some extent I've been doing a bunch of micul keys in order to gear up and these are my experiences and this is a tier list to repres my experiences let me know what you would change in this tier list and if you like this video please like And subscribe it really helps out the channel and I'll see you in my next guide
Channel: MadSkillzzTV
Views: 33,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madskillzztv, madskillz, wow, dragonflight, best healers, best healer, 10.2.5, 10.2, best m+ healers, best m+ healer, 10.2.5 best healers, 10.2.5 healer tier list, 10.2.5 healers ranked, dragonflight best healers, dragonflight best m+ healers, m+ healers ranked, healer tier list, dragonflight healer tier list, best healers ranked, best pug healers, pug healers, top healers, tier list healers, 10.2.5 tier list healers, 10.2.5 tier list, dragonflight tier list, mythic plus healers
Id: 6nvUB7MbAIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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