Resin Art Storytime Compilation - Top 10 - Tutorials - How To - Reddit AITA Story - Best Of - Drama

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am I the for buying my tomboy daughter or girly birthday gift I know how it sounds but please hear me out before you pass judgment I have one kid 10 female who I love dearly but she's not a very girly girl she likes Legos rough housing clothes from the boys section stuff like that so I figured I'd get her something different for her birthday to steer her in the right direction I settled on a music box pastel pink in color with a pretty ballerina inside that Twirls to the music when you wind it up I thought she might be inspired to wear jewelry if she had somewhere to put it I wrapped it up in a box topped with a big bow you know the works my daughter cried a little when she opened the present which was to be expected she was really hoping for some new games but I knew this was the right choice for her she begged for me to return it complaining of and I quote a horrible feeling like my soul is being sucked out of me every time I twist the key to play the song make the ballerina dance you know fun girly stuff I ignored her Dramatics and played the tune for her each night eventually she came to like it and have to stop hiding from me she even started sleeping with it right next to her bed though of course my little tomboy denied that I was happy she was happy it was all good until my daughter started playing that damn thing over and over again just to make a point of course she acted like she was innocent insisting it wasn't her that it was something wrong with the box but I know she's doing this in hopes that I'll just exchange the box for something less girly but I've told her time and time again that I do not negotiate with terrorists so she isn't going to get her way by acting immature I was set on ignoring her Antics but what's happened since then is the final straw she won't stop playing the damn song now I like a cute little Melody as much as the next gal but she's had it going 24 7 since yesterday I took the key out of the bag thinking it would fix it but I'm certain she's rigged it because it wouldn't stop last night I woke up to the infernal song and found my daughter up way past her bedtime dancing along to the song and the pink tutu I bought her years ago she wouldn't even respond to her name no matter how much I yelled I get the point she's making is that if she becomes girly she won't be her anymore and truth be told I get it now she doesn't feel like my daughter anymore and I miss her but like I said I refuse to respond to this type of behavior so am I the here am I the for telling my mom to remove or change a tattoo I 17 female to male am trans and I came out to my family a few months ago all in all everyone has been supportive although I do believe that my mom was a tiny bit bummed she said that she would always be supportive but that she needs time to process all of this which was really painful for me but that's not the reason I'm here my mom got a tattoo with my sister's name and my dad name after I was born it's this huge tattoo with a unique design that incorporates both my sister's name and my dad name it covers most of her arm and she's really proud of it because my older sister designed it and gifted it to her for her birthday obviously constantly seeing my dad name is kind of triggering to me therefore I told her that she just needs to remove it she seemed shocked then she told me that she's too old for longer tattoo sessions she hasn't gotten a tattoo in years because of that she was also diagnosed with depression and so she uses that as an excuse for not having the energy to change it I don't really believer but whatever now she's often trying to cover it up with clothes but I feel like that's not enough just the knowledge that the name is still there it haunts me but she refuses to change it we've had a lot of fights because of it she said that she's really trying to hide it but it's part of her body and she's in love with it she says that there's so much history and love for her children in that tattoo I can't really relate because I don't have any particularly significant tattoos now my birthday was a few days ago and some family came over and the issue came up because my cousin was showing off her new tattoo and someone asked about the dead name tattoo my mom got all uncomfortable and then she got silent and excused herself to the kitchen so everyone started asking me about it and I told everyone that I wanted her to remove the tattoo but that she doesn't want to my sister also doesn't want her to remove it since she thinks that it'll look really awful the entire design is attached to the names and the only way to cover it up would be to just make her whole entire arm black anyway I didn't really plan for this reaction but my cousin who can relate to me a bit because she's queer for some reason got Furious and went after my mom then she started yelling at her for being so unsupportive and she even called her transphobic I don't really think my mom is transphobic although it was nice to see someone get angry about the tattoo because my cousin was finally saying some things that I was feeling but I didn't want to put into words so now my mom is being super dramatic and staying with my grandpa and my dad and my sister are mad at me for having my family gang up on her but it is not my fault that her tattoo was highly offensive to me so does that make me an am I wrong for trying to ruin my dad's relationship I female 22 have a best friend Emily female 23. we've been best friends for over four years now and we do everything together I've invited her to my dad's house my mom's house she's basically met my entire family we went on vacations we sleep over each other's houses all the time I mean we're basically together every single day now here's the problem I took Emily over to my dad's house and she met him for the first time on New Year's Eve immediately I could see that she was fixated on him she kept on going on and on about how much she loves his house and she just kept telling me that she was going to make my dad her sugar daddy one day I completely laughed it off because I thought it was just a ridiculous joke but later on I find out that her and my dad have been secretly dating for five months after I introduced her to him I saw both of them during these five months and neither one of them thought it was it's a good idea to tell me that they were dating now keep in mind that my dad is a 55 year old grandfather I cannot believe that he would be dating one of my best friends now ever since their relationship went public my dad and Emily have been going on trips all around the world to Mexico to Italy he is literally doing things for her that he never did for me as he was a terrible father me and him always butt heads and I have always wanted a better relationship with him but he has never done anything to make it go any better not only are they dating but they asked one of my other friends to join into their relationship so they can have like some weird Trio thing and ever since then he's been inviting more of my friends on vacations with him so I decided to get on my Tick Tock and completely blast their relationship I told everyone the gold digger that Emily was and that my dad was just some creep that was dating a young girl the video got over 800 000 views and now everyone is attacking my dad and Emily and now I just found out that Emily is pregnant with my dad's kid I am so mad I don't even know what to do anymore am I the for wearing the joke bikini my friend got me so it was my birthday a couple of months ago I had a party and I got some gifts my friend Mandy got me a super cute bikini I liked it said thanks and she had ripped the tags off but whatever anyway I went to the community pool with my roommate wore the bikini got in the water and my roommate immediately says um girl I looked down and see that the bikini is now kind of see-through haha good joke Mandy anyway Mandy invited me over to her place to hang out with her and her boyfriend and a few others most of the other people leave and we were still hanging out I was like what if we get in your hot tub she thought that was a good idea so we all went to change I met her boyfriend in the hot tub while she was getting drinks I hopped in and immediately he's looking at my chest I pretended like I didn't notice and just made small talk she comes out a few minutes later and just looks in shock event actually she gets in she asked uh is that the one I bought I replied yeah I love it I wear it everywhere then I made up a story about how I wore to the beach to some party with lots of guys Etc she was just like oh so we're talking in the tub for about 20 to 30 minutes eventually we get out and change back to our regular clothes she approached me after and was like uh I'm sorry I thought you'd notice but the swimsuit gets kind of see-through when you get in the water I was like yeah I know why'd you buy me a freaking see-through bathing suit she's all it's a joke wait you knew so you just spent the last 30 minutes flashing my boyfriend on purpose I replied that I'm just wearing my birthday gift from her so I didn't think she would mind so yeah I know I flashed her boyfriend on purpose but does that make me be am I the for refusing to take off my cross necklace for my sister's wedding so my 25 female sister Cindy 29 female is getting married in three months and she asked me to be her maid of honor of course I said yes Cindy and I have always been fairly close well I mean we definitely have our issues but nothing too serious okay so anyways I have a small cross necklace that my Grandpa gave me when I was 13. I wear it 24 7 unless I'm taking a shower or going swimming I wear the necklace not only for sentimental reasons but for religious purposes needless to say it's extremely important to me a few days ago Cindy and I were going dress shopping together Cindy's five other bridesmaids were also there so while I was trying to go in one of the dresses Cindy made a comment about my necklace she told me that I have to take my necklace off during the wedding because it clashes with the dress and the theme I was pretty taken aback because I don't see why she should have any say in what I wear I told her heard that while I understand that it's her wedding I will not take off the necklace she knows how important my necklace is to me and that I almost never take it off I couldn't believe that she would even ask me that Cindy started to get upset and kept insisting that I could take off the stupid necklace for just one day at this point I thought that I was being attacked for my beliefs and I was getting extremely frustrated so I told her that my decision was Final she was so pissed she told me that if some piece of gaudy jewelry was so important then I'm no longer welcome in her wedding I was heartbroken that she would say that to me so I started to get emotional I quickly changed out of the dress and left the shop I was humiliated that my sister talked to me like that in front of all of her friends now all of the Bridesmaids are on Cindy's side they said that I'm being uptight and that what Cindy wants should be my top priority but she should have never expected me to take off my necklace for her stupid wedding at this point I don't even think I'm gonna go am I the am I the for charging a bride more for makeup when the original price we agreed on was lower I'm a makeup artist for the past nine years I charge 500 for bridal makeup and around 250 for bridesmaids but for regular party makeup I charge about 150. so a few weeks ago a lady had booked me for party makeup on June 25th she booked for 10 am I went there thinking I'd do regular party makeup I had agreed that the cost would be 150 with her as I was there there were some people coming over I assume relatives at some point it slips from a woman about the wedding and I realize that the woman I'm doing makeup on is the bride I was pissed when I realized I was doing bridal makeup for the price of simple party makeup I couldn't believe that she would lie about the occasion but I kept doing my job after we were finished she gave me 150 and I notified her that she was actually 350 short I swear some people guys alike for part two when I was done with her makeup she gave me 150 and I notified her that she was actually 350 short she asked what I meant by that and I said that I did bridal makeup and that's what I charge for brides she said that we agreed on simple party makeup and that I'm basically ripping her off because I worked the same amount of time and use the same amount of makeup as I would just for the simple party makeup then she said that although she's the bride she didn't want full glam makeup but just a simple makeup look I told her that she doesn't get to dictate how I form my prices it's she then refused to pay me at all and called me a scammer and told me to get out of her house before I left her mom threw 200 in my face and told me to get lost later I was telling my friends what happened and they all sided with the bride they said that unless I used more expensive products and did extra labor that I'm not justified in charging her more since she requested simple party makeup so now that my friends are telling me that I'm the I need to ask you guys am I wrong for charging her more just because she was the bride the fact that people have to sit here and ask if they're the in situations like this blows my mind am I the for choosing my niece over my kids my kids Mike Mel 18 and Mara female 14 are very close together but they hate their cousin Rosa 14. every time they're together they fight my ex-wife has primary custody of Mara so I only have her one week in a month and usually Mike comes over and joins that week Rose's parents are emotionally abusive so she spends most of her time with me except for the week that Marin might come over she spends that week with her other Uncle Nick I was supposed to go on a trip for work it was on a week that Mara and Mike were at my place I wanted to take them with me so we could spend time together in my free time the day before we leave Rosa called me crying about something that her parents had done and she told me that she went over to Nick's house and he wasn't home I called Nick and he said his wife is sick and they're in the hospital and he can't take Rosa I took Rosa and brought her to my house and told her that I was taking her on a trip the next day from the moment we got there the kids started to fight after a few hours they told me they won't go on the trip together and that I either have to take my kids or Rosa I tried to talk to them and convince them to just be nice to each other for a few days but it didn't work at the end they told me I had to choose and I couldn't take Rosa back to her abusive home so I took my kids back to their mom's homes and went to the trip with Rosa both of my kids are mad at me now they said that I'm favoring and choosing Rosa over them I think I made the right choice but everyone seems to disagree with me so am I the am I wrong for asking my wedding guests to pay ten dollars to come to my wedding my fiance 23 mil and I 23 female are getting married in less than a month we are doing a small wedding and only inviting 20 guests we decided that we wanted to have our wedding up in a canyon but to access this Canyon it costs ten dollars so we're having our guests pay the ten dollars to answer we put this Canyon View on our invitations my sister called today as she just received her invite in the mail and was mad about having to pay to attend a wedding she called me an because I was being a cheapskate and there are thousands of canes that would have been free but me and my fiance already have our hearts set on this specific Canyon and view as the argument went on she started to nitpick our whole wedding plan like having the guests bring their own camping chairs not having a real reception and just a small dinner for those who attend and posting our registry all over social media but only having 20 people actually be invited we just don't want to spend a lot of money and so Doing It Outdoors is one way of doing that we also just want our close intimate friends and family to be there so I don't know what's wrong with keeping it small and to all of those who will ask it's a canyon fee that you have to pay at the base so it's not like you could just pay the park rangers in advance it's open to the public so am I the here's a little bit more info slash update one no it's not in a national park it's just a canyon near our hometowns we talked to the Rangers and they said that it was fine as long as we didn't bring over a hundred people two I didn't realize that posting your registry on social media is considered a cheapskate move just because someone's not invited to the actual wedding doesn't mean that they're not going to want to give me a gift everybody posts everything nowadays online and many people who already knew they were invited had asked me about the registry so I posted it three yes we talked to the Rangers we asked them if we could buy passes or slips or give them a list of names ahead of time in order to pay for our guests But ultimately none of the solutions worked so we decided that just giving our guests the heads up of the 10 fee would be the best way to go now we have other guests complaining about the fee and I kind of feel like we might have made the wrong choice so are we wrong for charging our guests ten dollars to come to our wedding am I the for getting my aunt and uncle kicked out of their house for not letting my husband and I sleep together I Mel 27 and married to a man male 28 he is the love of my life I had only ever dated women before him but when I met him I realized that I was bi and then we fell in love we got married in the fall of 2018 so it's been almost four years now we live in Vermont my whole family is from a small town in Texas a super conservative Catholic area I was raised there but my dad got a good job in NYC when I was 15. the culture shock was difficult we went from living in a rural Texas area to living in an apartment in Manhattan my parents didn't sell our house in Texas though they allowed our aunt and uncle who had just had their third child to move in while charging them a small rent in college when I came out as buy my brother and dad were very supportive my mom needed some time to accept the rest of my family reacted poorly at first but eventually they came around during visits we stay with my aunt and uncle at my old house but because we weren't married we weren't allowed to share a bed we never argued about this because we both would rather make peace visiting since instead of staying with my aunt and uncle we would rent a motel room during cobit we did not visit but this summer my parents and brother decided to go visit my hometown again for two weeks and invited my husband and I I wanted a motel again but my aunt and uncle insisted my brother husband and I stay with them the first night the sleeping situation was being discussed after my cousins went to bed my aunt and uncle wanted me and my brother to take the spare bedroom and my husband to sleep on the couch all three of us took issue with that they snapped and said that we were not really married because we're gay and that they had children in the house they said that it would be a bad influence on their kids this hurt my husband's feelings and he started crying and ran out of the room when my husband ran out my uncle had the audacity to start laughing that's when I saw red I started cussing them out so loudly that my young cousins came in to investigate I told them that if they didn't go apologize to my husband immediately then I was going to tell my dad what just happened and I was going to make sure to have them kicked out of the house that was still in my parents name my bro seconded everything that I said they started backtracking and saying that we were welcome in their house but that we had to follow their rules I responded that it wasn't really their house I told them that they were going to be homeless if I could have my way the kids started crying because they heard me say that they were going to be homeless so we just left my husband was on the porch crying I promised him that I would never subject him to that again I told my dad what happened to say that my dad was angry would be an understatement he served them a notice of eviction for 60 days now I'm getting slammed with text messages phone calls Facebook messages from my family calling me an I good enough I'm the for allowing my young cousins to end up homeless is it fair that they have to pay for what my aunt and uncle said to me and my husband am I the for calling my classmate a dumbass for quote unquote saving Goldfish by releasing them into the ocean my classmate recently made a tick tock and she showed a group of people at lunchtime the video they were next to our table so I overheard the girls saying hey guys come check out the video that I made on Tick Tock and oh my gosh guys in the video she explains how she rescued goldfish from the pet store and then released them in the ocean so that they can live free I was horrified when I heard her say that I love fish and I have several aquariums so I'm pretty sure I know a thing or two about them I ended up walking over and asked her to show me the video and when I saw it I face palmed she asked me why and I said you realize you're actually a dumbass right this is one of the dumbest things that I've ever seen her friend looks at me and says well that's rude why would you say that because she cares to which I had to explain to the girl that the Goldfish are fresh water fish they can't survive in the ocean because it's salt water so all of those goldfish were dead within minutes they basically choked to death as the salt filled up their gills lastly you never release animals into the wild there are goldfish that are destroying our rivers and lakes because of dumb asses like her they all said that I'm a bully and then they walk away I later get called into the principal's office who told me that I was expected to apologize I said heck no I stand by what I said I am sick and tired of ignorant people destroying the environment they ended up calling my parents and I got sent home and my parents were pissed that I refused to apologize and now I might get suspended over some dumb girl that killed a bunch of goldfish how am I the here
Channel: Resinate By Chanel
Views: 30,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iiizMdlFj4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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