Rescued fox screams with excitement after meeting new friend!

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oh my goodness [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel on uh today's episode we're gonna be showing you our fennec foxes we actually got a brand new fennec fox and we have the one that we've had for a little bit Jet and you may have briefly seen him but we haven't really shown him that much so pretty excited uh we just spent the day well last couple days building out this enclosure right here so this will be their new temporary enclosure until we build the uh super nice you know like big huge one but for now this is uh what they're gonna be in so I uh dug this whole thing out this was like a chicken coop dug this out I put a bunch of wiring on the bottom so that they're not going to be able to dig out and then we bought a bunch of sand put the sand down and then got logs and a hide and whatnot and some palm trees in here and so I think we're ready to put them in so we're really excited to be able to introduce them together they are social animals and we got jet maybe a month and a half ago and we got him neutered and you know we don't want to breed them or anything like that we just want to be able to be happy and be together and uh it's gonna be really cool to be able to introduce them so we just got the female yesterday this is this is not for you Chloe this is not your new habitat they're excited to be in here but uh yeah so we'll put jet in here and then uh grab Genora the female and then we'll be able to introduce him all right Chad this is your new place what do you think bud I'm just gonna go explore those little paw prints in the sand are super cute so this is Jet's first time in this enclosure and then we're gonna introduce the female as well so that way they are meeting each other in a neutral setting that is new to the both of them that way he's not going to be territorial over his area or anything like that so you want to do introductions like that typically where you have them in a neutral area where someone hasn't already claimed it they briefly met each other yesterday through the cage we just had her in a carrier and brought her over to see him and she was wagging her tail and really excited so they seemed like they were happy right from the get-go there so I'm hoping that the actual introduction in here is going to go just as well all right so we're gonna put female right up here so they can see each other oh my God oh my God what are they doing sniffing she's trying to get to him I think they're gonna be best friends all right well I'll bring it around all right so this is the moment of truth here we go I haven't noticed each other oh look look at him oh I think she's excited I think that's excited too oh my goodness well she's chasing him oh my gosh Sweet Little Thing hi sweet little thing I think it's going well what do you think she's really happy I mean you too chaos oh my goodness I just I I'm sure all of our viewers are going to be so dizzy oh my God [Music] I'm getting dizzy she's so excited hi baby oh we know hi I don't even know what to say [Music] the entire video is just them chasing each other he barks every time he says oh my goodness are you having so much fun here do you love it [Music] having so much fun look at that happy shell so they seem like they've settled down now um she seems like she's a baby and she's just really happy and excited and Jet is like a honorary old man he's not that oh he's only five oh he's five but he's still he's like he's definitely like annoyed but they seem like they've settled down a little bit at least hey he's just yelling at her she's just happy [Music] so we're just supervising and making sure these guys are okay you know um introductions like this can definitely be a little dicey so we just want to make sure they're okay and if we have to separate them we will go everybody is calming down so they're settling down a bit and we just got an Amazon delivery so some freeze-dried grasshoppers from our Amazon wish list yeah it's like Jet's favorite there you go that's awesome there we go and uh our new Rescue duck is right behind Gabby that's her breathing in her ear that's a hermescovy duck birdie he thinks he's a dog he wants some grasshoppers yeah he does look look birdie duck he's literally breathing down my neck dogs are growling the pig is snorting it's very musical back here all right guys well let's go ahead and wrap up this video I think it was pretty successful they've calmed down a lot they seem very happy in here especially the new little girl she seems like she really loves it in here so I think it went really well so we have a few more hides that are going to be arriving in the next week so we'll set that up in here with those and uh otherwise I think this is going to be a great little temporary setup for them well I hope you guys enjoyed the video as always make sure you like subscribe and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Florida's Wildest
Views: 237,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -Uytw9nw-s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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