Resting In God's Ability

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how y'all doin ladies oh man yeah I like got a tear several tears when there prosper videoplease is in you know we've talked a lot about giving and we want to encourage you to do that this is not your home Church give where you go but but give somewhere because when I look at things like that I think about the faithfulness of God he takes like your dollar and he does divine things with it and so he don't even ask you to give he wants us to give sacrificially but if we just give minimally he still can just something with it I look at that building and the reason why I got weepy I was thinking about the first time my husband came and said I think God's calling us to start the church and then I fast forward you know how you see scenes and your life is like flashes and I fast forward it to the first time when you talk to our pastor about it at the time then I fast forward it to our first meeting and there's like 12 people on these couches and we had like a program printed out and hello jambox mentorship and and I'm just thinking about all this stuff and then hotel and I'm remembering how for for almost five years in the hotel that we never took an offering because God wanted us to walk in faith and he wanted us to help people heal from baggage they had had with how churches had handled money and when I tell you our coffers were full and so when it was time to get a building where you were to pay for stuff and so I'm looking you know sometimes you just like now how now what so I say all that I don't know why cuz I've got myself worked back up again but I say all that to say thank you for those of you especially faithful givers at one community I just have to applaud you really I really do because there's no small thing there's no small thing and so we just invite you to continue to be faithful and to get where the Lord leads you and if you're in another Church give their because God does amazing things with your faithfulness so anyway I said all right we've listened to in our brief series and ivory series how was it lesson one how many of you this is your first time tonight hello hello I switch questions on your first timers yeah like oh let's start first time was tonight let me see your hands keep your hand up so your neighbor can have five give their hands up give them a high five all right now first timers and now ask them what took you so long I was getting going something no answer I'm glad to have you I'm glad to have you okay so how was less than one for you guys I got I got so many emails people were like listen this is my schedule help me find a job and I was like wait I'm not a legit Sabbath consultant you don't worry I'm learning with you so I hope it was good for you and so now I want to dive in today to a little more yeah this is fascinating like I've already got the next five lessons planned out because of how much God has to say to us about rest and here's what's interesting I got a story this weekend I went to Houston to see my grandmother who is intelligent she would tell you she's 91 and a half and so because you know all the months count so she's like listen every month I'm putting it on there so she be 92 and December but she we went to Houston to see her and while he was there in Houston comma Texas in the summer her AC went out I need you to feel it I needed you to feel it's like the equator rose up through the floor and just spray the hot fog over everybody and it was like it's so hot it's hot here but in Houston it's humid and hot so if you from anywhere south of here Houston Louisiana you know talking about you just walk around sweat and so I as soon as the AC went out we were talking is like hey wait we're happy because you know in a regular house the a/c hits a temp and then it turns off that don't happen he's just working the whole time so when it goes off you feel it like in the next five minutes so the AC went out y'all and we sitting there trying to be holy and godly and my kids my kids are hot they're like hot Joe is like my hands are sweaty and I was like I know everything's too windy my idly is just with everything swimming so we had to call a service company to come and fix it but you know it was the holiday weekend so so you know I answered the door with attitude like do not try to get on the owners you know and so he was very nice and he walked us through all of this stuff and of course my grandmother's house is a million years old because that's the house she her and my grandfather built you know 67 and 70 something years ago so everything in there is old so he basically laid out this man he said let me tell you everything that's wrong this ABCD Z and back to double-a 888 it was like everything was wrong so he gives us this and all these options right they trying to set you up for what this is gonna cost you and so I was like this this was a car not Carlo there's a car this is a cash car what y'all talk about so I was like I think I can get a car for you watchout lizanne so this was a figure upwards of $10,000 and so we sitting there and she is a great money manager but she's owned a fixed income and so I was like okay how are we gonna pay them come my mom was there we're trying to figure out how we're gonna pay for this stuff they go through these options y'all we sitting there we just like it Lord Jesus okay where we gonna have to do this we're gonna finance it she was like I don't want to find anything we just go right on not just writing that checks today see man just hold on but she has savings now she'll play with her money you know and my grandfather who was deceased cooked her up so you know they don't make pinches like that no more so she she's fine but she was like I don't like bills I don't wanna be like hey and then wrong with a bill every now and that's just this hold on Miss hoto so we coming up with these options y'all we're trying to figure out how to finance this thing and when you got to finance house fixing that's a problem so the guy leaves and they schedule up this long order for Monday so that night she said what anyway I'm gonna pray about it I'm not gonna even worry about it man cuz I'm a little bit worried so she prayed about it I know she did she but she knows anything next day was Church was sitting in church good bad shirt in church all day so he's in church oh it was good it was five good selections from the choir okay including full selections for welcome offering in community like full not no snippets not house music alright they were like sing the whole song so anyway y'all get me on track give me I'll try anyway we went to church we went to church church and then we came home we sitting at dinner and she says so listen I need to tell you something let me tell you what the Lord said to me last night now my grandmother loves Jesus for real baba doctor she corrected me on how to say so she's for real so when she's like let me tell what the Lord said I was like oh go ahead cuz I want to know cuz he I know he's focused probably a clown still Herman in your bedroom so she tells me she's like well I told him what the problem was even though I know he already knew and I asked him what we need to do about it and so then I just went to be and then about three ten in the morning very specific about 13 in the morning Lord woke me up and he said to me that this is what we don't do so I'm not gonna get all these things fixed I'm only gonna get this point fixed and then he reminded me of a credit card I had just paid off so instead of financing I can put it all on that cuz I'd be a little interest rate and then we gonna get into that and she didn't walk through this whole plan walked through this whole plan y'all and I'm sitting there with my mouth open because she basically said even though y'all spent an hour and a half with this man talking through these options I took it to the Lord in prayer and what I got was better than what y'all got I appreciate y'all right but and she said she said that's why the song says o what peace we often forfeit Oh what needless briefs we bear come on all because we do everything your AC your bills Nick and so yeah I'm sitting here listening to her tell this story and I'm like it's amazing her faith in the God that I say I have faith in - right but what happens here in this situation is that she went to God to inquire of him right just God what do you think and when she went to win I'm saying what she did that she talked to him she went to sleep she would sleep and at the right time he awoke her out of her sleep do you understand that God spoke to her out of her rest then while she was resting once she had laid it before him he woke her up from her rest and gave her a word he didn't take her to Google and say let me show you how to fix the AC he didn't give her a new strategy just a few moments he gave her divine clarity for a practical problem and I see a lot of times we think we only going to get this clarity from God in these spiritual problems these moral issues God what do I do about this spiritual situation but the things that really keep us up at night are these practical everyday things and we often lose sleep because we are resting in our ability and not his because if you really believe it I'm able to do whatever it is you need done forget exceedingly abundantly if you just believe I can do it period then you would talk to me about it and then you will go rest and at the right time from your rest I will speak because you're resting in my ability you're arresting in the fact that you know I am able and I'm faithful and so when I think about this moment I thought about the truck that she has built with God over the years because you cannot instantly have this kind of Sabbath relief if you don't have regular Sabbath the relationship with God see we wanted in the chaos and in the crisis and God is saying Sabbath is a lifestyle you so into that because I tried to rest too but I was laying there with my eyes open and it's still a little bit hot because he had jumped he ahead jump started to AC but it wasn't all the way right you know it was still a little warm and the fan was blowing and I was like Jesus trains is going back as we live in the inner city right so dogs barking trains they might have been some gunshots fire I was sitting there like Lord what we gonna do my grandmother gonna do she's older than myself what we gonna do and she in this leap and probably about the time I fell asleep she was getting up but I fell to see without any answer she was waking up with some answers because God was speaking to her and so he brought this story to my mind because today I want to talk to you about what it means to rest and his ability I think one of the reasons that Sabbath is is is eludes us and we cannot find ourselves in true rest is because we're trying to rest in our ability and not in God's ability and if you're going to have true Sabbath rest you have to believe that he can and he will do it whatever it might be see your ability actually creates anxiety when is the last time on your own you tried to solve a problem just think about how that went did that feel like a vacation you were like I got 12 things to solve it's gonna be a great day no you you probably did all kinds of things you probably did not sleep well and we're stressed out we lose sleep when we rest in our ability we respond not in love to the people around us we stress eat and we stress drink and we stress sleep and we stress cuss and we stress everything else and we blame it on the stress you like I'm stressed I got a lot on my mind you know and so the truth is the truth is you've got all these things that you're trying to wrestle with and you take on the weight of the world strategize and solve and fix and how often do you really say god I'm gonna give this to you and because I've reached the end of myself I'm gonna rest because Sabbath is about a regular reminder that we are dependent on God that we are limited that we are finite but we think when I see the wall when I feel the wall when I hear my limitations just push through I need to just push through and guys like no you need to sit down you're not gonna get a better insight on the other side of your limitation they don't even make sense that doesn't even make sense you're not gonna get a new clarity and when you're when you are your only resource so I want to remind us today and challenge us that Sabbath only comes or able to rest in God's ability now last time we were together we talked about three important things we need to actually rest in Sabbath and that's God's ability God's authority in our adoption and the next two times we'll talk about adoption and authority but tonight I want to talk about what it means to rest in God's ability now we see a perfect example of this in Exodus 16 because the children of Israel were a little bit cry and we're not speaking from judgment we're speaking from a place of understanding because we know we would've done the same thing but we're gonna be an exodus 16 tonight in a couple of other places and I just want to set this up what it looks like to really rest in God's ability or how it can work against us when we don't so Exodus 16 here's what's happened that the children of Israel have been wandering and I'm gonna just read the first five verses to you and then skip down to kind of our main passage Exodus 16 one through five says then they set out from Elam and all the congregation of the sons of Israel came to the wilderness of sin which is between Elim and Sinai on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departure from the land of Egypt the whole congregation of the sons of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness the sons of Israel said to them would that we had died by the Lord's hand in the land of Egypt when we sat by the pots of meat when we ate bread to the full but you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill the whole assembly with hunger they were a little dramatic but we did like that verse for then the Lord said to Moses I think that's what the Lord said these people these people right here know says behold I will rain bread from heaven for you and the people shall go out and gather a day's portion every day that I may test them y'all say tis alright sometimes we need to know that it is a setup all right that I may test them whether or not they will walk in my instruction on the sixth day this is verse 5 when they prepare what they bring in it will be twice as much as they gather daily all right now that's fast-forward Aaron goes and tells the congregation Aaron and Moses repeat all this to the congregation and verse 13 here's what it says so it came about an evening that the quails came up and covered the camp and I just wish I could see that just just foul coming up to my dinner there's just two pieces out there for everybody quail basket everybody gets something you get you get equip all right verse 13 came about it evening that the quiz came up and covered the counter and in the morning there was a layer of do around the camp when the layer of do evaporated behold on the surface of the wilderness there was a fine flake like thing fine as the frost on the ground when the sons of Israel saw it they said to one another what is it but they did not know what it was and Moses said to them it is the bread which the Lord has given you to eat now here's the next few verses they're important verse 16 says this is what the Lord has commanded gather of it every man as much as he should eat take an Omer a piece according to the number of persons each of you has in your tent y'all got it was specific specific yeah measurements you know how many but you hear the head count he's like if you take what she wants take care about to be good right the sons of Israel did so some gather much some gave it a little but didn't matter because he had it all the math worked out verse 18 when they measured it with an Omer he who gathered much had no excess but he who gathered little had no lack every man gathered as much as he should eat verse 19 Moses said to them let no man leave any of it until morning but they did not listen to Moses and some left part of it until morning and it bred worms and because foul and Moses was angry with them then they gathered it morning by morning as every man as much as he could eat but when the Sun grew hot it would melt so we have the children of Israel they've been delivered from Egypt betting enough they also hungry so God is like cool let me provide because they are complaining they're comparing Egypt to where they are today so God provides and here's the first mistake they made and here's our first point for tonight some things you need to know as we were learning how to rest in God's ability you cannot second-guess God and live a Sabbath lifestyle you cannot second-guess God and live a Sabbath life so second-guessing God makes Sabbath impossible verse 19 Moses says to them let no man leave any of it until morning leave how much any of it until morning verse 20 but they did not listen to Moses and some left part of it to the morning eat bread worms and became 5 he's trying to tell them hey God has got you you don't need a hoard okay just don't leave any of it because God is gonna provide for you he is trying to explain to them that they need to trust God but what do they do they hoard it and they take it and it goes bad and I thought how many times has God given me some extra I didn't ask him what he wanted to do with the extra and all of a sudden I had some bills that match the extra oh I had some expenses that exceeded the extra or maybe he gave me extra time or extra resources or extra anything and somehow because I did not offer it back up to him and I kept it to myself have you ever found yourself having some extra and when you think you know what to do with it you're like oh this must be from the Lord all the extra might be from the Lord but you got to give it back to the Lord to know where he wants you to do with it if not the worms of life will eat it up and you can find yourself in a bigger hole than you had before you even had the extra he's saying I need you to know that God has got you they did not believe God would provide in the current situation because they were not convinced a his last provision here me now they did not believe that God will provide in the current situation because they were not convinced of his last provision they complained about not being in Egypt because they said at least we would have had pots of meat you would have bread they complained where they were delivered free not slaves anymore they complain and so because they could not see that coming out of Egypt was actually God's provision they could not recognize what God's provision was in the current situation so they see the manna and they say what is it because there are some of us here who are not convinced that God provided for us the last time and so when he's trying to show us a new thing we can't even see it we're like what is it it just passes us by because we're not convinced that he's been a provider all along some of us have been in situations that felt comfortable at the time and they were like even you have bread and you had meat but you didn't realize you were in slavery and God set you free from that thing and maybe now you're a little hungrier but you're free and so you don't see where you are today as provision so when he provides more when he provides in a new way and he's got manna before you you don't even recognize it because you're still bitter about the last thing that you think didn't work out the way you wanted they could not see the food that God was giving them today because they weren't thankful for what he did yesterday see Sabbath you can have Sabbath if you're not ready if you don't have gratitude you still mad about the job laws in the divorce and on things that we're wrong if you don't think that even the most painful thing in your life was not still somehow God's provision you won't miss what he's variety for you today you will miss the minim because you still mad about what happened in the past and I'm not saying that we don't experience real trouble that we don't experience unexplained pain then we don't find ourselves in the hospital or at the gravesite wondering how we got here I'm not saying that doesn't happen I'm saying that if you let that pain convince you that God is not a provider when he provides again you will miss the manna you won't be able to recognize it so if you want to find a setup as life style you have to understand that you cannot second-guess God and if you think you're missing something today instead of just saying God show me what you're doing today why don't you say God show me what I'm not thankful for from yesterday you can't just start today God show me what I'm still looking bitter about God show me what I'm still expecting you to explain God show me what I'm still expecting you to justify to me God show me what I'm still expecting you to make things right for what happened to me God showed me where I'm still needing an apology I'm still needing an invitation I'm still needing a promotion God show me you need him to show you how you missed the last provision so that you can start to see the new provision that he's giving you most of us cannot rest most of us cannot experience the Sabbath lifestyle because we don't really believe that God is able we have backup plans and plan B and we have that seed in our mind that's bigger than our faith seed that's a seed of doubt and it said just in case see in a just in case we'll Jack you up every time it'll check you up every time God is saying you don't know what the man looks like today cuz you don't even recognize the deliverance from yesterday so could it be that even in the pain got was a provider even in the morning even in your own mistakes and circumstances and consequences and the what-ifs and the why not could it still be that God as a provider listen here's the thing you need to say about this this is so important I think so many times legitimate painful things happen too sometimes it's our own bad decisions and it's the consequences of stuff we did sometimes it's painful things and we don't know how we got to a certain place or why this thing has happened to us but the what-ifs and the why nots I mean they can consume you and make you miss the fact that God is a provider regardless and so then when he's trying to show you a new thing he's got a mana falling from heaven right in front of you you can't recognize it because you bitter about the thing that he already took you out of you have got to let him change your perspective on provision because provision is not always a spouse it's not always an increased bank account it's not always a house it's not always a promotion in a car it's not always a pregnancy it's not always a healing sometimes the provision is the painful divorce and even though it might not have been God's best choice he had a plan for you and he wanted to show you his grace he provided for you you saw him after that deep loss in your life in a way you had never seen him before so sometimes he takes away and he allows pain so you can see he's still a provider and if you so mad about that last pain that he caused you you miss the man you will miss the man alone I'm telling you we are walking around stepping over fresh manna because we got pain in our hearts and we don't really believe that God is a provider we believe he's a conditional Giver and if we cannot explain everything that's happened in her lives we allow it to question his provision so when he brings a new thing we can't see it or appreciate it cuz we stuck in the old thing so this is not just about taking a nap Sabbath is not just about taking a day off you have to first ask yourself where am i second-guessing God and it may be something you've been second-guessing here for so many years you forgot about cuz you've been thinking that way for so long where am i second-guessing God cuz second-guessing God will kill your chances of a Sabbath lifestyle you can't find rest and somebody you don't trust you cannot you can't fake it y'all there is no amount of retreating and no amount of journaling and quiet time that's gonna give you real peace if you don't think God is a provider it's the truth and the enemy will hold us captive with their old pain he'll make us miss the bread and the meat and we don't realize we were eating it in Chains we don't realize we're even in Chains God is like okay you might be a little hungry that's not even my main point listen got me off track second-guessing God that is my point we'll make you forfeit the Sabbath lifestyle do y'all understand what I'm saying here's the second thing God's faithfulness is the foundation of our rest when we rest in his ability we're resting in his faithfulness God's faithfulness is the foundation excuse-me of our rest in consistency we all know creates anxiety it creates anxiety so it's the kind of inconsistencies that says I don't know if my flight is gonna be canceled I don't know if someone's gonna pick me up on time you know you know when you have a meeting or a gathering and you don't know if some people don't show up on time or if they even come in okay nobody RSVP but 20 people showed up like that kind of stuff is little things and we realize what creates anxiety is inconsistency is lack of faithfulness and so God showed them he was faithful verse 21 says what they gathered it morning by morning what does lamentations 3 tell us that steadfast is the love of the Lord His mercies are made new every morning so God's faithfulness even though they were hoarders and they didn't trust him he remained faithful and his faithfulness his consistency his character which is immutable unchanging never wavering promise keeping is what we rest on in a Sabbath lifestyle faith this this idea of God's faith creating a peace and rest for us is like if you've ever seen a baby being held by a person that's upset or stressful that baby responds to that they're not gonna go to sleep while you crying or while your heart is racing it's that idea that we are very sensitive to that and if there's anxiety if you don't think God can be trusted you're not gonna be able to rest you have to believe that God is faithful and that he's consistent and if you're not convinced then you can do a proof test just think of one time in your life that God did not come through just think of one time not when he didn't come through the way you wanted him to when he did not come through and if you think you have a couple of ask some people around you in your life and they'll probably show you that he still came through because he's faithful y'all he never fails and he never leaves he's always there and this faithfulness it's like you know I went on a road trip we draw a ceiling with over to Houston and my mom was driving and I really do like driving but I was tired and I was it was this crazy weather and holiday traffic it's crazy so by the time we got to her I was like I'm a children it's past to see listen Jason you can't go to sleep in a pheasant deceit on every driver okay Jason was my mama I was like wants them kids to settle down I went right on to sleep right because if you're not sure who's driving I don't know if my sister's gonna get his message but listen with my sister driving in here yeah I'm my sister is that smoke coming at listen that girl be driving drivin okay I'm like I don't I'm always like this one I'm I don't even go sleep you carry on okay I'll sit over here but it's that kind of rest right when you feel like you trust the person when you when you feel like this person got it nothing's gonna change their faithful you know some people or they're like clockwork you know they're dependable those are the kind of friends that put you at ease there's some people that always need some few don't know what's going on with them every conversation you not you don't know what's gonna come out of their mouth what they might need what they may say and when they call when they send a text you can just feel you you know what I'm saying you know oh Lord unread message and then you're like isn't it where I can read this and still be unread you try to read the preview somehow can you get am I gonna have to open this because that's what happens y'all know what I'm talking about y'all laugh because you're guilty we do it all the time this is the worst so with people that I don't know very well or I'm not we don't have regular business when I get a text and they say call me why I'm like about what like regarding like what I don't I don't want to make a phone call I'm just a cold call me like hey like dump the world on me you know I need something cause that stuff makes me stressed this is my other anxiety but there's certain people that call my grandmother's calling oh don't give me a word so I know what it is right but it makes a difference right depending on who's trying to contact you you can feel the change in your body instantly can't you when you see that you're like uh okay help me Lord so this faithfulness is important it's the consistency it's character that creates our ability to rest and so if we translate that to what we think about God some of us not only have struggled with God being a provider we don't really think he's faithful because we spent time comparing our life to somebody else life we looking at all our unanswered prayer requests with all our unrealized dreams and God you said and what happened to and how come and why and so we questioned his faithfulness when things happen to people around us and we can't explain it and tragedy and trauma comes upon us and we like God I mean really we start coming with the questions and so God's faithfulness has to be something that you're convinced of number three God will get you what you need in order for you to rest this is real simple but God gives you what you need in order to rest we're gonna read that the next chunk of Scripture in Exodus chapter 16 I want y'all to read something real interesting now we verse 22 I read the NASB too in case anybody asked this time he changes but yes verse 16 verse chapter 16 verse 22 now on the sixth day they gather twice as much bring it on the sixth day they gather twice as much bread two homers for each one because originally it was one over per person that's just a measurement a unit of measure when all the leaders of the congregation came until Moses he said to them this is what the Lord meant tomorrow is a Sabbath observance a holy Sabbath to the Lord baked what you will bake and boil with you a boil and all that's left over put aside to be kept until morning so they put it aside till morning as Moses had ordered and it did not become fast might say did not become fouled nor was there any worm and in Moses said eat it today for today is a Sabbath to the Lord today you will not find it in the field six days you shall gather it but on the seventh day the Sabbath there will be none he came about on the seventh day verse 27 that some of the people went out together but they found none then the Lord said to Moses how long do you refuse to keep my Commandments and my instructions see the Lord has given you the Senate therefore he gives you bread for two days on the sixth day remain every man in his place let no man go out of his place on the seventh day verse thirty so the people rested on the seventh day listen God gives you what you need in order to rest verse 22 he gave them twice as much ready to be put aside to the morning remember Sabbath is not a crash course it's not a quick departure it's not I'm out of here I'm leaving this ministry I'm leaving this job I'm leaving that's not what Sabbath is preparation is when you're going into Sabbath garden is making room for Sabbath and so he gives them double what they need because he's preparing them for rest God makes room for your rest do you make room for your rest see most of us go until we do we crash but what about making provision what about making room creating space for your wrist they put it aside to be kept till morning remember God sets us up for the Sabbath so we don't have to worry or doubt I don't know when your sixth day will be but God will give you what you need when you have a rhythm of rest with him he can give extra but we should never take extra here's the important part verse 24 it says they put the extra side but it did not become a foul or spoil like it did in verse 20 the same provision y'all but one was gathered in fear one was gathered in face the same provision but what was gathered in doubt and one was gathered in dependence and one went bad and one did not so when you're looking around sometimes you're like God what was going on with with mine and theirs and wait a minute when I did this last year last month it was funny he's like no no but your heart was different see God is like why are you gathering what what's your intent is it because you don't trust me oh I'll explain to you I'll tell you how that's gonna go that's gonna be rotten before you wake up in the morning and you might not see it spoil because I saw a spiritual eye sight is kind of bad you might not hit us until years down the line but that thing is spoiling when it was not gathered in faith God is saying I will give you exactly what you need here's what what else was entered in verse 26 he says six days you'll get on the seventh day the Sabbath there will be none somebody say none God will stop your productivity so you can rest in his provision God will shut that thing down he said there will be none how many times have you wrecked your brain extra Friesians google try try try and this is like nothing it's working and as your body is fading you like let me just get some coffee let me just do this how many times have we just press through and God is like you can try but when you go out there and gather there will be none you can go out there and try you can wonder why these same efforts are not producing any fruit he's like cuz I'm the fruit holder giving you nothing because your intent is wrong you don't trust me you don't know how to rest I will shut that thing down just because you work more hours clean more house raise kids with more hours and do more research and more homework does not mean you're gonna produce more fruit God will shut down the field when you're not living in faith and so then it becomes a cycle then you're resting even less cuz you're like wait a minute I got to work more to get the same amount I got to work more now to get less and God is just sitting there like whenever you ready whenever you ready to recognize that I'm the only one that provides I open up the field again but until then you'll find yourself with your time and energy and effort and resources on the increase and your productivity on the decrease because God says you don't go out there but there will be none so it could be that the fruitless place in your life doesn't need more work it needs more rest it could be the place where you're trying to give God to do something you're trying to make something grow a vision a dream you're trying to give birth to something God is saying you don't need more effort I need more trust when are you gonna let your hands off of it so I can do what I want to do with it it might just need more rest that's counterintuitive y'all but I'm telling you God says you go out there together and there will be all right it wasn't mean remember it was the word and watch I'll be mad at me so he'll stop your productivity and he knows we're gonna try together that's what he says yeah just 20 verse 27 says it came out my seventh day some of you went out together and they already knew they got me listen this is the greed of our society it's not even just the children of Israel they got doubled on the sixth day they know they got double and on the seventh day what they do still we're not there looking you have extra you want me to give you double so you can prepare the rest and you want to keep the double and still try to get some more because that's what we do if I get a little extra how can I get a little more extra he said this is why your heart is yet ignoring this Sabbath y'all is counter productive don't ask how can I work more where do I need to rest more here's the the goal here's the fourth point not only God's faithfulness is what we need God's rest that will who did I say my last point y'all give me object Oh Oh God gives you what you need to rest number four the goal is to see to stop and to savor the goal the goal of Sabbath is to see to stop and to save I want you to look at verse 29 he says see see the Lord has given you the Sabbath therefore he gives you bread for two days on the sixth day then he goes on to say remain every man in his place let no man go out on the seventh day so the people rested on the seventh day this goal is to kind of saying I want you to take notice see how I take care of you it's the same idea in Matthew 7 when Jesus is talking to the crowd and he's saying listen do you see the birds of the field do you see the lilies the birds of the air the lives of the field but God is clothing them how much more will he clothe you he's like I need you to observe because here's the thing about it a lot of times we don't see we just feel and then we react he said what if you would open your eyes and really see what I'm doing then you would understand that the Lord provides for you he's making room for your arrest and then he says not only do I want you to see what I'm doing I want you to be still stop it Psalm 46:10 be stealing northern I'm God but he's saying remain y'all stay remain every man in his place now here's what that word means it's not just a physical stillness it really means to dwell to abide to tarry or to inhabit it's the word often used in Scripture when you see families and generations of people saying they settled into a land that word settled is the same word here for remain - they live somewhere they dwell somewhere to abide that's what it means to remain so God is saying not only do I want you to see what I'm doing the Sabbath is about savoring me I want you to be saturated in Who I am be fully present it's not just go to sleep it's not just bad job it's not take a day off and that work from home not work from the bed it's not doing other work I want you to be be done see what I'm doing and savor it because when God rested on the seventh day he looked at his divine work and said yes it is good and sometimes sometimes the key to our peace and the reason we don't have any is because we don't spend enough time declaring what God has done that's already good you just need to look at your life sometimes it's a all the unanswered prayers all the unresolved issues I can just still mist off things that are good God has been faithful to me he's giving me joy and peace he's some matter of health and strength he's giving me friends he's giving me a church home a country I can be free with my religion I don't care what it is you can spend a day just looking and seeing and savoring the goodness of God you need to just take him in sometimes just take him just drinking me in sometimes and don't don't come with your hands how you know they just just come like Lauren just fill me up I just want to be immersed in you I want to be saturated in your goodness clear my mind because when I think about the goodness of Jesus it changes the perspective of everything else and it becomes the key to my rest but listen not only must every man remain he sent remain in his police now you I'm not gonna like this part he said not only do I want you to remain and dwell and abide and fully be inhabited with me I want you to do it wherever I have you right now them Amy isn't people that like what are y'all right now but listen some of us don't like where we are right now and we're not trying to remain we're trying to work to get him out of this situation and he's saying if you won't have Sabbath rest and it hinges on my ability and my faithfulness and my goodness if you are savoring me then Who I am is bigger than where you are so you need to be able to remain be fully present in your current place and stop spending so much time trying to move on to the next thing it could be that God wants to see if you can rest where you are before he moves you he wants to know if your rest is really in him the Lord or your location so why don't you say God how do I remain here how do I keep all this energy from trying to move and relocate myself how can I find joy and peace and rest right here he says you got to remain remain in your place quit trying to go out to the field together it's closed anyway you might as well [Applause] he said you gotta like where you are because you cannot say you like God and love God and trust God and question where you are those two don't go those two don't go even if you're where you are for your own fault you still have to trust the sovereignty of God that he's good and he's able and he's a provider and that's somehow in the midst of where you are today he can give you Sabbath rest he says every man remain in his place and finally it says the people rested on the seventh day finally we got to see what God is doing not to see what we need from God step back and see what God is doing see what God has done if you forget sometimes you need to write down your story so you can reread it yourself cuz we can forget so many things that God we are so concerned about the next thing that we need to pull up our own journal and say good lord I forgot about that oh I thank you God oh Jesus Oh Lord you are good you are good today I'm just gonna savor what you did for me in my parents house today I'm just gonna savor how you protected me in college today I'm just gonna save her how you protected me as a parent how you protected me when I wasn't taking care of my body today I'm gonna savor when I let artists of going to my mind how you kept my mind some kind of way today I'm gonna savor the fact that some people did not wake up this morning and that's not a cliche have a friend who knows someone who last night their life was taken in a car accident cuz we don't know the day or the hour so while we're here we have to see and savor that's the only way we can find rest the world does not want you to be satisfied ever they want you to strive every day grind grind grind when you achieve go for the next thing it's never enough more more MORE God opposite he's saying if you would just see and savor you'd be surprised what I do why are you sleeping you'd be surprised what I do while you're resting you know you can look at the chick-fil-a's and the hobby lobby's of the world and it's not that many of them and people talk all the time but how many millions of dollars they lose about being close on Sunday and they're like this is it and we met we know we man sometimes because sometimes you forget is Sunday and you get on with you the drive through and you lay is anybody ever going to pay over Sunday listen it's muscle memory your cars is going to you like go they rest and they on Sabbath okay the lemonade is resting it'll be ready for your Monday but people speculate all the time about the amount of money they losing how about the money amount of money Hobby Lobby loses but listen here's what I'm saying if God is the one that makes room for your wrist that means there is no dollar amount cuz at some point he's giving you double in order to prepare you for this happen now now here's what you need to know here's what y'all need to know you might not like this part when you get the double it's not so you can spin double when you get the double when you get the bump when you get the bonus make it the promotion when you under you can't understand why all this extra is coming to you could it be that God is making room for you to rest he's saying I'm storing you up because there are a season of rest coming for you not just so you can have more I'm preparing you for Sabbath rest because he's just good like that the shoots this sets the stage 819 come on this sets the stage for the command and Exodus chapter 20 imma go through this real quick Exodus chapter 20 all this is setting the stage God rested in Genesis and he's showing the people real life what the commandments what this command was gonna look like in Exodus 16 because God is not just about a set of rules even the commandments this was a lifestyle verse 8 Exodus 20 this is the Commandments near we've gone through Ten Commandments remember the Sabbath day keep it holy right he's saying all your six days your labor and you work for the Saturday make it holy because that's what God did every seven days okay y'all say seven days then it gets better in Leviticus 1629 he says this shall be a permanent statue in the seventh month on the tenth day of the month you shall humble your soul not do any work whether the native or the a lame whose soldiers among you it is on this day that atonement shall be made for you you'll be clean from all your sins before the Lord it is to be a sabbath of solemn rest for you that you may humble your souls is a permanent statue y'all say seven months Exodus 23 even further he says you shall sow your land for six years and gather in its yield but on the seventh year you shall let it rest in life follow so the needy of your people may eat whatever they leave the beasts of the field may eat listen Sabbath served a purpose it was just so you would he said look you can atone for your sin so he says you may humble your souls you'll humble yourself when you realize that God is really the provider Sabbath y'all is not just about Saturday or Sunday it's a nice style the scripture shows us every seven days every seven months every seven years this was a lifestyle it was a rhythm of work he says I need this to be incorporated into everything you do and it serves a purpose and here's what you need to know there is a consequence for ignoring the Sabbath and we don't have time to get into a lot of I know this Exodus 31 12 through 14 says the Lord spoke to Moses aim Exodus 31 12 to 14 but as for you speak to the sons of Israel you tell them you shall surely obey my status for this is a sign between me and you throughout your generations that you may know that I am the lord who sanctifies you first 14 therefore you are to observe the Sabbath for it is holy to you everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death for whoever does any work on it that person shall be cut off from among his people now here's what some of y'all are thinking that's a whole Testament thank God for the cross now listen I understand I get it I'll be thinking about for the cross every day okay but listen here's what you need to understand that just because you haven't been put to death and cut off from your people does not mean this is not the heart of God the covenant of grace keeps you from the consequence but the seriousness of the matter has not changed God is saying this a big deal if I chose to take a break you choose to take a break you're not better than me you not toasting a break willingly I don't even need the rest you need the rest so when you continue to work without me you're saying you're better than me you're independent of me and I'm not having it so don't ask for my blessing if you never acknowledge that I'm the one that provided in the first place no ask for it God is about rythms the same is true with the Thai that's why it's the 10% it's that constant reminder that every time we get an income we saying God I know you did it I know you did it the Sabbath is no different and here's what I mean I'm and with this y'all the violation the consequences are real yeah we love Jeremiah 29:11 y'all lives you're about to live - I know the plans for you ahem huh we say that when hard times come be like girl he know the plans for you gonna prosper you don't cause you to prosper right not to build it you know cause you to prosper you gonna get something but do you know that that promise was an encouragement while the children of Israel on punishment right because they were in Babylonian captivity you know how long they were in Babylonian captivity I hear - Bible scholars 70 years 70 years we tell you why won't you write this down 2nd chronicles 36 21 2nd chronicles 36 21 it says to fulfill the word of the Lord by the mouth of jeremiah until the land had enjoyed her Sabbath's for as long as she laid desolate she kept Sabbath to fulfill 70 years they were in captivity for 70 years because for 70 years they had ignored the Sabbath and God said for every year that you ignored the Sabbath you will be in captivity no they were in captivity because of their greed because of their ignorance because of their refusal to rest on God and I need you to understand that while it is wonderful that God has plans for us to prosper he could approximate us before we got a cop captive all right he could have done it before we found ourselves in a mess because we were being greedy listen radical was every seven years Leviticus tells us that six years you so and then you gather fruit in the seventh then it goes even further than that when you little bit of as 28 says the number seven Sabbath's of the year right so that's 49 years you do that the space of the seven Sabbath's shall be 49 years a little because 20 a bit of coz 25 10 y'all so good says you shall hallow the fiftieth year it's the year of Jubilee that's the year's you believe the huge Jubilee is Sept is celebrating seven seven years of service so that's why you have 49 years because you're honoring the Sabbath on the fiftieth year the seventh time you celebrate the Sabbath is the year of Jubilee so God says y'all tryin to have Jubilee but Charlie never 67 y'all want all the benefit in the harvest but you never gave the land to break and all the reason you don't give the work a break is because you don't trust me my ability you think you fear you'll never want to report you hungry you're greedy you're prideful whatever it is but could it be that maybe you have some captivity today because you ignored the Sabbath and God may say you know what you may call it job security I call it captivity because you can't free yourself because you have indebted yourself to this thing you have not created a relationship with your work and the things that you are pursuing that say if I need to walk away from this thing I can because my ability is miniscule I rest in God's ability and his provision Sabbath is that checkpoint y'all every seven days every seven months every seven years that's the thing that keeps reminding us that God is the one doing it and so when you're laid off and left off and abandoned and rejected and whatever you like there's some kind of been taking breaks from this anyway I know I know who my provider is you cannot have Sabbath rest here you're not willing to rest in the ability of God so you have to ask yourself God what have I not been resting and where am i second-guessing you where am i doubting your faithfulness that's not the stuff we want to say out loud in our prayer time when somebody asks you what you need prayer for we just say wisdom discernment the Sermon on wood should you sleep what am I not like what is the what is cuz I can probably answer that for you but you'll give me this cloud this broad discernment wisdom what is the boat what that's what it is but that's okay we're not always ready to sell our neighbor but you need to tell the Lord you need to be honest with him you you need to let him know where you've been second-guessing him you need to let him know where you have doubted his faithfulness well you have encouraged and challenged others to walk in a face when they said you yourself don't believe in you need to let him know god I've been faking the funk I'm not sure you gonna provide that's why my savings account looks like it is that's why don't love money so I don't give that's why don't let people do anything cuz they gonna keep it to myself but I'm not sure that in the morning the man is gonna be there so help me be free from the last provision that I didn't really see well so I can see the new thing today let me tell y'all something I travel a lot and God has blessed us with a lot of things in ministry but when I travel it's work cuz I got a little people in my house little people little people take a lot of work so when somebody watching your keys when you when the Lord finally speaks and somebody says they'll watch your kids you'll be praying you like Jesus please it's somebody taking and so somebody says but it is work to prepare I gotta go to grocery store because I want to make sure they eaten what they normally eat that gotta give him the routine the bedtime the allergy the medications of this who does this if she didn't know he can't watch TV you this minute it is like you have to regurgitate your life right that's what happens and some of you who are grandparents you probably have your own children telling you tell you like I raised you right so it's that's what happens we have this long list of stuff right because because even though you you pretty much trust the person it's not you so there's always a little bit of anxiety but when I go out of town like I'm going out of town tomorrow and my mama is gonna have my kids listen I barely give them clothes I'm like whatever I don't have nano guy right I'm not thinking about it I'm not thinking about it if somebody act out I know she's gonna handle it if somebody need a certain meal I know she got she know the bedtime routine and if it's not what I do is probably better cuz she raised me so I just let her have it I say I'll be back at some point in life and I tell you when I live and I go get on that plane and I recline them to inches and I'm not thinking about it anymore because let me tell you something when you trust the person's ability when you trust the ability of the one that's in charge when you know they're fully able and capable and actually gonna do it better than you kids you can rest so you can rest when you know that the person that you're handing over your most prized possession to your children your life your dream your vision they are willing and able then you can rest there's no anxiety when you have confidence in that person's ability God is saying the reason you have anxiety is because you only have confidence in my ability and if you want to begin to find sava the rest you better find where you're doubting me I am the one true living able promise keeping faithful never changing grace giving mercy giving always loving always providing always delivering always rescuing God don't ever doubt me don't ever doubt me rest is yours for the taking ladies but you've got to rest in his ability and his alone amen amen hemming [Applause]
Channel: One Community Church
Views: 7,285
Rating: 4.963964 out of 5
Keywords: lifestyle, faith, bible study, rest, anxiety, god, church, women's ministry, peace, health and wellness
Id: xbxgdPLXXLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 2sec (3482 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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