Resident Evil 4 Remake - Part 7 - KRAUSER

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I got to tell you if this game doesn't kill me all the energy drinks I've been drinking to play this game definitely will so what's become of the Amber sorry nothing yet but my little helper is creating quite the commotion everything will work out just fine as long as you can keep your dog under control he's a good boy predictable fine keep your mud but don't come crying to me if you get bit Leon changed your mind yet Ada assuming you haven't I've got a tip for you seems like something big is about to go down in the throne room babysitting's tough huh hey Ada Ada perfect what an interesting character same as ever head for the throne room okay so she was up there they took her that way throne room would be that away so how the hell do you expect me to get or even is the throw oh this is open now this was an open reform right all right let's go to the merchant real quick let's get a couple of things out of the way I have some new Goods that might interest you welcome I got something new for you there's a striker you you bang for your buck I guarantee damn it dude damn look at the look at the power on that thing why not try your end at a new gun stranger yeah I'm thinking about it you know without the nest the net funds I'm afraid we don't have a Heaven I'll buy a deal well struck okay so I want to see I don't even have enough for it yet so I guess I guess I don't have to bang for your buck I guaranteed yeah it's much stronger than this Fighting Chance out there you best tune up your kids this might be bad might be a bad idea oh thank you it's a nasty fireworks in quick hopefully that's a good a good trade I'm a little nervous about that it's not even a trade at this point not enough cash anything that will come back anytime all right we're gonna save just because I don't even remember if this was the way to go this might be the way to go yeah I think it is in fact merciless Knight I seek a brave soul willing to dispose of that monstrosity overnight but be warned it is much stronger than the others he cut down our best with a single strike defeat the strong threats and what way is this this is the library this might be it right here I could probably head over to the librarian see if I can find the rat there but right now I don't really care right now I'm going for that night the merciless night they call it he hasn't met me yet wait till he does alrighty slowed up got the striker now from my understanding the striker was the best shotgun I mean it's been a while I could be wrong and uh let me see if I can start manufacturing some stuff here because this is looking kind of crazy Submachine guy ammo wow is that the guy is that the so-called merciless night wow he looks intimidating time to get medieval on your ass sorry boys okay hold on oh boy oh boy not bad right not bad right fellas what's good about this one is it's much faster so can I can I look away from that guy gotta be very careful sorry and it only becomes harder because he's by himself I mean he's not by himself oh wow how do I dodge that you were not seeing me miss all these shots right now okay [ __ ] crap we're just hitting a piece of tin right now not particularly good for business foreign stop [ __ ] moving there it is you ain't that bad yeah definitely that's right baby that's right you wanted to [ __ ] around with the real man huh that's good because that that actually gives you a good amount of um of those little Stones we need for sure certain attachments and whatnot definitely a must do we're down a couple of bullets I'm sure that's gonna be well worth it and we got a little bit of a little side of uh objective going on so that's always good merciless night and we just completed the pest control objective as well oh man talk about killing two birds with one stone fantastic all right let's go over to our friend real quick that's right baby that's right I think I'm gonna go for the TMP stock and the Matilda will that be pleasing trap hold on so right now I can do this put this on the TMP that's gonna be amazing where is it once an interesting choice I mean it in a good way of course [Applause] what the [ __ ] what's up with the Matilda monster was that trash did I just buy a trash gun I don't remember I thought it was a three burst it's not upgraded I mean I'll look at the stats later on I I don't even know why I got it right now I'm starting to regret this it's probably a really good gun there's so many options we'll take a look later uh we're locked can we jump over yes we can oh [ __ ] all right hold on okay okay I'm Matilda okay and then now we got the TMP with this oh yes the accuracy oh it gives me goosebumps what the heck is that so the Chronicles Pursuit one July two years is my Awakening Master Ramon has bestowed upon me are truly righteous undertaken to improve upon the flaws of our human form to seek Perfection as observed in our uh arthropod arthropodal siblings to this cause I shall willingly devote my life January four years since the Awakening or my Awakening my efforts to uh transfuse the black liquid into the body are at the precipice of success the womb is key a pure Soul proves to be highly malleable and uh adaptive and adaptive subject Jesus Christ January six years since my Awakening I have named these a sacred larvae carried in the wombs of the chosen you Mark II or U2 after my own they shall carry The Prestige of my family's name as if I had a spandom of my own flesh that you two are now close to the size of an adult human and they continue to feed and multiply I have successfully created a new species that's the thing we're just killing I suppose Master Ramon has recognized my efforts and blessed me with his praise he has taken to you two calling them the navistador meaning the Unseen oh my God that's right I've been told that uh that his holiness Lord Sadler himself has also expressed pleasure with my work what an extraordinary honor this is I can hardly see the tip of my quill through the tears of joy his humble servant sidro uriarte Talavera so those are the the bugs in in the original they become like camouflage and like invisible or whatnot I honestly didn't recognize him but now I remember there's so many types of enemies and stuff you know that sometimes you just forget how many there really are but it's coming back to me it's coming back so this is in fact the ballroom this is where we need to be right now but this [ __ ] but this gun packs a punch and so does my shotgun for these enemies you kind of need something like this with a red dot because it's so precise and these guys are flying all over the place thank you oh that's just beautiful hey thanks for breaking the vase for me stay tuned Leon yeah they're very weak if you hit them on the face you see like that [Music] anymore you punks man they're dropping some ammo hell yeah and this one got clapped oh hold on don't speak too soon I'm out [Applause] we've got a nerve at least that's good we've got uh the merchant right across over there again he's always stacked up with guns can't help a brother out it's okay you know I know you only want me for my money and Fortune so you get some of your crappy guns I understand well to to be honest the guns he has are pretty good to stack this [ __ ] [Applause] the heck out of here full lap oh I got it right there I don't know if they camouflage now is that their way of camouflaging here maybe later on this should open up the gates of hell two of them that's beautiful that's just great foreign next up we're gonna go up on this side and believe there's two stairs like these so I believe this is the other there we go we have not been here indeed [Applause] [Applause] capacity go ahead and open this up or heavy grenade we remember we've never had a heavy grenade [ __ ] I didn't even know that was a thing [Music] it's a good thing about these guys oh this guy's massive that's a big boy is it the same size why do you look so big sheesh [ __ ] man hate that reloading crap [Applause] because all the time I was not expecting that here's a second one perfect that should open now there we go uh we're also not doing too hot so don't mind if I do strange is the other one unlocked can we go over there maybe around we gotta go around possibly [Music] is that it here goes nothing [Music] oh great there's two of them oh my God and one has a [ __ ] gotcha [ __ ] off dude seriously whoa dude I thought these boys are [ __ ] blind hold on hold on this is crazy [ __ ] thank God I can craft while like I'm paused you know what I mean if not I don't I don't know if I'd be able to beat this game just point out the obvious we have this heavy grenade which kind of tempting right now yes do my killing for me [Music] please don't be a dead end oh this is good all right yes [Applause] [ __ ] okay hold on oh no I got you numbered [ __ ] foreign out [ __ ] it's over it's over see I was actually wondering I just wasn't sure when it was I was wondering on the the unicorn horn on the last one I think the last or two one or two episodes I'm like you know I didn't say it out a lot but I was thinking to myself where where is the part where you have to fight two of these dudes and well here it is we have arrived I should have used the bells I don't even see the bells I was so focused on every enemy coming at me the smaller guys not stopping as far as like the spawn goes that I just didn't even use common sense there but I think we did all right I think I think we're doing I think we're doing pretty good just fine we've got some I think some bolts here I haven't been really using the bolts um I don't think it's been necessary so far we're doing just fine gotta turn off it's hot as hell in here let's go wait where's where's the merchant wasn't the merchant over there huh oh oh this could mean uh this could mean trouble we gotta be careful Ashley Leon stop no don't come any closer are you hurt watch out please to continue do not resist my my desserts only to make you suffer all the words oh the other one aquino's this baby most Kennedy oh all right dude oh my God burn your handsome oh hang in there Ashley I'm coming for you make your way to the surface here are all the things and people that have been dropped down into the sewer system Relentless individuals give up the ghost huh Salazar oh there's that part in the trailer we saw welcome to the depths of hell talk about sticking the landing they dropped him and he just landed on those spikes what the hell Yep they're invisible now that's those creatures I'm sure of it 100 yep [ __ ] knew it they're camouflaging now this is not good this is not good dude this is not good whatsoever my gosh terrible oh my goodness [ __ ] I'm going left yo what is up with this thing man like these freaking stupid bugs trying to scare the crap out of me okay stop it I'm shooting once you hit him you keep shooting that same spot it's the only way it's the only way to survive here while you get an SMG and you spam the [ __ ] out of it that way you have a little bit more you know leeway you miss a bit more can I grab that from here that's a negative I've got your number down already pal you guys ain't [ __ ] prisoners note another one dead how long has it been since I was thrown down here uh the mean the the meager scraps of food provided in the beginning are gonna are gone and they don't give us any more the pain of hunger and thirst are unbearable most have resorted to drinking the black water the first return was herminio he was so weak that he couldn't even walk but then suddenly became mad by the time his Rampage ended two were dead I think I think we should uh we shouldn't drink that dark liquid dear Abelardo has also passed though he fought hard unto the very end the only thing I can do now is honor the bodies and pray for their souls and that they find peace oh Lord why do you test us so yikes oh homeboy left a [ __ ] crown yeah so I'm gonna [ __ ] I imagine if I would have sold all this nonsense you imagine that's just worth almost a hundred thousand eighty four thousand pesetas what give me a break what was that don't mind me wasting my freaking ammo like an idiot what happens if I craft bro bro I completely forgot that those herbs increase your health if you mix them God why am I man you know I was gonna ask that I'm like why is my health not growing think oh man I'm off I can't believe that it's just one of those dumb mistakes that you completely just oh yeah yeah welcome why not treat yourself stranger [Music] selection s so do I my boy so do I look at that oh did you like that exclusive increase attack speed by a well-tuned weapon can make up this just has a crazy ammo capacity uh you just need an attachment that's what it is that's what makes it good okay try that on for size see how that feels [ __ ] yeah dude that herself should notice the difference right away come back when you can actually pay bro you serious right now this guy what's that how have we procured these curiosity come back anytime we are Gucci emergency liquid nitrogen showers requested by Isidro uriarte Talavera wasn't Isidro the guy that yeah installation of the liquid nitrogen showers that were requested last month have been completed caution liquid nitrogen is an extremely hazardous substance exposure may cause blindness frostbite and even death handled care all right I already know what this is this is that monster it's a boss fight right here one hell of a fight too almost positive wow it looks so dope man let's freaking go not good oh I'm dying to see this I'm dying to see this Chronicles of pursuit three many nine years since my Awakening many May in nine years since my Awakening upon the release of this valve black liquid shall enter my veins and circulate through my entire body I expect this will be the most painful experience of my life I await the trial with great anticipation it is an honor to suffer through the holy labor of rebirth the next time I awaken it will be as if a true servant of a master of Master Ramon I Isidro uriate Talavera make this foul I will surpass the limitations of man and become a true servant of God I will find the Heretics and serve as their executioner there Verdugo or verdict Verdugo vertigo Verdugo all that that was not him right these people are not right weirdos all right hold on here we go you got this crap this is where we came from no we didn't come from there notice about the power supply out of service appliances to conserve electricity the power has been turned off for some equipment including the elevator it can be restored by flipping the circuit breaker located at the very back of the laboratory circuit breaker this is the elevator something wrong with the power um oh my God [Music] oh my God [ __ ] is this thing coming from laughs I'm really nervous hmm seriously wow oh you're kidding me and this is the room wow they got the room down packed oh boy we're here my boy we are here thank you oh God you're Ramon's lap dog here we go come on God [ __ ] dude I need more shotgun shells man I would really do with some shotgun shells right now what do we have here it's a machine though we're gonna have to spam that SMG [ __ ] oh hold on do not speak too soon all right here we go the door to the depths of hell cold hell that is oh there's the elevator hmm got a giant grenade and keep that in mind oh my gosh you need it here we go Paco I think you need to chill out hold on this thing is massive we're playing hide and seek at it let's let's relax hold on what what do we have in here oh my God what now there's no time for treasure hunting Leon what the hell all right some shotgun shells reload that [ __ ] up oh there's a first aid as well thank you so far we're good so far we've been doing pretty good just gonna sit back and open up this door here and we can get the heck he's about to come here and he's gonna land on me of course because why would he not be on let's go getting real sick and tired of getting sick and tired what is this back to the beginning it doesn't do anything wow wow I need to find another another one of those things that freezes him and I know there's another one hmm yeah oh [ __ ] it up freaking crazy bro like realistically poly takes the most damage out of any other enemy her boss I don't know right now it feels that way at least it's got one more that said it's over for you pal that's just [ __ ] that's just [ __ ] crazy son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] I'll beat your ass with a [ __ ] Punisher handgun okay I'm out I'm out actually wait I'm in a dead end I can't do much oh all right [Music] peace and quiet golden monocle by the way you could you could in case you didn't know you could avoid this fight you could just go to the elevator and just leave Escape you know just kind of survive I guess you can say oh I want some Gunpowder nice very nice we'll go back around there's some hang on it handgun ammo there it is we are not doing half bad at all folks we are doing pretty good pretty darn good foreign [Applause] [Music] it is only now you're suffering here now just as it has frowned him his daughter who has joined us in communion and now she is of our flesh of our blood my faithful disciple will show her the path go now delivered to these vagrations of their salvation as you wish what's his name trouser was it bro I cannot wait I'll make it cheap for you perfection this game is perfection feeling better yeah seems like it worked bad news all we've done is buy you some time the presence effects will wear off all too soon you ready to go don't worry about me Ashley is the priority in that case we know what we have to do then come Santa let us rescue the princess she got me that was my Lance okay we hurry I get it why help me though what's in it for you no need to be suspicious I said I'd help you didn't I alright so here we go a new companion exciting let's see we've got not much money so performance log October 11th today was the worst day of my life it's my daughter's first birthday but here I am stuck on a mangy boats uh heading out to some back country dump if it weren't for the pain no one would be willing to work out in the middle of nowhere the 19th so eight days later those in the castle are always reminding us to take care during the excavation but a few workers collapsed after inhaling some dust there's something going on here and they're not really telling us there's too many Secrets I've started coughing too I should sleep the 26 something's really wrong with me I threw up blood three more times today and I'm also weak I can actually I can barely move [ __ ] um I've actually never I never should have [ __ ] I should have never come here why is my reading so bad I came for the money but instead I am the one paying the price I'm a terrible father I'm so sorry sweetheart you deserve better October since morning that don't work why more blood threw up many insects crawling I hear a voice dates a fine day to work digging brings me so much joy I'm full of happiness I offer it all to you everything for you Lord Sandler yikes some new good interest s welcome got some rare things on sale stranger mmm I'll buy it at a high price oh my God oh my Wares are in Tip-Top shape I assure you thirty percent off they're gonna put this your pocket it's all over here come on dude we had space you're a man of okay reload speed don't get yourself killed now welcome what can I interest you in and I'm actually gonna buy this as well you can't go wrong with that come back yep a little hard for me to put my faith in someone who used to work for umbrella so you heard huh rela's done for you don't need to worry about them anymore you didn't answer my question what are you after I just want to feel good about myself make amends something like that hmm why are you breathing so hard man explosive storage notice the dynamite has been relocated to the M4 store room when using explosives cave-ins are frequent occurrence keep your distance from the blade Blast Zone in the event of a Disaster Cleanup immediately ensure adequate numbers of staff are on site all right we're gonna go this way this seems to be an optional what hey since when was this a dead end just delete to the exit we're gonna have to get Dynamite sticks and then stick them in there looks like we've got company what do you want to do the way Marshall seems like the villagers are back let's get it oh yes wait what is right Fox oh God believe me I know oh my God is he okay [Music] bye finally you know these guys are crazy I'm trying to shoot that freaking Dynamite off and took me like five shots but I guess we did it I don't expect them villagers to be this damn aggressive geesh oh you're an [ __ ] calm down grandma [Applause] close call I don't know how many uh how many sticks of dynamite Lewis was swallowed already but let me say it has not been a good amount whoa oh what the freaking crap got the chainsaw sister well of course I would miss there we go I'm talking about Lewis we were dang kicker or two blacks or something out of the way oh my God I just shot him [Music] chainsaw is still active oh wow let me start reloading because apparently we need to reload here I'm not We're not gonna have enough storage for anything my goodness for the first time we're doing actually pretty bad on ammo but we will fix that right there more what the heck guys really upstairs they come from this guy really thought he was about to stab me Point Blank all right so we've got the uh we've got the bridge I got out of here son there are the sticks we have approached the dynamite sticks oh whoa Lewis nice thank you for a ride Grandpa ah [ __ ] don't hit the dynamite sticks perfect perfection yeah should make quick work of that dead end hold up um shotgun shells uh sweet good and a chest let me see something really quickly there's plenty of green red yellow herbs will restore almost three times as much out as a single herb and increase your maximum health this blend of green and yellow herbs will restore as much health as a single green herb and increase your maximum health okay so we have taken a couple of upgrades for the health you know here and there but I guess I was wrong it wasn't all three herbs you just need the yellow herb thank you [ __ ] give me a heads up that strike you handle yourself pretty well you sure you're just a researcher I'm just an average guy who gunpowder me use this again because clearly I died so whatever I did with it earlier has no use right now we need a bigger uh suitcase or gun case whatever it's about that time oh my gosh after you I insist such a gentleman whoa [Music] [Applause] now you owe me Luis heads up both of them now even it's always like this with you two of them uh that's what I said I don't know if this was actually uh like this in the original that we had to do this with Lewis I don't know if we did [Music] moved what a [ __ ] smart ass [Music] there's they're not as dumb as they look and moves what an ass whoa holy crap I want stunned here it goes I mean [ __ ] dude [Music] oh my gosh there's got to be a grenade somewhere here oh man hold on there's this out of the way oh my goodness oh did we take that one out you just kill it this other one's not gonna be easy also we had to kill the first one you could kill it but this one you can't easy for me wow that's [ __ ] I thought he was gonna hit that panel and just kind of went right through it um not looking too hot crawling like that I mean running it's walking like that I don't know what I'm saying [ __ ] I feel like this boss fight is a it's a bit different did you say art did I say art ow R3 to receive the ammo is that what it was [Music] a memory wow okay I see what what's happening bye bye I just don't think we'll get uh I don't think we'll get the the loot from it I think we can get through here would have given us something nice I'm sure oh well I guess this would have been the perfect time to have a flash grenade resource recipe bought from the merchant or something submachine gun and sweet come on huh how's it look there it's open well that was a pain they're keeping those things cooped up down here too Underground see this is where they discovered Las Vegas preserved inside ancient deposit November of course they did that's funny give us a push Central or you calling Sancho this is a side objective I can't believe I'm doing this in a hurry right oh it's got unlimited what now thrill rights yo this is cool oh my God [Music] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God [ __ ] out of here bro oh my God huh so many things going on gotta watch out the car doesn't flip you gotta shoot the board shoot the enemies watch for the health of the cart let's go oh no yeah it's crazy no don't reload now Leon sheesh oh my God that's it great not things are just getting started I was cool the hell was that bro you still want some more [Music] freaking room what a dork yeah you killed the guy that was helping you right see the hole thank you it's time to collect I'm gonna hear something [Music] I hear the little Salazar thing oh hold on I had a 16. got some Gunpowder again all right let's go this man's addicted to the thrill ER oh my God we've got trouble [ __ ] no oh my God wow I can't believe it I had to reload all right we gotta Focus what are the odds I had to reload ah [Music] foreign no stop reloading [ __ ] called end of the line [ __ ] thankfully we don't have to look behind more ahead and this card is screwed oh my gosh [Music] [Applause] all right goes oh ahead you're kidding get the brick what are you serious [ __ ] oh yeah Luis can I get a hand give us a three to one next time essential whatever oh yeah let's get on that lift wow that was eventful eventful indeed let's bounce take me a break dude you can jump there if we circle around come on lean in my ass oh [ __ ] I knew it stay Sharp these guys have camouflage yeah you need to get the hello away from them because I'm gonna shoot you 've had my fair share of these stupid bugs I'm coming we're gonna have to shoot their hive or something I'm just gonna take this and then oh crap crap yellow herb alright so insect Hive too many have lost their lives the never-ending storm of insects and it's a plague please destroy the entrances of their gigantic Hive and Stables from the further tragedy I have here what the [ __ ] this is amazing how about you open fire instead of your mouth hey I'm the pranks here's the front is that so [ __ ] off dude all right good so we have now this destroyed one of the hives got a nice little dead end here raft with yeah might as well damn I should actually done the rifle ammo so I could shoot off the hives from afar oh my God Louis what the hell are you doing bro [Applause] nasty foreign [ __ ] out of here that [ __ ] yeah we're gonna We definitely we're almost at the point where I know other Merchants gonna have us buy a new uh case there's no way I mean this is crazy so stacked up I mean I know we also have um a lot of guns and stuff but we definitely do need to upgrade our our case that's two Another One Bites the Dust Another One Bites the Dust where's the other I mean where are the other pieces that we got to just destroy oh the Merchant's right here [Music] he's like well there's a war going on outside welcome what can I interest you in wow look at all that stranger very nice all right let's take a look here broken butterfly tune-up ammo capacity weapons are in good hands I mean I guess we do I guess that does help [Music] very dazzled will that be all then with the last piece is over here we take this elevator out praying we can find it I'm beat makes you appreciate Tech like this I don't get you why risk your life like this you don't know us I told you makes me feel better be straight with me for once illuminados see there you go helping the two of you doesn't make up for it I know that but still I don't want anyone else to get hurt in that case you better get serious harsh words for a Swire we're out of that pill ows free Gus who made it all this way you know it means we're almost what hmm Lewis krauser [Laughter] long time no see rookie major krauser what the hell oh why the covering stolen goods and killing a few rats alone easy work Ashley it was you catch him quick oh didn't I teach you knives bro what the hell this is awesome we are just getting started did we ever I think we do fight him twice are you being controlled by that cult there's nothing to do with them I'm a free man made of choice slow oh my God you're not thinking straight Focus show me what you got oh my God this is crazy as heck Soldier like you why would you work with these freaks you gotten whatever years ago operation Javier operation wow [Music] get ready yo we're getting some backstory here we need a what do we get a game like a prequel to re4 on between two and four that'd be amazing well we get to see more of these two it's starting to get sick and tired of that little leap you're doing bro well apparently I know yours too major I have to say I love his voice it's like I don't think it's as rough as the original but it sounds more menacing you can understand what happened was unforgivable but that doesn't give you the right to hurt innocent people it's a badass I don't know enough play rookie you haven't changed a damn bits what a disappointment no I'm not looking good hey my friends and such a loss to the ladies of the world don't talk go there and remove those damn parasites help Ashley [Music] you know [Music] hey what do you think Leon people can change right yo that's just [ __ ] sad what the [ __ ] wow that was sad the way the the cigarette lit out as he died like signifying his life oh man
Channel: Hollow
Views: 163,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resident Evil 4 Remake, resident evil 4 remake gameplay, resident evil 4 remake walkthrough, resident evil 4 remake part 1, resident evil 4 remake ending, resident evil 4 remake full game, resident evil 4 remake impressions, resident evil 4 remake ps5, residetn evil 4 remake xbox, re 4 remake, re 4 remake gameplay, re 4 remake walktrhrough, re 4 remake part 1, re 4 remake ending, re 4 remake full game, resident evil 4, re 4, new resident evil 4 remake, resident, evil, remake
Id: m8wor3hof4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 12sec (5472 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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