Respect for Mothers - Abdul Nasir - Quran Weekly

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[Music] [Music] there are two words for parents in the Quran Walid an or Walid aim and a bow on or a bow in all right now where do these words where do they come from what's the root of these words very interesting the word a bow in a bowing it comes from the word up comes from the word up there's a rule in the Arabic language there's a literary function of the Arabic language called Oh slow boot out liebe Oh slow boot ugly it's written right here for those of you who would like that amount of detail Oh slow boots ugly what this means is when there are two independent words two separate words that are commonly spoken about together these two words are referenced together repeatedly very very frequently then what you end up doing in the Arabic language especially in classical Arabic to make it smooth to make it less tedious is you take one of the two words whichever word is easier to work with and you put it into its dual or it's pair form and now it's referring to both of the words so for example for example let me show you here CHUM's means son Hamid means moon shams welcome our champs welcome our Sun and Moon Sun and Moon so obviously in Arabic poetry the Sun and the moon are often talked about together frequently the reference together all the time all right so instead of continuing to keep saying Sun and Moon Sun and Moon Sun and Moon what you do in classical herb because you say Quran Quran which means two moons it means what two moons all right but in actuality you know that it doesn't mean two moons it's actually referring to sun and moon y'all follow all right now let's go back up to the words for parents so there are two types of words for parents well a Don Valley Don excuse me or wali Dane Dajuan or a Boeing alright these are the two words the word of Elaine comes from the root word of up what it comes from up up means father or means mother so instead of continuing to say a boom boom boom mother and father my father and mother father and mother what you do is you take the word up the word for father you put it into its dual form para form which is a bow Wayne now what does him look like but we know that's not right alright I don't know am i sensing hesitation ok so even though it looks like it says to father's it really means father and mother okay the other word for parents in the Arabic language is way leading well below Ali damiana way leading all right Wally Dame comes from the root of wada while add that one of that means to give birth to give birth now out of them father and the mother who is the one who physically actually gives birth the mother does so the mother is called Wally da the one who gives birth the father is called why lead by extension so the word Abba Wayne comes from the word up so even though a Boleyn means father and mother who does it refer to a little bit more the father cuz it comes from the word for father up the word Whaley Dane the word wily day means parents mom and dad but who does it refer to a little bit more the mother because it comes from the root word which means to physically give birth and that's the mother the father just called wild lead by extension all right now here comes the catch here comes where it really hits home every single time in the Quran where Allah tells us to make dua for our parents where Allah tells us to be kind to our parents where Allah tells us to be generous to our parents he uses the word why leading meaning be good to your parents make du'a for your parents be kind to your parents but a little bit more for your for your mother be a little bit nicer to your mother make extra dois for your mother why is this extra special and the prophets Eliza memorizes this when the man comes to the prophet sallahu somebody says man I Huck will be her sincerity who's more deserving of my good companionship who did the Prophet say Oh Mike your mother said some woman okay who's after that next in line he said Oh muck your mother he said Phil my man who's next in line he said Oh Mike your mother then the fourth time he said from my mind who's next in line and he said I back your father very good very good so now why why is this extra special consideration being given to the mother two reasons I'm going to share with you two special reasons - two basic reasons all right two basic reasons number one number one when our mothers did the most for us I think after two Assam address this a little bit but when our mothers did the most for us it's from a time it's from a period in our life in our existence that we have no recollection of I mean the difficulty like he quote I heard him quoting the I of the Quran when Anna Allah one difficulty upon difficulty all right difficulty upon difficulty in the womb of the mother do we have any recollection of that we don't and then even after the child is born well face Allah who fear I mean for two years that child is completely helpless completely if you ever seen a baby they can't even roll over they can't move they can't fit began do anything for themselves it's completely dependent in its existence upon its mother it can't survive without the mother so the mother literally her life for the next 2-3 years revolves around this child and this child schedule and his or her needs completely says this she doesn't even exist anymore she lives for this child so that when our mothers did the most for us we have no recollection of it but what happens as we grow up our needs start to become more and more associated with it's our dads because we become more materialistic so the first time when you say I need a cell phone right what does your mom say to you last your dad and he say gosh I need a new laptop right what does she say nice Kim and he said I want a car what did she say well that's the big scary guy in the corner there all right go ask him see what he has to say about that mess with me you go mess with them right so our needs because we will become materialistic our needs continue to become more and more associated with our fathers because it's based on money and if we go to them for that and so we really appreciate the big guy you know don't mess with him yes sir no sir the mother it's like ah whatever right we take them for granted because we don't realize we don't remember there are literally we could not live without them we forget about that we don't recall that that's the test that's one reason that's one reason and very honestly the second reason the second reason for why this extra consideration is being given to the mother it's because of the nature of mothers I always tell people mothers are the strangest of a las creation these strangest it's they love so much and it's almost as if they want nothing in return they love so much they just complete it's like they don't even exist anymore they don't care about themselves anymore they live for their kids you know your mother will be will be yelling at you and cooking your food at the same time only your mother can do that yeah and you say I want to send you get your sandwich right she's cooking and yelling at the same time you know when you get kind of like you disrespect your mother you don't talk back to her or whatever very bad you talk back to your mother the next morning you're at you're gonna show your mother and add to our shores boss you walk out all angry you don't make any eye contact you don't address her directly you're all angry you're gonna go to school without talking to her and she said like eat some breakfast drink your milk did you get your backpack I packed your lunch subhanAllah here you are on the man you messed with me right and your mother made your lunch she put your clothes out and she continues to care regardless of how you act that's who mothers are you know a message for the younger people here you know when your parents tell you when you become a parent you'll realize you know everybody's parents say that right you know what they're not lying that's what sucks about it they're not lying they're absolutely telling you the truth I speak from experience I have two daughters speak from experience though the sisters the the young girls here you'll become a mother so you'll obviously realize it but even the brothers even the boys you know how you'll realize you'll see your wife and what your wife does for your children and that'll make you realize really what a mother really is who a mother truly is little personal story after my first daughter was born she was about a about a year old the kids they get sick and the bug kind of goes around the house so my wife is sick and my daughter was also not feeling well so my wife is sitting there all night long sitting next to my daughter taking care of her watching her won't leave her side I'm telling you listen you're not feeling well either you're sick as well why don't you take some medication get some sleep no I'm not moving from here I'm not going anywhere my child doesn't feel okay I'm not going anywhere and I was like subhanAllah mother's incapable of leaving their child father be passed out somewhere gone clueless right perfectly okay right just won't leave and that's when I'm just sitting there watching her that she herself is so sick but she just won't leave the side of the child because she's afraid the child is gonna need something at any time and that made me realize I was like subhanAllah look how much a mother loves her child so may Allah Samantha bless all of our mothers
Channel: Quran Weekly
Views: 33,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AbdulNasir Jangda, Abdul Nasir, Bayyinah, Quran, Mothers, Respect, Quran Weekly, Islam, Muslim
Id: goeOd39BCXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2010
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