I found the STOLEN part from the Aventador I crashed

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i ended up having to pay 67 to crash an aventador [Applause] [Music] a couple of months ago i was browsing through facebook and i happen to cross a shared facebook marketplace post from british columbia canada and it's for a lamborghini hood emblem which i don't have a current need for but it was there was something very interesting about this hood emblem it was surrounded by arenzio argos bumper material so that meant that it was from an aventador not from a gallardo or a mercy where the hood emblem is actually on the hood the hood emblem of the event or is on the front bumper and it was beautifully broken off around this emblem and i immediately recognized it as something that went missing from me back in 2013 and so i inquired to the seller i'm like you know where did you get this thing and he said somebody in town gave it to me they work at a local shop i don't know where they got it but it's just been sitting on my desk the last few years i thought i'd try to sell it or trade it for something interesting i think he was asking like 95 canadian dollars whatever that monopoly money is and i said well look i want it uh here's my address will you ship it to me and he's like nope nope nope not gonna ship it i'm like come on it's not hard you just go to this fedex or whatever just ship it to me absolutely refused i said well i've got a friend that lives not too terribly far from you i think dave from daily driven exotics and damon they live up there i asked dave do you have any reason to be in maple ridge british columbia sometime soon he said you know what next weekend i'm gonna be driving through there i don't mind stopping meeting this guy so we get in touch he says yes i will meet your friend he can pay me for it and he can have it a couple days prior to that he absolutely goes dark quiet we can't get a hold of him at all and so dave does his trip comes back doesn't get it i'm like ah darn it so i continue to ping this guy every few days like hey i really do want this thing i don't care how you got it i'll pay you a little more i'll give you 100 us dollars much more valuable currency and he said no i just don't want to ship it so finally literally after about two months he agrees to let me send him a box with a return shipping label so that he can just open it put this in take out his birthday card with a hundred dollars to avoid any suspicion of why we might be sending cash across the border and he would send it back to me and so i do that he sits on it for a few days but it does finally show up it really meant a lot to me because it represented probably some of the highest stakes shrewd negotiations that i've ever had to do and it was a very significant time in my life because again it happened early in december of 2013 which was just a short time after i had set the cannonball record that happened october 19th and 20th of 2013 and we had released the story on jalopnik doug demiro wrote the article on october 31st of 2013. so throughout november was just an amazing month for me obviously the story just went nuts it went everywhere and it helped me sell a ton of cars now it had kind of been a tense time because all the phone calls from the media and everything came into the dealership which made it really hard for everybody else to sell cars but all my customers were calling me and i was able to pivot those conversations towards car deals and we were able to sell a lot that was my best month ever at the dealership i made almost fifty thousand 000 in commissions the best month i ever heard anybody have at the dealership and so we had sold a bunch of cars one of which was our first 2014 lamborghini aventador lp 720-4 50th anniversary car so that was the giallo maggio car bright yellow and we had taken it on trade on oronzio argos 2012 aventador now it was not the one that stradman eventually bought many people when i told this story for the first time a few years ago on the channel were like i think you crashed dread man's event thor that was not it different vins but stradman has pretty much identically specified car so this was the first time that we had ever owned as a dealership a pre-owned aventador we were still delivering new aventadors that had been ordered before we had delivered the first one and so it was kind of interesting for us to have one we could actually drive a little bit because we didn't want to put miles on pre-order new cars but this one had a thousand fifteen hundred miles so it was okay for us to take it to the occasional car show put a few miles on it let somebody who was thinking about ordering a car actually drive it but i was already working a couple of deals because again it was pretty rare for us to have a pre-owned event or and someone that somebody could buy without having to wait at all and generally when a friend of the owner or the dealership or a friend of the general manager would show up the responsibility would kind of fall on me to give them a ride around the block in a car if they wanted it and that happened a thousand times or so in the six years that i worked there and i would tell them about the car and about what the you know the dealership and all the stuff and so that happened this day and so again early december 2013 this guy shows up friend of the owner of the dealership he's not there so the general manager comes to me and says ed will you give this guy a ride around the block in that aventador i said it's five o'clock on a friday afternoon this is metro atlanta traffic is just gridlocked you want me to take this guy around in traffic in an event or he said yep that's what i want you to do all right well the boss says so i'll pull it around so i go back grab the car and i pull it up front and out of the front door walks this guy with this kid who's seven or eight years old i said well we only got one seat which he wants to go and i assume he's gonna let his kid go for the ride he says no why don't we just let him sit in my lap we'll all both buckle in and go and i'm like i don't think that sounds like a very good idea and so i went back inside asked the general manager said look they both want to go they want to put the kid in his lap and i was like that doesn't seem like a good idea he said just do it lamborghini atlanta is on roswell road in sandy springs and it's a huge road but at this point it is absolutely an utterly gridlocked now there's two lanes in each direction there's a suicide lane in the middle for people turning left in either direction and on each side there's a turn lane generally insurance stipulates where you can test drive cars and so our route was to go out go up to northridge loop down 400 around the marta station and come back and that has no unaided left turns it's pretty much all rights and if you do have to make a left there's a red light so it's designed to be safe and controlled but there was another way that we could just kind of loop around two or three miles and get back to the dealership just on surface streets again all all right turns and pretty easy roads to be on but that involved making the first right rather than going a little bit further and so this is maybe a quarter mile from the dealership and so we sit in traffic for a few minutes and i'm like look we're just going to circle around and go back and he's fine with that and so we're talking about the car and thinking this is going to be a pretty undramatic ride as i move into the right turn lane that services a lot of local businesses and a couple of apartment complexes as i'm going through this not very fast i see a guy to my left slam on his brakes and start waving somebody through and i start breaking because i see a 2001 chrysler sebring convertible come barreling through my lane and i almost get stopped i'm probably going seven miles an hour when i tap this guy's car with the front center of the bumper just in front of his right rear wheel and he proceeds pretty much uninterrupted into the apartment complex but he was full tilt across the lane so he stops i don't know 50 100 feet past us kind of stumbles out of the car but i thought all right this is just going to be a little bit of paint work unfortunately the car thought otherwise it pops both airbags in our faces tensions the seat belts readjust the seats to a position it thought was more safe breaks the steering column loose so it's all flimsy rolls down the windows turns on the flashers turns off the radio and absolutely refuses to restart so this was the first time i'd been hit in the face with an airbag and in fact other than sliding mona into the tree it was the only accident i've had in the last 15 years or so and so i was like man this really stinks but the kid is just screaming which fortunately he still had the ability to do but i'm kind of shaking it off i'm like is that kid okay and he's like yeah yeah i think so it just you know scared him and so we get out and there's already a crowd formed and there's already a traffic jam to our left and even more so that it ended up going now back almost five miles and there's people screaming that lamborghini hits you he's gonna have to buy you a house i'm like all right everybody just calm down of course the police station as we've talked about was right across the street from the dealership which was handy in the cases of the urine bandit we'd let them you know borrow cars for parades as we've talked about as well so the they show up almost immediately but i call the dealership i'm like hey why don't you send somebody this kid's freaking out why don't you get just take them back to the dealership i'll stay here deal with the car we're gonna have to get it towed anyway and so i'll deal with the cops deal with that and deal with this guy and again he gets out of the car a little bit shaken up but he is huge this guy that was driving the sebring i mean i'm six and a half feet tall he's at least as tall as me easily another 100 pounds maybe more and apparently i guess what had happened is he wasn't seat belted and he had floored the car so aggressively that his foot was against the firewall and he kind of sprained his right ankle so he's sitting on the curb occasionally trying to walk it off and you know again nobody is gravely hurt but there is quite a scene going on in fact the picture that i have of this accident was from wrecked exotics one of the people driving by taking a picture and i think they put a description that it was like one of rob from gotham dream cars rental cars which it certainly was not the car won't move won't restart it's just sitting there doors up and everybody's taking pictures so okay it was technically my fault and i'm not trying to hide from that because i was driving across a gore that had been painted 20 years prior in front of this apartment complex is signed well cops show up and they want actually the guy to come back and tell us again what happened and that's fine whatever so i end up getting a ticket for failure to yield not being in a not a lane but just failure to yield i guess i should have stopped for him to blast through whatever and for having an improperly seat belted passenger which the father also got we end up dealing with it he sits in an ambulance for a minute doesn't want to go everybody's okay and i grab this off the ground and end up just throwing the passenger seat figuring the tow truck will bring it i'll grab it it'll be the perfect souvenir of a very strange day in my life now unfortunately the car went immediately to the body shop where it's set until it was repaired and this was the first thing to go missing as it went there so i never saw it again and i always wanted it until i saw it pop up on facebook marketplace and so this began a really really kind of complicated situation because unfortunately this was not the first accident of the year for us at the dealership less than a year prior the owner of the dealership had totaled a bentley continental supersports being on his phone running a red light the general manager of the dealership had totaled a c63 on a test drive when he was distracted and so the insurance was not going to be happy that we had another claim now fortunately i already had a deal working on this event or this guy was not that upset that it was going to need a new bumper and some airbags it was just you know he was going to do a lot of modifications to it put on new bumpers wings wheels all the things and it was interesting because he was going to be trading us i think it was an 03 mercy inverted ithaca that was previously owned by busta rhymes it was on mtv cribs it had all this flip mode stuff crazy wheels led lights everywhere and this was kind of just the start of a brightly colored manual transmission lamborghini being really special and really valuable so that was also going to be a great piece of inventory which we were excited to get but i kind of had to keep pushing them off because the repairs took forever the thing that really took forever was the hood latch apparently since it's a safety related item it was on eternal back order and it took forever so the car was down for like six months but again i sold it without us losing money and that was absolutely perfect the problem was that this guy calls the guy who i had hit in the sebring calls and says that his mother had just gotten 25 000 from being in an accident and that he had some expenses coming up that he needed help with and he wanted 50 000 and i was like look i mean yes our insurance is going to fix your car they it is your prerogative and many people will tell you that you can sue us for additional damages but that's going to take years and they're you're just going to have to work it out with them i understand that you have real expenses and i have no interest in hanging you out to drive but if i write you a check today for those expenses then i'm admitting guilt my insurance would absolutely kill me they'd sue me for it you know let's talk about what you really need i don't really think it's 50 000 it sounds like you need to pay some rent buy some groceries maybe miss a little bit of work because you're going to a doctor's appointment to have your ankle checked out like i get that those are real expensive but that sounds like more like 2 500 not 50 000 and he's like yeah yeah i guess so you know we kind of went back and forth and of course he was a shrewd negotiator so after some negotiation we ended up right smackdown in the middle at 3 500 i said well i can get you a check for that right now but i'm gonna need you to sign something that releases us from future liability that i can give to my insurance and tell them that i'm not an idiot for doing so and he's like no that's great he was very excited to be able to get the money immediately that more than covered his expenses he was very very happy and so he comes by the next day and picks up his check and actually that morning i got a call from the guy who had waved him through who had stopped traffic formed a hole so this guy could blast right through and he's like can i talk to whoever was driving that lamborghini and they sent it to me and he's like man i am so sorry that was a hundred percent my fault i didn't see you and i just saw he had his turn signal on and i just stopped and waved him right through he couldn't have seen you i know you couldn't see him and so man i just feel absolutely terrible well you know so do we but you know things happen everybody's okay everything's fine the kid's fine most importantly and honestly he he loves this story i think he's probably better at telling it than i am and so he's told all his friends he loves it he had the only thing he had a little bit of an abrasion across his neck from the seat belt again one of the stupider things that i've ever done i certainly wouldn't do it now that i have a kid almost exactly that kid's age but everybody's okay and we end up with an interesting souvenir for it years and years later and so the guy comes by he picks up his check he's happy everybody's fine i think we ended up we may have helped him find another car i think he used part of it as a down payment and so of course a couple weeks later i've got to go to court for this to deal with my tickets well i get to go to court i love going i show up i get to talk to the solicitor i explain the circumstance he's like oh yeah that intersection which in those couple of weeks had been repainted very brightly with new stripes that you you would not miss as easily and so i guess this happened literally daily that somebody had some kind of an issue driving through that turn lane because i was in a row of cars doing it every time i drive by and i see people using that so regardless it was my fault not trying to avoid it i said look i did that but you know maybe we could talk about it just like any attorney that you might hire through off the record or one of these ticket services tries to get they just try to make it like a rules of the road violation so i think that's what it is he gave me a 67 fine and a rules of the road violation that was no insurance reporting no points no nothing so no big deal and so i said but on this other ticket now i got a ticket for this improperly seat belted passenger which i understand shouldn't have been that way but his dad also got that ticket i said isn't that double jeopardy or something for us both to be convicted of the same crime and it's not double jeopardy by the way he said yeah you know what it is and so that doesn't make sense so we'll just throw that one out so i ended up having to pay 67 to crash an aventador which was kind of wild so nobody was really that worse for wear but the insurance was quite upset about it and that combined with the other two accidents meant that we ended up having to find new insurance which meant that we all got to have defensive driving schools so they sent in an instructor that talked to us all about what we should be doing and gave us a test and only one of us from the dealership got 100 on that it was me but that is ultimately the story of the prodigal lamborghini emblem and how i got it back but if you have something like this that you'd like to sell or a car or a part or a tool or anything related to the automotive hobby the best place to do that is on mod find they've got a free app that you can download right now to buy sell trade do anything that you want to to transact our favorite things about our favorite cars you can also list it with a kickback so that would incentivize your followers to share with their followers and if they refer you the lead that buys it then you give them a kickback and they make a little bit of money but please download their app now thank them for their support of vinwicki and find your next car part new used oem aftermarket they've got all the things i've listed a few of my things there but this will not be there this is going to wind up back in the vinwicki set [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 585,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ed Bolian, VINwiki, Car Stories, Lamborghini Aventador, crash, stradman, doug demuro, jalopnik, accident, damage, lamborghini atlanta, arancio argos, modfind, storyteller, exotic car, wrecked exotics, carfax, vehicle history
Id: IdxUcCsReQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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