Dua - Weapon of the Believers - Yasir Qadhi [ Peace Conference 2009 ]

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how do they how to make around to me while we make etiquette of making the liking of making the number one factor that guarantees your dropping accent is your sincerity your humility your crying out to Allah from the utter depths of your heart o Allah I need you oh Allah only you can give me what I need oh Allah I turn to you and you alone in sherrilyn on speaker chef Yasir Qadhi from the USA a brief background about chef Yasir Qadhi he is a lecturer and Islamic orator who has authored several books about Islam he's a popular speaker in many Muslim circles in the United States Canada England and Australia he is one of the few people who has combined a traditional seminary training with Western education chef Yasir Qadhi was born in Houston Texas in the USA he went on to complete high school in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia and worked for Dow Chemical for a short time he then decided to pursue an education in Islamic studies and left for the Islamic University of Medina in Saudi Arabia there he completed a second bachelor's degree specializing in the studies of hadith and then went on to to complete an MA in technology presently he's completing his PhD in Islamic studies at Yale University in Connecticut USA apart from his studies he is also an active instructor with various Islamic institutes where he teaches theology Sarah touch weed and other topics and he also gives regular Friday sermons and lectures chef Yasir Qadhi appears on a number of Islamic satellite TV channels such as peace TV a slam channel in the UK an alpha Channel in Saudi Arabia and al Haddad channel in Egypt so I would like to invite to the stage to address us on the topic of your ire the weapon of the believers chef yes and Accardi from the USA assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu we began by praising Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala as he deserves to be praised and by sending saw that and Salam upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu aleyhi wa seldom today's topic that I would like to address you with is the topic of Dora and why we make Dora and how we make drop and how we can better this door that we make with allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and i want to talk to you about this topic through a very important story in the quran and that is the story of adam alayhis-salam and his encounter with Iblees in jena this story is a story that is of crucial importance and that is why allah mentions it more than 10 times in the quran and he mentions it right at the very beginning of the quran in surah al-baqarah and the story a summary of it is that allah created adam in Hawaa and he told them to live in Jannah and eat anything that they want and eat and drink and be merry but avoid one tree Allah said and Shaitaan became jealous of them so Shaitaan whispered to them to try to cause them to slip into the sin of eating from the tree and because of this whispering Adam ate from this tree and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala caused our father adam to come down to this earth and allah cursed beliefs until the day of judgment this story you will ask what has this got to do with dwop and today in sha allahu ta'ala in the next half hour i will demonstrate that this story teaches us the essence of how to make du'a and why we make drop and the etiquette of making dua the first point that we derive from the story Allah created Adam and how wa alaykum as-salaam and He blessed them with everything he blessed them with Jenna and he gave them clothes and he gave them food and he gave them everything that they needed when Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala created the two of them they did not ask Allah for anything they didn't make dua for anything yet Allah still gave them everything without even asking Allah gave without even requesting Allah showed his generosity and this shows us many times Muslims ask why does Allah provide for people who make fun of him who ridicule him who reject him why does Allah provide for people who ascribe partners to him and their responses because Allah is the average generous the Karim Allah is the man and Allah is the reserved Allah is the relief Allah will give even without asking Allah created Adam and how were they didn't ask for anything Allah still gave them and Allah gave them everything because Allah is the rub he provides for all the creation even if the creation rejects him he still provides and this is a sign of a las mercy and a sign of a las generosity and this is of course in this world and as for the next every man will be accountable for what he did in this life the story goes on and we know that Adam was given one commandment and he believes was given one commandment Adam was told don't eat of the tree it beliefs was told prostrate to Adam both of them were not able to fulfill their commands think about this both of them were not able to fulfill their commands Adam eventually ate of the tree and in beliefs refused to bow down when Allah told him to do such them but what is the reaction of both of these people the one of them Adam other at least what is the reaction it is in the reaction that we see the difference between a worshipper of Allah and a rejecter of Allah it is in the reaction that we see the movement from the calf field it is in the reaction that we see the righteous from the evil and the wretched adam alayhis-salam when he disobeyed he immediately made a dua robinov alumna and foo sana well in themself Elena what are Hamner then akuna mina Hassan him right then and there he realized I made a mistake o my lord we have made a mistake we have wronged ourselves and if you don't forgive us if you don't have mercy honest we will be of those who are misguided who are lost as for a beliefs about was stuck he was arrogant and he refused and in this reaction we see the reality of faith we see the reality of Iman a mock min does not become an angel a molten does not reach the level where he does not commit sins but rather when a mock min sins immediately he recognizes that sin he acknowledges and understands what he has done a movement we can put it this way a mock min has a continual relationship with allah subhanahu wata'ala and a non-believer does not have that relationship so this shows us that when adam alayhis-salam made a mistake he immediately realized the mistake and he turned to allah subhana WA Ta'ala Endora therefore dua is a sign of iman dua is a sign of iman the one who makes to our to allah constantly frequently it shows that he's following in the sunnah of adam alayhis-salam and the one who refuses to worship allah the one who refused to submit to allah he is following in the sunnah of i beliefs Nana to la Holly the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa seldom told us that dora is the most noble act of worship dua is the most blessed act of worship and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says I have told my servants to make dua to me I shall respond to them those who are too arrogant to worship Me shall enter the fire of hell two categories make dua to me I will respond category 1 category 2 too arrogant to worship Allah there is no middle ground Adam is in the first category he made dua Allah responded a bliss refused to make dua about was stuck but therefore dua is a sign of Eman why and how is it a sign of Iman it is a sign of Iman for many reasons it shows that a person knowledge is that I have no control over my own destiny I have no control no power to benefit or harm me I need you oh Allah for each and every step that I take it shows our poverty to Allah it shows our need for Allah it shows a Las infinite mercy and care and love when you make dua what does this mean it means oh Allah I know you hear me that's why I'm calling out to you it means oh Allah I know that you care about me you love me that's why I call out to you it means oh Allah I know you have the power to give me what I want that is why I call out to you when you make dua you affirm the perfection of Allah and you affirm your own incapacity your own weakness when you make dua you are screaming out to the one entity that cares about you and loves you you're calling out to that one being who is your rub your sustainer your master your nourisher and that is why making dua is a sign of worship and a sign of Iman it is a sign of tohave it is a sign of unifying Allah subhana WA Ta'ala there is no greater act of worship than doäôt and that is why the prophet sallallaahu i sallam said adora o most holy Avada most means the backbone the brains dua is the essence of worship it is the backbone of worship you cannot have worship without dua and that is because as we said it demonstrates the helplessness of man and the power and the mercy and the infinite knowledge of the creator another point of drop that we learn from this story is that adam alayhis-salam made dua to allah immediately and it least did not make dua until he was forced to out of necessity remember it least did eventually make a draw right it was not as if he didn't make a door he didn't make it then in there he disobeyed Allah and he left eventually when Allah is curse came upon him what did he say even I beliefs needed to make a drop he was forced to what was his due up he said all on Bernie Eli oh you guys thought he said allow me to live until the day of judgment it please made dua did he not write he said allow me to live until the day of judgment but now I ask you to think about the content of these foodarama it leaves asked for a worldly need a materialistic need I want life give me power until the day of judgement what did Adam ask o Allah forgive me o Allah guide me o Allah grant me he daya give me Mom Farrah look at the two doors the one is worldly and the other is spiritual and this shows us that the mock min is more concerned with the spiritual and he doesn't ignore the worldly it's not as if he sidelines it but his main concern is guidance from Allah and forgiveness whereas the person weak of faith all that he'll be worried about is this world o Allah allow me to pass the exam oh Allah give me money well I went to brand-new car oh Allah give me a wife and child this is all fine it's not wrong but when you find yourself only making duaa about this world that's not the son of adam alayhis-salam allah says in the quran Femina nos there are those amongst mankind who say our banner Idina fit dunya WOM Allah who fill our Ataman Halak the only a scholar of this dunya so when they only ask of this dunya they will not get anything of the Hereafter why should they when they didn't care about it why should they won they didn't ask about it one minimum but there's another category of people man Yahoo Laura bana a Tina Fey dunya husana what will our karate asana work in a harder but now yes you ask for the dunya give us good in this world but give us good in the next and save us from the fire of hell three in two hours two of them for the Hereafter one for this world robbing an Athena for dunya this world has enough what will our fira husana the next will clean up and down the next save us from the fire of hell two-thirds of the door you are more concerned for the Hereafter the point being of course we make go out to Allah for this world but when we find that our dua is constantly about this world when we find that all that we're asking Allah is money and wealth and fame and prestige then well lollie there is a problem there is a problem because this is not the way of the believer when we find that we're asking Allah for wealth and health and for Iman and taqwa when we ask Allah for spouse and children and for Hidayah and mal fira then this is a positive sign so this is another lesson that we learned from the benefits of the story of Adam and Eve lease another benefit from this story is the realization and I want you to think about this pay attention to this it's a profound point the realization that I beliefs had that I need to ask Allah for what I want it please ask Allah for something that he needed therefore I beliefs believes in Allah he asked Allah for what he needed and he beliefs believes in a laws power because he asking Allah for life and he beliefs believes that Allah hears and sees and knows it beliefs believes all of these things he believes Allah is his robe he says father of B in one verse collar up beyond theory in the AHA follow Horeb then I love me this is a beliefs speaking in the quran allah says i beliefs says I am scared of allah the rockwool al-amin so it least believes in so many things but is it beliefs a believer is it is a movement of course not Allah says in the Quran other was stuck about our economy null caffeine he was of the caffeine so the question arises how can I beliefs be called a caffeine when he believes in Allah this a profound point and the response is that in order to be a Muslim one must do more than believe in Allah one must serve it to the will of Allah what does Islam mean what does Muslim mean it means submission it means submission this is the meaning of Islam and I beliefs refused to submit therefore my dear brothers and sisters in Islam somebody who believes in Allah but refuses to submit body and soul refuses to submit heart and mind to the message this person is not a believer he's not a movement even if he believes in allah belief in allah is one aspect of iman you need more than this if this believes in allah i can go more I can say I believe believes in the day of judgment how do we know this because what was his Dora he said o Allah allow me to live until the day of judgement right what does this mean it means it please believes in the day of judgment he didn't deny Allah sense prophets it beliefs knows the books come down and yet mere acknowledgement of these facts do not make at least a believer because Eman is more than just belief Iman must also be submission to Allah and this is a profound point that we learned from the story of Adam and Eve least of the benefits of this story is that even though it least and Adam both turned to Allah eventually think about when they turn to Allah Adam turn to Allah immediately it least turned to Allah only when he needed to only when Allah says for in the I'll a calamity Allah Almighty you have my liner until the day of judgment it least says on visit lyonia python i have no other option give me life until the day of judgment what do we learn from this we learn from this brothers and sisters we learn from this that the one who turns to allah only at times of need is not following the Sunnah of the Prophet Adam only when your child comes sick you raise your hands to Allah only when you're about to be in an accident oh Allah save me only one you need a lot just pass an exam oh Allah help me in the example this is not the Sunnah of the prophets of Allah you remember Allah and you worship Allah and you make dua to Allah night and day can return an irrelevant wanna have Allah praises some of the righteous people they used to make go out to Allah in fear and in hope at all times at all times they may go out to Allah and that is why that is why the person who makes to our to Allah more his chances of Allah responding are also more and the person who makes go out to Allah less his chances of response are also less think about it and I give you an example of this world I give you an example of this world suppose you have a friend who always keeps in touch with you always calls you always visits you and now that friend tells you also and so I have a need can you help me out will you be more willing to help out this friend in comparison to somebody whom you hardly meet and you hardly know and he comes up to you after 5 years and 10 years and he says Oh so-and-so remember me I met you at such interest a party I need some money which of the two will you rather help out obviously the one who shows his care and concern and I'm not giving an example directly with a lion method and Allah so Allah belongs the best example what I'm saying is what the prophets of Allah are you seldom said in a hadith in Timothy listen to this our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said whoever wishes that Allah responds to his dua at times of hardship then let him increase his drop at times of ease whoever wishes that his Dora is responded to at times of hardship let him increase his drop at times of ease when you keep on knocking on the door eventually you will be let in right you keep on knocking you keep on saying oh Allah I'm your dedicated and loyal servant I will always remember you in good and in hardship in ease comfort and also at times of distress so establish a continual relationship with Allah and your dora has a higher chance to be answered of the benefits of this story is that Oh Adam any beliefs reached out to Allah even though it was different times different needs yet eventually eventually both of them were given what they requested was not Adam forgiving yes he was Allah says in the Quran Futaba are they Allah accepted his nova and did not a please get what he asked for yes he did least also got what he asked for and this shows us the perfection of allah's nature you see many people ask why is it that Allah gives non-muslims what they want why is it does it mean that Allah is pleased with polytheism with that when people call out to other than Allah or when people are involved in and then they say oh god help me oh god save me they might be polytheists they might be pagans but sometimes Allah responds to them and we Muslims wonder why does it mean that Allah is happy with such people and their response is this does not show the pleasure of Allah upon these people it shows the perfection of a Las nature regardless of who calls out to Allah when a person says oh god help me O God save me Allah will respond to that person if Allah can respond to a beliefs surely everybody else has more of a chance of being responded even I beliefs his dora was answered and it doesn't show that allah is pleased with it beliefs it shows that allah is the rub of everyone and everything that is how perfect allah is that even when the most wretched creature even when the most accursed being calls out to allah allah will occasionally answer that call because this shows the perfection of allah subhanahu wata'ala even though the general rule of thumb is the one who is more righteous has more of a chance that his dua will be accepted than the one who is not that righteous but even the one who is not righteous even the non-muslim even the kafir even the mushrik a luck and respond to his door because Allah is the rub of an ass and not just a humble muslimeen Allah is the lord of everything of the benefits of this story is that both Adam and I beliefs they asked Allah for something mighty and grand and magnificent Adam think about adam alayhis-salam our father think about him that he was given not the world Jenna he wasn't given all of this earth if we are given a portion of this earth were so happy if we're given a part of land we jump for joy he wasn't even given this earth he was given all of Jannah and all that he was told oh Adam don't eat from one tree can you imagine still disobeyed can you imagine how Adam and Hassan I must be feeling can you imagine the regret and the pain and yet he called out to Allah for forgiveness I beliefs as well asked for something that no other created being as far as we know has been given as far as we know no man has been given such a long life and yet I beliefs got it from the time he was created up until the trumpet is blown he shall remain alive what is the point of this the point of this is that the both of these creatures and beings they asked Allah for something magnificent and grand not something trivial not something small and they were given what they asked for and this shows us that Allah can give anything and everything Allah gives without count your azúcar man you shall belated piss-up Allah can give and he doesn't count how much he gives so when we ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala we ask for more and more and this is proven in a hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom reported in at enmity that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when one of you asks from Allah let him increase asking how you clear up thought let him ask more and more and more because he should remember that he's asking the ever generous Lord the al-karim the one who gives and gives and gives so one of the Sahaba said in that case o Messenger of Allah we will really ask for a lot even a stack fill we're gonna ask for a lot Cathy do you know what the response was of our prophet sallallaahu and he was seldom he smiled and he said allahu akbar allah is more than anything you can ask for allah is more you see many of us are thoughtful was very bad but many of us we presume our relationship with Allah like that of another human being and we say oh Allah I just need this one thing from you that's it I won't ask after that subhanAllah who are you kidding who are you fooling do you think that you don't need a Las mercy after this one Dora do you think that you can live without a las Perpetual mercy surrounding you that you dare insinuate that Allah is miserly that Allah is stingy is this what you're saying like you go to another person I just need one favor that's it Allah is not a person Allah is the rub Allah controls everything be Eddie Hill hi be Eddie Hill milk to resume and tisha all good comes from Allah nothing exists except that it comes from Allah so when you ask a lot ask the one in whose hands belongs the keys to the treasures of this creation so you increase and you ask for everything that comes to your mind that is Helen oh Allah I asked for a long life full of righteous deeds oh Allah make me a pious Muslim oh allah bless me with a good progeny oh allah make my grave full of light oh allah resurrect me amongst the nubian so defame and keep on asking and asking and asking because remember you're asking allah subhanho wa taala you're not asking another human being don't accuse Allah of being stingy this is not the way of the Muslim this is the way of other people other people in the Quran Allah says that they said yeah do la him a Lulla other groups at Allah as handers close Allah is stingy and Allah says who let AD him while you are a newbie map follow they are the ones who are stingy and they are cursed for what they accused a lot of saying Allah Azza WA JAL is not miserly Allah is al-quran and Allah gives and he gives and he gives of the blessings and of the benefits of this story is that it shows us that the number one factor that causes our door to be answered is sincerity a glass when we call out to Allah sincerely to Allah knowing that only Allah can give me what I want then number one factor that guarantees your door being answered is your sincerity your humility your crying out to Allah from the utter depths of your heart oh Allah I need you oh Allah only you can give me what I need oh Allah I turn to you and you alone and this is shown in that story of Adam and of a bliss the both of them turned to Allah at that point in time sincerely the difference is that I believes that sincerity immediately he gets what he wants and he forgets Allah Adam gets what he needed and he continues to worship Allah and this leads us to the next point once you get what you want and then you turn your back to Allah you are following in the footsteps of Elise once you make dua and then you get what you want then you forget about Allah until the next time you have a need this is not following the Sunnah of Adam this is following the Sunnah of a please and to remember a lot patchouli and continuously when adam alayhis-salam came down to this earth he remained a righteous servant he continued to pray and be good he was a prophet of allah so when allah gave him what he wanted it only increased his Eman it increased his righteousness and this is the way of the believer of the benefits of this incident and story is that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala does respond to the call of every single color fuji without at a dairy either damn allah says i respond to the call of the one who calls out to me when he calls out to me if even i beliefs can get his door answered do you think that me and you are worse than it release that allah will not answer us think good thoughts of allah think good thoughts of allah and realize that allah azza wajal can bless anyone with anything that they desire and the point here is that allah will answer your door ah but how will he answer it this is a common misunderstanding the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom told us nobody makes dua to allah properly sincerely you make real door out to Allah except that Allah gives him what he wants but that doesn't mean that Allah will answer what you asked for why you might be asking for something and Allah knows it is not for your good so the process and went on he didn't had he doesn't finish here except that Allah will answer his prayer by either giving him what he wants or averting an evil away that was destined for him or giving him something better than what he asked for let me give an example suppose somebody wanted a job and you think that this job is the best job for you it fits your personality your experience everything so you make dua for months and months and months and the interview comes and you feel optimistic and you think you've done everything and then all of a sudden you don't get the job or it's an exam you want to pass the medical exam go to medical school if you don't pass this exam you're gonna go to another school and you want to become a doctor and you're doing everything you can to pass the exam and you may pray to Allah and you're sincere to Allah and you are righteous Muslim and then you take the exam lo and behold you fail at this point in time it is a test of your faith why Shaitaan comes and says look you made all that dough out for nothing Allah doesn't care about you all I didn't give you what you wanted why make duaa then forget about it what's the point of being good you see the movement realizes Allah gave my du'a he answered it but in a way that he knows what is best for me perhaps this job was not the best job for me perhaps this job would have led to a sin or a disaster perhaps this job would have caused my death an accident Allah knows what would have happened and Allah saw my dua and he knew that this drought was not the best thing for me so you have to work cool in Allah you did everything you could and in the end you didn't get what you wanted you make your trust in Allah I got something better instead of becoming a doctor Allah will divert my path make me something better than this instead of getting this job Allah will give me a better job and will llahi brothers and sisters I speak for myself and I want you to think about your lives as well every single point in time where you thought why is this happening I thought this was best look back at it and look you would not be where you are right now unless that thing happened whatever it is you thought it was for the worst you thought why did that happen you didn't understand the wisdom then five years ago 10 years ago now you look back and you see subhanAllah that was for the best now you realize it and if you don't realize it now you'll realize it tomorrow every one of you has undergone incidents in his or her life that when they happened to you you thought why is this happening what is the wisdom behind this and now when you look back and you see you realize Allah had my chart planned out for me my path of life was already destined and Allah had the best plan the movement puts his trust in Allah and the movement realizes that yes Allah has the best plan therefore when you don't have your dua answered you know what realize it was answered it was answered and this is true Iman Allah knew something more than you Allah knows the infinite you don't know Allah knows what you don't know so when you ask properly realize you will get something or better than that or you will have some evil diverted away from you this is what the Prophet SAW said upset something bad was destined to happen because of your sins and Allah forgave those sins because he didn't answer that job you see Allah is so generous that when you ask Allah properly if he doesn't give you what you want you must give you something else Allah never allows those hands to return empty this is what our Prophet SAW said hadith ain't admitting Allah is so high ye ye means full of shyness Allah is so high ye that when a servant raises his hands to Allah he is too embarrassed that those hands drop back empty Allah doesn't do that Allah will give you something so you must put your trust in Allah that Allah Azza WA JAL will give me all that I need of the benefits of the story of Adam and he beliefs and this is something will lie it's very sad to say but it is true even Elysee realized that he had to turn to Allah for what he needed if these didn't turn to any other being even I beliefs no matter how wretched he is how evil he is how misguided he is it beliefs realized when he wanted to live who is he gonna ask he must ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala even police knew this and it is very sad to see many Muslims fail to realize this or I should say many who ascribe to Islam and they think that if I go to the grave of so-and-so or the mausoleum of so-and-so and I ask this person or this year or this spear for something that I want he will give it to me and even it least noon that he must turn to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala calling out to other than Allah is the essence of polytheism calling out to other than Allah is the essence of and only Allah Allah kulla shay'in qadir only Allah can give you what you want o Muslims turn to Allah and don't turn to any other created being this is what we learned from Adam and I please and how wretched is he who doesn't even learn this from the story of Adam any please only Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala can give you what you want of the lessons that we learn in the story of Adam and Eve lease is that there are etiquette to make dua there's a proper methodology and procedure to make dua and of those etiquettes is to think the best of Allah and to be scared of the rejection of Allah they go hand in hand you see neither should we get too optimistic nor should we get too pessimistic we hope for the best and we're scared for the worst you see this is the beauty of our religion the two go hand-in-hand we want the best from Allah and we expect the best but there's always a sense of fear because what the problem happens when you have one without the other this is a serious problem if you are too complacent if you are too optimistic then you hear people say they don't pray they don't fast they women eyes they drink ok why don't you pray why don't you fast oh Allah is go food oh allah is rahim he will forgive me you see this is nonchalance it's arrogance it's presuming that you will judge Allah Allah will do as I please that's not right there must be a sense of fear year of Allah's rejection and the other extreme that the person loses hope of a loss mercy and all he's thinking about is my sins and my sins and my sins and he begins to get develop a sense of paranoia Allah will not forgive me and this is also a problem because it leads to overzealousness it leads to exaggeration the Moke men worships Allah because he loves Allah because he wants a la's mercy he's hopeful of a loss answer and he is scared of a loss punishment and scared of a louse rejection love hope and mercy love hope and fear all of these are combined in the life of the believer so when the believer makes drought he thinks the best thoughts of allah the prophet sallallaahu he said i'm said hadith and abu dawood oder allaha wa antum okay new Nabil each other make dua to Allah while you have your clean that he will respond to you yes you make that door out to Allah you should think the best thoughts of Allah but at the same time you must be scared that Allah might not give you what you want adam alayhis-salam robinov anima and Prasanna what LM tell filled and now water Hamner what did he say then a cone on Dominica's City if you don't do this oh Allah there's a fear there's a scared if you don't do this oh Allah we shall be from those who are lost so there has to be optimism and fear at the same time hope and also fear hope of a law's answer and fear of rejection of the etiquettes that we learn is that when you ask Allah for pure things there's a more righteous chance of it being responded to because Adam asks for forgiveness when you ask Allah for spiritual matters it shows your iman of the etiquettes that we learn from this story is the presence of an attentive heart and this is another common problem many of us will go to the marketplace and we buy a book of Doha and we have no idea what this drops book says and we just open up and flip the pages and we read dua for this for that we just read it robbing our disrupt but now that we don't understand Arabic many of us we have no clue so we just repeat like parrots thinking that Allah Azza WA JAL will give us what we want the number one criterion for a door to be accepted is sincerity and when you don't know what the door says how can you be sincere how can you be sincere so you have one of two options either you understand this Arabic phrase which is written in front of you and that's the best option or make you are in your language for what you want Allah understands all languages Allah understands all languages and dua is not the prayer that we do you must recite Fatiha in Arabic if you recited and although it is not fair to have but Dora does not have to be in Arabic there can be in any language because Allah understands all languages and if you don't understand the Arabic then make dua to Allah in your language because when you make it in your tongue in your language with your vocabulary you will show that sincerity that will not come otherwise whether it's Gujarati whether it's Indy whether it's a Marathi whether it's English you raise your hands to Allah and you ask him from the depths of your heart from the bottom of your soul you ask Allah because you are doing the asking and not some book that you don't understand so you ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala from the depths of your heart of the etiquettes that we learn from this story is that helen sustenance has an effect on duaa and how long sustenance also has an effect what happened when Adam added his salam ate haram immediately a las blessings went away and he had to repent immediately the clothes that Adam was wearing disappeared off his body because he ate the Haram his reason was Haram at that point in time and he had to repent to regain a las blessings and this shows us that when we care about our sustenance and money when we care about our halal RISM then our dua goes up and when we don't care where our money comes from when we take bribes when we cheat when we embezzle when we steal when we don't care our money comes from it will have a negative effect on our dwop and that is exactly what the professor Sam said in a hadith Asahi Buhari that there is a man traveling and he is in a very distressed situation and he really needs a lot and his clothes are tattered and broken his hair is disheveled he raises his hands to Allah and he says oh Allah helped me on my rug give me and the prophecies that I'm said motto moo-hoo Haram ma sha boohoo Haram Malpass oohoo haram and now you staged a boola he is eating out on he's drinking Haram he is wearing how long why does he think is do I will be answered brothers and sisters fear Allah when it comes to your sustenance and money fear Allah when it comes to your source of income because your source of income has a profound impact on a loss blessings and honor are being answered so the more pure is your sustenance the higher is your chance of being answered of the etiquettes of the rap is to beseech Allah and to cry out to him and we noticed this desperation we call it we need a long there's a desperate you need him more than you need anything else and when we see the door out of Adam what does it say dr adam says robinov alumna and foo sena were ill l'm tell Finland I were to Hamlet in a Coonan America city if you don't forgive oh Allah if you don't have mercy we have no hope we're lost there's nothing we can do musa alayhis salaam he is lost in the valley of Midian and he's running away from faroan this is before he became a prophet before the why he came down he's running away from faroan he doesn't have a single time a single penny he doesn't have a single thing except the clothes that he's wearing he doesn't have a single meal to eat nothing and he calls out to Allah but I'll be in need a man says daily amid Claydon I'm a he goes Robby I am a fakir I'm a beggar I have no choice I need you o Allah you must give me what I need this desperation is a sign of a class and sincerity we invoke Allah because we need a lot we need Allah because there is no rub besides Allah and so when we call out to Allah like this allah azza wajal sees that iman he sees that trust and to a cool he sees that faith and that is why our doors would be responded when we call out in that manner of the benefits that we learn from this incident is that we call out to Allah using his names and attributes it beliefs when he made dua he said Allah and villainy in our young be right oh he said o Allah give me life till the day of judgment but when Adam made dua he said Rob bana notice the difference he believes his demanding Adam is requesting Adam is saying oh my lord Rob banner and Allah says in the Quran surah out offers 186 what caught our abukuma Guney a steady bleekham allah azzawajal says when he lion a smart will is now for the rooh who behaved to Allah belongs all of the beautiful names so make to our using those names federal bia make dua using those names brothers and sisters this is a chapter of DRA that many of us have neglected many of us don't even know it exists and that is using a las names and attributes we ask allah using a las names and attributes how whatever door are you want to ask you will find some of allah's names and attributes relevant to that request if you want forgiveness think of a law's names of forgiveness yah man yeah rahim yahoo food yeah - wah if you want something of sustenance euros up ya karim yama nod if you want a child yah Wahab whatever you want from allah you will find a name of allah that is perfect for your request so that is why we study the names of allah that is why we study the names of allah so that we ask allah azza wajal using his names and attributes ravenna is the most common name in urdu out why because you are showing allah o allah you are my rub rub means what it means Lord it means master it means Cherisher it means sustainer when you say up then now you are saying o Allah you will take care of me nobody else you will sustain me nobody else you will give me what I want nobody else so when we make dua we use this name Rob and we use all the names of Allah and this is of the etiquettes of drop of the etiquettes of drop we acknowledge our sins when we make dua we must always feel embarrassed to raise our hands up to Allah why Who am I to ask Allah something when I am so sinful Who am I what right do I have to expect anything from Allah think of this your sins think I have disobeyed Allah morning and evening and yet I still raise my hands to him and Allah will still give me should not I be ashamed of my sins think of this because this is a sign of sincerity this is a sign of faith just like adam alayhis-salam how did he begin the dry rub burner phenomena and frisina oh allah I have wronged myself I don't deserve to be asking from you but I still need to because I have no other hope look at that attitude and that attitude is Iman look at how often I have sinned and you have sinned and yet still we have the audacity to ask Allah and we need to ask Allah we need to realize that our sins are an impediment between us and that drop so the first thing that we do oh Allah I know I'm sinful oh Allah I have sinned a lot I know this oh Allah forgive me those sins and give me what I need oh Allah I know that I'm not worthy of all of this that you have given me but only you can give and only you are the giver so give me what I need this is Adam and his setup volume 9 frozen and this is of the most important etiquettes of drought and that is why the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said that the most blessed dua of repentance is for a man to acknowledge his sin to say o allah i am your servant and the son of your servant o allah I have committed sins against you and I know those sins Abu Bakr I know I acknowledge those sins so give me forgiveness and so longer hadith but one phrase in it says I acknowledge those sins so give me forgiveness so acknowledging your state acknowledging that you don't deserve that and yet you still need it this is the essence of Iman and faith and there are many other etiquettes and many other lessons and benefits that we can get from this story and from other stories but we can conclude by mentioning that Dora is the heart of worship it is the foundation it is the crux of one's relationship with Allah Subhanahu wa ta da and that is why every single human being even the atheist must make dua once a time he must make God when the atheist is gonna face death when the atheist is in a difficult situation what does he say o God save me he doesn't even believe in God but he needs to make go out to God just like a bliss he refuses to acknowledge servitude to Allah and yet he needs to make dua so Dora is a basic element of being a human the Muslim directs that door out to Allah alone continuously frequently always making dua for all of the needs of his day and night eye shadow the allahu anhu said the wife of the prophecies of him she said if your shoelace breaks make go out that allah replaces it because unless Allah wills that it be replaced it will never be replaced you ask a lot everything because you need a law for everything and the sign of Iman is to know that you need a loss of anna wa ta'ala so the movement is asking and asking and asking and he never tires of asking man the more you ask the more he despises you Allah the more you ask the more he loves you this is the reality of our faith this is the reality of our faith the more you turn to a loss of anna wa tada the more you acknowledge that only allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is our Lord o Muslim realize that our honor lies in humbling ourselves before Allah sees the one full of Honor and our strength and power comes from admitting our total helplessness and dependence upon alka we al qadir al Aziz and know that the strongest way of communicating between us and our Lord is the way of da da is our strongest weapon dua is our ultimate mode of communication Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says in the Quran well either al akkari body and me when my servants ask you about me for any kareeb tell them I am close to them you G will die what a day either Dan I am the one who responds to the door of anyone who does drop when he makes to us look at the emphasis oh gee boo that were to die either John three times I am the one that responds to the door out of the one who makes to her when he makes to her failure to only let them make dua to me let them worship me let them turn to me if they truly want to be guided and to be blessed may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala make us amongst those who truly worship Him in day and in night in perseverance and in hardship and ease and in comfort may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala caused us to live as Muslims and to die as Muslims and to be resurrected amongst the Muslims were al-qaradawi Juana and in hamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallim wa barik ala muhammadin wa aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in Zach long creative chef castle party for the very tremendous and beneficial talk we will now have a time for question and answers the format will be the same as I explained before but I do stress that all of the questions must be relevant to the topic at hands if it's not relevant to the topic we will move to the next person in the queue we'll start with the first question from the front mic does a Cola Harry Chevy a sir we love you for the sake of Allah we learn dew off Adam alehsalaam Robin as alumni and for Sunna Adam Lee Salam is asking in plurals can we say that Shaitaan is so mean he's asking just for himself and Adam Le Salam is asking not for himself not just his beloved wife is asking for all of us and the second part it please teaches the prophets dua or thanking Allah Tala for what we have first and foremost the statement that you said that we love you for the sake of Allah I must respond to that and say that I also love all of you for the sake of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and the bonds of Iman have brought us all together here and the bonds of faith in Allah subhana WA Ta'ala they are stronger than blood bonds so I to bear witness and I testify and I want you to also to see this and I ask Allah as ohe to accept from us that our love before his sake that our coming together before his sake that just as we have come together on this land in this place for his sake that he also combines us together in Jannah under his throne I mean with regards to your question it is a valid point to say that the movement thinks of everyone as well and the hypocrite or the kafir is selfish but to derive this from this Torah might be a little bit problematic because remember Adam was asking also on behalf of his wife hawa so we can say that it is possible that the plural was based upon this but the concept of what you have said is right and that is why the movement he makes to our for everyone for the Ummah for his family he even makes to our for those who have come before while leading a gentleman by the him you do not up enough Ilana what if one in a latina setup wound up in a man o Allah forgive all the Muslims have come before this is a sign of a man but it beliefs and others who follow him all he's worried about is himself so the point is valid even though I don't know if that particular verse can be used as evidence as for the second question and that is how do we thank Allah subhanAllah to Adam there are many ways of thanking Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala there is a spiritual way there is it from the tongue and there is from the body the spiritual way is to acknowledge and realize that everything that you have is from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala you must have this sense inside of you and to ignore or neglect this it is a sign of disobedience to say I deserve this to say I earned it this is not the sign of Iman rather we say everything is from Allah and we believe this in our hearts so the example of the man a certain caliph who owns the two of gardens he said had a knee this is mine I earned it I deserve it this is not the sign of a bond this is a sign of comfort and that's why Allah called him a calf it in the Quran so this is spiritual acknowledgment from the tongue we thank Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and that is why his brother who was arguing with him he said why don't you say Masha Allah who would say LaBella when you enter the garden why don't you ascribe the blessing to Allah and not to yourself and also to say alhamdulillah this is how we thank Allah and the third way we set us from the body and the body how we thank Allah is by using this blessing to come closer to him and not by using the blessing to become a barrier between him Allah blessed us with money we use money to come closer to him we don't use money to become engrossed in this world and forget about Allah Allah blessed us with wife with children we use those blessings to thank Allah come closer to him we don't become involved with them to forget about Allah so we thank Allah from our hearts we thank Allah from our tongue and we thank allah azza wajal from our limbs the next question from the rear mic assalamualaikum my name is Aarav and hamid chartered accountant at times we are confused as to what we warn when we ask in LA we don't know what is right for our Kira I am aware that is istikhara we have to do I am just after the right way of doing it of performing it as to how long do we take before making a decision and how do we make a decision I had another question I'm just wondering is it necessary to raise your hands before asking anything from Allah or can you ask something while you are travelling or while you're about to go to sleep or you're just sitting etcetera okay the first question is about the content of what you asked well what if you don't know if it's good for you realize that when you ask Allah for something of the next world then you know that it is good for you you want Jenna there is no way Jenna is not good for you right you want to be safe from the fire of hell that is definitely good for you you want forgiveness this is something you need so anything to do with spiritual matters with the hereafter with Allah Smurfs II then you know that you need it but the question arises how about something of this world the examples I gave of a job or the classic situation of marriage right you don't know should I get married to this person or not now you have two things that you should do firstly most importantly do is take hora which is a special type of dua that Allah has blessed the ummah with allah has blessed the ummah with and it is a tool that unfortunately many of us have completely abandoned it is a blessing that we keep locked in our houses and our treasures and never ever open it is a blessing that allah has given all of us but many of us don't utilize it doraleous Tahara is a dua that you make that you pray to allah when you are faced with a worldly decision you don't press the heart of agenda or not you want Jenna okay but for two jobs you praise the harem for marrying certain person should I propulsion or not propose you praise the Hara for anything of major importance you pray istikhara and by the way it's a common stereotype that is Tahara is only for marriage it's the heart of course is for marriage and marriage is one of the biggest decisions you'll ever make no issue about that but istikhara is for any major decision any major decision the prophecy said I'm said I didn't say Bihari whenever any of you wants to do something and you don't know what to do then let him pray 2 rakaat and then redo our list ahora and the door eyes found in any book of Hedy and then when he makes this dua Allah Azza WA JAL will give him what is best for him so what do our lists Ihara does is that it automatically chooses for you which of the two options is better for you so if option a is better Allah Azza WA JAL will create the circumstances to push you towards option a and barriers will be placed between you and option B what you want it is best for you Allah will facilitate it and make it easy for you and the second thing that you can do is you can make dua to Allah and say o Allah bless me with this job if you know that it is good for my Deen in my dunya for this world and the Akshara you can add this clause bless me with such and such if you know that this was for my best interest in this world and the next this is permissible it is called conditional drop it is permissible for things of this world the other question that you had must you always raise your hands to Allah the response the general rule is that you raise your hands to Allah however you may make dua even without raising the hands it is allowed so if you're just walking on the street you can say oh Allah give me good in this world and the next drop banality nephew dunya as Allah or Phil after it has an ax you don't have to raise your hands if you do it is best and it is always good to raise your hands when you make dua but it is not necessary you can make draw without raising your hand and simply because drop is from the heart and tongue it just comes out to Allah and if you raise your hands it is good if you don't then of course the more frequently you make dua then you will find yourself once in a while not making to our raising your hands and that is perfectly acceptable because the prophecies and the Sahaba they would make all the and sometimes they wouldn't raise their hands up to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala so this is permissible to do which is aqua malaga fear thank you just a quick reminder before the next question we do request that you only ask one question at a time if a second question is asked I asked the chef not to answer it as we do have many people in queue so one question at a time the next question from the mic from the sisters homily and rahmatan is a doctor from chennai tamilnadu my question is if I have asked dois and Allah has answered my Agha can it be proud about it feel prouder of it and tell others that my jaw has been answered and okay because he didn't tell me the second quest can we make bagua against an oppressor you know I have been requested not to answer the second question it is the part of a custom oh it's an Michelle she's a very intelligent lady mashallah um so your question is and you tell other people about Allah blessings on you the responses it depends on your intention if your intention is to make other people optimistic of Allah's blessings on them to give them hope for their Iman then yes it is permissible and if your intention is to boast about yourself and your iman then no it's not permissible so the action depends on the intention like the Prophet SAW I said I'm said in Amado binya so if your intention is good then that is good and if your intention is bad then that is bad and as for the second question is a very important question so I request the moderator to allow me permission to answer the second question if you wish I allow you okay it's a very important question and that is can we give an evil due out to somebody something bad and the response is generally speaking you should avoid this Allah says in the Quran whoever forgives and men's relationships his reward is with Allah from Anitha was laughs a judo while Allah you forgive you forget you become friends and brothers and sisters again it is for the sake of Allah this is better but if somebody has truly wronged you and when I say wrong I mean a loom in the of allah not necessarily in your eyes something that is clear-cut injustice and that person is unrepentant and arrogant you have the right to make an evil to uh against that person this is something that is allowed but it must be equivalent to this Carm that he has done even though to forgive and to mend is better and whoever does so will get more reward from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala does that Cavalli the next question from the front Mike I would you be lacking min ash-shaitani rajim bismillah r-rahman r-rahim the bashar alassad he was surely poor hungry walk little village honey we are calling dear sir in your lectures I have found a very good points for not Gugliotta dwell but you are not mentioned the root on the Salah said the lava you assalam is also a necessary thing formally approved wa it is correct or not please clear to me ok jeiza qualify for the question obviously it goes without saying that my lecture was a very brief lecture and I did not cover all of the points I tried to look at go ah through the story of Adam and I beliefs and so I mentioned the points related to the story in fact I don't like saying this but I have written a book about Dora which is far more comprehensive and in it is listed many many many points and of the first points that I mentioned in this book is one of the strongest ways to increase your dwop is to send the Routh upon the Prophet Muhammad Sal Allahu alayhi wa seldom this is definitely a part of the etiquettes of the rock and no Muslim can ever deny this every single dollar that you make you should say allah wa salli ala muhammad why the atom will emit to the end of the darude this is definitely of the etiquettes of drop is that mulan ok the next question from the rear mike assalamualaikum brother what Akuma's my name is Salim i'ma employee in the catering industry as no I just wanted to know that only making duaa surely can't be enough so what are the other essentials that have to go along with Torah like what should we do along with making duaa thank you so obviously the the topic today was related to the actual act of the ah there is no doubt that there is one type of worship it is the most important type of worship but in order to be a full Muslim you must do many other types of worship as well so along with the other must be prayer there must be charity there must be good manners there must be a class all of this comes together it's a parcel and the better you are in the other aspects of your life the better is your chance of that being answered and the worse you are other aspects of your life then the lower your chances are of dua being answered Islam is a package deal it's not a pick and choose option Aslam is something you enter into wholeheartedly or the whole roof is cinnamic F and so da is definitely the pillar and the cornerstone of your relationship with Allah but if you want to build the whole edifice of worship then Dora is one pillar and there must be many other pillars and the structures and the buildings and the floors Dora is definitely the center in the middle but in order to have the structure you need to have everything around it and that is something every one of us as a Muslim we know that when we are righteous when we are good Allah Azza WA JAL will bless us more in this world inshallah to Allah with this lecture you begin your journey in Doha also begin your other journeys with your relationship with Allah in the other fields of your life and by the way one point you are masha'Allah young man so I remind you one of the most important ways of getting your dua answered is to please your mother and father to be good to your mother and father this is one of the most important ways to get your answer because our prophet sallallaahu Selim said that three doors are never rejected one of them he said the door of a parent for their child and when will a parent make dua for their child you tell me when the child shows that love when the child shows that sincerity when the child shows their perseverance are always good to their mother their father from the heart the mother will say o Allah have mercy on him the father was say oh Allah bless him and this is one of the strongest ways that you can get your answer may allah azza wajal make me and you amongst the righteous children to their parents Allah just I love her thank you the next question from the sisters Salaam alaikum himself I am Sherman Romano pond and I have come from Bangladesh to attend this wonderful conference and it's a huge honour to listen to your lecture from upfront my question is that if the man of a household extry be' and despite his wife requesting him and trying her uttermost best to convince him he still takes RIBA so will hurt Bobby answered okay this is a very good question first and foremost I asked that Allah Azza WA to bless is your journey from a faraway land to come to this land to seek knowledge the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said whoever travels for the sake of knowledge allah azza wajal will make their travel to Jenna easy so I pray that Allah Azza WA JAL makes your travel to Jenna and my travel to Jenna and all of our travels to gender easy secondly I make go out to Allah that just like you're seeing me here in Mumbai India the time comes that insha Allah I come to your country a Bangladesh and address my Muslim brothers and sisters of that land as well and I preach and teach to them so that they can benefit from this knowledge and I can benefit from their presence and together insha Allah to Allah we can benefit from the blessings of Allah me no achada furna with regards to your question realize my dear sister now you can live Allah who enough sent Allah was a no soul is burdened with more than what it can bear so if a wife whose husband is involved in Haram it's trying her best to get the husband to stop and she has children and she is not able to get this this husband of hers to stop the Haram even though she continues to show her disapproval and she does not like what her husband is doing yet she knows that she cannot leave him because this is the father of the household this is something that somebody who's taking care of her by the permission of Allah it's not something that I can give you a cookie answer as I said that I give you answer specific for you you know your situation best if you feel that you cannot leave this situation then you continue to show your husband the type of disapproval that will not get you into physical harm because Allah does not want you to burden yourself and more than you can bear you don't ever be happy with that from him remember one of the greatest women who ever lived and walked on the face of this earth was married to the worst tyrant who ever lived and that is fit out and that marriage did not decrease and diminish her status because she hated what this tyrant was doing but she couldn't do anything about what the tyrant was doing now it's tough for a lan not comparing anybody's husband to four down ok what I am saying is that a marriage relationship will not make you necessarily good or bad as long as a woman shows her disapproval and it is a sin like this if it gets more than this perhaps you should think of other options but if it's a sin of this nature and it's unfortunately the fact of the matter very common sin a sin that many Muslims are involved in then it is a very unwise decision that anybody tells a woman every single time a woman says my husband is taking RIBA that he says divorce your husband or go to the court to get a divorce if we were to do this eighty percent of the Ummah might be divorced right that's the reality so an animal scholar looks at the reality the reality is this is a sin that is we hate to say this but it is predominant in many Muslim households so a woman should continue to encourage her husband to put her to work could historical in Allah and to give up the sin and never be satisfied with the status quo and insha allah wa ta'ala in that you are excused for the sin of your husband and you have no burden to bear on his sin desert Allah jazakomallahu khayran that is all the time that we do have the question-and-answer session so I ask Allah to bless you protect you and reward you all for your attendance here and a big thank you for our dear chef yes Arkady from the USA jaeseok oom Allah who Theron was said on what I think muhammad allahi wa barakatu
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 120,514
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Keywords: yasir, qadhi, islam, dua, prayer, how, when, talk, speak, conversation, lord, god, allah, creator, adam, iblis, iblees, lucifer, shaitan, shaytan, satan, arrogance, repentance, story, bow, down, angels, hereafter, peace, conference, makers, 2009, 2010, mumin, kafir, righteous, christianity, bible, quran, koran, torah, judaism, prophet, messenger, muhammad, mohammed, jesus, monotheism, sin, believer, lecture
Id: U8Zyh75Q8FE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 48sec (4248 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2010
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