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our angel worldwide presents bounty hunter dehors are featuring the main event a grudge match Loic versus destiny [Music] Saturday October 27th and 2018 [Music] we fight here on YouTube and right here on the Weber third of 2018 donate today [Music] what's going on here buddy it's bounty hunter D and I'm glad that you can join me for yes another video if you're new to my channel make sure you like make sure you subscribe once you're going to get into challenging your life using Huck's fraud investigation you're gonna get cheater episodes and you're gonna get a repo so you're gonna love what you see yes it's finally here the fight is on between Monique and destiny yes two people it just average street fighters girls that want to bang it out if you sing that to your episode then you know exactly what I'm talking about we're finally putting it together yes Monique girls burst destinies now due to a ton of expenses yes there is a lot of expenses that goes into putting something together like this yes I want to bring this fight to you for free right here on my channel on YouTube for all of my fans we all want to see them bang it out but the fees yes I have to pay the promoter pay a place to fight what else big we got to pay the crew so many things yes so many things that we have to pay for so I'm gonna ask your help yes I'm asking your help buddy on the D is asking your help because I want to see this fight I know you guys want to see this fight the fight is scheduled for October 27th yes it is a Saturday it's gonna be phenomenal but I will be airing the fight on November 3rd yes I'm gonna air the final member 3rd because it has to be edited I have to pay the promoter it's a lot of stuff that I didn't know that I have to do so I'm gonna show the fight after it's recorded and all of that good stuff edited all the good stuff just to make it perfect for you to see free right here on my channel there will be more fighters on this fight car that's just Monique and destiny so I'm asking all of you listen close donate donate donate help us pay for the expenses for this fight I'm gonna show regardless for free but if you want to chip in do that there's a link in the description to donate if it's a dollar or whatever it might be that is going to help go towards the fight what we also do on his channels give shout outs to dolls of you who purchase merch like this nice see Ivan the invincible designs all is merged one saying I hunt humans for living got that money gonna dinner back no I'm glad yeah I mean pretty to give me some love too I appreciate you designing the merger Ivan any time right so if you think it sucks it's not my fault as his count me out so you call yourself swear if you don't like it alright exactly no negative stuff in here if you don't like to merge that's just your problem cuz we love the Marx I love the merge long as I love you me I buy it oh I love it cool all right sounds good let's go and the first shout-out goes to Timothy thank you so much Timothy Johnny thanks a lot big J Johnny again thank you so much Johnny Steve thank you so much Steve and Drella thank you so much injury Allah Daniel thanks a lot buddy Matthew thanks a lot Big M and Monica thank you so much Monica listen if you want a shout-out click the link in the description and get the hottest merch in the YouTube game brought to you by bounty hunter d cuz I hunt humans for living stay tuned for the hunch ok so right now we are waiting for Robert to show up because unfortunately we got a repo his car that sucks cuz I heard he has a nice car too he's got a really really nice paid off more safe I'm so oh you are my cell he might sell it to you if you looking for another car just try not to damage it right right I might take it right I don't know about that so it just depends on how he behaves but maybe he'll show up maybe not I just turned the camera on just to give you guys an update on what's going on with Bonnie honey and Ivan the invincible we're just sitting here waiting so I guess we could turn the camera off until we get something more interesting like if you want to call this interesting this bonnie on the d iva the invincible and we're waiting for this really nice Mercedes what's going on my man it's going good going good Robert with this nice Mercedes what does that sound I hear is that the fan going on in it that's the fan okay so like I told you on the phone dog I'm just gonna do a quick vehicle inspection for you get you in and out how are things all got anything you since you build your brother out of jail man what's happening good let me get them keys let me see again I'm just checking miles what's up what y'all been up to man ol stayin out of trouble oh ain't even gotta turn it on okay oh it's not correct you know I ain't current but its current okay I got you I got you okay so I'm just gonna look around the car man if you want to look help me look officer 2016 that's all right okay so basically everything on this I look good you heard from your brother at all you have heard from your brother so you don't know if you you you know why we doing this right because of the court you know you put this up for collateral y'all remember all that right yeah it's that's why I'm doing the inspection yeah because when I asked you about your brother you were kinda like I don't know you wanna talk to him anymore yeah yeah I'll fill out I mean last time y'all talked was in office over the phone you put this up for collateral I'm just I'm just asking bro that's all cuz you know he's got a court date coming up so that's why I asked you day yeah it looks really clean I don't see anything wrong with it what's that huh no the vehicle inspection is for that reason I just need a partner can you look at the back you have any guns or anything in the car weapons of mass destruction anything like that no nothing good and everything good okay all right okay I'm basic since the vehicle looks really good it's paid off I can let the bail bondsmen know that the car is great there's also another thing I need to know - is where's your brother okay okay and the reason I'm asking that is because he hasn't made any payments to the bail bondsman which leads me to this Robert the reason I called you here today is not only just to do a vehicle inspection but I have to repo your car it's almost like you knew I was going to say it the way your face looked what do you mean it's not going down okay so well you just bought it but you also paid that part of the car is paid off Yeah right right that's why we took it for collateral right now your brother hasn't made any payment you were nice enough to take him to help get him out of jail which is cool right that's what I met you at the office right everybody was cool you talked to him on the phone everybody was good but he hasn't made any payments to the bail bondsman I understand that right so what that means is that since you put this paid-off car really nice Mercedes for collateral we're gonna have to take this in Oh in terms of well I mean I don't have any I have to take your car I have to take your car now if you want me to help you get an uber or if you want me to I mean it's not it look like I Drive over okay you drop a business and shove it you drive a nice bit me I feel you I feel you okay I feel you but the thing about it is that hold on real quick everything look good in the back okay sure hey all right dimers my butt long is there no junk up in there man okay you know like I said what we not trying hold on no we're not trying to get like man we're not trying to get you all excited and heat it up right but but the thing about it is that I'm gonna have to take the car now I see some keys on here is that your house key that's on here I'm gonna do that yes they are in my pocket I'm not gonna lie to you this is why I bring the camera is because okay you don't care about the camera that's cool okay okay not a problem I'm from Green Bay Wisconsin Milwaukee hey man we're farmers I'm a cheese head yes I'm a farmer I'm an elegant farmer right it doesn't matter right okay however I'm not here to talk about like where I'm from and I'm all this bad guy well I mean you kind of made it seem like you were a tough guy and all that stuff and I'm not a tough you do what you do that's great and so do i right and I lock guys up right and I and I repo cars well I mean you should care because I'm taking your car so you should care about it now what you're gonna do okay so is there any other alternative that you could think of take the taser taser taser I'm a top tase you I'm a tap to you I'm a tap tase you okay oh you just want to like try to get up on me like that mr. southeast San Diego really what does that mean okay look here keep them there it's two things that's gonna happen we're the cop hey listen I'm gonna arrest you if you okay do what you gotta do okay all right okay this is what we're gonna do you're gonna walk away go ahead get up and my partner's still got his Taser on him back to look up over there back up over there back over there Robert listen we don't want to escalate I don't have my taser out and you will sell to me on camera keep it on him it is what it is okay I have to take your car now step back please this is over doc okay so I need you to step back okay I'm just letting you know okay you already know all right keep them that way what you mean you know we work it everybody knows where I am I'm in California I'm in San Diego like you said she gonna be back don't let him get in this talking bag man get back I do I'm a drawing you to get back get back get back oh you want to go again you want to go again that would say you're stupid too I would say you were fool yeah yeah go buy another one our angel worldwide presents bounty hunter d wars are featuring the main event a gorge match Loic versus destiny [Music] Saturday October 27th and 2018 [Music] pre-fight here on YouTube and right here on the Weber third of 2018 donate today [Music]
Views: 1,889,683
Rating: 4.8345304 out of 5
Keywords: bounty hunter repo, bounty hunter d, bounty, repo, chase, cheaters, cheater, bounty hunters, bounty hunter, caught, catch, bail
Id: RY6wID4okfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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