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[Music] everything kumite what's going on everybody its bounty hunter D and thank you for joining me for yes another video yes thank you for tuning in thank you for tuning in thank you for toning and what I'd like to do before I tell you what's going on which I usually don't tell you what's going on just show the video if you're new to my channel make sure you like and subscribe we got a lot of things on the channel we have hunts we have repos and we have cheater episodes I want to give a shout out to all of you who purchased Mertz right that's what we do in this channel you buy merch you get a shut up like this nice new bounty hunter D yes you young little bounty hunters and the first shout-out goes to Brayden Thank You Bradon you bought something from the Bounty Hunter these store I appreciate that Stephanie thank you so much Stephanie Caleb how about one more and fandy you bought of course to get body collection one of my favorite body huntin B stores is to get body collection I like that stuff also if you'd like to become a sponsor make sure you click that sponsor link I believe it's on this side it might be on that side too I took off my cool glasses cuz I didn't want y'all to see see my wife filming so you can look through my glasses right there you can see my wife filming all right enjoy the video all right so what we gonna do is I'm a little kick I'm gonna leave the keys in here for you baby just so when we pull off that way you don't have to be looking for the keys now I'm still waiting for him he said he was close I just got out to stretch my legs but no no why don't you just fill me now just fill me what's going on everybody it's bounty hunter D and I'm waiting for this guy to show up so I can repo his car hey I got a look at the paperwork again no it's Tony I remember so he told me he was over here and he should be here in a minute so he's got a black BMW so he told me he was in the area so I'm just kind of stretching my legs and waiting for him ain't talking to you and is okay wait wait wait wait we I guess all right that's him right there you can stop filming that's him over here there he is right here and turn it turn it turn it turn it turn it turn there we go yeah that's him that's how I am before 8:00 this is how I am before before I repo a car Tony Tony Tony Tony what's going on my man what a new what a new way to do what it do it what's happening another day right on right on right on like I told you over the phone them do a real quick vehicle inspection and then I might just have you in and out if is that cool yeah you got the keys for me you got working an hour I'll be able to see the miles that I'll turn it on or what oh you ain't been driving much yeah 106 no once you've been up to dr. work I haven't seen you since uh we build your brother out of jail oh he said he made some payments yeah you got the baby seat in the back huh I know you had kids where you got boy girl boy yeah boy lady pregnant Oh y'all about to have another baby how you feel about that you ready for that how open it oh here it is it still looks like the pictures man it don't look like you had any accidents or anything like that [Music] oh okay you said you talked to your brother when he texted me yesterday said he made a payment he said he made a payment yesterday you know what I like that you stand on top of it yeah because you know that's it that's important it's a nice car that's why the bail bondsman took it for collateral because it's nice and clean man it's it's got little miles on it I think he's got less miles and you even told me ahead yeah I mean it looks it looks like the pictures everything still work as far as the electronics and all that stuff - yeah been driving what looks great man it looks great I don't worry about that it still looked like the pictures okay you're cool man oh just one more thing I gotta tell you this yeah I got to this I need to level with you about your brother he didn't show up to court and the payment that you're talking about that he said he may that's BS he hasn't made any payments yeah he hasn't paid anything I got to write he lied to you he lied to you because he know that you put your car for collateral for him right so the bill Bosma sent me over here to talk to you about that right you sure you know you don't know where he is at all no I mean i knowwe be hanging every show I see that since I bet it okay you know where you hang out at and stuff still I mean I know where he'd be around yeah okay no way be it right okay so basically what I need to do I hate to say this to you but I need to repo your car today I got a repo yeah I'm gonna have to repo your car homie understand that but your brother didn't show up for court look this up I mean it doesn't have anything to do with you in terms of his responsibility what he needs to do but since you put your car for collateral I have to take your car and I hate doing this because I know you a good dude y'all just had a baby I mean you seem like a good dude come on I gotta take I gotta take your car freak out okay so I don't have any other alternative I tried to ask you if you knew where he was because I was figuring I didn't tell you I was gonna repo your car right away because I thought you were gonna say oh you know what Dee he is over here I can help you find him and we can go get him that's why I don't even mention it but it does cuz you put you're not collateral work right well I know they might oh I know you might I mean you getting all amped up but there's nothing I can do about it can you call yourself over or how's your old lady come get you come on man you say you come to do action okay so why you got to talk to me like that why you got to be like telling me to get your car but that's what I'm gonna do I'm about to take this car I'm just letting you know right you can get amped up if you want I'm not amped up I'm talking to you in a respectful way don't say okay no other alternative homie there's no alternate okay so you got another alternative can you come up with the money it's $3,500 35 okay so then this collateral okay no I'm saying like winning see me like something with $20 and you owed a bill by 35 are you joking with me right $35 $3500 homie get 3,500 okay so you could put your 20 help I don't need that's not gonna do nothing you might use or over you could use that for your uber don't you get your phone what else you have in this card cuz right now we just going back and forth and I don't have time to do this right now Oh what else I'm telling you I'm finna take your card now you can amp down or escalate it if you want to I'm not trying to go there with you don't don't just don't don't do nothing okay well if you need to get on Oh need to get on the phone and call it over because I'm taking your car out of here I'm taking a car man so going to get your stuff you want to get the baby stuff out of it Koff me man listen okay all right okay all right so I'm so be scared of you I'm supposed to be scared of you oh oh you think it's about this just think you gonna [ __ ] me up you go for do you think you can save me up I'm taking your cars and anything you can throw you can throw hats at me and do all that Cup it's not gonna happen if you even think about swinging that mean I will body that side of you look if you even think about it cars going bye-bye so I'm giving you an opportunity to pick up your hat a couple bar ten carton and get your baby seat out don't get your baby seat out of there dog you're not taking one you need to amp down what you pull it out okay okay yeah go ahead call yourself for uber take them on go ahead call yourself for uber now call yourself for uber call yourself or uber if you keep don't do that you see I haven't done anything to you yet me enough with you I'm taking your car I tell you I'm taking your car and don't walk up on me come on I got your keys what you gonna do I'm here call it over I'm trying to help you out I'm gonna help you out call it over suck it out of here [ __ ] oh that's what I do come on yeah good pin yeah jump in look at look at this food look I get this fool look uh-huh I'm not gonna take your car for real really I should arrest you for throwing a hat at me look at this food here look at this fool I'm not going in there I'm gonna just let him act a fool I'm gonna stay right here until you've done okay you hear me cry baby I'm gonna just stay right here what you should be doing it's called on the ride because I'm still taking a car okay all right look how people act Johnny look at this for real man you done with your temper tantrum oh you don't locked all the doors this okay you may get you hike how you gonna go somewhere how you gonna go somewhere I got your key man you notice I haven't done anything to you I haven't body Joe which I should have when you threw it your head at me and came toward me Carla over look at this okay okay all right all right so what we gonna do right now johnny is we gonna wait till he finished his temper tantrum I got to keep my eyes on him just in case he pulls something out of here I don't know if there was a gun or anything in there so I need to just kind of a little be a little careful but I'm letting him make his little phone calls and go through his little temper tantrum all right so he's talking to his let me talk to him let me talk to him I'm putting this yeah I'll put this [Applause] something you want to do something little go take your shirt off take your shirt off you want some I fight the day you want put your shirt back on a [ __ ] and over skinship get you okay this is hope I will taste it how do you do I look like I want to fight you and get my dirty today you ain't knock it out hit you what's up what's up what's up you want some for real what's up this is what's gonna happen that's it my squaring up with you all right this is over I gave you an opportunity to get your baby out of here I gave you opportunity to get your phone you got your you got all your do you have all your do you have all your you got all your John me get in the car first I still deal with him yes I am yes I oh you ain't done okay what else what else what else am I heard all that before you need to calm down put back on skinny put your shirt back up no dummy get in the car you ain't knocking nobody out look all right I'm done talking to this clown nobody here man you got your phone crybaby car look don't come up behind me get away from me hey get away from me I'm a body how do you guidebook and I'm too [ __ ] with you John me get ready to pull off I'm telling it look I'm gonna go hands on who stay over there stay over there stay over there stay over there stay over there big mouth bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Views: 2,767,112
Rating: 4.8322091 out of 5
Keywords: bounty hunter repo, bounty hunter d, bounty, repo, chase, cheaters, cheater, bounty hunters, bounty hunter, caught, capture
Id: 1fKyiuDbnmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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