Resident Evil 4 Remake - Part 6 - TAKEN

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you're gonna have to excuse me on this one I'm going for Kratos no hat no anything just Bare Bones [Music] Bruce come in things went to [ __ ] we took Refuge inside a castle but I've just been separated from baby eagle Bruce you're breaking up do you read me Chopper damn it so much for that hmm well there's that find Ashley And So It Begins um Ashley kind of had a little bit of a a moment there towards the the last episode at the end she was basically starting her her transitioning into the world of the plague so then the same thing is happening with those of you guys have been keeping up we've been injected with the plague as well I mean that's basically how these individuals these the antagonists how they control us they can control an entire population with the plague which is pretty crazy anyways that's sometimes it's best if we just take a look at the map we came from here okay I'm over there let me just make sure there's nothing yeah I think yeah I think this is where we came from where we had Lewis is it yes it's exactly where we came from I just got a kind of situate myself here and then actually went that way and we're going this way and here's the merchant It's gotta be in here welcome yeah just just a little bit man you know it's been like five hours finding Ashley and I have lost her again and she's probably gonna die oh I've got something new for you body armor protects the world completely from shots and explosions that's actually really good I'm going for that good things on sale stranger knife needs care every once in a while for this kind of work oh my God I have so much money what 45 000 goes a long way you'll see get out of town as you wished try that on for size really this kind of work is about finesse stranger little bit goes a long way okay well I could have actually bought I don't remember the broken butterfly was that good I should have bought that [ __ ] that's okay I got a little carried away okay I wanted a little bit of a spending spree and uh now I could have actually bought that assault rifle or whatever but that's fine let's do it okay we've got this everything seems to be sorted out we're doing good we're doing good got body armor I completely forgot the body armor also has to be repaired if it gets broken which kind of sucks but it's okay stranger oh what's going on here what are you guys doing I thought they were alive so this is what they praise the plague what I like about this too so far it's been that this is technically what we before we played um before this game came out we played Resident Evil 5 and then Resident Evil 5 they're trying to master the plague and so hold on let me go over here they're trying to master the plague and um this is kind of like the first version of it in an re5 they try to make it better so I kind of it kind of ties in perfectly to us playing this now because we just finished five so I don't know if I should jump down there what the heck maybe go by here and take a safer approach just in case okay well that explains it we're gonna have to jump downstairs these people are crazy all right we need an offering or something like that so Khan signed the Crimson Flame the voice of the pestilence dwells in the Flames leading the pitiful Souls of to Salvation okay so the Crimson flame to its rightful place can't sign it to its rifle place for you all for you all for you shall be enlightened and the path will be revealed okay so how do we go I guess we need another Lantern [Applause] uh you know this is not I thought he was a statue okay what you weren't even behind me dude hello can I get a timeout here no this is not this is not how it's gonna go down you understand is not how it's going down boys we've got to be careful why haven't you been using the red 9 and to be honest I don't have a lot of bullets for it I don't have the attachment I want for it but I'll use it right now you got you got some of it you see also the Red Dot just makes everything much better now I'm getting my ass kicked I'll keep using it see I gotta keep reloading I wonder if we can get a red dot or something for it yeah yeah open up for Daddy [Music] all right you guys are kind of crazy right now did I mention how much I love this game dude I could be playing this [ __ ] all day straight up see that's he's making them turn all right that's it it's time for you to stop right dude time for you to quit life while you're ahead never mind you're dead now I love this gun bro silicon smash their head with the suplex which is kind of unfortunate you know we can get a little creative with it too right now yes yes all right hold on that's not good oh this is not good we gotta take the herb that's all we got left TMP Sean what's up baby show them what's up baby show them what's up the TMP does not play don't sleep on the TMP look at this it [ __ ] shreds man and it's super fun to use too which is most important right it really is fun to use oh dude my energy right now is so oh man I was tired guys I'm telling you I was playing those first like five episodes I don't even know how I mean clearly because I like the game I'm like I gotta keep playing but it got to a point where like I needed to sleep in 24 hours I slept one and a half hours it's crazy especially when you're sitting down it doesn't make things easier in the sense of like sometimes you get even sleepier as opposed to like if you're just like active just going to shut up before I get roasted in the comments all you do is play video games I know I know but it wasn't always like that you know come on give me a break I've had my fair share of labor work completely off topic but my life before YouTube was pretty bad well thank you guys I love you and now we get to uh just kind of enjoy the fruits of our labor I don't even know what I'm saying oh what am I talking about damn I could have came around here and just destroyed that Barrel I kind of want to do it but it's like why do it why waste ammo for no reason you know it's like one of those like don't be dumb but [ __ ] it I'm doing it it's like that meme wait can I go up there we've got the lantern already so there's that oh this is that other side always track the map do you see here there we go all right that's where we gotta go this one's locked oh that's gonna be with Ashley oh there's a shortcut okay so we go this way even the lantern shape right there Leon she's back would it make me use this would you so well after six years that is one hell of a greeting Ada you don't seem surprised interesting oh my God try using knives next time better for Close Encounters not a bad move very smooth God it [ __ ] loves you who are you working for this time oh Leon you know I don't work in town it's like a mutual respect right leave the girl she's lost no matter what you walk away now who knows maybe you'll live to meet me again and then I might get you that greeting you were looking for you think I'm gonna give up that easy right how about we continue this discussion another time last person I thought I'd run to here this guy reminds me exactly of Leonardo DiCaprio I don't know why the lithographic stone okay Stone d ude yeah that that the if it's just like the original we're gonna go through like a maze where it was insanely annoying in the original and there's like dogs and [ __ ] which we've already seen um I'm just kind of wondering to see if they're gonna put that in this remake as well I suppose they will because that was a pretty iconic [ __ ] there was a pretty iconic area at least for me one of those spots I just always remembered anyways here we go so now oh wow you can rotate them oh my gosh okay yeah you should do it nasty rats all right need to find it Ashley foreign money really fast right now so here we go illuminators here the signal echo through the mountains Rock become gravel and castle walls crumble behold the Crimson shade on the night sky a river of Tainted blood that befouls the sea sacrifice your life in the blood of your enemy atone for your ancient sins please be something good impressed pocket watch oh I get for that eight grand or eight thousand percentas I got this it's free oh [ __ ] Christ foreign why are you so aggressive why are you so [ __ ] aggressive calm down man like what the [ __ ] is happening hello my gosh okay we're not doing very good right now that was terrible that scared the crap out of me he was right here man you couldn't go upstairs and help me out it's got like a thousand guns can't help a brother out unbelievable you got to be ashamed of yourself you call yourself a merchant well you know I don't want to buy anything from you anymore I thought we were Pals oh 8 000 wow I actually got it right Ruby's all rubbish she makes no difference the price well our choice to make all right so we've got that extravagant uh thing here which I can I guess put the yellow one which is the most expensive one and I think oh this one's not that I think nine thousand five thousand yeah so this is definitely the better one it's crazy trap that's why I don't sell them because it's good to keep them just in case and so I'm gonna sell this and sell this want a Fighting Chance out there you best tune up your kit see how great the knife okay fellow like yourself should notice the difference right away yep TMP is fully loaded she said meeting you once was enough Okay so that's where she jumped down from I suppose thankfully I took those guys out they're coming hold on just in case it got a little crazy with me oh you were expecting me that's cute oh yeah I gotta shoot their legs no matter if they if they've got that thing or not shoot their legs and it's over yeah that's what it is I could I don't know why I didn't shoot the legs in the hallway back there [ __ ] off bro this thing is crazy man it's like mentally takes over them sorry must have slipped I'm considering saving just now have to do that again foreign we just gotta take out those things first before they or they mutate these guys right so I just go over here perfecto so let me know if I go up we're inside and that should open the other one that also should be able to open itself right I mean whatever I guess it doesn't matter what's over here seems like a dead end or not come here suplex that ass oh all right now they're hitting me with combos I'm not gonna use a knife no need although right now it seems oh I could have just shot that Lantern right now it seems like I probably should be using the knife sweet oh interesting so is this the other spot we were coming from hold up hold up hold up let me go around because I think I'm missing I might be missing an area here wow [ __ ] oh nasty all right so we finally got this opened at the chest right here wow look at all the slots on that thing my gosh no way oh dude this has got to be like super expensive once we sell it and that's like without even getting the really rare ones if we get all rare ones like the ones that are more expensive like the yellow and then man that would be insane like a good 60 60 000 or so and this is how we're gonna get up here making perfect sense now okay I think we're good we're we're in business now the question is this is the Moon it's open and we're back outside excellent another one you guys are really starting to become a giant pain uh no pun intended I mean I think at this point there's no other choice got a cannon or something this is new here by the way that's hilarious what oh I gotta it actually killed wow all right we've got we've got options here we have got options now oh that's just beautiful pull out the rifle hello sheesh more please [Music] what a bunch of idiots they're there by the way I can hear them I can hear the chains an herb no all right well that's very unfortunate all right so this is open this is closed hold on if he doesn't kill you I will with this explosive Barrel or he can actually hit the barrel and then it might just blow up although I don't think that would be realistic because it's just a rock this is definitely new for sure I don't remember trying to evade this big guy from sending massive Boulders on us [Music] he's over there the question here is now where do we go there's a lot oh the ladder wow the ladder is literally right here ain't that some [ __ ] [Applause] hope it works oh that's the cannon we're gonna smack that guy across the head with it and it's gonna feel awesome we need another key all right nice I think it's time to uh drop this walk one down another one bites the dust Another One Bites the Dust oh sweet we gotta keep going keep taking the cannon higher and higher I cannot wait to see how this plays out thank you this is gonna be interesting really interesting okay ready get ready big guy foreign [ __ ] tell him again Leon thank God I looked all right hoping for traffic hmm hold on you guys can get all naughty and [ __ ] once I've completed my task here but right now you have to give me a second boss dude oh look at him look at him back off bunch of little wimps that's why I use this is super precise except that what I was trying to demonstrate either was that coming I use a red nine see that so then you you ask yourself which gun should I be using oh hold on what is this what was that did I just open this oh shark Maybe oh what the heck that was keep going oh God it's alive thank you that is cool not even necessary but the fact they included that I've had my Philly you guys that's cool and that's not gonna be the last time we see them 100 percent here's the maze there's the maze the terrifying Ashley maze where are you is that her stay back it might hurt you again I'm so scared when that happened it wasn't myself anymore that was something else oh she must have been terrifying now I know um you too it's okay to be afraid you know can't run you gotta keep moving forward we will beat this together no if I can you can just give me a heads up before you stab me next time okay Luis where are you sorry yeah come to my rescue Prince Charming I'll show you charming pal come on past the courtyard be late to the dance what's funny because at this point in trouble we can't just leave him right at this point you don't even know if he's good or bad right it's kind of like one of those really just odd characters this is gonna get really really interesting all right I'm gonna go ahead and pair these two up and then pair this shotgun shells just in case the maze up sometimes it's worth trading a couple bullets for that oh man I remember this part this is crazy so much better now a little bridge and everything sheesh all right so we have let me go up here let's go up the ladder it's a dead end anyways might as well oh we need all three banners hey hey or Flags okay once we get all three should we go I'm gonna head this way uh we should be good I'm gonna head this way first we're gonna have dogs here if it's anything like the original yep that yeah they're they there they are here come the pups here come the puppies so the the dogs are only three bullets per per dog per wolf get down now it's two because we've upgraded it seems like well this gun is awesome bro I mean there's just no way around it this gun is amazing I'm gonna go this way I'm in love with this Punisher handgun brutally effect I need to repair my uh my armor bro that too man it's becoming a problem here's my little combat knife one of the best things I've done is upgrade that that man this gun is awesome did I say that already pretty sure I did say it again oh these dudes are climbing over the fence what is this oh chessboard An Elegant Chase Chase board wait a minute this is a bit off pudding it's another flag so we should before I get there I hear something in the bushes I'm just gonna go up top follow me second flag nice they're gonna come out let's do it kick this [ __ ] down come on you stupid dogs all right so we've got let me go this way because this is a dead end it seems like foreign is over here little crate we're gonna open that up take its belongings dude look at all the money we have bro my gosh we're gonna reach 100 000 soon here that's gonna be good for biscuits [Music] you thought you had something going huh you really thought that was happening that's that's admirable are you okay okay yeah or is it admirable hold on oh this one's different huh this one the levers here here hold this down or I can tell her to do it that's for something else okay that's for that door I just whistled at her like a dog the disrespect okay so now I can get to the last one that's the third flag and that should be open now the maze finally get out of this maze oh no you're here Ashley run oh my God where is she okay I'm going actually drop the girl drop the girl punk hold on I'll take care of him oh no next that's the best you can do huh is that all you got okay he's got a little more no okay he's dead I thought he was gonna become that you okay parasite thing again I'm fine all right can I go up here this is the Save Right yeah we don't need to go there I think we did this uh relatively easy for sure for sure the original was a bit more I don't know maybe it's just when I played it back then I don't know it's just the controls are so much better in this one makes all the difference all right yeah no big deal look at this beauty wow it must be this way that's cool all right the merchant is in there that's locked the grand hall oh thank you look there's a statue up there this would have been a nice spot to hide some jewelry just uh just saying a new way stranger you'll read destroy the blue medallions those annoying blue medallions are a blemish and I want them gone let us know um let us show them that we are not afraid and we will not stand for this at the Grand Hall okay I got some news I recently produced a some high quality tools now I can do even more tasty upgrades on those weapons of yours and make them sing even louder for the right price of course give us a shout if you are interested got a selection of good things on sale stranger a metallic black uh case increases the drop rate of resources years haven't been kind to us [Music] [ __ ] it I'm getting the stock no space get out of town hold up what are you talking about man shotgun okay but Stingray turns eights into pumpkins through the patch increase power tuned weapon can make up for a Precision lack of lack of skew friend let me see something oh I see it we're gonna need that horn three pieces it looks like rats have infested the section of the castle in our gnawing away to all the precious book but those Heretics uh couldn't care less please uh someone at the Grand Holland Library okay I guess we're going to loot this area up another blue Medallion oh there it is cheeky cheeky three out of six that's it for this floor there's actually one all the way over there I guess once we take that hallway going here I don't know why I actually keep smiling manly come down girl no not going there just yet hold on yeah we'll go to upstairs and then there's a ladder right there that we can perfect is exactly where we need to go I hear the rats that's good that's a good sign one out of three disgusting statue of some snakes all right so we need that huh a dining hall heat here you can actually eat let's have her do it just kind of tell her to wait there Ashley hey that's hilarious so uh do you do a lot of missions like this well yeah but I'm not used to having such good company is that a compliment take it however you want what well this is Neil [Music] it's all about the little details that's cool I wonder what happens if we keep ringing the bell for like an entire 10 minutes probably nothing yeah I feel so bad breaking all this nice [ __ ] well that's a clue I have a piece of bread so it's this one is it not hmm we figured it out I am a genius I said this in one of the last episodes of serpent head we really need more of these like cool little funky puzzles in video games and I know it's just resident he was as a franchisor they've done this a lot I guess not every game has to do it but I miss them all right so I want to say we keep going this way we're probably gonna go around and then drop by those stairs over there so let's go I remember this wow hey there guys [ __ ] this part was a pain in the ass out of the way now clearly these guys are gonna get stronger don't expect the game to give you upgrades for free better upgrades for no reason there's a reasons why there's a reason why we can get our guns to be stronger now there you go I gotta get these guys out of here come on you gotta find this dude and find him now he's running cannot run away for long Buster [Music] I don't know what this does but it does that damn collateral nice apparently and hurry up open wide [Music] oh my God so much more accurate now thank you hello Ashley out of the way it just came up at me and took her like like if I'm not gonna do anything about it the nerves on these dudes man I swear all right well there's that it's like you gotta find that guy if not they just all start turning and it just makes your life harder resources flash grenades we didn't even use half of the resources that were given to us while on the battle because we're that damn good I'm just kidding I don't need to sound cocky or anything one more that's good oh look at this whoa [Music] a yellow diamond free ammo you gotta tell me twice if it's full free it's phone me all right so we were just here Circle back around unlock this and we can get the heck out of here I think something comes here now one other is it's the ram the ram head so we just got the serpent head and we got the ramp head now we're going for the last and final one oh something here shotgun shells thank you I knew bro like this this Punisher gun for those Shield guys I mean if you feel it when you shoot it you feel it how strong it is which is what's crazy to me foreign [Music] thank you Mrs Ashley all right hold on go ahead and mix this sweet all right so there's I guess once we go around we'll see it that arm is gonna move or at least they did I don't know what these do all right no that's the lion head right there getting really really intrigued here that's all of them it's a little too easy okay here's the lion head go grab it I dare you actually stay up there no shh I'm gonna load up all my guns y'all boys really want to [ __ ] frame we're gonna [ __ ] around then you can reload this quicker man please taking this sweet ass time let me grab that come on you can't be serious I know it's alive all right they're actually inside here [Music] foreign that's hilarious there's more oh look at her really impressive not today like that you like that counter attack followed by me missing three shots back to back to back is the last group right now it's three of them huh oh nice kick the [ __ ] fungus out of their head are they stuck there or what e well that was fun yeah get down here wait what is this nighty nights no pun intended nice catch you sure you're all right you're not burned are you no I really did the trick let me just track these little spots on the walls but there's no crevices left with like no ammo or anything and any vases that have loot of course that's also very important get that lever no problem all right so I also got the uh blue medallions so that's cool now we can actually go ahead and uh got ourselves a prize we still don't have the rat situation done so I don't think they're gonna move do you speak of rats oh now we've got this cubic cubic device which is another key for us to to open up and there's actually one in the merchant area that's freaking awesome and there it goes put this to the test a request will die there it is that's cool I'm assuming this is gonna have something really really expensive a butterfly knife I mean a butterfly lamp I'm sorry heck yeah dude [ __ ] well done you've proven yourself reliable where would him what can I do you for a deal well struck crossing your t's dotting your comeback anytime thanks stranger see what we got here there goes beyond the stairs stay back [Applause] [ __ ] run now it's like can I just get any more impossible than this I'm seriously goodness what a cutscene oh my God [Music] not a rookie cop anymore [ __ ] [Applause] yeah foreign wait for me Leon I think we're tired of running hmm rescue lyanna says I mean we kind of do it's comical but shine forward wow this is one of the parts that I've been dying to see just because it's such an iconic part in the the original right so vulnerable see how this plays out super creepy okay that's good oh there's a rat can I kill it yeah [ __ ] ing I could complete the challenge by killing that round is that a clock way to hit an uh way to the hidden uh mausoleum the resting forebearer dancers to be chosen time or answer to the chosen time if it is the Lord's blessing you seek have courage and fear no Darkness okay so we need a clock this is the clock it's 9 10. the [ __ ] the time I don't know the time go look for a clock or a clue here thank you freaky oh look at the ghost it's a ghost I tell you all right we're gonna need a key we're looking for a Time a clock possibly or a note or something that displays the time we need to put really okay lots of stairs it must lead to a secret room or something 100 Ash let's get it now we came from here are the keys a bunch of keys damn we don't have that thing that means we're probably gonna come over here with Leon [ __ ] out of here dude oh which one is this uh there's [ __ ] four of them bye did I miss anything back there I don't think it matters all right so we pressed that button there's another one here I don't know let's get up here gotta find a time weird actually are you okay hang on I'll figure something out Librarians notes the insignia the key to getting out of this confounded place is Salazar's family's Insignia to find it I must venture to where that cursed armor awaits the underground okay oh merciful Lord and active righteous Justice upon the wicked usurper them maniacal monster Ramon Salazar and may your blessed blue light protect your Forever faithful wait was it only two pages or I think so all right so we need the insignia I wonder if any of the notes I've told us any clues for oh that's blood it's a whole lot of blood any of the notes have told us any clues as far as the time for the clock okay what do we have here fire nice 1104 Maybe [Music] put that here thank God I know how to tell time [Music] I know I saw another clock like this one I just imagine 1104. now we got to do the same downstairs eleven or four [ __ ] dude foreign foreign oh my God where's the freaking clock anyways oh nice little chest I will use this maybe the fish there's probably four chests considering there's four different types Keys here where's that clock was it over there doesn't tell me on the map either ah maybe over over here [Music] anyway s where's that stupid clock dude [Music] here it is oh my God it wasn't even in that room 1104 [Music] please I think we're in business and he hidden uh jewelry I can find here got one more key pretty sure Leon would love that friend thing is too they're fast man okay didn't I just say I was done hold up hold up oh Leon would have a [ __ ] blast there all right so we need snake eagle I'll just call it a deer a deer a buck whatever eagle snake and a dragon or some [ __ ] [Music] that's [ __ ] this is crazy [Music] all right there goes quick little freeze right here goes this is the last one no not that one it's the wrong one so I think we've acquired all four chests Leon's gonna be a happy camper see I'm not completely useless after all what the heck the [ __ ] is huh is there a clue here oh okay the moon the Sun and stars that was pretty easy and there's the Insignia you can tell me I gotta go all the way over there now I've had enough of this wow this is cool [ __ ] Capcom bro you guys really outdid yourselves the other ones put down the light and put out the light these guys are gonna go crazy on me well that's not good that's not good oh my gosh damn it Ashley all right well we got the Insignia now oh come on was it up here I might be up here here goes oh my God Ashley are you all right give me a sec I'll get you out hey try this can you make it down I can catch you yeah I think so Ashley [Applause] [ __ ] thank you
Channel: Hollow
Views: 147,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resident Evil 4 Remake, resident evil 4 remake gameplay, resident evil 4 remake walkthrough, resident evil 4 remake part 1, resident evil 4 remake ending, resident evil 4 remake full game, resident evil 4 remake impressions, resident evil 4 remake ps5, residetn evil 4 remake xbox, re 4 remake, re 4 remake gameplay, re 4 remake walktrhrough, re 4 remake part 1, re 4 remake ending, re 4 remake full game, resident evil 4, re 4, new resident evil 4 remake, resident, evil, remake
Id: 9S4J3aX2-Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 5sec (4865 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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